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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 Jul 1874, p. 4

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... THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1874. ···-- ~·====-=-=--==--~=======:===============================;============~~= ··=--= DRUGS AND MEDICINES FARM AND KITCHEN. POETRY. The Wreck. BY SU DI E. ==== ===-00-- - -·- ~First 1·ate G'-ingcrbread. - Two pounds of flour, The t iny sail~, n.U torn and wet, From 11u1.i:;t and penant se ver..:..... LTpo11 th e jn.ggeJ rock Rhe·i(tf.', 1 \. ;ohatb.:i'etl wnick for c"·er ! 1 out 'l'wu pairs of c1lildish eyes 1o~.: I1~rom under gli:-1te11i ng Jashl's, \Vhere just beyond their eager rcaoh. The Lre:~Ktrrt·cl p1aything d::i..she8. one pound of butter crearue<l, one pound of au· b'~~l·, one pint of inoln.sscs, ten eggs, six tablespoonfuls of ground ginger, two teaspoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda. Bake in moldo, in a. 1.nod· era.tely 11eated oven i gingerbread easily burns, TREWIN. S. SPRTNG, H!POI\TEI\ OF at tlie 1874 Bowmanville Drug Store, TO THE PUBI_jIC. 'VALTER WIGG & SON, / 1-'ie. , 13oil the sweet-potatot"s, peel the1n, and slice thin ; put a. layer in a. baking dish (with or without pase). dote it over with nice butter, sprinkle with sugar and a. little fl.,llRpice. Proceed in this way until the diah is The 15weet wir1tl:..; blow, the ,...-o.ters 11ow full; then pour over it milk, water, ot cream, 1 ~oft a.s tt whiAp'Jrl.ld blessing ; · as you chooBc, enough to spak it well. r.rhen 'l'he 8U u.~hin t.: drops through trombling loa\'Ci,l, Loi,ke slo w]y, l~ach d1illlish hcacl caressing. Oh ! little onefl. whost. cheeks tn·niglit M1tst<ffd Plm1ters.-··The 7.tondon J.ll cdfral Rev \Vill iH'e::is <t Lt\ar ntaineJ pi.llo\\i·, 0-1'd says it is atn,tecl lhat in making a nn1stnrd J;[eav~n gn;1.rd your Rail-son broii.der f'.lc£1~ 1 plaster, no water ·whatever should be used, but 'Vhcrc gr..:!at wreck!> ~trcw the billowsi. the mustard mixed with the white of an egg i I the result nill be a. ])laster 'vhid1 ,.,·ill " draw" ] .. or, oh! the skiel'j ~ue black with wrath, I perrect Iy, but w1'II_ not product: a blister even S.lila r.i:irt, mill ha-..vsel'il sever, upon the skin of an info.nt, no matter how long 'Vheu some sweet hope the dear Lord gn ve ·t - all ed t o rerr1a1n · upon th e part . i i 8 , ow Drifl:s out of lifo forever. rl1hc wiull is fiorce, tlw night la black, Pudd.fr1.y I'u,ff. _:_One quart of milk, six e~gR, The a,\ful l;:"eakera thundei·and six: ta.ble-s1Juonful1:1 of flour; break th.e eggs \Ve only g-azc with stony eye~, carefully, putting the yo1ks into th e nour, and \Vl1ere s.:>1netbi ng bright wc:nt under. leaving the whites in?.. separate dil'lh ; pour tht! Oh ! blessed, when the torn soul llrift.-i milk gradually into the flour and yolks, beating 1:!.' hn ... 1.i "' » ~: 1 :n·l wreck and Hla.ughLer, them well; beat the whites until the dish can If sweet fait.h, lik1;:t a · · pi::ace be !.>till. " be inverted, and then acl<l them to the fl our Drop~ u'er the stormy water. an1.1 111ilk j beat all well together, n,nd bake Oli. 'ble~sed , if we feel God'~ lo\'O, quiddy. Potato Pastt.. - AP. a boiled r·astry this is tiome strength aud comfort giving-, \\ salt seas break above the drea.m, much admired by some persons, a.I.ltl used in rl'hat l11atle )ife worth the livi11g. preference to o.ny other. Select as many mealy whito-ftc<.ikcd Irish potatoes as you ' think will frn·nish a quart when peeled and boiled;. while hot, rrmsh uµ perfectly smooth so as not to leave one lump, add /.\. little salt, and a qu::t.rter of a pound of tnelted butter ; then sift in enough 1\. qpirited youth-- ·One dca.d dl'lmk. flour to make it hold together, anrl enable you .ii_._ sensitive ~irl h as broke n off the m1~teh beto roll it out convC'niently. c..:<~ll~C lie sai.d J.1l1c had a foot like a ra.isiu box. 1'o Keep Steelfl"om Rust. - A little rust S't)oils '\\ihe11 yout' fathE4r and mother fDrsak1.1 you, Jolnn1y, do you know who will take y<n1 up?' the pretty steel Ot'naments wl1ich are so u1ud1 worn uow. If the.Y can be k ept, wht::n not in 1 Yes, sir. ThB 11olice.' use, io powdered i:tarch, it will preserve them. " ]'or a yuung woman to 1Jcgiu to pi!_:k lint 'l' hosC' that are attached to tht! bat 1 or other ' is said Lo b e th 1J off ayoung ma1i 's coat colJn.r 1 article of dress, should be carefully rul)bed dry fir st sym pto1u th at thti young man is iu peril when put away, and 'vould be the bettei· for llegiuni11g <)f a j udgc'H chn.rg:e in Iowa the pa..rticlc of oil, if it could be a.dminia. " Gentlemtm v( the jnry, you tnu~ t no,"· qnit tered without injuring the fabric on which the eating pca·nuts t\t.Q.d n,ttend to the" i:;teel is fa.etened. Evei-ybody iiuw-a·days is a " lady " or a ]'un:, Water .-\Ve shoold lot our water pipes " gentleroa.11 ." A St. Louis. paper recently inIm·n1ed it~ readl:.l'B that " two gentlemen and a run a minute before we take water to drink, or uso for cooking in the morning ; and in going lady left for the pP.nitentiary last night. 11 into a new house, -or into one in which ·w ater .1\ 1no.n wrot0 to Agassfr;, the A 1nerican 1:ta· pipes ha\'e just been placed, it is bettei· not · to va11t, tho.the haJ a.n apple that he preaerved use the 'vater for drinking or cooking- for at fo1· fifty-threu y1..:a1·s 1 nnd when Agasi:iii·. wrote least one month. 1'\ nd in returning hon1e aftt:1r 1 for it, t he joker tmlrl it was the a.p,(ile of hil:! eye. so1nc weeks abscnc~. in summer excursions or \.Vhen your pocket-book: gets empty l'ln<l for other reaaon!5, take the sarr1e precautions. everybody lowws it , y,,u cau pn~ all your friQnds in these things we fm<l the reason of in ib and it won't" bulge out 1' '"·orth u. cent. 801ne persous sickening ancl dying soon after 'l'wo St. J,oui::; women Wflre i·efusod places getting 'into new houses. ai:; drivers un the street cnrs ostensibly becai.ue Chocolate Oake.~ 'l'hrce cupfuls of flon r 1 two they couldn't n1 a.nage mules. 'rhis was frivolcupfuls of sugar, one cupful of butter, one CU!,)· ous. 'l'h~y lt:;i.ll Uot.h been married for yea.r s. ful of f!weet milk, a tcO.· Bpoonful of cream of "Ah, J3.di(·s," .<!t~id a.:n old epicure as li e open· tartar, half a t ea.-spoonful of bicarbonate of sod:i... ed a. bottle of wi11ti, "what is m0re delightful Pr1Jµare ingreclient sepaL·a.tely and careful tlw.u th e I·OPl1in,;,:· of a champagne cork?" ly, as is usual in cake-mn.king,nnd add the soda, "'.l'h e poppiu~ oft.he que~tion ! " uno.ni111ousJy 'vith th1: crea1n of tartar last, being perfectly cried tlie ladies. dissolved in tl10 milk. Bake in shn.I.Jow tin A woma11's henrt is the only ti Utl pb1co for a plat.cs. This quantity poured int'1 six plates man·s like11c81;1. J\ 11 instant gi.ves the i mprf's - will make the Gake o( the proper thickness. sion, and an ag:e of :;iorrow aud change cnnnot 'l1wo ounces of chocolate, a. heaping cupfnl of effn~e it. _,)_,. pl1ilosophe r, nanieil .lfli!h Billings, sugar, one cupful of cream,a little vanilla. 'rhe cb6cola.te fa thus prepared : Dissolve it into a 1nhhi, ,; \Vill it v.· [1,i::h? " A stuttcl'in g broker ln New York }'.:ly smooth paste with a little hot water ; then addMkcd another, wlhl lrn,rl n. bo.ld pate, whj his ing the cream anLl sugat·, stew all together to fl, head was lik e h·hash in a. b·b<1l"Ll"fling l1ousc. thick marmalade, which must be spi·eall betwetin If you choose it, grated cocon,-nut ~['ho disgu~tecl friend, nn admitting tLat he the cakes. didn't know, vvas infonntid that 'twas because sprinkled on top of the chocolate is very nice. STAPLE & ~ C"'rpets L"'ce Curt"'i·ne! "'nd. 'H'ouee "l":'lurn1" l!!h1"n~ -'II. rl: ' lill lill ..,, !;II ~TCY ~ FA1 lW _ , __ , DIl'T_ l) S, J GO Q .. ~ ti.I · very libE'ra.l support he has received 8J111.:·~ Ins J. HIGGINBOTHAM \V 0 1¥I:ir. ':'i~i!··~R~~;,;.~~; i:fe~i.1~,~"~~;: 1 , tomers, and to the public geue;ally, .for t~t! commencing in business; and hopes by con· tinued strict personal attention to b?sine8', and offerin<T nothina but the purest a.rtt1des, n.t the most r~asonabl~ prices, to ensure a continuance of public pn.tronage. J. Jf. would call !ipf,cial attention to h~~ yery snpcriorstockof . I Rt·() E JK ret11111illg tlianks ~o ~heir n~merous .r,·ustomers and th") public g-1mcral1y, for past favon~, would respectfully invite their a.ttention to our present stock o( furniture, ar; we ha\'t'.: lat ely a~ded _thereto, that we m~y thereby be enabled to supply all parties who nui.y please to favol" him w~th a. ~alL Great wc.lucements held out to those purchasing at our establish1nent. P ie· t~res, Lookin~ Glassci,i, etc .. sramecl to order, and in every sty]e. Samples uf tho diffcre11t kin~ of 1\foulamgs can be seed a.t the "·are·roo1n. '\Ve would also beg to inforin you that having purchased a. ' ' SPLENDLD NEW HEARSE, we M.ANUFAC'.l.UHER OE Fashionable Millinery Mantles,and Gents' r>YE STUFJTS ~hall be re~dy at a 1 times, to attend fnueral11, on short notice. ancl reasoua.ble terms. !\. B.-Coffins kept on ha.n<l, and n1ade to order, at the /C -L 0 T - ·fl I N G· JI · . NEW D01 lfINION RETAIL FURN11'URE WARE-ROO./Jl. 01>l1a·wa, Aug. 26th, 1870. which are snrc to ghe tl·e best s.ti·foe\ion . .,_ A well 8elected l-jtock of King Street East, Oshawa. .Boots antl Shoes, Ready 1Jfa<lc Ulothing HS.ts,, Shi~ts,, Ties, &c. - - - : o : -- Occupying my New Premises, LAW) E, l<~LEGAJ\T and CoNVEJ\!ENT; Show SHOULDEH-BRACES, Rooms replete with SUPPORTERS, me, Etr,. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT M:EDICINES, BRUSHES, CQ];JBS, BARRER TDOHAS BATTING of begs to inform his ctrntonrnrs and the ipublic generally, that he ha.s now receive\] his Sprinq and Summe1" Millinery, Mantles, S!zawls, Trimmings, etc. OILS, PAINT, LATEST NOVELTIES DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. ~ Special attention given to getting up orders for · Family Monming. A La1·ge Stock of Black Lusti-e Goods at all times. NEW SP:RING STOCit. DRY GOOD8 , FOR THE kept c.on stantly on hand. COLORS, VARNISHES, rin'tl WHITE -LEAD, at ~e very lowest pricei:i. which OIL inspection will be found Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. --Country store-keRpQrs supplitid on the most advantageous terrns. A. choice selectinn of LAl\iPS Jor ~al e chCa.p. :Bowml:\.nville, D ec. fl. 1868. 6m, Cru1nbs for Chickens. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE CLEHGY. S. TREWIN ' Ooih:tw:t,West, King St. April 9th. l874. BEST Organs A t t r a c t i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-All goods marked at the lowest CASH PR I CE, from which no abatement will be 1wide. - - o-April 15, 1874. NEW GOODS. My New Goods hnve l\lanohester, Bo'W".DJ.:tn.ville. NEARLY ALL C()j\llE TO HA.ND and the assortment will lJe found [Tim .l3ra.~y a.nd lvI~ke FlynnJ J.S72 ~p32. " Good mormng, M1K'e, shure and it is e!trly out ye are. 1-ligh 1 b_e bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-" J1st be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I was tou~~! yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home an ilhgant new stock av Goods, ch!tpe as durt, mitn, and it~ mcself could lmrdly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the chape.~oods. And sure enuff, its the- full store he ba,~-piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints; Tity for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke ; wouldn't the man be afther breaking down." MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two at that. I'll jist tell you what it is, 'l'im, if ye want to get a grate name when yonre <led, and be called a filautrofized, filosifer and a pub!ic binifacthor, jist tell ttll youre nabours, and the ri;t of mankmd, about Gray's chape store, :Lnd you'll do more for the good av your counthry, than iver St. P01trick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads aud snakes out av it that ~fil~~il" . . , TIM.- "I'm much oblagcd to ye, for the bit av advice, mid won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a gi:ate run, and maybce I'd mi% some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-l'm off tG Gray's. Oct. CHIT GHAT. Oct \7 EltY COMPLETE AND PRICES MODERATE 'l'lie Public. :i,re Rnlicited to call 1tml see fol' themselves. Dr. J. Walker's Califo1'Ilia- Vin· egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable Hrunpton. flept. 18th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- COME and SEE · preparation, made chiefly from tbe native herbs found on t.he lower ranges o! tl:e Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor· Ilia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho u8e of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of tha unparalleled success of"VINEGAR Br£TERS !" Our answer is, that they removo the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. The.v are the gre~.t blood purifier and a life-gi viug principle, ~ perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the ~istory of the world has a medicine been Organs ON THE CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. ----o--- th·tl1ere'a a h·hair h-h ·h ere a.nd tl1-there. .An engineer 0:1 tiJ c \Vestcrn North Ct\.n)lina Raill'oad r:ih oule I to a crowcl of rustics who bad gathered i.o see the first tr:.iin of cal·a come in : " I'ut down :-,.·ou1· 11mbreU rts ! You'll scare tlie eug-ine off tbe tr11.ek ! " The umbrd ln.s were lowert>d at once. Fntber r.raylor, while lecturing on tcn1pe ru.1u.:e, was hi, <:;i:iP.d by on e of ld s heBrel'~, ~~ noto· l'ious dru nka.rd. Taylor stopped, pointed t o the off1:nder and i-;aid, "There's a red nose got int.o cold water, don't you he~~r jt hfa~?" ').'he young JYHtrried man who found himsdf ~~t tlrn theatre, the other evening , with ft)et en· ct\ sccl in steel-colored boots, fro1u a liber;Ll application of sto\'C blacking iu t.hc dark, wants to know "how long the house clea.ninG: business i s going t1J last, any way." ConYersa.tion bctweeu an inqniri1 1 g :;tt'augcr and a. ate111nhoa.t pilot : " 'L'hn.t is DhLck .1.\:ioun· tain?" ·:Yea, air ; hi ghest tnountain abo\'e Lake Geu1·ge," ·· J.tny :; tory or icgeud cnnn ected with that mouu tain?" "J_.ot'i of 'cin. 1'wo lo vel's went up tliat mou nt a in l llH: e :i nd nuve1· carr,e bar.:k" " lnd ceLl ! ' Vhy, wha.t bec11,n1c of th<;>1n? " "\\Tt:lit down on the other i:iii 1,..," n1·~Alt OJ.,V SO UL.- -· X 11w ' tl1eu, nmd;uH, ple:ise bok ::1t thi s phwe 0n the walJ,' said the phutogr::ipher to i;ood old 1\.unL li:Ji/,a.beth , when he h:.i.d pnt heT 'in p.i·i !. iun n.ud the r>lat.Ei in the emnera. ' The 1len.r o.l<l l::i.dy louked hard at the lle sig-na.ted fln·-it frum her seat 1 then got up o.ud w:dk<!1 l across th!:' lluor and minutely in"pected it. then t.nrui11g to th<' photographer gently rcrn;.rl;ed, 'I don't see anything there.' - ']'Jl~! ()ther day ~Hl aged couple drove in to Ind ii'l. t~a Cit.y, Ind., j ust as an undertaking firin wm.1 moving into a.n old church, which ha<l been p1 trchased for o, sh0p. 'l'ht.J ol<l gentleman sto<1J up in bis wag-on, his mouth and eyes distended, as the men .1:1 ilently carried coffin after coffin into the chul'ch. At last he tul'ned to his a.we-!ltr:ckcn half and gasped: "Snl'y, by golly, it's cholera! Let's git!" F'u1· Smokers.-1vien will smoke a.nd wo1nen will pretend tlwt i.L does uot trouble them. They will c1nbroirler elegant B moking Gitpa, will provide ciga.r·ho!t.forf!, floUll ash i:eccivcr s of the danticst pa.ttern. nnd will he rea.cly to take oath that then~ ii:i no breath ao sweet as the breAth of t-hi:frr e~pecinl beloved smoker. '11hey de· lighted with the advantage this ha.bit gives tli...:Ul in enlarging the list of posi.ible ohristmaH gi ftfl. If doetin't smoke, what cm1 you give biru afte1· he has a peuknife a nd a pair of slippers? I suggest, that besides the match Sttfo, the Mb-receiver, the cigar-holder, and tlie spitoon for let us be genteel, in 'VOrd if not in action, tlie "cnspidur "J, there should be a delicate drin! cup and a handsome cut-glass bottle labelled, " Srnoker's Mouth Wash," which can be filled with the following proparation : chloride of lime, out'.: half oi.mce, water, two ounces. These t~re to be well shake1i together fo1· ha.lf:.1.n hour, then filtered. To the product is to be added : spirits of 'vine, two muiues-, orang. For rn~e, a.Lld a. tea· flower 'vatoi-, one ounce, spoonful to hn.lf a tumbler of water, or less, and rinse the lunuth. --Christian l'Veekly. HILL'S compounded possessing the rent~rkable gualities of V1~E0An BITTERS iu hen.hug the sick of c~cry disease mun is lrnir to. '£hey · are a gentle l'nrgativo a:> well a.s a 'fouic, i·clieviug Congestion or Influ.m1natio11 of the Liver n-n 1 Vi sceral Organs, in )Hlious Diseases. VINEGAR llIT'l'ERS arc .Apcriont, Diu.phorotic, Carmin<.itive, NntritiOUi3, L0ix tit.ivo, Diuretic, 1,i y f~. 1-1,111J NEW 'L'he llroperties or Dn. waLJrnJt's .li.11ti-Bilio·H;. J. GRAY, Tyrone, Noted for cheap Go_ o ds. l Fall&Winter DryGoods ---:0:--- Se<lu tive, Counter-Irritant, Oudoriti.c, .A.Jtera.· It. II. ItlcDONALD &;: CO ·· Drng?;il'lt8 a.ntl Gen. Agt.s. , Sm1 Fr:i1ichmo, C!1li fi1r r1i :i. ~tl cm·. orWushington nntl Chl).rlton 8ti.: .. N. r. Sol<l by all !Yl.'l1ggh;t.s o u.d Ot·alt;i·,.;, A LARGE LOT OF FALL STOCK. Dress Goods Newest Style. of the I LADIES' and G·EN'I'S' F't'J'ItS I VER.Y Bowmanvillc. Nov. 1st, 1sn. l , CJ-IEAP. CARRIAGE S HQ p Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons 7 (west of the Ontario Bank.) To .Swcttsfur Childre.n. - There has recently been a. revived attack on the adulteration of food. Tn 1\-c·w York the Confect.ioners have been es· I i:i.m about gl!tting a pcda.lly selected for condcmn.ation. It is difficult to say what is safely pure in these degenera.te days, but one thing we have been taught by which I cau from our infa.n0y was not safei candy. And it h.:~s IJueu growing leea eafe all the time. '.l'he sugllir is adulterated, the fia\'Ol'S :we a<lulteratcd, and "vith less pain to thlj patient than ltert.Jtoforc, and tha~ I have procured a fl.nd the coloring is poisonous in th e first place, UftJ adulterated bcsideA. Yet the children run ior gen erati ng Nitrou8 Ox!de Go.s, ~which I can now out with their pennies to the neare8t !itoL·e and EXTRACT TEETI-I WI'J'HOUT PAIN. bu]> LhAt:heapeflt ~md poorest cand)r. Chil<lfen ARTIFICIAL 'l:EETH B.t::ST UPPER SETS, $20:00 'v~nt swcct 'tbirig;; and ought to get the1n. But GOOD do. $16:00 CASH. YOUHS RllSPECTFULLY, · don't buy fol' them low·pTicixl conie~tions. Go " 'here you can have confidence, if you know of any such place, and select those which are least likely to be in jnrivui:i. And get, too, what the childi·cn will like µearly if not quite as 'vell, B \Vtnanville, October 873. H<.)ffie Jumps of engar. Too much of a.nything is injurious, and so of counie is too rnuch ~ugar, A firm de:-i.liug largely in.coal in one of on" :,1 11, :~ ruoderate 11uantity ie wholesome, and is V\1 estern cities haJ in their Irishman · 1·eally required in many cases, 1lfl!: Subscriber respectfully requests aU par11a.1ned .Barney. One day the head of the firm, I ties indcbte<l to him for Lumber, to settle irrita.tud beyond endurance at one of Banl'-1y'~ : thei1· accounts without further delay. And he blnndors, told him to vo to the office and get, ' hereby informs bulldera, and others in want of The Rum Fiend. his pay, anJ. a<lded : "You [ so thick-headed lumber, that he is i:repared to supply thern a.t cash rates for Henceforth he intends to I can't teach you anything.' 'Ilegorra,' says Oh, fat.her in heaven ! Why hast thou do a. business. . Bo.rucy, 'I larned wan thi11g since I've been perndttcd the rurn fiend to curse our Ju_nd 1 THOS. SMITH, wid ye!' '\\7 hat's tha.t?, ask~d the employer. Wl1y hast. thou pc.rmitte<l lum to dcslr.oy so. Lot ] 9, Ji Con. Darlington.~ 1873. "l'Dat sivlntce11 hundred mukc a ton.' m8t£. 1nany uft hc hun1an family 1 \'-Thy hast A youtl1 we 'vill call George was eng-aged tu thou permitted hi1n to n1akc desolate and be 1narried, but was tina.ncio~Hy unable to c::i.11 in the )..finister. His affianced wanted the nf· lay waste so n1any hon1ea ; to quench a AND AKD fair brouglit tu Jin ale, but George k ept putting 1nother's love; to turn a father into n ch:lier off with vro1nise~ 1 fHt.ying be was not able in on ; a. child into a inurd erer 1 The rUTJJ to marry, &o. 11'inally :Jhc said; "DeP.h fieuil stalks forth Ly Jay and night, uu<l Gauge, I au1 willing to 1na.rry you, if we h:.ive along bis slimy trail t.housands of hu1n1n JVHOLESALE and RETA.JL to live on bread and 'vC1.ter. 11 ' ' '\-\'ell, well," skeletons lie Lleaching. See the wot her criell Goorge, iu desperation, "you furnish the J~l!t a:nived, and for Sale, at the uhove depot, with a child on his arius ! TLe love for hrea<l 1 and I'll try and skirmh:;h around 'ind New Ji'o·uit and Confectionm·ys, }itrnt up enough water. i1 that cbil<l bean1s in brightnes:i on lier fa ce. - -:u:- CJ\'ll, RrGH'1' 8 . ..:... " Kurritlgu ·i i:s way - 25 She h 1.tgs it closely 1.o her bosom lest hann 'fbe Subscriber has un }1uml a cents to a.ny part of th e city." cotnes upon it. A.nd its face is like [lD on~ This was the t benie of a stable backrnan at a gel's, so pure, so caln1, so beautiful. 011 1 DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ··cent public gath ering. . ieu me, can you, will the rum fiend by OJ:t11-N GES TO ARR. VE "Only~G·;e11t::ito~~1iypartobdecity . Habl holduponthatlitLle oue in after ycars 'I I a ku_rridge, sah? )) And thus he ;~cc()sted every ' \.Vill tlie soul be deetroycd and niado an 1 suited for Sabbath School T.i.L1·ttl'ils, S.'.tbbath Soft Shell A lmonds,Fiiberls, Brazil an<l Wall ];,'uts, l(eiller1s JJiarrnalade, T-Vest India I I. r i f d ·1 ? ~v·n th t l'f h Prese11ts, nnd the Study. passing gentletrl<l 11, 1 1 Presently a. 've11-drei3sed, gentletrmuly a p · aJH 1 ~8' P.uce or evJ ~ · a I e e )lrr.served Ginger, Pears, Plums, '1'01natoes, cf: 1,)eaches, Green J>eas, pea.ring colored uian c.amJ np 1 when, nll of a 01~e ol 1utsc ry, dt::&olat1on and loath sotne · ILLUMINATED CARDS Green Gorn <i: Linia B eans . ij udde11 tbe haclnnan censed to c:\.ll out th e ness 1 V'i'ill lhose lips blasplleu1ethc nam e "quarten1," and turned so ug uut to look the of God, an C l these hand8 raise the aRsassiu's TICKETS Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines goutlewan in the fac~. . · knife 1 l-Icaven forbid! and y~t while riun SMALL BOOKS &c, Tomato Sauce and Pickles "I would Jiko o. 1.;a.rria.~c,n r>aid the f!<.Jntlw i~ nbroud none are sufe, no, not one. lt for SclwohL They have come and ::i.te conll11g 1 <1it the l!'ru1t mnu. So response. makes one's IJ1ood grow cold to know that - -o - Depot. " I would like ~> l'ide Lo the Boody House,·, thi.:i g1eat enen1y of 1na n-tbc ene1ny e1n · stepping nearer and e;peak ing loudtir. Om· lluoksaro marked low. A R~eclal discount SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS powered L)' th e arch fiet1J hiLnself to d evns' 'Sah?" for Minister,, Teachers, anJ (JUA lITY i.1 the test of CJIEAPNESS. tute this fair e.'1rth-i.s doil'lg his work so 1o Is thifl a. back~ " S·bbath Sc110ols. '!'. DARLING TON. \vell; cuttlug duwu rn e n, and w01nen, u11ll " ~o, sah; it's a p1·Ln1 tl! ku1Tidgu. ii Bowtuan vill~, Dec. 4th. 1873. n9-tf "J)on't you oarry rrussengen1?" children by the hundreds aud thousands. The la1·grn;t stock uf "Sometimes I does> ~ab, a 11(l aometi.J.nes I The question co1ncs up here: iVbat are 'lon't, sah ;·" turning away <tgain. we going to do with it 1 "Till we be con"llow nrnch to ill'ivc 1111::: to the Boody?" tent with laboring in "our lodge rooms week " Three d011ar.s, .'lah ! " &Yer sho\vn 1n this r1ect1on of the country ; ::\.lso Pedlarf! are selling SpectacleH and Eye (}lassBut the gentlenrnn got iu, nn<l Hee1ned t·1 <lis- after week, and slumbering unconcernedly es purporting to be o . four make, and to bea.r npon this great volcano of death and des-. ylay his face a.t the window as much as uoasible · CO"CO'l'!eS ·JI' 1 our names stamped thereon, we hereby caution .lr.Y.I. Iii J: ' tlw public aaaiust all such imposhirs, as il1essrs t:W they drove along the streets. But i1nugine truct.ion, until at la st it Lursts forth in a Ycllowleefl &: Quick arc our Agents in West the dt'i \'Cr's disgusted look when the gentlema.JJ torrent that will destroy aud du.inn tnillions \J Durha.m ; and a Rewal'd of $25. iBhereby offer· hlJlped hi mself ont and ho.ndcd u. quarter for h is e ed for the apprehension and conviction of all of souls 1 I t rrlust be d1ivcn Jron1 off the fare, and, with u. l:!n1ilu, pa.ased into the hotel. such itnpostera as try tQ defraud the public by earth, back to its dark abo<les, even to hell · ' · offering t heir h·nsh as our 1nake. Ile \Vas nu otLer than l'rof. La1·conH\ of LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. \Va.~liingto11, whose life lw.s Leen spent ill teach- it6elf, where with Udvils it \Vili fiurl its .\fontroal, Nov, 8th, 1871. n7-tf corn panion shi p. ing ant.1 in effoi·tl:! to elevate hii:1 i·ace. the Inha.bita.nts of l3ow ma.nville. ENGIN King Street, Howmam·iJle. GREY COrfTONS of the best make, including the celebrated I · r ... "' ' :E' .A. L I. OPENING STORM ONT. DENTAL BURRING T HE. subscriber is pair prepa~eJ to build and i·e· lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. E xtra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf tho usual time Ne"ftl' And J::m.proved.··s Wagons, B'liggies, and Outle1·s, of every description, at 8110rt notice, a.11clo reasonable termB. Au t .um n Fash ·i o·n s ! ---oo--- PRIN~rs of unoqual1ed Carriages Painted and Trimm rd. Licentiate of the Royal College of Bental Surgeons, Ont LUMBER. J. K. :Brimaoombe, '1 STYLE a.nd QU AX.ITT STORMONT l\Iagni:ficent displaYi . ot: N e'v and .Rich Goocls.' . M. URDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense ~Luck of N ~w F~ll Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as .,,,t 1· in! but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. on tl1 preinises, were special attention s given A Bl~cksmith's to all Shop c~nfage work, and Gener:;! Jobbing. COTTON BAGS, THE lll · BEST :Bible Christian .All worlc d01ie at this EstabUishment war!'anJ d. A call is 1·cr,peclfu1ly solicited. · T. MORRIS. the World. ---o-- B08K R80M School KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. SpeeU.l Line of C01'TONS al COWLE'S. GOODS D. RESS ·· . FRU . I T, Bowma.nville, Oct. l st, 186~. De:pot Confectionery Depot. READY-:MADE The Satisfaction given by BA·RNUM Good and is eclivsed by the satisfaction given by S.11AliE to his numerona patrons. He is now pleased to announce that he has on hand a ]nrge a.nd varlOO. a.ssortJ:rcnt of CLOTHING Cheap. Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tm:tau Wool Poplbs, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other ue w Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustre,, Black Ct) bourg, ;Black Paramattas, Black Crape Uloths, Black Motz Cords. Lare:e stock of .Books, t' Choice :C.emon, Orange · · a.nd Citron :Peels, Clothing to Order MILLINERY BOOTS AND SHOES All Frices, All Sizes. All Xinds. of the best quality, autl is anximm that they ahall set to·v,·ork as soon a.s pos~ibl..... It is a well-known Fact tliat Cowle ltas the best Tweeds The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive in the conntr,11. and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets evel'y taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. 'fhe Fhrwers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the hcrgest assortment to be fou nr'. Nothing cheaper than the I Oct Cottons Gowle's. I Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " l3almorals, extra high $1.25cut N to Beat it. Rubber Goods, I I · BLANKETS IN In Black a11d White real Laces and Lace Collars, we han a l:trge assortment, at prices to suit a,Jl. l Large Variety GENT'S BOOTS. Our Stuck or'Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, .Pete:1sI1ams M.eltons, etc., will be found unus1~ally large. Stereoscopic Vie-,,vs I Tha~,~~,:,. I 10~~~!c~h~:·rtain Felt ' Goods, Trunks, &c. CUTTING AND FITTING ' and none but first-eJasa woi-kmen ·mployed, ihusinsuring good vniue in eYery Cal3e. s1~onE.-One doOl' east of Oot11ish 1s Je"'"'·elry ijtore, King Strt:et, Bown1&nYille. W inceys--a. Dea.d Job. 1'1. B.···Specia J inducement given to . - - .. Special attention glven to Bowmanville,May 7tb, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. , l'!.l asses, Bead1n0" etc etc C. BARKE R, CASH Purchasers. I Bowmauville, Sept. 23rd, 1873~ J. SMALE. Y. Cowle! ·

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