·· ; THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1874. ===He = ===Knoweth. BY :Mlf.1S U, !11. WEDGEWOOD. POETRY. FARM AND KITCHEN. I lingered idly on the sidewalk, listening . Tho rustle of the human stream that flow\] Into God's te~plc, through the sunJJhi~e glistening j Upon the }1catecl road. Arose the orga11tone, a wish uruo.poken, An inarticulate ~oice tba.t strives in prayer, Anrl , clinging to hfa promises unbroken, Makes holy all the air. So, urged and d1·awn in passionl\te communion, ltcverent, I eot.ered at the shadowy door, Entered, and found, in tender, living union, The Chrifit forever more. J\> l', aa I entered, rose a voice that thri11cd me, A wouia.n 'ij voice soa.red aloft in song. The or2;an startled me; her sweet no\e filled me 'Vi th 1walse. 1.'hen rolled "a.long. 'l 'he oha.nt of multitudes, like living- waters, As ·where the seer in the Apocalypse lieard the new Israel's joyful sous ::i.nd da.ugh· t erri Singing with hallowed lips. 1 · }'or he re1nember~th!' ~o sang sh.., sweetly, ' We a.re but dust,' the dominant rang sharp, · Our fra1ue he knoweth.!' ilnswered 11he c01npletcly, Glad as an angel's harp! · Ile knoweth ! he remen1bereth!' what watter l{ow full of pain this little life is made, When to bis eye the creeping shadows eca.tter, An<l a ll is open la.id! ·He knowcth! he remembereth!' no longer I droop in sadness, for my Lord is here. :Bach clay of toil shall only make me 11.tronger, A.nrl make his love more clear! Crumbs for Chickens. like a jL's ligl1 t when it l'ises. Sllli '\Vby is the ~ood kJa.f? Bcca.uae Doctors never allow ducks on their premises, they make auch personal remarks, !\-Ir. Punch knows a young man who is so lazy that he will not even labor under an imprea:11ion. ,;.\ )roung lady, whose fainily were very much in the 11ab\t of making conundrums, was one t"Jvening asked by her husband, in an excited tone, ' Wby arc these doors a.h...-~ys left open? 1 · I give it up!' instantly replied the wife. An officer in the 'VashinJton Navy-ya.rd an· uonnces that lie ba..q an old n.nd reliable bunion '\...-hich be fo desirous to exchange for a. more inodcrn sort of ba.rom~ter that will not get so excited at every little shower that comes up. Ph iladelphia gentleman advertises a soap that is deBtiued to v.-ipe out the natiowiJ. debt. 'l'here is probably some 'lye 'about it. }1.. Sa1nnel Gettings, of Springfield, 0., ii:; the fa.ther of 22 t:hildren. It is to be h,)ped that with all his Gettings he got undcrstanJing, A tnan namf;ld Howard, of Delaware, has bl.Jen sent to state prison for five years for stealing n. flat-boa.t loaded with · tar. A blacker crim·e wa.s never committed. A man in Euston, in his hurry to assist a fainting hl.dy, got a bottle of mucila.ge instead of c:nnphor aud bath ed hei- face \Vith it. She wi>,s a good deal stuck up with his attention. 1'iµkins aroused his \Yife fro1n a. sound sleet) the otlwr night, sa.yin g he had seen a. ghost in the shfl.pe of an ass. ' 0, let me sleep)' was the reply of the irate <la.me, and donit be frightened at your own shadow. 1 Gunnybags dunned Smith for the a.mount due on account, and Sn1ith wrote, sa.ying Gun~ nybo.ga must let the a.Ccount stand awhile longer. Gunnyba3s wratl1ful1y replied that he wouliln't. 'Then let it run,' retorted Smith, and Gunny bags was madder than ever. A country pn.per says that, in 1·eply to a r111estion from the lectnr~ committee of the cbicf tov.·n of the district, as to the subject of a lecture to be gi...-en at the institution, the lee· turer telegxaphed, ' A fJ.'aste of Na.pie" and Rome.' 'l'he operator made it reat.1, 'A ':Paste uf Appl us and Rum." ·A man who 'vas seen coming out of a 'l'exas newspaper office with his nose split open, one eye gouged out, and an ear chalVed off, exp lained to a policeman that he was not a. sub· scriber to the paper- he had simply entered the office to ascortain if the editor was in. '_i.\.nd he was in,' he mournftlll.} added. A woman wbo '\"M bn.ptis;ed recently lost her bw..:k hair in the briny waYe. '. Iler husband be. lieving that ' R~l4,'1on nevc1: was designed 'fo inake our plea"ures les~,' lt::il11.:1] out the appendage with a hoop pole and d1·ied it on the rocks. A critic thns alludes to the merits of a rising young artist : ·He possesses some merit e.a a.n artist, but it is hard to say whether it lies in la1~J;~;};)e or 1na.rine painting ; you never can tely-rili" ~ows from his s:bipa, except when they ha ye their tails exalted, when the absence of !:!p:1rs betrays their charactel'. Even then they n1ay be mistaken for schooners scuddiDg under La.re poles. A ho1·se-denlor who lately effected a sa.1.e was offereJ a bottle of porter to confess the animal'!! fa.iliags. The bottle was drunk, and he then so.id the hors~ had but t~vo faults : 'Vhen turnea 1oose in the field he was l bard to catch,' and he was 'of no u se when he ·was caug1lt.' '. Tbat seat is engaged,' said a pretty young ghl on the Colorado Central. 'l'o whom? 1 '.1.\. young gentleman,' she pcutingly said. ' 'l'J1en., w hel·e's bis baggage, I pray?' Her ro1'y lips opened like rosebuds in spring; her face in-deep blushes wh.s dyed, as She muttered crossly: 'You hateful old thing! \Vhy, I'm his baggage ! 1 ·i.;1tibition Dbdgcs.-Possibly our country is not yet old enough, nor our exhibitors suffiAT cieutly "adept" to p1·actiso many of the eceen~ tric..'ities recently brought to light in connection with agricultural exhibitions in Brita.in, We have 1i.J.l heard or read of Barnum's "woolly horse/' and can ·u nderstand how, until the de. cepti::in waa revealetl, that aingt1lar animal atthe largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES eyer off~red in .Bowma.nville, .and tracted the attention of thousands; but we venture to a.ssert that it would have been a. 11n1g time ere it uent~rt'd into the heart" of even the grent t:howman himself to attempt pulling thti wool over the eyes of expPrience<l --o-· judges, and that too to the extent of parading glass-eyed and '\...-ooden-legged animals in the very show-ring.' ~A.. receut writer, nfter dwelling- with considerable force on the extent to which su<:h practices have been carried on un~ <ler the apparent sanction of the Roye.I Agricultural Society of England, the Highland So-oeiety of Scotland, and the Bath and West of England Sodety, conclude-a a paragraph with thia re1nark; "It may be in the recollection of some of my reo.ders that at one show of Ayr. shire .Agricultur~l Association, a priztl bull was found to have false horns. It is well-known that a. 11 wcll-sprung ribbed" animal constitutes a beauty in the estimation of - - 0 -cattle-fanciers. Wherever such a configuration fa found it undoubtedly adds much to the beaut)" of symmetry, but iu certain instances where· --o-in nature had either fo:rgotten or refused to ' ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANT.ED. NO OTHER NEED APPL grant the needed decoration, 'jockeys' have AT ANDERSON & CO'S. been found equal to the occasion. 11 0n the Bo\vma.nvillc, June 5th, 1874. morning of the ju.dging day of a Highland So.N . B.-We have been appointed agents for the celebrated DANNER ciety's Show/' says the ,·njter r1;1ferred to, HI SEWING llfACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and was astonished to ~ three cattlemen busily engaged in pouring successive cans of water see sample machine. down the forcibly upra.ise<l gullet of an Ayrshire cow; but my a.atoni~h1nent 'vas suddenly changed into indignation when I was informed that the brutal operation was intended to give the poor beast's 1ibs n better spring At Penicuick, on one occasiou, it was found tbat an en· terprising Scotchman bad nlost auccessfully ia now ra3iug at painted tho noses of his black-facecl sheepj and the second prize would ha.ve been carried off by him ha.cl not an intending but curious purchaaer got himself, while examining the sheep, made as black as the ace of 1pn.dcs. 11 The partiality of judges to the 11tock of titled and royal exhibitors is commented upon '\Vith great freedon1 at the ha.nd.s of one who evidently knows how to apply the birch. PerhapB it ma.y not be too much to say that the tendency of human nature in this re11pect iis far mar~ widely spread, although we question much whether in any other place under the sun it would be exhibited to such an extent as follows: 11 At an Interna· tional Exhibition, held at Hamburg in 18631 I remember the judges did the judging with the catalogues in their hnnds, one of tbe results being that Her }fajesty the Queen got a s2cond and he is determined to .ontinue to sell at these l'Uinously low prices prize for a mare with only three legs-I mean cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itthree good lega. Still tuore recently, at BirFirst, he buys for cash a~cl knows just h-0w to buy! mingham, ProfCS$0l' Ganooe d.iaqualified (from Secoud, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures· ! the evidence of their teeth,) as being of differ'fhird, he is satisfied with small profits ! ent agee, a. litter of pigs born on the same mornFourth, he sells for cash; / ing, and of the same mother; while at the Horse Fifth, he sells at bot.tom pf·ices. Show of 1869, a confirmed 'roarer, namely, -o'Vhitby, a son of Ba.rntwn, took the first pri~e in the thorough~bred stallion class; and the wonderful decision was gjven in the face e>f the A~D fact that there were ele\·en othf.lr thorough-hrecl stallions competing, mnong them being such BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. good horses n.s Dalesman, B~oomielaw, &JJd Exa1niHe tbe atock, which comvri~es everything in the trade, of the very latest and most elegant styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and American manufacture. Student. Mr. 'l'a.ylor, the special commission-oer of the Sportsman, drew attention to the ver· lit: still continues to n1n.nufacture to order, from the best of matcl'ia.l, and none but first·Clf\.Ss diet, a.nd next da.y WJ1jtby wn'4 disqualified, .. workmen kept. and Dalesman pnt in his place." -oThere is a. certain peculiarity. howev~r, that is char11.cteristic of many of our cattle raisers and breeder.a, 'vhich even in this ..:ountry is car- He has in stock nn endless variety of La.dies' a.nd Gents' Saratoga. Trunks, Valises, &c., a.11 of .1 '\Yhich.hu is selling cheap for ca.sh, 1 ·i;:,<l much too far, and which ought to be con-odemned as a. pure deception. We allude to the Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. wholt>sa.le use of oil-cake. l"here is no credit in putting on fat with it; in fact 1 it is leS$ than creditable, for · not unfrcquently the beast is Bowmunville, l\Iny 13, 1874. clothed with fat solely for the purpooe of covering its defects, and thus the hot-house animal ca.rries off the premium, while it~ neighbor, a naturally fed and in aome cnsP-a a much more symmetrical animal, is o\·erlooked altogether.-· 'l'he true test of a good breeding animal is best ascertained by giving it natural food; indeed, it is the cheapest way of doing, the oil-cake and other artificial treatment being confined a, 1most eiclusively to those who look rather for the name than the riches. The system is posi· tively unfair, as it affords 110 true test of o. good a.nima.L - Ca.ncula. Fa1·me-r. JUST !llIVED & ANDERSON :BOOT AND SHOE EMl'O:a.I'C'tvt, CO'S AT THE LO-WEST PRICES. BICE ··· preparation, made chiefly from !Lio native. herbs fonnd on the lower rnnges of tl::e Sierra Nevada motmtains of Cal ifornia, tbe medicinal properties of wbicb n,rc extracted therefrom without t he uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked. "What is tho cause of the unparn.lleled success of VINEGAR BrrTEllS ' " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the pat ion t rcco1·ors bis bealtb. They are tbo gro:it blood purifier and a life-giving principle, A. pcrtcct Honovator and llll'igorator of the system. Kover before in tho history of the w·orl<l hns a n1c<liciue been r)os:;essing t110 renltlrkablo gtuil1ties of v-INJ~G.All Dn TlHlS in healing the sick of every disease man is boir to. r11bey a.ro a gentle PurgatiYe n.s "~clJ n.s a 'l'onic, relievi ng Congestion or Infiau1m a tion or tho Liver an1 ' riscerul Orgn.ns, in · Biliona SLAUGHtERINGHAS COMMENCED. · GREAT INDUCEMEN'rs TO CASH PURCHASERS. ANDERSON & CO., Deed's old Stand. ··· Dr.·J. Walker's Calit'orufa \'In· eg·ar Bitters arc a pnrnly Vegetable Ad. JUST A_RRIVED. Ladies' Cu:ffs and Collars, with cuff :auttons and collar :Suttons attached, THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE . Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH · Can get 'em for 75pts. and upwards, at 8 A I fl E1 New Goods, New ·Goods The :Best Material used at ANDERSON & CO'S. conrponndc,1 1 FOR THE Diseases. 'l'he prope.rties or DR. A ·B IG RURH VINEOA.lt B1·1"l'ERS are A periout, l)iaphoretic, Carminativo, Nntri tj on.., , Lo.xn.tivc, Diuretic, Sethtti ve, Countor-lni tant, Su<lmific, Alten\ti vA. 11n<l .A.11ti-llili.:··)r.;. 11i 1 wA 1.mm's N E W DR E S S G0 0 DS, Grateful Thousands proclaim VIN. EGAR Br'l'1'EHS the most wonderful In- B·EST NEW MILLINERY, NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPS --o-E X P E 0 T T 0-D A .Y -, TIELEVEN'S v:igorant tbat e-ver sustained the sinking system. 8 unwell, provide~eir bones are not de· strayed by mmeml poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of tbe Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Hod, Colorado, Brazos, mo Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Hoanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribt1taries, throughout onr entire country during the Summer and Autun:in, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual 'heat and dryness, are invaria]lly accompauiod by extensive de. rnngements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In tbelr treatn1eot, a. purgative, exerting a pow.. erful intluenco upon these various or. gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J . \V ALKEit'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as tbey will speedily remove tho dark· colored viscid 11\atter · with which the bowels aro loaded, at the same time stimulating tbe secretions of tbe liver, and gcucrally restoring the healthy functions of tho digestive organs. by P!llifying all its fluids with VINEGAR DrrT1rns. No epidemic can take hold of a system tlms fore-armed. Dysge.Psia or lmUgestion, Headache, Iain in tile Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizzi11css, Sour Eructat.ions of the Stomach, Bad Tasto in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Paiu in tho rtto;of tho Kid neys, aiiil a hun roil o or ainful syni:p· toms, arc the oilspriugs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will vrove a better guarantee of lts merits tllan a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swell i n g~. according . t o directions, and remain long No Person ean take these Bitters Bilious Remittent and Inter· mlttent Fevers, which are so preva- Organs New tweeds, New trouserings, New vestings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -0- All the novelties of the season to be found at .J & W. J. MoMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, BOWKA.NVI L L E. CALL A.ND SE:lm FOR YO'UBBELVES, O:--< THE Fortify the body against disease Orders PromptJy Executed, and Good Fits Guarantee d CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. - -- o--- M. TRELEVEN. -. Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swc1lo<l Keck, - --o---" Goit.ro, Sc. rof'Ldou::. InJJu1nmationrns ~ ,~J~n~d~o~lc~n~t~l,I~~~leL(;i:(l(l(U~~----t--------_.::;:::;,;:;:::::--------~----~-------:-------i 111fl 1 ~mmC1.tions, Mercw.iu.1-...Ail~~tjons _QJrl .., boru...,, J~ru plitlll~ <1r t.i.1e Ski11, Sore Eyes, etc. of th e In these, ns in r~u other constitutional Dls· ea.sos, \\T ALKJUt'ti VtNBG..in BrrTERS have shown theil· grnn~ curati \7 0 powora in tho 111ost ollstinato o.utl intractable cnses. FALL STOCK. Newest Style. A F EW HI~Tfs BY A VOLUN'I.EER. - Gl'OUnd arms don't mean ground in a mill to powder. Ga.rdener·'s 1J1aga.nnc. A picket i!-11 1t used in a fence, as~p1e bt-lieve, bnt is only of service in de-fence aid of.fence. When a man is an officer of the day, jt do('sn't mean· that he: is a civilian at J1 ight. Present arms is quite different from giving your hand in W i.i. l"l'itl-ge. A counter march is not a ahop IH1,rade. P1·eaervinv Fruit. --AB we cannot command the . weather, we must sometimes begin with wet fruit. But it ahould always be obtained as dry as poMible, and it will often be better to wait a. few days, or even a week, for the chance <:I. a. few dry hours for gathering the fruit for preserving, if wet ahould set in at the titne of ripening. Having it gathered and picked, the next bu~iness is to ste\v it over a steady lire; the cheapest iron pot will make as good pre· serves as the most expensive preserving pan.But the best tools are the best 1 and a proper brass pan will do the work more quickly a.nd ~nrely than a.ny other vessel. One of the objects: in cookin.g is to get rid of n. considerable portion of the water coDta.ined in the fruit, and a. Bhallow pan exposes a. larger surface of fruit both to the fire below and tho air above than ia possible in a saucepan, and in consequence effects: a. saving of time and is e&lcula.ted to turn ot 't a better article. A few large wooden spoon~. a. ha.ir sieve; and a muslin strainer ate equally requisite, and aa they ·cost but little, and their usmi. are fully understood, it will not be necessary to do more than mention them; jare, bottles. and other suitable receptacles folas ma ters of course. They r:Jhould all . be dry and clean, and capable of being closely sealed, to preeerve their cor1tents from the action of the atmosphere. 'fhe usua.l allowance of sugar ia three-quarters of a pound to every pound of dry fruit. As a rule, to use less sugar will be tL1 jeopardize tbe keeping of the preserve; but it must be remembered that an excess of e:ugar destroys the fl.a.vor of the fruit, a.nd v.·heneTer the average aJlowa.nce of sugar cMI be ri;:duced it will he n.n adi·anta.ge, for the flaYor of the fruit will then come out more brightly and dis~ tinctly. As fruits differ-in quality, so do the same fruits in differen( seasons differ, and there is therefore toom for tlrn exercise of judgment in this as in all other practical matters. -TM IU1eumatism, }'or lnffamm:itory :uul Chronic Gout, Bilious, Jtemit- tent aud lntern1ittent 11~evrt i.:, Disonses of tho J31oull, 1Ji\'er, Kidnor s :1 11 .l Bladd&r lll eHe ]3itte1 ·s have no equal. S tn.: 11 Diseases are en.used by Vitio.tcd lllood. e gagetl 111 Paints and .!llh1erals, such as Have you seen Oowle's cheap lOct Cottons 7 Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en- NEW GOODS. My New Goods have :&' .A. -I.. L 0 PEN ING Plu111L0r. ", Tyrc-scttcrfl, Gold -boo.tors, !lnd Mi ner. '-', ns they rul ntncc in life, 0,1'0 subjec t to pn.ra.1.vs:is of the H1l\\C1~. 'J1o guard n.gn :118t t ll if.l, t:ikc n. dose of' W.Atl1Eli1s VIN· EG-\!t D ITTEBS <1C'urtfi !q:iully, GREY COTTONS oftSbTO.,R,MO·~t;:~ted lOct Cottons nt Cowle's---Splendid value. Autumn Fashions! ---oo--- of these nitt.crs. tcr, Salt-ltheum, DlotcheR, Spots, Pimples, Pust.ulc-s, Boils, Oarbonclei:i, Hing-wonns, Scalll-hc:td, Soro Eyo~. Brysipolas, Itch, Scurf~, Disoolorntions or tho Sldn, Humors n.nd n'isca.ses or tlle Skin of whatovcr nn1ne or uatnre, arc literally tlag np and carried out of tlJe system iu a. short timo l>y tho use Q }'or Sldn Diseases, En1ptions, Tot· NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND and the assortment will be found Magnificent dis1llay ; of Ne'v and Rich Goods. MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense 8Luck of New F:i,ll Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as TJothin,r but_First ClassMGoods have been purchased, customers can rely on get. ting good value for their money. lurkin;; iu the 1:i.)'titc111 of so 1nnny thousand~, aro oilcctually destroyed and rom~vcd. No sy st.0111 of medicine, no ve1111ifugcs, no anthehniuitics will free the fiystom from worms like tliese Dittcrs, or oltl, nu~rrietl or single, at the dawn of WO· manhood, or the tn111 of life1 these Tonic Ilittcrs <lispln.y so decided an influence that i111pro'ic1nent ts soon perceptible. cror you fiud its itnpurities bursting through th e skin in Pimp.le&, Eruptions, or Sores i clco.n~c it 'vben you find it obstructed nna sluggish. in the veins; clep.pso it whon it ia fqul; yonr feelings will tell yo u when. Keep · Pin, 'l'apc, and other Worms, VERY COMPLETE PRINTS STYLE 1 AND For ]<'emale Complaints, in young :~dQ Q; ALITY p R I cE s M0 DE R A T E The Public are solicited to call and see for themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 Cleanse tlie Vitiated Blood wbon- STORMONT ----0> ---- the uloo<l puro, and the health of the system will follo\V. COTTON BAGS, THE · 1n H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- DRESS GOODS Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpacca.s, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape ~loths, Black Metz ,.,.ciirdP. And cQr. of \Vm1l1ington and Cho.rlt<:m Sts., N. Y. Sold by all Uru.:.;:;;ists and Dcalcra. n. JI. IUcDONA.LD , ,~ Drngi-(hdi> 1t1HlGcn. }, iztto., San fua.u olRco. Cn..lifr.rnl::i. ond em·. ufWasllini;tton nud Cbu rlton Sts.. N. Y. Sold b)T n.11 J)\·ug:=; ~ nt !ii a11.d D ·· .\t.h:ro¥ . Drag~i;ists tLll<l n. JI. JicDONALD d; Gen. Agt~ ., San Francisco, Cnlifornla, co., e ' BEST the World. co .. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. MOBBl8' LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 1874. TEMl'E:EtLEY LINE, ~iILLINER -Y CARRIAGE SHOP READY-MADE TO THE PUBI--'IC. WALTER vVIGG & SON, N returning thanks to tl1eir numerous customers and the public ~tmerally, for past favors, would respectfully invite their u.ttentioR to our present stock of furniture, a.s we ha Ye latel y added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply a.11 partie8 ·who nrn.y ·1Jleal:lo to fa vor him with a call · . Great inducements bald out to thost:> purclinsing at our CE:ltab rn1ment . P icSampl~~ of the different. tures, Looking Glasse)I. etc .. srame<l to order, ·and in every styli:. kind of ~fouldings can be seed a.t the wa.re·roo1n. ,\..,..e would also beg to infor1n you, tl1 ·at having purchased a. · ' CLOTHING Good and Cheap. Clothing Ma.de to Order It is a well-known Fact that Cowle has the best Tweeds in th.e cowitry. Nothing cheaper than the Cowle'$, ---------~------ (.weBt of tl1e Ontl\rio Bank,) I A Pm.,naylvania boy got co l1om'h.;ick that he composed of the following and other first-class walked seventy-eight n1iles, without eating, in Iron Steamships :ot'(ler to sit clown once more at th1;1 fu.mily "ST. LAWREN CE." [ "SCOTLAJS'D." "THAl\fES." "SEVERN." hC'a.rth-Ettone. He was received with so much "DELTA." warmth by his male pa.rent that it was several The first steamer of thi:s Line ia intended to days before he .could sit down anywhere. be despatched from A.stout old woman in Detroit got mad lately, becau ~e ai pb otogr~1.-pher wouldn't let her fan herself while she had her picture taken. King Street, Bowmanville. The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnet.5 every taste can be consulted as the variety ios so great. The Flowers and Feathers. Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be founr'. law~ a SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, , Wl:l LONDON FOR ON subscriber is lll'C}la.red to build a.nd re· THE. pair sha.11 be ready at a. I times, to attend fnuerals, on short notice and r eaaonab]e t er.rn s. N. B.-Coffins kept on hand, and mi:llie to order, at the NEW DOMINION RE7'AIL FURNITURE WAB,E-ROOli[. Or;ha,va, .Aug. 26th, 1870. A Buffalo paper annr)uncea that by the recent burning of an icchouae there, hventy thousand tons of ice were 'reduced to ashes.' rrhe foolseeketh to pick a fly from a mufo's hind leg: The wise man letteth out the job to the lowest bidder. bands punish their wives by ]l.!emphis hi.u1 making them sit on chunks of ice while they knit the heel of a. stocking. A small boy, tellini;; his' pa.la' ho'v he came to be detected stealing apples in a grocery store, p~·oceeded thus : 'Well, I don't care so durned much A.bout being r;ecn, but the clerk was croBtl-eyed, and I thought he was watching a dorg fig11t a.crotia the streut, but he W3.s looking square unto 1ne, and he helped ine clean into the gutter ! ' Quebec and Montreal WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, r1,o be followed at ilJte:rvaUi of TEN DAYS dW'ing the SeasonJ, Wagons, Buggies, a.nd Cutters, In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we sortment, at prices to suit all. lara:e tts- of every description, at short notice, ando OJ King Street East, Oshawa. lOct Cottons ·reasonable torm.s. To the Inhabita.nts of :Bowmanville. I am a.bout getting a Carriages Painted and Tri= ( d. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. AND FROM BLANKETS IN DENTAL .B 1JRRINGENGI NE by whi('b I can Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. £hrou_gh Tickets from nll points wtiat, at REDUCED RATES. Certificates issued to perrmns desirous of bringing out their friends. 'l1brongb Billa of Lading issued on the Continent and in London for a.U pa.rts ·of Canada. and in the United States to Detroit, I\filwauke!; Chicago, a.nd other points in the West. J!'or Freight 01· PasrJa.ge, apply to _ 1 A Blacksmith's Shop on th premises, were spcciaJ. attention s given Large Variety MURDOCH · BROS. Bowmanville,llfay 7th, 1872 I to all Extra.ct Teeth in less tha.n half the usual time, and 1vith less pain to the patient than heretofore, and that I have procured a. Coniage work, ltnd General I Jobbing. W' inc eys--a. Dea.d Job. · NEW A.ND IMPROVED APPARATUS 1or genera.ting ~itrous Oxide Gas, by which I can now Th o hoy who, when asked to what trade he 1'EMPERLEYS, CAR'.l'ER & DRAKE, 21 Billeter Street, London ; ROSS & CO. would 'vish t o be bi·ought up, replied, 'I will Quebec; DAV-ID SH_<\.W, }lontreal; or lJe a trusWe, because ever sjnce pa.pie has been JACOB NEADS. a trustee we hav-e ha.d puddings for di11ner,' BowmauyilJe, was n. '\Vise child in his generatio11, m29·t md. Nov. I · All wo1·k done at this Establishrn~nt bl. B.---Specia I Inducement given to ARTIFICIAL 'l·EETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 " " GOOD " " $16:00 CASH. CASH Pu:.chasers. YOURS RESPEU'.l'F l:LT.Y, wwrranted. A call is res'Pectfully solic.ited. ,J. MORRIS. B ow1nanville, Out, l st 1 1869. 187~1 - EXTRACT TEETH 'VITI-IOUT PAI N. I J. M. :Srimacom. be, Cow le Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. F. Y. . Bowmanville, Octobe1i - -------- - -~