I 1· · . .--....,,. .~ . o) . ' ' · _..._.... .... . -'· ' .............. THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, A UGUST 21, 1874. Farm for Sale. u a.te<l in the T o\vnsh ip of Darlington, on Lot J\To . 6, itt the 7th Con . , compril)ing 45 acres of goo<l lnnd, well fenced and \\·a.tered. There i s on t he premises a.frame l1 ous e,with good ou~ buildiugs, and splendill orchard. The fa.rm is half a m ile ~ast of Tyrone . J...iberty of place i,: i vun this fall, and possession on the first day of April next . F or particulars, apply to II . 'VOOD , SENIC Tyrone, A ug. 12th, 1874 . m45 -tf. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. E J.ephant liouse THE UNDERSIGNED in returning th.nka THE - -Just Arrived at th e A DESmABLJl FARM PROPERTY, sit- V ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE. EING south half of Lot )Io. 32, in the sixth B Con. of tho township of Cl arke, conta.in_ ing 100 n.Jre8, inore or less ; 80 acre.'i cleared, balance tiu1bered with cedar, An excellent young Lcar ing orchard of choice trees, with frame d'velllng house, bat'll , e ~able , &c. 1 on th e far m . F or sit uation. it cannot be excelled-. being one inile from th e village of Orono, and eeven fro1 n thti town of Bowman ville. Poflsession g iven on t he first day of APRIL n~x t, wit h privclege to enter' and do tht. fa.11 ploughing. Fol' pa.rticulan. ·_pply to to his m any fl'itnds and the public generally for the libe1·al patronage extended to hin1 dur· ing the pMt 18 years, bebra t o announce that :o:from and after the 15th S epterr1ber 1 he "'ill oarry on the srune business, but more exttmsi"·ely llTOU L D Jnost r espectfully tender hi s sincere. Any one wislling to have P hotos ~n largtid fton· under t he 11a.me and styl e of JOHN MoLEOD & Co. Prom:pt-IJ:l.yment of all accounts ia renderl t thanks to hi s n umerous fri ends t\nd cusold pictures of rlcct.:11.~cd friend ~, can ;-.;et the ed imferat1ve by thi~ bu1;1ine~s arrangeinent, tom ers, and to t he public generally, for the snme done at and al persons indebted will plea-se t a.ke notice very libPral sup port he has r eceived since his and govern t h emselves accordin.gly. coin meucing in busines3; and hopes by con· JUHN McLEO'J. ti nued st rict personal attention to b uf3 iness, and Bowman Y i11e, September 4t h, 1873 . offering nothing but the pur est a rticles, at the Arthur's Ga.llery, most r easonable prices, t o ensure a continu an ce Ta.it of p ublic patronage. J . lf. would call special attenti on to his very tb tly lrn.ving gone t o g reat ei:pcnse in purch asing B upel"ior r:itock of ·· Co and fi tting up n. Bowmanville Drug Store, FAS HION BOUSE a r:;plendid assort1nen t of J. HIGGINBOTHAM NEW MILLINERY. .Also a lot of & REAL lI.AIR, FANCYGOODS, & A lso a. large stock Qf TJYE STUFFS " IN TEANSIT," .wh ich are stu'<! to giv e t he best sa.t.i!!fa.ctio n. A well selected stock of TI Johw~u~o:=~~~ ~ T Stamps for Baiding and EmH.Libe1·al Support and H Patronage boid.ery. July 25th, 1874. or J . 'l'HORXE, 1\ mbentburg, P. 0 . On t . C. TA..'1.l!LY::i Orono, DRUGS, CHEilflOA LS, PATENT 1 1fEDICIN ES, E extemle<l su long to J ohn Mcieod, FO R Desirable Farm Property 200 ()ases and Bales of SALE. New Fall Goods. Shipped from Liverpool, Glasgow, and other European ports. bp-o30·m43. 3m BRU;::::s. SHOULDER-B RACES, S UPPORTERS, Etc, Ete. ke1)t coru~ tantly for the express purpose of enlar ging photographs, which they make from the smnlleet ca rd to life size. T hey would r emind the public that they are etill ~tri v ing to improve their "'ork in Phot ography, a.ntl they a re llO\V turning ou t :Pictures and takes thia opportunity of informing the pu blic, that they hn.ve E FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. DISCARDED THE DDESSll..AKING as usual. 'l'HE Dominion OrO'a.n Co'y. l:fA'j' Splend id Property of the late Mr . B. l\ilitchd l, being the north half of Lots No. ~11, and 32, in tho Gth Con. of Darlington, com1)l·ising 200 acres-35 being sup erior wood land . '!'bore iB on the front of the pre1nises, a. very fine ,gen tleman's stone resirlence. v..-it h lawn a.nd flower gnr de11 1 to t he r ear of \vhich is a beauti· fnl :)laple Grove. Also wood t1hed,stabh·1 driving hou&e, etc. , a.ntl.every necessary conyenience. 1 1 l h c \Vbolo, about t on acres, is surrounded by a th;irn hodge. rl~here is a F an n H ouse, with three banis, with all outbuiltlinga . A never failing etream of water l'tl l1S t hrough t he premi.r;ies . rfhere is also a splendid Orchard of fruit bea.ring trees, nnd a ki t c:Len ~[l,n.len. T bf;l vroperty is in a good state of c ultivation , and fa l'egarded as th e inost desirable betw('cn K ingston and London . l 'or fu rt her particulars apply to T ou hand. OILS, PAINT, Equa.'l to Toronto Work. COLORS, YARNISHES, :o: and WHITE LEAD at t he ·,1 e1·y lowest prices. Horses and Cattle MedtcinesN . B. - C0un try st ore-keflpers 6up plied on the most advantageou s t er1na. A r:h oicc selecti on of T ... AM PS for i.ale chea.p. l31w 1 i1v 1villt', Dec. ! SG S. 6m. Cabinet and four-fourth size made equally as good as their cards. G o and examin e speci1ncn1:1 1 and be _ convinced t hat they ar e doing well. E xt ra pru1t8 can be ha.cl. off @ ld ne(·at iY es. rl'hcy keep on hand ancl for so.le, an ° - Mlt S. B. MITCHELL, .A.ugust (i th, 18i4. Assortment of Frames Chea.p a.s the Chea.pest. bp-o43·m6-tf, Oshawa P . 0 . bp -tf-m44-o32. FARM FOR SALE. bein g only ~ ix years since clearing commenced . T h e land j s o. light loam on top, with a good There is a clay bott om, aP..d sure :for crop. view of the beautiful L ake Scu.gog, on which Ste::i.mbo~ts vly daily fi·om Lindsay to Port Pe rry. a,nCI one and n. half miles from C::esarea P. 0., which is un the gravel road to Bowma.nvillf;l. '!'here is a small 'f ram f! house and stone cellar, ouL buildinga not m11ch, good water pump an d dg tern at th e door. A aruaU youn~ orchard. V{ ill be sold cheap, as the proprietor rntcnds to 1 n ove west in the fa ll. Cresarea P. 0 . Car t wrigh t , Jun e 2;h-d, 1874. m38tf. 1' ONE HUNDRED ACRES, being ihe 0 sout h hn.lf of lot 18, in the 9th Con. of Cartwrig""1t. io\.bout 70 acr es cleared ; all ntw. SEASON 1874. :Qaily Line to Rochester. · CoW tnencing on 0 1· llowmanvillc, No \' 12th, 1873. A N T H E L ~d~~c~d:t~~~~~~; L E ALLnc:~~~~NTS E p RE~~~:ED Hp H BIJSINESS CHANGE. m· Bowma.n ville, Apr.ii 7th,1874. E OLD SYSTEM, MRS. A. FLETCHER. BOWM ANVILLE, Present the following t cst:im rmials fron1 con1. patent j udges of Organs. Testimonial from J ohn Camidge, !.1u1:1. Doi.!., Canluar, E nghi1 1 d. · A Bowmnn ville, 24.th J.h~u., 187~. 1'o the M !fi.agers Dom·inion Oi·ga n Co . G·ENTI. J~M.EN .- I lil~~ to play on your Organfi t" .e is so sweet and ste:tdy. A nd the work 1na.nsnip and fini sh excell unt, an d in ev ery particular they are eq ual, if not su perior, to any I hav· ever beard. lfoping t hey will me et public ap preciation. will be J<)HH CAMIDGE llea.d the fo ll ow i.Ii:~ from R.or;a. D 'Erina : l3ownrn.n ville, ))e1.:e1n ber 22, 1870, To the 1 lfan.aucra of th~ Domini.on 0 1·va·ri Co. G:t:~ 'l'l".E~I EN. - I lui ve 1nuch plca Bu1 ·e i11 t esli· fying to t h e exc ellent qu ~litieB of t he Org:1 11 supplied by yvu a t n1y conce1 t last Sat un lay evening . 'l'lie tone is 8\> 'eet and very pow erful and the co1nbination of stops n1ost ad mirable. I ant sure yonr im:itrun1cnts ' vill bnd fa \'or i11 Cl1 urches, as t bt'y are singuhirly adu.ptf;ld fot· sacre d 1 n usic. WiH hi og yon f;l ve.ry ~u ct.:c~s, aud thn.t the public may p n.t ro nizt.: n ati ve irt<1.1ntfacture . I re1na in Gen tle1ncn , \ ' L'l 'Y r esp rctfully, 1st January, 1st May, . and 1st September ln ec w.i and every year. ~f cehanica, .1.v[anufu.cture rs, othe1·s, whose accounts may am oun t to $50. 00 or over, t heir note, if agreed upon, will be tak en payabl(l at tbe Bank for a s tated pedod. In the ca~eand ot AT N Village ot Hampton, T llY Ja.mes Cryd.erma.n, HE UNDERSIG11 '"ED begs to nnnouncotd the pi.1blic generally, that he has purchasethe stock and goodwill of the l:msin esa heretofore carried on in th e ' about 1st .April. The Satisfaction given by Prompt TIIE The New La.ke Stea.mer Cash Purchas!')rs .A:SD Several Packages have already ar1'ived per BARNUM iH. McALISTER, COLTS FOR SALE. WELI"·MATGHED span of ma.re colt1. A Netherhy's, co ming three yea.rs old ; will be sold t ogether or separate . to DR. MORRIS, ~ '-\.pply Lot N o. 13, 3rd Con . Darlington. m43·tf. " NOVA SCOTIA." '· St. LA-WRENCE." " P:a,USSIAN." " SEVERN." Look: out for Spooi:flo Advertisement tn this l'a.per. "NORSEMAN " (R. CRAWFORD, Master) RETURKING, W ill h:ave Charlott e (pert oi Rochester) daily at 9 o'clock, p. m., exccpt Sat urda.;yR , when she will lea ve n.t 3 p . m. for Cobourg direct: Dealer8 in Stock \ \·ill find t his t he ch eapest and w uat expedj.t_ioue ro ute to B oston, Albany, Kew ).'ork , &e. , &c. F or further inforn1ation, addr e:is s eclipsed by t ho satisfaction giycn by to his nu1n erous patrons. H e ie now pleased to announce that he has on hand a lar~· and vn.ried a.Bsortrrent of ~MALJ~ o E will always get goods at prices cut FINE, as our great ai1n will be to court this class of tra.de. Payers credits 011 short H as Cabinet maker a.nd Undertaker, and will continue the business in the old premisf:s, with a full at1Sortment of first ola.sa Furniture, Coffins, Shrouds, &c., will be kept on h o.nd, and hopes by strict attent ion to buai.J:1ess, atul moderate ch b.rgcs to m erit the patt-onage of the people. HOSA lH;HIN.A. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Y-rs H . O'IIARA. A. "\l. DAHLEY. P r esid ent. lvl anag-Cjr . .i3owrnan vill e, J a nu a.1y l fi , 187-'I. bp·o3-ml1J . Stock Large AND o E BOOTS AND SHOES .A.11 · UWell Assorted !U Will make h er r egul o,r trips on t h is route, leav- of the best quality, ancl is anxious that they sh all set to work as f!.OOn ae poar:iiblc. ing Cobourg every morning at 7 :30, n.nd Port · Hope at ~ o' clock, for R ochestet·, connecting there \vi th the N O\\' Y 0rk1 Central 1 SJ.ld Erie- All R ailwa.y s, for a.11 point s, E ast, W est an~ South. :E'r1oe~, s ':lplcuc hd va.n ety of Cook, A Hall, Parlor, and Jlo , · ,· ST Q VE S, · for wood or coal. s :Eible Christian 'l'llf!' _. ~ , -'*ilii.I ~:mA""SE ..... ~ BOOK AX D Sa.bbath having been Sizes. All ""':nds. .ni..L FO:Et SALE. GOOD A m:J.'i-tl i->rice $65. SEC.O ~ D B!lwma.nvillo, September4th '18 JOHN McLEOD & c Improved and Painted s no\v O nl: l of the best in the County. den1 promptly attended to. ROOM Do:pot All or ' H AKD Piano for sale. J. M. BRIMACOMBE. n1 EIERE IS MOUE F UN in .l the Chroin oe _ McClung Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25· SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. Br. X.A.TE:RSON. P. S .- lf u:rniture madf;l to or d er v.·ben required1 a.nd r epairs neatly executed, Ha1npton, Sep. 18th. 1873. S c h ool R CRA.WFORD, "PLUCK," than any paintt·d 0 1· print(ld story t hat has bee n given to the public for years. N evex before ba-s been accoi'ded t o ar1y P icture or set of P ictures C . .F . GILDERSLEE P ort Hope, . l{ingston. THE POPULARITY 8:Zirr-..:;;Tl t hese Chronios have attained. Size, Price, $10 the l(i by 22 inches. pair. Ad dl'ess orders to J . F . RYDER, P ublisher, Clev ela nd, Ohio, U . S. FRUIT, AND Confectionery Depot. WH OLESA LE and RETAIL J '..Jst arrived , and for Sal e, at the above depot, July lG th, 1874. 41,tl. N ew F1vuit and Confectionerys,·c:P,oioe Lem.on, Ora.nge Citron Peels, a.nd. DOMINION BANK. BOWMANVILLE AGENCY. OTI CE IS HEHE13Y GIVJrn N the Dominion ll:i.nk has opf;lned ao agency lor t he L1 ansaction of busiuess in Ho:re.ey's ~'HA'l' DATES, FIGS, LEMO'.NS ORANGES TO AJlR . VE T hiA l'rench Oil Polish is prepar ed for Carriages, B uggies, Harness Boote and S hoes, and all kinds of Leather. '1t will give any article of Len.ther, a most brilliant ap· pearanc.e, and at t he sa1ne time, from its oily p r opf;lrt1es, t ends much to preserve it ; i t will always be moist and pliant ; and may be exposed - S. MASON to "'-at er and washed, and ·will not lose its brilli- wieh68 to infor1 n his numerou s friend.a ~ind cu s n. ~ce , a nd it is i~ot to be feared that nny crust . tomen1 that he hM removed to w1ll settl1::1 on srud .L en.thcr when pi·eserved \vi.th the n.bove Oil. :f or tl1 e \\'OOd"\l·ork of Burraiei:;, Special a ttention given to Uarringes, and l!\ u -niture, there is not a b; tter a rticle in use. J\f.anufactured by A . SIMON & where he will be 'found with the ni ost com Co . , 'l 'anners and Ourrie:rs, form erly of F rance p lete assorbnent of and none but first-claSR \Vorkmen e1uployet1 1 now of P hiladelphia, Pa., Instructions-Shak~ ~ot~l e. A few drops on a pit:ce of sponge,a.pply thus insur ing good value in every case . it lightly to the l ea.th er~ and you will obta.n1 t he S1'0R E. - Onc door ~a.st of Cornish's J e welry fi nest luetre, P rice 75cts. per bottle, or $7.50 per dozen. JO IIN 8)1ALE; Solk A gent, .'Ho\\·tore, K ing Strt>et, Bowma-nville . mnnville. J. SMALE. July 16th, 1874. ·11·6 moa. Ilowmanville, Sept . 23rd~ "1.l37!L in tow n . P lease calL B uckler's old stand one door east of l\fayna.rd's Hotel . Bown1anville 1 Sep. lat.-, 18·7 3. Nothing to Beat i t . GENT'S BOOTS. T Oil PoU.ah. I1\f:E MONE Y and L ABOI-t saved! French KI NG STR~ET, BG W MAN\illlt. - - : 0 :- REMOVAL. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. Large stock of Books, snitcd for Sabbath S chnol J.ibr:trils SaLb:lth !'r esents, and thu F;t wly. ' CUTTING AND FITTING BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Harness, Whips ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c, for Sa.b!Jat h Schoob. 'Trunks, &c. - - o-Our B uoks a.re marked low. A Especial dis.. : ()Ullt for ::&finfat ers, T eachers, a 11tl Sabbath Schools. Bo\\'ln an ville, Octobe:r, 1873 . Block, t wo doors t:"as t of Ilrodie'8 H otel, lCin g =::;tref;lt. Interl'.'st \I.Till be allowed on dif_!posit s. ])rafts jssuecl on all poi nts in Canada., U nited :';tates a11U Gteat Britai n . T he 8 3.vings Bank dup:il'trnen t is no.v open. On nll deposits over $4 i nterest will be allo\ved at the ra te of 5 per eut. per annum. Offico Houra.-Fron1 10 o'clock a . m. , t o 3 o'clock p. m., except on Saturdays, when tho Bank will cl ose at J o'clock, p . m. 1 RECKLESS AND Sof t Shell Almoncls,Filberts, Brazil and W all Ev..ts, ]{eillcr's _J,_lf.fa rmalo.,de, W est I ndia Pn1served Gi11ger, Pears, Plions, 1..'ontatoes, cE l)eaches, Green ])eas, Green Corn & Lima lleans . The largc:J t stock of S t e reosc opi c V iews :RELIANCE ever sho wn in t hia r1ectiou of t he cou ntry ; a.1 80 J . H. lllcLELLA:s', 1 n:3ltf A {fent. Dressmaking, &c. 1\!iss Heal '\V oul<l hog to inform t~1e ladies of Bo wma.nville 1.Ln1l ricin ity. that she lB prepared to take orders for D rel:l~ D.Ht.king,a.n d fill t he Bame wit h despath in the · Alarming. Sale OF Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles '!'hey have come and a re coming, at t he :E 'ru1t D epot . Mutual Life Assurance Society Mioosoopes, :Rea.ding 0-la.sses, EST1lBLISHED 1840. C.\N.iDA OHI El:' 0Fx· rc 1~s. SHELL & SHE LLED OYSTERS QUAUTY is the test of CHEAPN ESS. T. DARLI NGTON . Bowman v iJte , D ec. 4t h. 1873. Il~·tf 131, S'l'. JAMBS STREE T, MONTREAL. · etc., e t c. Dry Goods & (Jlo. thing, AT SO, HO! Gentlemen ORGANS! Messrs. :Rice DIRECTORS. W ALTElt S1 t ANLY , E sq. , M P. 1 Chairmaan 1 DUNCAN ~IACDONALD, EsQ. l\fAJOR T. E . C.A.Ml'B~LL, C .B., St. Hilaire. THE H oNO H.ARLE JOHS II AMILT0 ?<.~ 1 Hawka· C. BARKER. LATEST FASHION. }{er expei·iencc full;r \varrant8 her' in p romising t;a.tisfaction, 1i:1..·~1denct!, L'orner of Church Street, a.nil )la.·ktl. f'·tUllh'. l101Y. n. n\·illt:.] I ·. Ith . }!;73. dd fJ iJ ~~~~ j ~ ~ PPP NOT SO FAST. I have written theee few Unes ---- of Fa.shion. & :Barker RESI DENT SEGRF TARY.- JA>rns GHAin·. bi.IT:J.J'1 Ont. H ave received another s11 pply of tl1at supel-iO class of Organs :know n a.a t ho S PECI A L FEA T U R ES. The Y.l'TI RE P u o Ft ·r s belong t o and arc divided amongr:it t he P ulicyholrlen1. LIVES, DmcLnJED BY OTHER C OMPANIES, or on which an ex tra P remium, would be required, can be ~eured at the ordinary rate,, of this Society, BOVVMANVII. . LE. COM PETITION for the PRESENT SUSPENDJ;:D New Tailor Shop, ATB WITH F . Y . begs to inL form the p ublic generall y, th o.t he has commenced bu.Bineae in t he Shop next t o the ET· COWL> ~, Drl!lls Goods,, Cottons, Prints, Linens, Iiosie'ty, Gloves, Pamsols, Cloths, Tweeds, Shfrtings. JOHN HEAL, READ! READ! La.<l.iea' Cotton Ho!:le, only 5 cents per pair . \Vhite Pocket handlier chiefs, for 36 cts . per doz. Good F actory Cott on~ only 8 ct s. p er yard . Printa, 8 cts. per yan l. .. Dress Go4;>d~, 9 et a. per prei;;s 0 tfiee, one door ea st of 1f. Milne'e. Hoop Skirts, good, 20 ct~ . each. C oreet~, 30 cts, J,inen-T oWels, only 6 c~nts each, l{a.\'in" ha.J. severa l years expe rience iu the yard. '!'able Lintin , only 25 cts per yard. H air Neta for 3 cts . each . Spools, 10 ct!I . per dozen. trade, bc=hopeti to satisfy all who ma.y favor him with a call. And a.U I have to say, 'l'hat you can find rn e 8till at ho1ne I a.m not gone away ; So a ll 1 ny kind old friends may om e ; A nd a.11 t he young ones too A nd get their garment s n icely made In fashions that are ne\v, Whe re old a,nd youn g det, fri end :aiay meet A welco1 ne greeting by R . PEATE. :So"\\- n rn.nYillc J un e 1901, 1073. Silver Tongue, AT PRICES LOWER THA N ANY PRE VIO USLY IMl:'ORTED. an d having r esolv ed to give the public t he benefit of said reduction in co2t. th ey call special a.ttention t o the following Price Liet for thti current m onth. under a spec«"f,l «·rrangeni.ent SPECIAL N ON·:;F OFEITAl:ILE I>oLIOJEB issued under which flllly 10, 15 or 20 Annual Payrnen te a1 -;:, required, each pa.yment aecuring a P olicy for n. sum a.asured proportionate to the number of premiums paid, and free from fut ur tJ()yment of prcm.iuw ..s. M oD.J<~RA TE PREMI UMS and Style 35; Seven Stops : Diapason. Vio' lina, Pico!o, Principal; Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte. Price $125 Style 37 ; Eight Stops : Diapason, Violina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Principal Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. most liberal c<>n· ditions. Prospcctuses,Pr oposa.l }..,orms, &c., supplied on a.pplica.t ion ·at t he H ead Office, or a.ny of the A.g enciea. TH E BANNER GOOD FITS GUARA.TEED Bov. uurn ville, Se p. 4th, l 872. ----- -- - - - -· rn4£!.tf. Blaclt Silks in all quantities at very low ~R~CES. · . The Dollar Silk the Great est Catch. IS :RHYME c~ just in time, And all about the best of Lime, A little R hyme AND LIME. J AMES GRANT, AGENT FOR l30WMANVILLH, C. BARKER, 32·ly SEWING J\iIAOI-I I Nl~ 'ReEI, Secreta1 ·y. T MEN and. :BOY'S CLOTRINO. Strowger Bros. NEWC.AS'l'LE, l T:.tving 1·c n10Yed t u m ore conun odious premises, IN Spaee will not allow of a detail of the extensh·e assortment in this department. far as shade quality, styl e and price, is to be had . E verything, so Men's Full Suits, Tweed, for $5.50. Pants, only $1.50 per pair. Vests, only $1. Fine Black Suits for $10, worth 18. 'l'weed Coat~ for $3.50. Regatta Shirts, only 50 cts, worth $1.25. Wool Shu-ts, Drawers, Scarfs, · Neckties, Gloves, Collars, &c., at ur1paralleled low Prices. · Those now buy who never bought before, And those who have boughtnow buy the n:ore. Li.me from the West of the very best, NM: beat h t any quarter ; I .i.ru· t hat will always st and t he ·t es t, W hen making int @mortar . I will try a.nd ke ep a good supply, For it is alw ay s want ed, T hat wh en you all come in to buy, You'll not be di sappointed. · · You \vill a.lwayt1 find it dry and fresh , .A ..nd that is som ething bonnie, So come along an d t ry thh1 L ime, B ut don't forget th e money. H ours of delivery from N ine a.m. t o Four p.m., Corner of Qncen and Ontario Street. COl\:IPANY, OF SH ERB ROOKE; P. Q., Havin g 1 ecently p !;!rfecied 1 Style 38; Nine Stops,Diapason,Violina Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub-baAe Forte, Sub-base.Vax human la: Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base Forte, Sub-base, · Vox humanaPrice $160 11- " Observer Office," King St. Bowmanvilh1 , June 24th, 1870. Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. (EstabliHhed 1803. HEAD OFFIOl!:S. -1 "- Gl:N t ·Y Important I inpr01:ements, in their celebrated Old Broad St., and } Cll C.A~ADA : - 2 4 'l'HOS. BOWDEN. Bowm anv illc, l\.fnrch 11t h 1871. P all M all, London. G EN P F.A L Family St Se:wing Machines, A re prepared t<:- l'OTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public gf!nerally. that t hey :trP. now enabled t o offl:lr therO' Better Inducements in the lin e of The Goods ni uat be clea1·ed out at once to malce mom f or Fall I rnp 01·ta tions, so please call early and buy fast beforn the best of the iBa1·gai,ns are gone. All Goods not as represented, will be t ak en back and the Money refunded. R emember the Store, no24. tf, Vox Hu1 nana in Lhcae Organt;, i11 nut a crBILtnt , b1.ontreal. .ran G U A R AK TE E 'l' HJ:l\.1 B~QUAT., I F :KOT SUPf.R fOJ:. , but a ilet of Re.eds, 0. .BOUNSALL, R, MA.NUFAC'l ' URE ll, an I )fPOR'J.'E J)EALER in all the varieties of Subscribod and invested Capit al and :R ef'erve Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling. Funds in vested in Canada105,000. to any n o\v befor e t he ]Jublic. l'or FfVE PER CENT; OFF FOR CASH. ··rhe l\ianufacturers iS8Ue but on e < 1uality of '\'Ol'k , and that is · Cheapside, Bissonn.et t e & C o . Corner Store, Opposite the Town Hall, Bowmanville. Aug . 13th, 1874. Insurances aga1nst loss by ]fire are effected on most favor able terms, and 101:1ses paid with out :reference to the Boa.rd in T ... ondon, SI MPLICl'l' Y 01" CONSTRUCTlON EASE OF OP ERATION, UN I · FO RMITY OF PR ECISE ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, ~apac ity Grocery B11siness, T ( AS BE GA II DS PRICE Ji; QUALlTY) than any other house i n the Count y. Italian & Ameican Marble. A l arge and choice selection of J DODSWORTH, Inspector, fl, . RINTOUL BROS. Gen . .Agents, Montrea Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE 'l'HE CHEAPES'l', Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Monuments & Grave Stones, 8.l W ~J THE VERY BEST thcit· ~xtensi .,.· c facilities and !long experience enable them to produce . R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowma.nville. 1 June 4th. 1860. 36 m.o.43-39,4w N O PRESENTS G IVEN, BUT CODD Weight cincl J°l'[easure Giiaranteed i n every 'i nstance. !'ea,s a, S:peoiality. J. L. STROWGER J. D. S'l'ROWGER. ~ewcaatl e , the mo1:1t lastiug 1 the l eMt troublesome, and most complete ever invented. 'l.,hey a.re used and r ecommended by ma.ny of tht beet Breeders in the United States and Cana.da 1 such as G. B . LoriDg.J. Salem, M ase., President 1-.S e w England '\Vool u-rowere' Societ_y· John S. J.toaa, Hennf)~ pin, Ill;; Profe ssor Jr!. ~Jiles, of the State A g· riculturn.l College, La.naing, lVIich.; H on. Geo. Brown, 'l'oronto 1 Out. i John Snell, E dmonton , Anothei· ca r loacl of the abo,·e i1oblt> ru·t icles 0t1 Ont. On each Mark is stamped th e ownE"r's name and the Sheep's number. T hey will be the \ Vay. sent free, by ma.il, or expres5,for only four cent8 ..ABS. each, A·lld will la.at for 'l 'W.ENTY YY J'leaso call at the tN- CMh must a ccompany all orders unhand, of superior workman ship 1 and at lowest pri ces. Jam es ~,or McFeeters. AGENT of r ange ancl a dapLibility to i.p·ea.t variety of \l·ork, fine or con.rso, Wrought 01· Gast ! ?·on Fencco or cnclo6iag- bui·yiug lots. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c l'9R pcctfu:i.l y i·eqi.1eeted a t th~ \Vorka, k ept on hand, or \\TOught t o ord er. _<\. call is These 1nsfrm iwnts are caset:lin soli d well secisonecl, Black Wcilnut, elegantly and beanti:fiilly finished by a new F?·ench process. THE Y STAND UNRIVALLED. ](·ing Street., B oiv·m,an'iillt October, ht. 1869. 1-tf TH E DURABILITY ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Jn. , Sarnia, Ont. Orders addressed to the M .EROHN'r t\nd OB· SERV.Elt. Office , fot any quantity, will ba tilled at the above-mention ed p rice, as rp 1icl<ly a.a the I\iarka can be made 11nd sent. l3 0 vV MAN VI L L E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency To R. ·W. J AMES, K ing S t., l3owm anvillc. Bow1nan ville, Dec. 0, 1872. nlO. the ' ' Sil vet· Ton gue/' js one of its inost re· Their quality of mark able cha.racterishcs. keepin g in good ton e, also is one of tlle most pra ctica.l importance, :Master s of L. 0. L RlCE & BARKER King Street , Bowmanville. Bowmani'ille 1 ~! nrch t he following lnsnr nnce Companies, and These Celebrated 1\-Iachin~s ob tahtf;l<l t he other I net it utions, viz :The QUEEN l!... ire and Life lnllurance Con· pa.ny. Capital £ 2,000,000 . 3150,000deposited with the D ominion Governn1ent, fo r t he rirotee ders in Canada. AT THE The ISOLATED RISK F ire Insurance Com pa.ny of Canada. Capital 50.0' 000,- 0ne of the l'rovinoi1~l :Exhibi t ion, best a.nd cheapest Companies doi11g businei>s in the Dominion, for :b..,arrners a nd I B olated Risks, '!'ho CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. held in ~fontr eal in St·ptem ber, 187::> . Agen ts wit h a Savings Bank d epartment. Wrulted. FI RST Plii IZE Anguss, 14th, 1874. C. 13 11.RKElt, Bowmanvi11e,Dec. 28th. 1871. ly·m13 B I I LANK GERTI F ICAES, Applications &c. , &c., cn.n he pr ocured at t lus office, at r egular rates. Bowman ville, ·J uly 7th, 1873 , 3rd 1874 nntl Sa.ving's Society. 'l'he:;e l at ter i nstitutions a dv ance J.oRn's on R ea.l ]fa!ta.te, on ter ms unusu a.llv ca:;y for the borrower. Bowmanvi!le, Feb, 6th, 1873. The UNION AND PERMANENT Building J. T . ANDERSON, L OCAL ;iGENT br·o37-o24·lyr , ·