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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 Jul 1874, p. 3

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IS MORE THEm; the Chromos FUN In BOW MANVILLE ~a.chine "PLUCK," than any pa:intf'd- or print0d story that has been given to the public for :ytiara. Never before LM been nccordcd to ·any Picture or set of Pictures and. Implement THE POPULARITY t he ~e Ohrorr.os ha.Ye attained. Si:!:e, lG by 22 inches. Price, $10 the ~i\..ddr12ss orders to J. F. RYDER, Publisher, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. J"uly 16th, 1874. 41-tf. Shelves must be Cleared! Room must be Made ! Goods must be Sold ! Manufacturing Co A BIG RURI--I is now ragi ng at !l.Lepha,nt :Etouse HE UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks to his many friends and the public g.enerally fo1· tlte lib(lral patronage extended to lum during the 18 years, begs to n.nnoun.ce that from and after the 15th September, he Wlll ~arry on the same business, but mote exten51Yely under the and style of JOHN l\fcLEOD & Co. Prom~)t pfl.yment of n..Jl account!! is render~ ed imperative by this bm~iness arrangement, a.nJ all peraons indebted will please take notice n.d govern themselves accord1ng!y. . JOHN McLEOD. Bowma.nville, September 4th, 1873. THE T Manufactures of TBELEVEN'S I Prof. J. Ruse, "\7 oice, \VOOD AND IRON rreacber of Instrument. Cultivation of the 'l'hc-rough Bass, Harmony and Co1npo~ sitiou . A'I'E of Baxter lTniYers.ity of Music, GRADU ]'ricndship, N c'v York, WORKING MACHINERY. D>l·lingwu, July 16th, 1874. 41-ly AGENTS WANTED. \V .A.N'rED to ..:anvass in the coun. AGENTS tics of Durh.i.m, Victoria, Peterboro and Yol'k, for two of the most saleable, ren-dable and valuable books published on this continent vfa i "HOME Lil"E IN THE BIBLE," by the woll·known author, Daniel March, D.D. of a Night Scenes in Bible," a.ud "Our Father'~ House." "l:iome Life" is the author'& lust and best book. Aleo that unsurpassed Family Bible, ~utbor · .TJohn McLeod & Co T Water Wheels, HLib~·:.: ·~~~;~~eand H E Patronage E Ca.stings of all Xind.s. and 1 Double Turbine . I -~ Iand he is determine~ to ·:::=-::-:ll at these ruinously low cheaper tha,n the cheapest . Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures'~ 'l'hird, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. -o- 'l' HE) :Opm.inion OrO'a.n Co'y. BOW MANVILLE, extcudcd ao long to John McLeod, find ta.kea thi.i:i opportunity of iuforming the public, that they have REP.AIRS doIJ.t;i on the "THE PEOPLE'S S TANDARD EDITION.' ZIEGLER & M'OURDY, 518 Arch S t ., l_.1hila<le!phia, .Pa. .Address Uc\', A. RICHAR D, North Douro, ~\~cnt for above Counties , bp-lin-o26·m40. SOMETHINC NEW AND DURABLE. ! French OH P olish is pre· Oil Polish. 'l'his. }) nnol f:'h<· , and all kind· of I..ather. lt will ~he any artidt: t·f Luth·:r, am : brilliant. · and l\ th., amt, from i .. oily propnti trn~ much to p~ ~ it· it will aJ. wu.yis. ht m~ i:.t anJ. pliant; and may~ exposed to water and 'vashed1 and will not lose its brilli. a.nee, and i t is not to be feared that n.ny crust will 8ettle on said Le.a.ther when preserved with the above Oil. For tho woodwork of Buggies, Uarriagt::s, and }furniturt:, there is not a bet.terarticle in USC. Manufactured by A . SIMON & Co.t Tanners and Curriere, fonnerI1 of France, now of l 'hiladelpbia1 Pa., Instruetiom- hake hottll-. A few drops on a. piece of sponge,apply it li;;htlyto the leather, an.I you ill obtain the"t lustre. Price $1 . per bottle, or f.J per clozen. JOilX ~[.lLE, le Agent, & w. tnauville. July 16th, 1874. 41·6 mos. !YIONEY nnd LABOR sayed TIME }'rench for Carri&¥es, Buggies, Harne88, Boot.a One of the Fir111 of McClung Bros. is nouJ in Eif/rope, selecting aiicl purcltasi~g their Fall Stock, ivhich 'l!till be vei·y ·Extensive. In order ·to make roo1R for tltes. e Ini11ortations, a large c1;1noinit of Goods must he disposecl of. DISCARDED THE SHORTEST NOTICE, '\\re lrn,\·c no"· onhn.nd a la1·ge quan tity of Common and Gang Plows, Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. tha.t "'-ill be s:)ld at Present the follo\ving tostimonials from coin YOVDSELVlmS~ r_t:tent judges of Or..,ans. 'l1estimonial from John Ca1nidge, ~:Ius. tloc., On.nluru: 1 England. AND Bowmanville, ~4t h Dec., 187:>. 1'u the Jfanagers Dom-inWn Org'an Co. G~N'l'LlliMKN .- I like to play on your Otg anK Examine the stock, 'vhich co1npriscs everything in the trade, of the ve r·y h~te~t fl.ud 1nost elegn.nt t.-. .e is so s-wect and steady. .And the 'vo1·k styles and pattonu;, of ]~ngli ~h, Carrnrlia.ui and .l\..mericn.i1 manufacture. llHtnsuil) ancl fhtiBh o..xuellent, and in every - oparticu ar they m·e cquu.l, if not superior, to -Hc still contin.1ica!'.,,, f!,:OIU tlie best of material, a.nd none but first ·cl:tss any I have ever hoar<l. l:lopiJ1g the.y will n1eet Vr' kept . public aµpxodu.tion. . -o:..JOHti CA:>flDGli C.ALL AND SEE JFOH BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. 4 LOW PRICES I p '\\'-ill be: RENDERED on the AT THE SHOP . Bow1nanvillc, JHm·oh 6 1873. tf. H A N 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September cac~i A N T LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 1874. TEMJ?EltLEY LINE, composed of the and other first·olass Iron Steamships :. Head the following from Ro~a J)'El'jnn. : He has in stock an endless variety of Laclies' Ft1rd Gents' Sa..ratoga. Trunks, \ralisea, &e., all of Buw ma1n·ille, Decembe1· 22, 1873, which he is Belling cheap for ca~h, To the .Zlfanagcrs ·of the Dom· i niOn Orgwn Co. - oGiil'i'l'L.I£M.E N. -I have much plensure in testi· Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. f:y'ing to the excellent qua.litiea of the Or~an ~Upplied Ly you n.t my concert last Saturclay· evening. The tone is sweet and very powerful Yown1anville, :.\l ay 13, 1871. aud tlw co1nbination of stops inost admirable. I an1 sure your ii1struments will find favor iii Chu rc}ie;; 1 a.s they n.rc singularly adapted fo~ ~acred music · . " you evtH' Y success, ~llltl that tho public may patroni7.e un.tive n1anufa,c .. turo. I Gentlemen, M. TRELEVEN. '\"(!J'Y l'eilpectfully, In and every yea1·. lWSA D'ER!NA. :Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Y'rs H. O'HARA. A. M. DARLEY. President. 1tianager. .Bo\vma.nYille. January 15, 1874. bp·o3 -inllJ. T l\fcehanics, and others, whose ai::counts may amount to $50.00 or over, their note!.if agreed upon,,vilJ be taken payable at ~he Bank ·for a stated period. Iii tbe """" ol i>[anufoctnrere, "S'l'. LAW HENCE." I "THA~IES." 11 " SCOTT.AND." "SEVERN." POUNDED HORSES. Bay one of wh ich is a smllli T'VO pony, theI\fares, other a good draft., are in tbu · old for cash or on time. For further particu· l ars apply to R.H. McCAW, Alma Hotel. Bowrn:mville, April 16th, 1874. m28tf, four acres of land, outbuildings, &c.. "'ill be 0 I Stock Large 1i. cor~t ! ulwe1.1;::ort~~- !ij Quebec AN;;;oMLondon ~L1~~f~~~~~:R~~~..C.!t~\~ihl; Good~. at _ l ess tlia dur1n. July l'!lnd AUfY!USt I s s· ABOUT 7th MAY· Ne1w Gootls, New Good·s McCllJD . g B1to·s s. T, 0 v E .s ' . · E E JUST _LL\._R.RIVED. AN D . intmals of T(U\ DAYS Pound of Lot Xu. u, Hh c. n. Darlini;ton. . 0 ne are n.eated to put in all appearance,. ur lht:y will be aold at .Enniskilll"t1 1 at 2 o'clock, on the 2nd of August n ext. S. S. SOPER, l'ound ICeeper. 4 rn 0-3w. OBSERV · ·E 1' · · · . THE DEL'l'.A.. " Tho first stoarner of this Lino is intended to be despatcherl from G 00ds at (JOSt ' ·H ~ Cash Purchasers A~D 1 will always get goods a.t prices <iut FINE, as our great ahu will be to court this class of trade. LONDON FOH SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. -:o:...<\.11y eue wisl1ing to have PJ1ot os enlarged frou1 old ))icturcs of deceaRed friends, can g"et the sn.1ne <l one "at Prompt Pcaryeedr.sts on short H WEDNESDA f. 15th APRIL, I0 durt~i't'i.~ol§~::!~,t ON . , , Quebec and Montreal thev havin·.,. gone to grtia.t e.xpemm in purehasing 0 and titting up a u ·Q (YI g · ol : Oook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A _<Pieudid variety -- DOMINION BANK. · · JOHN :McLEOD & ~ for wood .or coal. EOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. B ·u s t b ,Ith , Oi\·manvi 61 op em er · '7 · Oo 13Iock, two J.uoni ea~t of Brorlie's Hotel, King Street. Interest will be allowed -:on deposits. Drafts issued on all points in Canada., United Stites ftnd Great Britain . 'l'he Savings Bank departm·ent is now open. On aJ.l~deposits over$4 interest will be allowed at the rate of 5 per ent i:ier annum. Office IIoura .-FroJ u 10 o'clock a. m. 1 to 3 .o'c1ock 1?. m., except on Saturdays, when the .Bank will close at 1 o'c}ock, 1'· m. 1 J. H. McLELLAN, m31tf · Ag<nt. OTICE IS HEHEEY GfVllN 'l'HA'l' N tLe Dominion has opened an agency tor the trans..'liCMon of busiuess iu Iforsey'i; 11nvugh'l'ioket' from all points West, at REDUCEJ) H.A.'l'J~S. Certificates issued to perso11r:: df'fli°rous of Lringing out their friends. Through Bil!s of Lading issued on the Continent and w .)_Jondon for all parts of Canada. n.nd in the United Statt'I:! to Detroit, ~iilwauke!,o Chio~.{O, anJ other points in the \Vest. J:'Or F1·e1~bt 01· P.-.!3H~ge\ apply to TEMPERLEYS, CAlt'IEH & DH.<\.l{E, 21 Ri11eter. Street, Jjrn1dou ; IlOSS & CO. Quebec ; DA·vTD SH.1.\\V, )fontreal i ot' JACOB KF.ADS. m2!.l·t md, Nov, Bown1anville 1 Ladies' Cuffs a,nd. Collars, with cuff :Suttons and collar Buttons a,ttached., THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. for the (-1xpress purpose· of cnln.rqing- j)hoto· grapbf:., wlJ id1 tb ey Jrrnk\J fruJ.U Lii~ .i Jt t~L l e ~t ca,rd to life size. 'l'hcy '\.Vould ren1i11d th e p11 blic: Utn,t 1lif\:f :1 .1'e still H 1.ri\'· iug- to improve their wo1·k in Ph otog1·a1:il1y 1 f',nd they are now tuu1ing ou t Pictures ---------------~~- -NEW DRE . SS~ GOODS Announcements . MARX'C'S MAYERS calls attention to his very large Equal to Toronto Work -:o:- FOUND. :N tliL' li>t Con. line, between ~ir. Sa.ndo's farm and the town, a lady 's shawl. 'l'he owner oan obtain it by caJling at tliia office, proving property, anJ payiug cha.rges. ro40-3w. 0 SPRING NEW lllLLINEII, NEW HATS, . First Class Farm for Sale. SOUTH hall' of 25, !Jth Con. D<1rTIIE lington, 108 acres ; 17 acres under good Lo ~ E X PE.CT r_ro-DA Y, ' CASHMERE CAPES NEW --o-- Cablue t Mid fuu.r-fonrth Si.t!u inade equally aa good as their cards. Go ru:nl exfl,lliino spcci1nens1 nnd lie con vince<l that they are <loing woll Extra prints can be had off old negatives. They ket>p on ha.nd and for sale, an hardwood, the rei:it. u1 11le'(' good cultivation. There is a oomforta.ble dwdJing house and first. class out-buildings on the p1'emises. Hard and s oft water, also two never failing sprihp;s. ~rhe:rc ia a. small bearing orchard, and about 100 young- fruit trees. There is a School llouse on th ~ premises. .AJso tho N. E . qua.rter of Lot 24, same Con., now work<.:.d with the abovo lot . JAMES SMITH, Ennukillen P. O. 1n40-3w. Spri11g Stock, believing hiH present assortment exceeds any o his fonner displays. 'l'o bis usually large home purchases, he has imported a very beautiful New tweeds, New trouserings, New vestings, . New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -o- Assortment of Frames Chea.:p a.s the Cheapest. Bow1nnnville, Nov 12th, 187;}, bp·o43-rr16·tf. ORGANS! Messrs. & :Barker ' received another Have supply of that i;11peri.o class of Organs known :ilS the ASSORTMENT OF HATS, THE BANNER and he cans attention to his Silk, they arc superb. l:lis Drab Shell, t hey are ju~t what gentlemen require, his All lhe novolties of the sea,son to be found at FARM FOR SALE. · F ONE HTJNDHED ACRES, being the O south half of lot 18, in the 9th Con. of Cartwrig11.t. About 70 acres cleared; all new, heing only !l-ix yearl:! since clearing commenced. 'l'h~ latJ.d ~Jl a hght loam on top, 'vitb a good day bottom, and f:UTE;; for crop. '!'here is a view of the beautiful Lnke Scugog, on which Steamboats ply daily from Lindsay to Port Perry-. aud one and a half miles from Cresarea P . 0., which is on the gravel road to Dowmanville, 'l1here is a sma.11 frame house and stone cellar, outbuildings not much, good water pump and cistern at the door. _.\_small _younl? orchard, Vilill be sold cheap, as the pro1Jrietor 111tends to 1nove west in the fall. C..esarea P. 0. Cartwi·ight, June 23rd, 1874. m38tf. Silver .Tongue, AT 'PR.ICES · LOWER 1HAN ANY PREVIOUSLY IZ'vll:'ORTED. and he.ving resolved to give the public the be~c_· fit of said reduction in cost. they call spel.!m,l attention to the following l'ric~ Lfat for the , . current month. ELY,· SEWING ~IAOHINE G E ~. WOLS AND GLAT}STON E, COlVIPANY, 01" SHERBROOKE, 1'. Q., Having rtcently perfected .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, DOWM.ANVILLE. t Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE, \Yi:ib to inform the public ·gen erally, that they Jrn.vt.: commenced the CANKOT BE BEAT. His Gent 's furnishing as usual, is replete with all th~ la.test and choicest G1·ocery 1-Jifisiness IN Important Impro1,ernents, in their celebrated STRA'\VHATS, n every at:yle, a.13 usual. D on't forget to give hi1n a. call if you are in \Yant of anything in his line. GLENDINNING'S BLOCK, wl1l!re they offer l 11. McALISTER1 Fon SAI.E. GOOD ;:~;COC'ID HAr.;D for sale. A. rno5l'rice $6{>. tf J.M. llltll>IAGOMDE. ---- -~~~~~~~~~~~ - ·· Style 35 ;·Se.vim Stops: Diapason. Vio· lina> llicolo, Principal; Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte. Price $125 Style 37; :Eight Stops: Diapason, .Viol· . ina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo, For~e. Principal Forte, · Vox humana. Price $140. Style 38; Nine Stop.s,Dlapason;Violina, Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub·baRe Forte, Sub-base,Vox human · ia; Price $180. Octave, Ooupler, Tremolo. Forte, Sub base Forte. Sub-base. Vox humana· Price $160 Family Sewing Machines, Are prepared to GU.~RA!\TEB THEM EQUAL, His Stock is Lage, :His Prices Low, o.ncl he is always pleased to show his good. Bowmauville, 1t-Iay 7th, 1874. -----------~ --- -- F0.1~ CASH, IF NOT S t:PE RIOR, to nuy now before the public. For SIMPLICITY 011 CONS'rRUCTIO~ EASE OF OP ERATION, UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE -1873. rfhc subr;criber would beg to caJl attention to his B took of SEASON 1874. Groceries, ,__ . Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, ====~========================================-· ~ Daily Line to Rochester. Conlm cncing nll or aLout 1st . ..:~pril. ACT!ON AT A=-<Y RATE .OF SPEED, capacity of tang-e, and adaptibility to great Groceries Dry Goods, The New I.aka Stea.mer 1· JUST !BBIVED AT TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, &c. l'11~ir THE;·ar~~~;~rk, ~~;;;;LLBD, I 'l'he8e Celebrated 1-Iachine:s obtained the ANDEI~SON the largest ~tock but * \'Ox Humana iu these 01·gat111, is iW,( (t (~ Pipi BOOT AND SHOE EM:t'ORI'C'M, --- --o- & SMALL PROFITS, CO'S " FAIRANDPLAY, QUICK RETURNS." J . L. STROWG:ER Motto is /Jct (~f RceM. FIRST PRIZE AT THE :Soots & Shoes of BOOTS and S:fl OES eyer offered in .Bowmanvillc, and AT THE LOvVEST PRICES. J. D. STROWGER. )fewco..stle, ~fn1·ch, 0th, 1874. 22. "NORSEMAN" (R. CRA WFOHD, Master) \Vill make her regular trips on th.ii! route, lcav· ing Cobourg every morning u,t 7 :30, and P~ut 1-fope at 9 o'clock, for Ilochester, connectln:g thC;1re with the New Y 01·k, Central, and Ene Rnilwnys 1 for all point.s, East, West and South.. UETURNING, \Vill le.av e Charlotte (peirt of Rochester) daily n,t 9 o'clock, T>· nt., exc\:l pt Sai.ur<laYR, when she , at a p. m.. for Cobourg direct. Dealer15 in Stock will find this the cheapest and most expeditious route t o 13ostou, Albany, Now Y ork,&<.:., &c. ~ FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. Tho 1vianufactu1·erl:l isi;ue but oite q 11a.J. ity of work, anrl that is Provincial E:xhibition, hd<l iu lviontreal in Sel_)te111LeJ·, 1873. '\Yantcd. Agents etc., etc, which for . ...--. SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. ALLAN ·LINE. Reduction of Steerage Fares. THE VERY BEST their extc.:nsi\'e faCilities and long experience enable them to protluee . J, T. ANDERSON, LOCAL AGET l1p.rn:l7·o24· lyr G REAT INDUCE~IENrrs 1TO CASH PURCHASERS. I :BOWMANVILLE TO -o- For further infornuiftion, address R ORAWFORI>, .P ort Hope, C. F. GILDERSLEEVE , Kingston. 'l.'hesl 1 nstruments arc case1Un solid well sea-6oned, Black lVa/, elegantly and bea'tdifully finished by a new French process. Quality and Cheap '\V. H. vVILSON, BOWMANVILLE, General Agent for PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODI.ANS and SEWING1l!AGHIN ES Prunena Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH. Londonderry or Glasgow, THROUCll TICKETS FOR $25.70. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at RETURN TICKETS FOR $49.20. APPLY AT EXPHESS OFFICE. L·\TERPOOL, THE MA RRIAG:E LIO:ENSES issued by DURABIL I'l'Y of the "'Sjlver To11gue," is one of its inost 1·emarkable char:.wttrist1oa. Their qnality of keeping in good tone, also is one of t.J.rn mofit practical importance. AN DE RON & · CO., ness, Ji:eed~a ol# 8 '1Ulnd. --o-Ma.teri~l used a.t ANDERSON & CO'S . CANNOT BE SURPASSED The :Beet ANOTHER FIRSTOLASSWORKMANWANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY AT ANDERSON & OO'S. WM. A. NEADS, Agent. J n138·lm. --o-- Raymond Sewing Machine, A SPECIALITY. W. R. C L Il\II E, At, the StateiJ'TIU J/n Office, Bowwa,nvilfo RICE &; BARKER King Street, Bowmanville. Bowmanville, M nrch 3rd 1874· J. ELLIOTT, ~fa·, June D th, 187"1. Bowmanville. Nov, irh, 1868. ' I j Instruction givcni and lnstrun1ents and ehines guaranteed. Boww.a.nYill6, June 18, 1874. · TYRONE. N . .B.-We have been appointed agents for the celebmtd BANJffR SEWING MAOHIKE; manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Ca~ · ai l see sample machine. HADUATE of tho Royal College of !'by· sicians of England, and l7uiversity of Vic· toria College, Cobourg ; {Tnde1·gra.duate and prizeman of the Universi of To1·onto, and LT niver~ity of llncen'B College, I(ingston. .i\1em· b~r of the College of .Phyr.iciai;1:1 and Surge~ns of.,Ontariu, Suq;t;J-1·y oi.nd llmn<lence, oppo.~1te t he marko"° . IliJwmauvilic, Oct. Citb, lS71 G DR. DAVIDSON,

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