.... ~~ . . ~ ' .. ., · ' .... ~ , · I ~· ' .. =F~_A~R~M:=:==:A~N ~D~K====IT~O=H = E= N = := _~1== - =~ so === w~ M =A ~N~V~l~ L=L=E===:===================================~~==~~~==: ~ = r_ =,=r==================;================================== Bi<cck Curi·ant Vincgar.--'l'o four pounds of '1111' ripe fruit put tluee pints of vinega1·; M it stand three days; atir occasionally; squeezo and every pint of juice. add oue puund of lLunp Etugar. Boil t\vcnty minutes. ,.,.,a,oh"lne a,nd I mpl ement Manufacturing Co . A , JUST ARRIVED AT strain the fruit. Boil ten minute" ai:d tu ~ .NDERso· N vv & _,,., CO'S r'- To Kill 1"lies,-l am told 0, one who J"" -- tried i t that a strong tea. of quassia. sweetened withmolasseswillkiilflies,andhnsth~advantagcof notbeiugade.dly poison. It is said, too, that horses \Va.shed with a ten. lna.de of qu"'8 ia will not be tormented by flies. It can be b'oug11t nt any drug store 1 and fa worth tl'ying ;[it will abate the fly mtirnnce any-}', "lll'e'l'lu-fecturel!! a&iYtl.ififtl..... ~ of J300T AND SHOE EMPO:Et.I'U'M, tho largest a~ock of BOOTS and SHOJ~S eyer offered iu Bowmanvillc and AT THE ' LQ""£-X.TEST PI-?ICJ~-~S. 1 i' ~ BICE ··· 111Hllilllf , IV SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. WOOD AND IRON W;vu,.th a Bum/red Dollai·s. - 'l'hc folluwwg WORKING , MACHINER'.i - ~~:~o:~~icullbund osseous abominations lmo"n · di1·ections1 c&J·efully observed, will prevent 'L EFJB'Ji'llt.'8 ' GREAT IND UCE~IENTS To c As H p u RcHA sER s -o- - --0- . ,. 1 "As soon as/ ue diaoo.se is folt, put <lil-ectly over th e spot a tly blister, about the size of your thurr1b nail, an(l let it remain for six hours at tb c expiration of 'vhich tin1e, directly under the tiurface of the blister1 1nay be seen the felon, ,Vhich can instantly be tak~n out '\'itff the point of a needle or lancet. i.-Ru,ral llew- Double Turbine Water_Wheels,/ and Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH ~an get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at ANDERSON & BeecPs old Sta11d. ·- - o -- co., Yo:rket·. Dr. 'l.'. Siww Beck, of London, after careful invcstlp-Ation, ilcclnres "it is certain that the p1·11t1:-.;t.~.: i1. flL ... h -.: ~ uf v~tccinatif)n becomes jm. r<~ired during the pcrioJ between infancy and ITl<\otudty.,, In order to maintain the protective influence during life, it is (Jf:lfffil."l.tial to .r~- pca.t the vaccination after the indivicl,~p,l reaches 1naturity.-R-ural New-Yorker. W 1'o T<fkc ilfa.rks off· of l·urniture. -Uavt: nc!{· lected to 'vrite to the Rural for soine time.Will you tell the 1na.ny la.dy readera how I took the white spots and marks off my Y1nnished furniture and ma.de it look. new and glossy.Simply by wetting a sponge in comwon a1co· hol camphor and applying it freely to the furniture. It hna neal'ly if not quite t he same t:ffect tha.t varnish d0es 1 and is much cheaper. - / :BERNICE BETTER. Ca.stings. of a.11 Xinds. The · REPAIRS done on tho ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPL .. r AT ANDERSON&; GO'S. Bow1nanvi1lei June Gth, 1874. " :Best Ma.teria.l used a.t ANDERSON &' CO'S. --o-- California Vin· egar Bitters aro a purely Vcgetr11.Jlo preparation, made ehic1ly from tho native herbs found on tho . Jo~·er rnnRcs of tb.e Sierra Ne\rada. mountrtillS of California, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom TI"ithout the uso of Alcohol. T!Jc question is almost daily asked, "What iB the cause of tlJo unparnllclcd success of VTNEGAR. BITrnns?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers bis boa.Ith. 'l'hey are the "l'C?.t blood purifier and a life-giving principle, n. perfect l~cno\·ator an<l luvirrorator of tho systcn1. Ne,·cr before "'in the bistury of the "'orl<l. lrn. .s o. motlioiuo becu q.unhti ~s of VH·l~G A lt Drt'1'E r,tS ill h ealing tbci SIUk of C\Cry d1 e cn.q~ n1an 18 heir to. rrh1~y Dr. J. Waller's 8 ! 8 ll 1 8 New Goods, New Goods JUST ARRIVED. Ladies' Cu:lfs and Collars, with cuff ::Buttons and collar :Buttons atta-ched, FOR THE compoun llcd possessing tho reniarku.Ule S HO:Et.TES';t' NOTICE, W c }1a.ve no>v on hand a larg,e quantity of .N. B.-We have been appointed a.gents for the celebrnted BANNER SE\VlNG MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Qnebec. Can a.nd see sample machine. 1tro a gcutlc Purgatrrc as '\'ell as a 'l'onic THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE . relicvi:-ig Congestion or Inft anuniltion of L bc L1ver an ·l Visccn1l Orgn'us1 in Hiliou8 Dlscascs. Ctn·1 111naLLv u1 ~: rN~?4R)3 I '1'TH r.~ .a:·e A po rie11 t ·. Diaphoro tic1 N u tntH1u~. 'rho tiro11ertics of D1i, w .u,Kv.n's J_,ax nt1vc , Diuretic NEW D·RESS GOODS, Common and Gang Plows, th~tt will be s·old at . LOW .PRICES AT THE SHOP. BownuwVille, March 6 1873 . A BIG- RlJRH Sedat..i vc, Gounter-Irri lnllt Sndorific1 .Alt~1a: l.iv-e. 1:nd A.ntj -Uj]icnJ>;. ' ia now ragi ug at Cu1·ru11t rtud Goo11ef>e:1'?'Y t:!onipotc - Put ont: qnn.rt of l'ed currant juice to five lJOunds of loaf sugn.r; set ou the fire, au<l when the sugar is <lissolvad, put iu eight pouoda of red, rough, ripl:l gooseberries; let then1 boil half an hour, then put into an ea1·then pan and leave them again until tlu·y look clear, and let tbe1n stand n. week to dry a little at the top, th<in cover them with brandy papere. ti. TRELEVEN'S EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful Invigorant. thu.t ever sustninetl tho sinking sy st c1n. G Grateful Tllonsnll(lS proclaim VIN- BEST l\f~W MILLINERY, LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 1874. TEMPE:Et.LEY LINE, Red Our·i-ant JClly.-Put your currants jn :L compo;rnd ot the follow~ng and other first-class Iron Ste:uu~hips :' · bell-n1etal kettlo and f!calcl then1 well; wh('l,l" ST. LAWRENCE." I "SCOTLA ND'" cool press them tbrough a sieve, getting out all "THAMES." ' ' SEVERN." the juice, but be careful not to allow any skin "DELT.A.. n or set:ds to pa.al! through the .sieve; measure tho The fiist Btca.tp.er of this Line is intended to juice a.nd put it back again in the kettle and be dcspatchod from · let it h~il ha.rd for five or tiix roinutos, skimn1ing it weU; then add whiltl on the fire boiling, one pound of sifted loaf suga.r to every pint FOR of jui~; stir till dis.."IOlvcd a.nd then it jg dou~· a-nd reatly to put into the tnn1blera. It bu.-s t11 1J tiavo1· of tP,e fruit, and is a beautiful light color. It will keep for years if necessary. QN t;ONDON Quebec ana,Montreal · ' Remedy for Looseness in llte BowelJ 01· Cltolctci an old thing and has probably (To be follov.:ed at in'tervals of TEN DAYS Ween t old thousands of times, ytit some mn.y <luring the Season), .lta.ve forgotten :.-w1cl others mty never have ' A"'D":rnoM hear<l it. So here goes:-- }Iix. t'l o tablespoo11f5· fnl of wheat flo\U' with just water enough to moist en the flour; dl'ink it. If the first dose qpes not check pain, or the pu1-~ing 1 i·epeu.t the dose in half an hour. Severe cases sometimes rt'quire a thfrd dose. Through 'l 'icke.ts fToµi all points W {!st, at Ckr.o·coul fo·r TJiound;;. -A correi:;pondent of REDU OED !\ATES. Quptificate· 1',Sl1e<l to 12_ersont' desirOUfi of bringing out their friends . the Scientific .A1ne1·ican says:-" l'hc best simple remedy I hav1~ fo und for surface wounds, Through Bills of I,ading issued on the Coutintlnt and io London for all parts of Canada.. such as cuts, abrasioni:; of the skin, is ch<i.tcoal. and in the United States to Detroit, Milwau·'1'a.ke a live conl frotn the stove, 'Pulverize it, ke!.- Chien.go, and other point s in the v.,rest. J.ror :E'reight or PaWJa{!e,..!_tEply to apply it to the v.·ouud and cover th1~ whole witl1 TllMPERLEYS, OAR'.1'.l!llt & DllAKE, 21 <1. rag. 'l'bl:l charcoal absorbs the Unids secreted Billeter Stre~.t. London ; ItOSS & UO. ~y the w·ound, and lays the founda.tion of the Quebec; DAVII> ~:ffA\\'.., Mont<eul; ur J Ac;OB NF.ADS. scab; it also prevents the i·a.g from irritating Bowmanville 1 the flrsh, and it is antiseptic. 0129 -t ind. Nov. Resuscitation of IJ-ro-wned Persons. - The J\.1assachu setts IIu1uaJ1e society hai; Uisued a card with these directionf:I for retitoring p1.1rsons ap· pnrently drowned:-Convcy the body to the nearest house, with head r.aisecl. Strip a.nd rub dry. 'Vra.p in blankets. Inflate the lun:;s by closing the nostril with thumh and fi11ger, and Qlowing into the mouth forcibly, and then pre~ J ing with hand on the cht>st and so ou for ten minutes; or until I:te breathes. J{eep the body 'l\'ar.01, c;xtreruities also. Continue rubbingtlo not give up so long as thf're is any chance of r;ucccss. il(orbu~. -It i~ WEDNESDAi7, 15th AltRIL, arid he is determined to continue to sell a t these ntlnously low prices cheaper tha.n the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he marmfactures · l 'l'hird, he is satisfied with small profit5 ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; ' Fifth1 h e. sells at botforn prices. . ~ r. --:r Quebec for London · ABOUT 7th MAY. ·-- as llrny will speedily remove tlJc dark· AND colored \'iocicl n1attor wi th which tho oo\i-cls arc loarlcd, at the same timQ stimula\iug t!Je secretions of tlio liver, E:xa1ninc the stock, which comvrises everything in the trade 1 of t he very latest aud wo.c;L elegnJ1t ; 111rl gencrnll7 ro~tq1·l\1g tho l10a1t1Jy s:tyles a.1 1d 11<1.tternl':l, of EugllHh, Ca.nadhm, auU ;A1ned.c:.i.u manufacture. func tio11s oftho Lligo;;tivo organs. -o- C_ A .LL A.ND S:BE :FOB YOVBSELVES, unwell, provided their bones aro not de~ stroyecl by mineral poison or other menus, fbnd vital organs wastocl beyonc\ repair. ;Bilious~ ~e~nltteut 11nd Inter· nntteut levers, which are so prevalent in the rnlleys of our great rivers throug!Jout the Uuitocl States, especially Llwse of the Mississippi, Ohio, Misso111'1, IUiuois, Tennessee, Cumborlaud,Arkansas, Reel, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Gmnc!o, Pearl, Alabamn,, Mobile, Sava~uah, Ro ~ m1oke, J ;imos, and many ottiers, witll t\1 ei1 1 n1sv trib\itaries, throughout om' entire country dm'lng tho Summer and Antun;rn, and remarlmbly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryuess, m-o iuvnria.1J1y accoul µanied by cxten8ivo de .. raogcrr1onts of tllc ston1ach and liver, awl other aliclominal viscera. In their trcatn1ent, a. pnrgati\1 e1 oxcr~lµg .ft :tJQ\V-: c1 fol influc11co qpo11_t hcso val'ioua or. guns, i,, csscntinlly necessary. '!'here is no citt.b mt ic fu 1 · tbo purpose equal to Dr.. ,). W ~\T,JGrn's V!N'.F. GAJt nn:TERS, according to directions, nntl rema.in lonN' No Person can tl.lke the~Itter11 Organs New tweeds, New trouserings, -oAll the novelties of the sea.~on to NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPS --o- E X PE OT TO-DA Y, New vestings, New York Laces~ New ReadyMade Costumes. .· be focrnd a t .J & w. J, McMurtry & Co. Organs ON THE A. SIGN OFTHE GOLDEN LION, DOWMANVI L L!m. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. ' . ' ,-.-- 0:-..... He still continn>J s- to n1anufacture to order, fro1u the best of n1ateria.I, ::iind none hqt, workn1eu kept. ~ · ......._ f\i·.et-ch~s · Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarantee d c' hl\s in sto'ck an c11 dl ei>s vi\ricty of Ladies' and Gents' Sara.toga Trunks 'r·~lises &c. all of . . \~·hi ch he is selling cheap for co.sh . ' ' ' ; 1 -o- 1 Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, K ing St. · Bowm1.1nville, l\:Iay i~~. 1874. M. TRELEVEN. -' \Jy puri lyin&: ,"ll its lluids with · vnrno.Al~ ll1:n ·1 ms. l\" o eniclemic can take hold of a sssten1 thus fore-armed. DJspcpsia or Imligestion, Headache, l'aia in tho Shoulders, Coughs 'l'iglJtn oss of tl1c Chest, Dizziness Souf Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad 'Taste 111 t.hc Mou\ b, J;iiious Attacks, Palpitatat10n of tho lleart, Inflammation o!'.,tbe Lungs, Pain ill lllo region of tho Kid ncys, nnrl 11 hundred other pau1ful symp· torns, n.ro tho oftsprings ol' Dyspepsi;i. 011 0 b o Ltl~ will prove a better guarnntee of 1 ts m en~ than a. lengthy :1dvertisenic11 t. Se.rofn la, or J{ing's J!Ml, Whit~ Sir.ell 111g-i-i 1 Ult'ers, Ery81pdas, Swe.lled Neck Goit re, Sc rQJ'ul ous Juilrun 1ua.ti o4s Iudoleuf ] 11 fl rn11111 Ation f<I, l foruuri:il A.ffecfions Old f,u it· , L i1 upli~i n:; ol" the S.kin, S~H·c EycS, eto. Ju lh0'3C, <tti a1 n!L o th e r con st1 t utionn.l Dis· e af:! e ~~, \\r_,_\lKErt'-" V ..... rr--· EG.6.!t B I'l"l:ERS bavo f!.h own their t~J cot curutiro powers in tho in o::.t. 0U ~ti11 a tc nud in tri.u.:ta\Jlo c1 1scii. Fortify t he body against u!sease CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. - - - o-- - SPRING , J:t01· Boils-A Sure Cu1·e. -Dr. Simon, a physician of Loraiue, states that, as soon as the characteristic culminating point of a. boil 1Hakcs its appearance, he pi.1ts ju a. f:!aucer a. thi1nblefu1 of camphorated alcohol, and, dipping th e ends of his n1iJdle fingers into tlre liquid, rubs the inflametl surface, eRpccinlly the middle portion, repenting the operation e-ight or ten minutes, continuing the rubbing at each tjme ftir about half a n1i11utt'. He then nllo,vs the s\.lrface to dry, placing a slight coatin g of camphor~te<l olive oi1 over the affected surface. He states that one such application in ' almost all such cases causes boils to dry up and (lisap· pear. The application should be 1na<le at morning, noon and in tbp evening. He a.VCl'S that the sa.me treatment 'vill cure wJ1itlows, and all injurieB of tips of fingern. As soon ns pain and 1·c<lness appear, the finge r should be soa.l.cecl for ten minuteti iu ..:amphora.ted sv.:ect oil. 'l'h;i J'elief is ~-aid to bl:l immediate, n.nd three applications a1·e genera.Uy euough to ef. feet a c:ure. Announcements. :MA:Et.X'US MA YE:Et.S Calls Thttention to his Very 1argJ I l· 'or Iu llammatory aml Chronic ll.hcnmiit.ism , pont, Bilious, Uemittcu t, a ncl rn lermittcnt Fever", Discnsos of Ilic H!1 11)(l , Li ,·cri J( idne]':; :ind B la..J.d6r lh mw U i1 u ·r;~ ]Hi,·c 110 cqn n.I. S td: h Disease!) rt l'C ti u1 :;cd by Vi tiat ed. Bloull. F A_LL STOCK. - --o- - Dress Goods Newest Style. of the .. FALL OPENING - - - o o - -- Spring Stock, believing his ]_)resent n.saortmen t exceedA any o hi1;1 former displays. To his usually large home purchases, lie ha..'l imported a very beautiful gage(l in J)nintG n11d. 1linerals, such as Plun1be1·1;\, 1 1 ~foch ankal Ui sfr,scs.-Peroous ~n l .rp ·1-: ·p1 n: r~ . C:olcl -llc ntcn~, Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? NEW .· GO'OD S. My New Goods ha.ve anU Autumn Fas'hions ! n· ]l i\Iaguificent clispla:y of New ancl _,._..,IC. 1-Ji ncn;, nJ ~U c:: ~1 d ya11L O in lifb, :1.ro subject to p:-~n dyi-is t,l L!tt: B !) \1-o l H, 11\) gLtarJ. <l'.!ain :-. t tl~it:, Li~ ;: (J a dose v f "\VA],l\ Elc'ts VIN· 1,;v.~R B t '!"l' J.: H:'! 0~1,: t1~ imiall y . . l· 'or Slil n lli~!'ll8l'S, Ernpti1 .ms, TetSnlL - U~1 cnn1 1 l31otch c~ , Spot~, GREY COTTONS of tho best mako 1 includiDg the celebrated ASSORTMENT OF HATS, ' and he superb. J>u sl nlt~ ...:, lloil:;, O;ubuucles, l\iug-w·onus: Scal tl -lu·ad, Soro B1tc.f: , Ervfiipcla.s, Itch Sci.1 ~·f,;, Di:>colorn.tion~ of the~ Skiu, Jfumor~ nud J)i,-; c ;a$CS of the S ldn of \Y)1n.tever name or untnrc, o., ro 1itero.lly lln g up an(} co.rried out of the sy::;lC lll. in :i short tiu1c by tho use oft.hose lli t..tcrs. If) ter, Phnples can$ atteu£i~i1 tq STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's---Splendid value. 11is Silk, they are His Drab Shell, they are j ust what gentleme111·equire, his NEARLY ALL COME TO HAN J) ~ and the assortment will b e fouml GEN. WOLS ELY, AND Goods. .MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense stuck of N0w F:.11 , t belu1in it.Ics wil l free t bc sy stem frou1 'iVOrllls Goods. Great care h as been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lot'· in!!' like th r.s c Dit tcr8. His Geut's furnishing ae uaua.1 i..s replete with l'or :Female Compfaints, in young on get· all the lntcst and choicest ~ but First Class~Goods have been purchased, customers can rely or old, n1 arric1l or.single; a.t thodn."·n ofwo. ting good value for their money, 11i:.tulluotl, 0 1: the turn of life, these '.l1onic GLADSTO NE, CANNOT BE BEAT. 1 lurking in the s.rstein of liO inany thousands, :.iro eifcctllJtlly clt·stroycd nud rema"t'e d. No ,s.r 1:1 tu1n i:1 ~ PJn,, 'J:ape, aml other Worms, VERY PRINTS of unequalled COMPLETJ~ AND n1mLiei11e, no vcrnri{'ages, no an- Dees a Prohibitory Law Tend to n every atylei as usual. Don't forget to give Make Men Villains? The advocates of license have ever nrRed lh>t prohibition tended to make meu wicked by cau si ng them to ' sell against the STRA vV HATS, 1 J3i l.tcrs cli :;11l ny so dccitled an in fluence that iu1 provem e 11t is soon perceptible. --~~o-~-- STYLE a.nd Q'O' AI..I'I'Y STO:El.MONT PR.ICES_ MODERA TE T_ he Public are solicited to call and see fo,, themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 l1im a call if you are in 'vant of anything in his line, Clean se the Vitiatecl Blood whene-rer rou find its ilnpur it.ies burstiIJO" through tile s}du. iu Pitnplei' , ]!}ru1JPons,· ~r Sores; cleanse it 'vben you hn<l 1t obstruct'ed and slnggh>h in the r liin-E; clcn1 n;e it when it is fonl; yonr feeli ll f!"1' wi\1 tull sou wheu. Keep th,e b~ood ' pur~,. a ud t llc !Jeal t.11 of the system ""II tollow, . H.. I-1 . l'IIcDOJ\-ALD ...~CO., 0 D r11g:.tisls nntl G1 ·11. Ag t'I., Stin Fr:1neisco Cnlifornla, a n(l ('OJ". of \V: ni:;hiljton n,1\d Charlton st~ N. Y. ~ !"olcl hy ~l-ll fU,f.O.';lSts u.ntl Dculc.l'il· , R . 11 . 1UcDONALD & CO. , Druggl~ts nnd <.kn. Agt.s., Sru1 ·~1-·m1eiseo . Cajifornia., O.Ull oor. of,,\ra.shi11gton arn] Ch~IJ'lton S~., N. Y. Sold by i1,ll Drn.~glsf.3 u.v.d. Dcalet.·;;. law, to lie, etc. So to keep their tender a;itl he ii> always pleased to show· hfa gooc~. souls pure, our legislative fathers should er :Rowmanville May 7th, 1874. ., the blame, and license them to sell death . Plain a nd figured Lustres, Plain >tnd- Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz· Cord and min purely, legally anol morally, They Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and. a n endless variety of other new tell them, Sell si>. days in the week and be Dress Goods. Bia.ck Alpaccas, Double vVarp Ela-ck Lustres, Black C" happy) no spying teinperance n1an can an. bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloth s, Black l\ictz Corde, noy you--be virtuous. So these tende1' ' ' ) plants are carefully reared in the hot-house 1 His Stock is La.ge, His P:ioes I.ow, COTTON BAGS, THE lll .. . BEST .. H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- 1873. the World. IS: ur licensed virtue, but nlas for fullCn na· Th e Jll.i.bscriber v;rould beg to call nttcntion to his stock of ture, the habit of selling six <lays, only makes them the more greedy to wll on the seventh, and riKht in the face of the tender care bestowed upon their moral cu l tur~ 1 Groceries }I J _ ·L -L · I N E R Y CARRIAGE Tl~e as~ortment lH:i_llinery .and .Millinery Goods is vei·y extensive and rn trunmed or untrimmed Hat,s and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so grca.t. The Flowers 1111d Feathers, Lnces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be foun'1. ' SHOP READY-MADE ·TO THE . · · . r~ PUBI~IO. -~- ,. · - -- - they enter every Sunday upon a regulaiio11 ot the law fully as craftily as they did duc'ing the days cf prohibition. Such is th e relation bet"'·een th eory and practice. Did ever prohibition fail ri1ore utterly t1J prove itf:! effectiven ess, than does this license law to make its pets ·virtuous 1 The \vritcr o f this article has seen a string of people going CLOTHING Good and Cheap: Clothing Ma.de to Order It is a well-known Pact that Co1vle has tlw vest Tweeds in the countrp. lv.,.othing chec(,1Jer thcin the Oowle's, .W ALT~R 'VIGG & SON, JN returning thanks ~o ~heir ri~hnerous .cUBtomers and the puhlie g1~11erally, for p ast fn.VOl'J:1, would respectfully invite theu !tttent1on to our present fltock of fur.nitu1·e, <Mi we ha Ye lately a~ded _thereto, that,.,.w e n·.i;tY the.reby be ena.bled to supply all pa.rties w·ho may jJ\ca sc to favor hltn '\vith a. .calL tYrcat 1nducerncnta held out t o those purchal'Jlng Ltt our esta-b 1 s b n1 en ~ . i=-ict~res, I.ookin~ Glasses. etc .. sramed to order, a.n<l. in every style. Sa.1n ple~ of t he <l ifferen t kine~ of Mould1nf.ra can be seed at t he ware-room, "re 'vould also be,... to infor1u. vou tl.Htt 0 having pi.uchascd n. · · , Dry-· Goods, Boots & Shoes " etc., etc, ;f (\vest of the Ontario 13ao.k. } King Street, Bowmanville, SPLENDID NEW HEAH.SE, W ti jn and out ot the rum hole all day on Sunday just a~ freely "" before, Tho same \vriter, on the snme day, saw four men g-o into a. large b eer saloon about 2 o'clock on - - street, Ko\v t he question i~; 'voulcl In. Bhtck and White real Liices and Lace Collars, we havt, a large assort1nent, at prices to suit all. T~1t~ubsc1·ibcr is prepared )f, ll. -- (A)ifum keJ?t on h1.Lnd, .:i..nd made to order, at the.: sbaJl be-,ready at al times, to a.ttenc l fnuera.ls, on short noti<..:e nnd reasonnblo tarms . to build an.a re- NEW DOlrlINION RETAIL FURNI'l' URE WARE-B OOJIL King Street East, Oshawa. Oshawa., Ang. 20th , 1870. wcigons, Our Stvck of '1 ·wecds, Fanc:y· Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Pete:1shanls of 1 Buggies, cind Cutters, reaoonablo terma. 1 Ocl Cottom prohibition seYen Jays in the week make theae 111cn one whit viler than they are, every J e:;cri.ption, at short notice, 1.n1do Mel tons, etc,, will be found unusually large. which for To the :Cnha.bita.nts of :Bowmanville. I am about getting a when with six days' free sale they cheat t ~nd lie to sell on the seventh! OnDERLY P.n:orr;E:.-There are persons , .oho are never easy unless they are pu tting 1 your books and papers in order- that iF, _according to t2'Ieir notions of the mattcrancl hide things, lest they should be lost, where neither the owner nor an) body else qan find them, This is a sort of magpie faculty, If anything is left-where you can find it, it is called litter. There is a pc- CANN OT '° dantry in house.,vifery aB 'vell aa in the · gravest concerns. Sir plainell that 'vhenever bis "7alter COU1tnaid servant s~ott Q ua.l'ty an d Cheap ness, BE SURPASSED Bowmanville,lilay 7th, 1872 MURDOCH Br~os. Carriages Painted and Trimm ed. A Blacksmith's Shop on l.h v retnises, '\'e1·e special attention s gtven to all. BLANKETS IN La.rge Variety 1 DENT.L\LB1Jl~RINGENGINE hy whkh I can IExtra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usual time, a.nd ,\·ith less pain to the patient than heretofore 1 and that I havl;' l-'JO('u1·ed genera.tin~ Oxitl~ fl, Carriage work, and ·General Jobbing, IKPROVED A PPADATU S W inceys--a. :Oea.d Job. NEW AND for .Nitrous Gas, by which I can now .EXTRACT' TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. N B.---Specia l inducement given to CASH Purchasers. ARTIFICIAL TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 " " GOOD · " · " $16:00 YOU HS R E::Jl'EUTFUJ,LY I / All work clone cit thi.s EstabUslmwnt CASH. had been in his library, he could net get comfortably to 'vork rgain fur several J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. I I viarrantecl. is r e"-pcctfu lJy 1:1ul icit ed. ,T, ~10RR IS. Il own1ar1vil1c, o (~t . ] st, J86!J. i u o~ll 1lays. F. Y. College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. J. :M. l3rima,coni'be, r ' 1 1