· THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Cu-cul ttls largely in the 'Io \ll!!h1ps of Darling t o1 Cla.rkt> and Cart v1 ght It 111 a common l latfo -in 01 en to tho f cc liscuss1on of nil ques HJ lS · WEST KING SrnEET DURHAM BowMANVILLE Steam Job Printing O:fB.ce m vi Jch tl e general public are cor cerned , TERMS Se ~enty five cei1ts per annum m ad va,nce The Merchant and 'Obser ver $2 00 R\.TES OF ADV.t!.RTISING Or e collll n 35 per ann im H al! lo 19 Ou rt e1 do J0 r ::tllf:HeUt ad vcrbsemcnts 5 cts per hne first tn se rl > n and 2c pC1: hnc each subsequtiut one AND GENERAL ADYERTISER. VOLUME V . BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 14 1874 NUMBER XLV tomeil place Was it true that she had step pod from it to come und speak to me l Or, had my brain furmshed that tall wlnte figure 1 Of course 1t was the latter, and I did not mtend to be conquered 1) such an illuSion I had an rnterview with a phys1C1an who told me that these tlnngs are not uncommon It 18 very natural my dear madame, said the doctor, that you should tave m v1ted this particular appearance both by your havmg looked so much at the picture and by your after conversations with Mr A;scough on Spmtunhsm You d1<l not know how much lodgment ti use to11os had made in your br.a1n "' e neT ex know u nt1 l the time IS pa.at ho\v a to1ng has taken root NO\\, I ad vise Jou to l~a' e this house and travel Alter )Our cou1~e of hfc a1cl 1ou will not be troubled hv spectres Alter talkrng "it! tbe doctor, I deter mmed to remam I did not foe! that this WM a thrng to be afraid ol My natural courage came to my rehef and I determ1n ed to stay and fight mv battle ou th same field Rici ard returned beard my ghost atoty, and \vas veI) much ntnused that hts prosaic relative should have had a' 1sion I went on with uty \vork, lned my old hfe, and saw no niore ghosts I kne'v I could conquer 111y nerves, if I had any, but i was ver) glad when Mr A)Scough ca ue to spend n fow days The next morning after his ar11val how ever, he can1e down to breakfast \v1th a very perplexed countenance As he walk ed around my wntrng table he took up and exammed my letter pa per It was of the plamest kmd, foolscap, generally and as he laid It down he laughed rather uervously and said ' ])frs lfaitin, you must pardon 1ne I have met Wlth euch a srngnlar loss You remember my \\ r1t1ng table 1t had a. quantity of note paper with my monogram unit I was in the habit of \vr1t1ag u1v notes from here and last even1ng I looked for so1ne and found tall gone 0£ course it is a very trivial qL1est1on lut do you know anythmg about it 1 Of courae my 1utbguat1on s1uothe1ed every other scutunent For a mon1ent ho,vev~r, I remen1bered that to Mr Ay'i:; cough I was but a noor o]d woman "hom Mrs Morton had placed In her house to take care of 1t, and I was m the habit of usmg a great deal of paper 80 he put the t"o together and supposed I "as guilt) of the petty theft I ana" ered him as calmly as I could that I kne\\ nothrng about bts paper H c came along after spending an hour in his apartmentaJ and ;"1.Ske<l. tne to come anti examine them '\\1th lum After a 1uo1n ent a embarrnrsrnent, he begs.n 'I (1 on t kno\\, Mrs ~:lart1n, but I am sure these things are not ns I le ft them I miss noth mg but they have been distui be 11 These dres. es of Gertrude s, do they not see1n to you to hove been displaced-I collld almost "Y war i 1 -he lurned pale- I feel almost as if she herself bad been here '!'here IS a certuJn perfume 1n the n1r which she used to use Could Nancy ha\e beeu fumblmg amomgst these things 1 We called the housekeeper, who owned to ha\ Ing swept, but '\\ho "as ubove all charge~ as to the wcarmg of the dresses We d1sm1sscd poor Nanc), and looked o>er the 'aluables 'I be) were mtact, not RJCl\Cl bacl been mo\ed but not my most asa1d1011s eloquence could rnduce Mr Ays cough to remove theee 'aluables to n safer plac· (lo be cont1nucd } P A:M1'HLETS OIRCU-LARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &c POSTJ~RS EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE B. PEATE, 'l'AII OR Gentlemen s & Boys Garment s :11 IX 'THE POETRY. EVERYDAY GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I l\EWEST STYLES ItELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society llY ELil.ABETII \JCENS ALJEN .Bowmanville July 27 1869 T1:uns \\111 lea:\e Bo\vma.nv1lle Station, Do y1ua.1 ville time as foUows GOING \VES'l' GOIJSG EAST ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Lwe?pool London and Glasgoiu app!y to FOR 'I ickets or uif(.rmat1on W A NEADS. Bow1na11v1ll Tune 9th 1871 Agcrt ESTABLISHED 1840 0 \N \.I A 0BIEF OtFIOES l ll Sf J H1ES STREET MONTREAL 0 trtfhng tasks so often done Yet evet to be done ancv; 0 cares wh1ch come with every sun J\.forn after morn tho long year through! 'Ve shrink bC'1 eath their paltry sway 'J.'be nkso1uc c ~ ls of eve1.i. da.;} Mixed I ocnl* l xr css Looal E.~q rcsd 8 50 p m l I! xprcss 8 50 p m *Th s tia n runs every 1non:nng of week Moudaya oxce.1 t ed 7 20 a 1n 8 Go ' m ;; 20 p m I Expresa Mixed 8 30 am 3 50 p m 7 20 p m DIREG10llS \.LT~R SH\11'1.l E s q ~1 P Du::x c~N ~i' \.ODON' \.LD Es11 1'-1\.JOR 1 :B 0 AMIBELI CB '!he restless sense of V¥(ldted I owerf rhc tiresome round of htt1c th ngs: Are hrud to bear as hour by hour Its tedious iteration br ngs 'Vho shall evade or who delay Tl e small demands of every tlay' tf 30 V Cha.1rmaan St H1la11e RR LOSCOMBE 'IttE H o:ti: Ol "- RLE JonN HAMHTON Hawks BARRIS11 RAT LAW burg Ont !iOT.IOITOR IN CHANCERY & c RESIDEN'I 'I he followmg trams DOI\ stop at Saxony SECR]TARY - TA>rns GRiNT f o1 p assengers I Oi.;::tl no1ng \Ve~t, due at ~l xed i-.o ng C'ast due at 7 02a m 3 47p m ~ 01: i;to.B,- Over McClung s St re sa.m c flat as J ~f Ilnma.cornb 1:1 Dento.J. l{ooro.l:'I Bowmo.nVlllc Oct 27th 1868 Ly S PECI AL FE A T UR ES. eel lh e 11.:l\""TI.RE I lt.O.FIIS h!;llo1 g to and a1e chvid ttll 011gst tl e Poluryi older(! Liv~.:s I KOJJNEIJ BY OTRER COMP \NIES or on which an cxt1a Pt emiu1n would be reg_uzred can Lf;l assurcU a.t the ordinary rates of tins ~oc1ety going we:,t due at Local going cast due at Mout..real tnne ~I 1xc<l 47 p JU Ill 7 22 p ItHYME A.ND LIME. A httle Rl1J.mc came Justin t me And all about the be.et of Lur t Lime from the "'\\est of the very best Not beat in auy quarter J 1me tl at \vill al va.ys st and tl e tes t "\-Vhen making mto mortar I v 11 try .and keep a good aupply For1t1aal-ways v;antcl I hat\\ hen J. ou all come in to buJ. You.111 ot be d1sappo1nte l You \ ill ahvays find it d1y and fresh And that IS something bonn e So come along and try this I imc But don t forget the money Hours o~ deliver y from Nine a..m to Four p Uorner of Queen. nnd Ont11r1 Street r:Ihe boulder m the tor el t fl course .By ttde Md tempest la.shed in va.1u Obeys the \\aVP. whrrletl pebLlc s fo1ce And jlel :ls1ls substance gra n by gra n So c1 u1nblll strongest h l\8 a vay Bonea.th the wear of c ery day \Ve iiso to rr1eet a heai;y blowOur souls a sudden bravery fillsBut we endure cot n.lways so 1 he drop by drop of httle ills '\Ve still deplore;ind still obey The hatd behests of e\:my day u n d er a spec/,fJ,l atTangcm.-c11t 8Y1 OlAL NON ] OJ: EIT \.DLJ: POLICIES 1S8Ued New 'l'a,ilor Shop L J -0 H N HEAL, <\lE WI1H F Y VOWLE bogs torn fo m the p 1bl c gC:lnerally that l i.: has com n c lced b atness in the Shop next to the EY p1e1-1s once one door east of T ~lilue a ~ral un ler "h ch only 10 15 01 20 Annual Pay rnents are req1ured each payment secmu g a Pol cy for a s tm ass ued proportionate to the number of pren.u.umt1 paid and free fconi, futur 'fJay ient of preiniun s hiODERATE PnEMIUJlS 1n and most hbern.l c0n The heart which boldly faces death l.Tpon the battle field n.nd dares Cannon and bayonet faints bene.;i.th 'lhe nee{Ue points of fretB and ca.r1;1~ lhe stoutest spu1ts they dIBm.aJ The tmy stings of e"tirl day And even ~a.1nts of holy fame Whose eouls bJ fi:uth have overcome Who wore amid the cruol flame The molten ucov; n of martyrd Hl Bore not 'vithout complamt aln ay 1he petty pruns of e-rery day Ab more than ma.rtyni aureole And more than hero s hearj; of fire We need the humble strength of soul '\Vhich da.ily toils and ills require-........ Sweet patience grant us if you may An Mlded grace tor elery day H a v1 1g bad several years experience in tho he hopes to satisfy all 'nho may fa\or THOS BOWDEN Bowma.nv11l1;i '1:1 ,rch lltl 18..1 no24 tf' d1bons Prosr ectuses I roposa.l l?orm~ &c r:cupplied on application at the Head Umcc or any of the Agencies lun\ t h acn.11 JAMES GRANT Res Secretnrj Goo~FITSGUARATEED B o rmrn \.11lc Sep 4tl 18""2 m49 tf Straw-Cutters ~ 1 · <\GENT FOR BOWMANVIILE C BARKER 32 ly Obser· er Office A uc T I 0 N E E Rs Grain Grinders ! FEED MILLS. King St Bowmanv1llc June 24th 1870 II T PHILLIPS, HAMPrON P rom1 t n,tt;{ntion given to sales &c on reMOn able te,ms Another car loTMl of tl1e a.ho\ e nob1P articles on the '\\o.y Please C(lll at tho Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON (Estabbahed 1803 HEAD 0FFIOES -1 BOW MANVILLE Farm Implement Forwardmg Agenc y R W JAMES J{11g St Bowmo.nvillc no·w1nani; 1llc D ec 5 18..2 nlO GENE! \L Wna. Barton, ~ lj;ies Old Broad St (.All.ADA aud Pall :b-Iall London er ai et t ~GE~C1 FOR ~fot trehl ENNISKILLEN v1 omptlya.ttended to on reaaonnble terms 24 St LITERATURE. MY ONLY GHOST I had from childhood that lo\\ order of courage \\b1ch consists 1n notkno\v1ng what fear is It \vaa an imperfection of nature "b1ch '\1i us unneces:,ar1ly lauded at the ex pen<1e of 1ny brothers nnd. sister~ "lo, hnv 1ng a more poetICRl and more highly strung organization than ru1 self d1ct know \vhat !ear was But I laughed aloud when my dear fuend llfrs llforton asl<ed if I should be ufraid to live m her bcautml houoe dur ing the summer mot tbs Aloi e so far as compnn1on.slup \vent but "1th a man and his wife to cook and wash for me t(l shut up and open and protect the premises I afraid? Never So she gave n1e ample fiduciary powers She was going to Europe r a poor relat10u "as only too glad to have such a l uxur1ous ho1nc As i:il e took me over the house, I sa\v bE.r e~es fill \1i1th tears as she essayed to open a.,certn1n door I remembered that even into this fo1tnnalu life had come the JDev1table grief 'I here "as one empty cha>r, one dead lamb The eJdest daughter harl married, had gone abroad for her weddmg Journey, and had been brougl t home to be laid m ~ onder churchyard which I\ e could see from the \\lndows Yes, this ·was Gertrude a room fhere \las her portrait on the wall A straight young woman, \\1th a profusion of hght hair, blue eyes with a tar off look, a melan cboly beauty tender and tw1hgbt, that face winch the :E rench call prpdesti iee She was dressed in diaphanous wlnte, with here and there a bhie ribbon, and her beautiful hands \Vere clasped on \vhat seemed to be a Lal JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl,.zier Paper Hanger &c, &c To Masters of L. 0. L Subscnbcd and invested Capital and R eser\ e Fund £1 96::i 000 St rhng 0 Apphcat10n J1 e irancee aga.mst lose hj } ire a.ro effected on &c &c can be proc ire l at tins office at most favorable terms a.nd losses pad with All k nds of 1.\ ork promptly attended to and reO'ular rates " 1t reference to the Bon.rd in London eat sfact1on guarantel:'d Bowmanv1lle July 7th 1873 J{esi lence-N ext door ea.st of the Bible Chrrn J DODSWORTH, RINTOUL BROS t ,,,(ht ch TYRONE Gen Agents Montrea Inspector 1;1one Mai ch 8th 1869 22 If R. R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty B LANK CERl l] ICAES · Funds nn eated in Canada.- 105 000 ARRIV ..t\._L ! FOR SEED, AND u. BOUNSALL, A large 1 1.1 I MPOR'IER M \NU]ACIUREI\ an DEALE It 111 all the 'arietles of WESTERN CORN Bo\ w aJ v11le J,me 4tl 1860 36 mo 43 39 4w Italian & Ameican Marble. CUA.CK.ED CODN d choice selection of FOR FEED Monuments & Grave Stones, si John ' ,_James McFeeters. AGENT McDougall. 0 ther I was very much attracted by Ionelmeas Gertrude· picture It so happened that I ha I nc\et seen her her brief hour of) outb ful bloom !Jad been spent before I returned, a.n ~riny officers widow, jrom my hard hfe on the Western frontier Often, I \\ould stai:d and look at the picture by the hour, -1t fascinated n1e then rousing m~self from my re\ery I "ould complete my rour J.s and go bnck to my room Alter Mr~ Morton had been gone about· month, I had· vlBlt from Mr A)scough Ile \Vaa a pale and interesting young man, very refined and cilucated, evidently much mflu.nced l:y h10 sorrow He talkeil m ceasantl~ aUout his v;1ft!, and was interested n1 rny adtniration of her portrait He took u1e Ill to ~how me soincof Lhe contents of the trunk· To im bouor I found that some very valuable JC'\\elry and silver comprised p·rl ol that wysterwus lngglge which bad ne'i er been unpacked 'But Mr AJ 1-1cough 1 I exclaim~d, 'you are. uot going to leave thes ~valuable things here m this empt~ house, unlocked and strewn about 111 these hunks and no one but me to take ca1e of then1 He lau 0 hed a sort of empty laugh, as if he dtd not care much wb11t became of them, From and ga \ c nle no aort o[ satisfaction that moment, I do not know why, I began to feel troubled I had had the comfort of secmg all tbe f1mily oilvcr carried off to the bR.nk before Mrs Mox ton \vent nwa~, and, if I hail thougl t of them at all I was con \meed that all burglars were aware of that fnct and \Vonld never trouble me Jn the 1e9.St Now I had u. sort of uneasy sensation about Mr Ayscough s room which I wo tld gladly b" e bad remo>ed-m fact, it became the focus of many uneasy sen~at1ons Mr Ays ough liked to come to the h brary and look over the new books which \Vere sent to me to cr1t1se One day he took up a book on Sp1rituahr.:i.ni which ooon fas c1nated bin1 I was extremely sorry when I saw how he fastened to 1t and began to dr1nk IG. .i scrt of dangerous comfort from He talked to me about it acd asked me if I had uny bd ef in the cornmun1on of spmt:a He found a n1o:;t robust unUehever in n1e All my habits of thought, my rough ex per1ence of life my anti ner\ oua tempra n1ent \\ere aga1nat the theory and practice of SpmtualISm He went away after a few <lays and I returned to my lonely hfe Per haps I "as not sorry "hen I heard one da1 the l nusual sour d of a voi... e asking for inc at the front <loor, and \\ cnt down to see my nephew Ricbar<l a good young follow from tbc Weot \\ho had corue to the city to n1akc his fortune and who had tound rne out Bo1v nan\illt: Apul 16t 1;:;73 y un h<Ln:l of au1 er or \\ orkn1a1~l I and at lowest prwcs 01 lV oiiynt 01 Geist Irnn FencGo cnclosia,0 bury11 g lots BEAUTIFUL TEETH H.ooins O\ er J:\.icClung B1os Stores llo vman ville Oct 1st 1870 1 Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces, &c I e1 t on h1-1. id or wrought to 01 tlcr A call lS r I eel! 1ly requested at the woiks , Te th Extrn c ted at Twenty 0 J M BRIMAOOMBE L D S r ve Cente - For tho folJo,, ing Insurance Companies and Institut10 R viz - lhe QlJl J.!JNF1re 3nd I ife Insurance Com l )any Capita.1..£2 000 000 $150 000 depos1t_ed v tl tbe Don1111011 Go\ e1nmcnt for the protec ders in Canada TI e ISOJ ATED I ISK lire In" r:tnce C-Om pany of Cauado Cap t al U00 000 - One of the b est .1.nd cheapest Comp:"l.n1es do ng bumneiss iu t he Don m1011 lhe CANADA LANDED CREDI1 COY th a. Savings BM1k department for Fanners a nd Isolated Riska ' K>ng Street Bow-ma.1iv>lw October 1st 1869 1 tf 0 a n l Sa;\ mg s Society lhef'lc latter 1 etlt 1tions advance Loans on Real Estate on t crioe unusuallv ca.ay £01 the 1 he UNION AND PERMANENT Bu1ltlrn· REMOVAL. ~1 borro1ver Dowm1:un llo Feb 6th 18 3 R DAVIDSON hoo removed h1::s reaidence D u tS lr cry to the residence of J hn lne E sq on the ]..fa.rket Squ3il'e l 0 late m n35 If SO, IIO' Gentlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. I have written these fe v lines LIME ! LIME! qua.nt1ty Apply to F OR SALE i n anyWILLIAM BUSINESS CHANGE . SPEAR Church Street UNDERSIGNED begs to announcet{I te the Alma. HoteL T HE the pubh,c generally that h<.J haf$ purchaee IJ vman ville June 19th 1873 tf . ncarl~ oppo~ MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Bl the stock and goodwill nf the buSJness herf;lto fore carried on in ti e JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post office Pickering Ont Village ol Hampton, BY I Ja.mes Cryderma.n, and will continue the buamess 41 the old prem s~s with & full assortment of first claas Fux lture Coffins Shrouds &c Wiil bo kept o ha1 d ' and hopes by strict attention to business and moderate charges to merit the patronage of th e e.s Cabinet maker and Undertaker Dressmaking, &c. Mias Heal '" 0 111 b~g to inform the ladies of nowma.nv1lle people aud vic n t.} tba.t she s prepnred to take orders for D1 ess1n king and fill the sa.me v;ith despa.th n the 1n pronl1Sll1S satisfaction R efil lence Cornel of Cb rch Street ron<l IV!arl ct Sq <ire :Bov. 1u,r1v1 le ]J e e 4tl 187~ Dana's Patent Sheep Marks MARKS A RE THE CHEAPEST THESE tbe rr ost hwttng the le:trJt troubleaome and i An l ....n I have to sa.y Iha.t )O l ca find me Bhll at honic COl'lJ I nm rot gon~ :1.wa) Around the room were costly tribes the So all ray k nd ol l friends 1na) ome spoils of an European trip Tbe room \\as \nJ a.11 the young ones too fitted up queerly with handsome fire arms, A· d get the r garinents nicely made su1ta of armor, boxing gloves, fencing foils In fa.sh.ions that ace new ' ' l e1e old an l young dea frien l may I looked to Mrs Morton for an explana meet tton A \.\ elco1nc greeting by R PEAI E "Ibis suite of rooms 1 she explained, 'I B ID&llV 11e J1 r:c 1('111 J f have given up to my son JD la\\, Mr Aye cough During you.r 1esidence here Jou \\lll have an occasional v1s1t from lum He Her oxpenenco fu.llJ warrants ho1 LAr.rEST F ASI-IION Robert Young, 1:TFl E!Ul\ il\Y S"C llGEON Graduotc of W Ofl.';lh must accompany all orders \ the U tario \ etennary College By ap hu.\mg been po1ntn1ent Vetern ary Surgeon to the West AlWIHBALD YOUNG Jn Dud N.ui ancl Da1hn gt01 Un on Agricultural Sarnia. Ont Soc etie ~ Oiders addressed to the ~iEROH~'l' and On A gent for tho Ln e St ck Brauch of t] e SERVER Off1ce for any quantity 'vill be filled at All or ti J:l.en.\ er 11nd Toronto 1-Iut .rn,l Fuo Insurance s novi" one of the best in the Count;} e above mentioned pnce as quickly as the dert5 promptly attended to Co Marks can be 1nade and sant \ 7 cter nnr) Med c l es confltn.ntl:y on hancl 0 B~RKER c ~ll1'1 f1 om the cou 1try 1 ron1ptly attentled to Off'1ce - One door en.st of lt Manin<:> s l r Bow.manv1llc De ~ 28t1 1871 ly rol3 P S -Furniture made to order when re n1t ure "\\7 arer om ltes1donce O\ er 15 Burdens sto e 001 ner of CJ.Ul'l'ed and reprurs nea.tly exect ted King ::i.tld 8L:u0 0 0 Stieet.:r Bow ua1n1Ule Hamptoi Sep 18th 18"3 'l'EE HEA.ItSE Improved and Pamted, L oringA ~a.lc1n J\"f8..l:JS President l'iew England Wool Un.1 ¥ers Soc ~ty J obn S ltoss Henne Professor M. }files of the State Ag M cultural College Lansing Mich Hon Geo B ro\\n Ioronto Ont. John Snell Edmonton 0 rt On each l\fa.rk ia stumped the owners n ame and the Sheep s number 'lhey will be entfree by ma.il o' express for only four ccnta (l; Ck an<l. will last for l'WENTY YE.Alts. reco1n1nendod by n an;: of thf best Breeders ·nndthe Un ted States and Oanada such as G B p1 n Ill most complete tiver in' ented They are u~ · ' :R. XATERSON. mltf Just Arrived at the G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST REMOVAL. u1 he:; to inf'.:lnn his n 1merous friends a nd cus tamers thn.t hr. ha.':-! rerno'i ed to lF A S HZON H011SE a splend1 l assort nent of S. MASON NEW MILLINERY Also a lot of BUCKLER'S OLD STAND 1vhero he v;ill be [fount.I with the most com p lete n.ssortmoo1t ..,f REAL HAIR FANCYGOODS, & Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont :Bov; manv1lle Office O\ er Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c in town Plcnae cnll :B1 ckle1 s oJd 13ta.nd one Joor ea.:;t of Maynard s Hotel .Also a la1 ge stock of F F 1-{cA.i thur s Store K 1 g St m3-tf Stamps for Baiding and Em Bowmanv1llc Oct 23rd 1873 boidery. · Bown1an\ ille Sep 1st 1873 Bo\ man ville Octobe1 1873 FASHIONS N for Spring JUSt to hand as usual TRESPASS NOTICE, O'IICE ie het cby gi ven that all I arhcs found trc$pA.se1ng on the ] lats, kno\\n a~ Ranes Flats will be I rosecuted to full cxttint of la\ M D Vi ILL! AMS ~--------- W. S. BOYLE, M. D. A.TE of the Univers1tie1:1 of l'runty GRADU College I oronto \nd Victoria College of MARRIAGE LICENSES MRS A FLETCHER ~owma.1n1llc l .!:iSO.to:lJ B Y .A.pnl 7th,1874 ROBERT ARMOUR Cobc urg L cent1ate of the College of PhyIDc1 u s a n l S 1rgeollJ3 o( 0 tntJO 0.fl ce I{ eg Str e1.:t on e dooi west of Mr Coin sh I! J ei..., elly Stoic Bovt'ma-nVJlle was irresistibly dra\vn toward a mirror, and I saw- good God \\hat <lid I see 1-a tall straigh' female figure, covered "1th a pro fuswn of !tgbt ha" I saw the dead Gert· rude, stepped from her graH the very pre sentment of the pict lrc I bud so often studied She wa, leaning on the b tlusters of the grand staircnse, and the imuge was reflected througli two or three nnrro1s for So we mounted up,vard into the large, I con ld not see the stn1rca~e where I stood spacious room v; b1ch deserveJ a bette1 Sh~ 1eacheJ. me by reflection l na.:ne than garret and she led n1e to a com The horror was so great that I do not fortable apartment whose windows com koo\v how long I looked I um sure I saw mantled a splendid vie" of the surroundwg her st an to go, and I kno" I folio\\ ed her city I could not help sayrng what I have I lost a1ght of both m rror and sta1rcase be so oiten Jelt 'Why are not the di1>used lore I reached the door, but ce1tamly I houses of the rich the summer homes of the hear<l a doo1 shut at the top of the stairs us poor 1 Mrs Morton d1<l not seem to !feel I reached tholo\\ er step It "aa the doo1 that she "as called on to put these comfot of 1'11 A; ocoogh s apartment 1 table apartments to any such u·e She onJ~ The v1s1on was gone 1 ut t~ o senses had called my attention to a gtganhc \\1steria I 'ilne which coiled round the window, and beet! aopealed to-Sight and bearing had sense enough to open the front door, which 1vas no\\ In tull blossom, and ieach ed, like 'Jacks beanstalk, from the earth sound my whiotle, and then I dropped in ever ascending, ambihoue lendr1ls, to the senseles::i W nen I resll1ned my cousc1oua The pn \1 e ness I found myself on the sofa chunneys of th1', the fourth story visited the other rooms "bich had the vEi.te \vatcbman was bending over ine and I plam decent furmture of an opulent and told him my story 'You re a getting a bnun lever ina an1 de<erted, but clean and good We closed Jou ie alone too much you must the b!JDds and wmdo'" came down, and sa.1d he If you saw retramng our atepa through Gertrude s try for a llttle more compony roorn s we locked the doors beb1nd us I a woman go1n up stu1rp, we 11 soon catch took possea:,1011 of the ke\ to dell\ er it her li 1t I 1o1.ne::;a she was here ta pp '3 b1~ S son1mornnK eome of htf:J ,v} en he should arrive t i'<l.1 A)Scongh fvt 1 ea<l Ocea.s1onally, I v1stted tl e!:! e roo1ns of b1R brotl c1liood, \\ e \\ ent to 1\-fr .t'.ly~co gh fl to air tbcn1 1;1.nd to sec that no stray mouse ru 1 s 'il 1.:Ll "'e 10111 <l locke I 1!\.erytluug or other mtruder had violated their ciulet und1oturbed, the portrait wus in 1ts uccue comes and goes as he pleases In the ad J 01ning rooms nre poor Gertrude s trunks, which neither be nor I have ever thoroogh ly unpacked We have never liad the courage She led me through the spac10ua ante room, linen clo~et, and so on to a large bed· room, "here were mnny trunks Some dresses hUJlg m the closet:a, some baltles of perfumes, dressmg cMes, and little lady like thJDga strewed the bureau and tables A lady might have Just stepped from her toilet, it seemed occupied and hom likc It was eudent that the young husband found a. sad pleasure 1n thus surrounding Poor b1moel! with the matenal of grief Mrs Morton looked about I er through lier tears Come and see where mv ch1ld1en used to go up and down smd she fbese were m'i rooms 1n the da' s of young n1oth er hood Come and see n1y old nursery 0 R1chnrd \\as ot course ve1 J anx1ous to see the sights of the great metropolis, so we ngrecd to iunke a to 1r of the amusements lie took n1e ont of an e'i en1ng perhaps th re<' tunes a wee] I reme1n her bC'tng very much cbar1netl wlth a pair of acrobat.::-, a. man \ d \\ 1nan, "ho w re entirely 1nde pendendent of the law of grav1tat10n, and who sailed through the a:ir on the flv1ng traper.e "ith all the aplomb and fearless ness of b rds R chard used to laugh at me as I mght after mg ht, declared m fa var of the acrobat11 Ibe won1an wus a beautiful creature, anJ. ha<l for 1ne a strange and weird attraction wluch I could not account for, but it is uu11eoossa1) to try to 9.Cvo~nt for some things I began at this tn!'..le to believe tl at I \Vas g1owing fa.nc1fu] a tlung which never occurred before Once or twice I had slecpleeo mghts I thought a great deal too much about the Jewelr~ and ail ver rn Mr Ayscougb s rooms and I be gan to make my inspections of the house "ith a sort of nnxict) One of my great pleasures particularly of a Sunday evemng had been to ha>e Thomas hght all the ga.· tl1at I might sec the works of art to adianta.gd, and it ga\e me, too, a sense of compan1onsb1p "h1ch I ncede l On that "'enaog Nancy and 1'homas took their only pleasure 'I be) "ent out, leaving me entirely alone The policeman in tt1e square- had become some '\\hat of an acciua1ntance of mine, and I had provided myself with a wh1Stle by "hich I could call bun If necessary in these per1ods of utter loneliness Sometimes, aa he walk ed under the wrndow I would step to the balcony and speak to li11n so long as I heard lns tramp, trarup, I was not utterly isolated On~ Suut.11:.tj ev.eniug I \\as walking up ant.l. down looking part1cnlarly at a fine 'l cnetian p1cture,- a v. ihlerness of color anll act10n-one of those pictures of Leutze, in which a myriad of e\ en ts are pictured as going on at the same time,-when my eye The men who "orked in the refine;ry, on The Liquor Traffic a Foe to Religion aooount of the great heot to "luch they were subjected, had a daily allowance of It is n \\ell kno"n fact th.::it not 1nore beer, 'vh1ch \Vas kept 1n a stone cellar about than one me gbt (1) of our people ue rn twul\e or fourteen feet underglound It the habit of a~tend1ng places ot rel 10 on:; \\as to thie place the boy ieferred The \\Oreh1p V{ould that be the case 1f th e top o.f the stone stn1r which led to 1t was dnnk demon was bnmshed l What bo( e surrounded by fire but we at once rLldhed hn'i e \\ o ot a change foi: tl e better "Jule to 1t nnd descended the steps In passrng that de111on 101pedes the "'a\ to the Church1 the flarnes at tbc top of the stair iny face It not Only keeps millions fron1 the sound \\as .cicorched and n1y hair singed The 1 f the Oo·pcl hut it an11ually drags down door of thecollnr \\US lockecl but with the and bcnnres thousJnds of comm uncunt.;i. strength of desperation \Ve-du.shed ourselves who il this stumbling blocl was removed, against 1t a11 l burst it open How cool it would be worlb\. and exeu phuy 1nen1bers felt after the fe.rlul he<Lt of the furnace The Church has no cnemi out of perd1t1on \le l1ad JUSt left llllt how Jong would it itself cq u ll to a law protected liquor traJlic remain so,,vas the question that Black\\ood In proof of this I nu..,bt CjUOte 'olurnes ot aud I considered 111 a few hurried v,: ordc. testunc U) fro1u the lUOst ennnent U \inc~ We hacl hardh closed the door "hen "e Such ~ task is q :ute unnecessary All n1ust heard the fr ghtful crash of the fallmg root see anfl realize l1at al cense rs the 1nost cf of the refiner) and pieces of burnt "ood fic1ent o,nd for1n1df\ble wuipon 1n th e hilnlls came h1ss1ng and crackling do\\n the stairs of Satn.n and his. follO\\ ers tLat h a.o:i e'er We 101led two ba rrels behrnd the door, been unented It is in ganiblers phrase, So "h ch "c did not fear would catch fire, as th1::1r tt ump ca1d- tbeir ught bower it was CO\erel with 1ron and then \\C \Vait long n.s tlns is not\\ ri::stcd f1 on1 them they ed \\ h1le it began to gtO\V hotter and hot may defy the a11mcs of the faithful ~nd ter It \\fiS quite dark there, blthoug:h \\C perpetuate their nial gn do1u1nio11 on tb s ""ere so close to tho bright flames I could p 1anet This truth should su k det p into hear Blackwood pray mg- as he knelt on the the heart:a of all-the blessed reign ot th e iloor ot the cellat He wa' a good man, I Sa1i1our will not unl '\ithout euch a unr believe anl well prepared fo1 the deuth acle ns \\ e have no reason to expect cannot that mee htm that night I soon felt the be the happy lot ol mo tals here until tlte choking ~tench of burnt sugar, and on pnt dr1nk de111on is cast out '\re lfay pray tmg my hand to tie floor I \\as burnt se tor tho com1ng of His l\.1n 0 d Jffi but it is 'erely The melt<:d sugar an l scald1ng idle to expect it while \\e a1e too lazy or molnsS;es were nuw1ng do" n the ata1rs at d too selfish to prepare the ""l 1) the de fill1nl'; the place" here \VC were The floor ti ronen ent of Ku g Aloobol twill not slooped considerably, and I retreated to cotne nor can E1ui will ledonr;:: on cuitll as the end farthest horn the door The heat 1t 1ti in hea' en until the fountan1 of 111 )ral \Vas gro\\ 1ng intense, and the \ apor v; as polluhon 1s dned up There arc rnorc th 1.11 stifling I became unconscious aud how t\\enty fht m1l1Jous of unconverted 00uls 111 long [ remamed so I cannot tell When I tae Ulllted States and the number of such recovered IDJ senses the heat had not gone, "ill continue to increabe until this ins1 r and ~here were abuut six inches of \' ater 1nountu.ble obsttl ct Oil to their sahat1 11 is 1n the place l"W h<'re I "as lJ ing Thlf1 had ren10\ed Tl at nt:)1teousneHs wh ch e}.'.alt corac trotn the fire eng1nes and \\ n.s luke eth a. nation \v1ll le kept in e' crl :i.sll 1g \\arn1 I could not feel this v1th rny handil a..beyru ce l nless ti is so 11ce o! natnr:i.l a1 d It~ as they and my face 'rverc fearf 1lly scorch unnecessary depra\1ty is era 1 a tet.l ed hut I did so with my tougue I had eracl1cat1on t:, pl-i nl) thtl hr,,t au l parat 10111 t called on Blackwood b t there "as no an duty ot the Chui I i dut) that coul 1 be swer and bJ wr1gghng over with great speedily aooomphshcd by umtc I ahd v g01 pam for a fe\\ J ards I found both him and ous action - Su1nne Stebl lins ~I D h s son lying dead The scalding sugar Saymgs of Dfon Swift had reached lbe place whe·e the) "ere and had apparently stopped there I could feel The following apho111';it1cal e xtlacts fi 111 the hardened cake under the \vater I con the \\lllings of the or1g1na1 ancl 111 u11tt\b c Jectnred that they like ID) self lad become v.;1t, Dea1 Swift !Ue l t sicc met.is oi ti unconscious and bad beeu burnt to death richness of the gen1s that inay l.re gathered by the bo1lmg sugar In the agony I """ ia that Golconda of I terury "ea.1th enduring I envied thetn Death had Io Vi,T c lune J l~t enot1gh religion to make alarn1s for 1 ie then us hate not enough to 1nuke l fl 101 e 01 e The tune during \vh1ch I re1nu.u1 c l 1n th1 a> other place see ncd like weeka I had no hope IIo,v I~ it 1oss1bl to exrectthu.tmauk111d of e"ca.pe as I knew as abo\e there n1ust be will take aj \ice, v. hen tl ey 1v1ll not !:IQ an unmense inass formed the parts of the 1nucb as take 'var1ing1 bmldmg 11 hioh had fallen I had uo strength Apollo was held the gocl of pl ) s c and even to reach the door At last when my sender of diseases Both \\-ere 0 11g nally pam had decrea.ed a little r fell asleep or the e:rnne trade and sllll cont nuc lamted [ cannot tell which but ·hen I \Vbeu a. bue genius appears in the \\Otl l rt\'ioke I felt somewhat1ehcvl!d a11 la long ) OU Illa\ I not\ him uy \his Sign that the 1ng tor l fe I also for t!.le first tune iel'" dunceB are all 1n coniedera y nga1net huu bungiy I managed to get some Leer Comp1a1nt is the hu:gcst tribute II ea' 1 which re'1ved me conSiderable I tued to recen ea and the einccrest part of our devo open tl1e door but wa:, unable The 1S1le11ce ti on A Marve!Jous Escape About ten years ago, I WM employed as \Vhate-vcr the poets p1ctured it. is plain mg ht watch man m a sugar refinery lD that t.hey give 1m1no1tality to none l ut Greenock a tO\\n where there are probably thernselves it is I:Iomer and V1rg 11ve IL nlore sugar refineries than In any other in vereaud adrnue, not ~chtlles or £n eas Bntain That m which I \\as engage<l \Vtth historians it is quite the cont1J.1' v,:as the large~t 1n the place and on account our thoughts are taken up with th act.101 ,. of its size there was nnothcr \I. atchrua J be persons and events \Ve read an l 'vc little s1Jes myself His nawe \lias Black l regard the authors be was a widower and bis only son, a bo~ of about tv.elve used often to come and True Happmess sleep to the little room where "e kept The 11 'l prness derivccl lrom dorng uced wo.tc11 Elackwood had promised to take of lncdness JS the happiest and n1ost sat s hia son for a sail, and Mked 'lle one day 1f Jactory of all human enjoyments It is r ore I 'vonld accompany them I d1J so and l lesc-::ed to give than to receive and le who we went to Loeb Lomond, !Llld spent a very has ever performed a benevolent act 1n 1be pleasant d(.\..:i;, and returned JUst in time to course of hie hfe knows this to be true It go to the sugar house It was hot "eatber wo are not al~ays able to gI\e \\hen tbe at the time and ha' ing done \\1thout our hand of chant; IS e>.tended to us do not usual sleep, we lei t very tired Tha heat bers Jonrnal of the sugar house was not calculated to re 1 let us speak or act unkrndly to those whose fresh us, and "e could hardly keep our lot 10 life 1nn..y not be so favo1able as o 1 A Child Shall Lead Them eyes epen 'V°' tried reading as usual, hut o~ n The c:luse of humamty demands that I~ was useless Before ten o clock Black '\ ~ exteud to then1 o lr sympatl y sorne An esteemed clergymen v;r1tes thue wood had fallen sound asleep I determm 1 "\rery recentlv al tt.le boy in rr y parish, " 01 d ot l in<lnesr.:i. if no niore to keep awake, and intended atter a couple onl,r six year1:1 of age, "as sent by his moth V\r or ls of kinU.nes., ah 1 ho\\ oft do thev of hours 01 eo, to rouse my com pan1011 and er to fetch hts father froru n public house impart fo th and hope and strength and take a sleep myaelf, for I felt it \\ ould be He found l 1s parent d11nk1ng "1th son1e courage to the .ind despoud1ng hc1.ut imposa1ble to keep "atch all mght I other men One of tl eln in' 1ted the little Virords of kindness are like sunbeams break must, ho\vever ha' e fallen aaleep uncon fello\v to take some bee1 F1rn1l v and at ing through the durkenu g cloud 1Illtng sc1ously and have reman1ed so for se"ier{ll once the boy repli-d heartsaga1n "1tL.gladuess leaving hope in hours I dreamt that I was m the cabm No, I ean t take that I am ll1 the Jlond place of doubt of the steal! er m which I had I eeu that of Hope day, and that it was lull of smoke, and that ORDERLY PEOPLE -There ure persons r:Ihc men looked at one another, l ut no I was being auil'ocated and could not get one wa.s found to 1 epcnt the tco1ptaho11 ~ho arene\e1 el.!i) unless they are putt1ng out I awoke aa 1£ I \\ere strugglmg !or ) our books and papers in order- that is Tl e 1uan then said life, and foucd tho room filled with a sh Well, 1f JOU Vion t tuke the beei, here a necord1ng to their notions of the matterfling vapor, and felt au rntenstr'heat, and I a penny to buy some bull eyes -a kwd of and lntle thmgo, leet they should bo loot, heard "ithout the cracklmg of frames 'lhe sugar confcct1onerJ where neither the owne1 nor an) bodJ ~l cic ~ugar house was on fire can find them This is a sort of 01agp1e fa The boy took the pennJ and said Blackwood was still asleep, and I knock I thank yon, but I had rather not buy culty Ifa.nyth1ng is lelt \vhero jOU can him up, and opened the door of the room bull s eJ es I ,ball put it rnto the Penny find it it is called !ttter There is a pe dantry in hollilew ifery as well as In the A cargo of rn..w sugar and molasses had Bonk Just been taken m and tins " as piled up The men looked at one another aud for gravest concerns Sir \Valter S .,ott con1 on eaeh Slde of the vaulted passage that led son1e ruotuenta \Vere entirely silent At plained that \\ henev er his ma.id servant fbIS la.st one of them ro'"'e and ga\ e utterance to had been JD bis h brary he could not p;et from the mam door of the refinery comfortably to \vork rga1n for se\ eral mass was on...ffre,and was sending out dense bis feelings in tbese \vor<l.s volumes of smoke On the others de ol us ' Well, I think the sooner \\ e BI 0 n the days were woooen stairs which led to \ar10 u:1 pledge and put our savmg 0 m the Penny Med1tat10n IS the hfe o' the Roni acticn parts of the bmldJDg and theoe "ere also Bank the better is the soul of 1..0ed1tallon honor is the re m flames. 'I he building bad evidently The men immediately left the house ward of aetwn w mcd1tole 'that tho 1 may bePn on fl.re for a long time, and 've could Such " .. the ellcct of the t" o speeches est do, so do that thou n1ayest purchase bear the shouts of the people w1tho lt We of a boy only six ye.rs old How many honor for wh1cb pmchase give Ood the "ere surrounded by the flames, and the old people bn' e 1nnde innch longer but leAA glorJ heat \\as so great thi.t It \Vrrs oerta1n v.e effectn e speecbe!;I -Gern j S o1nl2 t eu are kc cat 1" ) n 11 r n Rlrolte could not ~Ur\ n lu g Black\vood nnd I l\Iun ey anU Lane ai e the h1::aviest bu t le ~ ! the it l tb e l g hL \\ ~ fu 1 \en ~, ltllll hear Jooke I at each tLer 11 llsn a) His UO) 11ppeured to Le c l11nct thnn e1t} t<i of us of life and the in happiest of all rnortuls noll11ng but pumng l 1 t ncc1dcully tr ead and rnddenly-eriecl out 'Father the beer are those "ho l1rn e ruore of either than on the tall anU ull tn en101 ~ o! former they knol\ bow to use lw dne8' is obi terated cellar I which pervaded the place and t..he consc1ou neS$ of the j)rcsence of the two dcuil Uolheei, bad their effect on my "eak state and I kne\\ I \Vas becom1ng Uehrious I cemen1 her I laughetl J1ystencally and began to shout When I stopped I bear.I a !amt sound 1 tr above rue this made me pertect ly \\ 1ld Thc1e 'l'las a hammer, 'vh1ch lli) hand bad acc1dentallv come agamst, and l took it and began beatrng an empty barrel 10 frcnzJ Then I heard a shout fron1 above but I was road no" and I remen1 ber as lf It \\ere yesterday that I atte1npt ed i..o strike ruy head with the ba1nmer ~d then I loct all recollectwn When I re gained ffi) co 1 sciousness I vas in the In firmary They told me that "hen the nen were cleuiug a\\a.) the iubbish they heard a sound and reuiembenng the cc1lar, bad du 0 down to 1t They ti ought at first that , e \Vere :i..ll dead nnd Jt VdlS not till a n cl cotl nian ha l seen the bodies, that 1t "a.s <l i";C u\ ered that there "ns still some hie 1eJt in ine I lay there for months and was not ex pect.ed to recover A young and strong constitution howeter sencd me 1n noo l stead and I was at last able to fill a very good situation \\ bich the owners of the re finerv kindly procured for me lll England Ten years have passed s 1nce then au l I am glad to oaJ very few eflects have re mamed of that terrible expenence - Cham The stoical schenJ.e o{ st ppl' tng our\\ a 1ts Uy lopping off our desires 1s hkc cutln:ig off our feet" hen 'Vt! \Vant shoes Thr. reason wb) so fen· iuarr1a.ges a1e hap pj is because ) oung ladies span i their time 1n making nets not in makinj.1; cages 'I he latter part af a \vise n1a.n :, I fe is ta ken up 111 curu g the foll1e preJ ud1ceB, and false op1n1ons he la" contracted 1n the iorn1er '\Vould a writer kno'v how to behn'\c h mselt with relat1on to paste11ty let lum consider mold booka \\hat he finds that he s glud to kno ;v nr d what om1ss1on be most lament~ I