l THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY JULY 31, 1874. FOR SALE. N the lot a<ljoining Dr. 13.eith's, that two O story fran1 e shop, the building t o be taken off the lot before the first of N ovember. Apply to R. CHERliY. m43tf. BOWMANV ILLE · Ma.ohine a.nd Im:plement Manufacturing Co A BIG- J:(,1JRH is now ra:;ing at First Class Farm for Sale. No. 22, in the 4th Con. of T 'p. of Clarke, situ· ate one and a half mile& east of Orono, and four from N ewoastle n. station on the Grand Trunk Railway, The' farm is well improved., 130 a.Cl'es being under cultivation. All necessary buildings a.nd accommodation , n.nd plenty of w&ter on the premises . Also good orchard of 400 trees. Thu farm i s known. as the ?eat v.·heat 2TO'Wing and pasture farm lll tbi::: U:tH~ ed Counti~. An infSpection is invited .. Tttle indisputable. Further particl~n.rs fu~ushed 0~1 application, if by letter postpaid, to tlie propr1. etor, GEO. DOBSON, Jr., Orono P . 0. NE HUNDRED AND 1'H"l'Y ACRJ;;S, O with an overplus of about 16 a cres, being the weet haJf and north eagt quartet· of ~ot. Shelves must·be Cleared ! Room m·ust be Made ! ·Goods must be Sold ! Man ufaotures · E J.ephant E:ouse of TH E TBELEVEN'S · ~. : : .. 'J ~·.'.'t!11 .-~ WOOD AND IRON UNDERSIG:!ITED in returning thanks THE t o his m any friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to him dur· ing the p ast 18 years begs to announce that front and after the 15th Septetllber, he will ca.rry on the same business, but more extansively under the name and style of J OH::i McLEOD & Co. Promp t payment of a.11 accounts is render· cd imrera.tive by this bu,r;;iness arrangement, tt.nd al persona indebted wi1l please take notice nd govet'll themEJelves accordingly. JOHN McLEOD. Bowmanyille, September 4th, 1873 . WORKING MACHINER V. LEFFEL tS .. -'·"····-:-·' '! -! · . · ·~ . ·. ·.~ ··:.4 A - ( .. (; ," n143-2w. Double Turbine Water Wheels, ttnd .' and he is determined to continue t o sell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than th e cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he b uys for cash and k nows just how to b uy! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he mmmfactures~! 'l'hird, he is sutisfied wi th small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; . Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. -oAND ' ~ -·· IS MORE FUN in TRERE the Chromoa '"PLUCK," thau any paint~d or print<:id story that has been given to the l)Uhlic for years. N eve1 · before has been accorded to any Picture or set o[ Picture!!'. T John McLeod &Co T would anlicit the same extenued solongtoJohnMcLeod, and takes th1a OJ?portw1ity of in· forming the publtc, that they have Castin gs of all Xinds. THE POPULARITY LmM-ftF,i' theso Chroiuoa have atta.iucd. Si1.B 1 J. 1.,, RYDElt, Publisl1er, July 16th, 1874. Clevdand, Ohio, l f, 8. 41-tf. 16 by 22 inches. Price1 $10 the pair. Address orders to. REP AIRS ·don e on thtl . . Dominion OrO'a.n Co'y. HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage E E 0.ALL AND SED: FOB Y011BS1.'1illJV:ES, BOW MANVILLE, DISCARDED BRING YOU R FR I ENDS W ITH YOU. THE T HE : Present the foll owing t+:?~t itnonial§ fro111 cu1n 12_eteut judges of Organs. Testimou iitl from Prof. J. Ruse, "itiou. Voice, 'l11orough Bass, JI::i.rn1ouy a nd Co1npo· Darlington, Jnly ·16th, 1874. of G Friondahip, York. 1.' eacber of Iustt·umeut, Culti \'a.tion of t11 c RADUATE Baxt er U ni ven:i ity of :Vlm1 ie New 41-ly pared for Ca..rriages, Duggieis, Hnrness, Boot~ Shoes, and. nll ldnds of Leather. lt will give nny article of J_.eather, a most brilliant appearance, and at the same tiine, from its oi1{. propertief:lj tends much t o preserve it ; it will a · ways be moist and plian t ; and 1nay be exposed to watei- an<l wa.:ihed, and ·will n ot lose its brilliance, and it is not to be feared that t1.ny crust will settle on ~aid Leather when preael·ved with t he above Oil. · },or the woodwork of Buggies, Ca.niagea, and }'urniturti, there is not a better attide in 11 se. ]ifanufactured by .A. SrHON & .· Co . 1 'l'ann·ers nnd Curl'iers, Ior1nedy of France, now of f'hil.$delphia., Pa., Inatructions - Shakc bottle. A few drops on a piece of sponge,apvly · it lightly to the leather, and you will obtain the .. .fiuo.;it lu·tre. P rice 75cts. per bottle,01· $7.50 per_ .dozen. JOHN SbiIALE, Sole Agent, 'Row. a~1d 1\-fONEY a11d LABOR saved! F rnn:h . IME T Oil Polish. This French Oil Poli8h is pre- SOMETHINC NEW AND DURABLE. One of' the Fir1n 'of lVIcClung B1·os. is nO'W r in E1, irope, selectring a nd p nrcl1asing their Fall Stock, .which r tv'ill be nm·y Extensive. In order to n1ake r oon1 for these I1nportations, ft la1·gc anto1tnt of Good s 1n ust be dis1)osed 01'. 1 SHORTEST NO TICE, \Ve l1ave n ow 011 hand a large quan tity of Common and Gang Plows, tlrnt wiJl be sold a t LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. 'Bowman ville; Ma. rch 6 18'73 . E OLD Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed. L1 :~~c:d:t~~~!~~:. L E E M. TRELEVEN. . - o. John Ca1nidge, J\ifus. Doc. , Cru1luar, England . Bowman \'ille, 24th Dec ., 187::1. 1.'o the 1 liarw.ver8 Dom i1·ion Oryan Cu . Exa1niRc the !!tock, which co1u vrises cvery thh 1 g- in tbCJ tr.'.lJde, of the very fa.te1-Jt anJ 1 nm1t cleg itnt GENl'LE .\U:N .- I lik\~ to pla.y on :y out O q;ttns fl ty 1cs and ]Jat t ern1-J1 of :Muglish, Canadian, and .A.n1cr icau rn an u fo.e~uro. fa· ~e is so sweet av clst eady. .A nd th e work- o1na11snip and Jiui1:1h oxcelle:f"!t, and iu evl.!r.Y He still eontiuucl:i to mn.nuf;\ctnrc t o order, Ct-om the bes t of n1~teri al, and none btlt first-cln.ss partii.mh~r they are oq noJ, if not 1:111perior, to any I have ever heard. Hoping they wHl me et workmen kept. public aµpr eciati ou. JOHH CAMIJJG}; He llas in stock an eudlcoa val'ic ty of LaJies' and C entd 1 Sa.ratoga. 'J'runks, \ falises, &c. 1 all of whi ch h e is Helling" d1cap for eash , Rc.a.d the following frmn R osa ])'Eriirn. : Bow1nanville, ])cerrler 22, 187:~, IJ.'o tlte .illwnager:3 of the Dominivn Oruan Co. G- ENTLEMJ!;N. - I hav e nn wh 1Jle iiEi111'C in t m1ti· fying to the excelkut qualities of tho Or §?. an st1pplied by you n.t my concer t 1;1f;t Sattuday evening . 'l'he tone is sweet a.nJ vtll'.Y p owerf ul aud. the c01nbh1at io11 of stops most adm irable, I a m sure your instrument s will fi J:J <l favor in 0111.u-ch es, ar:; they arc i;ingulnrly adapleJ for sacred music . \Vishi ug y0n every RUC'Ct!i;~ , and that the p ublic 1nay patronize nativo manufac. turc. I ren1ain Ge11 tfonrn11 , Ve1·y respectfull y, ltoSA D'mUNA. - o- nesa aa follows : Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. ALL ACCOUNTS lf. LONDON, QUEBEC ANO MONTREAL. P "ill"" BENDERED onthe p B owm auville, 1Iay 10, 1874. 187 4. TEMPE:IiLEY LINE. composed oi the following an d other fir st -dass Iron Sten.mships :" S'.l'. L _. A WREN CE." "THAMES. ' 1 H A N 1st January, 1st May, aud 1st Septe111ber H A N T H 1n cac.'i cind every year. Every Instrument Warmnted for 5 Y rn II. O'HAli A. A. M. DARLJ;;Y. !>resident_ IYlanagl:r. Bowma:nvillc, Jauua.1 ·y 15, 1874. bp-oa -1nl6. I " SC01'LAND . " " S E 'VBl~N." ·u DEL 'l~.t\. ." The .f irst steamer of this Lin c is intended tu be deapa.tcbt1d fron1 LONDON }'OR T In the case ot hfanufa.cturers, Mechanics, and others~ whose at:counta mny amount to $50.00 or over, their note,if agreed upon,wiU be t aken. payable at the Bank for a stated period. THE 1na.nville, July 16th, 1874 . 41-6 mos . FOR SALE. HA'l' llESIHABLE RE SIDENCE at pre. sent occupied by 1':Ir. ~V. H. Ba.aaett, with four acres of land, outbuildings, &c. , ·will be sold for ca~h or on ti1ne. Fo1· further pa1'ticu)ars 'pply to RH. McCAW, Alma Hotel. nowmanville, April 16th, 1874, in28tf, T OBSER,VE ! Goods at (Jost! Good.~ Quebec and Montreal ON Cash Purchasers AND :eible Christian WEDNESDA'i 15th APRIL · I · I during tho Seaso :;,D F P.OM . . .. ('l'o be. foUvwed at inter vals of TEN 1)AY§ H 0 Prompt Payers on credits short will alwa.ya get goods at price& cn t FINE, os our great aim will be to court thfa cla.se of trade I Stook :C.a.rge. AND 'o · DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. IS REHEBY GI VJ;;N '.l'HA'l' NOTICE tQe Dominion Bunk has opened an agency at less tha1i cost! ('fl 0 AND . for the transaction of busiu ess in Horsey ';:; BlockJ t\vo doore: east of Brodie's H otel, King Street. Interest will be allowed on deposits. . dUrln · J u l y ~ "" d ,AU(JIUSt g ~... g · . u J] g Bros MCCl Dro.fts issued on u.11 _points in Ca nada, United States and Groat Br1ta.in. The So.vingt1 Ba.nk department is.now o.ven. On a ll deposits over !4 interest i.yill be allowed at the rate o( 5 per ent per annum. Office Houra . - F'ro1n 10 o'clocl-:: a . m. 1 to 3 o'elock ll . u1., except on Saturdays, wlien tho 131ink will close at J o'clock, p . in. , ~ J . H. :\1cLELLAJS, m3ltf Agent. person· d .._ irou· bru .· ·gi_ng out their r.-i.nd·.· Through Bil!" of Lading issued on the , Contineut and m ,,ondon for oil parts of Ganada, and in the United Stotos t_o D etroit, l\filwaukcr Cluca,£0, and other p 01nts l ll the W est. l'reight or app)y to > . . IEMPERLEYS, CARrEH & DRAKE, 21 lillilleter Sh"&t, London ; ROSS & CO. Quebec; rJ'J)U-'!J~Jilfl\~~S.mc~!t lfi"~:t!,·~:.~~d ~; or Pa~fJU{!~ Quebec , for " LondQtt -aT A~ouT__!thraAv. . Uwen Assorted 'U s Oook,AH~i'.'d:Wa;i~~.t~~~Bo s E E S T O V E S' for wood or coal G d llT G d Sa.'b'ba.th 11e1f 00 s, 1 1ew 00 ·S L ~ d. ' cu:ff ~ nd c011ars Wl .th c.u.J:JD lei!!! .L.I. ~ ~ :e tt .:I 11 "' tt t 9 ·~ BOOK ROOM AN D School - :u :- - ' I Depot JUST AR :RIVED ~ i. _j KING STREET, BGWMANV I L L~. T bs S ubsnib<r bas on hm1d " . _ 'l! I "~'or JOHN McLEOD & Co . . ,f Bo.vmannlle, September4th,187 . L arge St OCk 0 f B0 0 k S, suited for Sabbath School Libm rils, Presents, am! the Stutly. liil e! DAVID SR~ldo'i1°~i<Jfbs~ U ons IW t\,lly, rn2!J-t md. N o\i·, Bowmanvillc, AQ-E:NTS W'ANTE::O. -AGENr r s WANTED to -:nnvass iJ1 lil ie t:ou11ties of Durh.i.m, Victoria , Pet erboro !l.nd York, for two of thtt most saleable, readaLle :and valuable books publi shed on this continent vii: · " HO. l!E . L i l·'E I l{ TliE BI BL E," bythe well-known uuthor, Danid liarch, D.JJ. author of "Night Scenea i11 Biblo, " and 14 Onr ~·a.ther'a House." " Honw Life " is the author's last and best book. Also that unsu 1 11a~~ed . l!'nm ily B ibl e, - -· -- ~ -- - ·--- - -- · ----1 ---.- -~----- '· NEW DRESS GO ODS THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. co ~r · iliilU ons ta,ched . ' a, · ILI,UMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c, for Sab bath Schoofa . - - -0-0 ur Books arc n1arkcdlow. A special tlir;<;uullt fo r l\fin lliter~, "'l'eachers, a.nll Sabbath Subvofa. . s..bb·U· SPRING .Announcements. MAiiXUS MA Y:ERS Cfl.ll s attention to his very ltugP. · NEW lllLLINElf, New tweeds, New trouserings, New vestings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes., · -oAH U1c nove lties o r the ;;cason to Le frmnd at Th ~ largcB t stock of " TJIEl'EOPLE'S STANDARD E DITION. ' ZIEGLER & M'OURDY, 518 ~4.rch St. , l»hila delph ia, l:><L . . Address .Rev. A. RICH ARD, N orth ])ou1·0, A i;ent for a bove Couuties . bp-lm- o2G·m40. NEW HATS, NEW CASHM ERE CAPES E:J'tereoseopic ViG"Ws --o-eyer l:lhown in this of tl1c country ; u.bu E X P E 0 r_r ""I' 0-D A Y, M ioosco:pes, ~c i;tion Spring Stock, SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. :o : Any ohe '\\·lsbin~ to have Photoa eulargetl fru1u old picttKeB of deceased friends , can get tho sa.1ne done at O BG!l\TS ! : . believing his present aswr tanl;lnt exceeth! any o hi8 fortner displays.. ~l'o his lisunlly large home ptu-chasea, li e ha."! i1nportcd a very Lt:1autiful Iiea.ding G-la.sses, etc. , etc . C. BARKER. ASSORTMENT OF HATS, 1-1.ntl he c1~1l s . - - ' aupcrb. M eesr.s. Bice & :Ba.rker Have r eceii.,ed ruiother sup1Jly of t hat supei..o clmJ1:1 of Oi"ga.na kn own as tho nttcntion tu his Silk, they a.1'0 H is D rab Sh ell, they are ju."!t w1rn t geutletneu require, hlli Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE, \Vish to inform the p ublk general ly, th at they have t:ornmcnced the G EN. W 0 LS E L Y, AND Silver · Tongue~ GLAT!STON E. CANNOT BE BEAT . l f is Gent's ftu-nh:ihing ar; nsual , is replete with all the la.test an<l choicest .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, THE BANNER AT PRICES 'Te.it & Arthur's CJa.llery, ~h ey LOWER 1IIAN A NY PRE VIOUSLY I1ltl!OR1'ED. and haNing resolved to give the public the l'.ie11e· fit of said reduction in cost. they call apcd8J at tention to the following P rice List for the STRA vV HATS, u every style, as usu aL Don't forget to give hi.In a call if you aro in wnut of anything in hi!; line. h&ving gone to great expense in pureha.sing _ -and titting up a, curr en t month. SOLAD C.A.:U:ED.A, f or th e exprei;i; pu1·pose of enlai·ging pboto.gra.phs, which they inake fr<nn th ~ 1 :mrnJ.lest Style 35 ; Seven Stops : Di~pason. Violina, Picolo. Principal; Tremolo,Fo~e. Principal F ort e. Price $125 Style 37; Eight Stops ' Diapason, Viol· iua, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Principal Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. Style 38 ; Nine Stops,Diapason,Violina Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub-base F orte, Sub·base.Vox hullµ1Jl ia: Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte. Sub base Forte. Sub-base, Vox humam>Price $160 r. SE)VING }fAOHINE His Stock is :C.a.ge, COMPANY, His Prices I.ow, and he i" always p leased to show his good . Bowmanville, 'biay 7th, 1874. . __.I ~ BOWJHANVILLE. Grocery Brnsiness TN GLENDINNING'S BLOCK, where they offer FO .fl CASH , OP SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Ha,ring r~ cently perfected card to life i:.i.ze. They would remind the public that they are still t1triYin1t._to improve th eir work iu J.-"hotography,~ ~nd th ey .are now tuL·uing out Pictures 1873. Th e euLscril>el· would beg t o call att en tiuu to his stock of Important Imp1·onements, in their celebrated Family Sewing IF Machines, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour, Seeds, li:qua.1 to Toronto Work -:u: - Groceries Dry Goods, At-e })tepared k 1 GUARANTE E T HEM E QUAL, NOT SUPERIOR, rroBACCO , CIGARS, PIPES, &c. Theil' l\futtu it5 t o any uuw before the public, }'or SLYll' LICITY OF CONSTRUC1'ION EASE OF OPERATION, UNIF ORMITY OF PRECtSE ACTION AT ANY R A'l'E OF SPEED, Cabiu6t t~nd four -fmntb i;izo nmd c l,;~ Lllal ly M g<lod n.s their card1:1. Go a nd ~ x arniu e . r.i p!:lci· men:-; -and be convince d that they are doing well. 'Extra prllits can be h e1.d off old neg1.\tiv..:s. 'l'hey ke""p on hand :uH. 1 for sale, an " FAIR PLAY, SMALL PRO FITS, ANO QUICK RETURNS." bat ·ivr ox f[ urn a.1H1 iii t1wl!e (~ set (lf lkal:;. Urganf':, (.Ii ir vt. (i Jr" a.g Assortment of Frames FIVE PER CENT. OFF F OR CASH. 'J'b u J\1T an11facturen; ie8ne Lut one quality of work, and t hat i:;i ::eoots & Shoes etc., etc, which for H. vV ILSON, I BOWMANVI LLE, SEASON 1874. J . L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER . N ewcastle, j\fnrch, bth, 1874. Daily Line to Rochester. Com1umwing 0 11 22 . G-enera.l A.gent for PIANOS, ORGA NS, MEL ODI~ ANS ai'v d SEWING )If AG JIJNES ~ or t~Lout 1st . A pril, cnpacity Chea.p as the Ohea.:pest. Bowmauville, No\· 12th, 1873. b11·0:13·rn6-tf. I of rnni;e aml a<laptibility to great vu.ricty of work, :fine or coarse, The New :C.a.ke Stea.mer ALLAN LINE. Reduction of Steeras-e Fares. TH E VERY BEST t li ci r ex.torn:ii Y e fncilitfoa and 10116 rix-p(:l'\rm co enable thern to procli.lco. THEY STAND UNRIVALLED, Raymond Sewing These Celebrated Ma.chines oLtained th e Machine, FIRST PRIZE Ai' THE lidd in l\.1ontrcal in September, 1873. wanted. Agents A SPECIALITY. InstrnQ tion t;,- ivcn, and ln.stn1m<.·nt::i ~\J i ll Ma d1ines guaranteed. Bowmanville 1 J'une18 1 1874. EOWMANV:CLLE TO :FOB. SALE. .A 1 11n ussEs. IWhef 1 Comfoi·t and Cure for l(crn1 a 0 1· Rupture . ] ine : Steel Spring coated ·with hard rubber , highly ,poUshed . Free from all sour, rusty, chalinl{, .8trappiurr or girthing unpleasantness . Coo], ~cleanly, light, safe ru1d d~rable. U natr.octcd fby bathing. ~4.lways reliable. Soltl l)Y. all ·dealcr:i . Estab'ti!, 1347 Chestnu t St., Plula. , :.and 717 Broadwa.y, 1'-. Y . E ttWY!lE of imita· 'tion. Cnnadin.n trade supplied l1y Mes~r s . .Kerry 'Va.tson & Co., '\Vhol ~s nle D ruggist, !"TRU S SE S Rup·TURE GOOD SECOND HAND Piru1 0 for sale. Price $65. m35-tf J . M. BlUMAC011lm. S EELEY'S H,IRJ? RUBU ER 2'he8e I nstriwnenls are case(U1 n souid well 8eruoned, Black W alniit, elegantly amd beaut·i fiilly jin,ishell by a new F1·ench process. Quality and Cheap Provincial llxhi'bition, ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED I" NORSEMAN " Londonderry or Qla.sgow, <\.. \.YJTOTtD, Mast er) {ll. CH·· I LIVERPOOL, THROUCH TICKETS F O R$25.70. RET'llRN TICKETS FOR $49.20. A.PPLY A'l ' E XPl{}~SS FARM FOR SALE. ON E HUK DRJ)D ACRES , being tl· e OFsouth half of lot 18, in the 9th Con . of TI-IE DURABIL I'l'Y J . T . ANOERSON, L OCAL AGENT by·o31 · 024· lyr of the "Silver 1l1ongne," bone of its moot re-. markable c;h aract eri1:1tics. Their q uality of kt·epiri g in good t one, uJso is 0110 of !.h e moa t . riract.ical importance. · J . ELLIOTT, TYRONE. i MIA RRIAGE LICENSE ·--"""'"----~ . R l GH & BARK ER King Street, Bowmunville. Bow man ville, March 3rd 187 4 hisued by l\fontreal. CLIMIB, the Statesman Oflicc . Bowmn.nville B owll;la.n ville. Nov. l!'h, 1868, W . ll. 028-ln1 Oa.rtwrigllL . A bout 70 acr es cleared ; a.U11ti\\', bein&' only six year8 sin ec clearing commen ced. 1'he ian<l is a light loam on t opi with a good clay bottom, and sure for crop. '!'here is a. RETURNING, view of 'the beautiful Lake Sc ugog, on wh ich Steamboats nly lfa ily frorn J~ indaay t o P ort \Vill le:ive Chttrlotte {pert of lWchester) daily P erry, and one and a hnlf ruilca frotn Otesaren. &t 9 o'clock, p , Ul., exci<:pt S a.turday ::i, ,vhen she P. 0 .. which ia un the geavcl l'O&d to Bown11111. will leave at a p. Jn. fo1· Cobourg direct. · ville. 'fhere fa ~:t 1:i mall f1 ·mnt: hon8c and !:l tone Deal1;-1ro in Stock will find this the <!heapest cellar, outbuildings not mueh, ~ood water piunp an d.most expeditious route to Boston, Alban y, . and cistern at the dool' . ..::\. sniall yvu n$' orcbanl N<~w York, &c., &c . ! 'Vil! ho sold cheap, as th e propriet or 111tend"' to For f urther inforiua.tlon, addr~r.1 1nove west in the fall. R CHA WFORL\ )1, l\iicALISTER, Port .t:Lupc, Ci:esarea :P. 0. C. F. GIL DERSLEEyE, Cartwl'ight, J un e 23rd , 1874. m38tf. Kingston. \ViH make her regular trips on this i·out c, leav· ing Cobourg every morning a.t 7 ;30, and P!Jrt liuve at U 0 1clock, for Rochester, connecting there v;1ith t ho N ew York, Central, and Erie llailwa.yi5, for all pointa, EMt , \Vest a nd South. Oli'l!'lUl.:. in38-lm. WM. A. NEADS, Agent. - - - -- - - - ---- - - prize1nan of th e 1..Tniver si ; o~ 'l'oxullto, an. University of Queen'i; 0 1,ll ~g~ , Kingsto~ . ~Iein her of the College of P hysw1ans anU Su q~eou s of Ont ario. Surgery an1 l He:-;idencc, oppo~ite the mark et equaro. Eowm!l.nv illo, Oct. 5th , ! S71 G sicians of England, m1j Universit)' of toria College Cobou1·g; l Tndergrrultrn,te and RADU A'l'l!: of the Royol College of phyy~ic· DR. DAVIDSON, ·