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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Jul 1874, p. 3

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. , r·r ~ · 1 , I ' THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1874 · POUNDED HORSES. n I'otu1d No. Con. Ownera are requested to put in an appearance, or they will be sold n.t Enniskillen, at 2 o'cJock, ou the 2nd of August next. BOWMANVILLE Bay :rt-Iares, one of v.·hich is a small T\v·o puuy, the other good draft, a1-e in the Of Lot 11, 8th Darlington. Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co · A BIG- RURH S.S. SOPER, J.a now r.:i.ging at Pvund I{eeper lll'10-3w. AGENTS WANTED. and valu~ible books published on this continent viz : GE:K'l'S '\\-.,.ANTED the counA tic1:1 uf Durham, Victoria, Petexboro 3nd York, for tl'o'u of the most saleable, readable to .;anvn.i;sin "HOME LIJi'E IN THE BIBLE," by the '\·ell-1.."Uo-wn ~utho1·, Daniel :h{arch, D.D. autboi· of ;. Night Scenes in :Bible." n.nd "Our l!'athe1"1:1 House. " 11 Home Life JI is the a.uthor'a last an<l be;jt book. Also that u nsurpasf5Cd Fnmily Bible, Shelves must be Cleared ! Room must be Made ! Goods must be Sold ! E.Lepha,nt House in returniu'T thanks to his 1uany friends and public g'en1:1rally patronage to him during the past 18 years, begs to announce that from and after the.15th September, he V·:ill carry on the san1e bus1neas, but more ext~nsivcly under tho name and style of J OBN MoLr.on & Co. P1·ompt payment of all accounts is rendered imferative by this business arrange1nent, and al persons indebted will please ta.kt! notice and govern themselves accord1ng!J·. THE I-IE UNBERSIGNED T the for the liberal extended Manufa,cture'3 of .TRELEVEN'S ~ ;: :vVOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINER'.i/ " T IIEPEOPLE'S STANDARD EDITION.' JOHJ:\ McLEOD. Bov.manville, September 4th, 1873. would e01icit the ZIEGLER & '.M'CURDY, Address Rev. A, RICHAlW, Korth Douro, Ag11nt for above Counties. bp-lm-o26·m40 518 At'ch St., 1.>hilade~phia., PH T John McLeod & Co T Double Turbine E HLibel·al Support andH and Patronage Ca.stings of a.11 Kinds. oxtoJH1"d so long to J uhu Jl:IcLcud an<l t.akes tliis OJ!POrtunity of forming thtJ pubhc, that they have Water Wheels, R. CLEMENT'S PATENT IMPROVED ARTIFICIAL LEG, the U. S. AU.~Y n.nd NAVY. Very light J'Ot strong and dui-able ; perfect in action. \Vith 27 year&' practical and careful experience, devoted exchu~ively to this sfecial bro.nch of Mechunical Snrgery+}ollowcc by the Great Prize at tho w"" orld's ]~xposition, London, l85l, and now universo.lly admitted by all Surgeons as the n10at perfect Artificial Leg kno"'·n: 1\-fanufactory, 1320 Chestnut Stl'eet, Philadelphia, Pu.. J. A- HA.RTl:, Druggia~. Agent, ))fontrcaJ, P. Q., 'vbi;Jl'C models: can ·be seen. S end fo1· Illustrated Catalogue. bp·lm·m38-u26 E in: 1\.do_p_tcd by the Surgeon General U. S. A., for DISCARDED REPAIRS donu on the THE FOR SALE. four a-cres of land, outbuildings, &c., '"ill be 1:1old for i.;ash or on time. ]'or further pa.rticula.ra ~Lpply to R.H. llowmanYille, April 16th, 1874. m28tf rrIIA' r DESIR.ABLE RESIDENCE nt present oecupietl by Mr. W, H. Bassett, 'vith McCAW, Alm· Hotel the Do1ninion Bank has opened an agency for the transaction of busiuess in Horsey'~ Block, two doors east of l3.rodie 1s Hotel, I{ing Street. Interest will be allo"\ved on depoaits.]) rxfta issued on a.U points in Canada., United States a.nd Greo.t Britain. The Su.vings ·Bank department ii; now open. On all deposits . o ver· $4 interest will be "1.llo"\ved at the rate of 5 per DOMINION BANK. BOW:.VIAKVILLE AGENCY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT One of the Fir111 of McClung Bros. is noiv in Eu·rope, selecting and purchasing their Fall Stock, · wiiich ivill be ve·ry Extensive. In order to make roon1 for these Impo·rtations, a large. ctmo1tnt of' Goocls must be dis1losed of. E E OLD L:d~~c:<l~t~~~!~~:. E L Common ·~re NOTICE, have now on hand a lal'ge quantity of thL~t and Gang Plows, Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. will be sold a.t i[ohn Oa1ni<lge, Mus, Doc., Canluar, England. A.ND Bowmanville, Dec., 1873. ~ To lhc .lfonagm Dominion Orgar< Co . :rnxanuRe tho ·stock, :vhich compl'ises everything in the tr~v..le1 of the very lntest n.TM11nost elegnnt G 1~KTJ. ~II~N .-I like to play on your Orgn.ns styles and p:itterns, of J~ngUsh, Oanadfo.n, and A"'l uerican mannfn.ctnre. . t.~ .c 1s so s'veet aud steady. And the±· n~ni~ and fi nish excellent, and in every He still cuntinuca to mruiufacture to order, from the beFJt of mn.teri:.J., and none but firat-cln.<.is art~cu ar they Ure equal, if not superior, to '\Vorkinen kept. '?! _ ~. i· ' l liave ever heard. Ifoping they will meet _ 0_ · . public app1·ecillotion. Se~ond, w~at he. c~n't b~1y cheap enough, he manufacture8"r.1 Thud, he is satisfied with small profits : Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. .rt ~LT AN- It:! "6'1'r.11 'ln10o·'P ". . "D'OlJ"Dill:\!T<li'!. " v. "Tr..'im". Cl· "'JS. .11\.J .Al ~~dllli » . &~ .lE. ~~~..11.fJ ~~~"' ""~'.:.'::E;IT;::£~~£~~\:,~t):;:~~:;~'"doiZ-10· :~!~fo~. ,,,_ . .' .,.. ~""""" D om.inion OrO'a.n Co'y. 1 · 'l' HE BOWMANVILLE, Prcsent the follomng tostimo nials from cum petent judges of Organs. r1 estimonial froin R I N G Y 0 U R F R I E N D S W I T H Y 0 LJ. JOHH CAMIDGE ncss as follows : ALL ACCOUN'.1'8 HI on the H LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. A 1874. A N the case ot »hnufacturers N TEMPEitLEY LINE, T I T Bow1:;ianville, March 6 1873. l? ' RE;~~~ED l? LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. He has in et.ock an cndlose variet~ of Ln~iC$' ~nd G·onts1 Saratoga.. 'T'runks, 'V i:~limfs, &c., all of wlnoh he is selling t.:hea1} for caiilh , !l ea d the following fl·om rwsu. D'Erina ; Bowtuanville, December 22, 1873, · Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. Bowmanvillc, ~fay 13, 1874. - o- _ o the J.1 [anage1w of lhf3 .Dvminion 01'{f(JIYb Co, he excellent of the Organ :Gby you at my concext last Saturday qu,~lities E~IE~. - I have much pleasure in testi- M. TRELEVEN. tf. 1st January, . 1st May, and 1st September ~re. evening. 'l'lte toue is sweet and v~1·y powerflll and the comb:iuation of stops most admirable. _I am sure your in.Btru1nonts will ti11d favor it1 Churches, as thi:-y singularly adapted fur sacred music .. \Vishing you-every success, and that the vubhc n1ay 1>atroni.ze native mn.nufac· '· ·- .ln eac.'i and evm·y year·. I rulnaiu Gentlemen, V cry respectfully, · l\:[echanics, rmd others, \vhoi;; accounts may nmouut to $50.00 or over, their note, if ngreed upon,,vilJ be taken payable nt the Bank for a sht.ted period. In composed oi the follo"W"ing and othe1· first-class Iron St~amships :H . O'I!')resident. !ARA. ery Instniment Warranted for 5 Y"rs bp·o3-inlG. ROSA D'ERINA. A. M. DAHLEY. J\fanager. " ST. LA ... VlR.E·NCE." THAJ\1ES. ,, "SE\1 ERN." . ·~SCOTLAND " un1ary Hi, 1874. Eowmanvillc, J < "DEL'l'A." 'l'HE Tho .first steamer of tbiR Line is intended to be despatched from . ent per aunuw. Office Hours.-F1"0m 10 o'clock a. ro.. , to 3 o'clock p. m. , except ou Satm·days, 'vhen the Bank will close at J 0 1clock, p. m...., m31tf Cash Purchasers Prompt Payers on 1, A:XD LONDON FOR . SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. J. Il.111cLELLAN, Agent, vV. H. vV I L s 0 N' PIA~YOS, Ge;;;;lAA~~~t for ORGANS, MELODI- . AN8 and SEWING lifAOHJNES Raymond Sewing Machine .) A SPECB.LITY. lnBtrnction given, and Instruments &nd l\1a. chines gu~u·antee<l. J3owmai1ville, JunG 18, 1$71. OBSE. R . fE ! Goods at ()ost ' u Well Asso~~_ed . u Quebec s " s · 0 . Quebec and Montreal H ON H to court this of trade. QI . Stock~I.a: .~ge .. ·, · -~~~~::~aA~N.~Di":.~1'.1vo~~.c~f~r!"P!!!'~ cut FINE, as our great aim will be class wm .1ways c:.i~~~c1s at pric·· short ~ 4* · · " ,,, ~ _. -:o:- Any oue 'vi1:1hing to have Photos enlarged fron1 old piutur~s of decensed Jricncls 1 can get t.ho sa1nc done u.t Tait & Arthur's Gallery, t}1cy having gnne to ~r('a,t for London A. N D . . ' · Cook, Hall, · Parlpr, ai;id Box . . Goods .at less than cost ,E .du:rii·ng ' ·J uly and , .August. ., , · Bo·~ _i1ani:Hl. O,. JOHN McLE" OD ·& Co Septemberjt _ h,'7 s T0· v E·.s. ". . ' for. wood o(· coal. ; E . A ,pJeudid variety 'of - .. . ABOUT 7th MAY. '.l'hrough 1'iokots from all points We.t at REDUCED RA'£ES. Certificates issued to .persona desirous of bringing out their friends. 'Tluough Bills of l~ading issued on of the Cn.uada. Conti· nent..and in ~ndon for all parts .and 1n the l.Tn1ted States to Detroit I\.filwau- New Goods, Ne1t Gorofi JU-ST A_RRIVED. La,dies' Cuffs and Colla,rs, with cu Buttons a,nd collar :Buttons attaohed, THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STvt.E. e.xpeuse in purclu. U!ing- aud fitting np a FARM FOR SALE. ON.El A C HES, being the OFsout h half of lot 18, in tho 9th Con. of HU~'DRED Cartwrig"'it. About 70 acres cleared ; all ne"\v. being only E ix: ;ears since clearing commenced The land is a light lorun on OO p, with a. good cla.y bottom, ru?.d sure for crop.. Ther e is n. yicw of the be3'utiful Lake Scugog, on which 8tea.mboats nly daily from Lindsay to Port I-'crry. aud one uud a half miles from C<esairea P. 0. 1 which is on the gravel road to BowmanviUo. Thero is a su:i:tll house u.nd stone cellar, ontbuil<linga not nn1ch, good water puu1p n.nd cistern at tho door, ..'\.. smttll young orchard. "\Vill be sold cheap, ns the proprietor intends to move \Vest in the fnll. U Crerrn.rca P. 0. C}J.rtwright, June 23rd, 1874. m38tf. 0 BI.-.08· Mcclllng .. - - - -·--- - - -- - kee, Chicago, ·ndotherpoints in th~ West '.l'::irl.E~lr~Y-lc'A~~:i::1ti 1nRAK.E. 21 Billeter .Street, London; ROSS & CO. Quebec; DAVII) SH.A.W Montreal· or JACOB NRAIJS. 1 m2t:l-t ru<l. Nov. Bowm..:.1.nville, for the express purpose of enlargiug photo, g:rapllfl, which tl.tcy u1ak c fr01n the sn1a.1test co.rd to life sh:.e. They would i·en1ind the public tbn.t they still tstri\'iug to improve their WOl'k in Pliotograpby, and they ure now turning out I>icturcs .N E W D R E S S G0 0 D S 4tia.l to To1'onto Work. SPRING McALISTER., ----~----------- MA ll.RIAGE LICENSES fasucd by Bible . Christia,n AND NEW ltllLLINERY, NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPES --o-E X P E 0 T T 0-D A Y, - :o: - W. lt. CLIJ\1IE, BOOK ROOM An~ounoe~ents. MAii.KUS MA Y:E:RS calls n.ttefition to his YCry large Cabinet antl urth size made cqui~Uy aa gooJ as their cards, Go and e:x:amWe spcci· 1nens, t\.nd be con dnceU 1.hat thev are doing well Extra prints ca.n be l\ off ofd negatives. Tiley ke1.:1p on ho.nJ and for saJ?, an Assortment of Frames Cheap as the Cheapest. ilown1anville, Nov 12th, 1873. At thti Btatcsrnan Office, Bowma.nville·"' Bowmauville. Nov. ltb. 1868. :'O:Et SA.LE. GOOD SECOND RAND Piano for sale A r.s.:.ce - moy-tf$65. J. )1. BRIJl>IA(JQl\fBE. . School Depot Spring Stock, believing his present assortment exceeds auy o his former <liHplays. 'l'o his usually larg1:1 home purchase8 1 he has impo1'ted a very beautiful New t·weeds, New trouserings, New ~s tings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -oAll the novelties of the ,,;mtson to Le found at bp·o43-in6-t"', KING STREET, BOWMANYILLE. o· RGANS:! M es~rs. Bice & , . :airker HaYe received another supplJ" of that st'perio class of Organs known ns t.he - -:o:- The SuLacriber has on hara1 a. ASSORTMENT OF HATS, aoJ he superb, caU~ Large stock of Books, suited for Sabbath School l.ibrarila, Sabbath Presents~ au<l the Study. attention to bis Silk, they a:re HlS Drab Shell, they are jnst ,.,.hat GE N.g·ntlemenrequire,his WO LS ELY, AND .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BOWMANVQ:.iLE. I~ION, ,,. Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'rLE, 'VhJh to info1·m the public generally, that tht!y ~ Silver Tongue, · ' ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c. .G-LAT}STON E, CANNOT BE BEAT. His Gent's furnis11ing ll.ij usual, ia ·r eplete with all the latost and choicest cornmenced the AT PRICES LOWER THAN ANY PREVIOUSLY IM.PORTED. and having resolved to give tJ1e public the benefit of aaid reduction in cost. \.bay call special attention to the Price I~ist for tJie current month. _ Grocc1·y Business IN for Sabbath Schools. --o- Our Books are marked low. A,. special <li.dcouut for Ministers, 'l~eachers, and STRAvVHATS, n. O"Cl'Y at~·le, aa usu~: Dou't fo1·g-ct to give him a. call if you are in 'vant of anything in his line, GLENDINNING'S BLOCK. where they offer II-IE'. BANNER Style :)5; Seveij :stops: Diapason,.Viol!na, Pic'olo, PrinCipal; Tremolo,!Forte, Principal Forte. Price $12,5 Style 37; Eight Stops· Dlapason, Violina, Picolo, Principal. Tremolo. Forte, Principal Forte.·· Voxhumana. Price $140- Sabbath Schools. SEWING M.AOI-IINE COJVIPANY, . OP SHERBROOKE, P. Q., !laving r1:cenUy perfect.eel The largest stock of Stereosoopic Vie"tV's ever sbo\vn in this section of the country ; also His Stock is, His Prices Low, and ho is ah\·a.ys p1t:lased to sl1ow bis good. Bowmanville, ~{ay~7th, 1874. F0.1~ CASH, M ioosoopes, Bea.cling Glasses, eto., eto. C~ 1873. 'l1hc :;ubscribcr ·w ould l>eg tu c:.ill o..ttention to his stock of · Important Iinpi·or.ements, in thdr c-.ilebratcd Style 38 ; Nine Stops, Diapason, Violina, Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub·base Forte, Sub·base,Vox human ia: l'r!ce $180. . . Octave, Cou)ller, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base Forte, Sub·base, Vox humana· Price $160. 11 Groceries, Croc.kery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, BARKER. Groceries Dry Goods, JUST ARRIVED AT TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &o. '11 rl1heir l\:t:otto is Family · Sewing Machines, .Are prepared t(1 (; C'1\RANTJ"', E THE)l ~QCAL, I» to ~ny KOT SumRlOR, ]'or Vo:x Humann. in these Orgn.ns, .Recd.~. ~',~;wt a Fan SEASON 1874. ANDERSON & OO"S :BOOT A.ND SHOE EMPORIUM, the largest stock of BOOTS and SlIOES eyer offered in _ Bowmanville, iln<l FAIR PLAY, SMALL PROFITS, AND QUICK RETURNS." · Kewcatitle, Murch, .Jth, 1874. 22. but rt set of now Lefore tl1e public. Daily Line to Rochester. Connnobcing on or about lat April. :Boots & Shoes J. L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATION, CNIF01U1ITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, uapacity of rang-o, and :ulaptibility to great va.ricty of work, fine or coarse, FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. 'l'he Manufactu1·er~ The New Stea.mer SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. AT THE LOVVEST PRICES. - ----o- ALLAN LINE. Reduction of Steerage Fares. IlO'WMANVIL:C.!: 'l'O . ii;su(I but one quality of ·w ork, and tha.t is etc., etc, 1 THE VERY BEST their extensive facilit\c~ and long experience enable the1n_ to produce. which for TO CASH l?URCHASERS.. LIVERPOOL, , I I GREAT INDUOE~iEN'fS -o- THE:.Y STAND UNRIVALLED, These I nsfruments arc cascr.lin soUd ivell seasoned, Black lVltlnut, elegantly and beo,iitijully finished by o, new French process. · " NORSEMAN " (R. CHAW]'OR.D, Master) . "\Vill wake her regular tl-:ips on this route, leaving Oobourg every morning at 7 :30, an<l Port Hope at !) o'clock, for l{ouhestcr, connecting there with tho New Y 01·k 1 Central, and )~rie R.ailways, for all points, East, W ~st and South. 'r110se Celebrflt.ed l\:Iachiu1;:~ obtai.ned the QuahLoy and Cheap ness, 'J. Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH. Londonderry or C:Ua.sgow, THROUGH TICKETS FOR $25.70. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at RETURN TICKETS FOR $49.20. . FIRST PRIZE AT THE ANDERON & CO., Deed's old Stand. o·' APPLY AT R X P i tESS OFFICE. WM. A. NEADS, Agent. m~S-lm. Provincial Exhibition, held in )'(ontreaJ in Septe1nbcr1 1873. 'Vanted. Agtmts TI-IE DURABILITY RETt'R.Nll'[G, of the "Silver Tonguc, 0 is one of it, ,, tnrn:!t remarkable c11aractel'istic..<t. 'l1beii· c1uality of keeping in good tone, also is ono of most practical importance. J. T. ANDERSON, LOCAL A.GENT , bp.m37·o24· lyr RJOE & BARKER King Street, Bowmanvil le. Bowman ville, 1Yiarch 3rd 1874- 'Vill 1tJnve Charlotte (pcirt of Rochester) daily at !J o'clock, p. m., except.SaturdaYf!, when she will lea,·c nt $ p. m. for Cobourg direct. Dealero in Stock will find this the cbeapest auU most expeditious route to Boston, Al.bu.ny, Nt1w York, &c., &c. For further information, addi·asis R. C.RA. Poi-t Hope, CANNOT BE SURPASSED IThe :Seat Material used at ANDERSON & CO'S. - o -- -- Wl'ORD, Ol' C. F. GILDllJHSL.TDEVE, · Kingelon. GRADUATE of the Royal Colle~e of Ehysicians of Eng!n.ncl, and Uuivors>ty of Vic· ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY I , AT ANDERSON & CO'S. - to;ia College, Cobot!rg ; .r nder~~a.<Juate and Bownla.nville Juuc Gth, 1874. . I ~12emai: 0! tlie U1uvers1 o~ loronto, and . ' . B vcr s1ty of Queen's Cvll ei;;e, I{1ugston, Afem· J. ELLIOTT, N. B.- \Ve have been appomted agents for the . celebrated ANN ER Ucr f theCollege of P hysicrnns and Surgeon· SEWING MACHINE, 1mi,nnfactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call an d of Ontario. Sm·gery an;'\ R.eaidence, op1>osite the mru·ket see sample machine. BowmanviUc, Oct. 5th, 1871 TYRONE- DR. DAVIDSON,

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