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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Aug 1874, p. 4

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TIJE 1fERCHANT, FJHDAY AUGUST 14, 1S74. Crumbs for Chickens. " l'f I should die, denr, where would yon go?" " Go? Go after your insurance 1noncy ,' 1 was th e reply of a. fond "'·if~. BOW MANVILLE Machine ~nd ~mplement TREWIN. SPRING, 1874 IMPORTER OF s. TO THE l1 UBI_jIC. 'VALTER WIGG & SON, l' I t 1 ~ thri.t Darnum has offerP.d "\Ve.stun $600 to \Yalk against tim~ . "\Vhy can't smne- Manufacturing Co body offer him $3,000 to walk against a atone w,\ll or a bu:lz saw?" a.'!ks the Boston GluU c. A m ar~·iage was broken up in Duluth·by the you ng: man mak ing an unex.p~cted call a.nd finding t he p oodle dog playiog with hie true love's i:.;l:urn t:!ye . · .;:\ u old clergyman, apying a boy creepiug t hrough a fence e:xcla.imed: "\Vhat! crawling th rough a. fenl'e! Pigs do that·. " "Yes," re· tortl·d the b oy 1 " an cl oltl hog a go along the street." J.1ttle l3i11y was very croes and tiretl. the other night , a1l1l h e wanted his father to take him oil his kn ot:!; b 11t fa ther WM tired, or pretende~ to be. ; 'J want you to hold me on your knee, he whined. "l tell you I cannot do it, I am ti;ed, n r eplied his fath er, impatiently. "Tired} Y ou wasn't· vc1-y tired la:t night v..-ben you held 1fu.ry on yonr knee in the kitchen." STAPLE & FANCY DllY GOODS, Ma,nufa,ctures ol Carpets, Lace Curtains, and House Furnishins :MANUFACTURER OF Bl (JE ··· ··· a.<;lded _thereto, that we mi_ty thereby be enabled to supply all parties who way please to favor him with a. _calL Great inducements helU out to those purchasing a t our csta.blisbtueut . I'ic· t~tres, Lookn1g; Glasse~. etc .. sramed to order, anfl in every style. Samples of the differen t kin~ of Mouldings can be seed at the ware·room. W e would a.lso beg to inforn1 you, th a.t having purchnsed a. ' returning thruiks ~heir n~morous .custotners 3.lld th~ public gP.ncrally, for ft~v ors, I Nwould re8pectfully invite their u.ttention to our present stock of furniture, a.s we ha ve lately !-<> SPLEND.LD NEW HEARSE, "'"u ~hall be rea.dy n.t a. l times, t o attend fnuerals, on short n otice an d r easona.blt- t erms . N. B.-CoffiM kept on hand, and made to order, at the · WOOD AND IRON Fashionable Millinery Ma11tles,and G-ents' WORKING MACHINE R )i! O ·L 0 T .HING DEALEH NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WA R E-ROOJJI. Oshawa., Aug. 26th, 1870. rn Double Turbine and Boots and Shoes, Ready Made (} lothing ltg,, ts·, Caps; Shirts, Cola:rs, Ties, .&c. ~:o:--- ·' Water . Wheels, ·Occ·upying my N ew P1'cmises, LAIWE, ELEGANT and OoNVl!:NIENT; S how A gra vc-digA"er, walking in the streets of a. co1111ty town thii other day, cha.need to turn n,nd no',ic<>< l t wo ~1 -)ctors 'valking besido him. J.l..: stVLJt-><.: li ~u. i t.h;,., y pari,;~<l, a.tid then followed on behind th(Jm. "And ,\·by is this?" said they. " J know my place in this procession," Haid he. :\ traveller s topping over nig11t with a Texan far1uer, 'vhose estate was mile~ upon miles in oxtcnt, said to him. "You must hav~ begun life early to a.ccnmula.te such an estate 11.s this." "Yes," replied the far1ner, "I began life when I was a._piore baby." ;\t <1 11 exhibition of the Albany schools a few even ings since, the following conversation ·~ Rooms replete with Castin gs of all Xinds. L A T .EST NOVELTI E S Sprin9 and Summer J11itlinery,1Jfantles, Shawls, Trimm ings, etc. REPAIRS done on the Dr. J. Walker's California. Yin· egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the na· tive horbs found on the lower ranges of tte Sien a Nevada momitains of c,iliforJlia, t he medicinal properties of which rcre extracted therefrom without tho nso of Alcohol. 'l'he question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of tbe unpamlleled success of VINEGA.R BrTTmts T" Om· answer is, tbat they remova l the patient rethe cause of disease, anc covers h is health. They are the grer,t blood purifier and a life-giving principle, ~ pertcct Ren ovator and Invigorator of the sys tom. Never before in the history of tho workl has a medicine been com_po nudccl possossiug th e J·en1arkable ic ::; of VJ ~ F.G A!l UrT'l'ERB i u h culing tho King Street East, Oshawa. THOMAS BITTING begs to inform his customers and the public generally, that h e has now . re~eived his N E W S P It I ·N G S 'I' 0 C K of DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY. @' Speci al attention given to getting up ord ers for Family l\1.ourning. A Large Stock of Black Lustrn Goods at all times. S ltO:S.TEST NOTICE, We have now on hand a. large quantity of sick . of c\'cry diseu,so 1 nan is h eir to. 'I'hey r trc a. gentl e P urg;atiyo a.s . ,,·ell a.'3 a 'l'onic, reli oviug Congestion or luilamnHLtion of the Ll rcr an l ·v isceral Organs, i1L Hiliou8 Di seases . l'OR THE DRY GOODS, which on inspec,tion will be found LIBERAL Common and Gang Plows, that ..,;n be sold at t ovk pl ace : Youn~lady to young gentlema.n"That picoc j nst played wa.sby 'Vagner; \vasn't it too lovely for anything?" Young gentle1nan to youul{ lady- "Yes; a.n d ain't his palace cars j ust g,'ty!" " \\That sh ould a 1na.n do," asked a gentleman of iL 11\dy, ' '\vken h1J has an opportunity to cor· Oshawa, West, Kin;:r St. April. 9th, 187 4. · . ·s. DISCOUNT TO THE TREWIN CLERGY. ' G11"l'ERS are A li~ ri ont, l)i npborctic, Ct 1nni11 ative, )J" ur;, L :"Lxativc~ Diuretic, Sedative, CounL\.ll'· Irritant, Sudorific, .A.Jtc1atlvo. fLUd. _ A.nt i-Bili1.'1)i:;. E GAR V 1 ~ll c.: A. R 'l'·h e properties of DR. w A1,1rnn's LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Grateful Thousands proclaim YIN· BI'l'TERS the most wonderful ln- BEST Organs At t r c t i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-All goods marked at the lowes L a II. Bowmanville1 March 6 1873. l'Cfl pond with a charming ·woman, but, being a bachelor, is a lit tle afraid of such buaine88?"LONDON, QUEBEC AND ··1 sl. 1 ould say to hioo, clo write/' answered the lady. l)o e of Di s r~u·~ admirers, in spt!aking a.bout h i1 )'\ t o John BJ"ight, said: 11 You ought to giv°" him credit for what he has accomplished, as he composed of the following and other 1h·st- clase i s a self-made iun.n. " ioJ kno\v he i!," retor~d Iron Steamships :!vir. Briglit, ·:and be adores his maker." " ST. LAWRENCE. " I .. SCOTJ, AND." NEW GOODS. My New Goods have vigorant thut ever sustaiuod tho sinkiug syE tem. stroyed by mineral poison or other meaus, and vi tal organs w1tstetl beyond accordin g to direotions 1 a.ud roroain long u,nwell, provided their bouc" are not de- °' No Person can fake these .Bitters CASH PR I CE, from which no abatement will ho madA.' -. - 0 -- MONTREAL. 18 74-. TEM:PE:Et.LEY LINE, "THAMES." 1 'SEVERN. '1 "DEL'l'A." NEARLY ALL COME TO HA.ND · tmd the assortment will be found repair. . Bilious R cmitt eut and Intermittent Feyers, '!Vhicb arc so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughont tho United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Oh io, Missouri, Illinois, 'l'enucssco, Cumbc1fand, Arkansas, Hed, Colorntlo, Brazos, Hio Granclc, anoke, James, and many others, with tbeir vast tribt1taries, throughout our sons of unustwl heat and dryness, aro invaria1)1y a cco1npaulcd Uy c.xtcu~i ve de .. rangcn1 euts of tbc stou1acll and liver, trcat u1e11t )fri. purg ;Ltivo, exerting a pow .. erful influ ence npon t.llcso various or .. Ap1·il 15, 1874. Han.chester Boase, BovvDULnville.. JUST ·ARRIVED AT S01ne frimHl waa rc-monl:!trating with Cla1·ko, the actor , about his profanity, and quoted the scriptu1 ·al inj unction, "Swear not at all." "I don't," said Clark". 0 1 only ewoar at those who offend n1e." Pearl, .A.labama, Mobile, Savannall, l?o- Tbe first atea. m er of this Line is intended to be despatched from LONDON FOR COMPLETE · AND ~--- ANDERSON & - --·- · --o- entire country during . the Sum1ncr and Autun:rn, and rcma.rkably so dnriug sea- :BOOT ANI> SltOE EM:PO:Et.IU'M:, CO'S the la.rgest stook of BOOTS and SHOES eyer offered in .Bo,Ymn.nville, and .!\ neat reply was tbat ghren by a. atuttering rna.n, when telling a story to aome of his friends. "Speak it pla.inly,man, 1 ' sttid one. 'I ca. oa nt," h ~ answc.Jred; " bu bu but I wa \Vi\. " 'ant you to und<!t'staud that if mm my tongue 21tutters Jn in my u:iind don 1t stutter." AT THE LOVVEST PRICE S . Quebecano~Montreal WEDNESDA ~. p R.I a·E s MODERATE 15th APRIL, . The P ublic are snlicited to call and see for themselves. HampLon . Rept. 18th 1872 and other ttbdominal ,-isccrn. In their ('ro be followed at of TEN DAYS "Missus Snowdrop," said a gentleman of during the Season}, color t he other aflernoon durins a. shO'.ier to a AND l!'HOM l ady of his !\Cl}tlair.tance, "as de wedder is soniewha.t a1nph ihious, will you do me <le honoi· t o step uu<ler iny umbreller a.n form a quorumt' 1 r 11nk you, Mist(Jr Rillups, I will. In dis wed- . der a~ umbreller ie ra.dder cosmopolitan. "- Ter· ritorictl Entei'j)rise. 'l"llrough Tickets from all r,o.ints \Vest, at The bead cf the fan1ily is ab~u~ to eat ~n a.~~ REDUCED RATES, Cort1ficates iSBued to ?rersons desirous of bringing out their friends . p!c-. Mother- " Say, fatber 1 give me a piece. Through Billa oJ Lading issued ou the Conti· Son- ' 'Oi father, I want a piece." Nieca - nent and in London ior all ~rts of Canada., ~·\Von't.,you please give OO(J a. piece, too?"and in the United States to Detroit, MHwa.u· :F a.t lier (diegtU1t ed)--"Hcre, the rest of you ~ake kc~_,, Chic~o, and other points in the 'Vest. ]j or Freight or Pas1; ~e, apply to the apple a.nd gi\'c me a piece." l'EMPERLEYS, CAitl'EH & DRAKE, 21 Billeter Stroot, London ; ROSS & CO. ·s AnCAS TIC. - A young gentle1nan 11nd his laQuebec; DAVID SHAWd Montreal: or dy love '\vcre out riding aod enjoying _the lo~· e· JA OB NEADS. Bowmanville, iilH?£~ of a. ificont Juno cven111g. 'lhe m29·t md. Nov. n'\an took out bis time piece 1lnd seeing the Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. H. ELL!OTT JUN bp~ COME and SEE . ' · HILL'S .... gans, is essentially necessary. Thero \s no catb artic for tbe jllU'!'OSo equal to pn, J ,'s VrnEG.0.11 Brr<rEI<S, ns they will speedily remove the darkcolorod Yiscitl niattot' with which the b owels are loaded, at tho same timo stimulating th o secretions of tho liver; and . gonornlly restoring tho heal14y fuu ctioµ~ of tlio iligoative org~ns , fortify tlie body 11gaiust disease lJy pmifyi 11g all its flnicls with VINEGAR llrrrirns. lio epi demic can take bold of " system thus fore.armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion E!eadflohc, !'aln ·in the Sl>onlders, Coughs, Tigh tness or tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructflt.ions of tho Stomach , Bad Tasto in the ~.Io n ll i, Bi lious Attacks, Palpltatation of tho Jl cart, JnOammation of.tho l . 1 ungs, J>a.Jn in ille region of the Kid noys, a.nd a 11u1Hlrcd other painful symptoms, aro the offspriugs of Dyspepsia. Organs ON TH E SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. TO CASH-PURCHASERS. -o- G REAT INDUCEMENTS Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CAS H CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. - - - o--- ANDERSON & CO., Deed's old. St:and. --o-ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER 'NEED A PPL AT ANDERSON & CO'S. Eowtua.nville, June 5th, 1874. The :Best Material used at ANI>EBSON & CO'S. --o-- l~tteuwi:i-i of tho hour~ said to hie eo1npanlon in a n a ff ectionate ton e. ?ily deal', it ii;i eleven o'clock. How q\tickly thnc fiier.i wh en yot1 al'a in good company. The lady 'vho had 1.Jaen ai· lent for some titni;,i a.nswercd: "I whih I COllld say the sruue," "Huiop!" replied t]1 e young man, " you could if you'd lie as I do." NEW Fall& Winter ·01'y Goods ---:o:- One lJott le wi ll pro1 ' 0 a better gnarautco of ils meri ts than a lengt!Jy advcrtisc111 c.:11 t. Scroi\11tt, 01· K ing's Evil, Whit~ Sz.-oHiu gR,. ·u 1 c1~n;, )Gr,rsipolns, S\i,·cllcd Neck, Uoitn., He ro fu lous Jnt1a1111 nations, Indolent l nU a1n mntio11:>, 1fcrcnri al'cctions, Old Son1 .:. Ern p ti o u ~ of t.iJc S kini Soro Eyes, etc.. Jn t l 1 e~e 1 as in nll oth or cvustitutioual Dis· \VALKl-~ll'S " V I!\EG L \R 11ITT E R8 8J)l1Wll th ei r gretL t Cll rtl. ti\'O J:JOWCrS in tho r110H ~ olisti111t.tu !llHl hi trµ otablc cn ~ es, I · · Jt fs .!elated of a noble S<:ottish lady of the ol den tim l" , 1.rl10 li\'ed in a remote part ·or the Highland~, and was 11otcd . for her pL'ofuse liberality, that sh e w~ sorr1tii1wes overburden· cd with habitual "sornerEt.i' When a.uyone of thur11 out-stayed his wolco1ne, !:die wi>uld take ocension to s~y t o Li1n at the morning weul, with <in arcl1 look at the rest of the company, ·'2\1ak' a g11i.d breakfast, 1\-Ir.-, whilo ye'1·e about it; ye dinna ken wha.ur ye'll get your din11er. " Tho hint waa usunlly ta.ken, aud tbc · 'Ror11e1·" dopo.rted. J oaq uin :!\fill er fou1vl Geneva full of hie c.::o n utryn1~ n. IIe drove to the neru-cst boat,and asked th e cl erk to take hitn to some place wh('1·e t.1wre were no Americ ans. 'J'he clerk JookL·tl itt l im fol' ~l. 1noment, then hopcleealy Llp ruul 'luwn the lt1 l< c, and ncroos toward ~font l \! '1. IH! , r..nJ a.t h1 ~ t Hhoolt hie head. Suddenlv a 1;<~ w it! <l< t e~.en1 c · l to r:; trik1.> him, and he liftud }Ji<; e ye~ L oward he<i \·en . ~u t. Lnn ·~:w h" t he b\ilo"r, was one day taking l! 'li;11 · :i uew r:n it of clothes, when he met Dr. - -. " I i;e ·~ yvn're taking home a new suit of l 11oin· ni :i:.;~ .~· s the Doctor; "is trade good ju:;;t i;{)\\, ~ ' "Kti'ur was better," replied Button\t.,1.-', ' ';\f ore ye cam' tae the toon it was the p ui. re.;it h'lle tl1at any tailor body could hae ~tin' ta.e :;tarvc in, but ever since yer arrival, baith t h(l gya.vediggei· an' me hne bl:!en keepit l lWL-r h1::ad an' ca.rH. 11 JJo you -wa.nt to buy a real prime lot of hutte1·?" a Y ankee, who had picked up a ii A LARGE LOT OF LADIES' and. G·EN'I'S' F'tJ'ltS Announcements. v ER. Y CHEAP. SPRING · · ; cnscs, F.A.LL ·STOOK. ---o-- - ·· Dress Good.s · Newest Style. . of the N. B.~ We have been appointed agents for the celebrated BAN NER SEWING MACHINE, nrnnufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and see ~ample machine. .l<'m· In llanmmtory and Chronic ll.lwnmatism, Gant, Bilious, Remittont and In torru it t cn t :F'ovcr~ , Diseases of MABXUS MA YE:Et.S calls attel;!tion to his very l&.rge B owmami.lle. N ov. 1st, 1873. Lho Blood, L i Y or, Kidney s mHl Illo..dlkr, thcH c Bitlors li u\·c n o eq ual. Sut: ll cnn~ ell by Yi ti nted 13loot1. e J\foclm11ical Diseases. - Pernous engn go< l ln I 'ni 11Ls and .l 1inc rals, such as Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? Spring Stock, believing hie present o.ssorttnent exceeds any o }lia former displaya. ~ro his usually large home purchases, be Jrn.s imported n. very beautiful 0 the Inhabitants of :Bow manville. l'ltnu lJcr.- 1 Ty pc- setler~. Gold· IJeaL ei-s, and h-I inm·R , ;\,.; t hoy :l(lYouco ia life, pro ~ l.l bjeo~ t o pnn1Jy r:; is of' I. It o p ow ols, 11~0 gtio.rd ng a'. ttt"t thif.1 1 t ake a d o8e uf IV.,. .1.LKll R'S Vl:oi· E <J , ~rt B ITTEfU! OCC \li.i o nallr. I am about getting a~ ASSORTMENT OF HATS, and he calls attention to his Silk, they· are superb . His Drn.b Shell, they are just what gentlemen reltUire, his t er, Sal t-H ho un1, lJ lotchoH, Spots, ri1nplcs, !<'or Sliin Diseases; Erupti ons, TetBoils, Ol1rLunclr$, 1-ting-wonns, GREY COTTONS FALL OPENIN G of the be!t make, including the celebra.ted .DENTAL BURRING by w hil:h I ca·n ENGINE rnstnlc.~, GEN. WOLS LY, AND Extra.ct Teeth in less than half the usual time and wi th less pain to tht;"! pn.ticnt than heretofore, and tha.t 1 have procure<l o. Ne"W ':And Iim.proved: ADpara.tu.s EXT RA CT TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. ARTIFICI AL '.l:EETH :BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 GOOD do. !1>16.00 ' 1 ,:. Scald -lu·:ul, Soro l~ ye ~ . E rysipela:;, Itch, Se nd'.~, Di scolora ti ons of tho Sk in, lluu1ors and Di:->casos of t bo Hkin of "'hat over na.111e or u at nro 1 i::tro li terally tln g up and carriell <1ut of lli e :-;yden t iu n short tiu10 Uy tho use of th m;o Eittu r ~. STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's-·-Splendid value. Fashion s ! ---oo-- n GLADSTONE, CANNOT BE BEAT. !-Iis Gent 1s furnishing as usual, is replete wit h all the la.test a.nd choicest for generating Nitrous Ox1de G::i.s. by which1 can now STRAW n every style, as usual. Don't forget to gi ve him a ca.11 if you in want <Jf anything 1n hia line. HA1~S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, -Ont manville, October 87.:>. · J. M. ::Brima,combe, LUMBER. YOURS RESPECTF ULLY, CASH· lurkin$' in th e syr>tou1 of sn 1 11any thousands, are cilcctuu,lly dest royed au<l rem~rt·ed. No 8Y1'Le1n 1Jf 111etlici11e, no r crn1ii'ugcs1 no an: th ol i n i niti !~R \Yill free t he ~y s ton1 fnnn \'i'Orms like thcr:ie Di ttcr~. · Pin, 'l 'ape, otl1er Worms, PRINTS of unequalled ~1agnificent ilisplay of _ New and Rich Goods.. · 01 · old, ·111a.rr iml or r; i11gl c1 a t the dawn of wurnanhood, or th e tu rn o f life, these Tonio J3ittcrs tl i:-;p!ny ~a d cci il cc1 an influence that in1provc rne :1t is soo.H -pcrcc ptiUlc. e1c r y 1 )U t.iud ita i mp uri ties bu r~ting through the sldlJ ilJ Piinp lti,., 1 En1 ption s, or SoreSi clean:-;e it i,-r bcu ,\' (HI 1inJ it 01.J 1::1 Lructed and sl u ~gish in th e 1cin :.: ; cleanse it when it is fou t ; yon r reeli ng ~ will tell you when. Keep t he blo od pu rcJ nnd t.!.1 0 h eal th o!' the system will follO \V. .. . . e T For F emale Complaints, in young STT:r..m and. Q'U AI.ITT S'l'Oll.MONT ; Cleanse tlw 'Vitiate1l Blood whcn- !ua<l at lifty different places to a Boston mer. cbr.nt. " YVhat kind of butter is it?" asked tlH' l.>uyec. "Th e clear quill; all made by my wile, fl'o m n. <lairy of (<n·ty cows; only two churn· I JtiS StOC k ·is La.O'e, C , ltis Prices Low ' " . ' iu.,·s." "But wha.t mo,kes -it ~o many different :ind he is ah\'~.YS pleased to aho'v bis good . co'for~?" the mel'chant . , ..fa.rna.tion! hear Bowmnnville, l\-Iay 7th, 187·1. n ow ! I guess you wouldn't ax: that 11ueation if yo.u 'd 8eeu wy coi,vs, they aro a. darn'd sight f.pecklti<ler than the butter is. " Tt seems that a <.:(!l'tain country girl in Scot· land t houciht it quite possible that there might The subscr iber would beg to ca.11 attention to Oe au e x c ea.~ in scrupulous regnnl to a.ppen.rhis stock of l1 nl.;ua, On her, the youth to wbo1n tihc w a.s about t o be united said to her, i n :.\ t 1inn1_vhant ton e, 'Weel, Jenn)', hasen't 1 baen Ulll:O cecvil, ' alluding to the ffict that <lurin g thefr whole courtship he had never even gi \'en her n. kiss, H er quiet :r.eply wru>, 'OuJ ;i,y, inm1; s en sel~BHly ceeYil '" :Bible Christian· 1873. her(Jby informs buildcrn, and other s in ' vant of lumber, that he is r:rep~ed to supply t hem at casl1 rater, for Cash ._ Henceforth h e intends to do a cash busiucss. lIE Sube:criber respectfully requests all parT ties indebted to him for Lumber, to settle their accounts v:ithout furth t<r he delay. And COTTON BAGS, THE MURDOCH BROS. have opened· out an immeuse sLvek of N~w ·F:>ll Goods. Gr~at . care has been taken in buying the Stock, a nd as · 111t 1 ·in.r but First ClasslGoods have been purchased, customers can r ely on gatting good value for their money. - ' ·. BOOK AN D THOS. SMITH , 1873 · Lot 19 1 6 Con. Darli.11gton. m8tf. ll . TI. l'i ~ {: OO~AI, D & CO., · D r !1 g ; is.ts n111l Gf'11. :\ g tfi., San F r a n d1wo, CnliforOIBi. riHI cor . of \ Vm1h in g to 11 111ul {Jh1tl'lto11 St~ .. N. Y. f51>Ld hy al l J J J· l< t,; · ~i,.ii t s a .nd Dca.lcra. n. H . l'IcDONALD & e n ., Drngg i8tB. w d G l'11. A gt,~ .· San l~::i. n~h,10 . C nlif(wni a nnd oor. of Waahington und Chol'Jton Hts .. N. Y. Sold by a gg fs ts (l Jr,d D1·u lc r "I. . Ill BEST the World. DRESS GOOD S Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Olo.ths, and an endless v :triety of' other new Dress Goods. Black Alpacqas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Bla ck Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloth~, Black Metz Cord.a , Groceries F RuIT' A.!.~D Special Line of. COTTONS at OOWLE'S. M:O B BIS' Sabbath School Depot Confectionery Depot. JT71IOLESALE and RETAIL 1!1 .8~ arrived, and for Sale, at the aboYe dt)pot, CARRIAGE (,~·es t READY-MADE SHOP ·rnn: \Vo HSJ' 0 1 1· 11'.- \\o.,.hen r:rimson 1rut.rried J·~nrH y E mma.. ho had no idea what duties 1 night devolye on bim, or thn.t the scrva.nt gnl ,\·vuld ever interrupt their billing and cooing ~ith- " Oh, i f you pleastJ, Missus, 1nn.y Master c:unw downstairs and kill them bla.ok beetle~? Dry Good.s; KING STREET, B O WMANVILU. 'l'he Subf:lcribcr has on h a11d .9. CLOTHING Good and Cheap. C:lothing Ma.d.e to It is a well-known Fact that Cowle lias the best Tweeds in tlie count1',1f. ,. .. - -:o:- - of the Ontario Bank.) MILLINEl~ Y 'l'~e as~ortment of Mi,Uinery and Millinery Goods is very ext ensive and m tnmmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can bo consulted as the variety is s0 great. The Flowers and Feat hers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment t o be founr1 · New Fruit and Conf eoti onerys, ,fudy. :Boots & Shoes Large stock of Books, R nited for Sabbath School Libr<\rils, S abbath Pl'esents, and the Study. DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Choice Lemon, O:range and Citron :Peels, ORANGES TO ARR. V E King S treet, Bowmanville, A couple of neighborR became so inimical t b n.t they '""ould not 1ipeak to each otlier, but one of tbe1n having been converted at a· 1neeting, on .seeing his former enemy, held out his hand, saying : "How d'ye do, Kemp? I am. humble enough to shake hands with a. dog." I n the volicc.court at Chicago, a fe~· v:tIBks 15i nce, a wif1i thus ingen i ollf~ly explained a.way serious cha.rgos. of har8h treatment of her poor hu"sband : "One day when she ¥-'as ruuning across the rou1n with o. fork in her hand, be jurnved iu the \vny and sLruck his "'rist a,ga;inet t he fork, 'vrenching it from her grip by the pro11ge, \vhicb he ran into his wrist. Then he endeavot·cd to strike her , but she held up a pan of hot dish·"'o.ter between them, and he spilled it all over his. hes.d. Then he got still more angry at thi:i. a ccident, and started t o jump at he1·, bnt li is head against hP.r hanU., and he fell down. Sh!: took bold of his hair to ra.itie him up, and the hair was mQi stcned by the hot '\'n.tcr, i:;o that it came off. Then 1:11Je saw it wa,:.; no u~e to reason with him any longer, ~nd she lefl til e house. n etc., etc, which for Soft Shell 1ilmonds,F'ilberts, Brajjil and Wall Ei~·ts, l(eille.r's Mc"r~n a lade, T f"es t I ndia THE. subscribet is p1·01,ar ed to pau· build a nd re~ ILI.lJMIN A TED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c, fo1· S chools. --0-- l Jreserved Ginger, Pears, Plums, Toma,toes, rf: Peaches, Green Peas, Green Corn <f; Li· ma Beans. Our Domimon Excelsior RaspberryVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They have come and are comin g, at tho Depot . }l~ru1t . . I Wago·ris, Btcggies, cincl G ·utters, . of evory description, nt short notice, ando rensonablc tenns. . _________ _____ BLANKETS IX -Carriages Painted and Trimm d . Nothing cheaper tha" the I Oct Cottons Oowle's. · In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, w e ha% a large as- - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ soi·tment, at prices to suit all. Quality and Cheap ness, CANN OT BE SURPASSED O la- Booka arc marked ]o,v . A r:.11ccial dhi.:ount for :\:1iniRtcr:" 1 Tea.chers, anJ Babb< tt h S~h.ools. SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUALITY is the lest of CHEAPNESS. T . DAHLINGTO:t\. Bo\\'manville, D ec. 4th, 1873, n9·tl A Blacksmith's Shop on t.l1 pren1iecs, were special attention a given Large Variety Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavel'S, l 'eteaBhams .M:eltons, etc., will be found unusually large. The largest stock of t o all Stereoscopic Vie'WS ever shown in this Roction of the counLry ; aJso $26. BEWABI>. e13 pnrpo1·t1ng to be ·of onr ma.k c, and to beal· our na1nes stamped thereon, '\'e h ereby caution the 1mblic against. all s11ch itnposters,a~ Messrs Yello"'·lees & Quick are our Agents 1n W est Urn·ham ; a.nd a H.ewarrl of $25. is h ereby offerl'll for the apprehen sion and con Yiction of all ·mch il'nposters as tl·y to d·d ra.uU the pulJlic by offering their trash as onr inake. I i' c~.rriage . 11 work, and GenernJ. ' ha.ving come to onr knowledge, that certain I TPti<llara ~e selling. Spectacll;!$ and Eye G l<-1,8S· 1 J 0 bb1ng. -· -, Wine eys--a Dead Job. .N. :B.-··Specia I inducement given to CASH Purchasers. Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. The sun can only be see11 by its own ligh t, so Oorl can oul y be kno.,vn l)y his own - - ---· J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. BJ?irit, ·w ord, and works, ,..,...1coscopes, :Rea.ding Glasses, etc., etc. C. BARKER. 'lllP ' · IA ll worl.· clone at this Establish111ent ~ I 1oarra-ritecl. ~<\.. call is respr.ictfully solicited. LAZAHU S, MORRIS, &' co. J.:Iontrcal, ~ov. 8th, 1871, n7-tf · .T. \ t:OHRIS. Bo vnnanv ille, Ot.:t. l et, 1869. F. Y. Cowle.

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