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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Sep 1874, p. 4

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· · . · THE MERCHANT, F.RIDAY, POl~:TRY. Honor 11a.Well as Love. J.Jittle bir<ls sleep sweetly In their soft, round nest:-;, Oru11chiug in tho cover Of their n1other's br-ea1'.lt . ·1,ittfo latnhis lie quiet All the summer night, \Vith their old e'Ye mothe1·s, SEPTE~fBER 4, 1874. i '· ,;·:) i 'lo FARM AND KITCHEN. S u·mmc~· \1la.rrn and soft and white, But n1ot'O sw~et and quiet our little heads, 'Yith our dear mother~ Sitting hy unt bed~. And their soft ~\veet voice~ Sing our hush-a-byes, While the roooo grows d3.rker As we shut our eyes. And we play al evening Rouud our father's knees; Birds are unt so ineny, Singing on the trees. Lumhs a1·e not so ha.ppy '.Mid the meadow flowertt; They bavc pla.y a.ndA plea~Ur t>, But ll:Ot love like oi1ra. ! J3ut. th l' .,o:'&rt that's loviug, \;~ 1.11 .... w1 lo. \'t: will tloi Those we dearly cherieh, We mu~t honor too. 'fo our father's tea.chin~ L115ten day by day, And our motber'it bidding Cheorfully ob~y. · For when in his childhood Ou1· deai· I.ord wn.a here, H~. too, ws.s obedient To his mother dear. And His little children l\.lust be go·xl a.a He, Gentle a.nd eubmiesh·e, A ii he- uaed to be. [Sclecl<d. ·- · _Crumbs for Chickens. The ll1U1bury New3 speaks of croquet as Cbnrch Billiar d1:1 . 1 - ·,,. . hat ht that \Vhich incre8.8es the n1ore you .... t"' f1·01u it f- .Why a hole, of course. - The man ,.,.ho v:eut to sleep on a railroad · tva,ok found his re1;t was a good d<'a.l broken1 - n.nd hie ltig too. ' r ( When a Cincinnati woman shootld at her dl'unktm husband and miss1::s hin1, tbe ncwHpaper1:1 SiI.Y, ' .A uothor bullet wa.~te<l.' A country editor n.dvises Queen I~abella to adverHa1:: if she wishes to find the t}uonc she - loot some time a.go . 1 .At-e there any foril1:1 in thi1:1 town ? ' a1;\cc<l a . . 11 trunge:r of a n ewsboy yesterday. ' I don't l-niow,' repliell the boy i ·arc you loneanme? 1 8nccesa in li(1:: fa very apt to niake us forget the tiine \vheu we wero not n1uch. It is just ~o with n. fro;; on a jump ; he can't rem ember w·hen he wa..~ a t.1.dpole, but other folks can. .A.. l\..fih\'tiukee woma.n, far gone \Yith con· 8Umption, be1:5g6d the doctor to give her aomet.hing that would keep hel' up until the verdict <.·f tJJe l:leecber Committee was pnblisheU. lt was '1larling Gweorge · \vhen a bridal couple Jcft Omaha ; it WM ' dea,r G·eorge' at Chicago; at Detroit it \\·ae ' George ; .' and when they reachc<l ~iu.gara FaJ.l.B it \\'as · Say1 -you. 1 A liUJe boy cvnldn't rmue1nber the t;_xt ex· .a(;tly, but tho·ug-bt it wa ~ ' .~ 01n c thiug about hawk between two pigeons.' Jt wa.<i ' "\-Yhy halt ye between two opin:ions.' A sleepy deacon , 'vho s01neti1nes engagc:d iu. popular games, hearing the n1inistcir use the \VOrde, 'Shuftle off hiis tnortal coil.' f!ta.rted up, rubbed his eyes, and, ' Hold on, it ia my deal! ' A teacher askcU an ~dvn.nced school-girl why beer iu French was feminine. She replied th u.t it w:t~ proba.bly .owing to the fw:it thu.t t h1:1 boys lik~d it $0 \\'011. A red-nosed gentleman a ~ked a ivit whether be believed in .!lpirits. '.J.\.:y, sir, 1 replied he, looking hitn full in the, c I sec t oo lnuc11 evidence beforo me to tloubt it.· Out in 'Viscouain a hor;;e kicked and killed a )Joo~t, whereupon tho citizeus wn.di:i a don ~tiou party for the horse, and he now ha.~ oa.ts enough tu last bin1 a full ht:rtie lift:tiine. Au iogeni:..>us young school msi.1a1n in l"'olk county, Oregon, has hn·Cnted a.n eff{:etual proce~s to snbduo rt'fractory urchins . S he 1:1tao<ls them on their h eads tt.nd ·pounJ W<l t tlr rlo,vn ~ hdr h-vt!oc1·e lt'g~. L odgings. --Ne:lrly all fOit'"Ulcrs and villngel':s keep through the winter a :$tock of fruit and vegetnblea in the celln,r. As spdng comes on they decay, rapidly, and they are unusually thrifty house-keepers 'vbo extend their house clea'ning below the kitche11 ftoor. v- ery seld01n, indeed, is the c;ellar t'ffi.cieutly ventilated, and the results need no description. '!'he apartment whi<:;h should be sweet a.nU cleu.o smells offensively, and loads the atmosphero of the whole holll~e with poiao"nouit effluvia. In selecting a. suminer home, therefore, take your eyes and nose at onoe into the cellar. The Wol'f~t evils he1·e genera.Uy easily remedied, and tl1 e most ignorant householder will appre· ciate th e'.!e \\'hich a aingle day'a labor will accompli$h . .&ext see tliat the eaveE> of the houae are pro· vfded with gutters. J\.fany fa.rul houses ai·e not, -oand the frequent dripping from them so to the walls kPops tho latter soaked in moieture. If there be gutters they not infre(l_ut:ntly choked with deb-ria. Then they overflow and / drijnch the walls from a.hove. One ce.nnot hflve been a frequent visitor :in the country without having become di~ l\greeably cunncioua of tbo chill which especiall y petvades that por- - -0- tion of the house not in ordinnry use, but ia felt as well in any part which ia carefully shut ip Irom tht! s-::n and wincL 'J.1he heated air which --o--will creep in is, of co1use, overladen with mois· ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NE ED APPL ture, ~nd ae it cools deposits the ex<.!ess upon AT ANDERSON &; CO'S. t;nrery object. l'hti Vl.riter knows a farm house Bowtuanville, June 5th, 1874. wlrich was, in part, thu~ ma,naged surnrner j ~. B.-We have · been appointed agents for the celebrated BANNER and in the dryest part of the hElated term it was SEWING MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrnoke, Quebec. Call 1wd qui.te posaible to wring water from the C('ver of see sample machine. the table in tho dining room, which was kept religiou&ly closed and almost cold throughout the middle of the day. Free \'entilation ahould be encw\trnged in all parta of a sutnmer .residence, especially in those rooms which are most shaded from the direct rays of the sun. Repulsive as a:re rotten ccllat·s and damp is now raging at wa.lls, impure "'ater is <1ne of thf.l woret as it is one of the most itremedia.ble sources of dhiea.Be in rural dhitricts. Too often "the olU oaken bucket" overflows with poisonous germs, 'Ve do not exa.gge:rntc when Wt! say that not one country well in five hundred i.a located at a sufficient distance from filthy surroundings. 'l'bey deri-re their supply of wn.ter from a va.. riable distance, depending upon the eh11rraeter of the soil, but never should tbev be 1e.!!s than fifty feet from a.nj possible source of impurity · Generally, however, they placed, for convenience ·sake, beside the kitche11 door. And hn-rd by the "help1> or thriftless matron, after sbe has dutifully 'vashed tb.e ltirt fron1 the clothing of the family. weekly emptit!s the foaming suds. Here are thrown slops from the kitchen jf nuthing worse. Too uear ttre the barn-yard, aud other sources of pollution which and he is determined to continue to 'ell at these l'ttinously low pnccs cheaper than the chea.pest. Why he can do it-need not Le nl\.1ned, aud th rou~b all these nrc First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy : leached the content~ of the "old oaken bucket that bangs in the well." Gureful filtration Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures through charcoal will reinove so1ne of these imThird, he is satisfied with small profits '. purities, and with grea.tei· regai·ding the :Fourth, he sells for cash ; refuse do CLB mud1 :l.'3 .)an bo done fro1n the Fifth, he sell~· at bottom prices. kitch~n , to remedy p 0ssible and 11robable ~vill:I --o-from this sourec. One more fruitful oau se of < i·emains to A~D be noted, viz., e:.c:uessive <liurn~l change8 of teu1perature. The range of the thermometer fron1 noonday to morning or evening is not only Exatni~e the stock, which co1nprises evei-ything in the trad e, of the very latest and 1uost elegn,nt e;reater in the country, but the 11eavy dews couflty]es a.ud pa.tterns, of English,, a.nd A.n1erican manufu.cture. tiequeut upon this, render the chang-e.s more per-o-n aterial, a.nd none hut lir8t- ch~ga ceptiblt! and le!!1'! easily i·esisteU by t11e htunan H ~ ::!till oonti 1n1cs to manufw.:tnre to order, ftvm the best of 1 work men kept. systetn. During the day the heat is felt - a-severely tha.n in th') city where ~h eltt'1' during exercisftl ui obtairiable for rno8t of the clay, and when evening comes on, with its cool breezes, lie has i.u ~todc tiill. en<lles!! vn.ricty of Lr.die!i' 11.nd Gen t ij 1 Saratoga. Trnnkt>i V J\.liscs, &c., all of jucaut ious perwna expose them.selves with lit\vhich h1:1 is aelling cheap for cnBh. tle m· no n.llditional clothing. 'rhey came into --o-Remember the Stand, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. th e oountl'y to he co1nfortable, they sa.y1 and they ride or sit in the open air till thoroughly cooled, if not slightly chilled. At the Bown1anville, l!a.y 13, isz4. hour of the n ext day they are again chilled, and w on until intennittcut fev er nr some one Of it!I kindred, so cordially invited, step s in and takes full l)o..ssesaiou. We by no meam~ repudiate t~ e ma.larii.\l orig in of tbest' dise~es, b11t we do sn.y that such a course of conduct strongly predispos.ea the systmn to the iofluence of that dread unkno,\.·n destroyer. S uch checks of pe~pirn.tion are also frequent causes of intestinal diseases -· moro frequent than any other, as is uotorioualy 13een in the preval!jUCft of dst?iente·'Y a,ud kindred disorders when the contrast between the te1nperature of night and day is most marked.- - JUST !llIVED f,. ' i, r ll(JE A R Ii E New Goods, New G oods 8 1 . J· u·srr AR-RIVED. Lad.ies' Cuffs a,nd. Collars, with ou:t! :Buttons and. collar Buttons attaohed, FOR THE SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. GREArr INDlJOENIENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS. ANDERSON Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at & co., JBeedts old Stand. The :Best Ma.teria.l used a.t ANDE:RSOl'f & CO'S. pl'cpa.ratiou, 1nadc chiefly fro n1 tlle. na~ tive .herbs found on tbo lower ranges of tl:e Sierra Nernda mounta ins of C!11ifornia, the medicinal proporties of which are extractod therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost uaily usk cu, "What is th o cause of tho unparalleled success of V INE GAR Bn'.l.'ERS !" Our n.nswel' is, that they reinovo the cause of disease, and !be patient r ecovers bis health. Tiley arc tbo gre;i,t blood pn1·ifi cr nnd a life-g ifting prj11ciple, Dr. J. Wnlker's California Yin· egar llittc1·s are a pu rely Ve:<ctablc of tho system . con1 iJound cd possesfiing p erfe ct Rcoovator and ln \T jgor a tor Never befor e in the b.istory of t he world bas a rn m l iciuti lJee11 .!1i th e reu i:i.rl-:ablo quali t ies of .Y1N" EG a1t BJT "i'!.-:JH 1 in h ealing' tho !;ick of CYery discnse inn.11 is hei r t.o. 'l 'l.Joy u:·o a geuLl e P nrgati ve ·aii ·well a~ LL 'f uuic1 reli eving Cong, ;;tiou or 1 ntl1n11 1 ntLLinn of tlrn l.ii\· t:r a1 · 1 "Vi:-icc ru,l OrgftnR, in Bilious Di::.< ·ut:ies. \.~ 1 ~ M--;.A L tf{ TT'l"J·: ll S a n~ .\ 1 1··~·ii·11 1. ·1)in11horPtic, Gu. n1 1 ii 1t~tiVBi .N nt1 ·i 1.tou ", La x;tti \'C', Ilinreti1 :, Uu1111 tlll' ~Ir r i l1: 11I . 81tdori tl c1 A lt-Ofl:lo· t; ·;;: . .'UHi Aut.i-IJilir· ·;,:,, n . 1-1. lih·nv": ~ -. · , , ioud <:or: n f"°' fl~hinp·1 1m i1'Hl 1·:1 .. r\< . · '"" D rnl!"~is"to THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYL E. 'l'he 11rnprrti 11s of D1<. \V,\ Lli 1 m'" N E W D R E SS G0 0 DS, S.: Jttli l"'" e, A BI<-+ RURII 11.nd G~ n . .'\ ~!! . . S:1~i. !.1r : 1g~;· ""·' 11· ,,. BEST NEW MILLINERY, NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE. CAPS - -o -- Sol d l.Jy nll 1 . : TIELEVEN'S LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 1874. TEMJ?ERLEY LINE, <lO tnposed of the folJo wing a.nd other first-clar:ss Organs New tweeds, New trouserings, New vestings, New York Laces, New Ready. Made Costumes. -o- E X PE OT .T O-DA .Y, Iron Stt!a.rnships :- " S'f. LAWREN CF.. " " 'l'I-1Al¥:IES.i' 11 I ·' SOOTJ, . t!.. )l"D," " SEVER.N . " D:ELT.A." 'l'he firs t st eamer of this T,ine i8 in ten<l.t!d to bo despatched from All the novelties of the seasou to be found at LONDON FOR .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF ~rHE ~l ' gN Quebec and Montreal ON VIEDNESDA.Y, 15th APRIL, (To be folkiwed at <luring th t; Sea.son), i ntc r ~·ala of D lt Y S Organs O>J THE D OW H GOLDEi. ~ I.iION, ILLE. OALL .AND SEE FOB YOVDISIE L\VES, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. A KDFRmt Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. '1,hrough Ticketii from uU points \Vest, at I tEDUUJ£D Ri.\. 11'ES. Certificates ir:i;iued to person!'- desirous 0f bringb1g out t heil' fri enda. Through Bill>i. of L ading iRsuccl ou the Continent and in L ondml for ull parts of Ca.nada.. and in the United S tates to Detroit, :i\1ilwaukee:, Ohica.;o, und other points in the \ Vest. ] 'or }'reight or P a.srJ O.""e, apply to 1'EMPERLEYS, CAlhER & .Dl~AKE 21 Billeter Stret:J.t , L ondon ; H,QSS & Co. < J,nehec ; J)A 'TID S liA Vt, ?1ontreal; or .JAC OB NF.A DS, Bow1na nville, Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarantee d CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. --.-o--- M. TRELEVEN. BUSINESS CHANGE. lfE U NDERSIGXED begs to ann ouncetd the public gener<Ally, t hat he has purchase· the etock and goodwill 1\f the busineee heretofore ea.r1-ied un in tl1e T :Dress Good.s . Newest Style. of Ibo F ALL STOCI(. - - -o- -- - .Dr. Sm,rle, in Ofll'istian Union. Unbolted TVlieat M F1Jocl. - "'W~heaL n.1 a.y L~ the Klng of the C.eroitla, for no other grain enters so lari;ely into the dtJ..ily food of all dvilb.:e<l nations . There sU.bBtn.ntial reas~ yled OFENING Village ot Hampton, HY Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? to ' Sad t.hi11g to li)~C your wife,' 1mi<l a friuw.l fl. V <>nnontet' who stood a.t t}.ie grave of his wife . ' 'Ve il, tolerably s::i.d.' replied the mourn· t>.r, ' but then her olothts ju::iL fit u1:1 oldest - girl.' · Oh I ' said ·~ l-'()() I' ~mff erer to a. dt:ntist, that's the llecond \\Tun g tooth you've pulled out!' · V ~ ry i..orry i s'.r,' ttaiJ the blundoring opt:ratori 'but tlH.::1·0 w<:."rc ou ly t hree wh~n I begau ; I :i.m sur~ to b1: t·l,.; ht the next tinv·.' · \L JT111·tfor<l 11H Hl wns dro1vncd, n.11d f1·it!u d!i hr{)ug-ht }i('. m e hfo dead body to bhi ftffiicted wif~ . A:-l they ca1ne to the frout door "'ith the c 1q' i-' ~~ . the new-made- widow ilppeared nnd and· ly Tc111arked: 'I guess you had better take to tl1e b!.l.Ck door. tm the parlor carpets ! ' arr.1u1ii. him !iO he won't drip _ A 'Viscon~in 1nYnin snug : ' Cotue, love, cv1ue," under her windo"'· the other night, and havi11g lf'nned too fn.r uvei· the win<low·sill, E!})e (ell, all l1el' Auttt:ring drn.pery knocking mu!S.ic, bren,th , n.t1t1 evcrl thing ehie ont of the a e re nn <h~1. A Wl1c;:,;', with the \Vord 'whoa,' brought :i. lwr!>e driven by n young Ulan to ::i. dead sto11. · 'l' hat"R n. fine bca..5t of yours/ says the " ':t;; ' '\'"es, a pretty good sort of an animul, but ht1 ha..s one fault. He wa.a once owned by a butcher, and ia sure to i,tov "·henever he beal'f:I a cu..lf bleat.' '1'wo youiig wen Ollt souij, too, \>.' liy it should bo preferred. Its !)U· }ltn·iol' flavor is, 110 doubt, a.n important consiclcr:~tion; but, perhaps, the truJ reason for the preference gh·en to it, lies in the f11ct that wheat c onta.ins more of nll the ele1nents required to keep the · systen1 in a. bealtl.iy condi· tion than any otl1er grain. Reference ia now made to the pur~ wheat, for it el:'erns b9ynnd qnc~ti on that th e t.1·ue and only healthy way to use this grain is in 11ome preparation v.-l1ich shall preser\'O all its clen1cnts. The custom of separating the white portion of tho grain fr01n the bran 0J1d only the former is a fa.l se nnd pernicious one,· and h~ s been and is no'\' <loin~ infinite lrn.l'm . Thousands of caaes 6[ dyspep sia. mny be traced to a too free use of brea.d, p astry, cake, etc ., made Jrom fine flour. It is a fact, revealed by chemical analysiS, but not generally untlerstuod, that by fur the 1110l:!t nntl'itions part of .wheat is found in the bran, ancl this ia practically thrown a.way, or con· eidered only suitable for horses and cattle, in order that flour nia.y be pl'oduced white t:inough to satisfy a false taste among tha people.Prepn1·ntions of whole wheat, therefore, suchaa (·1·ushed \vheat, Grahnm flour, etc , Iar n1ore healthful than fine flour, and if they were univer$a.lly uaed mauy of t)le ills i.vl1ich afflict nubn.ppy humauity would be uuknoW).1. Ja.mes Cryderman, NEW GOODS . My New Goods hnve Autumn Fashions! ---oo-- - as Cabinet mak er a1Hl l.,.nder t a.ker, nnd 'vill coutinue the busint>ss in th e old p r1::nniSt">, with a. flL ll a.<iSort ment of first class Fn r uit ure, Coffins, S hroud~. &c., will be kept on ha11·l, Mid h opes by strict a ttention to business,. n.11d moderate charges to merit the pa.troJ~.'·.ge of the people. GREY COTrrONS u( the best make, including the celebro.tcil STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Sp!endid value. NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND and the a.~sortment ~1agnificent display of N e\v a nd Goods. !~icl1 ivill bo found VERY COMPLETE 'l':EE :EEABSE having been MURDOCH BltOS. have opened out "n immense 8tvck of N~w Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as ·nt" in.,but First CIMs.Goocls have been purchased, customers can rely on g etting good value for their money. AND of Ulleqnallcd" STYLE a.nd Qtr ALITY STOILMONT Improved and Painted, s now one of the best -in the Couuty. ders promptly attended to. All or PRICES MODERATE The Public are solicited to call and see for themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 ---0---- IL. XATEILSON. DliESS GOODS P la,in and figui:ed Lustres, Plain > tnd Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other m w Dress Goods . . Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord.· . P. S . ~ :H 'urniture n1ade to order quired , and r~pairs neatly executed. Hampton, Sep. 18th, 1873. VI-·hen re· COTTON BAGS, THE . lll Good for one Pound. It is said that in n dockyard, in Eugland,, n ship of several thousand tons was once built, and a grea.t .Dl....Ullitude had assembled BEST the World. H. ELLIOTT JUN bp· l-iding \\'erl' irn.ssitig a. to see the ]aunching. rrhe wedges were knocked away, bu " '""t the immense mass ie111'\incd rnotiontei:h'.lr Before -a feeling of diB· nppointn1ent began to manifest it.self, a little boy +an. forward and cornrncnced pushI b ing vigorously against the sk es oft e veswill produce 't hat night, 12 croas·cyed lions; 8 sel. Hii5 efforts excited the ridicule of the bears with c·~lico tails; 11 giant~, with illutnin · Ated headti; 1 awful dog, with 12 legs and 1:1 spectators 1 but he turned indignautlj' to · bow-leg-ged ruffians char;OO by a bm~t of piratical ward them saying ; ' I can pusi1 a poun d !' c;"Luliflowers 1111ounted on sa.d.Ulers of beef,roasted. and continued ·his exertions. 'fbey \Vere f'~· Auy respectable cherr1ist will co1Toborate this all that was neecled to overco1ne the l'ri cst.a.t.emeut.' tion; and soon the huge ship yielded to its .<:\. dfatrict schoohna1:1ter iii one of tho llpper- pres.sure ·gracefully gliding into the " ·aves. ,. oounties of 1\-lichiga.n, 'V&! asked "·hat a.lgebt'a. So many a great and uoble cuu. se R taod s he prefurred, an<l he repliod : ' Oh. I ain't pa.rntotionless, when perhaps the efforts of a tfrmlnr; rnost auy kinU thn.t will just peel tbt cLild would have over~orne the obstai::le tLat hiae lvhen you 1:1trike. ' binders its progress. A. single grnin will In one of the Cnpe Towns, a young· 1:1cho1ar, t urn a 11icely Uah1nced scale. A single the first da.y at school , was asked her name by worcl or action, a glance of tb e eye, may be the teacher, and replied. lier fJ.ther'1:1 nat.n e fraught \Vith inestnuable coosequencea. Wa.8 the next qucRtion, and slie did not know We cal'1 not bu th e judges of the a1nouot of ~...__ his .fire:t name. The t ea.ehe1· then neked her, · "'"hat doeii your mother call him ? ' i You our ioflueIJce. \Ve know not bvw· n1uch Jackass,' said the child. it accon1p lish e8. We rau not l;e aware A good ma.ny storiea of atan.untjrerQ t old, thrDugh wh at n wide circle it may spread. but none of 2·eccut date OOtter than the follo\V· jng of Platt En1ns. of Cincinnati : t \vas one 'f.roltble;; spl'ing fr o1n idleness, anJ. griev of bis pleasures to his frieuds how to purout toils fro1u ease. Mnny withchase tender geese, though be could not alwayR out labor \Vould live by their wit.s only ; get tbeufill'"the ma1·ket. One morning he aa.w a lot, and lnquil'ed of the farmer how n1a.ny but they break for want of stock. 1 there were. About a. dozen,' wfl.3 the t'e})ly. Everythi11g may be mimicked by bypoc· 'W-w-wcll,' P latt, ·I k·k-keep h-boarding riey bnt humility' and love united, The bouae, and my h·b·boardt1ra are t he biggest r. · tt·eti.tcra you £iver s-a·1:1a.w, P·P·pic'~ out 11·n- more rnre th e 1nore radiant \\'"hen they nine of the tvt.tougbestyou've g-g-i:;ot ." The 1neet. farmer complied, nnd 1a1d .aside the \:ther three Sense ei:Jincs with a double lnsLre ,when it t E.- nder ones. picked tb~ru up ca refully, a11d putthig them in hie badcet 1 11aid. ' I b·b· ia set in hu1uility. Art abl e' a nd yethun1hle rn·n is a jewel worth a kiu~dom . eliel'e I'll t·t-take tht!F.!e three. · where a farmer was trying to harness a.n obsLi.nate . inule. ' Won't h~ draw?' saidon1::ofthe n1en. 'Of courae 1' said t he farmer, 'he'll draw the -attention of e\o·er fool' ~.h:at1nt~e'B this: way:' 'l'he yonn! m~l\. drove un. 'Th~ Danbtu'j' 1ri:-w1 sus-s: 'One Englfah din· ut::r iu the inexperienced American stomach Special Line of COTTONS at OOWLE'S. MIIjI~INERY READY-l\'1ADE CARRIAGE SHOP TO THE PUBijIO. WALTER vVIGG & SON, N returning thanks ~o ~hell· n1:11n1:ffons .custoiners and th~ public i:;t1n~ra,1ly , for fa.van, .'vnuld respectfully 1nv1tc their 't!,ttention to our pl"esent stock of furn 1tu n~, RS we ha \·c lately a~ded _ thereto, tha.t we m.~y thereby be enabled t o snppl v all pa.~·ties 1vho urn,y please t o fu.vor him '"1th a ealL Great 1nduceme11 ta held out t o thost: purcha.s.1 n.g at our esta.lihslnn eu t. Piu· tureeJ Looking Gla.ssci;, etc .. to order, au.<l in evl!ry st yle. Sau1p~ of the clifil:ln~nt kind of Mouklinga cGn be aced at the ware·r1.101n . \V 9 would also beg to l.nforu1 you tha.t havintpurchased a. ' ' . The a.~sortm ent of l\J..illinery nntl Millinery Goods is very ex tensive and in trimmed or untrimmed lints and Bonnets every taste can be cousu lted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the l>trg'est a.%ort.ment to be foun r1 · CLOTHING Good and (wost of th e Ontario Dank,) Cheap. I King Street, Bowman ville. Clothing to Order It is a well-known Fact that Cowle has tlie best Tweeds in tlie cou.ntrp. .V i o thin;; SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, \l.' lj In Bhwk and White real LaceHand Lace Collars, we have, a large as- TI:rn subscribei· is prepared sortmeut, at prices to suit all. P·ir to build and re· sha.11 be ready at a. l t imes, to attentl. fn ue l"al:~, on short. uoticu and reMona.ble tenns N, B. -Coffins kept on hand, nnd u1~iil e to ord er, ::i.t the Wago1 is, Buygies; n n.d GuttM·s, ---------------ch~w per NEW DO!YfTNION RETAIL FURNITURE 1V1lRE-ROO~f. Oabri..wn., Aug. 20th. 1870. tha n th e 1O ct Co f.tons r King Street East, Oshawa. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Co>ttings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteas hams Meltons, et.c,, will be found unusually large. I ! of ev·.wy deseriptioL, .a..t short not ice, ;u1d o · 1·e:l:mnablc t ermi,: . To the Inha.bita.nts of l3ow:m.a.nville. I an1 about getting 1k MURDOCH BROS. Bowmaiwil1<',May 7t h, 1872 . Carriages Painted and Trimm eel· BLANKETS IN I 0 .0 A Blacksmith's Shop th prernitiee, .,..... ere ap eci.a.1 a.l;tentio11 a g 1n;111 Large Variety DEN'"l.,A L B T Jl~ RING ENGINE by )V h i~h I C;tll to all Extra.ct Teeth in less than half the usua.l time, and 1 y{th less pain to tbe patient thnu heretofore, and that J hfl..Yt' lJr ocured a. Q,,,rri:ige work, "ml General Jobbing. Il\ilPBOVED APPAB.A.TUS 'Winoeys--a. :Oea.d Job. NBW A.ND for generating Niti·ous Oxide Ga.~, by which I cnn no'v EXTRACT TEETH N. B.···Specia J inducement given to i WITHOUT PAIN. CASH. YOUJ1S RESJ'J<;U1'l'ULLY, I I i A ll 100-1·/c d une .at tMs /<:stablislmwnt war?'lo.ited. A c ~l I CASH Purchasers. ARTIFICIAL '.l:EETH BEST UPPER" BETS, $ 20:00 " " GOOD " " $16:00 m "JJowmau vill e, Out , :i ~ t. 18G9 , is J·oi:iper.,tfull y so licjted. ,T. MORR 18. F. Y. Cowle L~~;~~~~~ o~!oi~.~~s~oyal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. 1 ' t J M. Brima,oombe,

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