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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Jun 1874, p. 3

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C22 -· ------- -~-- THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JUNE 26, 1874. BOW MANVILLE $10 Beward. ltEWAim of Ten Dollars will be ~aid to A any .f'erson giving such informnt1on to Stephen Edger '£hotuas Barrett as sh;;i.lllead 01· _Ma.chine a.:o:d Implement. Maµufacturing Co A BIO- RUSH is now raging at to the con'\liction of the party or parties :vho maliciously drove the cow of the latter into the garde_n of the former th:u·ing the night c:f Friday lnat. '!'he informant will aho be t::nt1tlecl to tho rewu,rU offered by the town. Let tho.'!e who have manfully ventured to ex-press i.\ll opinion upon tht.: cow q· t \estion look well to their gates and be on the alert. _ House and Lot all 13rO"\Yll 8trect for saj,_e. Ap· ply to -.";.> Manufactures TllLEfEN'S E1ephant Bouse in returning tbanko THE to his many friends and the public generally the liberal patronage extended t o him dur· U~DERSIGNED ~or 'l'H E '· STllPHEN EDGER. m37-2iu Sea.soned Lumber Wanted APPLY AT TJH8 OFFIUE. 13owmanville, April 7, 1874. GONE TO Dom.inion OrO'a,n Co'y. BOW MANVILLE, PJ;68ent the following testimonials fr01n com petent judges of Orgstns. i'estimonial from John Camidge, ~us. Doc., Oanlua.r, England. Bowmanville, 24th Dec., 187S. !l'o the J.1!anage·rs Dominion 01yan Co. GEXTL~MEN .-1 like to play on your Organs to ~c is so S'iVeet aJ1d steady. .And the work111ailillii/' aud fini1'h excellent, a.nd in every particu ar they are equal, if not superiol', to any I have.ever heard. Hoping they will meet public appreciation. ul \VOOD AND IRON WORKING MAC HINER 'i. m27tf. J'...n.EF:FEL'S mg t11e past 18 years begs to announce that from {~nd after the 15th September, he will carry on the same business, but more extsnsi\'ely under_ the name and style of JOUN McLEOD & 90.. PromJ;>t payment of all accounts iti l'endered lillpern.tive by this bu~ineas arrangement, and all persons indebted will please take notice and govern themselvea accordingly. · JOHN McLEOD. Ilowman,·iUe 1 September 4th, 1873. "\V. H. 'VILSON, BOWMANYILLE, Genera.l .Agent. Raymond Sewing Machine, A SP J>:CIALITY. Double Turbine THE I Instruction given. and ma.ehinfls guaranteed. Bowmanvillc, Jtme 18, 1874. EUROPE, Water Wheels, v a.El 11'1 B'S 0 Pl t· and f a.11 X1nds. · . aud he is determined to continue to sell at tl1ese ruinously low prices, . cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cas~ and knows just how to buy : Se~ond, wh_at he. c~n t b~y creap enough, he manufactures ! Tlnrd, he 1s stttisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash · Fifth, he sells at bottom' prices. ,_ '· -oAND TJoh!:V:o~i=~:~.~ OoiT H Libe1·al Support and H lj'; Patronage l!l E extenclod so Jong tn John McLeocl, :and t.akes thi.s opportunity of in· Jfornnng the public, that they have FOB SALE. REPAIRS CALL A.ND SEE: FOB YOUBS'ELVBS, ' A <lOOD SECOND HAND Pia~o for sale. Prico $65. JUou·tf J.M. BRIM.A.COMBE. ISOLATED RISK AND FARMERS FIRE . INSURANCE CO. lfJ.. whatever with this Company, neither did be at nny tiw<~ work for us, e:o that he is not authorif!od to canvass in 01*' behilf. J ]..fA~TGHAN, To Buy Goods! SHORTEST LOW Mr. John-· Mc Clung is nolv in Europe, lvhere he 'vill re1nain f 01· several months. McClung Bros. will in1port all their goods this year. As their stock will be pur· chased in 1nany instan·c es di1·ect from the manufacturer, and will in AU Cases be 1Jought _ a~~ . se· lected by one Qf the firn1 on ~he spot, you 1nay exp~cJ; soJ!-le~h~:11g New all the time, and s(i1D:.eth1ng Cheap all the time ·~t . McClung Bros. done on the I DISC~~DED . BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. NOTICE, Examine the_:tock, which comprise~ ew::.ryLl1iug in .thti trade, of the very latest and most eleg·ant si,yleE! and patterns, of English, Ca.nud1an, and Ainerican n1anufacture, uHe still cont.inues to m:inufacture to order, froril the b.;.:st of Jnaterh~l, and none bu~ first-class worktueu kept. -~ ' E :OLD soysTEM:]E l\1Tl't. J, N. G. LODGE has no connection "\Ytl havu uow on hand .a lal'ge quantity of JOHH C _ AMilJGE. Read the following from Rosa l>'Erina: ~ Bowmanville, Dece1nb0r 22, 1873. Tu the Managers oj th.~ Dominion Orga.n Co. G~~l'LNJl:EN. -I havo 1nueh pleasure in testifying to the excellent qualities of the Organ supplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening. 'rhe tone i~ sweet and very powerful and the combinatioQ, of stops J).1-0St admirable. I ·am your instruments will find favor in OhurcJies, as they arc singularly adapted for sacred music. \.Yishing you eve ~y success, nnd that the lJUblic may patronize native manufacture. · I re1nain Gentlemen; \' ery resp~ctfully, Common and Gang Plows, tha.t '~in be s::>ld at Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. He ha,3 Toronto, i)fa.y, 1874. 1JI ·anager. 1n35·4w. in stock an t.mdless va. .-iety of LMies' and Genta' Sara-toga Trunks '\T alises &c all of ' ' " which he is selling chen,p for cash. -o- 1 I'1·e1; from all sour, ru13ty, chafing, 8tra.ppiug- or girthing unplea.santne:i~ . Cool., clt:anly, light, safe and durn.ble. 'UnatfecteU by bathing. l\.lw~ys relia.Qle. Sold by · all dealers . Estab'ts, 1347_ Chestnut St., Phila.. 1 and 717 Broadway, N. Y . BE""hTI.E of imita~ion. Canadian trade supplied by Messrs. l{tlrry VY atson & Co., "\'\7 holesale Druggists, 1\fontrcn.l. osbp3m.m2'7o16. poli~hcd. RUPTURE and Cure for ComSE S n1a or Rupture. :EferTR U S 1ne S teel Spring coated with bard rubber, SEELtY'S IIARD RUBBER PRICES · tf. Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. Bowmanville, !\-Iny 13, 1874. E L :~~!:,:~~~;.:1'!: E L nesf! fl..<:! 1 foJlow8 : ALL ACCOUNTS r '!'RUSSES. l{elief) f~rt hi~hly l~ AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, Ma.rch 6 1873. M. TRELEVEN. p: N wilJ l~e RENDERED on the p N LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. ROSA D'ERINA·. 1874. TEMPEll.LEY LINE, composed ot the followinc:- und other first-class Iron Steamship~:" H A 1st January, 1st May, , and 1st September ,In the case H A T \1-n eaa~i and every yea·r. 01 ,,i.nufoc1;urers, Meoha.nics, and others, v.·hose ,accounts may a.mount to $00. 00 o-..· ;oyer, their note,if agreed upon, will 1be taken pa.yablc at the .Bank fo1· j lt sta.ted period. 1 Every Instrument Warranted for 5 v·rs A. lvl. DAJ(LEY. President. l\fanager, .i3owmanville, Janua.ry 15, 1874. bp-oa-.1.nl6. ; H. O'HAR,\.. FOR SALE. HAT DRSIRABLE·HESIDE)[CE i.t !'reThe Satisfaction given by sent occupied by Mr . W. H. Bassett, with . four acres of land, outbuildings, &c., will he sold for ca:;h or on tiiue. For further particulari> apply to is e_~lipsed by the:_ 1:mtisfal-iion gj~1 en by S!t'.t.ALE R. H. Mc CAW, Alma Hotel. to his numerO\lS pqtrons. -1Ie is now pleased :Bow1nanville, ..1:.\fJJ'il lfith, 187·:1:, m28tf. to announ9c that he has on . httlld a latge and varied ll&Ortrrcnt of -, rr '-'SOO'l'LAND." "'l'HAMES.i: "SEVERN.. " "DELTA." Tb.c first steamer of this T..iine is intended to be Ue:::ip1.lttCbeU fron1 "S'r. LAWRENCE." I T · BARNUM --- THE LONDON FOR OK " Cesh Purchasers !Prompt DOMINION BANK. BOW:>IAKVILLE AGENCY. BOOTS AND SHOES of the best quality, and is anxious that they shall set to work .us.soon as possible. Quebec and Montreal WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, (To be foll(n"-ed at intervals of 'l"J£.N. DA"YS during the Season), 1 . IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NOTIUE the Dominion Bank has opened. an tigency All Prfoes, for the tJansaction of busiu<->ss in Horsey'~ Block, two duora east of Brodie's 11otel, King Street. Interest will be allo'ived on deposits. I>r aftr: fas11ecl ou a.ll r.oints in Canada, United Sto.tcs o,nd Grea.t The Savings Bank <-lepart.1nent is now open. On all deposits over ·! ,1 interest vdll be allowed at the rate of 5 per EJJ1t per annum; · ,Qflice Hours..-}~rotn 10 o'clock a. m., to -3 ..;/'dock p. in., except on Saturdo.ys, when the :Ba11k will close at J o'c:loek, JJ. m., All Sizes. All Kinds. AND FROM Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25· Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. Throtigh Tic~et$ frOu1 all pointB West, at REDUCED RA'l'ES. Certificates issued to Prersons .deeirous of bringinb'" out their fritln.thi. Through Bills of Lndirig issued on the Conti~ nent _arul iu Loudon Ior all j:inrt~ of Canada. and in the United Statl'1.:1 to Dctroib, J\:Ulwauke£>, ChiC!l.,!O, and other points in the For :F'reig_l1t OI', 9,ppJy to 'l'EMPimLEYS, CAR'l'ER & DRAKE, 21 Billtlter Street, London ; ROSS & CO. Quebec; D ...1..VID SH.A_"\V, 1'-Iontren.l; or JACOB :NJ<]_UJS· Bowman ville ·. N G d li.T G I ew. · 00 s, 11ew 00( s s Cook:<\.:B:~:d~a~l~;~ya~dBoxS · . STOVES, JUST AR,RIVED. Ladies' Cuffs and Collars, with cuff :Buttons and collar :auttons a,t. ta,ched, THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. H H Q Stoc~rnDLarge Q U WellAssorted!ij ,cut }'INE, as our great . aim will be ! ! to court this class of tn' . Pa;~~s Iwill . alwa.ys credits on short pl"ic"le~ get goods at m3ltf . . J. I-I. McLELLAN, Agent. Nothins to Beat it:. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goodsi Felt_ Goods, E to~~::~~E~2Re~thS~3;.E ~OOL. .A..N~L'ED at the Oan1brian \Voollen Mi1ls, 10,000 lbs. g-ood fleece wool, for which the highest 1narkct in-ice will be paid, Fru,.mers will find it to their int erei:it Lo Bell to the mannfactlll'er. .A. well as$0rLefl atuck of cloths, flannels, blan· ketR, sock tn.rn, &o., on hand. !toll cN..r:ding, spinning, weaving, &c., <lonti ab usual. · W Trunks, · &c. Special attcnt.ion given tu CUTTING AND FITTING, and none }Jut fil'st·1..~fo..~fl woi·kmen employed, thus insuring good vnlue in everY case. Ji u.mpton, 1rlay 11th, D. TAYJ,OR, 1874. iu32-2mos. Strowger Bros. G·rocery B1,is,iness IN STORE.-Ono door ofCo1'niRh'sJewelry store, King Street, Bow1nanville. ' J. SMALE. Bowman ville, Sept. 23id, 1373. NEW DRESS GOODS SPRING SOMETHING NEW NEWCASTLE, in Bowmanville. -:o:- NEW MILLINEIJ, NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPES --o-- \\tish to illf<-)nn th(:l public generally, that t hey have commenced the Announcements. M.ABXtrS MAYERS calls attention to his very large A ny on.e wishing to have P ~tos eµ ln.rged frmn old 111ctures of tfoceased fri!:'.nl!~, cau get the smnc done at E X PE CT T 0-D _A Y, II()E .. · · GL:SNPiNNING'S BLOCK. where they offl~l' & Arthur's Gallery, they having gone to great expen~e in purchasing and fitting up a Spring --" Stock, New tweeds, New .trouserings, New vestings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -o- FO_fl CASH. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, OIGlNS! Messrs. It.i_ ce '& .:Barker ,Ha.Ye receivfld another' snppfy of that supcrio class of Organ8 kµown :t~ the believing his present aE!sortmcnt .exceeds au~y o his former displays. 'l'o his usually large horrrn purchases, be has imported a very beautiful · ~ 1111111 ASSORTMENT OF RATS, and he calls attention to his Silk, they are superb. His Drab Shell, they are jnBt what gentlemen require, his A.I! the noveltjes of the season to bo found tit SOLAB CAKJCBA, ,·-__ for the e:xpl'_eRs purpose of eTilari;ing , photo· graphs, which they rnake from tbe sm1tlle1Jt cD..rd to life si?.e. They would re1nind the public that they are still stri\·· ing to improve their work in Photography, ~nd tl1ey aro now t urning out Pictures ~ GEN. WOLSELY, AKD .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, BOWMANVILLX. Silver. !l'ongue, .. -... - , . GLADSTONE, CANNOT BE BEAT. His Gent): furnishing as usual, is replete with all the latest and choicest AT Pl.'ICES TOB.ACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &c. '<· Their ~lotto LOWER 1HAN ANY . P.lllWIOtlSLY . !AiPORTBn. and ha,·ing resolved to .th'e vublic the bene· fit-of said reduction in cost,~they .call speciAJ. attention t.o the follo\\o"ing Price List for the current ' STRA "\V H.A.TS, n eYery styl~, as usual, Don;,t forget to give him Iii ca.II if you are in want of nnyUling in his line. . __.. J AGEN'fS FOR THE · ; is Equa.J. to-Toronto Work. :o:- "fAIR PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, AND QUICK RETURNS." J. L. STROWGER Style 35 ; Seven Stops: .Dlapasojl, Vio· lina, Picolo, Principal; Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte. · Price $125 Style 37; Eight Stops : .Diapason, Viol· ina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte, Principal Forte.· Voxhumana. Price $140. · Style 38; Nine Stops,Dlapason,Violina, Pico!o, l'rincipal. l'_remolo, Forte Sub-baRe Forte, Sub-base,Vox human iai Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub· base Forte, Sub-base, Vox humana :Price $160 His Stock is, His Prices Low, and he is alway~ pJ..,aaed to r.thow his. good. 13owmanville, lfiay 7th, 1874. J. D. STROWGER. ~· ewcn.stle, !t'Iarcb, i5th, 1874. 22. Cabinet and four-fourth r.iir.e made equally aa good as their cards. Go and examine spooi· ruens, and -be~convioced that they are doiOg ·"·ell. Extra prints can be had off old negatives. T hey keep 01.1 hand and for sale, a.n 1873. The sublllcriber would beg to c.all attention to his stock of BEST JUST !lllVED AT Assortment of Frames Chea.p ·a.s the Chea.pest. BUSINESS CHANGE. .IlOwman.ville, No_y_J2th;··lS7Q. RF. UN DF.)1SIGNED b>ge-to..announcetd T the stock and good will of the busine.:se hereto-- - - - ._ ---= _ Groceries Dry Goods, Organs bp·o4:l· the public generally, tl1at. he hn~<i purchasefore ca1Tied on i11 I.he . * 1.,.ox I-Iuma.nn in thea·e Or"i{ana, i1 not a Fan but 1 (/, stt o.f Rc.&.ls. Village oi Hampton, JlY ANDERSON :SOOT AN:O SHOE EMPOBI'U'M, & CO'S SEASON 1874. FIVE PER CENT! OFF FOR CASH. The !\.fanufactnrcrs issue Piit one quality of ·work, a.nil that is "" will continue the business in the old promisf1s, with a full assortment of first class :B'urniture, Coffins, Shrouds, &c., will he kept on hand and hopes by strict attention to business, and inodet·a.te charges to merit the patt"onago of the people. Ca:~:.~;~~~=~~:d Daily Line to Rochester. Commencing on or about 1st .A.pril. :Soots & Shoes AT THE etc., ·eto, which for the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered in .Bowmanville, and The New Stea.mer LOVV _ EST PRICES. SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. ---o- THE VERY BEST their extensive fa,cilitiea u.nd long experience enablti them to produce. GREAT INDUCEJVIENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS. -o- Organs· · 0)1 THE J " NORSEMAN" THE HEARSE having been 'l'hese lnstrmnents are cased·in solid well seasoned, Black lValmlt, ele- Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH. gwntly wnd beaul'ifully fini,,hed by <J, 1 (R. CRA~YFORD, Master) \\'-Ul make her regular trips on thiEi route 1 leaving Cobourg evel'Y Jnorning at 7 :30, and P oTt liope at 9 o'clock, for Roches{,cr, cmJnecting there with the New Y m·k, Centriil,. and Erie Railwa.ys, for all points, East, West and South. RE'l'URNING, "\\..,.ill leave Charlotte (port of Rochester) d·aily at 9 o'clock, p. in., except Satui-days, when she ""-ill leave a.t 2 p. m. for Brighton. Dealerii in Stock will ll nd this the cheapest and most expeditious route to Boston, Albany, :New York, &c:.:., &c. For further information, address - nev; Frew;_h process. Quality and Cheap ness, CANN OT BE SURPASSED Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at THE DURABILITY ANDERSON & CO., Deed's old Stand.. of the u Silver Tongue, :i is une of il.a innf!t re· markable charac-Wristics. '11heir quality of keeping in good tone, a.lso fa on.e of !,he most practica:l importa.nce. Improved and Pafated, s now ona of the best in the County. ders pron1pUy attended to. All or RICE&; BARJ(ER King Street, Bowmanville. Bowmanville, March 31·d 1874- a.t .AN:OEBSON & CO'S. The :Best Ma.teria.l used --o-ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED Al'l'LY AT ANDERSON & CO'S "' Bowmanville, June 5th, 1874. --o-- CONTINENT. J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. - ' quired, ~nd.repa.ira neatly executed. P. S.-Purniture matle to order when reliampton, s;;p, lS~b. 1873. Port Hope, .or C. 1'.. GILDERSLEEVE, l\.ingston, R. CRAWl'ORD, N. B.-We have been appointed agents for the celebrated BANNER SEWING MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. ee sample machine. Call and · · I '

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