· THE MERCHAJ'\ r WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Steam Job l'rinting O:ffl.ce Krna STREET Bow~IANVILLE RATES O.E \D\ 1,1,RTI ING AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME'\' BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY 24 1874 NUMBEB XLII 3;::i per ann 1m 19 POSTERS P A:M:PHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES Ho\.NDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE bound to find for the pla10L1ff upon the ground that this young lady J ad g 'en no B. PEA.TE, TAILOR POETRY RASPBERRYING Gentlemen s & Boys Garments M!\ F. IN HE C,RAND TRUNK RAILWAY L Trnns w1Ule::i\e Bo,vmanv11le Station, l:~ow rna_nv1lle time ns follO\VS uon G 1 vc U* } ;{pte8ij M xe l WI:ST GOING MST l'\EWEST Bo vm,uvJlle July 27 STYLES lS6~ RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society ALLAH LINE STEAMSHIPS. fove?pool London and Glasgow imat on apply to F OH. Tickets 01 inf WA. 1'1EADS lye t Bo"' 11allvdlc June 9th 1871 tI 30 ESTABLISHED 1840 C~AD \ CHIEF OFFICES 131 SI JA11ES STREET MONTREAL 8 30 a.u1 3 50 p m 3 20 I n Ioctl 7 20 p m Ex1 iest1 8 uO I u I Express 8 50 Pm Ih1s tra n. ruus e\ e1y morn1u..., of week 7\[or ht) s (.:lXccpt d 7 20 » 1n. 8 t)() a m I ExpresB !i-lixed DJRlJ, C1 ORS WuTER SHANLY Ea.q MP D NC.\'ti ~fACDO~ \ID Esq ]\{\JO t Cl rur11aa 1 R R LOSCOMBE, &; T E BABEISTER AT LAW, :;OLICITOB IN CHA!'. GF:BY rLe follO\'dDg trains uow stop at Saxony 0 c RESTDEN'J: SECRFI \RY - J t>rns Gn urt 'I In.: HoNOl \.RLE burg- Ont c UIPB:ELL c n J OIIN St HA11IL'lO~ Hilo.ue Hawke ivr pusscngers - Local going west dt e at M x.ed go1ng east due it M"cd gorng "est due at- · Locul go · lg ea.st d 1c at 7 o2a m 3 47p m 3 47p m 7 22 pm 0Jl'fICT , -Over McClung K Stm e fja1ne flat as J :?.! Br1ma.con1b s D ental ]1oom.s Bo vman ille Oct %'th 1868 ly S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. 11 o E~r RE :S.HYME AND LIME. A 1 ttle Rbyme rome Just u1 t n1e And all abo it the best of Lune Lime f.ron1 the 'Vest of the very best Not beat in any quarter I m& that will lilways stand the t es t ' ' he 11nalnng into mortar I will try n.nd keep a good supply For t is a.I \ aya ' anted I Lat when you all come in to buy You ll not be dis ppon te<l Yo 1 \Vtll alwayi:i find 1t dry and f osl An<l that a aometh lg bonnie So come along and try-this Lune But don t fo1gct the zp.oney Flo rs of d hvetj' from ~me a.in to Four pin Oorner of c.,ineen and Onta.rio Street e 1 umor ,,.st th~ BROJJ'J'l8 belong to and are livid P l c lwldrJr11 Moutieal time I lV.ES DEC LlNI£U DY Ol'IIElt COM J AN1RS or on \ b1ch an extra P1 crttw'm would be icqu red cw bo assured at tie ord 1 a1y ales o( tJns l::Soc ety ruler a apecwl arranye1nent SPECI'\.L NoN FoFEIT \BLE l.,oLI CJES 1se:ued un301 ' luch only 10 lu or 20 Annual Pay men ta a.re req ured each pa) ment securing a New 'l'a,iror Shop L JOHN AIE WITH F Y HEAL, UOW1,E beg' to rn tonn the p 1 he generally that I e has com icnce l b s ncas 1n the 81 01 next to the E~ re"JS Office one door east of J lt-filne s Having l ad several years experience in the trade be bope1:1 to 15 ,t1sfy all who ma.y favor hun \v1th a call rnos BOWDEN Bowman' lle Match 11th 1871 no24 tf I ]lo manville Sep 4th J S 2 m40 If Straw- 0 utt ers . A u c T I 0 N E E Rs Grain Gr\nders Policy for a stun ass n ed pro1 ort1onate to the nun be1 of I ren nuns I rod ru l 11cefrom, Ji tin vay1 cit of pre niums \nd took it without further wan ·ng MO'DEilAl'.E PI E~flt:hlS a 1 1 nost I beial con As on her } ead I placed a w1eat} dit1i.ons. Her golden ci.irls adorn ng Prospectuses Pro1 Of:lal .I: or1n~ &c s Pl hed '\\ e pledged our vov.s of ch ld1sh fruth sweet on apphcat1ou o..t the Head Uffice or ai y of Bess and r top,etber the Agenc es Wed lovl} each otl er 1ust tl esrnne thro storm JAMESGil\.NT ands 1nny ~eather Ttcs Secretary uncond1t1onal promi::ie to many bin thej would then ba.ve to cons1cler "l ~t vas th~ .BY $HIRLEY CL UR money val~e of such a promise She \.\iJ,S not iu possession of one penu; of hero.., n 0 bnghtly shunc the glittering de v she 11ad notlung but c~pectat1on8 flo111 h er Eauh leaf ar..d flo\'> er adornu g l ou as Jong as I fc lasts but George a £40 that they were all rn all to each other-- retlfemcnt from business Dr Jolly ·dvlBed father ,,. h1ch nnghf ne'er be real ze<l l he And g1:nly trilled co.ch wMbhng b l'(l That golden R11mmer morning act10n was brougl t 1u the hope that the house 'ith only o 10 servant will not suit your darling wife and then she g·ve a this When Ucss and I '1th hea1 ts a~ ligl t and Uarry She answered No my clearest piece of ne" s wh ch tl e learned counsel Yoi say at all event· I am sound rn fatl er wo Id pay any Jarnages that nught gladso1ne a.a "tic eathe1 ild aud best n1y n ew ho1ne does not make the ;;aid he believed sent a thrill ol rapture tl e lung quarter, and then )-OU say J our be gr·en agamst ~fiss Godden "Lit "as \\ d t tnpping down the meado v l at.1 I belrevc the T1ch <loctor says .}OU must In e nt the seaside for meant "as that the plamtiff i rd er the lca:!t 11npress1on upon ID) mu1d ns regards throu0 h the countrJ 1nspber1 es tog ~ther (La 1ghter) Mrldly mul\eIS I "ould rather have yo 1 born° trral ended to t'ay twel\e .months Live well not much threat ol holdmg up Miss Godtlen to ncti 0 l ghtly beat o 1r hapJ y bea tH Laid Coleudge-An 1 again The Shah ineaL b1 t goo<l. port "inc three glasses a c lle hope l to extort money f1om her 1 Lther my o" n that "ould pro> e fo Ll ful and love G lu.1 ar> the glatleoruE! m rm ngLaugliter) 1ne 11,vays in a. neat house than a palnce is g me daJ and further ) ou say \ha\ lhrs is all but ~1r Godden 1 a 100 had tbe comage So l ght our f~t<lu!ill eared b,_.,uLl!v'..!!.1>~-,;,,. \\1thout love and oh my ea.res .........,. ll.EPENTA:~Q .van wwl lol-a long pnrse, .QuUhat the bill not t.o )'1eltl to such a deu A.1 ] t '\as I oned Ea.ch ea tbly contact acorn ng Wl ut \vould not a wo Nur sen.reel) seemed the deVI t >brush fiom off not g1\e you l p Mi Waudi-Aucl the ¥ouug lad) asked t iust be 11crs a.nd her lathers If this young that the Jury would not g \e tbeu sa1 ct10u man su1port andgo thiough \\1th tor the \\ bat will the paperB l1a\ e to tell us now 1 girl had sent you £300 or £400 yon wruld to an' such d1sgl!ace!ul attempt the 1 nq le l eather A~ Bess a.nd I I nk 1 I and m l a.nd ' et t mau sl c dearly lo\es 1 A ll I cm say my LOH D COLERIDGE i'J SUJJ~1 ING UP There "111 be no encl ot dn orcc an<l clQPe not l 1r~e broubht ti s acL on 1-1 st.UJpose l;et r) 1ng t.ogetl e \\ell bclo1eJ lo ti at I \\ill lo> e yo i I nth ment CO'eS (Laugl ter) Iler letters it not Lor I ( olenclge rn summing up said that Ile bl tiL n,,, f t l ko r by gems lullv lo the er d Further I h"ve tried all 1 co '1d to get tho 1gh there \ve1 c ~e.., eru.l pleas upon the \Vas sa1d co litnued in the san1e usual In en1erald settings fl.ashed n.do n111 0 \. ~UDD.EN CHANGE war1u att ain uut1l August bnt after that \\ell I I a\e taken plenty of good port record the s m1 le questions were '\\hetber ro i,!l f ~r mote that 1enels' orth H ad the port a ~on tract ha.cl bee) 1nnie and brJken , and 'I here \ as nnch wore coues1 onde11ce they u~carne cooler In one st e sa.Hl You Oh th heart the heart Ibey see e 1 thats 1 nme1 morrung af\cete 1 the heart 1 (La 1 hter) I bat re if so v hat damages the defendant should 0 have not done a single thrng to offencl me !Jet' ee1 these 101 ng pco1 le l owu to Sep S veet :Bess antl I our bafl.keta hen:ped n.1 d plucked and ate to0 etber ten1bc1 when tl e inatter was al)ruptly bro I shall \v-r1te and ask ) ou to come wl en I fcrred to a letter of he1B about being u1ean pay to the plmut1Jl I here 11as no doubt Wtih111!> twc1eal ayabQI:rJ t ne a1dalvaJe ke11 off On the 22nd tne defeudar t w10te thmk proper-Youro Cany Again Oh He instructed lns attorney to write to the that thi::i .., as an l lUSt al action a1 d ho eu1nnier weather I told yo 1 before ti t pa' ould not thwart hap!J tune, the "bole lei of 1 s togell'" defendant aud h~ said that \\ itness could hopeJ for the hono1 of I oth sexes that 1t l said I knc v' hat aneeter' af\ our h 1pp1ness 1u anj way nnd that I lrl e that old happy tuuc when I bai no not nccord ng to the c u;tonl. ot the ;;ire.sent might long 1e1nu.1n so and thougli their duty one to Lother me to UHUI y hirn In anoth er she &nd Perhaps George 1t 'vould have been beLter for you if you had gn en l\fr 8e1Jeant Pariy-Ancl she goes on, And I have from seen g you no~ founcl me ur rn May but then J su1 l I co lid :10t out that 've are as different as 1 gl t from g1 e) ou up I tl1d wrong a.t fir st 111 an S'\\ ertng ~our letter t oo soon I now r~pent darkness (Laugbtei ) Mr "' addy sr1.1d the plo.n t1If hall us tbe of my rashness in this or e uu portan t th ng should oLscrvc n y le(l a.bout you O'I' stood from ) ot r brother that J our father mah our wedding day \iVS.S -fixed f;.ir next INDIG,.ESIION.. FOLLOW ING DISAPI OlONMEN :r "as capta111 of sonte nllue but it seems month Jam srmlrng dearest but 11 will \\ aa it 1nental or ph.} steal-a sort 0f in fro1n w I nt I ~a\\ that he IS ln ing at the be next month some time But my George JJgest10n 1 (Laughter) It "as both phy ralo of £800 or £1 0( 0 a yea1 If tlm '· bas piomis d to 1nake a. comJortable hone s1cal and mental He 'vas not responsible Carry s stjle at hon1e then Gco1ge ir ust and a faithful husband and also to lo\ e me fox \ pat l e wrote then Ile expected to re give up real lorn ana retuc from tbe field as long as hfo shall last What could any co' er 1n this action bis long doctors bill for want of gold dust I shall alwavs Jove one \VlSh more, my George 1 and she all l~tl His doc.tor recommended a t\\elvemonth s u mind if I had an) GOODFITSGUARATEED ACENI FGR BOWMANVIIIE C BARKER 30 Jy 01 sc1v£:r Office l{ing St Bo" man"li iJle June 24tl 1870 C01 the 1 ownshvp ot Darhngton FEED J\'IILLS. Anothe1 car loa l of tl c n.bo\ e noblt> arti les or the '!_3) H T PHILLIPS, HAMPTON J' lt 11ttG1 SO, HO I Ah many a day el.llce then bas flown Old Time hath left full n any a ~arn 1 g Yet here again I sit and mu-:.c Dream that tISst 11thatsummermorning But who nre they' hose tr pp1ng fl!ct go danc ing o er the heather ? Sweet Be:isie a DeBs and Jack (my son) gone · ra.spberrying together day do anythmg than p1oceedacco1drnµ to law Re exammcd PJewasstrongandb ealthy un t1l he I ad tbl8 disappomtment It ail'ect;. ed h s l ealth a1 d be applwd 'o !Dr Jollv lfe did pot tell Mr J oily anytbmg of the disappointment until he asked 1f theie was anyth1ng on witness s nnnd \\as to ad 'lHtnstcr Justice 1rrespect1ve o.i: pre Judice yet every g nll eman must hope and trust ti a tbrn I ncl of act un would long re main unusual I here, J.S a great d ffercnce bet :veen a man a id a woman bunging an action of this kind-a difference wh ch was tion f.'l ven to sale~ &c on reaBon: ~1 Pkasc call at the Gentlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. I have ' r1tteu these few 1i es '.lnd all I lune to Em.y LITERATURE. NOVEL BREACH OF PROMISE A MEH.CE \.~:r >le tex.nu~ Wll'D.. Barton, El> ~ ISKlLLEN :-5 ~1~ vrvm.ptly ::ittended to on rcasona.ble\erms Fann Implement Forwarding ,Agency B W JAMES ~ Ku1g St. J~o\\ mn.nyillc Bowmanville ])ec 5 18"2 nlO B 0 "\V JYIA:t\i-:Y I L L E She described the plam defendants request gl'\ en up h1f.l con mis m my lifetime s1on as trcn e ller und settled down in the tiff as a stead) oltl oak au<l 1 1e a gid ly bus ness of a har lware merchant at n1r g rl who cl1d not know her own in nd The m1ngh!tm If the plaintiff had been a yotu g defendant also adm tted that she was la1tb lady the Jury woi;ld of course baH been less, and that she had no pleasn1e in seeing prepared to heat that she had suffered JU the plaintiff or ID receiving hIS letcerri n1 d health b t ladres were not ti e only per in this way the long co1resnondence died ;ons "hose health suffered Jrom d1sappomt ant I\{r Ser1cnnt P rry then ross ex.am1ned ments of th s l 10d and }ir Prust had ac founde 1 upon the 1 n ~rc nce bet\\ cen the VY1tncss then two sexes \\ h1ch \VRS independent of ]a\v said wInt had happene I, and was told !hat and act of P trl a uent which \\as impressed he rnust leave b 1stuess for t'1<elve months bi a higher power and ' hrnb thev could and he thereupon shu t t p bus1oess alto not poso1bly <l1'allow or pit an end to getber 'I bis was plamt1ff's case lllE 'DBr.fNCiij The legal r ght· of tie t 1o sexes were of course pncesely the B'\n1e yet 1t '\\ aa im possible to soi thut the feelrngs of 01en of Mr SerJeant Pany sard that he sho lld bonOl and p1opnety " uld be the same propose Simply to call tl e father ol the when tbev \Vere cons1de11n 0 an action of lualli !Jeer so unwell as to be obliged to the plamlift who said that he first met the ) oung lad) and to put rn some lett6rs In this k rd bro igbt b\ a nan l S tl ey "onld He was intro a letter fiom tl e plarntilf uf tie lllh of be when the actior \Vas brought by"'a wo leave }ns busH1ess fur sereral tnontbs lie defendant at La 1nccston Apul 1873 it \\as said Bit hope your father \.\lll uot tl11nl 1ne ner\ elcss, dear Catbarme No hne ofieply received from fathe1-anyth1ng n1enhoneU to '011 dear on tl e subject e nee l On the 23rd }iay be sarJ V\. e are UO\\ ruoukhnga future bugbt happ nes~ 111 e\ erv sen e of tl1e 'vur] and I hope I shall see lather on Monda) or Tues da.} an l settle tl c nu1.tter On the second of June three \\as tblS Nor shall! forget the! day "he1 my dearest ore sat l tl at she \\Ould ha>c me if fatbey &c 1 1 be learned Se1Jeaot rehed on a number of s1m1lar pas sagee. ls .showing that the engagen1cnt \Vas rtl\, ays cond1tionul -upon the defend :i.nt s father g1v1ng his con~ent Mr \Vin Godden. then 'vent 1uto the Vilt ness box Ile sat l that he ne'er saw the pla1nlrff 111 \1IJuoc 1873 I it knew ti ·the had corresponded with Jus daughtct He had a letter from the plamt ff rn March but never answerei it IIe sa\\ hun for the first man This nu1n had got a nu nber of let tcr::i iron1 th :, ) ounC'l 0 1rl n h c.h 1t \as far more discrell1 al le t l tu0 h at tl an to\\ rite, and then afterw&.1d usetl those ietteri: in a. court of law Tl ere 'verc n1any thing~ wl wh a man I ad a lc 0 al ght to do that it would 1 e bv no means n 0 bt he should do and the iuestlon 'as wl at emit vf op1n on the J 1ry woul 1 f1 m in reference to the pla nt ff aud wl at ur our l of damages ti ey '\ onld give 111111 Tl e questions \Vere en 1n ly for the <lctcrn111Jat1on ot the Jury and St ES ..A. GENrLEM \NS DAU( H JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Papet Hanger &c &c f wo1k l romptly attendetl. to and s<1.tis:f[l,ct on ;;1 a1 ant l l es1 lenc~-:N ext door east f the J31ble Ohns tan Chmcb 1YRQ1'1E 22 ti J yron~ ]\fa ch 8th 1859 \U k1 la To Ma~ters CER'IIFICAES A1 pl cat o" BLANK &e &c cau be J>roQ urcd at this oftlce at re~a.r l Bowmanville J 1ly 7th 1873 ttos ..Jo Thn.t yo cnn find 1ne still at homQ I am not gone n.way Ro all IDj Inn 1 old fr ends maJ l e And all the Jou g ;)UC:! too A d g-et their garments 111c l:y mad" In f:'l.Sh ons ti n.t are new \Vhere old nnd Joung do<.11 fricn 1 may drd not U8k that tie plamt1ff sbot ld be duced U) a cou>m to the delenda it c()mpc:nsu.ted for the 1o::.s lo had suft red YOl H DE \.REST DARLlliG 0 \RRY ·~~~~~-~' ~~- 0. BOUNSALL, I Ml'OR'J:CEH MANUF AC'J:URER DJ AT 'ER 1u all the VaJ'J.Ot ARR IV.: AL WESTERN CORN FOR SEED-, rnl1 tn James cs of AGENT McFeeters. Italian & Ame1can Marble \. ln.1go au l cl D1oe select1on of ORA.OKED QODN, FOR FEED Monuments & Grave Stones, w ~y on I and of ti rpeuu1 workmansh1p and a.t loweist prices John McDougall Do :vtnln\ 11 W10ught or Oa&t 11 on FencGo 01 enclos ag bury,ing- lots Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces &c I ept on hand_, or ioug} t to ord& r spectftuly re iuested u.t tlie 'vo:i.ks BEAUTIFUL TEETH! J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Te.<>th :S:xtracted a.L Twenty !1ve Cents Ii' or the follo \ ing Im=mrance Co1n1 an11J!5 \n othc1 Inst t faons 'rn ..,,.-, The QU.F EN l uo and Life Insuranc<: Com p3.1' Cap tal£2 000 000 $100 000 deposrted w th the Dom1nron Govern1aent for the protec cler!l in Canada Ihe ISOJ AlllD HISK F ce In'urancc Com any of Ganado Cap tal 500 000 - One of the est and chea.pest Comp01n1es do ng b SlllC s m th e Dom1u1on for- Far uera ~nd Isolated Risks. The Cc\NADA LANil] D CREDlI COY with a Sav1ngs Bank <lepR1 tlnent Th. UN ION A>J l EUMANENr Bmlchug a.nd Sa u gs Society 'Il e~e latter 1nstltution1:1 i:td n.nco Lonns on Rea.l Estate 011 teu1:; unt eually easy for the borror-;er Ilow1nanv He Fob 6th 1873 A call is Ki"!! Street, Bownia'1Jvilw Octol er 1st 1869 1 ti Rooms over- McCluug Bros Stores. Bo\\t1H'lll\1lle Oct REMOVAL D \.VIDSON has removed ln>:S 1es1de1 ce n. d S 1rg-ery to ti e late res Jenee of J hn 1'Itl c E/j l on t,i e l\1n.rlcet Square I m n3o tf li:it 18"'0 1 pana's Pate~~heep Marks M THllSE the moat laat1n complete ~UKS 0 D LIME ! LIME! quantity Apply to l'vOU SALE rn anyWILLIAM SPEAR Church Street n early oppos te the Alma Hotel Hu n1n.n \Ille J ne 19th 1873 tf MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED DY JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post office Pickering Ont Village of Hampton, BY Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Heal ARE l HE CHEAPEST t) e least troublceome and n1ost ll\~r invented Ihey are used and rccommen<lod by ma1 y of thf best Breeders in the Vn1t¢cl Sta.tea and Unnadri. such 38 G B Lonng Sa.lem 1'r1n.ss I re"1dent ~ C\V England Wool li-ro' ers Soc i}ty John S Ross Henne Plll Ill Professor M. Miles of tl e State Ag 111culturn.L Coll.;oge3, La1 s ng, ?vl1ch H011 Geo Br(;n~n ] oronto vnt John Snell E lmonton Ont On eri.ch Made is stamped the O'WT er s name and tho Sheep a n uiber i:Ihel will bo se t free by mrul o express for only J OU1 cente cacl a1 d 111 luat for lWENr".t: YEARS tlW' 0Ash 1nust acco1npn.ny all orders HtCilfBAID YOUNG Jit HE UNDERSIGNED begs toannouncetd Sa.rt ta Ont the publu: generally that he has l wchMe Or tcrs adch-essed to the IvlElWHN'l' and On the stock a.nd goodwill of the busmeas hereto SERVER q:tlice for rtll) q ant ty '\\Ill be ~lled. at fore cru:r1ed on in the tho above mentioned phce ar:s 'll ckJY. n.s the Marks can be ioaJ.e l:lnd s 1 t C BABKER l3owmn.nv1Ilc Dec 28th 1871 ly 1n13 B!JSINESS CHANGE. T Ja.mes C:ryde:m.a.n, Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF JO;-<DON as Cabinet mti>.k!r and Uudertakerb a.nd will continue the bUSlnees lll the old prem1ses w1th (Estabhshe 11&!3 \Voul 1 l "'g to infor n the ladies of Bowma.nv1lle a full Maortment of firat class furn iture o.n 1 v1u1n1ty tha.t she 1s propared to take orders Coffins Shrouds &c 'vill be kept on hand HEAu 0IFICES -1 011 l31oad St, md and hopes bj strict attention to business and for D1 essmak ng and fill the 9ame with despath modeiate chan;-es to merit the patronage of the Pall MaJI Loudon JJl tl 6 GENFDAL <\ ai;i;<.."l rct L.:.NADA 24 St l eo1 lti er nm<:nt }f ontre~J LA'l'EST FASI-'IION Her cx1e\1e1cl:l fully war1ants her n I rom11ung SuLscnbe 1 and Jn\eEJteU Cap bd and Reser~e satlsfact10n Fund £1 965 000 Stooling l{ee1 le ce Corner f Cl u1 ch St1 cet anJ ~Ia1ket Sq iate Funds nvestcd in Canada- 105 000 Bo nanville lJec Ath 18Z3 In.surances agau1st loss by F re are e1Iecte<l on most favorable terms and losses prud with fJUt reference to the n a.rd 111 London I U lU:i'> HtY SURGl 01' Gradualo ul J DODSWORTH RINTOUL BROS tl c O ta1 u '\ ete nary Coll~ge By ap pointment "\- etet 10.1} Sur,,eon to the "cat InBpector Gen Age11ts lYiontrea Du ha u 11J ])atl1ngton 1J o i :\.gncultutal Robert Young, V \ ~et t fot the I e tit ck B1unch of the Beaver :md. lot onto Mut al l! i e -insurance Svc t es Co 'l'HE HEARSE I avJng been lt R LOSCOMBE Barnster Agent for Bowmanv11le and V1c1mty Buwmar ville Jn1 c 1th 18(i0 36 tn o 43 "fl 4v.: Vete u a y ~(c he nes constantly on hand Cri.ll:. f 1u the oountiy r rorn ptly a.tton led to Office - One door ea.f:lt of H. !\.'lflon ng A } r 1 tu c \.\ a.rl:!l oou Improved and Pamted, .AJl 01 ~ ~---- lles Jen 1 0 tJ K t\ll lS o c1 8 Burdens store con er uf s now onu oft} e best n the County ders p101nptly attended to 1 0 og Str1;etx Bo vu u1 v lllc mltf Just Arrived. at-tic :a.. XA 'l'ERSON vJ.Sl J S - Furnit ire mn.dc to order ' he1 re qu re 1 and rcpa.1rs neatly exec tt1d REMOVAL. S. MASON e8 Hampton Se1 18th 18 ,:, to ufonu his 11un1erouslr en {15 aud c 1e t men; tl at hA 1 o.~ reiu vcJ to G. D. Lockhart, l s1 lt!1 J d asso :tmc t >f DENTIST & BUCKLER'S OLD STAND \ bc1c l c will be fo nd with the n o8t coin plote assortment of NEW MILLINERY '.\.ltio ~ Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c in t own lot of REAL HAIR Ah; ~ FANC YGOODS lru\,e etoek of Stamps for Bai dmg and Erm Graduate of the Royal College Please call Buchle1 H old stand 1 e Joor en.st of l\t!aynard s Hotel llo manv1lle Sep !Elt 187..:o Bo,lrnan lle Oct9b~r 18"'"' boid.ery. of Dental Sugeons, Ont FASHIONS for Sprmg JUSt to hand as us 1al Office over :F F MeA1thu1 s Store King St Bowma.nvi.lle W. S. BOYLE, M. D. Cobourg L1cent1ato ( f the College of Physici ans n.nd Surgeons of Ontario Office !{mg Street one Joor \V~l:iL of ~Ir Couusb s Jewellj Stote Bow11 an\ lli:: of tl e Uu ·ms tie$ of 'Ir nity GRADUATE College Toronto d Victona College of a1 Bowman ille Oct 23rd 1873 m3 tf TRESPASS NOTICE, MRS A FLETCHER llow1nnnv !lo Apul 7th 18 4 O'IICE hcraby gh en that nll pa.rt es N fou11d tieapa ... s g on tho Flats known as Ranes Flats will be to. full extent is i MARRIAGE LICENSES pro~ccUtC'd ISl:!UED DY of la\ MD WILLIAMS ROBERT ARMOUR n hrn bu~111es.:i but all these things should The dcfendar t 1S ) ot r Jearest dall n0 l.io t aken in o con:nde1at.lon ln the Jurv JD Carry i -Yes (Laughter) He '"s rn GUSHING LJ£'.I'IEHfj TB.AT WoN A lIE \.R.r OF dcterinining th e lam ages troduced to the d efondant m September OAK-A RoM"TIC YouNG Lrnv Drs TfI! PL:\.I~'II11F Q STOHY 1872 He J d not tbu k that he fir.& saw c \RDS HEH Lo' En-AN lN'lEIIBsr1NG 1 Surr AND "TILE SUM>ll1'G UP-VERDICT Mi George Bal hatch\d Prust the plau the defcudar tat chapel He was on a >is FOH THE PL\lNTIFl tiff sa1<l that he i sided 11 .B1rn11ngban.1 it to Launceston and saw her ltequently and first 1net the dcle1 daut about October wl le he \Vas there lie sa v her again iu In the Court of Cominon Pleas in Lon 18 2 Aftei soine correspondence he '\rote ] ebruarv and in May he" i;;nt to J-Iolhng don on June 25 Mr George Ballbatched lil March 18"3 proposing marriage to her ton House on the defendants rnv1tat10n Prust i hard\\are n erchant at BLrnnngham and was accepted ua a a11tor The \v1tness anclstayed three da.ys Her father was not brought an action to recover damages for a [ deta.1led the corr1.:spo1 dence that !ollowed there and he.kney.; t3nt the defendu. lt had hrench of pioiuise o! marri:tgo. from Miss and his vis ts to the house of tl e lefcndunt Iii lost her mother s1x 1 years 1:eforc She wa; G~en, t~~aughter ot a gentle~.:_\lng father Sl e suid that rt d 1 rot matter as then t <enty two Jears old at South Nor\\ ooc to her JaLher s~ beco.tl.SC she Mould Diel JOU 1ll September lai!t "f'lte to th s Mr Waddy Q C antl. M1 I ane appca1 plcMe her1:1elf She nlso so.id he 'vould ) oung gtrl from a b ote I at oroy aon t b reat cd fox the plamtlf! and .Mr SerJeant Purr} uu1ke no ol~ectton after lie had seen b1n1 " II e (l l d en1ng to con11n1t e uc1 d e 1-.l'\O ond :Mr J,aui on for Lbe de!endant M S p 1 h 51 l I n uot tbe aueh \I 01ds He did not recollect 1 Mr 1Vaddy in opening the case ;i.n1d that CIJcan t ariy .r:a c e iot co f J teud upon the correspon lence that anv the words In the let er nnd when nc " otc he kne" perfect]\ v.:ell tl at w1 en u gentle rorn se of i 1ar1 a e was onl conditional t hat letter he \\as not awa1e of \\h t he man brought an action for breQcb of promise p b 1 ti g h y t notc 1 h 1 tio marry he dul not nenerally secui e the tpon t. I e a. ier gb1vdng is consen w uc hfr '\\ nddy-Tbere is sou1 tb11 ,, bont I '(' he 111 act never a given i;. 1Ytopatby ol the JL ry He could not ho\\ C l d II ] en g under ground that 18 all Lord o cr1 oe- ere 1$ a p :i. ::.age in a e\ er l elp th l king that when a gentleman M d H Lord Colcridne- Thc defentlai t "rote h db b di t t d 1 b letter of the your g 1a y ere we are mv 1d a eefn >telry at fiyd reabe ya a l t e dea1est with our words pledged to be each from Croydon that rf he had not been sent was per ec y JUS 1 e 1n ring1ng an ac ton fo 0 I ues·' v By · L , lime rny poo other s partner' Was not that a promlSe 1 r n uu "' 1· r H e cou ]cl no t sec 'v 1 1 Y ·wh en of tb 18 k in d h heart-broken sp1r1t would have fo lnd rE:st, a lad) did a shabby tlang she should not He (Lord Colendge) knew t at muny years and m· bones "oul l have bee i 1 ud under perfectlJ sahshed I , 1 an d h e co· ld no t un ago he should h we been b a pun1s b C(--io11 ) Surre5 groind Then Carry ~ou1l ha'\e 1 1 dewland why there should be one la" for a "ith it (Laug iterd b rd been free and he also oaid that he mrgbt man and another for a \vo111an Ile "ould Witness continue On hrs t v1s1t to the dcfend·nl o house h sa\\ her fathei die hke a man l c ' rote Ins last letter uot occupy the tune of the J ur· by readrng b dt " " Tl s \\ilS at Not\,OOd He asked J uu t one an o .1.n.111111e the ve1y 'olum1nout:1 coriespoudence wh1ch Wt I b ' ll t bad passed between the plamtdf and the he lad any obJeCt10n to Catherme and hrm I ncssave saiu no ung s ronger ther e than that (A laugh ) H e sa1 d Ca in defendant because he bad no desire at all b e1nn l I fe par t ners TOO SERIOUS FOR LAUOHIF. ll was )O mg and thete wao plenty of tnne to make this young man ar d young woman vet He m a.de no positive 0Lject1on He Mr SerJeant Pa11}-~ollnng shonge1 look 1 ke fools and be ause l!e had no m wai::: impressed with the stJ le in which the than that There co 1ld not lie aoi thrng struct1ons to do am t1 mg of the krnd He defendants family were lmng at Holhng n1uch stronger than la) in g 'our l ones up believed llrat he sh uld satisfy the JUr) that the plamt1ff bad a perfect r1ght to bung t op llo lSC Nor \\ ood and it was therefore dcrground and as my fnend Mr Ha\ kins th18 act10n and he trusted that they would that ho \Hole rem nd ug hex of ll e d ffer ..:a) s the hod.} must have been w1U1 them not g1vP. h1 r un nn1ount.. of aama~es 'vl ich ence in then fortu1 C1:1 wl 1ch she replied (Laughter ) \\ itness-You mai laugh now but at would reallv be an ms 1lt to hrm Strin sbe had known beforehand ancl that sha could not give hur1 up that tnue rt 'vas not a laugl ing game \\ ith ping the case of all me1e n att r of amuHe me The defendant tl ought be "as gomg rR!NE FOR WEAL Oll "WOE 1nent to drown him.elf Mr Moyle said he (wit Mr Waddy said that there wa, one other TEE SIJ.fPLE F \.C'IS I will bo ness) had roore 1n1nd tbun that nnd \'fltnc s were ,_heae The plaintiff was a commercial passage "rrtten by the lady said he Ind He did u1t mtencl he1 to traveller re'1dmg at l:hrmmgham and early thme for weal and woe let thooe s1m1 le thrnk that lie \\Oulcl drown h1 ,elf H 1 '\\ords be and doubt me no more Surel.) m 1873 he met the delendant nd,as some father did not object to h1mcomtin tl le 0 l11nes happened he came, a\v, and was there could be no doubt ol the promise uf fendant. He did not aay that ..:.he was 1n conquered (A laugh) The Joung lady ter that ill health, and not fit to be married He Mr SerJea t Parr) -Through the whole 'WB.S then hv1ng in her fathers hou1:1e at \\as conat LUt only said they were youn0 and there was Hormbndgc m Devonsbre On the 7th correspond~nce there refe1ence to the fat.her not having plenty ol tlille Tbe llefendant did not ask of March the defendant "rote offerrng g1\ en bis consent In one letter the him to postpone speakmg to her father for himself as a candidate for the hand ol Miss lad) alluded to an aifalr connected w1Lb twelve mo tbs He had a good deal or con Godden, but it v.; n':l not necetisary to read versat1on with her that letter first because 1t occupied three her sister and said I wish ours was set Jlfr SerJcant Parry-I trust more hvely tled but "en u~t not n1cet trouble half brief sheeta and also because 1t con tamed than our conversat1011 reference to rehgious matters and to God w~y so that lbe) were 1eall} only half J\1r Waddy-No doubt it was more lov way (Laughter ) '!be efftct ol all the and so on Ou the 11th the young lady re mg (A laugh) phed Your letter came to me iu1te unex correspondence "'as thnt ever\ thing depend upon the fathers conscntu g and this ed " tness continued-The Jefendant chd pectcdly on Sunday .nornrng My father is a present from hoJne in Germany, but of consent had 1eally ne\er been givon The 'vr1te a so1t of1uemorandurr111buut prn~tpon course before relalrng anything to him I action was m fact brought to get damages mg the askmg of her fathers consent but from the lather and not fiom this youcg it was destroyed at once, and he could not must consider ycur means, &c myself af ter which if my opinion 1s favorablv 1n lady who had not got a sb1lhng of her own say ·w hat words were in i· M1 Lane-In another letter there was clmed I will lay yo tr proposal befoie him l'IlO:r' ATTOUN s cotnTSilil At th.is time the defendant s lather "as this pas.age ~Irs Pipher bas a great m terest in my bridegroom as she calls you h vmg l,ikc a gentleman m Devonshire but Mr SerJeant Parri-Here rs a sciap ap 1oon afte1 he came u1to cona1dcrablc prop She comes to onr ma111age pended b; the def·ndant to one of her let Mr Se·Jeant Parry-And tlno also Mi crty derived from nunea and t\ent to hvc tera w·lnch recorded an incident in the llt a Man;1.1on 1n South 1S or\'i ood .Afte I dailmg don t call me your wife until I couitsb1p by P10f Avtoun of M ss North Perhaps th1s may be a crotQhet of Uns alteration iu b1<:t c1rcu1ustruces it "ns tun He"" too bashful to a k Cl nstor her (Laughter) probable that Mr God len tho 1ght that the t ine Norths sanction hm1self eo he set the \V1tness resumed In couseqnenco ot a. plau tiih10ulcl not be so good a match for g lady lo do 1t Old Christopher said your hrn daugb t er os she nught get The plam converEiat1on he hacl "h ith tbc lclend nt 1 c that they must opore the poor fellows !eel gave up l 1s tra\ielhn bu.s1ness n.nll settled 0 tiff however wrote to him Ih1s week ings and that J:te would pin h18 an.ewer on h :i.v1ng r ecc1' cd your t ather1ne s promise dO\\ ll Jll llirnnngham, a.C/!Oldl 1g t) } et her bacl.: ancl le did so She went \\lth Wl8b rhe breaking off the mart age bad to be my hte partner 1t became nccessar.} that appendage sa) 1ng 'Papa ' a~8wer 1s to a:o,k her fatber s consent and n1ade of surh an effect upon his health !hat Ire had on n1y back 1nd, turning round, the d1 This he course a ~rent many gusl u1g remarkr; ( !\.. to let ve business for sn nlonth~ hghted suitor saw these words \'I iLh the laugb ) Though the father d1cl not ans\\ er, did under tu ed1co.l nd vice authors compliments (Laughter) the plarn\11! got a letter on the 20lb from raE URICK.El' ON IHE HE \.ltTH Witness said that he had quite forgotten the dcfc1 lunt herself in which she acldress A letter \Vas put 11 to sLow that defend tl at scrap but } e 1 uU receJ'\'P. l nHl.Il) ed hnn o.s ants fathercarr1ecl on buenncss 1n Hally castle s cb llls btlSiness had suHeret.l 1nucb MY DE \Il G.BORGF. Coal and Iron Mmes County Antrim and from "bat had I appeucd He belie\ ed that and said that she had been ignorant till she at 116 Fen h lrch street l oder the firni. of he Ahot ld have been UeLter b\ Scferal hun got his Jetter that he was rn love with her Godden & MacdouolJ and th.t he was also drecl po mds rf tb1, ha 1 not happenc<l The She JD\ ited bun to her fathers house and a guano merchant Seve1al letters J the delendunt wrote to l 11n lSk ug ±or the re In tnrn other o'\\n letters ~c In 111erc\ let he vl8lted there, and ' aid there The defenda lt were hkewrnc: ieft>r1ed to plarnt1f! observed the drlterence m the J!Ool one she said "You ask if I shall be vcad' I n1c be free from wbat I bn, e wr tten 111 tny There are a great nr111y th ing1:1 past le tters He ref lsed to return the let \ion of himself and :Miss Godden-he only for church lbe 1ea>1ou \\a.8 tbat there 'vas no a con1merGJ-al traveller and she ltv1ng in a to be thought of before that but neverthe ters He \\rote llso th tt very goou style and therefore on the J7Lh les.:i I suppoc-e we shall go to church for the cause for the b1e tch ne co i1d only e1J.t in pan and bis n ust of Mai he thought 1t h s clnt} to wnte to pu1po!7.e of 1 av 1ug the knot t1ei tine day her i.nd offer to release her from her en In another she all 1d ed to The Criokc t ou be a long b1ll 1f J e 11 tohed to be \I ell 111 gagement upon this ground if sbe should the H ea rth and l kene l her el[ o Dot and alter y ars M gong tJ le th e vlanbffs l \Vas1ttruetllatyo1 coultl 01\y eo.t 11 see fit He said ' Why, deaicst before I ;i.iulsle W n BU Ce the brelk tng on 1-It wai; ru;ked you to be ruy life partner I under cnckt:t 0 l the Le11rth She also 6a1d ):ou TEn I OR DAM :\.GES ~ probably th 0 ) wot I\ tl nk that there "., a cont1act to mn.11y anJ. that it had been bro1 c1 ru d theicfore IRE Rl AL QUESIION I 'ould _i c1 a1u-tba ~hat of dan1agcl::' NO\ had the 1 l unt ff Jo"t 1 J udgn g even bv tie l hotogrnpl be had Jost a very pret t) Vi on1s.n b 1t one \vli.o at the ltn c of the breach bad ma le Lp be1 nnnd that she d1cl rot car a ftrth1ng fot huu Tl1en what wns tune on Saturda1 Lhe 14th of J uoe it the the mone) loss 1 It was plam that Mr Holl ngton Sout h North wood Park, but ne Godden never gave 1 s consent to tho innr had no p1e,1ous kno vledge tbat !he man r1age and the wl ole tone of tho affair was "as corurng On tl e " etlnes lay following this ti at he did not rntcnd to give any the plai lt1ff can1e into the drawing roon1 money if a Dlatilf.lgC took }:>lace 'VI\hout }ns a.n<l ~;.ud Ha.'\e JOU any obJechon to my consent If this "ere so tl en tl c plaintiff n1arr' i1..1g your Uaughte1 ~ \V1tness said had ]o::it a wife "lo \as po~se~scd of no Yes a very great- obJ ect1on Ile said 1noney ,,. hate, er l heu as to the lnJ ury to Why? and 'v1tness sa.1d I tnnst kno\v the Jeehngs th e) would conSlder all that sometl ng of'} ou fir;:;t Ile ieferre l l 101 the plaml fl I ad done and 11bat feeling l c to hb uncle Capt HoEkms at ( alotock hal sho,vn becn1se ii he ho.l act~d "1th and \\ itn~ss sa,ul if he ' ent ito Corn'\\ all out good leel1ug tl en probauly h s fcelurg· he would ma] c son1e 1nqu1ncs \Vere not 'cry much hurt Ile co1ld under THE OIRL S GO.MP T AIN:r d ersta.ud a lnan l11:: l&t nnn up love lette1s '!he JUr) alter coue1u"1 11g the rnattc1 fo1 and be dHl not bother himself furth n He twentj uun \tes in the box fo ln la verdi1.;t fou1 d out when the plaintiff ..:an1e to w1t ness s plo.ce in June, that he \\as the man for the 1la.1nt1fl:-da.mages one fa1 tb1ng Mr Lane asked his lo1dsh p to certify He did not kno11 that be Lad often bun le l for costs over to his daughter letters from the plarn Lord Co·endge '" d that if he had any llil' He did not mean that his daughter concealed the courtsh p from !um The discretion in the matter be should exerc10:0 courtship was l nO\\ll to the 'vhole fLUl ly 11 by refusing such certiltc itc lbe Jury said the) also were agreed as to for montb.s but ne\cr \\1th h s cot sent the costs [Laughter J How did vou attempt to put o atop to it l I told her that ii she hkeu to have l rust she might ha'\ e bin1 for me 1 · then \ e nn ite n guest to d111ne1 at six v.. e SerJennt P:.urv- What <l l yo t 1nean by sanng you daughte1 might have him 1 expect l 1m to co1ue at or before that hour My dau~hter vas of age and ii sl e would It lQ counted l c ght of impoliteness for a not listen to me she n1ust follow her own guest to keep n cllnnec "a1t1ng a moment mind He nc\ er gave hJ.S consent It ia:een1 This 1s Juol aSlt ·ho Id be but when we ed from what he had herud durrng this fJal invite a guest a.t eight o clock to a reception I er father so th at. he wight sec ho \ she I d ter tt any t 1ni e The l ny woull deal \I 1Lh the Cross exanuned-fie kne\V before June written th t ln:-i <la.ughte1 was .coi1espond1ng 'v1tb \\hole q uest1on as a1en of honor and sense so 1ebodv hl1t he did not know that 1t "as and leehn 0 and eai rf they thought that the 1 larnt1ll He a._sked bis daughter and the contract had l.ieen n ade and broken she said it wr;l.s son1ebody at Launceston what. damaged the pln nt1ff \Vas entitled to W tuoo, 'aid he thought the plamt1ff bad is memo11cs of a bap1 ) b lt J opelcss lik'\St bnt 1t \\as J \cry 1 ffc1ent tlune,, "'hen these oetter Urop lt iJ..ltu 0etber because lns <laugh attorne' to ter \\as not well enough to be married She letters were 1 ande lover to be used in cou1 t to \ nng d m:.i.ges !torr1 the wo..s "eakly, anc1 had lumps n1 her neck )Our g ludv after she I 1cl I nice! huu for She \vas only a h tll u ch Ld -shc "us 1 Gods sale to I t I er hwe l er letters back t1>rn (L·ughter) Your Jotters being Lor l Colendge could hardly agree that a and he bud nnsVi ered n y ch1 .t e\ 1 dcnce 111 Jaw I car not part t\\Ill "as half a clnld ( Ronewell laugh l'Jth the same at l re.:ient fie ho.d beyond ter ) th s threatened. to sen l one of ber letters \'\ i nt:"'S coutin cl He ne'er g~ve }us co1 sent to tl e l)la ntJ(f courting his Llat gb which was full of g 1d 11 g cxpress1on;i. to u:f Social Usages 'trr that a great deal wect on at 111s house ti at or a party what then 1 Why we do not he knew nothrng of He did 1 ot know expect l un n ti\ nine we do not ord1nanly until now that the [ h nt rr bad been lime get hnn until half pu.st nine and arc not s:urpr1eed at hrn entra1 cc nt anv subaequen t except iu J u.ne hour bctorc the companJ b1e tks up Why tJERiJEA~T 1.ARR'i S \DDRES:S the rule should be good for the drnuer that Mr SerJ eaut Parry 111 address g tl e is not good for the assembly doea not ap ia a quest1ou of bot 01 Jury for the defohce sa d that it was uatmal pear except that m the case o! the dmner 1t that a woman shou l l b11ng u.n acLion oft}ns n 1turc bccu ise her wl ole life frequently depended upon her success 1n n1arr1age ll was, } o'veve1 by no means the same with a cold soup that 1a to At eight the host and hostess are n theu '\acant room s, begloved and \Va1t ng be dcctded I hey are there fo1 an hour w1sh man It "ould be Loll) for lnm to St pposc mg then guest woul l come At 1!1.'lt one th it anybody who lrucl seen the 1larntrf! rn makes l 1S appearance and with a guilty the w1tnc2s box could tlun1 well ol hu look whips up sta1re rJ en he '\Vaits uutil He lad ca lscd t1 s gul s letter~ to be read anotheI JOJus ht n 11.nd anothc:r LIIHlanothcr to expose her to ridicule and con ten otand so at last he dcscenJti All ho\ e lo\lt the her "bo for long he ha I a !dressed i r the only opporlt mtv they "ill l ave for a pleas 111ost fervent te,.m.:i and h \d mixed up\\ th these terms 'anous pns::mges of Scripture He had used all the cant expressions u~ual in such cases and had no'v avonred that he ant chat with tbos.e \\ho Jave 1n\1ted them - lost in<lee], the onlJ chance they ,v1ll have of a look at the tlo\\ ers at the p1et ires, and the en1oymeLit i un undistl rbeU chat, l JI 11n had expo'8d all the letters of tlu· }Ollng with comfortable seats ancl smroundmgs laly for the paltri an 1 duty OUJeCt of ob All dread to be lirot nnd so all waic and taunng 1uoney The mot1ve he was cert1J1n thu! thr let.far into the u gbt tl cu 1 our of the JUry wo lld th1nk \Vas a'\ od1ot s ne1 lepu1ture l le cu pany tl it ho l l be at and he waa sure that tbe Juri wou 1 ot home at eleven a id 11 l eJ 1t halt past give him il ~erdict unle1:1s tLcy we1u ) t.>le\en Uo uot fi.nll the11 bed unt1l one the pelled by the r JU lgments to do so l ' l next n10ri 1ng - Sclib ' " ;1fo ti ly Maga m the eveut of their thmkrns lhemsell s """ l