THE lVIEHCHANT, F·I iIDAY MAY 29, 1S74. POETRY. Women and Wine. W r.'tnan has bcver been as·ociatctl with I I ' · The Bowmanville Drug Store, toast and the 1bac<:huhat. th-nt, \Vitb musical begs to inform hi;: customarn and tho public generally, that he has now l\.. Pilgrim at my dool·, \Vith wea..f.y feet a.nd sore, J. HIGGINBOTHAM alliteration, couple these two words, spring received his ]TI faltering tonea RHked food an.J alms one day; fron1 the Lo~ of sensuality, and are burllT01JLD moat respectfully tender his sincere Alas ! no \Vealth had t, ' f thanks to his numerous friends 1tud cusdened with t1ha1he. .A man ·who can forget ton:1ers and to the puLlic i;enera.Uy, for the 'l'he crw~e wa.a a.bnost dry~ tnotber and siste'r; or wife and daugQ.te!, ·very libPra.l support be has received since his A handful only in the barrel Ja.y. ' '_,. con1menciJ1g in buSinesa; uud hopes by conand wantonly eng~c in a revel in wbi.Ch tinu~d strict persona.} attention to b!lsincss, and Sttdly I answered, "'Kn ;' 1 of the name of woman is invoked to'·Leighten olTerJng nothing hnt tllA purea.t a:rt1cle!:!, a.t the "'-- Slowly he turned to go. 1noat reasonable prices, to ensure n continuance the pleasures of Che into>'.icating cup; is, be · 'Vhen down the path there came a Loundiug ofJ)11blic patronage. . yood controversy anJ writ t mitigation, a . II. would eall special attention to his very · tread. e;uperior stock of beast. ' Dost thQtJ think because thou art 'Vith face ut lwaven'~ glO\V; which ott'- inspection will be fouBcl ~irtuous, Lhc1c sha,lL-1e; ri~~ore c~kcs and "Take this," was mt1.rn1ured low_, 1 oi ~\. c11p rif w:~ter an1l .'\ c1·11st of hread. ,. ale 1' l1y, cak~s a~..d' ~~i1 if you \\'ill, but_'~ , / · ·which"C sure to gi~e the b;.;st s3tisfact.ion. let it be cakes,a11d ·al ; l.ri>t- not the name 1 Grateful the pilgrin1 :iulile(l ;,\ Wt!ll iiclt".cted stock of by which wQ,_ call the pure and precious l'pon t111Lt augol c11ild; DRUGS, ones at hon1e be brought in to illuminate a "' 'l'he ~a.viour and bless thee, pl"ecioni; one!" ··- - o - Thon to 1ny \Vondcring ear degrad_ing feast. CF/ E.~1 I GALS, All go0ds marked at the ~owest 'l1her;l;;l ,wo1'da t\t!emeLl \vbirJ)'le1·ccl 11~u1r, One of the worst foes that woman has lu t>)~1"'""·seraphic; "Thia t.o n1c ii! done. " l'A1'ltN1' ilIEDIOINES, ever haU to cnwuntcr, wine stands at t~e , (west of the Ontario Bank. I head. The appetite for stroul:( ilrink in A.gain with p'el'tt.-e-ful lo\)k 1 ' .._ BRUSHES, HU; courirn the wa11Uer~r took ; man has spoiied the lives of more womenCOMBS, from which no aliatewent will be urn<le. l r;nw l1itn p11nsc be.llde the ri11b lllJiU'i:! door: ruined tnore hopes for then1, scattered more King Street, Bowmanville. ..:\. youtl1 with noblfl a.ii\ --oSHOULDER-BRACES, foitune· for them, b10ugl1t to them more Ca.n1c foith ·With luxurie3, shame, sorrow, and hardship-than any l SUPPORTERS, Etc. , Etc. And in hiQ ha.i1d a silver goblet bore-, April 15, 1874. other evil that lives. Tho country numbers ktipt c..onstantly on ha11lL "1>~..:t ... u; i. . ..,.c!', h·:1\_~," he 1 .mitl ; . tens of thousands-nay, hnndrecl; of thou· HE. snbsCl·ibcl' .is vrepaied to build and l"e· OILS, PAINT, "My father'~ table, aprea.{I, sauds-of won1en '\\·ho are :"·idows to·day, pa:i1· .--.. Invites the hungry to its plentcO:Ut$ store." and sit in hope1esa 'vcedfl, because their CO I.ORS, V ARNISB.ES, , Again that heavenly voice, Wa.gons, Buggies, and Cutlm-s, husbauUs _ bave been slain hy strong drink. "'l1hine shall bti wfodom't1 clwico : and WHTTE J,EAD, There are hundreds of thousands of home·, T!:i.~rt1 is that scnttereth, but ·incre~otl1 inure.~ .... of every descri1,tion, at short~ notice, au<lo a.t tLe vory 1_ owost prices. scattered all over the land, in which women re:t00nablc torrru1. Quick ~>n my throbbing heart, Horses and Cattle Medicines. live livea of torture, going through all the There fell a sudden 1:1mart ; N. B.---:Uountry store.ker~1Hrrs supplied on ehimges of suffering that lie between the exNut mi no the joy of giving here below. N returning tbank1:1 to their nmnerottl';l 1;..'U6t0tnm·s and th~ public gHn~rally, for pa;r;t favors, the most advantageous term15. Carriages Painted and Trimm ed. treu1es of fear und dispair, because those Once more that ble1:1sed !!train, A. 1'.lhoice selection of LA?\iIPS for >:.ale cheap. would i·eapectfully invite their ~ttention to ou1· present stock of furn1turo, a1:1 we have lately. 'vhom ~hey love, love wine better than they added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all pa~ties who m~r to fav.or "No seccl is rll"oppod in vain; fim. Bowman ville. D1~(:. 9. 1868. Tht! 1:1mallest to a shelt~ring tn~l:l may gtow. do the \von1en whotn they have aW01·11 to him with a calt G-rea.t inducements held out to thm;e purcha.s1ng at our estabbshtnent. Prn· tures. Looking GiMse">. etc .· s:ramed to order, and in~evory st~·le. Sa:li1pl~9 of t ,Lle different love. There are womeu by thousands, who kind of 1..fouldings can be seed at the warc·room. \.Ve would nlso beg to inform_ you, tlHl~, ..- 'Vcigl1e1l in the ha.lance ju1:1t, A Blacksmith's Shop . f dread to hear at the door the step that once ha,viug purch1\8ed a Ea:rth'H troaauro1:1 are but dust j the {'lrc1n isei:c, were special attenti.on ia [l\e SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, 'l110 Bcattcrcd crumbs, the tears that pitying f<-t.11 1 thrilled them with pleasure ; that step has to all \Vith richest geuts: tJhall t1l1iue ]ea1·ned to reel under the influence of tl1e Wt1 sha.ll be ready at tt i thne~, to attend fuuorals 1 on short notice nn<l reasono.blc tQ:rms. In bcatlty all divine : Cnrringe work, and Generi.l seductive poisou. There are women groo.nN. D. --- Cnffin~ kep~ on: ha-nd, and made to·ortler, at the For love receive.~ each gift, aud ha.Uow.a all. ' 1 The 13ubs0riber woulJ beg to 1;all attention to ing with pain, while we writo these words, ·- Sefr.ctcd. hi~ stock of Jobbing. NEW DOMINION RETAIL PURNI'l'URE WARE-ROOM. from bruises and brutalities inl!icted by husbands made mad by drink, There can King Street East, Oshawa. be· 110 exaggeration in any statement made All worlc done lit this Establishment Oslrn.\\'a., Aug. 26th, 1870. in regard to this n1atter, because no b uman . 1ua1··ranted. · " )1yn]lerr, do you know for what we call imagination can crco.te o.nythin~ worse than (lnr boy Han~ ? " "Do not, really. " " ·vlell, truth. No pen is capable of portraying the .A call is respectf.uUy solicited. I tell you. Der reason <lat wu ca~l 1111r bvy truth. '!'he sorrows and the horrors of a .T. MORRIS., <lat ish hfa tlame-. wife with e. <lrunkP.n bnsband, or a mother Bown111.uvllh~. Oct. 1st, 1869 . 'Vhcn n. .1\-Iaryln.ud doctor -spell!'.! it ,; accufur with a drunken son, are as near the realiza· tus," is ii any. wonder that patients die on his tion of hell as can be reacheil in t11ia world, ha.uds? Another docf;or Hpclls corrosi re Hnb· at least. The sh11tne, the indignation, the liwnte "('Oroa of 1:1ublimitte." ,,f disgiace for herself and her childsense "rbe ruling pa.e~ion at1~ong in dauger.- An alarm of fire v;as, the other dtty, given ir1 a Ntiw ren, the poverty- and not unlrequently the AT York hotel. '·'Landlord," said a guest. " is beggary-the fear, and the fact of viothcho'u sconfirc?" "Yes,siL·." "Well,give lence, the lingering, life-long strtlggle and UM one n1ore drink, if you ploasc, nnd we'll desp,ail' of c.ouatless wun1en with drnnget." ken husbands, are enough to make all wo·e11c <1uickest way we know of to 1nake a mau n1en curse wine) und engage unitedly to opbelien~ ' that thcre'a nothing in th~ world worth pose it every where as the -µ..·orst enemy of 1i vi11g . for is to excite hin1 into chaffing a cat their sex. ----:«::['Oi3S a ya.rd whcl't:i two or thret· clotheslines And yet, women are oft ti me· t.o blame for which for innocently -swaying in the evening hrecY.c. &,tarting on, and encouraging 1ncn in, a ca· " Ten11p1wfugit 1 tem1pu·.~fng-it /" a genius reer, blighting and blasting as the sirnoom who stood reading the inscription on the face of the desert. \Yoman'a·lips has giVen the t·f an old·fl'\sbioned clock in an ai1ction room the other day. " 'l'entipv..~fu.yit. \Vhat a queer invi.t1,1tion, wornau's lH1nd lw.a filled and Mu~t be Hold to make room fo1· more. Don't fail to call arfd get Bargains name for a. clock-mal;::er ! " presented the glass, '"on1an's careleaa voice AT .. r:l'RJ::. Cao1.1<:nA. - .'-\.. person in company the has laughed at the miscliicvoue drought uther night observed, " \Vha.t n 1imila.rity thtJre upoil their friends, and 1 ba,·ing done all this, Olllce OYcr F. F. l'IcArthur's Store, ]\:ing St.' Buw111J.\.nvilk, J'll.n hit, 1874. 1Bowmruiville. is between love and cholera ; the 111ore apprc· women will retire to balmy rest. n13-tf. Bow1nanville, Oct. !33rd, 1873. bensive Wfl !l·re 0f eit11er, the more likely we O v..·oman ! woman ! Is. it not about tiine a.rd to take the contagion." "\\i"hat ~ny ont· rair that this thing were stopped l Have you a · readel'8? 0 ANOT BE SURPASSED husband, u brothtJl", u.-sou 1 Are tliey strongAu lriehurnu Ucing a..,kcd hy n loc"'l juLlge, er th_ an th~it neigh bore who have, 0110 after when be applied for a litien~e to s~ll whiskey, if he was of good n1oral uhnit·a.ctcr, replied, another, dropped into the graves . of drunc ·· },aith I don't see the neecssity of ·a. good kards j Look .around yon and see the desoELLIOTT, 1noral character to sell whif'ky. 11 lations that drink !1as wrought 11mong your "N"othing," said au i1:npatient hushaud, " re· acquaintances, and then decide whether you 1uiudg mti so uJuch o.ud -hIB ase <H:! t\vo have a right to place the temptation in ouy TYRO N "Give, and it shall be Given unto You." wine witlioLtt d~sgrace, a:iid 'di8astcr; I THOMAS· BATTING D .R ' Y DRUGS AND MEDICINES al the $25. :REWA:S.:O. l liPs N:E:W SPRING S'l'OClt G00I)8, I 'l' having conic to our knowledge, thn,t oertain Pedla1 ·a l:wlling Spectacles and Eye· es purporting to bo of our, and to b~a.r our uan 1 t'~ stiirnptld thereon, w~ heri:lby ca.ut10n the public aga.inst all such imposters,a.s MesBI'S "eUowlei;s &. Quick are our Agents i11 West Durhttm ; n.nd a. Re' of $25. is hereby offered for tho apprehenBion and conviction of all a.<> try tQ defraud the public by offering their trMh a,s onr n1ake. L.AZAlit-s, ~fORTtIS. & CO. )!ontrca.l, ~·ov. 8th, 1871. n7-tf -·-----~~·- Oct; CHIT . ·[Tim Dra.dy a.nd Mik.e11'~l.. . oml -l1 :fA_ t trr~cti-ve and Cheap T>YE STUFFS CARRIAGE SHOP I I I I Hanoh.estei· Hoase, Bown·u1.nville. T 'l,C) .~l~HI£ J>UBJjlC. 'VALrrER 'VIGG &~SON, TIM.- "Goocl morning, Mike, shure and it'.i~ f<'tdy_ out.Y l)re-. f be bould to axe what started yees this mornino-." MIKE.-" Jist b~ aisey, Tim, an~ I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye sec, I was · tau~~! y1stei:day, that M1sther Grny, ov Tyrone, had got home ttn Hhgant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, :md its ~neself could hardly slape a wink, all Hight, thinking av the chape.goods. And sure enutt; its the foll store he has-piles and p1l.es_ av the n11test pa~tern~; and he'd give ye the makin's av an ilhgant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints ; Tav for inost nuthin, and the Baccy for :j, trifle less." · 1'l~f..- "An shure iui funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't the man be afther breaking down." MIKK-" Breaking clown, is it. Sm:e he knows a thrick wurth two at that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate tmme when yourc ded , and lie culled a fihtutrofized filosifer and a public binifacthor, jist tell ttll )-oure nabours and the ri~t of mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll ,do-rilore for the good av your counthry, than iver St. l'akick did ould Ireland, when he \.mnishE)d all the toaus itud snakes out· av it that niv·e1: 'vas in it." ' · TIM.·.,-- " T;n much oblagcd to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye; th.ere'll shnrely be a grate run, and may bee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. 1S72. for - J. GR!f, Tirone. Noted for cheap Goocls. I 1873. Crumbs for Chickens. Groceries !) CASH SALE ANDERSON & CO'S BOOT AND SHOE EMl'OitIU'M. ·Great ()tearing- .. ·' Dry Good.s, RICE & BARKER Importers of th'e · Boots & Slice~ etc., DEST OBO-ANS manufactured on this Continent, ai~ prepared to treat with reliable travelling agents on liberal term,g, .They are making arrangemeuts to introduce some first ciass pianos. Ware Rooms at the ·.West Dur-· htim Steam Printing House, King Street, Bowman ville. G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST Felt Goods,, Rubbers a,nd Overshoes Selling at COST, for THIRTY DAYS. Deed's old S1tand. Quality and Cheap Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons,' Ont. ANDERSON co. ness, COME ~ and SEE Sc · J. - \vomen Btopping in church and ob~tru0ting tl1e ·way to indulg~ ill their evel'la.':lting talk. n "Ilnt you forget, dea.r," rcturn<.-d the wifo, Jneekly, " that it was the a11gel who stopped the ·way, ;\11d Bnlaam and his ass who con1plained of it.,, mar.J 1S way, or to Jo aught to n1ake a eocial cus\om respectable which leads hundreds of thousands of men into [bondage and death. '\'\ro1ncn, there aret:)onie things whic.h you c,tu llo, aud tbi~ ia o.uc ; you cuu .mnke IlLLL-'S BOWMANVILLE .1873. ·O- 1873. - --o-- - NEW Jn ).1Lwysville, Cal., tho other duy, a New~ founill<\ntl <lug walked into a 1narket, dropped nr ten-ce-r.t piece ont of his moutll, autl walked off ,.,·ith 1~ 'vlwle sa.lmon. The but0bcr say!:! somo folks may call that dog intelligent, but he thinks that a dog that can't distinguish bct.wtJell a ten-cant slice a,,.nd a five·dollar fo~h hasn't got even co1111nou :1en~e. The ieCtet of t.he Mas8w.:huBetts di.!gUl:!t for liquor sellers is_out. Tl1e uornpouud ::iold there ia· worBe than Jersey li.gbtuing. It i6 flaY01·cd with onioua, tobacco, rai13ina, anll, nwr,.;t harm· leEn5 Qf all, \vat(:!., X o ·wond;;ii· tba.t .1?gislu.ton1 who h:~ve heeu 11111JOSefl 11p:m by tlnf!, 1:t(1rt.. of stuff W}l.nt lt prohibited. )\. HP1H Wl:.'llt into a Lutch(:)l' 1'! shop, an1l, tlutl~ hig the owner'~ wif~ in t<1.ttt>-1alauce 1 iu the absence of h1.Jl' btu~band , thought he would a joke at lwr expeul'Co, itrnl :-mid: ··Madame, co..n you supply 1nc \Yitb u. yu.rd of pork'!" "' 'Ye~, sir," 1:9aicl she. A~ud th ~a, t11rning to a hoy, F.!he -ndthJtl: ".Jam 1~~ 1 give that three pig'8 feet." 0 Ma.chine a.n.d. Implement Manufactuing Co drinkiug unpopular and disgraceful among the young. ):.,. ou can utterly discountenance all drinking in yonr own house, auJ. you can hold in suspicion every young man who touches the cup. You know that. no young man who drinks can safely ·be i'tiusted with the bappine<S of auy wol,llan, ~d that he is as unlit as a man can be fo1 wo· man's society. I-Jave this understood: that every young rnau who drinks is socia1ly proecribed. Bring up your children to ·regard drinkiug ~s not only <langeroua but disgru1~eful. Plncc temptation in no man's way. U men will rnllke beasts of themselves, let them do it in other ~ocicty than youra.:'-J)r, · Fall& Winter Dry Goocls - - - :o:- - - F ALL STOCI{. Dress ctood.s Newest Style. of the A ARGE LOT OF LADIES' and G·EN'.I'S! F'C"RS Bowman-ville. Nov. I st, 1873. :M:a,nufa,cturc J of VERY CI:IEAP. WOOD AND IRON Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? :&'ALL OPENING WORKING MACHINE~~ 1. GREY COTTON of tl1e be8t make, including the celebrated, i,n Scribner's .i\ fl.,\J'.~i, 1\"nT , S .1.LB. - A1ui11Llc t!1101Jkttt1p1:1ni 1. FARM .AND KITOHEl'L ' Early Tomatoes without a Hot-Bed. A Galest>urg, Micliigan, 001Te!!lponJent writes to the Cauntrv Gtntl~mr.1,;1~ a.a fvllowl:! : - Procure timpty tin O.}ster cana that can b0 found ·in ,ablUldance in au-,. ..,yillage. \Vith a pair of shea.r.11 1;..'Ut off the top a-nd you will have o. vessel about six inche1::1 deep, {our and O!Je·illt.lf wide, and, one and one· half thick. Fill with the beat l';lnj l .v1111 can 1h1d, awl sow you[' l:!eild, an<l place your cans n<iar tho kitchen lltove. If you can -p1·oc11re some mosa, such as grows: on old logs, tu~ a pieoe to fit the top of enoh can, Saturate thl· mof>s with water 1 a.nd thitl will keep the 1e~~lti n1oiat, and they will germinate ret:y quick. , G0-0 D S. My New Goods have aud the a~cwrLrnenL Double Turbine Water Wheels, aud STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's··-Splendid value. · Au tUID 'Il Fashions I ---oo--- ~Iagnificent d~serve to be canonized. Here is an illustration of t11e h·i"all! to. which they are conBtantly eub· j '-lcteLl . Uno n-Udsummcr, day,. when Jl~olua K li.<pt, aod the thermometer stood in the ninct.i1-1s, ;t entered a store not a t1w111'8.. ud miles 11tf t a.ud enquil'ed fo[' }J{tiraaofo, ·The obliging proprietor spread out before he[' eamples of a. ln.rge alld vai·itiJ t>tock. " Have you nuy of this elu~de a, .!!h:o larger ? 11 aaiU the lady. 'l'he . size largc1: wa.S produced. 1 ' I think, on the whole, I µrefer the si.Y.e 1-una.Jler. " ' 'Tlrn 8ixtt smaller was preseutetl. " Hav..e you any of thiB size a. lighter ~hl1(le of blue ? " 'l1he re. quired shade was bronght out. · "H"ttven't you auv of this kind with a crookt!d lHU1lllu ? " The l'll1-:~e with the c1:ooked _ han4J.e j1<ppea.r~d. "Have you nny with the crooked handle not quite HO heavy? li said tlie l:.\dy, u.nd so con· tinucd her inquiries for overy conceivable Iii~. shade i~nd ·we~ht posirible in the line of paraeols. After nCar1y au J)OlH' Jiad been oonsumed, tho 1:1hoppc~ gathered up h1:11· handkerchief alld glv\-·es and moved for the door. "Ca..n't I i:iell you a. pa.r asol?" inquired the exhnustcd proprietor. " 0 dero·, uo," repliecl the la.dy i "I w1i,s tnel'cly intj_uiriug t11e priotia. I :1.m going {nto 1nourning l'.ll;\'sdf, and .} one fur tHWe.~"-New Bedford. .~:fercw·v. Ca.sti:n gs of a.11 Xind.s. display of Ne\v ancl Rich Goods. REPAIRS will be found done on the PRINTS of unequalled STYLE a.nd Q'C' ALITT -. S!J:'O:RMONT COMPL:EJTE p AND SHOETEST NOTICE,, We now on hand a la.rie quallti~ of MURDOCH- BROS. have opened out an immense stock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as '\Otl' ing but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on ,,,t.. ting good value for their money. Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at COTTON in THE BAGS, ---o---"'- wretches one badly iO e~ep on thQ wrong 1:1ta.ir1 but f~w can help h\ughi11g at tho awkward strido he n)akea. It i-5 t.qually funny to soo a num 1neet tho \\·rong customer ru1d go to talking and gesticulating at though he u.rcre l:!omebody else. J ljnes went to the deaf ancl clumb asylum the other day to inspect the institution. lTpon entering he unoountered a n1nn, evidently an inmp.te', and he at once endeavored tn explain to. thtj Juan by- signs upoll his fing_.n'i that he 'vanted ti) look through the institution. 'l'he inan also made Bigns which Jones coulU uot i;omp_rehend. Then ;Joues inMle o'the1· and 1nore elaborate motions, which ~t::t the i11an at \\'l1l'k w:iLh greater violt!ncc, and for the next ten minutm1 they &tood in the haU gm1ticulatin~ t-t.nd twititing thei[' fingers w~thout either 1Jeiufi able to con1prehend what the other n1er.nt. J!'1nally_Jones became augry, 1tnd iu a.n 1J1tt1Juri;t of wrath exclaimed : 'Oh, get out you h1iot ! l'111 t ired of bother· iui;""w ith you. ' Thereupon the' Dli:tn i-.airl : ' That's just ·what I was going to fay to fou, · 0, y~u can speak, cau you? Then why didn't you do sn, und not keep 1nc standing her~· motioning to you ? I thought you were deaf n.nd dum U. · 'And I thought you were,' 1:n,ill the 1na11. BcrE" .T oncA RirnJ tho IIlan · f:lhrlok bands, and hunted UlJ a genuine attendant a.nd went happy a'vay. After this Jones will alw-nyli us~ his tongu·, no matt01· whN·e he i.,. A Du~n:l DIAVtGU&-lt A~ soon as tl~l _. 1lri~4,g'h th&... _ g['ound 1 take off the inoss a,nd plaoo the ~ans near a window in the sunshine. After a few days, pull up all f.?f th(:l plantf:j but one ut tn·o. If you sa\·e bnt one let jt he 11~1u· tlie centre of the vesi:1el . If two, of course they should stand near the ends of the veseel. .A.a soon M the 'L' he Prthlie are H<.<liciterl to call :tud Hee weather ia war1u enough, put them out·doora iu the iniddie of the day. Leave t.Jic1n in t1le caua until all danger of frol'!t is ovm·, iu1d thti ground Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872] wa.r111 enough 'th:\t they may grow i·ight aJong. Then s_elect a. favorable da.y ; wet the earth in - - · ·-·-::=-.:..==::..-==:------:--:---"'"" · ...,,.-----.=--,~·-'-~--- cauh crui thoroughly; turn them upside down, tapping geutly on the bottom, and the ba.U uf ca1·th will slip ont, aud you can trantrplant them witboi.1t theil- growth being checked 24 houn1. -LO-.W- PfilCES AT THE SHOP. for tlie1nselves., ·· Bowmanville, March 6 1873 . .BEST tf. Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Ta1fan Wool .Pop1i;i·, Metz Cord, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other uew Special Linc of GOTTOiVS at COWLE'S. Dress Goods. Black Alpa.ecas, Double Warp Black Lush'es, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. the World.. D· · RESS GOODS The Satisfaction given by is C'clipscd by the 1:mtisfaction given by S:\f.A.LE to his 1n1m~rous patrons. ff(; iB now pleMed to announce that he has on hand a large nrni ·val'je<l. assortment r:_f '.i ( the Inha.bita.nts of-Dow ., ma.nville. I u.m v.bout getting n BARNUM CLOTHING .. Good and . READY-:NIADE J\IIILLINERY -·--- Cheap. Preserving Milk. ~Ir. 11.'he American Arti-8ctn gives .t he prOCt'!:lS uf Lewis Kirchofcr fur prci;erving milk with- DENTAL BURRING by whidt I cnn BOOTS AND SHOES Clothing to ENGINE of the best quality, and· iH anxioua that they sh::tll set to work aB soon tta poa11ible. out altel'atioo, ~>:cept t..h!j rising of crtiam, whether it be kept at rest, or in n1otion, as at sea, 'l'he unadulterated milk, fresh dnt.\¥"11 from the co"·, if! placed in perfectly clean caus 01· bottle.':!, which ;_w:e filltil M nearly full as p~)f!:;i· ble, and hermeticru.J.y sealed, 1,he1:1e arc thcu pfa..cetl iu wal~r of_the sa1ne temper.i.tut·e ail the n1ilk, in sui.:h a, manner as to allow a_free circulation of \\'ater bi;ineath 3.lld urorn1d, but not over them. '!'he temperature of this \vater is then slowly 1·ai:ied to between 160 degreef1 F., and-kept the1·e for varying Jcngth~ of Li1nl:lonc hour pre1:1erving- tlie 100k font O[' ti vo weeks and five houre, ei5'11t or twel~c month1:1. The hca.t is then withdrawn, aud tile 'vater allowed to cool slo·vly. If the ten:i.perature cxcce<la 170 ~grees, the milk nci1u_ireea cuOked taste. \Ve hope this pt'oces~ may be n. success, for if the milk ut~dergoes uo change, iu many case!'! it would be preferable to the conden8cd milk _ All l'ioes, E:a:tr:st:f1~,~~~' toit~ 1!~.~~ tL~,h~~o1o~~f1h:~~u~v· ~~~~la time Al Sizes, New tor .And I:m.proved .Appa:ra:tus All Kinds · Nitrous Ox1de Ga$, by which l co.n now EXTRAC'l, c.rEETFI \VITHOU'l' PAIN. ARTIFICIAL 'l:E}JTH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 GOOD do. $16:00 generatiu~ The assortment of Millinei·y and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrin1med Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conIt -is a welt-known .Fact that sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers ttnd Feathers, Laces, &c. . we clajm to have the largest assortment to be founr.l, Co·wle has the best Tweeds in tlle countl~IJ. Jilothing cheltpcr than, the lOct Oottuus Ladies' Prmtella Congress, at 80 cents Cowlc's. -- In Bhtck and White rettl Laces 1111d Lace Collars, we havt- a large as1ortment, at prices to suit all. · 6 Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont _ J3 wmauvill+:", 87~. J. M. J3rima,combe, " _LUMBER. YOUltS RJ;SPEO~'FULLY, CASH. " cut - " Balmorals, extra high $1.25. No-thin:s: 'to Beat; it. GFNT'S BOOTS. BL_._~NKETS I~ Our Stuck of 1'weeds, ]fancy Coatings, Pilots/ Beaver:;, Peteashams M:eltons, etc., will be found unusually large. Large Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Variety Bowmarn·ille, May 7th, 1872 PI.. C>TJG H .R . I bavc Difficulties nre the thing's that try _ 01en. We judge not of a boat when sailing witL the stream, but whc·n sailing against it. Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, and Iron Hairows, for sale. l JACOB NEADS. Buwmanvillo A.fa.rcli 5, l 8i4. HJj, ~uhecnber 1·espect(n lly r1;Jquests all par· _ties indebted. to him for Lumber, to settlo their accounts w1th011t further deb,v. ""'\ nd he hereby i.uf1J1·m~ Luilders, and others" in want of and none but first· workn1en emploved lumber. thttt ht.i is i:repared to supply the1n at thua it11!ul'jng goud valut:: in every ca.:;e. ~ ' caah ru.tes for Ciwh. Henceforth be intends to -do a business. I STOH.E.:_One door of Cornish'~ J cwel· THOS. SI\IITH1 ry store, King St1-ee~, Bowman,·ille. T (mll2·2moa.) . ISi.J . Lot W, o Con. J>.,hugton. mStf. I Winoeys-- a. :Dead Job. I :~~~~~:g~~: 1 l inducement given to ICUTTING AND FITTIMG' .N. B.·--Specia OASH Purchasers- MURDOCH BROS. F .J. !:!MALE. lloWJllanYillo, Sept. 23rd, 1873. I 1 Y. Cowle.· ' '