. · ~t .~ .. "~ '. - · , . ~·. ..,"r ·· ·, I· .· . THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1874. LORD Visit has been a very pleasing event to the inhabitant.~ of Bowmanville, but the REMOVAL. ·wishes to inform his numerous friends and cu s tomera that hi! has removed to · DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the S. MASON BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where e will be '.found with the most com plcte assortment ..1 Bowmanville Drug Store, PRI(Jm ~s J. HIGGINBOTHAM ry thanks to hfa numerous friends and custoruers, and to the public generally, for tho very ' liberal support he has received since his commencing in buBines3 ; and hopes by con· tinned atrict per~on.al attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J. H. 'vould call special attention to hUi very superior stock of 1 which are sure to give the best s ~tisfaction. A well selected a.tock of Barness, Whips, lTOULD me.st respectfully teude.t· his si..11ce1·e New Fall Dry G~~ds'. & Clothing j·:=.~~~~~&~~. are being solrl ' DYE STUFFS EWING s THE BANNER ~IACHIN.E At 1 s a much greater trettt L o those who desire to get the best value for their money. " (JBE!PSIDE," ---:o:--· " IN TRANSIT," :Eu.epha,nt THE to h:iii many friends and the public generA.lly for the liberal patronage extended to him durjug the pa:st 18 years begs to announce that from and after the 15th September, he will carry on the same business, but more extenaively under the name and style of JOHN McLEOD & Co. Prourpt vaytnont of all accounts ill rendered imferat1vo by this business arrangement, a.nd al persons indebted will please take notice and govern themselves accord1ng!Y. Bowman.ville, September 4th, 1873. COMPANY, Having rc:cently perfected Call and judge for yourselves. Immense Bargains ! TH.E UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks :Remember the Store ! . "CHEAP SIDE." Go,.1w1· Slon, Opposite Town Hall, Bowinanville. 200 CJases and Bales of House New Fall Goods. Shipped from Liverpool, Gla,sgow, a,nd other Europea,n ports. DRUGS, GREMIOALS, PATENT JJ1EDIGINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek kept conJ:Jtantly on hruul OF SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Importctnt , Improvements, in their celtibrated Arc pre-pa.red to F amily Sewing Machines, :Oominion OrO"a.n Co'y. G UARANTEE THEM EQt:AL, IF NOT SUPERIOR, THE BOWMANVILL E, For Present the fallowing t estimonials fron1. cou1 E_etcnt judpos of Or·1~u10 , 'l' csti1non j i~l Crutn John Ca.midge1 J\{ us . D oc., Can1uar, Englnn d. Bo,vn1:;i.nvillc, 2·1t h D ec. , 1 87S. To the Managas Dam.inion Orya.n Co. CEKTLIDLEN .- I like t o play on y uur 01·g an8 tc- ,_e Lei so sweet avd ste.ndy. Aud the wod.cma..asnip a.nd finish excellent , a nd in every particular they are equJ:\,l , if not si1p erior, t.o any I have Qver h eard. H .oping th i::y will meet public n.11 pi-eciatipn. to any now befot·c the public, OILS, PAINT, SI MPLICITY OF COKSTRUCTION COLORS, VARNISHES, EASE OF OP.ERATION, UNIand WHITE LEAD FORMITY OF PRECISE at the very lowest prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines. - JOHN McLEOD. FO:R SALE. ...tl~ A GOOD SECOND HAKD Piano !or s~le. m35-tf Price S6S. , J. M. BRIMAUOMBE. DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. the lJomicion B;}Jlk has opened nn agency tor the transaction of busiuess in Horaey'i:i; Block two doors east of Brodie's Hotel, King Street'. lntcrest will be aJ.loi.ved on deposits. Dra.fts issued on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain . Th· &vings Bank depa1·tment is non-· open . On all deposits over $·1 interest ·will be a.llo·wed at the rate of 5 per ent per a.nnum. Office Hours. - .Fron110 o'clock a. 1n., to :; o'clock IL m.., except on Saturdays, w·ben the Bank 'vill close at J o'clock, p. m., TJohn McLeod &Co T Several Paclrages have already arrive·d per HLibe1·al Support and H E Patronage E "NOVA SCOTIA." would tiolicit the 5amc extended so long to John McLeod, and tn.kes this opportunity of informing the public, that tb.ey have N. B.-Conntry store-kcepeni supplied on the most advantageous terms. capacity of range and adaptibility to "great .A choice selection of LAMPS (or 1:>ale chea11. variety of work, fine or coarse, IlJ\V.01.anville. Dec. 1868. 6m. ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, JOHH CAMIDGE the following from Rosa- D'Ei;ina : :Uo"·man._villc, December 22, 1873, · To the J.llanngcr:; of th~ Dmnin·fo n Oiyurrt· Cu. GENTLEMl~N . - I l1ave much plet\SUL"O in testifying to the excellent qualities of t he Organ supplied by ~uu at my concert last Saturdl.ly evening ~ 'Ihe tone is sweet n.nd very powerful and the combination of stops mo~t admita.blu. I atn enre your instruments will tintl favor iu Churches, ne they a:re singular ly adapted for sacred mUBic . '\Vishing you e\·ery success, anU. that the publi<;: may 1)atronize n ative roa.nufa c ture . I rerun.in G-entlemen , · v·ery respectfully, . )iea~ T.HEY STAND UNRIVALLED . 'l'hesc Celebrated Machines obtained the . FIRST PRI Z I~ SEASON 1874. A1' THE Daily Line to Rochester. Commencing on or about 1st A1irlL N OTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN THA'J' SPRING J?rovincia.l Exhibition, he Id in ~fontreal in SepttimLer, 1873. .Announcements. M'=~::~~to~~;;:~:as EOLD so~STEM, E THE b?lieving aaso1·t.ment excoeds any o }u1:1 former <lIBplayti. To hia usunUy large home purchases, be ha.a imported a very beautiful DISCARDED " St. LAWREN CE." "PRUSSIAN." "SEVERN." Agents 'l'he New La.ke Stea.mer \Vil·nted. · J. T. ANDERSON, by -o37-o24-lyr. ROSA D'llRINA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. .A. M. D,ARLEY Prcaident, Mnnagc1·. Bo\\-·manville. Janual'y 15, 1874. bp·o3·uillJ .,, LOCAL AGENT m3ltf J. R. McLELLAN, Agent. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. T 'l1hfa French Oil Polish is prepared fot· Cardages, Buggies, liuroE'as, Boots IME MONEY ·ud LABOR saved! F?·ench Oil Polfah, .ind Shoes, and all kinds of Leather. Tt will superb. Hia Drab 8hell, they are just w"liat give any article of Leather) a moet brillian t appearance, and at the same time} ?"a~ i~ oily propertiea, tends much to preserve it; it will a.1\Yays be moist and plinnt ; and may be exposed: AND to water and ·washed, and \Vill uot lose ita brilliance a.nd · it is not to bo feared that 11.ny crust will ~ttle on said Lea.ther when pl'eserved with the above Oil. For the \Voodwork of Buggies, CANNOT BE BEAT. Carriages, and Furniture, there is not a beLtet· article in use. I\-Ianufactured by A. SIMO::f & 1 His G·ent'e Iurnishillg ns usual, is replete with Co. '! anners n.nd Ourriers, formet·ly of France, all the latest and choicest now' of Philadelphia., Pa.. , Instructions - .Sha,ke bottle. A few drops on a. piece of sponge.apply i t lightly to the leather, and you will obtain the O _ fin est lu~tre. Price 75cts. per bot tletor $7. 50 per n e\·ery tttyle, 11$ usual. Don't forget to give dozen. JOHN SMAJ... E 1 Sole A.gent, l{o"TI--· him a call if you a.re in vtant of anything in man ville. bis line, J uly 16th, 1874. 4Hi mos . Spring Stock, L:d~~~~d~~~:.~;~~;. L Look out for Spocifl.c Advertisement fn this Fa.per. b~present E E McClung Bros. !~1~~!.T.~~i~: 1 ~~ilk~~T~: p p H GE N.g·ntweoqt·sisE L v, A J~rfily. H A G LAT>STQN E, N N T T c, STRAW H AT ALL ACCOUNTS will be 1 :Ar fit "NO:RSEM.AN" (R. CRAWFORD, Mastel') ·- 1873. 1'he subscrib1:11· would beg t o ca.11 attention to 11id at ock of :RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Sqciety RENDERED on the 'Vill make her regular trips on this route, lea.v ing Cobourg every morning at 7:30, and P_ort CANADA CBlEF 0.FFICES. Hope at 9 o'clock} for Rochester, conneot1ng there ,\·ith the Kew York, Centrnl, and Eri e 13 t, ST. JAMES STREE'l', MONTREAL. Railways, for all paints, East, West and South . ESTABLISHED 1840. Groceries :Ory Goods, lst and 1st September ln eae?i and every yem·. In the case ot .i.dnnufacturers, Mec.ha.nics, and others, 'vhoee acci>unts may amount to $50.00 or over, their note, if agreed upon, wiU be taken payable at the Bank for a stated period. Esq.'...M.P., Chairmanu, Will leave Charlotte (port o:f Rochester) daily wU::-l'Co\.N MACDONALD, ~SQ. at 9 O'clock, p. m., except Saturda:fR, when sh e D ]\[ AJOR T. E. CA){PBELL, C.B., St. Hilaire. "'ill lea,·e a.t 3 p. m . for Cobourg direct. HE HO:-iORARLll JOHN HAMILTON, Ha\~'k8· Dealers in Stock "'ill find this the chcn.peet 'l' burg, Ont. a.nd most expeditious route to Boston, Albany RESIDEN'l' SECRF'.l'AKY.-.T.IMES GRANT. ALTinll SHANLY, Nt!W RETURNING, D.IREOTORS. York, &c., &c. For t·urther infornrn.tion, address ' R. ORA WFORD, Port Hope l{ingston S PECI AL FE A T U RES. Boots & Shoes C.. F. GILDERSLEE . ' ed amongst the Pol-iC!dwlclers. w hich '!1hc E::.t'I.",UlE PitOFITS belong to and are divid· LIVES, DECLINED BY OTHER COMJ'ANJEB, or on THJ<: Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal 'Yuu.ld beg- to inform tho ladies of Bow1nanville and vicinit~T· tha.t she is prepared to tn.ke orders for J)rcssrna.king,a.nd fill the same with Uespath in the His Stock is La.rge, His :!?rices I.ow, a.ndheis always pleaaed to show his good. Bowmanvillc, May 7th, 1874. Cash Purchasers AND LATEST FASHION. HSOMETHING NEW 0 in Bowmanville. -:o:- Prompt will always get goods at prices cnt FINE, as our great a.im will be to court this cl11ss of trade. Payers on credits short FRUIT, ! an extra P1·emiwm. wo-tdd be reqwired, can be assured at the orcUnary rates of this Society, u nder a special arrangement SPECIAL NoN-FOFEITABLE Po11CIES etc., etc, which for issued Stook La.rge AND H 0 ~ .A:ND under \vhich only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay· ments are reqnired, each payment l:!e(,'\1ring a. p olicy for ai sum Msured proportionate to the n umber of premiums paid, and free frfnn fut1tr Confectionery Depot· WHOLESALE and RETAIL Just arrived, and for Sale, at the ahovc de_pot, v aymcnt of pre·1niu111..s, '.!\{ODEH.\'l'l!: PREMIU)[$ Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J . ELLI OTT, TYRONE- and most liberal Cflll· Fie.t· ex.perieuce fully \\'arrante her in promising satisfaction. :Residence, Corner of Church Street, and l\farket Square. Bowman ville, I>«. 4th . I i3. . U Well Assorted l U New Fruit and Oo;ifectionerys, ditions. 0n S EI · A..:;.plcnclid variety of Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box s Choice Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Feels Prospectuees,Proposal.Form8, &c., supplied application at the Head Ofijce, or any of the .<\.gencies. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE THE CIIEAPEST, T the most lasting, the least troublesome, and -Yuoi:;t c01nplete ever invented. They used arti Any one ""itshing to have Photos enlarged from old pictures o( deceased friends, can ~et the saine done nt STOVES, for wood or coal. llo.vmanville, Scptember4thls73 JOHN McLEOD & CO. E DATES. FIGS. LEMONS ORANGES TO ARR. VE ' ACmN'l' -,.. 32·ly ·~'OR JAMW GRAN'l', BOWMANVILLE, C. BARKER, Res. Seoretnry. ltnd recommended by many of thf best Breeders ju the United States and Canada.) such a11 G. D. Loring, Salern, Mass., President l'l"ew England V1r ool Gro\vers' Socie~y; John S. Ross, Hennepin, Ill.; Professor }-I. Miles, 0£ the State Ag· J'icu.Jtural College, I..iansing, ]i.fich. ; I-Ion. G'eo. Brown, rroronto 1 Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, i()11t. On each Mark is stamped the owner's ;nu.me and the Sheep's number. '!'hey will be lf!eu t free, by mail, 01· express,for only four cents t,(1,Ch, and will last for TWE:t.~TY YEAl:L.'.o,, ~ Cf\Rh must accompany n.11 orders Tait & Arthur's Ga.llery, they having gone to great expe111:rn i..n purchasing antl fitting up a Et1.ts, Keiller's .11:farmalade, 1-Ve.~l India. Preserved Ginger, Pears, Plums, To· 11tatoes, cf; Peaches, Green Peas, Green Corn cf; Lima Beam. Our Dominion Excelsior RaspbercyVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines · Tomato Sauce and Pickles ']'hey hn.ve come n.nd a.re coming 1 a.t the Fruit Soft She!l Almonds,J!'ilberts, Bra.ii and Wa 11 " ObserYer Office, 11 King St. l30\\'"lll.all.ville, June 24th, 1870. Imperial Fire Insurarice Co OF LONDON. (Eatoblished 1803. HllAD OFFICES.-1 Old Bro.d St., "nd Pall Mall, London. GENERAL ::.\ GJ:t>CY FOR OAF.ADA :- ·24 SHELL .& SHELLED OYSTERs QUALITY i· the test of CHEAPNESS T. DARLINGTON. Depot . St crnment } )fontrea.l. SOLAB 0.A.KEB.A, for the express purpose of enlarging photo· graphs, which t.hey ma.ke from the emalleat card to life size. They ·wonld remind the public that they are still striYing to improve their work in rhotogra-phy, and they . are now turning out \ Pictures AlWIHBALD YOUNG, Jn., Sarnia·, Ont. Orders ttddi·eseed to the l\.1ERCHN'l' a.nd OB· SER\'El~ Office, foI any quantity, will be filled at the abovc-1ncntioned price, as quickly oo the l\1u.rk.s cnn be 1nade and sBnt. BOWMANVILLE ORGANS! Messrs. :Bice & :Ba.rker Have received another Bl1pply of that superio cln.sa of .Orgaru1 knov.·n ns the Bowmanvilla, Deo, 4th, 1873. n9-tf Subscribed a.nd invested Capital and RcscrYe Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling. Funds invc~tcd in Cana.cl.a- 105,000. SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fa.shion · ---NOT SO FAST. / I have written these few lin<.' S Iusurances against loss by Fire are effected on most favorable terms, and lesa08 pa.id with wt reference to the Board in London. :Sible Christia.n C. BARKER, l3owmanville,Deo. 28th. 1871. ly-ml3 Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co J J)ODSWOR'l'lI, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. Gen, Agents, Montrea Straw-Cutters ! G~ain Grinders ~FEED the wa.y . Please ca.11 at the Silver Tongue, AT PRIORS R.R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister;, Agent Equa.l to Toronto 'Work. -:o:Cabinet and four-fourth size m&t!e equally a.a good as their cards. Go and examine speci· 1nens, an<l be convinced that they are doing 'vell. Extra prints ca.n be had off eld negath·cs. They ke(>p OD ha.n d and for sale, an lVIILLS. Ma,nufa,ctu.rea of LOWER THAN ANY PREVIOU$LY IMPORTED. and having resolved to give the public the be~e· fit of said reduction in cost. they call spec1:tl a.ttention to the following Price Liet for the <.1urrent month. Anoth er car load o( the above noblf! n.rt"icles on WOOD. AND IRON WORKING MACBINER i Sty1e 35; Seven Stops: Diapason. Vio· lina, Picolo, Principal; Tremolo,Forte, Principal Forte· Price $125 Style 37; Eight Stops: Diapason, Violina Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Pri~cipal Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. Style~S; Nine Stops,Diapason,Violina BOW MANVILLE Fann Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, King St., llo\vmanville. ]3owwau.ville, D ec. 5, 1872. nlO. LEFFBL'S Assortment of Frames :RHYME AND LIME for Bowmanville and Vlclnity, And all I have to say, Bowmo.nville, June 4th, 1860. 36 Tha.t you can find me at.ill at home, m.o.43-39.4w I a.m not gone v.way ; So all my kind old friends may 01n~ ; And all the yoWlg ones too And get t4eir garments nicely made In fashions that arc new, 'Vhere old and young clerti frientl in ay F'or the follo,ving Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz :meet 'l'h.e QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Com· pany. Capit~l~2.000,000. $150,000 deposited A welcome g:reoting by R. PEA'rE. with the ·Doillllllon Government, for the protee Bowmanville June' 19th, 1873. <lets in Canaaa.. The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pw)y of Canado. Co.pita.I 500'000,-0nc of tho beat and cheapest Companies doing bnsine~s in · the Dominion, fo:r Farmers n.hd I sola.t.od Risks1 Jam es McFeeters. BOOK ROOM AGENT Chea.p a.s the Chea.pest. Bowman,·ille 1 Nov 12th, 1873. bp·o43·m6-tf Double Turbine Water Wheels, r Strowger Bros. NEWC.A.S'l'LE, Having rcmo\·ed to moro co1n1nodioLIB pre1nisest lN _I achd The Satisfa-0tion given by BARNUM s eclipsed by the ea.tisfaction given by SMALE to bis numerous pat.--ro1u~, He is now pleased to announce thn.t he hM on hand a large a.nd varied assortrrent of i1:1 Ca.stings ·of a.ll K:inds. Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub·baRe Forte, Sub·base.Vox human 1a.; Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, rorte, Sub base l:'orte, Sub-base, Vox Humana. Price $160. HumaJia in these organs is not a fan but l!J aet of l?eeds. IiEPAIRS clone on tl1c A little Rhy.me came just in time, And all about the best of Lime. Lime from the 'Vest of the very bc!t; Ket beat iJt any quarter; f,itne that will al"·ays stand the test, Whon mo.king int0 mortar. I will try and keep a good supply, For it i1:1 a.lwa.ya \vanted 1 rrhat when you all come in to buy, You'll not be disappointed. f · You \vill always find it dry and fl'ei;h, And that is something bonnie, So come along a.nd try this J""'ilne, But don 1t forget the money. Hourf! of delh·e?'j' from Nine a,.m. to Four l>. lit, , Dorner of l~neen and Ontario Street. The CANADA LANDED·CREDI'l' CO'Y. . . 1 with a Sa.vingl'!_ Ba.uk department. The UNION ANll PERMANENT l3mUmg and Saving s Society. , These lattet· instltutions a.dvance Loans <lU ReRl Estate} on terms unusua.llv easy for the borrower. · Bowmanvillc, }'eb. 6th, 1873. Just Arrived at the Sa.bba.th Scl).ool Depot THOS. BOWDEN Bowll_l.anvillc, Mn.rch 11th 1871. uu24 .tf. FASHION HOUSB a splendid assortment of KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. --:o:-rl'.be Stibscriber lias on hand a FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK. beg t.o in!orn1 the i)ublic g~ne1·ally, that they n1·0 now enabled to offer them BOOTS ANDanxious SHOES · NOTICE, of the best quality, aud t.b at they SH OB, TEST shall aet to work as soon a."i .. 11~s1ble -11v ox 0. BOUNSALL, I MPORTER, MANUFAC'l'URER, an DEALElt in all the vn.ri.etie@ of NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of REAL l!AIR, FANCYGOODS, & Also a lai·ge stock of Better Inducements in the line of Grocery Business, (A S REGARDS PRICE cf: All :Prices, All Sizes. All K:inds. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.2li· We ha.ye now on lland a large quantity of FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. The Manufacturers issub but one quality of work, and that ls Large stock of Books, snited fo1· Stibbath School Libraril!:!, Sabbath P:n~aen ts 1 ~nd t he S tudy, Common and Gang Plows, that v:ill be sold at Italian & Ameican Marble. · A la.rgti and choice .t!elcction of ILLUMINATED CARDS LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Dowinanvillc, March 6 .1873. THE VERY BEST their extensive facilities and long· exfierienc enable them to produce. Monuments & Grave Stones, a.1way on ha.nfl, of auperior wotkniani;hi11, and at lowest prices. Stamps for Baiding and Em- boidery. TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c. for Sali bath Schoola. No'thi:n.g to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. tf. QUALITY) than any othet· hou8e in the County. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD . Weight and J[ea.s·u1·e (}uamnteed in eve?'Y instance. Trunks, &c. Special attention given to New 'l'a,ilor Shop, ' L form the public generally, that he has comATE WITH F. Y. COWLE, bogs to in· These ·instniments are ca.sed in solid well seaso?ted, Black lValnut, eleqantly and beautifidly finished by a neiv French p,.oeess. W1·oiiyht O?' GMt hon Fe1wco FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. - -o-Onr Books a r c inarkcd lo\Y , i\.. ~pecial .dii;t.:c..un for Ministe r~. 'l1eachcrs, ru:id Sabbat h -Schools. 'L'h1;1 large::1 t l!t ock of or euclo~ia.g burying lot::i~ JOHN HEAL THE DURABILITY of the ' ' Silver Tong-ue " is one of its most roma.rka.ble characteriatics. 'l'heir quality of keeping in good tone, also js one of the moet practical ilnportance . Furn~ture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hand, e<r wrought to oi·der, ...4.. cal1 is respeutfully requested at the 'vorke, DBBSSK.AKING as usual . Ster eoscopic View-s ever sho'\\·n ill t bb ~ectiun o( t he country- ; ul.so "" · 1'lt y. ... eas a, speo1a, J · Newcastle, Augusa 1 14th, 1874. CUTTING AND FITTING n.nd none but first-cla ss workmen employed, thui:iinsur:ing good value in every c;ase. l(i·na Street, Bo-imnanv ille Octobor, l·t, 1869. ' 1-tf MARRIAGE LIOENSE MRS. A. FLETCHER. Bowmanville, April 7th,1874. L. STROWGER j ' ,J. D. STROWGER . tore, King Street, Bo\\-"Ula-nville. STORE.-; One door eMt of 1Jornisl1's Jewelry J. SM.ALE. mcnccrl business in the Shop next to the F.:<· vress Office, one door ea8t of .T. Milne's. Ha\'ing had several years expede11ce in the trade, he hopes to satisfy all who rua.y favor bbu \\·ith a call. Bowma.nville, Sep. <1th, 1872. RICE & BARKER, King Street, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. March 3rd 1874 s issued by . GOOD FITS GUARANTEED m4V-tf. W. ll. CLIM11:, the State$nutf1. Office BoWD1Mlville :Bowmanville, Sept . 23rd, 1873_ Bowmanvill· No,, lfh M icoscopes, 'l'o :Ma.sters of L. 0. L Rea.ding C.Ua.sses, LANK UER'lTFICAES, Aj'Pli~utions · etc., etc B &o., &c. can be procured at th11:1 ofticet at regular ratef'!, O. BARKER. Bowm&nvil!e, July 7th, 1873 . 1