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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Aug 1874, p. 3

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,. TH E MERCHANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1874. R ECKLESS _AND Alarming Sale OF Strowger Bros. NEWCASTL E, Having removed to more commodio us premises, TOI A B IG- RtJRH is now l'aging at 01~y td .Goods & fJiotkt11g, Better Inducements AT . · · FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK. beg t o inform the p nbl ic generally , that they now enabl~d to offer t hem Shelves must be Cleared . ..Room m·ust be Made ! . . I :Eu.epha,nt IIouse for the liberal patronage extended to.him during the past 18 bege to announce that from a.nd the 15th September, he will carry on the same busineaa, but more extanaively under the name and style o( JOHN McLEOD & Co. Prompt payment bf all accounts iR Nndercd imperative by this Qnsiness arrangement, and a.I persons indebted will ple&Be take notict' and govern themselves a.ccor.d1ng!Y. . JOHN McLEOD. BowmanYille, Septembei; 4th, 1873 . U.NDERSIGNED in returning thanks THE to his many friende intd the public generally THE TRELEVEN· 'S p II BOVVJ\iANVII"LE. OO:M PETITION for the PRESENT SUSPENDED , fj H r; ~ SJ ~ j ., ~ in the line of Dress Goods, Cotto ns, Prints, L·inens, Hosiery , Gloves, Pamsols, Cloths, (AS REGARDS l'RWE Tweeds, Shiri'ings. Grocery B11siness, ,f; Goods must be Sold! QUAL1 1'Y ) READ! READ! thn.n any other house in t he County. J a dies' Cotton H ose only 5 cents per pair. White Pocket handkcrchiefa, for 36 ch . per doz. a '.ood ]'uctory -Ootto~, only 8 cts. per yard. Prints, 8 cts. per rartl. ~ Dree:s Goods, 0 cts, per ya.rd. Roop Skirts, good, 20 cts. each. Corsets, 30 eta. · J1 1nen 'lowels, only 5 ct:nts each. T able Lin1::1n, only 25 ctfl per yar d. l iair Ne t.~ for 3 eta . each. Spoole, 10 cts. per dozen. N O PRE SENTS GIV lN BUT GOODS. TJT l t anol 1 l feas1ire G· u aranleecl rf etg l · · i.n every 1;r1;slaru:. e. · 1 TJohn McLeod & Co T HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage Eextended E C-'-LL AND SEE FOB YOU!.t.SE~VB.S~ would solicit tht' same . -u- and he is det ermined to continue t o sell at these ruinously low pri ce.> cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do i tFirst, he buys for cash auJ knows j ust how t o buy! Second, what he can 't buy chea·p euough, he man ufllctu l'er;' ! Third, he is satisfied with smal l profit$'. F onrth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at botforn pr ices. · ao long to John McLeod, and takes thia opportunity of in~ forming the public, thnt they have Black Silks in all quantities at very low . PRICES. The Dollar Silk: is the Greatest Catcl:i. 'rea,s a, Speo1a,l1ty. J . L. STROWGER J . D. STROWGER . N ewcastle, A. ug uss, 14tl1 1 1874 . . . DISCARDED '£HE BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YO U. E xarniRe th e stock, which comrni'!.es. ever ything in the t rade, of t he very latest and l nost eleg-n.nt styles and patterns, of E ngliah 1 Cana.Jian , and _ <\..1ner ica:n tn :l.n ufa.cture. - olle etill uontinues to manufact ure to order, fron1 the Qe~L of inatedal, 11.ud none but lirs worktnen kept. - o MEN a.nd l30Y'S CLOTHING. Spate will not allow oi a detail of the exteni;ive assortme_nt i!1 this department, far as shade quality, .style and pnce. is to be hf:lrd . l:vt:lrything, so Men's Full Suits Tweed, for 85.50. Pants, only $1.5!:> pet' pair. Vests, only $ 1. F ine 'mack Suit~ for SlO, worth 18. . Tweed Coats for $3.,) ~l. Regatt tc Sh-irts, only 50 cts, worth $1.25. Wool Shirts, Dra':vers, Scarfs, N ccldics, Gloves, Collars, &c., at unparalleled low Prices. Those now buy who never bought before, And those who have bought now buy the more. The Good" must 1 be cleared ov,t at once to make room fo » Falt I mp o rtations, so plewse call early and bwy fast befm·e the b est ~/ the fBargains a?'e ,gone. All Ooods not as r epresented, will be taken back antl the Money refunded. ' Rem em her the Store, One of the Firm of McClungB 1·os. · is n oiv in Eivrope, selecting and p u1·chasin g their :F all Stock, which ivill be ve1·y Exterisi-ve. In order t o make room for these I 1nportations; a lcvrgc a1noiint of Goods .must be disposed of'. C h eapaide, Bissonnette & Oo. Corner Store, Opposite the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Aug. 13th , 1874. · T EOLD so~STEM, E Orders Pr omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed L :~~!d:t~~~~~~;. L EALLnes:~~~~NTS E M. TRELEVEN. p p I H HI I A Al cac~ . N N wl1ich he ia seUing cheap for cash. o- He h~~ in E! tock an endless v.iricty of.L adies' and· Gentt1' Bai·atog& Tru nki:! , Valise,,, &c., all of . Rcmember the St and, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. v.dll bi! liowmunv ille, }fay 13, 1874. RENDERED onthc I 1st January, 1st May, and 1st Septellllber , l1n I ' and evm'Y yewr. 1I n the ca,ae ot J..\{anufacturers, over, their note 1 _if agreed upon,-..viU_ be taken payable at th e Bauk for I a. stated period. Meehanice, and othere. whoee accounts may amount to $/)f).00 or T · THE GR,AND SUBSCRIPTION '-sALE OF THE BANNER Cash Purchasers AND $i00,000 WORTH OF SE\VING 1\1.ACHINE COlVIPANY, OF SHERBROOKE, P . Q., , ........ Having r~ceutly pcrfockd FALL and WIN'l'E:R GOODS, Sud1 ~:; are constantly used in every family at fr om I111portrmt Impr01:einents, in 'their celebrated OBSERVE ' H ::uoo:~:ay:~~d:n.t :~~: H Goods at (Jost ! 0 I StookANDLarge 0 . . . d t less than cost' U u-00 s a s wen Assorted 'U s New GOOflS' 1 · cut FINE, M our great aim will be to cmn·t t11ia class of trade. f...:>f-;. AN D e Family Sewing Machines, prepared t0 I Fifty to One Hundred per --o-- c~nta .c heaper during July and August. McClung B1~os. _ E lo~!!.~1b~l~1 E c s!all2:y:~rs, 0 A ·pleudid variety of 0 . JUST AR,I{IVED. GU ARANTEE THEM EQUAL, than th e same_Goods can be bought for l-t t ho H.etail Sto1·es. fr KOT St: PE R !OR, to a n y U(fW 1Jefore the public. For A ll Goods sent Collect ori ,Deli ve_ry , ' .. SUBJ.3CT TO EXAMINATIO N BEFORE PAYMENT, FOR THEM . . SfMPLICITY OF CONST RUCTION EASE OF ~PERAT IO N , Ladies' Cu:ffs and Collars, with cut? :Buttons and collar Buttons attaohed., THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. UNI- - - o -- 1Jl·L A RTJ CLES ON THE LlST SOLD FOR FORMITY OJ.I l'lZECl SE ACTION AT ANY RATE OJCSPEED, ila.pacity of r an r;c an d adaptibility t o gre at Yar iety o~ work , fine or coarse, NEW DRESS GOODS DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the 0 DOLLAR --o-- EA C H 1\.nd not t o be p1.cid for until yOu see the Goods n.nd nro pe rfectly ila tisfic d with t hem . NEW MILLINERY, NEW HATS, ' · THEY STAND . UNRIVAL LED, 'l'hese Celebrated rv[ach i n <~~ obtained the SOMETHING NEW Bowmanville Drug Store, THE PLAN I8 nnIENSLY P OPULAR, ALWAYS GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTIO:K. FIRST PI{IZE AT THE J. HIGGINBOTHAM n1vst respectfully tender hie sincere thanks to hi!'! numeroul'I frien~ ancl customers, and to the public generally, for the very ' libf.ra..1 support he has received since his co1n1nencing in business ; and hopes by con · tinued strict personal attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles, a.t tha most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J . H. would call special attention to his very superior @tock of NEW CASHMERE CAPE - - o- - in Bowmanville. - : o :- 1.T OULD tt E X P E C T T ·o-I) A Y, New tweeds, New trouserings, New ves- . --o-- P1 ovincfaJ Exhi'bitio:c., 1 Send f ur List uf Goods wh,ich AGF.$TS WANTED (lf "r<7 /wi"?i,ished fn e of chci? ·ge, in every T own, V illage, and Ootinty for the Sale of (tl ll' Good$, ohl m· )1 u1 1ng either sex can t ake orders and make good wages. Outfit with s.'.tmplt:s:sent fre e on applica.tion held in )fontrenl i n Septe1 nbe··, 1873 . \Vantetl . l An y ou e wish in~ to ha ve P huloa: en la, rg1~d fron1 Agents · old p ictures of deceased friends , can get th e sam e done a.t tings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Cestumes. All the novelties ·of the ~ei1son t o be found at to CLERMONT DANIELS &; Co · I < 11-2mos. ' -J~ T. ANDERSON, . & Arthur's tra.llery, t})~~y 235 Notre Da~e Street, Montreal, P. Q. by.o37.o24-1yr . Jiu. vi'ng go11 e l.o grr.a t expen f:le in purchnsing nnd fitting up a ORGANS! Messrs. :Bice & l3a.rker If a,-e received anoth er supply of that {superio class of Orp-ans known as ·the DYE STUFFS which are s_ ure to give the bi.:st satisfaction . A well selected stock of VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. EING south half of L ot No. 32, in th· eixtb Co u. of t he township of Clarke, containing 100 a:...-res, more 01· less ; 80 acres cleared, bal· ance ti mbered with cedar, An excellent young bear ing orchard of ch oice trees, wit h frame dwelling house, barn 1 :!';able, &c . , on the farm. For situation. it cannot be eX celledt being one mile frqm the village of Or ono, a.nd seven front t he to\\-"ll of Bo wman ville , Pmmession given on the first day of APitIL n ext, with pl'ivelege to enter an d do t h1:1 fall ploughing: For particulars apply to C. rrA:tvIBT:YN Orono, or .J . TR ORNE, Amhe«lburg, P. 0 . Ont . July 25 th , 1874. bp-o30·in 43. 3 rl'.l I~ ' MORE THERE the Chromos · , ~'U=" . in -~ S O L A.B CA.MEDA., for the exprese purpose of enlarging photo· graphs, which th ey n1ake from the smaJlest T hey would remin d card to 1ife siie. t he public that they are still i;triving to improve their wotk in P hotography, and they are now turning Pictures B .. PLUCK," than any pnintfld or printtid story that has been given to the publi c for yefll"a, Never before bus been accorded to any P ictU}t! ur aet of . · P ieturea · Silver Tongue., AT PRICE S THE POPULARITY · ·these Chro:nios have atti\ined. Size, 16. l)y 22 inches . Price, ljilO t h e pair. , AddreRa orders t o LOWER 1jJAN ANY l'RE VI CUSLY IMPORTED. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT J l!EDJCINES, BRUSHES, COfofB$, §_HOULDER-BRAOES, SUPPORTERS, E tc , ···""· .J & W. J. McMurtry &Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, BOWMANVlLLE. and having resolved t o give the 'Public the bene· kept c.onsta.ntly on bnnd. fit of said reduction in cost, they call specisi.l attention to the following Price List for the OILS, PAINT, . · "Ourrent mont h. House and Lot fo1 Sale. thti corner of Prosp ect a.nd O'Dell streets, . O~ near t he lfnrnit Factory. F o1· p a.d;ic11, inquire of the propriet or, l\fr. .A. HEAD, on t he pri:>mi ~ es. July 28th, 187'1. J . F. RYDER, P u Uli~h ~r. ClevE.l land, Ol1io, lT, S. July 16th, 1874. 41-tf. . E qual to Toronto Work. Cabinet and good as their cards. Go a.nd exaruine speci· men s, aud bo convinced that they doing ·well. E xtra prints can be had off old negatives. 'I'hey kee1) ou hand ;:bQ.d for sale, an Style 35 ; Seven-Stops: Diapason, Violina, Picolo, Princ!:pa.l.; Tremolo.Forte, Principal Forte. . Price $125 COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD a.t the very lowest prices . DOMINION BANK. llOWMAXVILLE AGE="CY. IS H E R EBY GIVEN THA'l' N OTICE tl1e Dominion B ank opened i;m agency bp·3w·o30m43. Style 37 ; Eight Stops : Diapason, Viol· ina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte - : q:Principal Forte. · Vox humana, Price $140. fo ur-fourth size made equally 8-s Style 38; Nine Stops,D!apason,Violina Picolo, Principal, 'l'remolo, Forte Sub-base Forte, Sub-base,Vox human ia: Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base Forte. Sub·base, Vox humanaPrice $160. * ·v ox Humana in tho;;ic Organs, is not a .F'a.n bnt a set of R e;ed1J, Horses and Cattle MedicinesN. B . -Country store.keepers sUpplied on th~ most advantageous terms. A choice selection of L A.l\:f.PS for ea.le cheap. B")Wffi'.tnville. De J. 1868. 6m, for the transaction of busiuess in Horsey's Block, two doors east of Brodie 's Il ote1~ KilAg Street. Intereat' will be allol\<-ed on deposits. \VE L L-11AT CI-:IE D spa.u of mare colts, Drafts issued on all points in Canada, Uu lted ::\T"ethel'hy's, comi ng thr'-lC· y ear$ olct; ,-.,dll States and Great Britain . The Savings Il11nk be !:i.ohl t ogether 01· separat e. Apply to <ltipartuient is now open. On nll deposits over DR MOlUUS, '54 interest will be allowed a t tlrn rate of i5 per ent per an11un1. L ot 1'- o. 13, 3rd Con. Darlington. m!Hf. Office Hours .. - J'rom IO o'clol'k a . m ., to 3 o'doek }) , rn., except on 83.turdn.ys, whon t he · p . m. _ , ·o OONI fo r a. respectabl e Boar<l~r. Applv nt Bank will close at J o'clock, _ l_\, this O f!ic,,, 4H( J. I L McLEL L AN, rr10ltf A gent. COLTS FOR SALE. A The Satisfaction given by Assortment of Frames ;o.r..l.t.-:p,f'iJSn BARNUM s eclivsed by the sa.tisfaction given by S~IALE to his numerous patronf'i . 1-Ie i8 now pleased to announce that he ha.s on haod a. large and varied assortn: ent of of the best quality) and i8 ~nxious thaL t hey shall set to work aR aoon as possible. r""i' Ohea.p a.s the Chea.pest. Bo\vtnanville , Nov 12th, 1873. bp-o·1il-mfj.t,f, CLEAR LUMBER FOR SALE. SMITH 'S MTLL, J, ot HI, 6th Con. l>arA 'l' _ lington; 20,000 feet of good clear lumber [01· ~aJe . - - -·--- - -- - THE Prof. J. Ruse, ATE of Ba.x:t cl' U niversity of 1fu;:iic G Frieodship, .New York,. ' ]{AD{.T Do:i:ninion: Oroia.n Co'y. I ·.. BOWMANVILLE, ]Jet ent judges of BOOTS A1~D SHOES BOWMA="VILLE, Daily Commencing Teachei· of Instrument, Oultiva ti cm of t he "oice, 'l'horongll, Harinony an<l Con11->0· TO 'l'E A CHERS. sition. HOSE Teachers who purpose attending the Darlington , J u ly 16th, 1874. 11.1y '.l'eachers Class f 01· t he YV cs t Riding, during the coming }1a.lf yeiu· are requested to meet at the School Honse, ri'nmpton, OU 8 aturday, the 15th i ust, at 9 o'clock u.. 1u., when, if n. sufficient n umbt>1· so desire it , t he place of 1neetiug will be changed fr01n Orono, where t he Class was held the la3t half year, t o Hampton. Any ·who cannot be present on t he above day, will please H AT Splendid Property of the late )f~·. 1). ?rfitche11, b Pj 11g- the north h alf of L ots No. il~fonu rue by Po~t . or otherwise. which of the two pln,oes, Ormhi or H ampton, is mmit Clllll· ~~1 1 and 32, in t he 6th Con., of Darlingtou, comprising 200 acre.:i-3£i being superior wood land . veuient for il u:.n1 to attend. There i.8 on the fron t of the premises, a very W. E . T I LLEY . Port Hope, August 6th, 1874, 44.2i n. fine gentle man's stone resideuct.!, with lawn an<l flo wer garden, to the rear of which is a beautiful l\:fa.plc (Jrove. Ahlo wood flh ed,!>t nble , dri\'· J ~g Lomrn,etc._, ande,·ery·neee&Jary con\.·enience. 'Ihe 1vholc, about ten acres, is BUtruu n d crl by a thorn hedge. DF.Sll{ADL.ll ~'ARM PROl' E R1' Y, ·ii · There ~s a;:E'a.rm Hou s c,w it.h.thre ~ bar ns, with i.1.a.te<l in t h e 'l~ ownsh itJ of D arlington, on I~ ot ~o. G , i n t he 7th Oon ., con1p 1 · i~ i og 45 acres all outbntlding;s. ~"'-. 11ev e.r faihng stream of wa. 1)f good htnd , 1vell fen ced and tercd. 'l'hcre ter runs through the premises . Thei;e is a.lso a. is on the premises ;· liouse,,vith good out- splendid Orchard1 of fruit beal.'.ing t rees, and a bnildiugs, :.\nd Rplen lli d orchard. Th e fartn is k itch en ga:rden. ri he property hi in a good state 11alf n mile eitst of T yrone . Liberty of place of cultivation, and is regarded as Lhtl most degiven tllis fall, and poMei:!l:lion on the first day of sirable b<;t W('tin .IG ngstou and 1.. ondon . Jl'or furth er particulars auply t o .Ap1-il next . For p articulars, apply to llfRS . B. MITCH ELL H. WOOD, SElrn , Osh awa P . 'o. 'l'y roue, .A.ngnr,t 12th, 1874. 45-t.f. August 6tb, 1874 . bp ·tf·m44·o3Z. A lso a quantity of h emlock boa1·da. 'l'HOS. SMITH. Darli11gton, ,Jn ly 2 , 187 4 . m43-3w. P1·cscnt the follo\Ving testi1nn1 1iotl i:; from co1n Organ:,. Testimonial from J ohn Cami<lge, 1\-fli.l:l . Doc. , Da.nluar, E ngland. Dov.;manvllle, 24t h D ec , , 187:>. 1-'o tl.c 1lft!.n((!Jli':S General Agent for P I ANOS, ORGANS, 1v!ELODIA N S atiu SEWIN G 1 1 £Ac Hll'i"Es T GEN'£LJ::~.N . - I lik e to t ilay on your Organs t" ~c is so sweet and stead:Y. .:\11tl the 1\-..ork. 1u an,_snip and fini'o:.h ~:x eenent, and in every Dondnion 01'[/(Ht Co. SO METHI N G NEW ANO DURABLE. I ME I\fONE Y and L ABO!{ sa ved! French T 1'hia French Oil l'olish is prepared for Carriages, B uggies, }Ia.rneRs, B oot:; Oil PoU~h. F IVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. 'l'he 11'Ianufactu r<!r s isflue but one quality of work, a.nd t h at is All Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. Ladies' ·Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25. Th N 'I' k e ew· ~a e Stea.mer o~bout lat April. Raym011d Sewing Machine, A SPJ<jClALU'Y. I nstr·Ut;i\011 gi ven , and In~t nunents and 1\Jti, chines gu n.ranteed . Bowma.nville, J une 18, 1874. Desirable Farm Property FOR T SAL E. particular they are equal, if not snperio1·1 t o any I ha"·e ever hcnrrl, Jfopiug they will n1eet pu bli c apJH"Cd ?..tion. . .. JOHH CAMilJGE Jlend the fvllowing from Ro.~a IrEri na: Farm for Sale. .A Tiowmn.u v-iU e, Dccen1ber 22, 187::l, J 'o the l· 1tina:;ers of the Dorninion 01·van Co. G EN'TLl: M v.::>r. ·-I have much pleaaure in t e:.ti· fy ll1g- t o t he excellent qualitie.s of t he Orga.u supplied hy you iot my conGcrt last Saturday ·fn l eve11ing . The tone is sweet and very powe1 and the con1bh1nWon of H t op.:i rno>st admirable. I ~t.m. su re your instruments will fi nd favor in Church.cs, l'l,.S t ht·y are singularly . :tdap ted f o 1· r.a.c red music. \Vishing you every succc£;s, and t.11.'.tt t he publ ic may patronize l.Httivti ruanufac. Lute . I r ~mai11 G·entlemen, E'.i-y l'ei>p<'ctfully , and Shoes, and all kinds of Leat 1t will give any arlicle of L eather, a mm·t bri ll iant 1l,1) pearance , an d at the satne tirne, fron1 it s oi y propel'ties, t ends inuch t o preserve it; i t wiJl al~ "\\rays be moit>t and pliant; and ma.y be exposed to wn.tc1· ~n d washed , and will not lose i ts brilliance, an<l it is not to b e feared that' any crust will settle on sp,id L eather when p reserved \vith t he i\buve Oil. F or t htt ·woodwork of Buggies, Carria~es, and :~' u rnitur e, there is not a better ar ticle in us e. :rt-Iauufactnred by A. SIMON & Co , , T anners ~nd Curr iers, formerl v of F rance, now of Ph il adelphia, P a., In s tructio11s -Shak1~ bottle. A fe w dr ops on a piece of sponge. apply it lightly to the lcrtthr:r, nnd y ou will obt ain the fi11t~t lu1 tre. Priue 7tiet ~ . per bottlc1 or $7.50 per dozen. JO HN SJ1 ALl:J, Sole ~'\.ge nt , How· llHUl \'iile, J uly 16th, 187'! . 41-G rrw s . TH E VERY BEST their extensive facilities and long experience enable the1n to produce , · Nothing 'to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. FARM FOR SALE. 1., ONE HL~KDRED ACRES, being i btt ~outh half of lot 18, in 111c 9th Con. of Cartwriglit . Li\.bout 70 acres cleared; all Jlt"W, b eing only 1:iix years since clearing comnience<l. The la.nd ?s a light loam on t op, with a. good clay bottom, and sure for m·np. There is a. view of t he beautifu l Lak e Scugog, on which Steamboats n ly daily fi ·om. . Lindsay to Port Pel'ry, and one and a half miles from c~.esarea P . 0., which is on the i;ravel road to J30:0,vm ,:i 1lville, 'l'here is a small fran1P. house a nd stone cellar, outbuildings uot rnnch, good ~vater pump and cii;tel'n a t the door. _.._~small you n~ oi-clwrd.. 'ViU be solJ cheap, as the' p ropr ietor intends tu move west in the fall. 1\1. )1oA.LIS'J'Jfll, Cresarea I'. 0. · Cartwright, J une 23r d . l874. u138t f, " NORSEMAN" (H,, CHA\VJNJHD, 1-Iast cr) J'hese I nsfrv,men ts are cased in sol'id well seasoned, Black; Wrtln·nt, elegantly and bea1tt·if nlly finished by a new F1 ·ench process. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, 0 Trunks, &c. CUTTING AND FITTING \ \/ill make her regular trips on thif> r out e, loav. ing Cobonrg every morni11 g a !i 7:30, an d Port F.fo1Je at 9 o'clock, for l~ochei:it E:r, conn e0t b1g there with t he J·(e w Y01k, Cen 1. t·A.1, :-~!Hl "b:rio Rai lways, fol' all poiuts,, "\Vest. an d South. 'r Every Instrument Warrant ed for 5 Y rs H. O'HARA. A. }f. DARLEY. / !'resident. I\ianager, l3owmi1n1·ille, January l5, 1874. bp·o3·ml6, J ROSA D'llRINA. FOR SALE. Special attention &riven to the " Silv er T ongue," is one of its most re· n1ark aLle characteristici'. Their quaUty of · kf'epirig in good t 11ne 1 !Llr.O lg- one of l,he most and none but first-class workn1eu employed, practical ii:npPr t'ance. thul::l insuring good va1ue in every THE D U RABILITY ItErrun.NING 1 Will le<1,vo Ch arlQt te (port of Jlodwste1'/ dail y at 9 .o'clock, ll. 111 ., l!X et! pt Sn.L.ur<lays, when f:l he will leave at 3 p . in. for Cobourg direct. Doakr., in Stock ·w ill find th is t he cheap cRt a.uJ moi;t e:xpedit.iousi route to Bo2ton, Al bany, 1' -~w )(ork , &e,. &c. Ful' f1irther inf1 > l nH~t,i Pn , addrer3r~ It Cli A \V J'OJ tJ >, · rort IIope, C. Jf. GILVEP~SI,J~B JG ngstou, j AP G001! 8B!10N]) HA:<rD l;'j au o for rice ;;;65. m3Hf · ---- RJ'CE: cf.: B ARKE R mle, J, M. BRIMACO~~BE, King Street, Bowmanville. Bo wurnn \·illc, 1rftirch 3rd 187·! S'l10RE. - One Joor of Cornish's J cwelry tore, King Strt:!et, Bowma.nville . J . S)fALE, Bowm11.Jr\·ille, Sept . 2 ~~rd, 1873 ~ I l 1 l l I f

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