) THE lYIERCHANT, FRIDAY SEJ'TEMBER 4, 1S74. REMOVAL. FARM FOR SALE. ACHJ:::S, in the Township of Dadington, and a.bout ten miles north of Bowmanville. Terms very eaay, in:iking this a good opportnnty to buy. Tit.le indisputalJfo. Foi· parti(.:uan;, api_..ly to C ONSISTING Cl' O"E HU::S-DRED wishci; tu infm·m ht~ uuwerous friends and cus tomerA Ll1 at hr; h as removed to S. MASON· DRUGS AND MEDICINES nt the ltEI.Il.1. l~CE Mutual Life Assurance Society SPRING BUCKLER'S OLD STAND "\vhere he will be 'found with tho ruost cmn plete nssottlnent uf m Bowmanville Drug Store, ES1'ABLISHED 18-iO. OA-:-tADA 0HIE'.l" 0.FFlC~!·:::'I. W. HEPI'l'.\-STALL, Jeweller, 013HA.WA. ~'\..ngust Announcements MARKUS MAYERS calls attention to his very huge J. HIGGINBOTHAM 11TOl.TJ_.D moot. respectfully te~Jer hfa ~incere lf thanks to b 1 ~ uu1nBrous friends i:~nd cus. tomers, and to the publie gcnera.llv, fo1· t he very libPral support he has receivefl since Jiis comnwncing iii busines3; and hop es by con· tinu. c;d strict personal attention to b;-is.iness, and oITenng nothing but the purest articles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continua.nee of public pat1·011~gti. J-. H. would call special a.ttcntiou to hfa very superior stock of · Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. n town. Buckler's o1d stand one door ea.st of Th-Iaynard's Hotel. llo·.vm~uvillc 1 Sep. 1st., 187::l, 131, ST ..JAMES STREE'l', MO KT REAL. 27th, 1874. 47-Sfrtfl. DIREC'l'ORS. "\-YAT,TRll SHAl\LY, EsfJ._., lt'.1 P., Oha.ii·mau.n Di;KcA~ )1AcDo~.u.n, Esq. ' ~:L.o..Ton. 'l'. Ji:. C.aMl'H. lU. J ., OJ3., St. IIilairc. TB.E I-IoNOHAULr: JoHN F!t..MIJ.,TO'N", Hawks· burg, Ont. Farm for Sale. FAUM PROPERTY, dtA DESIRAJJ:LE unted in the 'l'ownsl}ip of Darlington, on Lot No. (i, i11the7th Con., comprh:ing 45 acres of good land, well feuced aud watc1·ed. Thero is on the prmnises a frame house;with good ontbuildiugs, and splendid orchard. Th~ farrn is lu11f a inile e~t of Tyrone. L iberty of placl;! givc11 this fn.ll 1 rind pmmcssion on the firnt t.fo.y of .A1)ril iwx.t. T'or particuJan~. :.i.pply to Plea.so call. Spring Stock, l believing his present a!'lsortraeut excee~s any o his for111er lli.Bplays. To his usually 1.trge home purchMcs, he has impo:rtcU a. very bco.utifnl i I I RESIDENT SECUFTARY. - JA}[£o Cn.1.m·. H. WOOD, S£NJt. Tyi·one, ...'\_ug. 12th, 1874. n145-tf. ASSORTMENT OF HATS, I~i::rc~cto~::.~::,::::~ .t'.\. well r;ielec\cd S P ECI AL FEA T U RES. LIVES, DEOLINEU Tho Ei.-'l'IIU~ PROfJ'l'::i bt!lo:ug to and are divid· eel a.1nongst thQ Pulicylwldcr8. ~tock of DY O'l'HEll COMf-Al'.llES, or on ~¥hi.ch <tn e~tr(t Premi1wi wou.ld be reqtdred, on.11 FARM FOR SALE. of 70 ne,v. being oIJly iilx yearl;j since clmwh1g connnei1cerl. The land is a light loam on top. with a -?ood clay bottom, cand ::inre for crop. There i~ a view bf the beautiful Lake Scagogi on which Ste.'.lrllbo<tts ply d;~il y from Lindt~~y to l-'ort Pori'y, ana one and a haJf miles from_ C:csarea P . O., ·which is uu the g:ra.velroad to Bovr1nanvil le. 'There is a srnaJl framP house and stone cellax, outbuildings not rnuch, good water -pnmp anrl c:is.tcrn at the door..l.1.. small young orchard. \Vill be sold chea.p, as the proprictm· intends to 1novc 'vest in the fill. O south hid_ ( o( Jot J8, iu, the 9th Con. Cartwrig1.t. About acres cleared ; all JT O:\E HUKDRED ACRES, being the " IN TRANSIT," G E N. ' and he calls nttcntion to his Silk, they are · anpcrL. l{fo Drab Shell, they <\l'e just wlrnt gcntlcme:ti ru1111ii'e, his W 0 LS E L Y, """\.ND M. }foAUSTER, Cc.c.snrc11 P. 0. OartvvTig-ht, June 23nl. 1874. m38t.f. 200 Cases and Bales of ~New Fall Gootls.His Stock is La.1·ge, Shipped. from Liverpool .GlaSO'OW' . GLAJ~'STON CANNOT BE l3E1\T. E, wj~h THE Ilis (}ent's furni0ihing a~ m:nrnl, if.I l"cph:: Le all the late.st and choicest !U.ephant Ul\Dl~RSIG~ED :Eous~ DRUGS, CBENICALS; PATENT 1}JEDIOll.YES, BRUSHES, OQ}1IBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPOR'I'ERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly uu ha.nd. be ll. $:-JUre <l at the ord·ino..ry ratet of this Society, itndtl' a special arranye·mcnt SPECIAL NoN-Fo1rru..'I'ABL£ Po1rcn:: s iSsued under which only 10, H> or 20 Annual Payments are required, each pfl, y w.ent securing a Policy for a s1uu Msurcd proportionate to the nurnber of premiums paid, l.Uldfrecjrorn fut·ur THE Dominion Or01a.n Co'y. BOW MANVILLE, uciyrnent of prcm.·iurr..s. 1'-IODRRA'l'B PREMfCllIS a.nd n1ost liberal c11n- in returning thanks THE to hfa many friconds and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to him during the pa.$t 18 years, begs to announce that from and aft1;;r the 15th Septemb.er, he will ca.rry on the same busin~~, Lut Jnore extensively under the na~ne and style of JoH~ ~fcLEOD & Co. Prom~1t payment of aJl accounts is rendered in1perahve by this bu~iness n.rrangen1ent, aull u,ll per~ous indl:lLted will pleru:!e take notiee a.nd govon1 tho1nsclvcs !Wcordingly. .Bo,,,..ffianvillc, September 1-th, 1873 . OILS, PAI~T, n every style. n.s usunL JJon't fol·get to give l1im a call if you are in wa11t nf nnythi11g in his line. COLORS, VARNISHES, · nnd WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices. - FOR Desirable Farm Property liis Prices Low, and lw i~ always plensed to sbo-w hii:; good. Ilowmanvillc, .l\fav 7th. 1874. Present the following testimoninla Iron) t~om petent judges of 01.,-~ans, TestimoniM from <litionr.. Sohn Oa1nidge, ?i-1us. ~oc., Cnnluar, Engl:-1.nll. Prospectuses, Proposal Fornu:i, &c., 11u'i;ivlied ' Bowmanville, 24th Dec., 187;·>_ on application at the IIend Utt\ce, 01· a11y of To the J.1!anagfi'S Dominfor'i, 0·1'(!an Co. the _Agencies, Gi~wrr,E::'rfEN .-I like .to play on your Organs J.AMES GR ,·\31~, t... .e ia so sweet aJld ~tea.rly, A 111.'l the 'vo1 ·k· Res. Secretn.ry. mn.1)<111"if1 1::1iml tinish excellent, ana in every particu ar they 111·0 equal, if not superior, to .AGE:<IT FOR BOWM.Al'i VILLE, any I h1~ve eve.- heard. Hoping they will meet :--..- __ '"""' . 0. ll.A.RKl~Il,, public apprcci:ttion. -n Office-;-" Ob~erver l{in:g~t;-. Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B . - ·Country store-keepers supplied on the most <\dvautageous terms. A -choice select.i{)n of J.1RMPS for tinlc chenp. B:)wmaa 'lille. D,jo. 1808. Hm. 3 2-ly Bow;mmvillo, SALE. .flower garden, to the rear of '\vh1ch Jf! a bea~ti~ ful JYiaple Grove. Al1:10 wood shed,stablc-, 1ng house, etc. , nnd cYery necessary convenience. 'l'he whole 1 t~bont ten ac1·es,_.....is s11:rroun(lerl by a thorn hedge. . There is it Fann Rous~,wi~h three bo.rn.s,w1th nll ontbnildings. A never fo.iling stroa.rn of ·water 1·u11o; tJwuu~rL tTfu p1·e.1nises ·. There is also a splendid Orchard of frmt bcanng trees, a.nd <lo kitchen garden, The property ia in a good state of cu.1tivation, and fa reg;JJ'ded a~ the mor;t deHfru.ble betwl'en l{iuget.on and J_.ondon. :For further p::u'ti.culnrs aoply to J>riRing ~00 ::icres-35 being superior ·wood land. ~l1hcrc i:) on the front of the premises, a very fine,gentleman's stone residi0mcc._ wit~ lawn nu~ B. )fitcheU, being the north half of Lots No. 31, and 32, in the 6th Con. of Da.rlingto1 1, com.- THAT Splendid P;perty of the late Mr. and. other Euro]i)ea.n ports. ,. ' JUH::S- McLEOD. J~ue - - J:OHH CAMIDGE 24th, 1870. Read the following f1·orn :R.o~a. l>'Erina : Rowrna.nvillc, J)ccember 22, 18739 To the . .l.lam.ape?'.~ of th"'e Do1n1'.ni.on Organ Co. GENTLE)1J::N. -I have m uch JJle::i.suie in testi.. fying to the oxcdle.ut <1ualities of the Organ supplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening. 'fho tow::~ is sweet and very powerful and the combination of stops most alhuin~bl.,. I am sure your instru1nents will fiull fo.vor in Ch1uches, as tht-y MC t:ingula1·lv ndapLeU for sacred music. Vi/ishing you eve'"ry succes.<;, and that the public may pati·ouize na.tivo iua.uufact.ure. I rcmah1 Gentlmnen, ·v· ery respf.ctfully, . Q ' ====================~w~'"95'i!i0l~1illlll!!!llliiillll============================·- dr1v- 1 TJohn McLeod & Co[ T SOMETHING NEW HLibe1·al Support and ) lH Patronage in Bowmanville. E, E would s:"licit th~ sa.mc 1 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LO:<IDON. (Established 1so:i. HEAD 01rfICE.~.-l Pall Mall, G.r.i.- )(lli\I. London. 1 , Old Broad St., and f;Jil\ CY r<Ji C',.\}'AJ .' ~'> ;- '24 St crnment ~'frintrc.:il. -:o:- exLemfotl so long to John McLeod, i I a.nd t.nkcs this o:i;>portunity of iu- i )formwg the public:, that th_ey have i SEASON 1874. Daily Line to Rochester. Con1 mencing ou or about 1st Ap.Q_L :Fund~ Subscribed n.nd invested Capital a.nd P.er;erve £1,!.165,000 Sterling. Funds invested in Canada- 105,000. Several Paclrages bave already arrived per " NOV.A SCOTIA." ' 6 .A.ny one wfabing to have Pbotos unl::i.rged from old pictures of deceased friends, can get tho 11arne done at - . DISCARDED THE I lWSA D'l>IH"-.\.. The New :C.a.k:e Stea.mer Insur:::.nces aga1nst loss by l!'ire are effected on most favorable tenns, ruJ.d losses paid with Dut reference to the Board in J_,1ondon. ,T DODSWORTH, -Inspector. Every Instrument Warranted for 5.Yr1 PresiUent, Ma.nao-er. 13owmruivillc, January 15, 1874. bp·o3-mlfi. H. O'HARA. A. M. DAHLEY MRS. Il. MT'l'CHEJ.L, Oshawa P. 0. A i1gust 6th, 1874. bp-tf-rn44-o32. SYSTEM, Ta.it & .Arthur's Gallery, EOLD they having gone to g-reat expense i n pUrchasi.ng and fitting up a. JnKTOUJ, BROS. Gen. .t\gents 1 hfontrea VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. J)ELNC south hn.lf of Lot No. 32, in th e sixth .1) Con. of the township of Clarke, conta, i ning St. LAWREN CE." " PRUSSIAN." "SEVERN." 100 aJres, nwre or less ; 80 acres clearL·d·, balance timbered witl1 cedar. .A.n excellent young buaJ"ing orchard of choice treeB, with frrune dwelling house, barn, R';able, &c . , on the farm. Ji'm· Bituation.- it cru1not be excelled, being one mile from the village of Orono, a.nd seven fro1n the town of Bow11u~nvillt1 . PosscMsion given on the £rst dny of ....'\..PRIL uext, 'vith privelege to enter awl do tlii:. fall ploughing. For particul11irs n_pply to_ C. rrATh-IBT... YN Orono, or J. 1'If0RNE, Amherstburg, P. 0. Ont. July 25th, 1874. bp-o30·ro43. :~n~ Look out·for Speci:fi.c Advertisement fn this li'a.per. · lS MURE THERE the Chromos ITUK in "PLUCK," than any pa.int.-id 01· printud story tha.t hM been given to the public for ·years. Never before has been accorded to any Picture or set of :.Pictures H A N E:qua.l to Toronto Work. T . - :o : Cabi.n et and fuur -fonrth size made equally as good as their cardi!. Go :trnl examine speciIncns, _ a nd he convinced tbll.t t.h(jy are tloi.ng wt1ll, Extra prints can bo hud off @ld ncgatiYca They kc(·p on hand aud for Ra.le, 1:111 for the express purpose of enlarging photograp}1f.I, which thi:!y mn,ke froin the smallest card to life Bize. They would ren1ind tb t:: pn!Jlic that they are still striving to impro\·e tlwir work in }>hotogrnphy, e.n<l they nrc now tun1ing out Pictures :Sible Christian McFeeters. E ALLnes~~o~~~NTS E " NOitSElv.tA.N " James AGENT P BOOK ROOM p ·will be (R. CUA WFOHD, 1 :.~~!.:~~~_:;~:EL. RENDERED Oll P,. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanville, June 4tl1. 1860, ;j6 m.o.43·39.4w Master) the 1st January, 1st May, · and 1st September ln cac.'i and every year. o:t .i..rfanufacturers, a-n<l others, whose accounts n1ay n.n1ount to $50.00 or over. their note, if agreed 11p011, wil.J be ta.ken pa.yable at t\1e Bank for . a stated period, In the ca.sc lriechanic~, 1H A N T . Will make hor regular hips on this route, lea"· ing Cobourg evm·y nu)rujug at 7 :30, ~\nd P_urt Hope at 9 dclock, for liochcster, conncct1ng there with the New Yo)·k, Central, a11ll Erie Railways, for all points, Ea.~t. 'Vest and SoUth. RETURNI"G, \'Vill leave Charlotte (port of R .ochester} daily a.t 9 o'clock, p. m., except RaturdayA, when she will leave at 3 p. tn . for Cobourg direct, Dealer~ in Stock will find this the eheA.J1Cf't and most expeditious route to Boston, ..1.\lba.ny, Nt':w York, &e., &e. For further infornH,tion , address R CHAWFORD, Port Hope, l{ingston. C. ]'. GILDEilSLEE For the following Insur-a11ce Companies, ana other Institutions, viz :'l'he QlJEI£N l~ire and f ... ife Ius11l'a.nr.e Compv.ny. Ca.pital£2.000,000. $150,000 deposited witl1 u~e Dominion Govern1nenti for Lbe p1·oti;:a dera in Ca:nada. rl'he l80L ..<\.'l' El> l{lSl\. :U'ire Insi1rance Cmn pany of Canado. Capital 500'000.- 0nc ol the best and ch.t::apef-lt Co1npanies doing business in the Don1inion, for Farmers flind Isolated Rfak8 'l'he CANADA LANDlW CREDIT CO'Y. wit;b o, Sit.dng,_: "R\).111< depa.l'f.menl:. The UNIOl'I ANll PEH. ~I.A.NENT Building a_ nrl S<1ov i ng's Society. Tbelle latter instltutions ::i_.Uvun(.:e Loans on Iteal EstaLe, ou tc:l"lns uin1i!u«tllv 1.JMY for the borro·wer. Bowmu.nville, }'eb. 6th, 1873 . · AND Sa.bba.th School . :O:-- Depot KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. The Subscriber ha.s ou hand a 'l'HJ~ Large stock of Books, suited for Sabbath School Librarils, SabLatb P1·esent::l, aud the Study. THE POPULARITY these Chrorr:os have attained. Size, 16 by 22 inches. pair. Price, $10 the ...i\.ddres.s orders to IPrompt Cash Purchasers AND .T. F, R,YDER, "Publi:1he.r, Cleveland Ohio, U. S. July 16th, 1874. -tf. . --~=------~"~.___,,....._ DOMINION BANK. IlOWMAKVILLE - - Assortment of Frames H ,.._,ill always get goods at prices cut FI~E, as out great aim ·will be j to court this class of trade. Payers credits 011 shart H Confectionery Depot. IQ WHOLESALE and RETAIL JuQt arrived, a.nd for Sale, at the a.Love depot 1 FRUIT, AND Just Arrived at the ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c, AGENCY. GIVEN TH.A.'1' Q J - Stoc~NDLa.rge a. splendid assortment of fo1· Sabbath J.. the Dominion B:ink h:.i.s openeU an ~~gency for the trmu!nction of hnsiuL'~S in Horsoy's Hloi.:k, t'1tv doors e:.wt of l3rodie's IIotel, l{ing Street. Interest will be allowed on depo;,its. J)r~t.<:1 issued on a.U points in Canada, L-nited States and Great Britain, 'l'he Savings Eank department is no~~· opc11. On all deJJosits ov~r f4 iutt?re~t will be al1owt1d a~ the rti..te of 3 pei· ont per nnnun1. . Oflice Ho1tt1:1.-}. . rorn 10 o'doek a. m ., tu 3 o'clock p. m., except on Sahu·da.ys, when tho fiaak will elo.~e at J o\:lock, p. 1u., J . H. McLELLAK, rr13ltf Avent. N OTICE IS HER>~BY Cheap as the Cheapest. Bow1na.nvilhi, Nov 12th, 1873. bp.0J:3·rr1U-tf Lemon, Ora.nge U!Well Assorted !ij Choicea.nd Citron li'eels, New Fr u-it and Oonfeetionerys, NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of Schook - -o-Teachers, nnd Onr nooks arc n1arked low. A s-pecial <liSC!)Unt for ~ii11istcrs, E -·----- ---- ·----- - - -The Satisfaction given by s cos. Ta1C) Pvo]ts~ox . A 'iplendid vn.ricty of JOHN 211aLEOD & CO. Do,·:1nanville, Scpten1ber4thlg73. for ·wood or coal. E s 8abbath Schools. '!'he largest stock of of DATES. FIGS. LEMONS RFAL HAIR, l'ANCYOOODS, & ORANGES TO ARR. VE Soft ~7iell Almonds,Ii'ilberts, Brazil antl Wal! Ev..ts, Keille,r's li1.arrflalade, rVest India Preserved Ginger, Pears, T>tum.s, To· ma.toes, I; 1-)eaches, Gree-n Peas, Green Gorn c& Lima Beans. Stereoeeopio Vie"tvs Stamps for Baiding and Em· eve-1' shown in this Rection of tho country ; also AlBo l:L b.rge ~tock ·b..oidery. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ' BARNUM Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles ':L1hcy have co.mo t1iud arti conJing, a.t the ]fruit Depot. FA ·S H IONS for Spring just to hand. a.') Micoscopes, · Rea.ding Glasses; etc., eto · C. BARKER. § ·:FEED :lVIILLS. , ,."\ nut.her cn.r load of tht:: uUovt\ noble u,rtide3 on ORGANS! Messrs. :Rice & :Barker H~vo s eclil?sed by· the satisfaction gi ·:on by Sl\:LA_ J,]!} to his numerous patrons. He is nOw plt.:a!Sed to ru1nouncc thnt he has on hand a 1a.rgc a.nd -...·v..Tied us~ortn'cnt of SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS ~ - -- - -- -- - --- BOOTS Al~ D SHOES of tho best qua.lity, and is ::i.1u:ious t;La,t thov shall flet to work as soon as possiblt>. ~ QUA Ul'Y is the test of CHEAPNESS. T. DARLINGTO::-r. BowrnanvillP., Dec. 4th., 1873. n9-tf usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER. flowmanv-ille, .April.7th,1874. t1C way. Please call at ~1 10 rc·ceivetl anothor supply of that superio class of Organs known u the B 0 \V l\IAN VI L LE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency H. W. JAJ>IBS, l{.iog S·~., UcHv1nanvill.e, J)ec. 5, 18/2. Hownl~\.nville. Silver Tongue, AT PRICES All Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. Ladies' Prnnella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut ~n.25. 1873. · .TJ1e subEc;riber would beg to cnU attention to his atock of SO, IIO ! Gentlemen of li'a.shion. ---NOT SO FAST. I haye written these few lint>s A.nd 'ari I have to su.y, 1'bat you can find me still a t home I am not gone awa.y ; So ~.11 1oy kind ohl friendli may 0rne; A..nrl all tlit:- yiJullg 011~1$ too And get th(;)ir garments nicely made In f::i.sbion:s that are ilewJ Where old and young dea :friend ll'.l.ay inect BOWMANV ILLE Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co LOW'Jt'R THAN ANY PREVIOUSLY IMPORTED. o,nd hn.ving resolved to give the public the benefit. nf said r'8.d uctiori in cqet. tJrn.Y ,cnlJ apecial att~ution to the follo..ving Prii.;e List for the c111-rent moitth. Groceries Dry Goods, :Boots & Shoes _,nlO. Nothing \to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Dana'~ Patent Sheep Marks the 1nost lasting, the least troublcflome, and inn:,t omnplete ewer h1 venterJ.. They :trt\ u sed a.nd recmnn1ended by many of thr best Br.ccJ~n· in the United States aud U<tnatl<t, i::uch as G. D. Loring; S[l;fom, ~lar:is., President New England \Vool Growers' Society; J"ohn ti. Roi'>s, Henne~ pin, Ill ; Professor l\f. l\iiles, of the State Agricultural College, Lansing, l\fich,; Hon, Geo. Brown, 'roronto, Ont.; ,Tohn SoeU 1 EdJnonton, 0Ht. On each l\ia.rk is sta1nped the owner's name and the Sheep'R numbei-. ':ehey will be sent free, hy mail, or ex-press, for onlv jfrJ.·r cents · each, and will last for TWRN'l'Y Ytr.AR.'3. e~- C11sh must accompany all orderij T RES"E MA.BKSAHE THE CHEAPEST, Style 35; Seven Stops : Diapason, Vfo· lina, 'Pico!o, Principal; Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte. Price $125 Style 37 ; :Eight Stops : Diapason, Viol· ina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Principal Forte. * Vox humana. Price $140. . Man ufa,ctures of THE BANNER Trunks, &c. Special attention given to PE.ATE. Bown1anville June l!Jth, 1873. A welcome greeting by R. \VOOD AND IRON CUTTING AND FITTING _and none but tlrst-class workmen employed, thus insuring good value in every ca.se. ll.EYME AND LIM:S. A little Rhyme came just iu thne, And all about tl.ie· best of Lime. Lin1e from the \Vest of the vel'y best, J\Tet heat.jl'l. auy quarter; JJime tha,t ""·ill always stand the test, '\V hen making into mortar. I will try and keep a good supply, lfor it is always wn.nted, Tllat When you all come in to buy, You'll not be disappointed. You will alway:; find it dry ~n1 d f.rei!h 1 And that fa something bonnie, So con1e along and try this Lin1e, Ilut don't forget the money. Hour~ of delive:l fi:om Nine a.m. to Four p.rn,, Uorner of t.tneen and On ta.l'iu Street. WORKING MACHINERY. LEFFBL~S AUCilIBALD YOw]!G,.Jn., Snruta., Ont. Ontet'!'I arldreHaed to tl1e 1vlIRCRNT and Ob· SLR\'l!iH Office, fot any quantity, will be fille<l at tbe above-mentioned price, ns quickly as the I\ia.rks c.'l.n he made and W;:1nt. C. BARKEii, Bown1~uvill1;1,Dee. 28th, 1871. ly·ml3 Etyle 38; Nine Stops,Diapason,Violina ·Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub·baAe Forte, Sub·base,Vox human fa. Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base l'orte, Sub·base, Vox Humana. Price $160. *\7 STORE.- One door east of Co1'llish's Jewelry tore, King Strt:et, J3oWJna-nvill~. etc., etc, which fo.r ' SE,VING l\:IAOfIINE COlVIPANY, OP SHERBROOKE, P. (/., IIa.vi:ng rtce11Lly perft?cted r -1 Double Turbine Water Wheels, and , Dowmanville, Sept. 23rd, 1S7:~, J. SMALE. Important Impro1,ements, in theii- Strowger Bros. Qua1i.ty NEWCASTLE, Having removed to µ10re co1filllodious premises, IN and Cheap Oa.stin gs of all Xind.s. cclebrat~d Family Sewing Machines, Are prepared t(' SOMETlllNG NEW AND DURABLE. II\IE l\fONE"\'.- aud LABOR saved! .P'renclj Oil PoUsh. This li'rench Oi_l I'uliflh i::1 pn:· pnred for Carria.;es, Buggies, Harness, Dooil:i and 8hoef:!, and.all kinds of Leather. Tt; wlll give any ltrticle of Leather, a. L""!o~t lJrilliu..ut ap· J>earano:;e, and at the sGmc time, frou1 its oily propc;irti<~s, tr,ud-o UJttelt to pre1:1erve it; it will fl,f. I way[) be moist 11ud i1liunt; and inay bo exp o~ed to wn.to.::1' ll.nd w:u~~u.'ld, und wi1l uotlo1:1e its brilli- ! ance, and it is not to be fenrcd tho.t nny crust _ ,vill 1:1ettle on said Leather 'vhcn pro;;-served with tht;J above Oil. For tho 'voodwork of Buggimi, F urniturt., there is not a bo.::tter Carriages, and . artide in use. :\fanufactured by A. Sr11oi.- & <:o. , 'l1a.nnera and Curriers, formerly of France, now of Ph.ilacl elph it1,, Po-l.. 1 Jn:;t1·uctio11a-Sha.ko.:: !)ot~lo. A few drops on n piflce of sponge,apply it lightly to the ]t;:ibLhr~1-, ullU you will obkuu the finest lmitr~. Price 75cts. per bottle,or $7.50 per dozen. ~rolC)l SMALE, Sulc _l\.geut, How1nan"ille. ·July 10th, 187·1. ·11-611101>. T · ox Humana in these orga.ni! is not · a. fan but a set of }{efjdl3. ness, I CANNOT THOS. DOWDEN. no24. tf. REPAIRS done on th!:I G-u.ARANTJ£E THRi\1 EQUAL, IF "101' SUPERJO!t, 1 F IVE PEI! CENT. OFF FOR CASH. Th e 11a11ufacturor.;; iBs11c but one quality of work, and that is FOTHERGILL'$ BLOCK, beg to inform the public gone.rally. that they a.r~ now enabled to offt:r them BE SURPASSED 0. BOUNSALL, MAC'fUFAC'l'Ul<ER, I MPORTER, I>E.A.L'ER in all the varleties of SB: O!l. 'l'ES'l' NO TICE, an We have now on hand a. large qu::i..ntity of to any nn"l'l b cfo1·c the public. l!'or SIY1l'LICITY OF CONSTRUCTION I THE VERY BEST t heir extensive fa~ilitieii; and long- exporience enable them to produce. Better Inducements in tho liue of J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. Italian & Ameican Marble. A la1·g~ Common and Gang Plows, that will be sol<l u.t EASE Of OPERATION, UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT ANY These ·ins/ii"Uments ewe cased ·in so(icl weU seusoned, Blaclc W al1vid, cleqwntly and bea1difully fini8hecl by a new Frnnch proeess. Apples ! Apples! BUTTER, BUTTER, Grocery Business, (AS REGARDS PRICE c& QUALJTY) than any other house in the County. l.\.ud choice eelection of LOW il/t td PRICES (i Monuments & Grave Stones, :J.lway on hand, of superior \VorkJ:na.uship, a.t lowest prices. RATE OF SPEED, vapac'i~y of nu1i;e and a.daptibility v~riety of W01'k, Jine or coarse. AT THE SHOP. Bowtnanville, l\farth 1873. to gi·&a.t tf. W rouuht 01· Gust !?'on Fencco THEY STAND UNRIVALLED, The~e 'I:'HE DURABILITY of the " Bllve1' 'J'un,Q;1 Le ·: fo oue of its most re· n1arkable characteristics . 'J'hcir 11uaJity of keeping in gooU tone, also is one of th e mo~t p1·11ctioa1 ituportance. -Dressmaking, &c. · Hitss Red \Vould beg to iuforrn the ladies of Bowmau ville aud vicinitv, that she is prepn.red to take orders for Dressm~ak.ing,and fill the same \vith de~path in the or cnclosiag burying lots. Ccl1Jbrated :&iachine~ obtained the, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hand, or Wl'ought to Ol'fltn-. respectiully reql.1estcd at the ~·orks, A eall is I \VILL 1) AY the Highest Price for 11ny quanity of gnorl r.;bippiJ1g A ppl1::;. Also the : Highest Pric~ in CASH, for Hutter and E{fs· 1 S. llt;JWEN. I Ilown1a11villc, .A_ug, 20th, 1874. ·JG-tf NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight and .Jfeasun Gucvtanteed in evei·y i·nstance. New 'l'ailor Shop, F I R s T JOHN HEAL, men~d PRIZ E AT THE BICE & BA.RKER, King Street, Bowmauville. Bo l'trn anviile. )1arch 3rd 1874 Ki:ng Street, Boivman:ville October, l·t, 186D. 1-tf - - - - - - - - -"·'· WITH F . Y. COWLR, beg.to inProvincial Exhi'bition, LATE form the public geneniJly, that :fie hns co_m. bu1;1iness in the Shop next to the EF· presB 01-fico ono door east of J·. 1\-lilnc·a. held iJl ~Iontrcal in Septen1bcr, 1873. FOR SALE. GOOD SECOND HAND l'iuno fer imle. A m35·tf Price $65. J. M. BRIMACOMBE, Te.ais sJ Speoia1ity. J. L . STROWlER LATEST Iler experi~nce FASHION. ' I J. D. STROWGER . Newcastle. Allgus~, fully 'vru>rants her in i1romising satisfaction. R esulence, CornCl· of Church Street, and 1,'iarket Squa1·e. Bo\vtn anville, ]Jee, 4.th, 187:J. · Hitvh1g b'a<l. several yt::'11rs experience in the : ,Yn.nted. To Masters of L. 0. L trade, he hope s tu B<\t.isfy all who roay f:t\'Or 1 I \. , LANK CRRTWICAES, Aj'> p!ioatiuu· hi1n \vi LL a call. B &c"' &c., can be procured nt tlns office, at GOOD FITS GUARANTEED . reguJar rates, Bo'\'IUanviUe, July 7th 1 18_73. Bowmanville, Seyi. 4th, 1872. T~ ANDERSON, LOOAL ll.(}ENZ' 14th, 187·1. m4Mf . bfo37-o2;· !~T . / - ·