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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Jul 1874, p. 4

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· - ______ . ____,._ · - --- - -~ ~ ==-= -=o-~=;:= ~~n= ~~n~E:~:= r. :--=-: :.= -_ll:~,1~~":~.~~tA~;,~ .~ , ~ 1:T=;:;, ~ omH~m~ , ~ db .ly=~s~~.= =r,Tl~8Tl~t~H~:w~~~I~N~i'.=~D;,:R~U~G=iS~A::Na~~t~!:fl~E~D~IC:=IN ;:~E~S~======~=~T=--=O= .= T =H .=E==p= c. = U =B==L=l= O =.= 'J'ht!rc'~ no novel road to greatness, TH~ MEHCHANT, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1874. ~\..ll the wealth of n1facr's coffers Men must ever climb to fam e; Wonldn'tbuyadeathlessname. l s a. uoLle ~oal before yon? t b' , l '> " 1, 'YOU l,_. yo u grca ac ievetlllHlo,8 ( .trc. ' 'Brother, t heu Le up a.nd doingBrother ! you nnist "\Vin a.nd V{ei~r. " Toil and labor, never stopping, Till you m<~ke the in1.1..e y11ur own, · l'or you kn0·w 'ti s " con~tant 1.ropping: \\'eau1 ~~wa.y the hardest stoue." X !;;lVCl' sla ck ~ublitne e ndeavor, Noi,: 'urid cheerleag toil despair; If yqu'd rise a bove yonr fellows, Brother ! you must " Vi7in and \V enr. ii writers on gru-nening to put cuttings of plants we wish to propn.gatc in beds of snn<l two or three inches deep , a nd the .. cutting benches" of nearly all 01u large J1 crfats' establishments orcthus made. They ore, howe1·er, grcotly annoyed by \Vhat they CK'\ll the cutting·bench fungw,1 - a species of mold w]1ich runa throu,..,.h ,, the sand with grea.t rapidi ty, and destroys the cuttings. This ia grE;ia.tly aggra.vated if the san<l is not absolutely pure: hence the English cultivators lay great stress upon ueing none but silver sand, a.a it is called. \Ve have found that .fi ne, tlean anthracite sp .. RING, ll!PORTER 18 74 o~· Bowman~le s11APLE & ·FANCY DR-Y·r GOOI)S Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM - c iii ~rpets, L@loe Curt@l1·ne1, l!iind. Bouse Furn1"sh1"ns "' ~ IW ~ ' PJ'is the ]C'sson nature teaches All thr.:mghout h~r wide do1na.iu, .And t he text fn·ut which she preach'bs Is that labor ler~da to gajn. ~lonJ worth, and honest merit.Brighter crowns tha.n monarchs Lear, These you never ca.n inheritHroLl.itJr ! these you " 'V,in to \Ve1tr." C.,.·. .., ;, ,, for Chickens. .. ..... _ _ ........ ..J .A great object in l~fe·-A giant. .A. cuol req lll·St-Please pti..f:IS the ice. l'c.dcrnu.l <1c1·el;l-'I1he old mun's corn1:1. A perfectly na.tural n1au is g"enera1ly a pcl"· fectly hoJJCtit onP. th<:! gr~eu a.pple doubles the little boys into ·1uarto Iornt. · ~ow .A laugh ifi '\'Orth lli hundred groaua in ;:i,uy 1uarket,· · -{)hatlc!l Lamb. 'J.'he oltl·fal!hioncd wtnuen's cru~ade- .A. Loy's and a tine.toothed cowb. " Y ou can't eat enough in a week to J~t.1:1t you a ymt.r, and you c1\n't adverti~e ou that. Jlla11, cii.her . 'l 1he ~t. Loui:3 pu.pers 1:1t~t.irize the 1l'J.ctropolis uf be North,vcst by spelling its name Shcl:awgo. That wa~ :~ bri ght little child who i.11quired 1 ".i\o1a, when co'\'S die, clv they go to th1J ' inilky way?'" "'\Vould· Le conh·ibutot·: "I wish you wotild tell 1ue soJuethi ng to \\'l'ite abou t." Editor : ·· \V1.Jli ! Right nbout face." " Pin not muc h for shtump spa.kin' 1 ,. tleclaretl a nt Dubuque, " but for honesty and capacity and integrity, I bate the divil-so I tlo." '£oast at u. railway dinncl": "Our J.\IIo thers, industriou s tendt:ffS 1 though they often mi8plactld tll8 SW itch, " 'l1hu on which many a 1Joo1· fl!llo'Y has been catTied a.wa._y is the wave of a. la.ce -edged ctUI1bric bru1Uke1·d1ief . A fathel' in "\i'{hiconsin offunitl bi~ tmll fivo doll11r8 t o take 11. dose of ca::;tor oil, ancl then got i.i cow1tm-feit bill off on t he boy. DtHl Piatt says shrewdly : "Humor is to a ncws1)npor wha~ <.i.. tail is to a kite - very absurd, but n :ry necess:try t.o its ascen sion. " .A lady recently appli ed to a firo in1mra)1ce: company fol' ll position a.':! agen t. When miked '"-hat her qualitication i:! were, t:lhe t:n1ohc<l hei· 11 11bl ushing chet-k . it may be, as it does not generate n.ny mildew J ~ which aro 1;1u·c to ~ ive the bt.:~t t1aLi!ifaction or fungu s of any kind, probably owing to the . sulphur it contains, which, it is \vell·know11 1 fa A well selected stock Qf d:str1Jctive to the lower forms ·f i1lant life. It DRUGS, i.<1 not so granulate :1.s ea.nd, but more Iawinate or s.:a.le-likc in its charn.cteri a.nd retains mois. GREMIG.ALS, tltre far better than sand, i:n1d so does not exP.ATENT .MEDlCJNE pose the cutting to und ue a.ltern~tions ::of dryness and oxcess of moisture. ; ) Ha.~s, Shirt~,. IJRUSIIES, Such of our reader~ as 1ua.y not 11ave t11C _.. 1. .o.- --GONBS, luxury of a greenhouse can fit up a. propagating Occupying my New Premit;es. ;LARGE, ELEG,INT ttnd CoNVENIENT; Show Lox by ta.king an onlinri.ry soap-box a.ucl SHOULDER-BRACES, · Rooms replete with it down to four inches deep; then boring five or six half·ioch holes in the l~ott om, n.nd fillingSUPPORTEliS, Etc, Et c. it t hrt>e inchl:'~ dee1) with cleani moist eoal dust, kept t.onstantly on hand . n.nd insert iu g the cuttingf:I i li it with a large Spring and Summer .JJ1illinei·y, Mantles, Shawls, Trimmings, etc. OILS, P AIN'l', skowor,; then giving it a. libcrn.l watering, and 1Setting it in the ""1.ndow of n. wavm l"OOin, fuUy COLORS, VARNISHES, exposed to the rays of the sun without any f:lhading, giving it a. liberal wa.teriug every two and WHITE LEAD ' ~. SpecinJ nt~ention given to getting up orders for or three days, aud being very careful not to alFnnuly Mournrng. A Lm-ge Stock of Black Lu,tre at the ,,·ery lowel!lt prices. low the cutth1gs at o.ny time to beooroe dry, as Goods at <tll times. Horses and Cattle Medicines. that i::i sure t o kill them. As soon as tLcy beN. B .- -Couutry sto1·e·kt1Hpers l'! Upplietl on gin to grow it will indicate t hat they have ta.k en the mo:-1t a.dvantageons terms. root, when they should be carefully taken out of A ()hoicc selection of I~A}IJ!S for bale chca p. the coal dust and potted in sm::i.U pots jn ti uita· Bo";111nnYille. ])ec. 9. 1868. Om. ble t;oil - Iicwper's Ba.zo.r. Rollin.g the G-ro·wml.-A corre spondent of the Oshawa, Wes t, King St. Aµril 9th, 1874. ' Gennan~owu 1.'elf.(fl'aph writes: 11 On dry or wet gronnl1 the effect of the roller i8 found to lie snluta.ry. Ploughed and prepared for sowing, dry la.nd is much helped by the roller, The bla.cles of grass spring up sooner and retain a firmer ]1old on the ca.rt11. 111 a season of drought, rolling- has saved the c1·op, wh en with. out it the !iced would have uever sprung fr01n the ground. In wtit and heavy ground it is bt'lieve<l the l'Ollcr, smooh ting and hardenin g the 1nu{ace, \Vill leave the soil im1nediately beneatl1 the ;;u rface in a better condition to ge11.e1:a.t0 the seed. On grass ground tha.t bas been heaved by the frost, the roller has an excel1ent effect in fixing- the roots. Ilolling the ground is [\lso and the assortment will e fpun<l · good when th e,and htt.s been laid down uueven' ly the previous ye1~. If the land is too dry, · wait till j ust after a soaking i·nin, and i~ will work capitally. It is a good idea. to r oll plough ed sowed ground bofore hal"rowing, as it presses down the furro,~·s tha.t \Vould be t urned back and makes th~ surface l ess u neven, and the AND harro'v pulverizes i t much. We find that on au a.verage not one fn.:rme1· in four has a 1·ollcr. n S ellln(J by lVeight.-Catuiot some; be Dr. J, Calitol'nln Yin n.doptcd whereby egg-s a nd apples shn.11 be sold egar Bitters are a purely v egetablo by weight? A farmer in Macli~on carried eggs preparntion, made chiefly from the na to rna.rket Jn.g t week \vhich weighed 28 oz. ver tive herbs found on tbe lower ranges ol do:r..; a nother persnn 1:1old at the Rame store the Sierra. Nevada mountains of Califor eggs w"l1ich weighed J 7 oz. p et· doz. Price paid Ilia, tbe medicinal properties of wbioll The P,1Llic >lre solicited to cn,ll ;i,nJ see for them;elves. to ciich 'v a.s 30 cents pr.r dozen. If 1 doz~n are extracted therefrom without the use weighing 17 oz. are wo1 'th 30 cents, how 1nnch of Alcohol. Tbe question is almos t is 1 doz. ·w orth which weighs 28 oz.? daily asked, "What i8 tho cause of the Gp_ Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 As 17::&1:28 ... ... .......... ·10.7-17 t;LK. unparalleled success of VINEGAR Brr As ~8 ,;io,,17. _... .... .. ...... 18.6.28 i'ERS~" Our answer is, that they remove Aga.inthe cause of disease, and the patient ro 100 doz. large eggs, a.t 1H. 7-17 .. . . $4!.l.4 t covers his health. They are tho gror.t 100 .... .smaJl. ....... :iu .......... ,;;o,oo co·ldustisfar prelcr·bleto eand,bowevcrimr· F as h"Ionable m·11· I Inery Maµt Ies,and Gents' r>YE STUFFS MAN'UPACTURER Ol!"' 'VOl:LDmostrespectfully\emlerhissincere f thanks to his nuuierous fdcnds and cu!:!· tornera, and to the public generally , fur the\ l'b 1 } b d · h' very .l (>ra support 10 as l"eceiv c since 1::1 commencing in businca::;; and hoµes by ~1n· tinued strict personal atWntiou to bu:,iness, and offering llOthing prices, but theto pu1·est a.rticlcs, n.t the rnost rea.sonable ensure t\ continuance of p ubl ic patronage. J . I:I. would call special attention to his very superior stock of l I BICE ··· ··· U JN t·et.urning tLanks ~o ~he ir n~1meroua .custon1crs o.ud tho public i;Pnct'a.liy, for pnst favors, . would respectfully invite their to our present stoek of furuiturc, as we ·haYc L.1.tely a~lded .thcf eto, tha.t we m~y thereby be enabled to supply n,ll parties who 111ay j)lea ~e to favor hun with a ~all.. G l'eat inducement s held ont tl) ~h o~e purchasing- at ou1· e,t;t nb islnnci 1 t. Pie· tl}res. Looking:_ Gla.sseH, etc .. sramed to order, o.n<l 1n every ktylt::. Sa..m11lci; of the different kin~ of b-Iouldtngs ca.ri be seod at the '\'<·rootu. \Ve wonlU alHo be.0. ,. tn infot'lll vou that having purchaHed a. ~ ' ' w ALTER wrt:iG &·. SON·, SPLENDID NE'VV I-IE.AH.SE, we shall be ready ttt a 1 times, t o ::i,ttend fnuer111 s, on ehUrt N. B. -- Coffins kept on hand, and tnad t: to or<ler, u.t tLc n otic ~ and rcasonablr. term s . CL OT Oaps, .a· ·· _ I N G. .. NEW D01'JUNION RET.AJL FURNITURE W.ARE-ROO.M. Oi:;hn.wa 1 Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. 0 Boots tind ·Shoes, ·R eady Made (}lothing Colars, Ties, &c. s. B!lltEB or .· begs to inform his mmtom~rs <end the pttblic ge uorally, tb\tt he hns now received his -LATEST NOVELTIES DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. NEW SPRING ST OCit DRY GOOD FOR THE which on inspection will be fou ud LIBEiiAL DISCOUNT T0 THE CLERGY. S. TREWIN BEST Attractive and Che.a p. --o-_ All gonds marked at the lowest NEW GOODS. CASH PR I CE, from which _.,..._~--~~~- ·Ranah.ester April 15, 1874. <eb<ttement will !Jc rnade. --o-House, Bo~>n1:.uanville. HO NEARLY ALL JUST !BllVED AT ANDERSON llOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, & CO'S the largest stock of EOOTS and SIIOES eyer offered in .Bow1nan.villti, auU PRICES MODERATE H. ELLIOTT JUN Walkei·'s · . . Organs ON THE AT T;J1E I.AO-WEST PRICES. - - -·SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. --o- TO CASH PURCHASERS. - o- G REAT INDUCEMENTS Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at . . Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH. $19.41 Usefttl Rint~. -Soa p !'; hould not Le used. in - r\ good wn.y to r csto!"e a. ina.n apparently cleaning oil·clo~Us. ~l'o half a .Pail Qf hot, l:Klft drowned, is to fi l'st dry h im thoroughly, insidt1 ,~·[tter, add hal f a cup of washing fluiJ, Ol' a a ucl out, and then clap it speaking·tl'ulnpet to f1iece of i:ialsoda half Urn i'jiz e of an egg; with a u;l.t ur· broom rub hard, putting on his e~ and inform hin1 that his rnotlie r-in·l:nv's scL·ubbing·bn. only snfficieut watet· so that it " 'ill not run oiT; dead. wi.ric dry wit h a soft cloth; it wHl look M bright J,andJady (tierceJy)·- "You nnrn t · not occu py and shining as when new. This is ;-l. good \\'BY th<:it bed \\·ith your boots on!" Boarcle 1·. - to clean <..:or..0 111011 paint, o.s it easily re1nov er:i '1 Oh, never n1in<l, they're only an old i:.unoke 1 grease, or dnt!t, and dves uot destroy 'l'he bed-bugs cmu't hurt 'ew. I'llrisk it, ((.llY· tbe gloss or varnish. It ~ also vet·y useful in bow. 11 wn.shiug wiuclowi!. A t cu1pcra:nce crusadcBf.l, on her return from 1'Iany house -k<~epers wash their 8.ilvcrwnre in a pil i:; to tbe beer shops, waa seen to ap· soap and water. rh is .should nnt b e pni.cti.aed, proach the pa.n try, and overhl::la.rd si ngi ng : a.'J it nutkcs it look like pewt~r. "\\.'11cn it needs Little drops of toddy, ]JOlish t ake a piece of soft leather and ,vhiting L ittle grains of spice, n.nd rub I.tu.rd; tbis will r c~to re its lustre. J)o11't they make a body l3y addiug a tenspoon of i)uh·ed ;i;ed c.IJ.uu1 tq ] ' eel so ltwful nice? half a pa.ckage of good stove-poliltl1, wet up 11~tl'oit l"1·cc I'rc;s : "'\ Virginia c.; herill Mkt:d with a little 'vater, 1nuch time and labor ' vill a u1u r rlere1· if he " 'anted to tnake a speech on 1 Je aa.ved, as a 8tove polished \vith th iB tnixturti the gnll·n·;i;, roid t he ma.n i·eplied : " Guess not; will rc1uain bright n. long tilne. It shonld be it looks like rain, nnd I don't wu.ut to get wet ; applied \Vhen the stove is nearly cold, and with a dry brush rubbed until it is dry a nd shining. go on 'vith the lu\ngir:g ." C OME and SEE 11 · Oomponudcil possessing bloocl purifier and a life-giving principle perfect Renovator and Invlgoratoi' of the system. Never befm:e in the history of the. world bns a medicine been ~ CONTINENT. " - - - - ------ - - ANDERSON Deed's old Stand. - -o- - - o -- & co., tho ren1a.rkable HILL'S qualities of VINEGAR BITTERS ill healing tho dclL of every disenso mt~n is heir to. 'l'hoy NEW aro a gcutle Purgative a~'vcll as a rronio rolioving Congestion or Inilammu.tion o' f Lhe Liver nnr:l Visceral Organs, iu llilious The :Best Ma.terial used at ANDEBSON & CO'S. ANOTHER FIRST CL.ASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY . AT ANDERSON & CO'S. . Diseases. 'fhe properties of On. w's VI NE G.A Rl.lITTERS fLrO J.\ poric.n t,, " DiaJJllore ti c Fall& Winter D.ry Goods A Uarminath.·n, N u t ritioni5, La:xntive, Diuretie Se<lative, Counter· I r ritan t, S ud~n·ifie, .A.lte1a ' tivB. 1.tuJ. ..Aut..i-Bilio·).;. n. H, lticDONALO '"~ 1873. -0- 1873. - --o-- - LARGE _,...---;0:--- Drugtl'iSIS find Gm). Agts., 81111 Frt111ci ~cu . c~lli f,1rr1i rt cur. ofW1 i..~ lu11gto n and CJia.rJt.011 StF:. N. Y. §old by all D1·ugg!sts nu,(f D .r at-l(·rs. co .. LOT OF r ; LADIES' and. GEN'l'S' F"t1RS · VEI~Y Bow11mnville. Nov. 1st, 187:1. FALL STOCK. Dress' Good.s Newest Style. of th· N. B.-We have b~en appointed agents for the cel"brnted BANNER SEWING MACHINE, rnanufactmed in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and see sample machine. Bov.rinanville, Juue 5th, 1874. OI-IEAP. CARRIAGE SHOP .. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? To Pickle G1'een Cucu1nbcl's. - s1na.J.l At;1. Irish Jlost lx ·y having driv~u :i gen tleman a long stage during torrent.-, of rain, the gentle· ones of a uniforrn f:h:e, \va.<Jh, put in .a porcelain man civilly r:;a.i<l to him, " Paddy, are you not k ettle, oover with cold 'vatcr, ancl a little salt; very wet?" "AiTali, I don't ca1·e about being set it on the !3tvve, let it heat gradually a nd very wet, but, plazc yotu' honor, 1'1n very dry. " })oil five ini.nutes; then drain off the water ; add good "inogar; to one gallon of vinegar add .A. J-Tartfonl n11ln keep8 a f"tia.dc cloBe by his on-e c:up of 1nolasi:ea:, one taUltlBpoonfulof cloves, kiteht:u door, and whenever t1a1np con1es <lo. uinun1non; let boil five minutes; remove to ~ilw 1 g aucl bf;lg"I;! for a. di nner, he is requested to an ~al'Lhen or stone dish; pour ovei· them tl1e t'a,r11 it 1Jy diggivg four feet F.i !lUare in the gnr· bot vinegar; cover tight; \Vhen cold they dt\ll, bnt 1 .ho trr.nnp iuva.1j11,bly refuses to pay ready for use. I nev er use any acids, nor cook f hifl priCt'. in bn\.8s t o make them look green. considering Jn a. Eou t In\ 0 1lt>1 n. town r ecently, a man !ell both inj ur..:iou s to the health. When we prepare inter, Iwaah and scald 1ny bnirrel to inti)~'· 1 1itd1 1 n thti oubkil"L~. · A pedt>strian the1n for \V hvl ]"H<~ hi n1 t (I hi1:1 feet, and after the thing ha<l iL perfectly clean, cover the botto1n with Jwe u accomJJli bhed, onr ht'l'O ~·All right, salt, wa.'3h the cucumbers in plenty o f cold prinklc l1i\· -- I"l1 ,.._,te for you ." The strauger looked water, lay in a l!\yer of cucumbctll, H r.t l, l1 11 t\()nLtf ully, an<l wished to know what ovW" ,dth, and 50 continue, putting in a.l· f· 1·. ' ' \Vhn.t office ye runnin' for?" "I? ternate layers of cucumbers and i:; ~:.wh ti1ne N.1 >11 e 1\t all," wag the answer. ")fot a cantli· of putting into the bai:rel; cover with cold do.i.1 ~ '!" "No; w]1y? " ·· \Vhy- hic- v.·by ! water, laying on a. fla.t stone to keep the1u un· ' Caui;c I <lon't know ns auy nuin'd--hic-help lier ,\·ater; if any are allowed to come t o the top of the brine, thereby being e:x poaecl to the ' 1 wthcr no you did, 'thout bein' a candhh1ite." air, they will rot. Those "'ill keep porfectly Wll};:-.' ,V.F. HAVE CRJ::?i:LiTIO?;l", for ont', two, or three years if desired. YVhen I hav1~ another wile I long to treat wanted for u se, soo.k in cold water, changing (\.Vith out which wife my joy wo~ld be c0n1plete) ~ : \ ery six hours; keep covered \vhile!reshening, To fire1; crematory, until I Sec as the li.gllt h;,u; a tendency to fade them; when 1i'ive pot1ndi'! of nsheR- a.11 tlrn.t 1s ~ft of sh e. the salt ie all drawn out, prepare as green cu'J'J1en on F-o me spot rc1note fl'om worldly din cuiubt>rs, t!xcept to cook the1n longcr. - Co1·. I'll dig a hole a nd du~p her cinders in. ll11ral Ne,w Yorker. Thither,pereha.nce, wlienf ade'f'l day's garish light, And drow sy n1urlnurs soothe the ear of night, '!'ill silenco like a. benediction fl its Facts for the People. lfroiu b~wcr to bower and on t he pigHty sits, Some friend might st.ray, with soul 1nore fond DY REV. GEO. V~'. NORR18, than inine: And o'er hei· teain the ·wild cucnmbbr vine. }ll'. 'rho1uns Sewall sayl:l 1 'tens of thouChicayo 'l ime~. aanda oi' moderate drinkr::rs die annually of ~================-==== To the Inha.bita.nts of :Sow ma.nville. · I ab01. 1 t gt1tting a 1\ing Street, Bowman ville . a DENTAL BURRING Ly whic11 I can th~ ENGIN sub.scriber ii;! THE. pn,u· ['!'tilHIJ'eLl to build a.n<l l 'e ~~~!ke 9 2!!e2b~c~ STORMONT. l Oct Cottons !' A L L OPE NING at Extra.ct Teeth in patient less tha than ha.lf the usual time and \\-ith less pain to n heretofore, a.ud that I have procured a. New And Em.proved Aupa.Faltus iot· generating Nitrous Ox1de Gas, by which1 can DO\V EXTRACT TEETH 'vrrHOUT PAI N Cowle's-·-SJ>lendid value. Wagons, Buggies, ancl C1ltte1·s, of every descdption, at short uotice, nudo reiwonable ter111a. Autumn Fashions! - --oo--- ARTIFICIAL ~EETH :BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 · ( GOOD · do. !1116,00 CASH. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont Il w ma.n\·ille, October 87::1. ~ ~ J. :M:. :Brima,combe, !:.UMBER. · reepectfully YOURS RESPEOTFULLY,' Carriages Painted and Trimm cd Magnificent clisplay of' N elv ancl v· ~,.,IC.l I Goods. STYLE a.nd Q'tJ' .ALITY of unequalled PRIN'l S 1 special attenti~1n s g1\·e1l :===================::-:::;;:-::-::::;:::;::::::::~:::::~===:::: · (In th prc1nh~efl, ,~·eretoall · ' Subscribe1· requl"sts all TJ{E ties indebted to him for Lumber, to aettla par- A Blacksmith's Shop " STORMONT Cn.1Tiage work, 1tnd General Jobbing. :Bible Christian AND BOOK ROOM. School - ·:O:-- their ac_counta wit!1out further delay. And he hereby informs bmlders, and others iu \Vant of lumber. that h e is r;rep_~red to supply them at cash rates for Cash. Hencefo1·th he iuteuds t o do a c~1 business. THOS. Sl\H'l'H, L ot ] V, 6 Uon. Darlington. 1873 . m8tf. All iuorlc clone at this Establ!ishm.ent avar~·anted. A call is respoctfufiy solicited. - .T. MORRIS. ' Bowrnau villei Oct. l st, 1809. COTTON BAGS, THE . BEST Ill . MURDOCH BROS. have opene~ out ti~ ilumense stvck uf Nrw F:.11 Gooqs. Great c;i,re has been taken rn buytIIg the Stock and ti · ' rely M '10 ' ID · bu" ·. F' irst Cl MS Good ~ l tave been purchased, customers can on · ting good value for their money. · g ,,t: the World. ---o----- special ' Line of COTTONS. at COWLE'S. Papas are not 1-omantic, ~t inu st he confessed. Oue of thetn in Davenport, Iowa, with three 1na1Tiageable da.ughtors, has por:ited the follow · ing uotic,e over his bell·pulJ : "\Vood, $3 a. cord; coal, ;;o ctmts a bushel; gns dear and b ad. Parth~s staying after 3 o'clock will please settle quarttir ly. N. B.-A i·eduction after engagements, and the full ltmount added to the inarl'i1.ige portion." But there are n1any lovers who an:· a rdent C'nough to·dis11ense \Yith a vul· g<tl' con] fire altogether, and would be perfectly \Villing to carry Oll t1ie ~cou rtirig in the back yard with tho thcrmornt't.e r at zero, if unable to pay papa's prices. A fctl:ltld ious inan fru.m abi·on.d and a local iniue ow ner sat uppoH itc each other at diun et diseases through which abstainers would p [l.8S safely.' t\ su rge on of tho British arniy in Jn dia so1u c three years ago published tli e atate~ n1cnt that iu In<l ia, an1ong E~1ropean resi~ dents, bis observation had taught hitn ti1at , Depot FRUl'T AND DRESS GOODS . Plain a)ld figured Lustres, Plain and Tart:m Wool l'oplbs, Metz Uor& F.i~ured Repps, Empress Cloths, ttnd an endless vttriety of other new D1ess Goods . .Blttck Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Pa,ramattas, Black Crnpe OloU.1s, Bfack Metz Cord.· , ' - Confectionery Depot. WHOLESALE and RETAIL J !lilt a1·ri ved 1 a.ud for Sale, at the above depot, The Satisfaction given by READY-MADE · KING STREET, BOWMANYILLE. taking into acco ul1t the relative nuinber of 'J'l1 e Subso·iber lutB oJJ hand a both classes, death occurs an1ong t hose \\rh o drink, i n proportion to abstai ners, n.a three to one. rrhe United States Ilit:Jpensu.tory dcclnre H 'the daDy use of alcoholic liquors to be pro· suiteLl for SaUbath ScJ)ool LibrarUa, Sabbath ]?resents, n.n d th<i S tudy. ductivc of t.he nLost deplorable consequences,' sanit.arily as well as morally. Two ILLUMINATED CARDS hunclred physicir1.ns and surgeons of New York and Brooklyn unite in thedec!a.ra.tiuu 7 TIOKETS in \ irginia City, nud th~ I~'nterpri~·c g:iveis thiR that' we believe alcohol should be classi~d ve;:rsiou vf their conversation: Dun<lrcarywi th other powerful druga-that when preSMALL :BOOKS &c, " Deah 1ne, this is d isgu sting (holding up his scribed inedidnally it ehould be u sed \Yi th knif!;;l untl g ~~zing-fi.xedly at iti> l ~rhis is conr:cientious caution ~r:: d a senee of grave for Schools. eitha.'v the second or the third I think its r cspon siUi.lity ;' anJ 'we are of opinion that - - o- tl1e third- tha ~ l'\'e found in this bntt<bh ! " the use of alcoholic liqu ors aa a. beverage is Con:istocker- ·· You've uot been here Jou g, I pro<lL1ctive o f a large amount- of physical Our :Books an:i niarked low. A 1:1vccial <li scouuf, (01· )finisters, ':Peache!"i; 1 mlll judge 1 otherwise you w1111uld not b1~ \·c com· disease, entails diseased a ppetiteE! upon ofi' Schools, vlaine d of hair in the butter." Dundrea.rysprin g, anU i ~ i1:1 Lhe 0uuee of a la rge percent· ··Not coinplain of hairs in the bnttnh: You age of the cr ime and pauperism of our citie_, surprise n1 e, sir. H ow 1..:ould I do otherwise?" antl country.' Coinstoekcr- " Thooe hairs, sir, are j ust aa J obr1 I.Jiggin Lot..to111 ,Lectu1e1· in the l\.o;yal natural to ,V,\sltoe butter aa butter i~ a. natural Uollege of Surgeons, England, after sixty pi·oduct of inilk. ·rhey are just as gooU and years' ex perience, eaya, ' [ consider it im. H t .w cleo.n as the butte:r. All our 11ntter pi_ous. for any n1cdical ~uan. to say auy con. JU stttnhon nee<ls alcohohc sti mulan ts.' cometi frotn. t he gl'eat .va.Ua.vs .. te, 1 · F!'tu"s · t b'rn Ncctwu · of the cou utr.Y; tt.l~o t t of our rlSta.. t l " Pr1"nciples ancl Practice ot Medi· . eve r i; I1own iu where fiou r1s I1es t h a t rnv~I n u ti io us an . 1 u Y cin l! says,' in~identally _ alcohol faV'ors the \VOnderful plant, the wh1t_ e _sn.gc .. . On t-lus vur proiluction of nearly l. lll diseases hy leasen· ico~copee, cattle feed n.nd fatten. rlh1s. wlute sagt'.l h a.s ing the po'v~' of resir;ting their causc6, and 1nru1y virtues. Strange as it ina.y appear to cJntributes to their fatality by in1pa1ring you, sir, fron1 the wl)ito sage is 1nanufa.cturull thn!ity to tolerate a nd overcome them. a nw;.;t woudcdnl a.ud very popular hair resto !.' he IlritUh .1.'tledical Journal cc.1 itoria lly rativt>. \Vell. 1:1ir, U1 a. country ' vhere all th · d '~~art·s tb: :. t 'alcohol is 11ot food , o.ud Ue· cows fccLl eu the white, do you t11ink it iHg only a stin1ulant (ir ritn.n t) its use i s likely t!J·t the buttor will be baJd-headed 1" hurtfol tv fhe body of a healthy man.' N ew Fruit and Gonjectionerys, Large stock of Books, DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ' best quality, a nd is: a.uxious thn,t they ORANGES 1'0 Alill. VE of the ahall set to woxk <t!i suon as !Jossi~lt:'. Soft Shell Almwmls,Filberts, ·Brazil an<l Wall E·uls, fr.eiller s ., fVest Ind,i'.a Preserued Ginger, Petws, Plii1ns, 1.'omatues, J; l 1 eaches, Gr~en }:Jeas, 1 Choice Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels is eclipsed by the satisfaction given by SMALE to hIB numerous patrons. lit\ is now plaasod to announce that he has on ha..ntl a large a.ud varied assortirent of BARNUM Good and · Cheap. alothing to Order Ji is a ·well-known Fact that Cowle ltas tlte best Tweeds CLOTHING MILLINE RY The of Millinery an d Mi!Enery Goods 's "ei·y ex t ens1vtt · . . · 1 . assortment an d lll tnmmecl or untr.11nmed Hat.' and Bonnets e;·cry t""te . b · · ·~ ca,u e con. · t · The Flowers n,ncl Feat! '~ suIted as ti ·10 var1e l . . ty IS l so .great. l . 1o1·o ., , L a,ces, '"'c" e c mm o 1ave tie l:~rgest a8sor t.m ent to he founr'. ltn Black an~ 'Vhite rnal La ces nnd Lace Colfars, we Jmn a larg e a.,,_ sor ment, at pnces to suit all. BOOTS ·AND SI-IOES All 1Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. in the countr;IJ. N othing cheaper than Green Gani cf: Lim.a Beans. --------·----the !Oct Coi1011· Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. To.m ato Sauce and Pickles " " Balmorals, extra high They havo come ruui ru·e coin i ng, at tlw :U'ruit cut $1.25. Depot. Gowle'a. BLANKETS IN / SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS Ql!A[,f1'Y is the test of GJIEAPNESS. T. DARLIN GTON. ;BQwtuanville, Doc. 4th, 1873. Nothing to Beat iii. GENT'S BOOTS. Large Variety Our Stuck of.Tweeds, ]fancy Co:ttings, Pilots, Meltons, etc., will be found unusual ly largo. Beaver,._;;~ Stere.oscopie V ie"W".s $26. REWARD. -T having to knowledge, that certain 1 selling Spectacles · Pecllars purporting to be of our make, and to bear cou11;1 arc onr and .Eye Glass- Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, .Peteashams Trunks, &c. CUTTING AND FITTING W inceys--a. Dead Job. Bowmanville,11fay .N. B. ··-Specia l inducement given to M :a.ea.ding G-lasses, e'cc., etc. C. BARKER. Special attention given lo es our nani es :stamped th (i1·e~111, wo h ereby caution the public against all such iu1poster s,a,s 1\1essrs Yellowlees & Quick are our Agents in W est and none but first·ClAoss \vorkrnen emp]oyed D urham ; a nd a llewartl of $25. is her~by of{er- thus insuring good value in every case , ' ecl for the apprehension and conviction of a.ll such ilt1poste1·s a!:! try to deCt·autl the public by STORJ~.- One do61· o:::ast of Corni~h 's J e\\"e]1·v offering their trash as our ma.kc. store, l{in:; Strcet1 Bown1an ville. ~ LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. J. SMALE , Dowmanville, Sept, 23rd, 1873. i\r!ontrcal 1 NoT, 8th, 1871. n7-tf 7t~8\f RDOCH BROS. CASH Purchasers. I · F. ·Y. Cowle, i

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