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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Jul 1874, p. 2

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· THE MERCHANT FRIDAY JULY 3-1 RATES OF ADVERTISING A GREAT FLOOD 1874 SEVERE STORM Ju y 28 THE HOLIDAY TOWN NEWS f · llowmanvil!e as was expected \lent to Our Band went to Brook! n on T eaday WO HU~DRED L ES LOST Toronto on Wcdnesday nearly every l er last to take part n the Temperan e Fest u nt year s do ted v h many son tak ng ad antage of the hol day and al e d calan t es and ast but for from cheap excurs on tnp to witness the Forest least was that wb l fell upon the 0 t es of A st gbt DJ y wus sus a el bJ one of er's Grand Jub lee n that c ty Our dreams P ts bu g and Al egheni on Sunday last vere d sturbed at an early hour by the the men enga0 ed n fix n0 We summar e from the Sun, In P Its rattle of wheels oi: the street a d the tramp Dougal · m ll, last week tramp tramp of the folks march ng off to the stat on and lon 0 before the o r an nounced for the departure of the I a n many of tbe ears all t e first clo ..) "ere filled nd the stat on platform crowded th the p easu e seeke s Tv1en J one ars left the Jard n care of two cng nes arr v ng u Toronto about ten o cock the largest exc s on of the dnJ The crowd d spersed hroug ti e c ty spent the ay u see ng th ng !!. genera he Fore tert3 n part cul r and the ·Jor ty relurn d home about 2 o lock yesterday morn n 0 t red and d aappo nted lo thev had heard but very ttle of th JUb ee Bus ness hav ng p even e u from be ng pre ent we take the fol ow n 0 a count of proceed ngs f om the Gl be - ~PEOIAL NOTICES ): Febr ary 1873 Incomparable B F LO :ti E Q ~DEAR Sm ot of ) our Syrup In consequence of the ho da) th Cot \age PraJ er ~Ieet ng of he Y M C A It ll be he l next was postponed Wednesda) e> en ng as uot ed Next ,:; n 1 y aft noon the 'I em I eranee green faced c oss belts a.nd q u \ er meet ug w 11 be held n be ooms of the te bu k k n b eeche YMCA THm Mo~TREAL J I W TNES· Messr Yel owlees & Qu ck have been appo nted Agent for he Sale of the Da ly and Weekly ff ne The Da y add t on ll be so at 1 ent per cop) an l he weeklJ at 4 een s or $1 per an nun t e 26th JBt o a dn. ghter p RELIGIOUS SERVICES bU)[DAY 'l.{; GUS1 ·n<l 1874 ABOUT HOME PET RDO 0 I T;.L Ac D N The R g stmr Genera sued not ce warn ng all per ons concerned aga nst fa lure to comp y w th t e la re qu ring the offic al regis rat on ot a b rths deaths and marr ages The fine for ola t ng ti s law s $00 and D v ; on Registrars are d rected to proceed nga nst al pe sons neglect ng to eomply w th L On Tuesd~y our cons able a reated about t\\ om lea north of the to n a poo crazy fellow "ho must ha vc slrnJ ed f om some gaol or asylum In the morn ng he pa u a v s t to the res dence ot J M ne Esq and after creat ng a scare made h msell eca ce When ar ested he was n a nude The e s a 1 ttle i! rl n Ce ar D le aged cond on and nlormed Mr Coleman that fifteen months "ho alter hea ng any s ng he was wash ng h mself h mself des r ng ng hums Lhe t ne mmed ately afte -lb to go to heaven clean Cleve send I e to Barnum " th V: nd · -----~ s uba h t I Mr MEIFIODISI Ser The V1ctor1a Bridge Calamity OOM~IERC!AL AccIDE T L D;ATR -A l tt e g aged three ) ears daughter of Mr J os ph D e ~ East Wh thy fell o I of b d on T esday n ght the 21st nst and broke her neck The g 1 with whom he eh d "as sleep ng heanng her t mble o t unconsc ous that anytbmf( senous bad happened got np and put her ba k n the bed a0 a n but n the morn ng the ch Id was found deld -lb It a altogether l kely tl at Mr R Hobbs w ll corun ence bu og operat ans A par of beaut ful s Iver speaking trum on the burnt d s r t th s week to put up pets fot the use of the Oh ef and Ass slant a two story shop The o ners of the ot er Eng nee " of the Bowmanv lle Flrtl Brigade ots n all probab l ty w l soon fol O\\ u t lb were rece ed at Lhe eatabl shmcnt of Mr AN'1 ER5ARY - On Sun ay nd Monday T Bassett, on Tuesday last, rom New Yori The trun peL· aJe taste! lly c a.sed the ann versary serv ces of the Mount OarR\\ ell Sabbath S hoot came off as p e aud decorated w th elaborate cord and las v1ouely anno need The. Rev Mr Camp te a handsome outfit for the F e bell ho was to preach on the occas on be ng s ck was unable to fill h s post the Rev Mr S ater ol!i a ng for h m The c A ba l case of scald ng occurred at the res were be\\\ een four and ti e hund ed p e den e of ~fr II mack on Monday la t sent at the Sunday afternoon se v ees On Mon lay a large numb r of people gathered the v ct m be n~ one of h s ch ldren A to hear addresses rec tat ons d alogues and pot wh ch ha 1 Just been I fted from the s ngmg af or ch a tea got up n magn stove as s and ng on the ltoor when the ficent s } le by the lad e of the S nday 1 t le g 1 stmn b ed nto t hav ng a pa r of Set ool ""' freely part ken off The cha r of the B 0 Cl h Oshawa waa present sc sors n her l and at the tlltle one of the and en ve e<l the proceed nga by render blades entered her face caus ng an ugly ng some cho ce select ons of mus c The wound Under D Be th scar the I tile p o eeds amounted to $90 llfr ):.antler of 0 hawa occup ed the ha r R if< sufferer s do ng well We have rece ved ntell gence that the G y :Fan y 0 n edy and Burlesque Troupe w ll shortly v s t our town They have ap pO<! ed 1 efore the Iloyal Fam l y and the nob 1 t and I aye no" ompleted a very successf tour of the lea l ng c t es of the States 'Ihe ent rta nment s sa d to be excel ent and the Company rarelJ fa 1 to lraw large hou es "herever the:v exh b t o ps IlOWM \NVII LE db J M D g 11 l ro uce 1\ierohant · J y 0th 1874 OOOtoOOO 0 60to0 65 03ito040 0 17 to 0 l S 0 00 to 0 00 O00 to O 00 0 35to040 00to01° OilOt 03 10 oo to 10 00 '.IOBO~TO 060to065 1 15 to 120to125 L~O TORO '1 0 Jul~ 30 h $ wn 1874 uto ooo 120to02'l 000to075 0 00 to 0 74 0 OtoOOO 052to060 O 4 to 0 2 800to8 0 050to055 o 17 to 0 18 035to035 4 00 to 17 00 The It ght Worthy Grand I o l 0 e of ti e Independent Order ofOddfel ows hold the r annual s ss o II: gstoo o the oth of August Messr T H \ ann and D We r are the representat vee f om Flo en :ti 0 1 t gale Lodge The R ght Grand "ort } En au pn ent of Patriarchs meet at the ame pla e on tbe 4th OllOU Cl . · N ngton.. w43 If

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