THE MERCH ANT. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Oirculates largely in the.....To,v·nships of Duling ton, Clarke and Cartwright. It is a common platform, open to the free discu551on of a.U que!!lions in v;rh1ch the genoral public are concerned. TBRMS, ' WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing O:ffi.ce KING STJtEET, BOWMANVILL~; Seventy-fiv e cents per annum, rn a dvance- The ' Merchant' a.nd ' Observer,' $ 2-00. ll A fE S OF .AD"f t.RTIS IS G AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME V 1.:oltunn 45 per ann mn. }LiJf tlo 25 H Qu0r1te1 dv. · J5 " '1\ ansient adv~rt1se 1uentf:l,0 eta pe1 hue first u1ac rtlon1 and 2c. per line, each subseQ uent one. 1 Jue POSTERS , PAMPHLETS , CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NO'l'ES. HANDBILLS , LABELS, CARDS, 'l'ICKETS , &c, &c, &e., BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, l<'RIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1874. tHJMBER XL VIII· EXE CU TED IN FIRST GLASS STYLE · ), - F never would-run easily in it, 'I am afraid you think 1ne ungrateful, stock 11in1sclf, but he ha.d never seen horses raise the said sun1 of $150,000 in the 1nan· and that od10us gossip had given tho first she resumed. step hke that before, and could not help ner he1e1na.f~er mentioned irupetns I believe my bands trembled a 'That '\\oukl be utterly uureasonaUle. saying to h1msc1I "How it wouldnstonisb I Would Not Be a Rose. AND "\VHE RE iS, it "' 11! require th ti sum little "hen I unlocked the post l·ag on that No one can command bIS heort' the folks to home 1! I should take thatlittle of $16,500 tu be raISed annually by special I do not wish, as some have \'. IBhlld, 'You see that I do not thrnk I coulcl more back with me t" Poor man t He had rate on the whole rnteable property of the th1rd rnorning There was no letter for r.riuit I might be a rose, make Charle· happy ifT warner! bun wllh- not the ahghtest idea of the value of the said ~Inn1c1p 11li t1es of Cavan, Clark, and Charles, but a note from Mrs. Dalton, ask'l'o nestle softly in your brea.EJt, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! ing me to call as soon as I could. I gave out loving hun, and it could not be right ani.n1als He little drean1ed that lua entire Darlington, abov(j n1entioned, for pa) 1ug Or in your hair repose , OF 1t to hun without a remark. He put 1t iu either-coulcl it 1' farn1, with all its stock and fixtures would the said sun1 of $150,000 1 and Jnterest on I do not wish to be a. glove, T rain11 will lcl\ve Bowmanv1lle Sto.t1on, And tlns your hand to p1 ef!s , his pocket, and d11l not read it in the room. ' Certainly not' not purchase a half mterest rn the littlo the s:ud ])eheutures to be l"-SUed therelor, a!3 llow n1an.ville time, as 1ollo\YS Nor yt~t a fai;01itc shoe or boot, 'I hope be will see 1t as you do ' mare. Soon alter breakfast I walked to Furze.ham. hereinafter mentioned GOT N(} WEST GOING f \S'l'. Your pretty fotit.. to dtef:ll'J Doro came to me rn the little study, and 'If uot, it cannot be helped Ile has W1Hl(j he \\as thus turt~ 1ng the tna.Lter ANr> WE F.nF. ~s, the a1;11onnt of the Vi bole Lut;aJ..;o 7 20, a ru l Expu.:>JS 8 30 a 1n. Expt e!j::i 8 55 ,1 m :rtI1xed 3 50 pm, again I felt bow changed I "as I J.o not '"ish to be n. gem, Up to managed very badly Young ladies a1e over in 11is mind, suddenly his enrs v; ere Ba· rateable prope1ty of the Srnd M un1c1v~tlitl eM ~hxe d 3 20 p m ! Local 7 20 p m, Though tichcst of the rare, In luted by the cry of the auctioneer in the of Ca\o·an, Cla.rk, anJ Darhngcon 1 above that tinie, we had held uut both hands mu- not usually gaineU by d. r;oup de i'nuin Exp1e>1s 8 UO p. m. \ Express 8 50 p m. 'l'o ndd a lustre to your ch1~t'lna, ' tually and simultaneously, and I bad kiss- my young days,ruen went though tfully and pool stand Mr. Rodman knew nothing of mentionetl,\·e of any fntnr.e in... Thia train runs every morn1ng of week, A. ud 1uake you seem mm e fa.11' , :J\fondays excepted. ed hor a· heartily and naturally as i[ she care1u11} to wo1k, venturing- on little pool selhng. He had nel'er seen a wager crea~e of the same, and also irrespective OF 1 would not be nor this no1 th,\t.. 1 had been Anna . now, my O\VU secret con- graduated attention ~ , w h1ch had an infinite n1ade exce}!t In the-0ld-fash1oned "Wfl]1 and of any iccowe to 1Je den veil from the t~ tu · 'The follow1ng tn1i11s no 1;1; stop at Saxony I nanttnate and dead, sciousnesB made that 1mposs1blc, 11n.d the cl!i!rlll rn themsclv.J>e, and we re slnlli'.!L h;;_ natiu·lly supposed that the aucl!oneer porary investznc11t of tbc llioku1g fund herefo1 passfil:!gers . ..You cannot love such th1n!{8 &:'! thei;e, wmetb1ng unexpressed by me, or some- feelers. Whatevertle Charles, drn-;,ppornt- ""' sellmg the hOr.e out and out rnstead of inafter mentioned; or any part-thereof, ec7 5.2 a. n1. B ut hkc then>. aJ.l 1nstead. Local going \vest, due at 3.47 p. nt · .!\-11xed going east, due at thing wbrnh I did not fathom m her, held l!lent, he has no one to blame but h1mtelf.' selling bclit on them Here then,be thought cordmg to the last rcv1oed Assessment Rolla But I would be an honest man, 3 47 p. llt . llf1xed going west, due at Su(:b a3 are conr;tantly U"Cd in e'\'cry .fa1111 l~ at fro1n 'I am so glnd you tlnnk eo '-this was was a chance to buy Goldemith Maid, and of the said respective Mumc1pa!tties, betng her back. V{1th he.~rt of genuine wortll, 7 22 p TU. Local going east, dne at Coloring, a" nd looking distressed, s:ie gave in her own natural manne1 -'and yet it is with a heart beating fast, be approached the for the yeai One Thou%nd Eight Hundrnd "\Vitb k.nowleJg~1 grunetl by hotl!.11ilt toil, I\fontreal tune. Of all the things of tca.rth, m~ one haud 1 saying. 'It was very good of a great shame to say so . But ;on Ju uu- grnup that ourrounded the pool seller. and Seventy-lour, 1s the sum of Two !31!My mind well stored ""'1th heavenly trutlui, 'How much for first choice of these two liona 'l'wo hundred and S ix.teen Thou:!ancl you to come so soon, but I thought you derstnnd-don't you 1 than the s1.1-mc Goods oau be bought £01 ~t the !{eta1l StoHll:l ?t'Iy chief delight to b-i' e 01 course I did, aucl tolu her so 'l'hcn horse,, Go!Jsmith MaiJ aml Fullerton i ex- Five hundred and Fifteen !Joll.m would.' A helping hnnd to all mnnktnd , claimed the auctioneer. ' Come, gentle--o-I made uu effort to be playful, am! re- she asked if I would tell Char.lef.l 101 her AND 'W HEHEAS, th amouut of the ~xii:it And teach them how to live Start it at anyihrag 1ng debt of th~ said sevl ral 7\-IunimpahtieH 1 co1npresscd my hp::1, laid niy hea<l. on nlen, give me a bid. JOined: ·You know I have utterly spoiled Then, though I might not p1 ei:.a your hand, one s1il.e, and tried to look as if I \\ere con- you please. Iiow n1uch 1' 18 $75,000 . you, kitten r Or lie upon your bLeast, 1 ' I in' Three hundred dollarB 1' e.xclaime.:l one -~ND \ AS 1 fur P<ly1ng the lnterest, The smile tbLS evokeJ was a poor p1t1ful ~idering '1.Vhat does ma1un1a say 1 (1 H.ADU A'rE of Iluxtcr Umver8lty of l\.fus1c 1 A!:! do those dead and senr:oeleM tlnngs \::f Friend~hip, N e\\ York. SUBJECT TO EXAMIKATION BEFORE PAYMEKT l'Olt THEM quITed. of the group. and creating an e(1ual yearly s1nk1ng fund spectre. That know not \~here they rest, 'f eathN of Inst1u1nent, Oultnation of tL.e ' She tluuks 1 ought to answer h1 s L etter . 'Four hundred dollurs !' chimed iu Afr. for paywg the puacipal debt ot il150,000, ' Come,' I went on; ' l know "'by you Id win your deepest, purest love, Voice, Thorough Baas, lla.r:inony and Compo. --o-Rodman a.a hereu1after menttoned, it will require an sent for me, ao you need not w0rry your· It ia due Lo l11u1, she says 1 And, wwn1ng this, be bleat , :<51t1on Dnrhngtou, July l6tb 1 1874. 41 ly }1'01 lle who w1nf:! true wo1na.n's lo~e I was of her rr.othct's op1niot1. Of cotuse 'Five hundred 11 exclaimed ¬her look· equal annual special rate of Seven and 011eself about how to begin. Charles has told ALL .ARTICLES ON THE LIST SOLD FOR "\\..,.1n.<1 with it n.11 the rest I did not see her letter, and we never re- er-on half Mills on the Dollar, m add1 twn to all tne.' Charles 'Six hundred 1' called out Mr. Rodman, other rates, to Ile Jevt ed "lll each Ji ea1 , 'Ob ! I am so glad. But why did he not curreu to \be sUbJect afterwai<ls TAILOR do so before be wrote to me 1 It "ould asJ,ed me no quest10us "hen I returned and from that out he continued to bid till in each of the said ::VIun1c1paht1es of Cav<)n, And not to be pard fut until }OU :;~e t}11j GooJf:il atul ai e p(;lr fo ohly sat1 ~fied have saved me great unhappmesa. t dtd hon1e, rna<le no re111a1k on Dorotbv 1s decie· the little mare was kuuck.ed down to hhn Clarke, and Darlmgtou Gentlemen's & Boy ' s Garments with th em not know if I ought not to have kept bis ion, 'vh1ch I knew, reached h1n1 n~ex t day, tor 8900 B& tr rHERE:rORE EoAC'IED, by tlie MuMADE IN THE TO MARRY AGAIN OR NOT. 'That's n. big pnce for a liorae,' u1uscd nicipal Counct! ol the Umted Counties of secret, though I ahould have felt quite and bore hrn reJection w1th the apparent ---o--l'IEWES'l' STYLES . guilty hiding anything, e·pecially such a impassibihty which had cl,arncte1ised Ins Mr. Rodm~n, 'blggest I ever paid-but I Northumberland and Du1harn, and it h Boi.v:ma.uville, July, 27, 1869, (Concluded ) thing, from mamma ; but I could not The '"001ng ric took his fellowslup, and set- th1nk she's worth it .' hereby enacted 'Charles,' l,!'·i<l ,teruly, 'Dorothy bas R R LOSCOMBE, Going down to the track he found the letter was taken to her, and, of course, she tied into n conscientious, respectablt?-, somel. That it shall .rnd rnay be ld\\iul Jar been so much among us, that I am responBARRISTER-AT-LAW, IS IMMENSJ,Y POPULALt, ALWAYS GIVIJSG BN1ll\E oATISFACT!OX bas al ways opened and read my letters ., if what pompous don. I do not U1mk he driver of the Maid warming her up prev10us the said United Counties to aid aucl aes1st sible for whatever, involving her l!appineas !30LJOITOR IN CIIANO.'CRY, tfc ever met Dorothy subsequently, to starting for the heal the stud " The Huron and Quebec H.a1l \\ay - -- o- - or mir;ery, is connected with any of ua. As they were her own.' OF~ trrn, - Oi.:er I\fcChlng"s Store flat 'It was a pity for the girl, and i5he \\US 'Here, you!' he exclain1ed, 111 a tone of Corupan)," by gn·1ng thereto the snru ot ' Quite nght : the lopger she does so the your father, anJ in plaee of her lather, 1 de<HJ J. ~1. Brimacomb's Dental RomntJ. ev1deo.tly a nice ghl,' obsetved Jack 'Iler autbo1ity, 1 corne doY.n out o' that ere sulk- One Hundred nutl Fift; Thousand Dollar., Seid fv" List of GooJ,s 1vhich m-e f1lrnished free of charge Bowman..~lle , Oct 2ith, 1868. Ly mand what exiots between you and her better Charles bad no right to make such a request. I am ourpr1sed that he did not ta,ther and mother niust have heen aB- ey and strip the harness off 0 1 that mare. by way of honuo. A GtNTS W L~IED in e\ E:lry r.row11 1 Village. a [lc..l. Couutr for tlie S,tle of our Gr1 n<fa, old m yo1u1g wlnch leads to your \\nting to her clandesappomted,' / She arn t gotu' Lo trot to day.' 2 Thfl.t for lhe purpoiw u1oreoa1J, the of either gex can take orderEI. and ma.kc good ""ages. Ou tfit 1v1th sa.mph:a:f>ent free on u,pplication trnely. I! I cannot ehctt it from you, I know better.' 'No doubt 'Vhcn D<llton \\as di,:ing The <lriver, supposing Mr. Rodrnan to be Warden of th e snHl lJmtcd Counties shall 'But I am so1ry to have done anything to ISSUED BY shnll hE:n c an immediate explanation with ' either drunk or cra~y, paul no attention Lo cause any nruu Uer o1 DelJc1itures of the CLERMONT DANIELS & Co disagreeable to any of yon. I am so fond two years Io.ter, D o1otb y was very hc:avy at her.' ROBERT ARMOUR his heart ' To thrnk of th at biight,pretty, j the clemand, but 'ent the mare along to the United Counties of .No1thurr1berlanl1 and 'He looked ba.dgQ rcd, ill-tempered even, of Anna, and you have always, always been 235 Notre Dame Street, Montrea_ l, P. Q. h1gh-apinted creature, clnlle<l, drilled, kept quarter pole at a lively gait, and then turn- Du1Lan1 Lo be mudt: for such stttH of n1otiey so kind to me.' 44-2mos and smd hurnedly and surlily: 'I wrote 'There is no harm whatever doneJ Doro· under, as I have seen gtrls as swce.t, li\·ely, ing walked her leisurely back. as may be required tor tbe sa1rl purpose, not to Dorothy to ask her to marry me ·ome 'Didn't I tell you to get down and take less tha11 One Thou !Sa 1~d J)olla1s each, u.ud thy; circumstances helped you out of a d1t- and good as she is, lal~rates me,' he sa1d to day' BEAUTIFUL TEETH ficu!Ly, as they often do help the innocent.' me one day. And then J told him that, that more out of harness 1' demanded Mr, not exceeding in th e v. hole tL.e tia.d. sun1 of 'Asked her to marry you " I excla1rned. Then we were both .ilent I saw sbe with God'a help, she never should be , that Rodn1n.n, nngnly. One Hundred and Fifty 'rhousand J)ollurs, J. M. BRIMACOMBE L D. S ' I p aside } our gro5s disrespect in ignorThe driver knew not whether to laugh or which aatd De\Jt 11tures ~ha.11 lx· sealed wi th wanted to go on, but did not know how ; I had taken foiethought about wh at wouhl 1ug 111e ~o important a matter, and re~ ('eelh Extructed at Twenty-f1ve Cents and, for myselt, I bad a so.rt of fear of what be be·t , and that, if Mrs Dalton agreed, I swear at the demand, but at last bis bet- the seal of the sa1d b-Jn111c1pal Cui potation Room!:! ov~l' Jl,.fcClung Bros. Stores. mind sou t hat ~~u h=\:ve not taken your dewould find the money lot· them to stait a ter uatme pre\ailed, and he said Jocularly of the umted Counties of N orthumberlaud BQ'\\;ille,, 1870. l gree, th at ) ou are wl!_olly dependent on me, I ·hould hear-but I helped her. school for little boys, which J conm fored ' What's the motter with you, old fellow 1 and Durham a nd shall beo .ip;ned by the 'Well, Pussy,' I asked, '"hat are you goa.n<l that, dur111g my lifet1me, unless I asthe least labor1ou::; u11<lert(l.ktog for ladies, Don't your clothes fit you?' ing to say to Charles 7' Wardeu, and countersigned by the Treasur ~ sISt you, you Will, m all probab1hty, have rsst"ED BY ·You'll find out what's the matter with er, 01· ~uch otlie1 penm11 as the s:.uJ Co unties ' I do not know ;1 and she looked miser- and she not only need not be separated from nothing better than a rountry curacy.' able. her daughters, but would be mateually me pretty soon if you don't do as I tell Council may by By·Law appornt, and shall JOHN WILLIAMS 'I suppose it wns not unnatural to expect 'I have always thought you wore very helped by th em. His look ol perfect satrn you 1' returned Mr Rodman, with seventy. tlecla1e on the face thereof the authority· Cherrywood Post· office Pickering that you wollld help me, sir, as you are very Ont clear lU your \ie,vs, nnd dJst1nct 10 stating faction is among 1 ny dearest recolJec hons.1 'The mare's n1ine. I have just bought her; under which the sawe a1e rnsued, and that fond of Dora.' them.' 'You',re a good fellow,' iemarl~ed .Jack 1 and I s han't a.llow het to lrot tu tb1~ 1ac~. the creU.1t l r the said United Uount1cs lS lll - -1 This h~ said 111 a tnne ¥. b1ch- softened Do you lieat<"""file I' --;yes ; 1 kiioVi owiLJ;.uUU{iu1te well ; way pledgea for the p·yrnent th erPof. me a httlc. After all, tbougbt I, be is very but'- She stopped, and 8<\emed about ' Not at all, Jack. I made no sacrifice, ' Who did you buy the mare from 1 ask3 'I'he said Debentmes shall be mado young. 'Pray, what, answer do yon expect to cry. 'l do not know what to do,' she and m sured myself very great happmcss. ed the dnver, who began to thmk that Mr. payabl< m twenty Jearsfrom the day herefrom her I inquired. I was rehev'cd to 'vent on They Iiave always succe(ded extLcniely ,vell Rodnw.n ltatl Leen made the v1cti1n of smne mafter mentioned for this By-Law to tnke - -- ·o·--find that she was rnnocent of anght that J)n you mean that Jou clo not know and they spend their sumn1e1 hohdai s \\Ith practic,il joke. effect, nt the Hank ot Toronto, in Cobourg, would have lowered her m my eyes. She whether you hkc Charles well enough to me , Auna, her 1 'Why, hom tho\ follow up on the stand and sb11ll huve attached to them coupons 1u,ban<l, and cluldren was lost to me for ever, "hether she acceptcome at Christmas. As to the lonehnP.:;S there,' replied :Mr. .Rodman-' the auction· for the payn1ent of intercBt, at the rate nnd accBpt lnn1 or not r ed Chaiks or !lot, but she was worthy the ' 0 no ; but there are ·o many d1llicul- which you though t must oppres, me,I know eel. He knocked bet down to me for $900, in the n1a.nncr hereinafter tne11t1011ed, place J h·d given her rn my heart, and t1es.' 'l'lns wa· aa1d hordly above lier uotbrng ; bnt for ill) Self, I tind that, as I and here's lus receipt.' Aud as he spoke 4. The mid nebentnres sliall bear rnterwouLl have g11en her JO my house. Withbreath. grow ol<l, though I enJOY society with un- he held out the pool card which he had re- est at and after the rate of Six per cent. pP-r out _g!vtng him time to reply I went on. annum, from the date thereof, wluch i11ttir· ' Do yon n1ean the long engagement, and d1n11n1shed :lest, [ arn more 1ndepeud.ent ceived ' I have too good an opuuon of her to beBowmanvJJle Nov. 1st, 1873 so on ?' ot it. N 0 one io less d ear to ine, but h.ll · Jitece1pt I' cxcla11ned the driver, with a est shall he payahle hall-yearly on the ht lieve that she will answer you without con· days of Septen1ber and June, in each year, grnl, 'That's no rece1pt- that's a pool tick· She blushed wibh vexation, and ans\\ e1- are le i;:s necessary.' at the said bank In Uobourg. ~ult1n.I( her mother.' ~){flee over }1', F J'vicA1thu1's Store, Kin[ RL, 1 ct. You bought the mare as 5i·st cho1l'eI\. That fot the purpose of fornnng a :Bowmrun tllt>-. ' l~ begged her to sn.y nothing to any one.' edt 0 dear ' no. But I am so afraid of that 1s, you bet $900 agm the balance of tho sinking fund fur the payment of the s111d hurting you1· fcehngs, or d1!pleas1ng you I m3 tf. :Bov. mani; ille, Oct. 23u.l, 1873 'Then either,' I reJ 01ned, 'you are more How Mr Rodman Bought ' Goldsmith pool that she would wm the race, and you'll Debentures, and the interest thereou, at the do ea wish it had never happened. 1 Maid.' ignorant of the world thaa I believed even win the money, too, old mnn, if you hold rate a1oresa1d, an equal spec1al rate of seven ' But, my dear child, what coulcl there be and one-half mills rn the dollar shall, m ut! a readrng-man could be, or you have endeaon to the ticket. But as for buy mg the dition to all other rates, be ra1seJ, lev1tJdt BY l!IRA.NCIR :-; s~u 1 n HOWJHANVII,LE, begs to inform his cnstomi<rs and th.e public gen e1al ly, he Jms now vored consciously to lead her to act as a displeasing to 1ne1 or 1nJnrious to my feelmare for $900, why, bleas } our innocent and collected, 1n each yenr, upon all th e inge, iu yom berng atlitched to my son ! 1 __ ._ received his modest girl should not Pray, what reason so11l, that sum \Voul<lu't buy a hair out of rateable property in the s~ud ]iiunic1pal1t1es think 1t would be au indirect con1pliment There alwayd a oharrn nhout atonef:! 18 did yon gn:e for su,_;h a request 1' of the Townships of Cavan, Clarke, an d PlANUS, ORGANS, MELODI""hich flre true. Fictio11, 1a plen~ant, and it tail ' Why, one hundred thoueand dollars Darlington, hcrt-1nbefure mentioned, during "l'h1s that, in the event. uf her taking to ine.' m gold would't buy tblS beauty.' AK,9 and, SEWZNG ,lf AG HlNES ' She hardly let me timsh, bnt spoke may be so uougbt by a sktlllul hand as to the said term ot twentv J ears from the com· n1e, son1e years rn us~ elapse before I could Mr . .Rodman was very angry. He sup- rng mto eftect of this By -Law, unless such eu.rnestl) carry tbe ieader away completely, nnd lead very marry; and I shoulrl d1shke being polnted of 'Did you ever tbmk that I--:'.'lo ; you !nm to suppose, for the time hcrng, that posed the driver to be ottber a swindler or Debentures shall b~ sooner p111d at as an engaged mun that time i n.nd Raymond Sewing Machine, 6. Thte By-Law shall take effect, on , nevet can have supposzd that; you must what he reatl.$18 reality u.nd not romance a trifler, and \\Ith flasbmg eyes he said. from, and after the I~'1rst day of ,Jauuuty. 1n that 1f she 1efnBed n1 e, it ~as no' business A SPRCB T.ITY 'You can ' ~ come 11ny of your city tricks have been as much surpriserl as I was ~ f Sti!l,tbis feeling will only last till the story the year ot our Lotd One 'I'hou,.nd Eight , of any one else 1 anytbrng of that krnd bad been going on, I IS fimsbed, and thell he wonders thaL he ovei· me I've heard all about you fellows Hundred and Seventy-live. tnstrui..:tiou g1v~n, and Instruments awl } fa His cuol selfiobness e:.:asperate<l me. I which on inspectt0n will be found diines gul\ranteed 7. The Debentures to be sign«l aud zµuat have been the mo~t dl3ce1ttul creature was so foolish as to cry over 1t when com- don- n here, and 1f you expect to humbug me g6t;_ up and walked·about the room. '_ Uoqd Rowmannlle, ,Ju11e 18, 1~74. possible , but I an1 afraid of your th1nk1ng n1 on sense tells him it "ns only a batch of as you have others you'll 1nise your calcul- issued, as aforesaid, shall be delivered by heaven:i !' I eJaCulated; c and you a very the said Warden oftl1e eaid United Count1e1:1 that Charles would oat have asked me, 1! I unrenhtiea skillully strung togetlier A ation Do you hear me 1' And seizing the to the Trustees appo1ntedJ or to be appointyoung man, and my son.' ' inure by the bridle he cried out vociferous· I a1n surt.! I true ta~e, ho,vever., \\'Ill be ren1 ~mbered ed, under the Act mcorp01 a1Ing the sm<l 'Of"<Jourae, I did not put it qmte so had not encouraged b1u1. ly for the police. "Tb.e Huron nnd Quebec Ra.1lway Con1lloi· the 1'01anshvp of Dar·lingion. --o-broadly as that,' he observed, rathe· apolo- should say so of any one in my mrcurn- long after the fict1on ts forgotten, atul 1t is a By this tiaie a crowd Md gathered arouU<l pany.11 stances. I hope the le,aon will make me true tale which I now purpose to narrate. All goods marked at the lo " est getically ; ' but you expect confidence, and 8. Ann it 1s fmtber enocted Ly the '"1J Mr. Rodman was a Western farmer, who who seemetl to ODJU)' the joke hugely, aud Mumcipal Council ol the Umted Counties H. T. PHILLIPS, I nm not a man of many words. 1 really very cbantable I have really never thought some of whom encouraged Mr. RoJman to of Northumberland and Durham, that the HAMPTON. took parns to write a proper letter, aud I al.out Charles at all. It no more entered cultivated a couple of h1"ndred acres, or Pr01nµt attention f;"l\ en to sa.leR, &c, on rcn.sonvotes of the electors of the said several n.fu ~ rny head that l~e)th bught nbout me in that thereabout, of excellent land, and v..·ns persrnt in his claim. tbiuk I succeeded. I al ways had o. notion abl c terms. nicipahties of Cavan, Clarke, and Darhng ~ i Hold on to the mare, old man/ cned one way, than that yo.u, did.' somethmg of a stock-breeder besides. He that I should "neve· marry. A college hfe ton, who shall choose to vote thereon, shall from winch no abat ement will be rnadt·. I winced. She.had been speakrng so fast had a lme eye for horoes and cattle, and cs- - ' slie's your property. I saw you buy her be t·ken on this By-Law on TUESDA>', the ha.s been my object since I \\'as old enough - -o- and pay f01 her. He's trying to beat you FIFTB:l:NTH day of SEP:r.E:l-IBE R, One Thou E'NNISKILLEN". to have one, and, as a rule, I fiu,d 'v-onien u. tbat I could not get rn a word I was sit- pemally was be an adept in J tt<lgrng the That's the way he does business. Don't let sand E1ght Hundred and s~veuty-iour, Manoh&lilltell" ting in what they called humorously her former. Nobody coul<l aurpWJs him m a s .~les J 11 !)lllptly attended to on ieasonable ter1ns bore ; but Dorothy is d1fferent from all the h'im s~nndle you J Hang onto the mare J' commenc1ng at~the ho 11r of~ 1ne o'clock, 111 April 15, 1874. women I know-suits me, m fact. I father's easy-chair, she was opposite, on a proper appreciation of u horse's no1nts. He - 'That's JUet what I intend to do 1 sntd1-the forenoon, and clo::i1ng at the hour ol thought I should like to make sure of her, low seat, leanmg forward, and with her ht- would lake a long Journey at a;iy time to Mr. Rodman, at the Rame time takrng a r~;e o'clock Ill the afternoon of the ·ame "{TFl'ERlN 'I.RY SURGEON, Graduate of and ·would not mind vtaiting for her. You tie hands clasped in her lap, her pretty view a prornisrng colt, and yet, strange as it tighter hold of the reins. V the Ontario Vetonnary College. By ap· :E!Olnttnent V etennary Surgeon to the West see, 1t could all go on qmetly enough. I \Varm brunette complexion heightened, her mavseem, he had never attended a ho1se But just here a policeman inte1 tered, and Durham a.nd J)n.d1n6ton tr1110n A g l1Cttltu1al eyes sparkling, her countenance expressing race. Kot that he had any consmcnt1ou.s IN THE TOWN~Hl.P OF Co! LARKE. should sec her here a great deal. ' Soc11Jt1es commanded Mr Radman to let go the w batshe was trying to put into worJa. scruples against the sport-on the conhary, ,.Ggent fo1 tho In e Stot;k B1aud1 of the lt'or J)t vnnon No. 1, Te111 pc t I set ID Y son down as utterlv abnorn1al, horl:ie's head, try1ng at the same time to ex~ Deaver a11d Tor:onto }futnal ]'he Insurance ance Hall, N C\Vtonville, ·Dorothy,' l safd, 'you will grieve rue he would have delighted ou it lillJ opporaud I tbmk I dl8liked him for a mmntc, plarn to him the nature of the pool-sellrng, Co For Electoral D1v1s1on No. 2, School "\~ote1il1a1·y I\iledtctlle8 CrJllStant}y OU hand but I remembered bis poor mother's loving very mueh if you imagine for one moment tunity offered. But be lived for from any d.lld assuring hun it was all right. House Section No fr~ c Ca111! fron.i the coun try pron1ptly o.ttended to. tbot it would be possible for me to double. race, was "great ~ ome body, and up pnde m him as a little child, and relented. Fur Electoral Dms10n N o. 3, School 1'-lr Rodman could not see it, hut be wae Office - One door lMt of R. l\rla.111ng'~ Fl.11· t ntu10 \YalC IOOnl ' Ila\ e yrJu any reason for expecting that your candor. tam sure you were as much to the time of wl11ch I au1 writing he could forced to let the mare go, and then he rna<lc House ~ o rune Reinclence OVt'I S. Blirllt:1u's i:;tor t.", rorne ~ uf surprised as I was To tell you the truth, never 1nake up his nund to t<tke so loug a For Electornl Dtvi;10n No. 4, Temper · l)o1oth} "'"1l~ ac;cept you 1' I inqtured, his way back to the pool-stand, where he ance Hall, Kendal. King and :Scu;u5 St11:ieb 1 Bowman-\1llle my dear little gu1, I never gave Charles JOUlUeJ-. Olien though it were to witness a H e leaned back comforta.blyJ put his mHf presented his ticket and <lernandcd the re· }.,or Electoral D1v1s1otJ No. U, Town Hall. hands in Lis pockets, anll sa1U ' Not exai.:t- credit for so much good tMte, and tt had fast trot. For Electoral D mston No. 6, School t~is$900. There cnrnc a 1la.y. ho\\'e\'er, '"hen he was ly, but I do nut see why she should not , never even entered my bead to think of }us House, Lc.skard. LUMBER I t 1s needless to say that a number stood u1arrying at all.' uroused to a pit.;:h of enthtunasrn wh1ch nbshe is \rer) fond of i.s all. At anymte, I )1A~VFACTUI\EI\ OF I N 1 R1£ '..t'OWNSHir OD' DARL fN~TON ready to take the ticket off hts banua, and IIE Sn.bl3c11be1 re!-:lpectfully icgucsts all pa1will let you know as Boon as 1 get an anShe looked, however, only partially re- sorbed him entirely m spite ot hrnt>elf The ha\ mg received bis $900 back, Mr. Rod t1es u1debted t n him fc r Lumbei, to settle llor Electoral Divrniun No. l, School their accounts without further dela3 . 1\.nd he s'>\ er.' lieved when she returned ' I am glad you announcen1ent reached ht u1 1n a I\-11cb1gan man took bis departure ; unU to this day in1- IIouee, Section N o ~\e hereby n iiot tns builders, and otbe15 in \\I ant of paper that the Queen of the Lrotting turf, With tha t he seemed to com1dcr the coul.,or Electoral Divfo1on No. 2, Town Hall, understand me-I hope you always will. ' l umber, that lie is p1enared to supply then\ at Ooldsrn1th 1Ia1d, and the :l.lj er, Judge :Ful. ngincs that be bought Goldsmith Maid for Hampton. ic rence over, and th,tt he was at hberty to cash J ates for Ua~h Henceforth he iutench~ to 'And is tbls all you have to say to nle, Elcctornl Divison N o. ~, School Jlou·e, do a cash buinuess. le1ton 1 who will one day astonish the world $900, and that he was UDJUstly ·windled out leave the room. I was glacl when he was Dora 1' 'l'HOS. S:Hil'H, Scet10n No. Eight. o t lus bnrgain. by the fastest mil~ on 1ecor<l, were to trot J)t,ALER L'I gone. I puzzled Dl)' Self very n1uch as to Lot 19, ij Con. Da1ltngtun, For Electoral Dn1s10n No 'l, Y11lugc ol 'No, I wa.ut to know wh!lt I nm to do' at East Sag1na'\' Ile drtcrm1nec1, thcremStf. I fli.> Luw Dorothy "'ould act- not as to whether Tyrone. ' That must depend entirely on your own rore., for once 111 btS life, to 'YltlleS.S a trot United Counties of Northumberland For Electoral Dm'1ull No. 5, Oiange she would accept Charles-it never occurand Durham. Hall, EnnISlnllen. Accord mgly be 'et red t o ine tu discuss tlJat \\ ith myself. I am quite as anx1ous for your between two flyers. l!·or Electoral Dmsion No. G i:lchool Do out, and iu J.ue tune reached the ~ cen,. of Would she tell her mother! Unrlemably, happiness: as for n1y own ch.tldren's. House Section, No. Sixteen. BY·LA\V NO,she \\'ould wrnh to do so, for she was open· you love Charley !' She only replied by action Provided always, that this By-Law 1s p3's ORS '"\ LIJ i:.n auautJ.ty 1 Apply t o ---o - --tears ; and I began to consider if ·ho had a y./ lLLIAM SPE ~R ed and is to take effect, and the said DebenWhen the day fixed upon toi the spoit Show ness itsell, bnt she would be unwilling to WFJEUEAS, twenty freeholdt:re, res1d~nts Occupyrng my New 1i' 1ernises, LARGE, l<~LhG.IN 'l an1l C o NYBNIENT, Church St1 ee t , I anncy Charles 1 because he was n1y son, if secret fondness for hun, and thought I aruved, he was early on th e grou nd, and w1th1n the To~nehlps of Cavan, Clarke, tures are only to be rnsued and delivered 1H arly oppoi:nt i: : the ... <\.lmit IIote], Rooms replete with upon condit10n that th e said Ra1l"ay shall Bowrnan ville, Jnn e l\Jth 187;J tf for no other reason. Would 9he 'vrite to m1gbt ohjeet to her want of money, so I WO.R, of course, deeply interested 111 eve1y- and Darlington, respectively, and beJng be constructed through the said TownBlnpa v..·ent on, 'If you do, I consider bim the tbmg which he enw and hea1d He bad duly quahfied \·oters m the said Townships of Cavan, Clarke, and Darlington ; that ~ me 1 or would her father or mother wnte 1 Unless they sent a special meesengei:-nud luckiest lellow m the world, for, though he been wnr ned repeatedly before leaving respectively, have petitioned the Council ol station shall be made and k ept at t he V tlALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Spring and Sttmmer Millinery, 11fantles, Shawls, Triimn ings, etc. they guarded conacient1ou@ly against need- is my own boy, he is not worthy of you.' home of the sharpers and tucksters "lnch the Umted Counties of Northumberland lage of l\.11lbrook, 111 the townoh1p of Cavan; station at or 'v1th1n one and a half 1ullea Liuerpool London, and Glasgow ' t will tell you all,' she said, wiping her he would m.,,t, and had deterrumcd Lo keep and Durham to pa8B a By-Law granting a a less small expenses-there could be no letof the Village ot Keu,lal ; a statwn at or on 'ftekets, 01 lllfLrmafaOn.,t, apply to ter till the third day: In the interval, eyes. ' I do not love Lim ; I nu1 .5Ure I a bright look out and give all such a wtde bonus for the purpose of aidmg in the con- within one an1! a hnlf nu] es of the Village \V, A. JS" l!i .A . DS, Agent. there was no perceptible change m Char-" never should ]o,·e him well enough to mar· berth W Special attention given tu getti11g up ordern for struction of the said Huron and Quebec of Orono j a station on Lots Seventeen, Bowman v1llfl, .T nne 9th, 1871. tf -30 Family Mourning. A La1ge Stock of Black Lustre ley's ways, except that he was constrained ry him ; but I do not like to say so to you ; G·reat was h1 ~ excitement ~h en the JUdg· Railway, to the amount of One Hundred Eighteen, or N1neteen 1 iu the S ixth Con· \\h en we were a.lone . Goods at & 11 tunes. l uuag1ned tha.t he it seenrn so ungracious,' es' bell iang, and thP cry " Bnng np J our anJ Fifty Thousand Dolla" 0 nnd to ·o ~ n e ce'8ion of the Township of Darlrngton; tli at . the work ~h a ll be con11neuct:d w1tb1n feared I should renew the subject, but I In the depth of 1he rneamiess bidden rn horses t" gree ted his ears, and \\ h~n ~he Debentures th erefur, and .ir 1 tl1(· 1 .i!Js fuur yc:urs irou1 the date of thrn By Law, R.ADU.A. 'fE of the U uhersitrns of Truu ty was not at all rnchned to do that. I had my heart I was delighted that she had spo- began to score pre~ioua to star t111g hereina.l tcr set forth, and i is exp' Provided tn1 thex 1 th ~.t the whole proceeds ~ to LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE CLERGY College, 'l vtonto, and Victoria OoJlege, of o1 tbe smd Dcbeutur~s slu~ll be ex pt· nd erl Ill d1~cove1cU a grea t gulf, UlJsuspectcd before, k~n thn:-i ot iuy son, but I ~n1othered the for the race, he was full of 11.Jn1aut1011 at grnnt the prayer of the sai,i nt>tltic Cobourg J,1ct·nt1ate of the College of P hytnoi the cPnetruction of the 38.J(l R£ul way through bt>lWeen my first.born a nd myself. My feeling, nnd w·lkerl to the wrndow to look theit superb action and their points !.{Clli:l'· .auf; a.ud Surgeon!!, of Onta110, A~n 'Vff1:1REAS, for such p urp 3 the sa1d Toww!lh1pa ot DLlil!ngton, Clurke, Office, K1ug Street, one Uoo:r west cif b-Ir 11fo n as placed u1 a uew groove, uutl Jul opt ally He bad r.ueed oome tolerably 1..1 necessary for th e said IJnited C Oshawa, West, King St April 9th, 1874 t o j and Cava1'i and not other wise or e!ee where, 1>nJiah'ij Jev.:elly Store, Bowinfll\Vlllfl - - -II = = =P =O=E= T= R=Y=.= = I . j GRAND SUBSORIP~rION SALE $100,000 WORTH GOODS, Fifty to One Hundred per centu Cheaper rill Goods sent Collect on Deliver·y Prof. J. Ruse, B. PEA.TE, ONE DOLLA R EAC H LITERATURE. THE PL.L\..N MARRIAGE LICENSES - COME and · MARRIAGE LICENSES J. SEE~ HILL'S 1 NEW G. J.>. "IIQC'khmt;-' DENTIST I- - Ifall~ Wilte1·-· ory Gooils A LARGE LOT OF m Y r ILADIES' and c+ENTS' FURS · Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. V:EJR.Y ""\V. H. vVILSON, G-enera.l Agent for THOMAS B!TTING DRY GOODH NEW SPRIN G S'l'OCX an I AUCTIONEERS Attractive and Che a.p CASH PR I CE, Bonse, are W:m.. Barton, Robert Young, SPRING, s. TREWIN. 1874- f STAPLE & FANCY !)RY GOOl)S, Carpets, Lace Curtaiins, and Bouse Furnishins T Fashionable Millinery Mantles,a:nd Gents' CLorrHING 1 LIME I LI:ME! Boots and Shoes, ·Ready 1liade Clothing", Hats, Ca:ps, Shirts, Cola:rs, Ties, &c. LATEST NOVELTIES DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECI)\.LITY. F W. S. BOYLE, M. D. G S. TREWI i", -t