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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Sep 1874, p. 2

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THE MERCHANT FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1S74 =~=~~~=r=====:i~==~====~~=r~~~~~~~~========~=============== RATES OF ADVERTISING FREEDOM SUMMARY H "' .. Q ,, uLWAY ABOUT HOME ........,, Execution at Manitoba Riel Agam I " be seen by e. commwrlcation n another olumn tha there was a stor ny me at the meet ng of our Towu Fathero ast Monday e en ng The cause of sa d s orm was an attempt by mplication to censure the MaJ or for h a conduct n refus g the use of our 'J.:own Hall for a pub! o nee\ ng last Sabbath afternoon The mer ts of the caae as "e understand t may be stated thus Some waeks s nee a Me n o al was presented to the Counc I s gned b) Mr Bounsall for h mself and fr ends "I o he fnends were was not stated ) ask n 0 he f ee use of the Hall for a conr·e of five lectures on the Immortal ty of tho Sou &c liy an em nent gentleman from the Un ted Sta1es The prayer of so d Me morial was granted 1t be ng uuderstood bat as e usual n such cases the ost of I ght ng &c would be pad by the app cants In due time the Lecturer came aud on the first even ng made t apparent thattod sc ssthequest onofthe mmortal ty of the soul formed but · very small part of he Programme The pastors of our Chu ch e and the meru bersh p l'enera ly were epoken of and referred to n te ms not very pleaaant to the ears of the r fr ends As the Lectures proceeded t "as ev dent o all that d rectly and nd reetly the re g ous con ct ons of fo ty n ne fif eths of our c t zens was the obJect of a tack Rev Mr Bred n felt h mself called upon to re s st those attacks wh ch he d d on three sue ess ve even ngs. The quest ou arose 11 hether forty n ne fi[t eths of the rate pay ers of th s town were qu ct y to consent to the pub! c Hal be ng used gratu tously n gl t after n ght et the behes of Mz Bounsa 1 and h a fr ends whoever they m ght be for the purpose of nsul mg them by openly attack ng the ml g o a pr nc pies they hold as dear and dearer than they hold the r I vcs Upon th s matter there could be b t one op n on On Fr day even ng t was anno need that a meet ng wo Id be held on Sabha h afteraoon and on Sat urday the Mayor also learned that Mr Bred n ntended to hold a meet ng at er the Sprntual at Lecturer had got through In v ew of the fa t, that the Lecturer treated the subJect as a secular one and that tie <l scuas on provoked applause an 1 marke of d approbat on and oee ng that the Hall s not et 0< loaned on Sabbath <lava for any but rel 0 ous pur~osea and also that Mr Bounsall and hl8 fr ends had not the consent ot the Counc I for the use of the Hall on the Sabbath day "e th nk that, n the nterest 0f moral y tie M·yor should have been commended for ref s ng the use of the Hall last Sabbath afternoon We regret that our Ree o ·I ould have put himself n a wrong nos t oa on h s ques on and we were mucl plea ed to learn that the Counc I had too much 0 ood sense to fo low h s lend on that o cas on Freedo n a one th ng L cent ousness e anotl er th ng The Mayor has the I anks of the law ab d ng c t zens for the course he pursued n th a matter I art ula ly so see og tba the Monday even ug .i as open for the Lee It s "-'mored ti at Baza ne a n Eng land The a pot n Spa n s 1 cont nues to bo I The Car s s, nthe r zeal have nsult e<l the Gemi.n flag by fi ng upon two German men of "ar They rep! el by ebel ng thb to" n The 4th of Sep ember be g the ann versary oftheeetab shmenl of the Repub 1 c n F an e ssr ous r ots" re ndulged n at Megc and otl er places The gendarmes w th the a d of the so <l ery quel ed all d a turban es A ··r c oud bangs ov r Ch na and Japan the e IB a chance of ts be ng d18pelled be ca use of he pa fie endency of I e nego I at ons ma eon be pa t of Japan and a despatch ala es that they ll only go o war as n. last ext em ty Bo h countr a ha e made all necessa y rrepa at ona Although \be Bye aw s .i hdrown we are aaaured t s only for the present conse quently we commend I e follow ng com mun cat on to the a eful a. ent on of o r BOBCAYOEO" re Smo~D CHAPTER o FOR THE RA WA y :M ATTEns G O?S J FOR! AT ON OF 'I IE RA'IEPA. ERS OF THE To VNSH P OF DARL Ma En roa S nee you pub! shed chap ter one n Ju e ast the n a er of he 1\a l way Bonus ll) e law has been p et y qu et and ns the t me approa bes for the vo e to be taken and as there seems to be no n en ton to <lvert se he th ng n our own pa pers, I ha e tho ght t ad sab e to ag ca l a enl on to he sub eel On Tuesday be cal d he 15 h nst the e e tors w ~I H SHARP SHOOTING t & A m40tf WANTED IMMEDIATNLY ---~-- · - · ·----- PURIFYING The Southern S ates a e tu mo n P esen aid to be Powerful 10 Smg S ng l'r1son Ji m I e !'!la C H KERMOT1 m49 3w A CA:El.D. Dar ngton ~------- Siok t appea e pays $ Oa at the Ho e du S ng '3 n h s more ex travaganl than the c ty hotels Up to w th n the past three weeks Stokes as pay ng forty do ars for b s board l er week but t has now been ra. sed ten do nr a v. eek ~--.,.------'----'----~ m Tb s board does no ost the pe son who 1 furu shes t one ent as the s ate supj l es the provis ons and the onv ts ook 'Io be s e be ge s the vc y be t the a k t BUTTER, BUTTER , affo ds As to he o be all gat ons Stokes "\\ ILL P !l.Y he Hg est P e f any has not done one q are day s work a nee q amty of gooc sh ppmg App s Also e H ghest P n e n CASH fc But and E ggs be ha been p s Vhen-he fl s nte S BUilDEN ed he was meant to be the clerk to tl e cbap Bo m:;i..n la. n a s necure of course but e en bat was Aug 20 h 1874 46 oo hard and he wa put n the ho p al The e was no doubt that at that m he as T p etty a ck as the SOJ ourn n the Tombs O PIANOS a u au ORGAN t had pulled h m do Il and weakened bin Ap y t cons derably but hesoo began recuperat g J M BRIM \COMBE When he was vell however he had found ill Sept 3 a 1874 48 out that money has po\\ er n S ate P son Ap:ples Apples 1 I T MtT SIC ' MUSIC ! IS TlfERE t Cb e as well as e sewhe e and he l dn t n e to MOI E l UN Ill do even the chapla n a vork So be mana ged n som manne to get the aspha t con m THE RAILWAY BYE LAW "EO S LGL tractors to asK for h rn and he was a cord 'PLUCK At a meet ng of he Ratepaye s of Dar ngton called b) Mr Fo ]er n the Iown l:lal Hampton on Tuesday last Tho.nas Fo"ke n the char t was sated hJ Mr H T Ph llips wl o was under authority from M Fo le that he B) e la I ad hdra D on account of some Ile He sla ed that t vould aga be g ty pla ed before them Messrs Burk and Os b rne ad sbo t speeches and 11 en ee ng broke up n d so der ed to hem as one of be r men 0 cou se n that capac ty he was so ely respons b c to h s emplo3 e ~ and they au d .j; e h m as tle to do as they p eased Money o ks "onders both n and out of p son It a reported that Mr Danserea la il from five to e ght tho san 1 dol ars ea y n July to Hon Mr Ar hambault n conne t on w b the Tanner es Land Ex hange It is stated that Sol tor General Obapleau and Dansereau pa t prop or of he M n oe of Montreal and the Canad en of July 16U 874 A REALLY GOOD PEN If you des re to possess a really good pen ca I a be B b e uhr st an Book Sto e and pu l se Mason s Vulcan sed pen be~ ond all d sp e one of the best pens n he na ket Quebec pnr baaed last month over b ee arpents of land n a fine local on east of Pa hena s st eel on the l ne of the No th ern Colon zat on Ra I vay The land vas purchased for about $2 000 A g at fy ng r se n the value of p ope ty out there s e 1 ec ed after the ra !way ~oes hrough and Four Acres of Land for Sale SPECIAI medan o Gen Ep scopa an o biormon but that all should have the same pr v lege w thout let or hllld ance Su b owe 'fi 1 a g nent· brought lown the House w th laughte In answer to a uues on ask d o! :Mr Thompson f he ould adrn t the Mo mons to lecture n the Town Hall be ,. d ~ ed g v ng as h · reason that the Queen of E g land la d no nterd t on the freedom of speech n Eogland Mr Cowie contrad eted the gen leman expla n ng that when Mo hammed A the Sultan o Turkey went to England he took ha tMlve w veo ntend ng to have them presented to the Queec but he was net at Soutl ampton and""' told to leave b s harem there as Great Br a n e ogn sed only one w fe and H a H 0 hneBB "ent to London alone So mu h for Mr Thompson· h otor cal nfor mat on be had better get better posted be fo e g vmg euch nttersnceo The Ma) or feeling Mr Thompson s re marks were a little peraona left the cha r an<l gave h m a pol le overhau ng and ex p :essed h s au pr ;e at the v ews enunc ated I y Mr Thompson more cspec a ly when ve cons dered that he ··· a M n ste of the Gospe a preacher of r 0 btcousncss al of wh ch l onor Mr Thompson d savowed oun 13nanc ng such act ons of d sea d ns wou d I kely en enate from a sc entitle d s uss on ou the Sabbath and dwelt ra her arc st cally o Mr Thompaun attempt ng to create an mpres.s on on tl e aud nee of a favorab c nature M Thompson waxed ra he warm ca 1 ng the Ma or to order and r. the exbube an e of l s hea t excla med fiercely that he would not be put down or trampled on by any one not even by be Mayor (c eo of o :der order) a though he d d atte npt sl e d h mse ff om a sault by cla m ng be the firot Mag otrate. (Order order ) 1 e Mayor pc empt y o dered M Tl ompson to st down as there was no mot on before the House whereupon M Thowpson seconded by Mr J\IcDong 1 moved a reoo ut on tl purport of wh h va a vote of want of confiden e D · RES GNA! lON OF THE QUEBEC GOVERNMENT A la ge number of Engl sh em grants bo nd for Toronto went up on Tuesday last Don fo get the Crosarea Un on Sabbath S boo! Ann ve sary on Sunday and Monday nex We that a Court of Foresters be ng organ zed m town Already a num her of nan es a\e on the lists. The corner stone of the ne v "\\ es ey a Method st Chu ch n Port Hope was lad on Wednesday last A'C'CTIO:N SALE OF Real and Personal Property TOWN COUNCIL OSHA A BANQUET 'I he Governor General s v s t o Po t Ila j\(ANV ~.],E S p 711 8 ~ Hope ');lls marred by the occurrence of a sad Co l met ac or<l ng to adJOU ntnent n c dent part Jars of wh ch will 1 e found Present the Mayor n the cha r and Abo t Home Meesro Thompson McDouga Porter Mc The next Sunday afternoon Temperance Clung Soper Patte son Burk Loscombe mee ng · ll be hel<l n the Read ng Room McMurtry and Cowie M read and of the Y M C A. on Sabbath next at 4 confir ned Mr C Barker to address the m et An a d nt of a pa nful nature befel a young man named Hall n the employ of Mr Dav d Towns on Tues ay last In at tempt ng to get down from a mow where he had been p tch ng gr> n he sl pped, and fel on h s ba k on the floor the ork a so !al ng the t nes pene rat ng h s abdomen Dr Ile th was mmed ately n altendan e The Annual Serv cee of tbe Salem B C Sabbath School were held on Sunday and Monda) last On Sabha h two sermons we e preached a d on Monday the usual tea "as g ven The weather be ng fine a large number were n attendance nnd a pleasant afte noon "as spent Net p o eeds $00 l ALL Ass ZE -Th a Cou t w II be held th s Fall befo e Hon Mr Just ce Mo r oon r ., follows Brampton Tuesda) Sept 22nd Wh thy Monday Sept 28 1 Co went of su d y u ou s bou g Monday October th L ndsav Tues ed A proposal was m·de from the Sons of Peterborough T es day 0 tober 13th Temperanee and Good Temp ar fit up day October 2 h the roon n t d eto y of to n ha b d From Ne vcastle "e lea n that a ser ous nga for a Ten peran e hall and to lia ace dent occurred n that ne gb borhood on of sa d room one J ea fo ex1 ense of the even g of Monday last. It appears G anted that as am n n the employ of Jlfr John bl c P opertyC m Wal s as ead ng a b l from the stable to u cess t es of ad a e the an mal became unmanageable and d Ull at ta kad the young n an thro · ng h m do" n tery and lDJUr ng h m severely Mr Coln The Poo Re ef Cornn I ee aa nstru t Wa a go ng to b a ass tan e the nfur ated ed o endea o to ge a ho se tor Mrs Rob brute then turned o h m toss ng and gor nson ng h m n a fearful manner Another Counc l adJOUrned lo t rst Monday ll Oc pa ty rush ng n w h a club struck the tobe a. be u a ho r a.n wal on oue of the horns wh ch seecmed R WI DATT T c to st n h m g v g Mr Walls t me to get out of h a rea. lie a.s tl en cnrr cd nto the hou e Dr McN a ghton arr v ng p o nounced h FJ wouade of a very senous grant. the A destruct ve fire to have or gmat ed from so)lle ~oys roast ng corn by aa ump raged for some days n the woods knojVn '"' De ls Den near B ook n consum ng large quant t es of cordwood posts ra ls and t mber belong ng to Mr John Thomp son deatroi ng altoge her abQyt $4 000 worth 111r W well Ha I s place WW! en dangered when the .fire bell rang and brought many to tho place wh ch prevent ed any damage be ng done to h m -V nd afor ,AN Aaru:E BLE Su U'RISE -One ntght last week tie young men of Taunton l'ro ceeded to ti e field of Mr Curt s of Dorl ng ton who had been for some me and bound p some four acres of gra n for h m I I ave he J:,e ng from home at the I me no doubt there are nany others .i ho "ou d not obJect to as m ar vs t from the e k nd and obi g ng young m n We unde stand that the same even ng these young men bou de ght ac es of oa s tor l\1 Jacob C onk of Taunton he oiler ng to pay them wh h was ref sed -Ref n e CAMP -The\ olunteers amp for t ta <l ct w ll be he d at Ho land I and ng on the 20th of September-lb SEVE ELY Bum 1 -M ss E Ka da gb ter o Jlfr H Kar of East \\ h by as ee e e y bu nt on Wednesda) last at t e reSlderee of Mr D D ew her brother n !av w th "ham she was pa) rg a I appea s that sl e wns ·land og near the ook ug sto e when her l ess a ght fire and be lore the flames co Id be ex ngu shed she vas se er y bu nt al o er 1 er bo ly D Rae was t once sent Jar nnd a tended to the ufferer Wo lea n hat he fo wai of b e o e - b (The young lady d d on <la u ng Ed ME J --"----~ You ve v yS JACOB COM~[ERUlAL. BOWMAN~IILE Co ed by J M Do gal P duce Me bruit !lo MaNV L · Sep 10th1871 lOolollO lOOtolO 0 60to0 60 060to060 O 75 to O 86 03to035 0200025 000 000 OOOtoOOO 03to040 0 10 lo 0 12 0 00 0 00 10 00 lo 10 00 Ma3 or The th ng would not work an<l M Thompson g ac o y w dr w reeolu on The play be ng over the men bers for home some w h · p pe others a k others n Bllen n d tation wonder ng f they should ever see such th ngs aga o JUL A EXTJU.ORDlNARY HARVES "G ' I week Mr W Elford J of H mpton ass st ed by h s h red man and a boy twe ve years of a0 e to dr ve the reaper cut and bound the extraotd nary amount of t vent) acres of heavy spr ng wheat n one ·nd a I a f day If an) one can beat the above n th a ne gbbo hood "ould ke o hear f om then -Reform., w· YV Hen eyn e en m ~ ua a C TAMBLYN O no, Amh tbn g P 0 Ont bp Q m~3 311; ·

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