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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Jul 1874, p. 4

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r \""'. ______ -- - - - ·--·-- -· --===-- ==c;c..==-=--c= -====:::::;=============================;=:==========~'=============;==================~~=;.==; POETRY. Hold to the Right. BZ ,J,\JllES FRA:rfKLl.r.' 1·'1'1'1'$. FARMANDKITOHE_ N._ The Deacon's Household. At thil::l l::lefl.so11 of. tl)C year tlrn most careful house-keeper is troubled with cockroaches. The n :mty things ! who could eat the crust of his bread if he knew a frisky roach had darted across it, or hear to touch a cranberry tn,J·t if he knew the pestiferous insect had jabbed his bill down into it~ and tested its merits .first? Vole can make a. feed for them that will rid us of U1e'i1· presence. T ake equal parts of Indian meal and red lead, ::i.nd make thern into a. thick batter with molass~ o::i a.nd set it !n your cupboard and under them. Or, mix o. ten.spoonful of powdered arsenic with the same quantity of mashed potatoes, :i,nd cru1nble it up for them ; or give then1 phos· phorous 1nixed in u, pf\ste. Bo care ful about it, an.di burn or bury anything in ·which you have nli:xed poisoM-dori't throw it b ut of doo~; r:r\YO of the members in Deacon rott's family like brown bread. I wfol1 we all liked it, for I know it must be ·wholeeO n1c 1 although I cn,nnot like the t.xste of it. , .li,or those who like brown bread without yeast, "1,:\>"C give our receipe. Of unboltet.1 corn-1neal and uu!Jolte\J rye-Hieal take three pints nf the former t_tnd two of the la-tter, sift through n. coarse 1;1ieve sepa.rately. Upon the corn-meal pour half a pint of inolass· es, and sr.:ald it thoroughly, cool.with /!our tnilk 01· butt~r-rnilk, and add the 1-ye-n1eal, ·salt to taste; inn. little ·water dissolve soda enough to neutra.l.lze the acid of the buttermilk. Have it soft or it will be dry when baked. l31tkc in a Or, if" fur old pe,iplc deep J:.":Hl three hunra. with poor teeth, put it in n. pudding-pan '\\ith a tight cover and boil four hours, vouring in boiling "\Vatcr n.s it wastes, 0.11\l keeping it a t the boiling point all the time. J u ~ed lo be troubled o.bout1n11ki11.g ici11g for cakes long ago 1 wl1en the girls were inna.11 and bad pic-nics with thdi little friends. I do wish I had known this then. 'J'ake of tbtt best white sngar one pound and pour over it just tinoug-h \.:old\r to did~oln~ \Vhilc on life's path\vay thy feet are ad vaneing, I-Iurrying on mid life's bn"1y throng, tlnubeo.u1:; of pl~asure around thee now· ing, l-[e!Lrt-Blek to-1uoi·row with traitorou8 w1·ong, Never so wear~· and u~ver f:K ' saddened, fll'evet· W) littlc . by earthly joys gladdened, Never by passion so blinded and rna.dclencd, ]'irrnly 1mU l'ar11 e:.;tly hold to the Ti((ht ! s ·· PRING, 1 s THE 1\fERCHANT, FRIDAY JULY 17, 1S74. ·- T REWIN. !!!PORTER OF DRUGSAN,:>tt1EDIOINES 18 7 4 Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM OULD nrnst respect.fully t ender Li8 si11ce1·e thanks to his numerous friends and ens· tome1'8, ltUll tu the vublic ge· m~Ta.11y, for thll very libt"rn.l support he has received since his comm in bu~iu1;:1s,:i; ~ull hqpeR .· hY con· tinued strict ])ersonn.l attcntion to b1winess, and offering uoth~ng but the purest t?FI, :-l.rt -t.he most reasonable prices, to ensure n continuance of pnblic patronage. J . H. would call special o.ttcntion to hi~ very superior stock uf ' TO THE PUBLIC. vVALTER WIGG t~ SON, S1 APLE &FANCY DllY GOODS, Carpets, Lace Curta,ins, aind. Bouse Furnishins MA~UFAC'fuHEU W I l RICE Ii IUD a~cled ,thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all 1J:~rties who ma.y please to favor him with a. _ c all. Great inducements held out to ~hose purchasing at our estabii~hment . Pie~ tnres, Looking Gln.sae8, etc .. sramed tool'(ler, and in every l::ltyle. Samples of thti differc11 t kin~ of J\.fouldiugs can be seed at the ' \Vo would also beg to inforn1 you, tlia~, having purchn.scd a returning thanks ~o ~heir n~1mer011s.cuato1ncrs ~nd th1l public gt-Jnera.Uy, for vast favorS", I K'\'Ottld reflpectfully mv1te their a.ttention to our p:resent stock of furniture, as "\'{0 hal'C littely Hold h) the dght ! Though tcmtitnti-:1 n rneet the\!, ~hould OF Clall in the g:i.rr 111:mts of r:ou1~terfoit right, Y.7elt.rin.;; thi:; tnlismnn, victory 111 greet thee, Dri,-e t11e dark ghouls to their natural night; ci irdcd with h_ o uor, thoul't conquer ten1ptatiun, Ho,veoeer lowly in life be thy sto~tiou, rl, but bringing thy soul confirmation, Ahvays thy countcr~ii_gn, "hold to the right!" Fashionable Millinery Mantles, and Gents' rJ YE STUFFS CLOTHING . DE.HEU JI wl1ich al'e sure to give th<::. best s~.tis~a.ction. A. well selected stock of .... SPLENDID NEW HE Al~S E, wti shall be~ re~dy at a 1 times, to attend Iouerals, on short notice and e te.t:lllS. N . B .- Coffins kept on hand, and ma-de to order, at tht1 NEW DOMINION RETArL FURNl'l'URE WARE-R001 }l. Osha\\"a, Aug. 26th, 1870. · King Street East, Oshawa,. I t Hold to the .right ! Though tb e ~ne1 :r1:1 of de" traction Ii'all ou thine vnr and would cause,the e to stay Ou \vith thy purpo;;e !-abate not thin~ action, '.!'hough myriart opposers would fain Hay thee . nay) Pt ewlf·~"" i11 :1 ·1 ,-p·1 Hfl, and strong in ~nd1;avo1·, ]~u.usc by t.LoJ W<.t,~·isi~t ~ VI" luok La..:kward nr;ver, lf:tabe to the-gon,l of thy wishes, but ever, Ever uriShrinkin~ly ]Joltl to the i·ight !, llold to the right l ...'\.nd if t yi·anny's minions I\feuace th ee nvl~t· with gallows or block, I..iose 11ot thy heart - retract not thy opinions, K orved in thy Uuty, a. t and firm as th e rock ; 15etter to d ie in the cu.usu of n. n:;i.tiou, Thau eve1· the11co::forth to fetil dE-cp ·lcgrada.tiun: Detter to strive, ::i.lthough sure of frur, tr11ti6n, Better forevi:lr to hold to the right l --~-:;;;;;--====~ DRUGS, G.HENIGALS, a1id PA1'ENT l'tfEDlCJNBS ' .BRUSHES, H~ts, Caps, Shirts, Colars, Ties, & c. ---:o:-- G011fBS, Occupy.iug my New 'Premises, LATIGJl, ]~LEG,\N T and ColiVENIE1'"£ ; Show SHOULDER-BRACES, · Rooms replete with SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etc. Boo_ts Shoes, · R . e ady iliadc B!RIER TBOMIS BATTING begs tu inform his customers and the publit< gcnc1·a!Jy, tha~ he hn,s received his n o11· . Sprin(J and Suininer MUlinery,Mantles, S!tawls, Trirnrnings, etc. OILS, PA.INT, LATEST NOVELTIES DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. ~ Specht! attention given to getting up orders for Family Mourning. A Large Stock of Black Lust!'e Goods at al! ,times. kept (...onstantly on hahd. COLORS, VARNISllES, trnd WHITE LEAD at the vµry lowest prices. ' FOR . THE NEW SPltIN'e.t -S'rO .C lt of' , DRY Goops ,} which 011 inspection will be found Horses and Cattle MedicinesN . B. - Country store-ketiper~ supplied on the most advantageous terms. A. choice selection of LAMPS fvr ~ ale cheap. Bowmanviile. Dec. 9. ISHS. Hm, LIBEHAL DISCOUNT TO THE CLEHGY. S. TREWIN, Osbwn,,West, King St. April 9th, 1874. . for Chicken.a. 1t1ost babies base hawlera; True BEST Organs A t t r a c t i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-All goods marked at the lowest · tho lumps; then take the white· of three eggs and boat tlitim a little, but not to a stiff froth ; then add these to the sugar ~nd water, and put in a deep bowl, placo the bowl in a. vessel o! boiling water and beat the mixture. It will become thin and clear at ;first, and after~vard begin tu thicken. "\.Yhen it becomes quite thick remove it from the fire, and continue beating it until cold, then spread it on with ::i. knife . It ia perfectly ,,.,.·}1ite, glisten:a bea.utifuUy, and it; so ha.rd and smooth when dry 1 that yon can write very well Ul.JOl1 it with a pencil. Cousin Barbara Stump took tea. with us Inst night. Bab is such a µra.ctical woman that I like to come under the in£uence of her e· tiBJu, Sh(iis rlJ..ising four caJ.yes this spring. She gi ·res them skimtned milk to drink instead of new milk fresh from tho cow. Father told her he didp't believe in dish·water calves, but she laughed a.:nd if ours were fed on new inilk she would like to compare them y.,·ith her dish· water calves and 8e~ whi~h were the prettiest. She warn1s the inilk and .makes n. little w1.Jl. cooked corn-meal gruel, and p11ts into it. Somothnes she makes it of flour. Every evening each calf gets a i·aw egi:;, well beaten up in warm wo.ter, and put iuto the milk. narbn.ra .has the nack of doing ever:ything "'ell that ~he l!nder· takes. She says she never makes bread and milk poultice, but n1akes it of hot ma.shed potatoes iu· st ca.d. It is a clco.n kind of a poultice, easily wanned, and there is no dis~greeable leak to it as there is to one made of bread and milk. For her plants she uses a good pinch of hone flour· io the \Vttter with which !:!he wetts tlit>ru. J~et me see--what else did she tell ml!. Oh! she makes a delicious preserve of breen grapes, and she always puta a half gallon of green grape ~~ foJ" lier 1nince pie~ in the winter. A:ll the old bone.~ that will readily brenk up finely she breaks for her J1ens, they eat then1 vorn.ciousJy. t'> the cure-A guud apple . Luve-~1ge ia tbe root of ma.rd-age. 1\J otLo ru1· t ho wh<tleman-Ilc. try . NEW GOODS. My New Goods have · CASH PR I 0 E, from which no 1tb11temcnt will be rua<le. --o- April 15, 1874. Kanehester, Bo'WJD.anville. Agriculttual 1nending-Potato pat\.:hes, A '\!Oice frotn the grave-The ton1bs~tone, ...~ids to templ1rance- Crusade and lemonade. It is p·q liar people who n1ind thclr p's and t1's. A Lad egg 1~ JLOt :~ ehoico egg, hnt it is hard to beat. The reported l'isc in Havan<t ejgu-r» '.dJI p't'O· bably end in stnoke. Can a downright good fellow be an u pright mn.n? The expbriment is worth trying .., Ground aud l(1fty tu1nhlers- Cut-.!S lasa gobletf!. A noisy piece of crockery ·- The cup tbat cheers. Ou~ phyflicia1i s genera.Uy are in a fee-bill C·.indition. l\licfAwb<~ ·· sit.I) iu 11 i!l garde11 1 _ for something to tut'nip. Th :;i rua,11 who WHO filled with emo\.ic·n hadn't roon:1 for his dinner. VVhy 11r1:1 ..:ar;l11uere 8Lawl,;; lilu.-i thiaf people? Because you can't make thern here. \Vhat word ii; pronounced wroug oven by the be:st schrJlars? Vv'"i:ong. J\. \V CBtFirn wo111ar1 eon:r(; th Mt ::1il10<~ her husb.:ind joined the Pi.ttrons of }lusbandry he has sown nothing but wild oats. NEA.RJ_jY ALL \ 1 C(J~[E ~ro HAND ' l' ·-· · - Oct. CHIT CHAT. ['l'im .J3ra.~y a.nd iM~~e li'lynnJ 1md the a,ssol'tment will be found 1872. " TIM.- Oct EH.Y ·CO}\IIJ?LETE AND preparation, made chiefly from the na Hve herbs foqnd Oll the lower ranges of the Sierra Ne\'l\damountains of Califor tiia, the medicinal properties of wl\ich are e'\'.tract04 tlJQretrom without the us p . uf Alcohol. 'I'ho question is !limos~ daily asked, "Wha~ ilttbe cmwe of t4 g ,_ u11p~riwleletl success of VINEGAR Br+ ~E:J\Sf" Our answer is, that t1ley'.)'emov ~ ~he cause of disease, aud t4e patiOI\t ~e oovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle ' ~ !JCl'fect neI\OVatol' l1ni! ln Vlgor(ltO r pf the system, Never before in th 6 b.islory of the ·world Las a. mediciuu beell PRICE S M0 DER Arr1 E. The Public are ' solicited to cn,ll n,nd see for the1molves. H1tmpt,on. Rept. 18th 1872 Dr. J. Walker's Callfol'nin Vin egal: Bitters ru·e a pur~ly Vegctabfe ' ' &OM . ... Organs ON 'l.'BE . H. ELLIOTT JUN lJ1i~ ' A<la.n1 was the first Jnan who received a. land grant. IIe 'v.:is al110 the first Jnr:n who \Vas i:;en:etl with"' wr it of eje..:tmt111t. 'fhere ir-1 n nrcjl1dice in l1nuu1n kind again$1 : ears. .A.s the pot.:t .says : " l\ian wants Lut little ear below, nor wan ts thrtt little 1011 ~.' T\YO paira of stnirs are ncce&'iary to CYery newspaper oiiic1:1 in l\"orth Carolinni- - one for the editor to go down as the caller <.:OUH'3 up the other . l~rge COME and SEE . . CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. - - - o--1 Good mormng, M1k'e, shure and 1t ts early out ye m·e. M.igh I be bould to axe what started yees this mornincr." MIKE.-" Jist b~ aisey, 'J'im, an~ I'll t~ll ye in a jiffy. c sec, I wastou~;l: y.1sterday, that M1sther Gray, ov Tyrone, h11d got home an t1h~ant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meselt could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinkiwr av the ·And sure enuf!j its the full store he J~a,s-piles n,nd piles av the nn.test patterns; n.nd he'd give ye the makin'!· av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints · Ta.y for most nuthin, and the Baccy,for a tl'if!e less." ' TIM.".An shure its funning me ye are, Mike; wouldn't th e man be .. afther bren.king down." , MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows tt thrick wurth tw o at that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye wnnt to get it grate · name "'he11 youre ded, a.nd be called a filantrofized filosifer a.nd a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nahoms, and the r es't of mankind, n.bout Gray's chape store, n,nd you'll do more for t heo good av your cotmthry, than iver St. Patrick did for oukl Ireln,nd, when he bn,nished all the toads n.ud snakes out n.v it that 1872 Y niver "\\'as in it." . ' oonrpouhdcd 11ossessi11g the ren1arka,bl 0 qualities of VrKEG.An. Il·JTTERS in hoaling th 0 cic.k of every dislmsu llllLU is heir to. The y It is difficult to intelligibly t.he pro· She don't sell her butter at tl1e stores in rotts· ville, to he golJlil+Jd up Ly (!vm·ylxxl.Y or t.nm~ hleU intu o.n old ba.r rel with a.11 ~orts of g'l.'eas~~. la:rdy, "'treaked stuff, but senda it to the state of New .Jersey, i·ccciving forty cents H· pound for it, with <~good call for lnore . · HILL'S l'olieving Congestion or IuflaJ11ma.tion of tho Livm· an1 ViDce rul Organ~: iu Bilim: uro a gentle Purgative as well o.s a rl,oni c, 'rIM.-- "I'm much' oblaged to ye, for the bit tw adv ice, imd won't detain ye; there'll shurely be n. gmte run, imd maybee I'd mis>. some bargains. The top n,v the morning to y e."- J'm off tc; Gray's. NEW Dise:wes, r~'he 1mwertlcs or Dn, W.4r,1qm·s VJl!!"H(L.\ n Bn·-rv.ns itl'O A.pericnt., J)inphorcti c, " J. GRAY, "fyrene. Noted for chea}l Goods. _,....._._,_ cei>s by wlilcli snow ii:! fornmdi but one can sec the rlrift of the thing. A Georgi:.1 h>irl is going to lectu ro on ' ' Kisses" in VVashinglon. " She will borrow a ntan to illu.strate on. HI say, Pat, are you a8lcep?" "Not a sleep . " "Then be ;.tfthcr lcndin: ine a quartht-r. ,, " l'in as.J eep, be j ~bers ! " 'l'l1e latest cal' coupling in Indianrb haa been a mardilgc on it railwn.y train . A New York professor is lecturing ou the cu lth;ation of th..: CtU'. lfe doesn't say when is the best time to 'pull it. '!'he gr.ea.teRt 1nn.g icin.1u1 nf tlw !J,g"e ~re imper· u1a.kers ; they tr.-i.nsfr"ll'lll the beggM·'s ragr. into B heets for editors to lie on. Sponge CakC.~rrhe weight of five eggs in Miftcd :iugar, and ·three in flour. Choose tl1c three largest to \Viegh the flour. Break tbP. eggi;,and 8ep~rfl.te the yolk Croou the wbite, "'·ell beat the yolk, thon \\~hist the whites to a very stiff froth, so that )'OU can move it about the basin with· out it stiCki.n~, then nli:x it with the y~1ks ; mix very grnduaUy the sugar. beating all the time'. The flour sho1ild always be p ut in lW>t, Vt'l'Y .1o;lo wl,y. Do not let it stand long before it is put in the ovon, which shonld Le rather a quick one. .B ake one hour a,nd ten n1inntes .,, P ut a k nife in to see iI it is done ; the knife will be clear if it is. ~=~~~- Fall& Winter Dry Goods · --.;,-;o:--- Cnrn1inn.tive, Nu tritious, Laxntivo, Diuretic Sed ative, Cou11ter-Inita.nt, Sudorjfic,"' 1 ·.ivP. nt!i"l An ti -Bili11·:u-!. I{, ~IcDONALD &; Dr\1gg: i.~l.1> arnl Gen .Ab>is .. Sim FTanclsoo, Cullf,,roln. ruul cor. ofWfl.llhin~ton a11d Charlton Sti;., };. '¥. n. co., S ohl by ;.lll llTDtfi\(fSC;s 1n1.d DtJalcrs . A L.ARGS LOT OF · I .. L.A.DI11S' a,nd G·EN'I'S' FtT:EtS B9W!l)itnYille, Nov, Jst, 1873, FA.LL STOCK. **' Dress Goods 1 NeW:~ st style. I j, J Have You seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? VER.Y O FIE AP. OARRIAQE'. (west of the Ontario~ S HQP{,) VERACITY. B¥ iJ, J. 0 . " One \\ ho kn vws ]itJ ~v it is her~elf, says~ '\Teracity, Lt:!i\veeu man and nlan, is a " 'J'he iuan who js awfully tnhane to hii! wife sterling virtue. \Vithout it good society ht>funi f'Ll'm1gufi1 is al~u 1wr Lane behind tlrnir can not exist. It is th e bond of fricn<lshjp, backs. l· To the :Cn.habitants of :Bo" ma.nville. I iun :ibout getting a King Street, BowmanviE~. GREY COTTONS of tho beat tnakti, including the celebrahu.1 !' A L L OPENING ---oo~ .A. mnn at v·vest P11, l\fn., fired . in the dark at n1:1cr1 who IV<-~ i,;tealing his corn, and the t~o 1u1 ty :< Leriii wn~~ 111:nm)fl with LIB ann in a ;~ H]i11 g . A. co:111try hoy li:tving hen,rd of :in.Hors hcaviug- up ~1udwn1, wanted to kno"· if it ,~-M sea· .~ idalbsa n:iade them do it. J\11 Il)wa editor recently uoti ried iliat a cer· Ll\ 11 pn.tron of hfa was "f,hieving as usua.1." t{~ ilecl :1re!'I, Jrn wrote it" thriving. :: \ Vl1 a.t il'I the difTerr::"uee between a girl and a ni,,;ht·c~~p? O!H: is born to wed, the other is "lVO t1l to bed? yu111· 11ouse a 'varm one.-1andlord? " n.sked a in search of lodgill!,"R. "It onght to be; the painter g11;vc it two c.Q.ats recently," was the reply. "J~ the ·afo-gnarl1 of social happiness, the life of e11te1prise, and the bulwark of national character. "'itliont it iutediational treaties would bo 1ut so many 1·ol>e· of sand, and the f1·ightfnl horrors of war would be of perpetual occurrence. Veracity is the only foundation of mutual confidence. Without it no corporation could exist a day. Only as 111cn have confidence in · each other's ..word can they combine thcir capital and labor in achieving the progress of i·eligion, mol'al re· torru, science, and various'J of material prosperity. A nation's greatness Ue~ DENTAL BURRING by which I can ENGIN l Oct THE_ 5ubscriber is pl'epared to build A.nd ·e· '" t p~u· STORM ONT. Cottons at Cowle's···Splendld va.lue- Au t_ umn Magnificent clisplay of N elv and D·' ......1ch·. · · - '" 1 Goods. ::E:ztra.ct Teeth in less · than ha.lf the usual time and leflfl paiu tu tho pu,tieut than heretofore, and tliat I hBve proCured a. EXTRACT TEE"I'I-I WI'l'Hou rr PAIN. ARTIFICIAL 'rEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $2MO GOQD · do. · $16,QO Wagons, Bugg·ies, and Gutter·s Newt~!~. ]~.~.!>J:,~r:ew~f"?~~a.tus ' of every description, at Rhort not-ice, ando rcason&ble terms. PRINTS of unequalled J. M.. :Erima,oonibe, Licentiate of the Royal College of Derltal Surgeons, Ont B wmanville, Octobi;i.1· 873. YOTJl{S IlES. P ECTFULLY, CASH. Carriages Pa,int.e d and Trimm _ _. _l Ed. T , S'l'YI.E a.nd. Q'C' A:i:..I'l'Y S'l'O:RMON'l' .. 1 J . > pends largely upon the general exerdse of tli i~ on th premiseR, were special attention s g1ven · to all A Blacksmith's Shop iuJispensable virtue. The Ohurch's triumph depends upon it. T~ reach the i1ighest benefits of eocie ty, men must LUMBER. rea:pootfully requeeti; all parTHE Subscriber indebted to him for Lumber, to settle ti~8 c~-rriage work; t~:nd General Jobbing. COT'I10N BAGS, THE · MU.EDOQH BROS. opened out an immense stvck of Nrw Fall Goods.~ Great care· has been taken in buying the- Stock, and 0,8 -.otl' in · but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can 1: ely on get~ ting good value for their money. An editor once wrote: "\v·c have i·eceivecl U >crnpnlnusly keep their word with each otlw·. ba~ket Qf st.nt.wberries frmn 1\'.Ct-. Smith, for A lair is dcspis·d by all-even by hi· broth· whi~h L.P, will roct;1ve our complimcntH, some of er liars. No one wishes to ha Ye anythii1g whid1 four inchc::i in circu1nference." to do with hin), 1.'o call a n1an a Hat is .A. down-r believe;.i tli cte is nothing like the bighc~t offront yo11 can offer hiJu. Snch ~d \·crtising. lfc lost hirJ pocket-hook recently, an insult is instantly resented Ly every u.d vert.ised his loss in the local newspopcr, o.ald right·n1jnded person. t1ext morni11g went down into hfa own cellar Children should be curly taught to speak and found it Jyiug on the floo1·. the trutl1, without equivocation or e4aggera:. A t.ranscen<lenta.l preacher tf)()k for his text: tion. They should be trained to dread a 1 l· J:'ccd my la1ubs. i .tis he ca1ne ont of the lie a.s they would n ruttlcsnnke. And Jet Dh urch a. pla:in uld farmer said to him : "~.'hat parents see to it, that their own example ac\.~as a \;ery good. t ext; but you plavtid the hay Promise auJ high in the i·nck thn.t the ln.mbs e0uldn't cordR with such tenching. performance should be united like the Siareach it nor the old sheep either." AO Bible Christia,n their accounts without further-delay. And he he1·l1by iuforms builders, and others in want of luu1ber, that he fa 'to supply thc:pi at ca::-h l'ates fur Cash . Henceforth he intend1:1 to do a c0ish busin esB. 1873 . All work done at tkis Establ:ishment ·I· vJarranted . A call is respectfully l'lolidted. BowJ.?a.D'ville 1 Oct. 1st, 1869, .T. lliOHHIS. BEST . lll the World. BOOK ROOM AND .THOS. S~HTH, Lot l 11, 6 Con. .Darlington. 1n8tf. DRESS special Line of COTTONS at COWLE,'S. GOODS FRUIT, AND Sabbath School - - -:o:- - :Oepot Confectionery Depot. TVIIOLESALE cind RETAIL J :.nit urrivcd, and for Sale 1 at j he 0ibovc de110t, READY-1t1ADE KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. The Subscriber has on ha.nd a CLOTHING The Satisfaction given by is eclipsed by the satisfaction g:iYen, by Sl\:IALE to his numi::rous patrons. Ho is now pleas ed t o annou nce that he haa on hantl a. large aud ·v aried assortrrent of . Pln,in and figur~d Lustres, Plain and 1'art~n Wool Poplins, Melz Curd Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless va,riety of other uew Dress Goods. Black Alpn.ccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black l\letz Cords. parson, eomewha.t ecc:en· trio, and o.n excellent singc1·, exclaimed to a Jio1tivn of the ,congregation who always spoilt tlu: nrnlod y: "Ihothm·r; n.nd s iBter~, I 'vii;.h those of you who C(H/,:t sjng would \ until you get to the celestial regions bcforo you try. 'i The hiut was ).t snccees. A good ~iethodfat mese twins. Business men ehould pracLice the strictest vemcity with each other. Let the mci;chant tell the truth about his gooJa ; he will gain by it, in the long run, in business, no leas that in reputation. Let the horse-dealer tell the truth about bis horse. Truth is tnore in1portant 'than a few extra Ne11; Fru-it and Gonfeotione17;s, BARNUM Good and Cheap. MILLINERY . Tl~e as~ortment of .Mi.llinery aml Millinery Goods is very extensh ·l9 and m t1'1mmed ~r un~r1mmed Hats and Bonnet" every taste can be con-. suited as the v":1'1et}' IS so gren,t. The Flowers and F eathers, Ln,ces, &c;. we clmm to have the hirgcst assortment to be founr'I. \.V!Ulc n1a.nipub.ting the wb1dlass of a wdl dollarn. Nor should the phy~ician lie lo the other morning, a }Jnrty who had been ]a.y- 'Ple-P.Se }iis patie11t, nor the lu.wyr.r to shielcl ing ht :t. sit.of'k of wL i1-1key be.fore it was all his client, nur the serve his clceseized by the police, let the handle slip when tion1 nor the prcaclier to.increase his salary the bucket wa.s half way up, nuc l nat1nally or his popularity l If yon promise to do a enough receiveJ a dnwk under tho chin that piece of work, or ntect a friend, or help a sent him O\'er a. neighboring- fenco. ··Sold a.gin," he 1nutteretl a.s lie olimbcd to his feet, neighbor, or attend a ineeting, or aid R\~oocl "1night anoae-l1 i.c-b~tter than to -hic··-go cau~e, or l-'ay a debt., keei1 youf word. ....\.void foolin' arou11 1 so n1uch '\vater. Betd1w· boots tying as you would stealing-for it is no bet· I'll Btick t' whisky after this." ter. Truth is too sacred to be trifled with . 1 A feinale teacher in a, school that stood on Gud uever lies ! ' .H is word is trutlr. 1-Ie tlie banks of a l'i ~·er once °"'·i:;hed to cnrnmnni· comuian<ls us to 'kno1'-· the trntl1/ and \ o · e<'li te tu her pl'lpih~ uu itl ~a of faith. \'r~hilc shr.' 'lie not one to another.' .And he threatens [,t is a well-lcnown Fact t!tat DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Cowle has the best Tweeds ORANGES 1'0 ARR. VE l::llli~ed (u1 · Si~bbath S_ c,Lt)ol Libn1 rili:i, Sabbath Soft i:Jhcll Almonds,Filbm·ts, Brazil and Wall of the best quality, and is a.n.'Xiouf:l that th ey ::iLa.ll ~et to'wurk as soon as pos1!ibh·. in the count1:11. l'n1sont~ , and the Study. E'ul.'5 1 J(u,iller"s J..'lfa-rrnaladc, r.Pest India }Y re:;erved Ging&r, Pears, Plums, 1'o· ILLUMINATED CARDS 1natoes, cf: l}eciches, Green Peas, ,>;'ot.hing cheaper than the I Oct Coifo1is Gretn Corn dJ Li'.-nia Beans. TICKETS Con·le's. Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin SMALL BOOKS &c. egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles for Sabbath Schooh1 . Ladies' Prunella, Congress at 80 cent s. They have conii.: anti arc coining, at the ]'1·ui.t " " Ba,lmorals, extra high --o-Depot. cut $1.2 5. Our nooks Rl'l::l rnarked low. .A- special dis..:ount Large stock o~Books, Choice Lemon, Orange and Citron. Peels, Clothing to BOOTS AND SHOES All Prices, All Sizes. All Kinds. --------------·-BL.A . NI{ETS TN In Black and White re.ii Laces aml Lace Collars we lmvt a farge a.~., sortment, n,t prices to suit . n,ll. ' ,> I 1 £01· l\finil'IL~r~, TuJ;1A;ln~ 1·f,1, f!.ll1l SITELL & 8 H ELLED OYSTERS QUA &ITY is the test of CHEAPNESS. .; '11. D..:1..RLING'l'ON. Bown1anvillc, J)e~. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Pete:tsh:im': Meltons, etc,, will he found unuswilly large. Sabl"th Schools. The largest .stock of Nothi::n.g ·to Beat it· GENT'S BOOTS. Large Variety W' jnceys--a. :Oead Job. .N B.·--Specia 1 inducement given to CASH Purchasers- 4th, 1873. n9-tf was trying to explain t1Je meaning of the word, a small fishing f.ol!.t ca.tne in view. Seizing upon the incident for an illuatration, she exclaimed, '; If I were to ti~ll ynu that there ·w AA w leg uf n1uttOn in t.hat boat, you \vo11ld helie vc me, Wf)1ll!l yu 1t net, without eren seeing it your · aelvcs? a " . Yes, ma'am, " n::plied the scholan.1. '"\Vell, that is faith," said the school 1nist.rcss. The next duy, in order to test the recollection of the le3son, Ahe inq11ired, " "\11at iR faitl1 ?" "A. leg of 111utton in :t boat l" w o,s a.nJ:>wered f1·om all pa.rts of the school room. hav1ng- come to 011r knowl<:: dge, th:tt certain the tn,lth, nr hnld your 1Jeo..ce J are 1:1elling Spectacles and Eye G1ass· . eyer shown in th1-s sectwn of the country ; 1 es purporting to be of our make , and to bea.r l(nowledge an<l virtue are the. pillars of I "" 1" CO"'CO,,eS onr na1n~s.stat?ped thereon_, we_ heri:ilJy ca~tion , , . , ·U. ii g ' the public against all such nnposters,as 11ef:lsrs stnte, thr: trJ~e on.:-ss of hberty and happ1· Yellowlees & Quick are onl' .Ag:eHts in 'Vest to_punish 'aH liars in the lake of fi;o and bnmstone, whrnl1 1s U1e seconU Jeath. Tell Stereoseonie Views . ~ I . r I ITP<::dla.r~ ! 1 _ · $25. :a.:mwA:a.:O. - - Rubber Goods, Felt Goods Trunks, &c. Speeial attention given to ' Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS ...· ness. couu~l r!'h t:re ii:! aa much difference between th~ lh at a friend giveth hinHJPlf, as there is hetwee!l tbe ~w·osel of " friend and · fl.atterel', :B.ead1n.g Glasses, etc ., etc · RK ER Q. BA . . . CUTTING AND FITTING 8uoh_impost~rs as try to defrttud the public by STORE. - One door east of Corni8h's J ew~h'Y offenng their trash as 0 111· nH tke. store, l{ing Street, Bowmnnville. LAZAHUS, I>[QRHIS, & CO. J. SMALE. '.!.\.Iontrcn.l! Nov~ 8th~ ~871~ nf-tf Bow~nru1ville, St:),Jt . 23r<l ·.1873 .. Durham; and a Rew"rd of $25. is hereby offer- and none but firi!t.class workmen employe cl, ed for the apprehension suid ~unviction of all thus insurillg good value in every case . ' Y, Cowle. .....

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