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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Jul 1874, p. 1

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· THE lvIERCEl:ANT Ou c tlat~s largely 111 the To\\ nslnps of Da.rb1 g ton Clarke and Cart vn0 ht It is a co1ntnon 1 latform open to the free dIBc 1ss1on of all ques ions 1n \ hich the general p 1bl c concerned TEa.~rs WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Job l'rinting Office KING STREET, BOWMANHLLE Seventy five cents per annum 1n ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 R \.TES 01~ ADV l!il\TISINQ AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. 10LUME Y BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY JULY 31 l8i4 N"UMBER XLIII Une culumu H::i.lf do Q 1a1te1 d 35 per ru1nun1 l l JO ' POSTERS PA)fPHLE1S CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &~ I rans ent al\ erbl!emeuts 5 ts par hne first 1n sett on and 2c per line, ei ch subat1qu1:1nt one EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE I- F heart de gene1al public den de ruamag· happens A Day m the Moon 'Yet mother she h·s sent o\er daily Here an old brother rem axkeel n at , A lunar day c.omprises a pe1ioc.1 of h~en to enquire :for 1ne so and the iemn.rk seemed to encourage Just as Old ty eight days like onrs We ar e h m1lrnr Yes, but it was at my suggest10n, until the speaker Gentlemen s & Boys Garments I bad told you the story I sa'v my love in dreams lnat n ght ' Wbv does the man lub de oman 1 ()uze \\Ith tho eubhme spectacle ot th!!! s 1n11se 1£ \DK lN THE Pass up the sleeping moonl t lands the doctor beckons them out of the room 'Doctor .L an1 so fnr as' au can tel l, 1n l'IEWES1 STYLES she pootv Why doe· de oman lub de upon the earth that wondro is tfunsforina Mutual Life Assurance Society GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! The love beams m her dear ej cs bright In 1 q u111 ter ot an bout ho will a\\ ake, my right mmd am I not 1 Bo,vn a1nille July 27 1869 man 1 Caze he strong Why does de man hon with wh ch the night d1ssol ves rnto the A rose bud m her rose leaf hands ES1 ABLISHED 1840 he savs You, lllrs Gilman and Ruth ' Certa1nlJ you rue an de omau bate lub one anuder l Caze glories of the day wh en the "alch stars Trains w1ll lca\e Bowman,1lle Stat1ou, And around 1ne as I nearer steppe t ALLAH LINE STEAMSHIPS. close their holy eyes as the timid blush ol will stood near me and be ready to catch ' Has the lever all gone 1 de Scripters has peopheSled Imm de foun C \.J."'iADA CHIEF OFFICES I felt her soft n.l'me stea-1 autl fold l~o'\\ mall\ ille tnuc o.s follo\vs tJ e first 'J.'l e~t1on be asks and answer it 'Of course it baa \\That are Jon drn:1ng dahon But dey don t al ways marry right 1norn1ng k1udles the eastern bonzon \Vhen \Vlnle close ag c tib m) hea1t. t51 e crept Liverpool London and Glasyo'U 131, sr J ~MES STREET, MONTREAL GOING WEST GOINO EAS'I Miss Dallas you Will sta.nd at the door und at 1 J lst ~of ol I along hke 'ou trnk <lei orter De gals is the tide ot light flows rn to fill ti c celestial OJt l1ckets or Utf(..rtnat1on.J. apr;ly to r ocaJ.'* 7 20 a..m IE xpress s 30 am WA NJ<ADS Agc<t DIRECTORS come 1[ I speak to ) ou and act as I have 'Just this, ~a1d he, 'v1th Je'tpair111g lnt m1glt) sly Dey am lik1 de terrapm De canopy and \Vhen as a climax to the clang Expreas 8 5v a.1n Mixe l 3 50 P m Ihc grey dawn biokc my love\ as gone Mixe I 3 20 pm Local 7 20 P m Ilow1nanvdle Jun1.1 9th 1871 tf 30 It we are prompt and terness I wish to heaven Jou had Jet me n igger go long troo de swamp, an he say ing acene, the glonous sun bursts op en the told 'ou before "{ALIER S [\Nii Esq MP Ch t.un aan 'I he golden dream was past and lead Expresa 8 50 p in 1 Exp ess 8 50 p m DU1'lC \.N !YI \.ODONALD EsQ die Gou will it, we will sa1 e his hie to b1sself dat he feel nughty hungry gates of the morn ug an l prrcla1ms bun I gat me to the chtnchJ a.rd lone R R LOSCOMBE, *This train runs J, tll"Y morn1n,.. of \vcek !\f.AJOR 1 E CAMPBELL, a 13 St H1lall'e I here by the ma den s men1orj l J. The mother and sISters step softly back ' My bo) yo 1 nre too } 01rng to talk like l3uneby he sees tarrav non de log in do aun eel! the lord of tl e lay How learlully i\!ontlaYH cxcepte<l THK HoN011 \ t E Joi N H unLTO!'; Ha" kg BA1(RJS11 R AT LAW, J f w1d a head stone g1ey wJth ye us & burg Ont to the bedside and the doctor readmg the th13 'l here is more m hfo than Just lo\ mg wid ht· eyes shet Den de nigger mouth differer t 1s the v1s10 11 of u su nrn~ "' upon tho s ~LICITO!i.!!!_ CTlANO/<. RY 'The following trains no'" atop at Suxouy ' HllSIDE~ I SEGRE 1 \.l{Y ~TAMES Gn.H<I I bowed me to the inorn mu;t wld No geotle tr1r. s1llon f1on1 <lad You have ) our moth er begin ter water, an he banker nrter dat 1noon tremor in J(nte s e'\es \\!nte to speak 'v1tb and beu g loved for passengers I wept aud kucw sl 1.J ~'l ~ Jll.Y tea1 s 0I:1"ICi -0\iel 1\-IcCluu.., B St0re O!) flat ness to light no 1mpercept1ble meltrng of S P E C I AL FE A T U R E S. vour s1ste1 .} ou care notb1ng for tarrapm nnd her 7 52a lU a8 J lvI Bnm~con1b s D ental Roo1ns Local go1n 0 west Jue at ,J t a. of ol I night into day li rorn an horizon dark us lhc E~ur R P l FI'!'~ belong to anil are d1v1d Bo,vmanville Oct 2tth 1868 ly You '1 ll not ha\ e to S9.,) a \Void, Mu;s J ourselJ 'Cooter, be say, I lub 'ou 3 47p m Mixed gorng east due at But ever wlule I 1 H: alu1 e cd an1011gst the Poltc 1Mlder3 n1.oouless m1dn1ght the sun slo,vly ascends 347pru Well let 1t go A· I am al11 e, I must .Mixed going west due at Tarrap1n no say nutt1u Dalla. I "ill phy the tpanmcal docloi fh18 coinfo1 t comes and soothes my G..1J'e 7 22 p Ill I...1ocal going east, lue at Ln; E.5 DECIJINF.J) llY OTHER COMP \NIES or Oll to perfccL1on and save you as well as quiet ilct as if hfe """ !ear to me When can I Nigger··), Cooter ) o 1 look 011ght) - a lund ball of bright1eos rnfimtely lllOic '\ e two may wect whc l all 1.s dune ,dticl an @txa P'l'cmiun, would be rtqu red CMl .Montrcul time .1nzr.hug than it can appear to an earthly dnve out I fat auy appiehens1on~ tl at co1ne to his 1n1nd A little Rhy1no came JU~t in tune, ~ ar off ln heaven where all is fan be assured at tl e ordinary rates of thus Society And all about the Lest of Dune tye anl g1ldrng tl e sum nuts of the lofty 'To 1norro\.\ II JOU choo e Where do God bless you Tar1ap1H open he eye And by the light above beJ ond I ime from the "\iVest of-tl e '\Cry best under a specia.l arrange1nent n1ounta1ns an l cau.:.10 0 these to start forth JOU \\ant to go i It was no con1mon case with Dr Bro'\\ n Nigger slide up little closer an sa,, each others face behol l ChMtened .N ·t beat in auy qua1 tcr SPECIAL NON }OFEITABLE l'OLlCIES lf:l~ued ] uni.: that will always stand the te!!t like !Slands of hght 11 a sea of darkness Stainless more pure but tr 1e and fond ' 'Io see Kale Dallas tb1;; attend ince on Harry G1hnnn When Cooter, Jou make good aoup, an den be under wluch fluly 10 lo or 20 AtinuaJ Pay When inn.king into mortar Just \S of old while then bases anJ. suno u1d1ng vallevs Not to worr) her, HarrJ I roach out he ban fer ter fetch him rn BuL l e came to Melle11lle, a poor unknown ments are required each payment securing & I will try and keep a good 1:n pplJ For it HI always wru ted 'No, to thank her and then \\llhd1a'" de tarrapin he shde \v1th de \\a.te1 an de tre ehrouded 111 1u1penetral le gloo1n gru lnnte aeekiug to eBtabhsh b11n:ielf and Polle) for a sum a.ssl.tred proportionate to the 'l l at 'vhen you all cotne in to I 1y Slowly the silver) tlood ul li.,ht I ourn number of pre101ume paid and/ ecfio·rn futur mgger be stay hungry earn Ins daily bread it \Ill.'! Harr) Gilman s fro1n her presence forever "You 11 not bed aappo1nted nayment of prC?ntun:.s 'Clln I help you i Yo t '\ill aJway8 find it dry and freish father who had been the ltrst to say a De cooter s hke de gals De, let clc down the no 1nt..'l.11i flanks and the shado\\ s And th&t is somcthu1g bonnie :rvloDF.llATE PUEMTUMS an 1 JYIORt liberal con No, except to v1a1t he1 without an bo) s git mighty close an den dey git a\\a) still of pitchy blnckncos slo\\ ly shorten as frie1 dlj \\ord to luru, tlH.) one "ho had So cmne a.long u.nJ. try tlurs Lnne AI)< WITH F Y \JOWLY. bogs to m A STORY OF A KISS d1t ons nounc1ng tbut 1 arn cJn11n 0 But don t forget the u1oney taken hun to his own fireside and 1uade him llut here mJ frens is a man an n ornan the sun, after th G lapse of one hundred and fo11n the public ge 11:lrally that he hns coin mcnced business 1n the Shop next to the E}{ lfo ua of delne"'/ froin Nu1e am to 1ou11 rr1 Pros\)e~tu s es Pr posa.l Fo !UH &c supplied It shall be as you WJSh feel he wa~ 1n t1 e house of a lr1end, Lhe one what say dcy am tired ob toohn roun an seventy hours attan:is its u1e11d1an height press Office oue door cnst of T ]i.'.[1lne s on n.1JP cat on at the Head Office or a.ny of (Jorner of (1neen and Ontru10 Sheet You '"1sh to rsee rue doctor 1 The next day Harr.} WU1:> <lu \en to the dev has come up here dts even1n fer ter be If we look aloft to tl e lunar be~\ eI1s \Ve "ho had honored lnUL with hia Jnendalup Ha.v1u.., had several ye t.ra experience in the the Agencies 'IROS BOWDEN I do, !tftes Dallas, and upon a very sen lracle he J opes to sati~fy all \ ho may fa.vor in alt succeed 1ng ) cars Dov tor Brown ~as home of Kate D·llas, and as he sat rn the umted lD de holy banns ob wedlock Dey behold the stars thot ghat noon do) with J Al\fli S GRANT no24 tf Bo,vman' ille !\'!arch 11th J 871 ous matter Pardon me 1f I appear to be b.nn 'v1th a call Res Secreta.ry a o·cady lustre unsl ll1ed even \VJ th the ef no\V \\ ith skill and care> repaying to the son parlor a watL1ng her appearance, his thin ·m not a.shamed ob dcyselves meddlmg with your secrets I do it only to feet of tw1nkhug or sc1nt1llat1011 i t these \vlnte Ji pa seemed tu lnove us if he \Ya3 re the debt l e O\\ ed the lather and he could GOOD FITS GUARATEED \GJ NT t (,R BOWMANVIJ LE save a fellow creature a life pheno1neoa ure due to the \af.}Jng current~ An Awful Death Struggle Bown uuville Sci 41}J 18 2 rn4[) tf C BARKER not ha\ e done more tor lus o\.\n chtld As hea1smg his part 1 Obsen er Office The voung womans face !lushed dunog Kmg St of an ntmcspherc - Ex 'I um glaa to sec) ou ont again lfu.rry, he looked mto the face of Kate Dallas he ::Ply A RHINOCEROS ANO AN ELEPIIA::ST IN Mon. the remarks, but paled when he spoke so she said as she can1e towards him, but ille June 24th 1870 could not but feel it""" a fearful exper1 TAL CoMBJ.r-ANIMALS CAGES, ~IF.~ New Use for a Parrot gravely He cont1nned AND HORSES KNOCKED 0\ERBOARD ment be "as about to make tn t"o hvea though her '01ce "as <prightly her lace ' Three 11 eeka ago I 11 as called to the bed DECOYI!:\G IHE FOill!:Sr BIRDS \YI 18.IN IUE {1'01 the Tuwnslup ot Da1 lington ·Imperial Fire Insurance Co side of Harry Gilman, and found l 1m pros but be brushed the thought as10e, and re w·s fully as pale as h1a RANCE OF Hl;:i ~IASTF.U S Rlf!E From the Iudiana.pohs Herald 'Thanlt. you, Kate this is my first 1..:all J tl rnetl to b1a patient Another car load of thl'l abo o 1 oblf' articles 01 OF IONDON hated with a brarn fever I saw at the out Lust week, as the mammoth lleet of steam (F,i'o i U e L ttle Ro A: Uazettc ) H T PHILLIPS, There weie the proruomtary S) mptoms but D1 Bro~ n consented to rn.} ride to the vay HAMPTON 11et that the disease was a deepe1ntc one, but e1s employed to tranaport Old John Robm The O\\ ner ind trainer of th s pu.1 rot i 1 a on the pa1t ol the S!Ck man and the hearts day (Estoblisbed 1803 Please coll at tht..J \?roll Lt attention gn en to sales &c on reMon hoped that ak1ll and care might bung !J m son a great worlds exposition npproached bcatn1an v. ho forn1 erly pl cd between L t Her eJ es tne<l to iead m hLS face 11 the II.AD OnICES - 1 Old Bi oad St and of the "otncu niound hnn seen1ed aln1ost able tei:11H! B 0 \V JVIAN VI L L E through From that day to lhlS I have the landmg at Wyandotte, situated on the tle Rock and New Orleans b 1t \vbo HOJUe Farm Implement Forwarding Agency Pall Mall London. 1 ur!:lt1ng v1tl.i!nse and aux1etv At doctot bad told tl e story, but she said GE?l.EIIA.L '.\. GJl:\Cl }(l C.ANAI A 24 St been aln1ost constant in lll,) attendauce up 1 h,ope you 11111 soon be ont of the bank of the Olno river 1n Western '1rg1n 3earo St')ce ga\c up the business ot boa.ting last the C\ cs opened the ' ild lool 1n them TI W Jll.i\IES cr3meut Montreal on h1n1 have battletl w1th the heeasc inch 1a. on unusual commotion was observed and ha;; srnce led L I e I le ol a hunter Jn ENZGSKILLEN <loctor a hauda King St Bowma.i1VJlle ga\e \\a.y lo one of 1t:co0 n1t 101 and the hps by mch, and stnven with what alnll I had to take place on board the tlagsl 1p Ene, 1ng in a snug cab1n nt the JUllct1oli of B g Subscr1bedand n1vested Capital nnd Reeerve ~ ale 1:1 1 'OJUl tl y atteudetl tu on ie~sonable tenn"Boi.nuatnLlle ])cc 5 1872 ulO I learr ed fro1u Dr l3ronn only last !reel) uttered Fund £1 9G5 000 Storbng at mJ command to save b1a1 No 9 Men women and ch1ldrcn \\ere ~fam1nellccreek "1t!J U e A1kansa.s 11ve" ~ven1ng he went on as 1f dcterm1ne<l to Mother Funds in eeted in Canada.- 105 000 'Earl"V in n1y attendance l sa."' there" ae wildly rnnmng to and fro, frantically shout 1hrn hunter be11n t wl ose nao1 e is Nathan BIGHAM, JAMES say u.t once ¥.hat be had deterrnilled to e.aj She could not bp< ak her he lrt "as too Pa1nter Gl,.z1er, Paper Hanger &c, &c Insurn.nces agmnst loss by Fire are effected on ·ome dreadful d!Bappomtment beneath l is full for word· u 1t ohe bent over and l issed ot what Jou consented to do for hnn <lur tng to the oth~.,. 8teame1s while nt the same Lesk, brought \\itl1 I ru from N ew Orleans LANK m TIHFIC ~ES \p1 l!cnttons most favo1al.>le terms and loases paid with malad'\ 1 1f not Lhe cau e of prostration In 1ng my s1l_':knes,:, I ought to thank you hu1e there arose a eel'les of shneki:i, screech on nln1 ng hb ]ast tr p to thu.t city, a fine &c &c can be inocuied at tlus office it nut reference to the Board 111 London. h1m the hours that I ta nund wandered yom e~ yells and ho1vls, M 1f all the inmates of Joung parrot to "b t:h h All kinds of work I romptly attended to at d re rul.:tr rates. soon l ecame for perhaps snvJng lil,) JiJe I do thank you Have I been heie long l sahl:lfact1on guarantet U Bo"\vtnan" ille July 7tb 1873 J DODSWOHTH RINTOUL BROS pandcmornum were being let loose name was constantlj on 111s tongue His more att 1ched than Lo Lny other th 1 g on Res1Uence- Ncxt door eas t of tho Bible Cl n s heartll) for all that Jou did, and all the Nots oh a great "l ile broke m the Inspector Gen Agents Montrea 01oter has to]d me, in answer to my q nE:.s The good people on shore \\ere unable to e 1rth Seated up 111 Ins shoulder~ the par t Lan Church TYI~ONE Lut plentJ more because I kno\v it \\U"' a. terr ble tusk 22 tf Jl R LOSOOMBE Barrister, Agent lions, that Harr) wu.s deeply and truly rn cheer\ '01cc of the doctor 'I yrone MaJ:ch Rtb 1869 make out the ineatuag and straage beh11\1or rot atteaded h1n1 1n all ht:, '~alk"" 'lo t1a1n for \ ou He told me the complete !"story long enough Here take a drop of this for Bowmanville and Vicinity ot those on the steamers, but snrnusing that tbe bu 1 aud talk to iL \\as ahnost Jns so]e love with Jou but that an estrangement had and he ga' e lurn sotne stnnulat1ng drops of hto plan and while I wrnb it had never Bot1 waJn1J1e J ne 4th 1860 36 e\eryth1ng was not right a1nong the llllmals pat ion come between you lately and I tlunk that been tl 1 ol ght of I cannot but sec hon: Ha~ e I lJecn "erJ sick '1 ID 0 43 39 4W in the menagcne, they very qtiickly con this blow was the one that broughL him uu VYith the carcfu l tra1n1ng oi u lo\ 1ng tnas You ha\e beeu pretty sick lll) boy, but grE:at a sacrthce j on made Jor n1e aucl I MPOR'IER MANUFACIUJ ER m eluded that the open levee was no place for der my cure To n ght the CJJ!:lS in the dis ter, ud<led to Its grc it natu1al talei t for 1m1 DEALER 1u all tbc ' o.r teties of vou rnust not talk Turn over and go to thuuk you for it FOR SEED, then1 should an.) of the icroc1o~s 1no11ster15 t..-it ug all 1nnuner of cries of lnrds anJ a111 ease will be reached and to mght will ans AND She bud covered her ftce w1th her han<ls sleep ago.1n n1d )OU cin t1lk a:11; loug as wer our questions as to "hcther he w1 Uh ve Italian & Ame1can Marble. as soon as be began and still kepi them make \hell' way to land and qmckl) tied to inals, this bird ha l beco1ne a niar' ol of cun ) ou 'v1sh to n1orro\v or die Without an.y help bit such as I cm He "nited a mon1cnt as if to ,..,1 ve 1Hn an their homes In the meantime CoIUlllOC1ore n1ug and n great won l t 10 11s "a' Takeu Is ti at R 1th i render hiru he may be saveU but a tnan s John B Robrnson hoisted signs of dtetress, into the lulls bordcnng Big Mammelle ..1.\ larg1:1 a id c1 o cc selection uf FOR FEED. -opportunilJ to speak Uut she rc1na1ned s1 Ye· Harry whieh were quickly responued to by the Ureek and the signal being given n.t inte:r life 1s too great a Jewel to tufte \\1th an<l lent John McDougall. NOT SO FAST. Tell Kate Monuments & Grave Stones, ateame1 Chan1p1on Uapta1n G N Rob1nson 'als it utters the crv of the tnrke) so 1 e1 we feel if )OU would but help us \IC could I have cou1e he resu1uc<l not to tbauk Bow man llt:J A.pnl 16t 1 ti73 ' Non sense broke iu the doctor, ' take a I ha" c vr1tten tbtise fe\v lines \\ ill Jon consent to ss sure! y sarn him ;:..lw ·Y on h~uU uf super_ or '\01kinansl l md She ,Jso the steamer Argosy, Captam James iectly as to clece1vc the oldest and 1nost us little more ot this and go to sleep 11 iLl10ut you onl), but also t-0 stiy good bye A1 l all I ha\e to say at lo'\ eet I ncos fllijt us 1 Ilob1neon, \vbo ranged nlon 0 side the tutc gobbler that "'er strutted Ou Le lhat )O l cau find rne still nt ho1ne another '"or I Luthe lllr ie<l to Kute and unco\cred her face at ti Js, and her e.}eB an<l \\e1c 1nton11eJ that an a\\fnl battle wns ' What cou IJ I Jo 1 sl c asked filled with anx1et.} he n ent 011, In a fe\v mg a"" erel by a gobblei the parrot pto I am not gone a." ay Ins eyes said 'it \\lll have to be donfd W 1 o l glit 01 Cast Ir un l!'encco ragrng between the huge double horned ceells to lure hua t0 tleath in the most fiend. ' The plan I haH marked 01 t "\) So all my kind old fueuds 1u l 01ne She t < cl to still the bealmg of her I e.i t days I \\ill leave Mcllc1ille for ever, but or enclor:na.., bur~ 1 g lots rh1noce10°' and the rnonster \\1:tr elephant 1sh !J coq u e tt1 ~h u1a1 ucr in1ag1nable SPated mmd, ea1d ho, IS sun ply tins About And :loll the young ones too if-n) n1atter where I un1- thr. day will but she had no fear for heraelf m1dmght he will arouse from !us present Old Emperor The ladies and children oi his r tasters sho tl lc:r~ cl a ilJ and coyly BEAUTIFUL TEETH Au 1 get their "arn ents n1cfll.) 1nade rrtrn1t11re Tops, :Mantel Pieces, &c 'l ell Kate- H.l.rty started agam bnt co1ue "hen I can Le cf l1elp or tss1stance In fn.sh1ona that are new· were <1mckly tranefeued to the steamers the parrot replie· stupor, in the next ten n u utes ! ts fate \Vtll A call is ~ept on ha.nd or 'vro 0 ht to order 01 ce he ha. full) ut ) ou ) ou "JI l remember that I O\ve JDY lo tho doctor n.lter a qulet1u,.. clrnft "ae adnun J M BRIMACOMBE L D S ' ' he1 old and ) uunb de"' fucn l may be decided Champ10n and Argosy, and then the cntne tractctl th e attention of t.i.le vain o.nd anx1 The mam pornt wtll be for 191> -oect£u1ly requested a.t the "orks I le lo )OU and he almost broke doun ioLercd said 1neet him to m kc an e.ffor fur lii:::1 O\\ n lite King Street, Bown«< W>lle re ,,. th Exhacted at Twenty five Cents here- tll tl at lam 01 hnve will be at crc'v of tbo three steame1s a1 rne l them ous goboler often allo\\1ng b1..n to call n a Why don t) ou tell her yoursell l A\\elcnnegreehngb) R Pl AlE l\ooms o\ er J\.1cClung Bros Stores 1st 1869 1 ti selves and went bclo" to endeavor to sepa 1retful tone t\\ ice or tbuce before d eigning Should he try t-0 b ve, h1a cbanoes "ill be Octobe Bo' man' Jk Jtnc Jflth H:: )'; l y is ·he be1e I he asked excitedly ) our ser' ice Buwnuu v lle Oct lat 18 0 1 rate the comb·tants among the best should he make no such to ansn er, he then in n. fe\\ lo\v an 1 t end er She bad 001 eiod up her face ug~rn, aud but the dootm canght lus hand qutctly say RcMOVAL As the) <eached LI at port10n ot the d·ck notes l nreo the proud bird of the iorest effort, we might \VItb st1mul in~ carry bIIn had he looke<l closely he m1gl t hO\ e seen 1ng Do not get excited, Harry, but listen, l D :\. VIDSO ~has remove l }ul) 1es1donoo Just oft the boilers u bornb!J 01ckeurng wilh1n raoge of the hunter a d eadly ufle beyond danger but 1f at that moment he · obe) me exadl) and all" ill be well M!Ss tears JorC1n~ their "a) between her tin~ers t t ~e late residence of J lut sight met the I view an 1 S rgery o .. k S recalls the past, and despondent!) swks un \\ oundcd, blccdrng Seeing the tu1key struggling in the agon1ei:; ?\-I1lne E sq on tho l\..1. Ill' et quare m n., 5 tf Dallas aud you b ~ve had some mi.sunder Lut his eyes v.erc on the carpet, where they AGENT dcr it, no po"er under bea,en but you cnn horribly lacerated inen 'verc lv1ng where F 01 the follo\\ lg I n1 n1rance Compan1es and had been all the hme of tleatb fill, the pnu ot vith the most fiend s\a[ldt g b t ) ou ha\ e fancied it to be otl er !1 stitutiona viz they were stricken do\\ n by the terrible 1sb <leh ht 1o 'i bicll he 1; ves utteranc~ 111 sava hun l um sorry he continued iuo1e sorry 0 much rnore serious thau it really was She 'I be QU] EN Ii ll'c and Life Insurance Cotn brutes dead, wouude 1 and dying horse.:i; But how 1 pany Capital £2 000 000 $lo0 000 dcpoS!ted 1s hete no1,1; to see alter~ ou, !3he wants you tbL<n I can tell you that I lia\e eHr been nnd ponies strewed the deck HJ every d1rec a succession of Ulood cl11ll1ng La has in We wouW prctenJ that wu ha<l 1ecalled with the Donnn OJI Gover nnent, for the ptotec all manner of d1abohcal to1 ea and ke.) s the f'JoUrcc of uuno\ auce to yot 01 ha\ e to '"'et wel I and lf you oLe.) me you will <l.ers n1 Canada t100 cagea destroyed and hte:rally smashed Should the hinter n11ss l11s nun lo C\.cl, your <lecuuon at a f~,v "eeks ago on SALll rn anyqu:;;,;y ApF'l.):Jh ever brought aught of sadne89 into J OlU Tile, The ISOI A1 ED lUSK I ua Inauranee Com 'I he sick 111an e e\ ea opened 'v1der and 1uto iragruents ~ere acattered an1on 0 ti e WILLIAM SPL 't t 'Oh, that would be too l on ii le I pan) of Cauado Cap ta1 500 000 -One of the the p nrot ruffics 111s feathers cr ook s and but) on ha1 e beautiful duys 111 store for Cbmob b ree "'11.ler us I is ph) sicLall proceeded and when Oest and cheapeRt Dou panu:ll3 d01ng b 1su\ess in could nc\ er do that dead \\OUnded and dJrng ond the trnihc s ol 1" pulle Ins tnasler ::i hrnr a11cl long ie nearly oppo1:;1te the Alma. Ht- tel you whet en these wJ l be fo1gottcn au 1 I the Donun1oq for l ar1nel'S autl Isolated R1sk"' lJo v111:tn \tlle June 19th 1873 tf 'Not to save a n1an s Ii le 1 lil1 asketl sol be soi l M ;s Dallns is now here he £he DA:N '<D'1. J L' DED CREDll COY hope ) OU \\ ll thrnk Of me If at ml as one din shrieks grunts and groans told the1u fuses to le pa 1tied w1ll1a Sav ngs lla.nk departn1cnt would ha\e ruscd lnru ~lf but tha doctor that the hatlle was sLill rngrng A total de HE UNDERSIGNED bega to a.nnouncctd emnly Duck 11unting 111 Furt:be ar U Mcto baj 011 8 who would reJu1ce 111 your 1 appiness nnd £he UNIO~ tNn PERMANENl Bml 1 ng MARRIAGE LICENSES the public generally that he ha.a p lrchase was \\atch1og and prevented h1s making 'He \Vould not thank me for saving Ins st1 1ctlo11 of aln o::.t every cnge on tl e bor\-t anU Saru1g s Society 1s ho\\ eVf'l the parrot s ch ici delight Seat be hapu) m your JO) ti .. e sLock aud goodwill of the busm.ess I ereto JSSUED BY lhese ln.tte1 ini:itlt 1t1ons adv a.nee Loans on hfe by such a ntockeri ahe ·aid wag 1n1n11nent All efforts seemed una\ a1 I ed in the bo\'i at h1!3 n asLer s boat snt gly Vi hy I 1no1e th 1n one effo1t He turned to Kate fore carried on 111 tbe He "ailed a moment a· 1f hopmg ·he R eal l:!:ltate on terms unusunllv easy for the JOHN J. WILLIAMS might have to say that I lu\etl hnn 1111ght and 1n ano1,1; er to his look she cnn1e to the would t;ay a \vord, but the tears "ere ing to separate the savage <len1zeQ.s oJ th~ ensconced in a pntch at tall bullrnshes the bonower bedside Cherrywood Post office Pickering Jorest At this Juncture a loud crash wa8 parrot bursts forth ml J such a I not 1 Bo vmamille l cb 6th 18"3 quack droppmg thick and faot, an<l her tongue re Ont 1 ' l\fy orders ~aid tho Llocto1 1are that heard and tie t\\o cages contammg the quacklrng md general duel, g 1bblc that Ye1:1 BY fused to speak )OU may look at Miss Dallas a moment but monster sea honsl a11d Lnbrn lor seals '1'ere there seems to Le 1n the v1c1n1ty a whol~ 'Oh, I could not do it ' J.i1nd1ng that she <l1d not inlen l to l reak you n1ust not speak, and then she a.utl lour dnv u overboard 'Not even to save hLB life 1 Dana's Patent Sheep Marks flock of these b1tds all eDJ OJ mg themsch ee the silence he arose to tuke his Uc1 art t~ I he veteran ()how111au 'vas as cool nnd I U.llnense}) 'You sa.1d that before, said she, but not own people must leave the room as Cabinet maker l.'Uld Und.ertaker an l 'dJl rhus are many passing flocka and then tor the first time h"' Sa\\ her tean:1 HESE MARKS ARE IRE CHEAPEST continue the bttrttness Ul the old premises w1th Kate a faee was almost deathly wL1te as collected as it was possible 'or n man to be ofduck.s lurel \VltL1n iun~e at the gut of ven for that could I do this tbmg Harr) A wild cxultrng light leaped rnto bis face the most lasting the leaBt trc ubleEiome and a. full assortment of fi.rst class Fmn1ture under the crrcumstances, when hts property the hunter Vl oul l beg to uaform the ladiea of Bow1na.11v1lle Coffins Shrouds &c 'vill be kept on hand most complete ever n1vented. They are used and I have ever been very dear friends I she turned t-Ow r ls Harry Geese urc in tl1e same \\ iy and eye~ but died rn'iay as soon again a.nd v1cu11ty that she 18 prepared to take orders and hopes by stru::t attention W bus1ness a1 d anti recoII1.mended by many of th~ best Breeders never fan1..:1ed that be could love me untLl ' Kate ob Kate cried he,,v1th the n1ost was going to destruction every mon1ent by ctlled up b) th!S womle1ful parrot al oo ' Good bye Kate, aud he ruo>ed toward for D1essmalnng and fill the same \\ltll n1ode1ate clrn.rges to merit the patronage O f the iln tho Un1ted States and Canada auch a.a G B thou.ands of dollars Not so however many other \\ ild fo\\ 1, an cl e\ en cleer as the in the Loring Salem Mass PreSldent l'/'e\v England he surprised ine b.) Ins avO\val, and then I supreme happiness written on lus face her l cople ' There, there .cried tbe doctor y iu W ooJ Growers Society John S Tu:isa, Henne told him it could not be with l\1ruiager John F Robmson Jr for bird umtates the plamltve bieatn g of a fawn Hal\ could I LA'l'EST FASHION. Her nnswer \\as n sol. p1n Ill l)rofcs ~or M Efiles of the State Ag Clear out of Her ext e11c ce full:,: vvarraut her 1n i 1 on112111g when he saw his favorite sea hons be1nH or doe to a mcity ricul,tura.l College Ln.nsn1g, Mich Hon Geo stand at bl5 bedBL<le aml say that I 101 ed have disobeyed me alieJdY No money would buy 'It is my lot, he m<l lo bnng you sat1sfact1on Bro\\ n Toronto 0nt! John Snell Edmonton him 1 No, no, it cannot be 'I bmk of some the rou11 you ~(',n1en nt once dashed overboard w1Ll10ut mercy he the bud, aud Nathan Lask, aeon strollrng I oy 1 shall neH· be a cloud on tl e horizon H.es1 leuce Corner o( Ch ich Street an l 01 t On Mark is stamped the o'vner a No ac n l H trr\, stoz a u111 ute !Cate, said !'t1arket Square name and the Sheep s nUlnber They w1U be other plan through the" oods gun 1n hand and wtth again, so once mo1 e Good bye \\ t]l \OU __k.168 nic 1 sent f1 ce b~ mail 01 exp ess for only fou1 cent a ' Doya, I cant Rtand tb1o any longer and hts olmost inseparable companion o:ieated on BO\\ man ille 1J c 4th 18 ) ' I ha\ e thought of all ways Misa Dallas She t lr1 1ed bet face Jrom lnm, and each and will last for-'IWENTY YE \REI Yes she su cl anJ sl e I rcssed her hp:, we might as well attempt t-0 lnll one of h1a left should~r, .seems a set: nd Robinson I may not ha> e to ask ymi to do this thrng · must accompn.ny all orders: said between her sobs ' I don t want to these brutes before they rt n ev.ry cage on Crueoe that you disliked much, unless m the to !us face ARCIRBALD YOUNG, JIL, drive you- from your-hon1e £1lHIN l<RY SUhGEON Grnduato of ' You tnay go no'" he sa 1 and he took I the boat conlrngeD<>y I spoke of I Wlll not say to Sarnia Ont Although so perfe1,;t tn bis 11n1tat ons of 'Let that g1'e JOU no pn n t> tHd le the Ontu.1 io Vete1 ina -y College By ap Orders a.ddressed to tho l1EROBNT and OB you what you ought to do my dear yvung the draught the doctor cff~ed him turned He then gave orders to fi1e upnu then1 1111 n1nnnncr of bn(ls a1 d a1 nnals, the pat Jointment V etcr1u ~t y Sur,...e..on to the West could not lT~ e here nO\\ SERVEH Ofhce for any quantity will be filled at Burham a.nd lhuhngton Un 01 Ap1cultuia.l tbe abovo mentioned pnce aa quickly as the la_dy, but I prom!J!e you if I am compelled to the wall with sweet contentmentwntten But1t1s Twltoam dm1,g )OU aw1y and u heavy volle) \\ll.'! discharged winch rot is not a great talk~1 indeed his vocabu Samet cs Marks can be made and a:;int bad no more eflect on the no\\ thoroughly larJ JS hm1tcd to a few " and one or to ask your assistance, that I w11l cxplrun on bis face and in a few mon1ents the <loc she said Agent for tl e Live SLock Brnnch of the C BARKEH, Beaver l\nd Ioronto l\1ut lnl } uc lnf:!ura.nce aroused and frightened monsters than to t\fO short phrases I-le will aon1ehnies su1g the "hole matter to Harry Just as;t is, und tors practiced ear told him his patient N(l, vou must not take the blan1e, said having_ been lio vn an\ illo Dec 28tl 1871 ly m13 give hun n correct repo1 t anll 11nde1stanU slept UVetcruiary )\.fecl1c1nes constantly on hand be I should ne>er have snppooed you cause them to fiJ.l:bt w th murc furv than out 'Nat )01lubbcr and1\l.tenDanLana Ile " alked out where the \\ 01nen were Calls frmn the c untry pr01n1 t.1) attended to rng of yDur part n it Improved and Painted, cou1d lo\ e n1e, hit let Lhat go nO\'f Good before The a1tuat1on \Vas getting each mo gan (a brother boatmau of Nat s lmng at Office - One loor of l"t :&fruung 1:1 Ji tr a\\ a1t1ng bun took !{ates hand in hi s and ment more dangerous for all on board, and the head of Bayou Fore! e and almost h1> ' l3nt ho¥r could I ever nteot hnn agau1 1 intu1e Wa1eruon bve All or ~a1d Yon h!t\C save<lh1shfe Resid~n.ce 0 et S Burden B st re coi;ner of s no\v 01w of the besL u1 the Count) the p1opr1etors ¥rere in Ucspa r of all J1ope only visitor) i u lns dunOLtt lS seen I addling 'It will Le no harder then than it JS now den; 1101n( tl)' attcn li;:d to ' Don t go was her answer K ng n.n l ~1.: igog Streets l~o ruanvillle 'lhlDk God caine 5\\el11n0 f!o1n th11 when it occurred to Manager John F Rob And I have no doubt Harry will lea> e the 11 ltf n to\\ ard the mouth ol Big Marnnielle I must I could not stnv fHl l see ,) ou heart ol tlie n1ot l er iuson to ope11 the steam pipes and deluge Creek, the parrot-w! osc name\\ e io1got tq place 1f he recovers Lhe \\ ifc oI eo1ne one else say "Bobby- will shout, Lanago aho) ' }i io 1 tl 1s po1.,..,t Ha11y a 1ec1.n ery " ti! J> S - I 1n 1turc 1nade to order ' hen 1e tl cm " th steam 'I will be glad to help you <loctor bu Don t go she iepeated \ I anagan a-a-hoy quired aud re1 airs neall:, cx.ecuted rapid JI1s fTe iucnt enCJ,u1r1es fo1 !Cate 'lhe engineer qu1cklJ tu1..1ed on LLe this \VOU ld Sceni.. like p10!:1.n1ty t o n1e ' Tl;te moment Bobb) sees Ins tr aster take Ilnm12to1 Set 18th 18 3 Hea\ene t ould be bche\e hrn OYi.J steam und a.I) 1t suddenly escaped iro1n the do\\n his gun Le is 111 a great flutter He 'It ls to save n fe1Iol\ creatures J fe be ~ere parried until the hour came wben Dr at the CoulJ it be J oss1\llo that she loved boilers w1Lh a terrific roar n sbr ll tnnn~ Bro\rn felt Lhc sloiy had best be told heart cock5 bis head on one side his great red w1sl e8 iu iufor 11 his numerous fuends ~u l ens all the blame on me him ' Hts ·)es filled \\1th hie and hope pet1ng screech \ltas heard 1roru the elephant eyes sparkling \1i th Jel1~ht auc I bet"' v.; u:i nu U \Tiger to be feared f0r Harrj l in a loY. 'I w1oh I could do it bnt 1 1at an a vful ton1e1s that l A hns rcru(l ed to Turkey 1 turkey 2 while Q ometh1ng_yught turn up to anno.} again and \\1th ou~ step he "as beside her such as they always utter in crying for in er 1n~u1r1ng tone says thing it IS Jor a gnl to do BUCKLER'S OLD STAND '1 can appreciate your } c:n tattor, nud Kate so he set aboc,t unfolctrng the strata ' Kate, said he am I comwg ir0rn death c.} \~hen con l uered in tile r nat1 \ e v-.1l<ls - }fo Bobby Nat \11ll perb <ps say 'not turkey to day Bol by cocks his bead the 1 : splend l aseo1 ttni;nt o! n.:1.u 'on lo\ e 1 Do ) au where he '\ill be [found with thu ruost ('Oln gen1 liar y h .,.tened attentn cl' l ts face once more to life Whether the animal had received its death other way an l sollly says Quack quack yet if you were my daughtei I 11oul 1 siy I Jetc assortment of I am ti rmng red and pale by lnrus, but ho 'Poke love ine ~ Ask intt,;:l,11t once ago.Ju 1 es Bobby S<ys N1I quack blow fro n the rh noceros or "as tr1gbte11ed tiuack 1 1t was) our duty to <lo it yours tor 1 fe o;limh If you Jove n1e Harness, NEW MILLINERY. into snbnHas1on hy Lhe steam could not Le quack Bobby then bu sts i to a loud Ila, 'I hank you for saymg tbat doct-Or it Jc no ·word until the story \\as flu1shed ha ha and cries, Nat, youlubher quack \\bat sl l it be darl ng w 1 I go or I chd th1s sat<l the dvi:.tor, bee lUSe I ascerta1ned until it had cleared n \\ ay, \Vlnch Whips, ci<les me I will clo what you ask 'l'hen he ha ha s till the whole stny 1 }.; ne\~ it was th e l lSt chance of sav 1 g J our 1t did in a fe" ntoment!'.I., d1sclos1ag to tl1e cabin rings again Also a lot of Thanks, I \\ 111 call Jor yon ti e\ en ng Trunks, &c Don t go \Vaa all she sa1cl ltle I ke1 t hci back until I saw ti must astonJohed J:{OZC o[ tbe shoWIDlll a CUllOUS :REAL HAIR FANC YGOODS & m tow1 Please call Bucklers old stand ancl exphun .} our part to ) ou FORGIVENESS and at the same time gratifyrng SJght There Later lD the mght there gathered around Le doi e one door of MaJ nard s Hotel lay the huge elephant upon the deck co" ~he bed of the sick man his niother und 815 Ilav.?. you seen Kate sn1ce that 111ght 1 Whoe>er eons1deIS t~e weaknees both of Also n la,rge stock of How 1t Happens I Ilowmanv1lle Sep 1st 1873 ermg trcmbhogly d°" n uttermg moans of b1mself and others 1\lll not long want per ters the doctor and Kale Dallas The doc Harry quie·Ii ""keel TI w man ville October 1873 Stamps for Ba1dm g a.nd Em\'.\ e 1 DO\\ not to 1 hl f !Jo\\ rn 0 Lal en lrom the N Y ptun:and fright while a little beyond was suas1vcs to forg1 ven es':I tor bad explarned to the othere the part I c I saw 1101 but ouce,"' d then only for a what degree of I 1a1 gn1~y tll) inJ 1ry 1a to be S1 n, JS the add res~ or the officiatJ ng 1n1n1s the rbtnoceros snugly enet:onsed in the cage, imputed or hov; inuch 1ts gui lt, if" e \veie LICENSES had persuaded Kate to act if tt "bou]d be moment 'l I e poot gals nen eSt ndernent ter n.t a neg10 ~ edd1ng 111 Ne'\\ Orleans - quakrng MARRIAGE and sh1verrng with fear, \\here he to mspect the mind of hnu that co1nn1itte<l. neccssaiy and tbev had thanked her ovei a te1nble strt11n 1hnt n1nht and I \\Os ca led OHlce over 1 l 'i\.IcA1 th n s Store J(1ng St. Il'JSUED DY ' B1ucler1n untl ire1 s \"\7ben t"o )Oung had 1etreated the 111:;;itant the steam "as it, would be extenuated by in1stake p1ecJp1 Bow n1a.nv1lle and over for consenting They sat near to hel P hei m3 tf ROBERT ARMOUR each other, the mother and 81 ters \\ onder Bo,vmanv1lle Oct 23td 1873 Doctor I want to asli you one quest on peo1le SO) to <leyselves dat dcy ha\e nved opened upon lnm The attendants s1 iang tnncc, or negligence \Ve cannot be certain how much nlore we feel was inteoded, ing in their own hearts that any ,gu:l could Do ) au tlnnk I 1..:an have 1:n1v hop~ of ever at dnt d1spoei1.i100 \Vhar de\ can bar 'Vld quickly forward, and closed and bolted tho or ho\\ inuch we 1oc1 easc the 1nrncb1ef to for Spnng Just to hand one anudcr s failltusau inequities dey inoa door of lns cage thus securing then1:5el \cs our<iel\C'S I y volur to.13 11gg10.,n.hon o;; We kno\v then Harry and not 1ove lnm bu t \VII t 1 g her lo\: c 1 m ay ch trge to d e1:11gr tl e en cts of llt.: c1cl e1 t yettheynre\\Olllen enough to kno'v that ... r o l e f1111k \\11.l .}011 lU\ dear buy I al wai; s take a no hon ter mairy An \\:hen f1om further n1oleetnhon in.in1 ]um TRESPASS NOTICE, RADUATE of the Univers1t1ei;; of 'lnn1ty Fn e horses were found killed, a. abo We ma) thmk the blow vtol ent only be du 1 ot th nk 'on C\ er cnn r lu:n e g1 ~en a. n1au muster up spunk <.:no lgh fer tcr go College 'I oronto and Victoria College of love cannot be lorced or reat:;c ne<l cause Wi> ha\e iunde o:.n sel\e& d elicate and OIICE is hereby ghi:;n Iha.+ all part1es 1 How 18 1~ now Doctor 1 the inoth er J OU 1 ur e f L l a1,;cou nt of \\l a.t pa.s!'led be an buy tbe hccn"e tin de orno.n hang bet '"ete three ponies} and fo111 more \vere so tender a.s usual We are on ev er.;, s1<le 111 !anger fonnd trespa881ng on the Flnts known as Cobourg L1centiate of the College of Phya1c1 Ranes Flats \\Ill be p1osecutecl to f iU ex.tent ans a.n<l Surgeons of Ontario whispers and the reply There J!! no t\\een u;") a~ou r inter1 icw s, and to n1e, her head au ·ay she w1lhn to stan up ond let badly maimed and wounded thot they were of error and guilt which \\e are ceruuu to MRS A FLETCHER Office Ku1g Street one door Vi eat of Mr of law a\01d only by speedy forgiveness change. They wait the slow tnrnmgs of mun 1er sho\\ed that) 011 hnd no pa1 t m her de man chum her m dee\' sol Hebben and killed m mere~ to end thetr sufferrng porntsh1 s Je" elly Store, Bowmn.nTille M D WILLIAMS J3owmall\illo, April 7th,1874 u. POETRY. or Jl.E:t.IANCE another hon1, and then the sleeper makes some move1ne11ts \V1th Lts lipe and the tloct I bendu g 0~ er, catches the word Kate, but ho does not tell it to others By and bJ tl ere 1s tnoLher mo\e1uent, and "Y' F RltYME AND :t.IME. New 'l'aiilor Shop HEAL, L JOHN LITERATURE. A uc T I 0 N E E Rs Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ! ~ FEED MILLS. WDI.. Barton, To Masters of :t.. 0. :t. B C. BOUNSALL, ARRIVAL! I WESTERN CORN SO, HO! CBACK:ED CODN, Gentlemen-of Fashion. I) Jam es McFeeters. LIME! Z~IME! T Vi11!tge of Hampton, Ja.mesi Cryd.erma.n, Dressmaking, &c. Miss Beal T V] Robert Youug, '° 'l'HE R. X:A TERSON. Arrived. REMOVAL. S. MASON FASHION HOUSE G. D. Lockhart, DEN '1, IST - ------ boid.ery. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont FASHIONS DBESSl\IIAJUNG W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G N

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