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' --- ' ' 'IHE MERCHANT FhIDAY o\.UGUST 21 1S74 RATES OF ADVERTISING MURDER Tl e Be le lle On a ·o repo ts a b utal uurder comm ted n liungc lord about t~ v Hage of T" eod on "ho had for some t ne past been I v ng · th h a B oil e rcturne<l to h s lodg ngs on Sunday an<l n an an g y manner demanded h s d nner HlB ll othc s daughter awoke her mother who t tl ought was nd sposed and h s repast mme<l ately prepa1ed It s supposed so me v;ords must have passed 'between hem be poor ¥'Oman was shot n se era.l places abo t the head and neck and an at ten pt vas made to cut her throat th n case kn fo She l ngcred t l the follow ng eveu ng and d ed Tl e acuftle must have been fearful The floor and f rn ture were b meared w th blood pools of wh ch were rt so out· de the house lead g to the fer ence tbaL the v ct n of eo much butchery nust have attempted to e cape from her murde er Uut as ntercepted The murderer has been captured and con fessed h s gu lt He pleads that I e as under the nfluence o{ ntox at ng d nk To "hat extent are then anufacturer and s l er of the madden ng \ th s uu appy affo 1 FROM SILVER LAKE MENT THE GOVERNOR GENERAL Mr Gibbs vs Mr Glen Don't Fai Io a t Go aa nChngn~g th G a C a ng Sar f J y nut OHEAPS i l> E TRE lfENDDOUS liEDu0110~ S J BHfE ~SE BAR !B,, w·· CHEAPSIDE BISSONNETTE & Co C S 'fl °" pPOst T Hal B u; 44 lm amv , SATURDAY NIGHT THE TREATY lia on s respons b c for the follow ng paragravh There s a rumo afloat wl ch at r butcs to the Canad an Go eru ment an effor to obta n a mod tica on of t rec years sl d ng scale of du\ cs vh h forn s a vc y obJeC onab e feature of the d a t treaty Of the extent o! the p oposed nod ficat on d fferent statements none of hem very defin e have been made Some go so far as to say ti at a change has been agrec<l upon but the extent of t B not Ind eel the whole stat me t ueeds rbe rumor po nts n the r gbt d rect on and t s ery des rable that t should prove to be true ' er EDUCATION The Leet on to seats n the above body p to "ednesday e en og g vcn the follow ug results As Representaa e for ti e H gh Schoo Maate · Pro! W lsou 12 vo es Mr f H Hunter 53 For Insp ctor 1Ir S C \\ ood 30 Mr Ff S Macdonall 19 Hon Mr .M la, 12 As the Teacher· R p esentat ¥· of he votes exam e6 Gold w n Sm th had a ma JOr ty ol 103 The scrut nee s res o k to day Th rsday RELIGIOUS SERVICES SUND \Y AUGUS r ED 1874 THE MANUFACTURERS Then ee ug of he M nufacturcrB of 0 Bo W Seens > T -S ster J Spea " l< S Bro E 1-y o "1-Bo F Wh ng " I S BoJsGae WARS JOHNS CRURCH-ANGL !CAN s dy a.r o convened n t} e c y of Hn n 1 on on Wednesday and Thursday of ast week 1'as e be ter tha a ta re an l for all prac poses the r su ts may be set down " \ i w MENS CHRISTIAN AS SOCIATION on of The 8e oG Young }fens Uh s u .Assoc a on of ada s no n aess on n Po Hope large number of de egates are pre ea lbe follow ng are the offi e s for the en sung year P es dent, Tl os Mu Lon don Y e Pres dents W J B Patterson Mon real Jas Go do Inge sol! W Crag Jar Port Hope 0 Foste B t lord Shenff Ha Pe erboro R B ld ~rnTJIODIST on n next at 10 30 a.nJ. at G 0 u tl e R. c d s~bba.t THE FURNITURE FACTORY T e adJonrn l Gene al Meeting of tbe Sto kholders was as per announccme t he d on last Saturday afternoon The at tendance wae larger than usual On mo on the Pres d nt took tl e cha r ao I n open ng the proceed ngs stated ( n sub stauce that o g to rregulan es o the plllt of two of the lead ng ofli a s ti e D rt.etor vere not n a pos t on to I resent the r annual report Several quest ons ere put and ansv; ered. Short speecl es were made by Messrs llfoLeo I and Fa rba rn The elect on of D rectors lo the c eat year was pruceeded v th and resul ed n the re elect on of the o l D e tors Mr M Arthur reta ns the P es dency understood that the D rectors " l theJ report n about a fortu ght The l ubl e w l do we l to allo" a large per cent.age off the s or es w l at Dawe n:or aha'fik n a ounU to;vn t t o.0 on d vcr s e to t tbc) are at ve y t th g af e supper FAIRLY CAUGHT h l\TARRIED The Beecher Tilton Scandal COllUIE I A Barker le CARD The folio" ng letter "as addre.,ed by Mo s & Pea sal T l on s atto neya, to the Rev Henry Ward Beecher on :Mon day the 17 h nst Rev Henry Viard Beeche S n,-We have been reta ned by Theo dore T ton to commen e a su t agn nst you W ll you please d a e the attorney vho s a thon ed too.pp u hebn f so that e nay serve he p s upon h n Yours &c ~ O R Ul <1.L BOWMAN VII LE Co e tetl by J McDougal P o c Th-'I chant <\.ugust 2 s 1874 IORON'.[O 'Io ONTO A for any sum country prepared to have ot tJ"cspa.sscd on y u I rema n yours 0 F·ll Wheat Sp ng Wheat Rye Ba ey H· BAND Oats Butte D es e Hogs P t atoes Ellga M A1lg 19 \Voo Fa est fires a e rag ng along the Tack on Ila Mr Beecher s Statement What Shall Lana ng an Sag111aw H.a l'i'iny to an a n ng ex ent At Deco R ver t" o dwell ngs the Verdict be ? \\ e e destroJ ed a d a " o e v lage a tt eatened Hea y fires are al.o eported lomtbNY::> nea Sand sh Beecl e s defence s before the LI G Pe"' Di<rno T GLEANIN(,}S 'l'iII TB WESLEYAN METHODIST FERENCE Th On ar o Fema e Co I gc opened on the 15 J p ox t Seve W M Pun I on L L D Pres dent by 2 0 vo cs number of vo eB 48 were g e A Lhur M A The elec on of M '9bnshon ·· unan mo s y confirme l by the Legal Hund ed Ger a.se Sm tl M A. as elec ed S c e the next h best D of 1 Apples 1 BUTTER, BUT TER f A any Apples Kr TON Aug 9 smoke f om be FIRES Bush F es are K ncard ue 0 be to a :l Ot "" be n done om Bru r:;e s Tara I she tie people a moneJ e·pend turc th Io n $120 per yea goes on !esp edc u II 11hy COLDORl'\E \ug oot 1874 ' SAL E Valuable Farm FOR Don t forKel tho ale of M Heads val\! The Port Hope boys beat the Colbo ne able hou e on the corne of Odell and lads by 3 r ns n the r ecent C cket p ospect st eet to nor o a[ternoon at 2 Mat h o clock POUT HOPE I