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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Sep 1874, p. 4

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{ THE l'vIERCHANT . .. . ' FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER 11, 1874.. POETRY. UNKNOWN: Bl" LILLIE 'E. BAilH. FARM AND KITCHEN. To Make a Horse Take on Flesh. There are sundry condition powders and ton· ics which a.i;c often fed to horses, and· proU.uce an increase of flesh ; but th~y n1ust be kept up or the horse \Vill run do\vn, and in the end they all do injury. Regular feeding, faithful groo1ning, change of diet, salt always accessible, exercise even if it be hard \vork ·\vith sufficient rest, pure 'vater, pure air in the sta.blo, and comfort with quiet, will ca.use almost any horse properly fed to lay on flesh if not to become fat. A writer in an exchange paper truly : "Many good horses devour large quantitie/3 ot grain a.nd hay, and still continue thin and poor. The food eaten 'is not tJroperly ~ssim.i lated. If the usual fee<l has been unground grain and hay, nothin5 but a. cha.:11ge wlll effect a desirable alteratioll in the a.ppea.rance of the anitual. In case oil ineal ca.nnot be obtained readily, mingle a bushel of :fl3.xsecd with a bushel of barley, one of on.ta, at'i.d another bushel of Indian corn, a.nd let it be ground into tine meal. Thi:; will be a fair pro:portil)n for all his feed. . Or, the n1eal of barley, oats and corn,in equal quautitiea,ma.y be fir~t procured auU one-fourth part of the oil cake min.gled 'vith it, when the meal is sprinkled On cut fet:d. :H'eed two or three quarte: of the mixture three timea daily mingled with a peck of cut hay and straw. If the horse will ca,t t110.t a.mount greedily, let the quantity be gradually increased until he "·ill ea.t four or eix quarts n.t every feeding three times a da.y. So long as the animal will eat this allowance, · the quantity may be increa.sed a little every day. But avoid the pl'actice of allowing a horse to stand at a rack well filled with hn.y, In order to fatten a. horse that has run dov.·n in flesh, the gro01n should be ve1y particular to feed the animal no more than he will eat up clean and lick the inn,nger for more." - Ru1·a.l New Yorker. ' JUST illlIVED AT 'l'wo Uear feet that went out and in, Weary, but ~illing for Love's S\\'eet tiake ; 'I'wo strong hands that did gladly '\viu Bre:\d for th~ 1s ti.ngera to break. i\vo kind eyes that could 'veep for the grief For which hands and feet had no rolief; Two open ea1·e for a friend's distrcsa; Two faithful lips to counsel and bless. And eyes, and ears, and feet and hands, Under a noble soul's coUlma.nda. So in our home he lived for year!!, And a.U its obau1bera were fille<l with light ; Little \ve knew of cares or fears, Little of all his struggle and fight. NeYer we drea.tned that a. day would con1e, 'Vhen those dear lips \vould be cold and dumb; 'Vhen those q_uick f-'et would have perfect rest, And tired hands Ii6'on a pulseleas breast : When neither p assio~a.te prayers nor tears \Vould hre~ the silence of sealed ears. Lessons hard \VC have had since then ; But the one most full of sad surprise, 'l'he hardce.t of a.Jl to learn, 'Va.$ when '!'he dead dict open our living eyeR, An·J w..: !-:~·~>'.' ,,u:· love hy its depth of loss; Our friend, by the ·weight of ouL· cL'lily cross i Our guide, by our "'andering far astray ; Our strength, when we fainted UJ~ the 1vay. · A NDERSON :SOOT AN:O SHOE EMI'OR:nrwr, ~-- · - & CO'S the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOES eyer offct'ed in .Bowmanville, a.nd AT THE LOVVEST PRICES. SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. --o- ll(JE 111111. TO CASH. PURCHASERS. .- 0 - G REAT.-IN_ DUCENIENrrs · 0 preparation, mado chiefly from the mt. Live herbs found 011 the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the mcdicim1l properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost claily asked, "What is the canse of the nnparalleled success of VmEGAll IlIT· '! 'ERS f" Onr answer is, that they remove I Ile cause of disease, aud the patient rocovcrs bis health. '!'hey are the grcr.t blood purifier and a life-giving pxincjple, llo perfect l{enovatot' and ln vigorator of the svstem. Never before in the history ofv Lhe '\'Orkl bus a·1nediciue been con1vonndc1l possessing tho renHuka.blo quo.htieS of 'VI!\EO.iR BITTJ::ns in healing tho Dr. J. Walker's California 'Vin· egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable Primella Gaiter!f"and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at 8 A 1 Ii 11 New Goods, New Goods . JUST AR-RIVED. Ladies' Cuffs and Collars, with cuff :Buttons and . collar :Buttons attacheCI:, :FOR THE ANDERSON & CO., Deed's old Stand.. 'l'he Best -Material used. at 1:.t..liDJ:ltSON & QO'S. --o-- --o__:: ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANT.ED. NO OTHER NEED APPL AT ANDERSON & CO'S. So al)gels clad in mortal clay Bring us full often our daily bf·ead; And we know them not till they go awu.y, And the gift is gone and the giver dea.d. !Jone! but their memory lb1gcreth yet, 'Vet with the tears· of a vain regret ; \-Vhilu a. sad pra.yer sighs to the other shore, " 0 'l'rne Heart! would "'·e had loved thee tnore ! " Brilliant Whitewash. Oh let our blindness be a.1.l forgot ! :Por here, whilst thou stnidst, .\\'e knew thee Take half a bul!!bel of unslackeel lime. Slake not ! it ·with bOil.iii.g~witer, cover it Uutirig the pro-:-Christia-n Union. cess to keep the eteam in. Strain the liquid thl:'ough a fine sieve and Md to i't a peck of salt previously well dissvlved in wart.n 'vater, three pound.a of g1·ound rica boiled to n. thin paste and stirred in boiling hot, half n. pound of clean glue which has been previously dit1solve<l. How to raise u. di11.Dex-Go to soa, by soaking it well ap.d . banging it over a slo'v Epitaph for an aerona.ut- 11 Gone up." fire in ·a small kettle within a large one filled Ro\v to :find happiness-J JOok in a dictiouary. v.ith water ; add fivo ~ gaUo~ of hot water to 'Vha.t alway:!!! grows bigger just M fast as you the mixture, stir it weli, and let .stand a ft'W do.ys covered frotll the dirt. It should be put on contract it? Debt. a dog like a tree? Because both lose hot. -Farmers' :Clnion. N. B.-We have been appointe!1 ttgents for the celel)rnted BANNER SEW1-NG MACHINE, manufacturei:l in Sherbrooke, Qnebee. .Call a.n d see sample machine. Bowrun.nvillo, June !Jth, 1874. . :;ick of ovcry disease n1u.n is bcir to. '!'hey lll'C u gentle Purir11ti1e ll.S woll as u rrouio, rclicying ~ Congestion or I uJlan1n1n.t.ion of tho · Li\'Of an·L "YiticcrH.l Org[l,1161 iu Hiliouo Di seases. \.. '£.he 11ropcrtics of J)n. ,1,qrnn.'s '{Ill'tX:l c\ u BIT'l' gits aro . .A p(·rie11 t, 'I liu1ilioretic.1 THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. w N E W D R E S S G0 0 DS, C:t1111ina.tive, :Nntritiou ~ , L1.tX<"tti\'.'"eJ Diurr.tic, . .Scd[l;t,ive, CouuLe,.-1rri tant. , Sodori'lic1 A.lto)la- A BIG is now l~URI-I . ' at 1.h·P. fl..nd .A.ut i-Bilir",>;. f t . ! I. l\l i: DON ."l. f . n -:· .' f cur .. of \Va~Uin~ton 1w rl C J1 adJ i· n ~-': Is .. \ ". \·. ~old !J~· ;lJl Jl l' u g g · ·t · :u ul D ,~ ; . JJi·ui;;.ri:iL s rmrl Gi:-n . Agtg.. ~111 1 !·' r . ni ~hw ·. 1 '.:,!; :·, ;- 1 . NEW MILLINERY, NI::W HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPS --o-- rag~ng Crumbs for Chickens. LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL composed ot the follo\vi~g and other first-class Iron Stemnships :- 1874. TE:MI'EltLEY LINE. "ST. "TlIA:\-IES. H J.JAWEE~CE.') Organs New tweeds, New trouserings, _New vestings; New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -o- E X P EC· T TO-DAY, I "SCOTJ,AJ(D." B · their bark v.-·hcu dead. An artist is not M strong as n. horse, but he can draw a larger object. ~y is the bone of the a.riu called the funny· bone? Becauee it is humorous bone. \Vhy has a ';lock a. baal1ful appcar:\nce? Bo· c·ausc it keeps its hands before its face. 'Vhat roof coyers the ra 6st noisy te11ant? ~l'be roof of the mouth. l\f~. nergh denies the report that he ii; >\bout to cause the arrest of several large gi;ocory firms for bottling ca.ts·up, ' \Vho v.-·as the meekest 1na.n? ' asked a Sunday school teacher; ' ~loses; ' very well, "\Vho Wat! thtl l!teekest woman~ ' 'Never was any,, "I'd bate to bo in your Shoos," said a. 'l'erre Haute woman, as she was quarreling \vith a neighbor. "You couldn't get in then1," sarcastically remarked the neighbor. 'l'he 1-Iilwaukee n1an who tied his dog to a wagqn-wbeel to learn him to be a coach dog, is disgusted with ~he whole busincBB. A Brooklyn h11sband comfortl:I his 'vife for the loss of their little thrce.months·olcl by reminding her that there will be n1ore romn on the clothes line now. 11 'Vha.t a deJig·htiul sensatiou," says Jemn1:1, H tu be creiu~ted in the city gas worki:i, and have your a\ve(ltheart 'exclaim, in turnh1g on the gas, " He was never so bl'illiant as nO'-" ! " The Rev. Y.1 alker Dunlop, of t}1e Sec'}Stion Church, Dumfries 1 riding one day in the country, was a.eked by a fop why his pony's wagged eo. "Just," f:laid Mr. DunloJ?, "what n1akes your tongue wag- weakne ss." 'Oh, night! bta.utiful dark browed night!' &01ilo<1uised a poet ; but the window sasl1 can1e down on the bdJge of hi.e. nose, just the same &a though there was no sueh thing- aa poetry in tbia \Y·orld. An Ottumwu. boy charged a stuulp with blaeting powder, attached a fmie to blow it up, and got on the feuce to see the fun, He isn't collec~ed enough yet to tell how fu11ny it was. .Uthough the citizens ru:e colh:cting hi1n in clif~ ferent parta of the suburbs. I a.m going-- I knov.· I a1n,' ~aid :~ dying ~fississippin.n, 'and I belie\o·e Pel go e~ier if Jim would get down the :fiddle 1-1.ud play ' 2ore· heeled Sally' 011ce more.' Ji1n <lid. Dtvout -tnother to young: lady, \\'ho is burn· iug up lctten;: 1 What you_ doing there, my dear? you but·11iug incense?' Young Jady; 'Oh 1 no, nit~; I au1 only buruing none· sense.' j 1'o Cook R-icc. --The following ia the method recommended by the French Academy fo1· rice, during the ~eige of Pads. Take one cup of rice an<l on,e, cup of water in a and he iR determined to continue to sell at these ·ruinou; ly low pl' ices saucepan, cover and place cover· good firo ; cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itafter ·u hour the water will be evaporated, and First, he. l;mys_ for cash and know just how to buy I the rice .::ooked tender, but dry, and 'vith the h grains distinct,- not in ·paste. Sufficient.alt Second, > hat" e can't buy ch&'tp enough; he manufoc'turcs ·'. should re added in the first place, and care Third, he is satisfied with small profit,! should be taken·not to distuvb the rice while Fourth~ ho ~ells for cash; cooking. By adding aliltle butter, and allowFifth, he·sells -at bo ttom prices. ing the rice to dry a. little more over a gentle ' · · · ..., ~ofire,. more delicate dish is preprued. The s~ . ! . ~OB Boston 1'-fedical and Sur8'i.Qnl J ourna.l r;a.ys that · rice cooked in th\a marui.;r. which is the same . . _ . . '.Ali'D M tbat ~mployed in the East-lQ.d~es, bc~ri) t4c B R f N G Y Q U R F R I E N D S W JT H Y Q U same relation to the indigestible paste of _ the Ex>mioc the stock, which co1 npris<s evefything in the trade, of the very lat"t and most eicgant New England kitchen oo doe1;1 bread. ti) boiled, -' · istylc1;1 and pµ.tternB, .of English', Canadian, aud A1uerican manllfacture. flour. · · · r ·- ·- o _ He still contilrue1:1 to nu-1o1H1fa9 ~ul'e t0 .01·der, fro1n the best of 1n<l.teria1, and none but first A Jlyyieni:C Breahjaet.r-·The Laws of Life · · 1vorkroen kept. gives the follo,ving :- For a private family,first · ~ " ~ oa saucer of oatmen1 v~adu1g·with creamy milk (su""ar or maple syt.,_,j, if tle'Sh-cd) and 'light, wa;m corn gems is -~et bef01·e na .' ' arui\\·p,rs He h<lis in stock 111i. endless .variety of Ladies' nnd Gent!;' Saratoga 'l'ruuks, Valises &c., all of which he is aelling cheap for cash. ' · the purpose, healthwisc. and otherwise, <\S -osoups a.t our o'rdina.ry dinnerp ; and though in Remember the Stand, ":BIG :BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. some fainilies, whero tbe \\·a.rm pa.rt of the is put on the table a.t first it not be desitable to leave it co6ling 'vhile cnting a Bowrt1 anl'i.1le, l:1a.y 1:1, .LS74. first course,-yet it iB considered ~ better tO' giv,e the ::stomach this pr6pn1·atio11 beforl'. b~gi~ning the harder, dryer pa.rt of a meal. So next, if convenient to the houseke~per 1 we.will bO se1'.V· ed · w ith warm mMhcd potato, 1nil.k toast and nict.Jy Lima beo.n~. wit4_ a C0Uiti1tuq.· t~on of the corn gems. l'hia. may 3011nd scanty but we arc snre trom experieuce tb11t such a. makea up richly, both in quantity and quality for wha.t it lacks in ·va.riCty, and givea better satisfaction than. a table. loa<led ·with so many different kinds of bread8, puddings and sauces that the partaker must either go through an ofttimes perplexing procel:!.s of selection, or fa.11' a. weak victim to tb e e:ffe<:ts of taking~ many ~inds _ aa are offered him. Sore 'J'hroat-XJ£!.!:.t poUm-8.-An eminent physician, ·who devotes bis 'vbo]e attention to disease of the throa.t and hu1ga 1 told us the other '-:' ·- ' da.y that about three-fourths of all thron.t dis. ,.. ., cases would get \\:ell by \vearing very loose collars, and no noctle at all. He aa.irl that often singers 'vould come to him for throat diseMe and loas of voice, and he \VOuld tear open their cravatfl and cnre them with on other ·trentrue,nt whatever. "The pr.essure of the collar on the arteriea of the neck is very b}ld for the h~a.lth/' saitl he. He also nddea :-"If you a. di s· eMe of the throat, let nature do the < Curiug,and A you11g lll.dy wlJo eutljred a mut.lic shop and he ph;ysican jus~ :.i,s little as possible." ---oo--a!:lkecl the young man in attenclauce, ·Have you llappy Drea-nH;," wa.s a.stonit.lbl:ltl -..vhen he TO'bacco · Antidote. replied, ' No, tna.'a.m ; I 'm mostly trouLled with r 1 the nightrr1are. lie didn't know wbyshe w~nt Dr. Geo. · Trask, of M;assacbusett·, who out so hurriedly , ha..~ given great.attention"to the subject of 'Be careful ho\\' you <lrink, or you'll wash tobaCco using,~pnblisheS th~ following antithe co]or from your cheeks 1' said a gentleman dote for tbose ~ Jvho hav~ a 4esire to break n.t a fashionable }Hnty, a.a he ha11d1~d o. glaas of all'. We know of many who wish to do so. water to a lady. 1 There is no danger of your Let them .try it and report- the results for . .M. URDOOH BROS. hrwe opened out an itnme1rnc sLuck of Now Flhll ever talcing water enough to remove the color the ben~fit..Qf th (Jaslcet readers : · ' Goods. Great care bas been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lot" inz from your face,' W:t'J the good·n!liture<l retort. · "In our o.?ti·t,?bacco labors, \Ve see thou-. but First Class.Goods httve been purchased, customers can rely on get'l1he rh1iug- generation ' age' ra;pid1y. A 1na~ sands wboeo, )llills' are' J1~ral~zed by tobacco, ting good value for their money. · ture tipeciwen, e~ht years old, vvas h11nting wbo struggle lo - ha ~e," but give up in r. around the police station for a stray father the. ue·pair. ·. nee'd· Ol)'a?1tidotc for an in· otl1er night. 'You see,' he remarked with .filial exultation, 1 the gov'ncr's a little wil<l yet, satiable appetite.'- Resoiution -must be .' armed, and hope an.d trust 'irr God .i.nspircd. but he'll gro\v out of it.' An aged lunatic \VM consigned to an a.aylum . Hereis our .autidote, f~ien(i'~ t(ryit'. We ------- "DELTA.' 1 l'he first stea.iner of this LU10 is intended to be despu.tcLed from SEVERN. :i All the novelties of tho season to be found at LONDON FOR ,J & w. J, McMurtry-& Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, Quebec and Montreal OJ:! WEDNESDA!l", lqth APRIL, d (To bj lolkowed at mtervals of '!'EN DAYS nnng t 16 ~.. ,eason), AND rROM Organs O:'of THE lBOWHANVILLE~ CA.LL AN.D Y011BSELVES, Q ueb ec f·or 'fhroug~1 L Oll d OD . A ABOUT 7th MAY. Ticket111 from all points West, at REDUCED IlATES. Certifo.~a.tes issued to P,ersons d~s_ii:ous of br}ngi?g out their fdendl!!. 'Ihrough lhlls of Ladwg issued 011 the Continent and in . L ondon for all parts of Canada.. anJ. in the 1Jnitcd States to Detroit, ~IHwau kee, Chica.go, and other points in the )'{est. ll'or ]fre ight or, app]v to TEMPERLBYS, OAU'l'ER lio DRAKE 21 Billtiter Street, London; ROSS & Co. Quebec; DAVID SHAW, 1dontreal; 01: JACOB JS'};ADSBowman,·ill~, Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarantee d CONTINENT. 1873. . ---07-- maY M. TRELEVEN. m29·t md. Nov. -o- 1873. of th e B.!JSINESS OfIANGE. UNDERSIGNED begs to announcctd T HE the public generally, that he has purehMe· tho stQCk and goodwill o{ the · bu1:1iness hereto. fore carried on in the FALL STOCK. Dress Goods · ~ewest Style. ~a---J Village ot Hampton, BY Have yon seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons 7 James Cryderman, as Cabinet 1uakcr anU Undortaker, aud \vill continue the business in the old premis.;o.,s, '\Vith a. full assortment of first class }'urnituro, Coffins, Shrouds, &c., 'vill be kept on hnnd n.nd hopes by etrict attention to business, a11ti mode ate cha1·~es to merit tho of t he people. NEW GOODS. My New Goods have OPENING GREY 001,TONS of the best milokc, including the celebrated STORM ONT. lOct Cottons Fashions.! at Cowle's---Splendid value. NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND ttnd the nssortrnent will be fouud ~1agnificent · · display of N e'v and · - · Goods. 1~ic11 \7 ERY AND 'I'HE HEABSE having been of nnequalJcd S'l'YLE and QU"ALI'l'Y Improved and Painted, e now one of the best in the County_, der1 promptly attonded to. All or PRICES ·M0 DER ATE 'I'he Public are solicited to call and see for thermelvcs. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872' They ---o---- ·- P. S.-F~rnit'ure ::tnade to order when re· quired, WJ.d repairS' neatly executed. Hampton, S~p. 18th, 1873· a. XA'l'EESON. ' STO:a.MON'l' COTTON BAGS; THE in · HES .T H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- the World. J)q1TONS~ at =============~ === -- =========.::====:o===== by hi8 wife and friends. A gentleman said to a lady who doubted the victim's in~anity : ' \Vhnt do you think, mada.m. of his lying on his back in the barn-yard a.nd permitting hens to feed off his body ? ' ' \Y11y, nothing more,' responded the Jady, 1 than that, lik e a great many other n1a.rded n1en, be \Vas hen-pecked. A tall western ,girl named Short long loved a Certain big Mr. Little; while T..1ittle, little thinking of Short, loved a. little lass named 'l'o make a long story short, Little pro· posed to Long, and Short longed to b{': ev-e11 With Little's short·comings. So Short, ineet· h1.g Long, thrc!ltcned to ma.rry Little before long. which caused Little in a. short time to marry Long. Query : Did tall Short lo-ve . big Little leas, because Little loved L ong? '· r ask nothing fodt. l. Mak;e,\he .most 'of ;rour ~111. JJrop tobacco, and resolve never to use it . 11gaill in any form. , · 1 -' DRESS GOODS ~- J1'·~ 2. Go to an · aptbecary, ~n~ .IJµy ten cents' worth of .Gentian roOt, co'arSely ground, · ' ... 3. Take as of it alter each 1ueal, or oftener, as amounts to a common quid of ' fine-cut' or 'cn.ven.' Plain and figured Lu~ti·es; Plain _ a nd Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured ltep'ps, 'Enipr.e~s Oloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress (Joods; Black A1.raccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Bla:ck Pamm~ttas; Black Crape Cloths, Blacl~ ·Metz Corel·- Special Line of CO WLE'S. J.W::OBRIS' READY-MADE TO THE PUBI_jIC. 'VALTER 'VIGG & SON, N returning tba.nks ~o ~heir upmerous .cue torn ors and~ the public gen~ral!y, for favor&, 'vould re1:1pectfully invite their g,ttention to 01u· present stock of furn1ture, 1.ts we lHtYe lately a.~ded ~hereto, that we m:,:i.y thereby ho enabled to anpply uU pa~·ties who nu1.y please to favor him "'1th a call. Great n1ducements held out to those purchasmg at our estiLbbs:hment. Pict~cs, Looking: Gl.Mami, etc .. sramed to order, and in every style. Samples o;f .. the different kin~ of l\{ouldings can be seed at the ware·roo1n. "' e -..voul<l. also beg to inform you, tbat 1 having pUichased a 4. Chew it well, and swallow all Lbe saliva. 5. Coutinne this a few \\'eeks, and you will probably come oll' conqueror; then MILLINERY ,. CARRIAGE SHOP {west of the Ontario Bauk.) Good CLOrrHING and I Cheap. I thank God, and ' sin no more.' REASONS. King 'Street, Bowmanville. Clothing to It is a well-known Fact that Cowle has the best Tweeds in t!i.e countJ',IJ. Noth,:ng cheaper lha.n lhc I Oct Co lions Co-ivlc's. A Goon TUHN' 0FF.-"\Villian1 rv-. seemed 1, Gent!un is a tonic, bitter in taste, all<l .inn. momen.tary dilemma, one day, when, at \\·ill tend to n ehtralizc and alla.y your taete table with 1:1evern.l officers, lrn ordered one of the waiters to 1 Ta.kc away that marino " there,, for tobacco. 2. lfentine is a nervinc. It \Yill brace pointing to an empty bottle. 'Your Majesty!· inquired a colonel of marinei:i, 'Do yon compar6 up your relaxed and fiabhy nerves, and a.n empty hottle ton. me1nbex of our branch of tend to save you fron1 the ' il\Vfnl goneness' the service?' 'Yes,' replied- the monarch, a~ under \vbir:b vi.ctirus agonize. if a sudden thought had struck him; ' I mean 3. Gen tine, for a sP,ort time, u1ay serve to say it has done its cloty once, and is ready as a partial substitute for the quid or pipe. 1 to do i~ a.gain. It employs the n1outh, beguiles attention; 'l"'he late Ezekiel Htun ventured abroad and gives a helping hand to a drowning eome years before his deceaae 1 ~nd tho :fh'St mu.n. thing after landiuo on a foreigh shore got his Despise not our antidote. J\loney-n1aki11g love of country so \VOUnded that he never in(lttlged _in travel afterward. He prided him. men give us to understand, that, should vle -.!!elf on his orig in, and in registering bis name fill tnillions of litLlc boxes \Vith Gentinc, on his arrival abroad intended to make some- mark them, "l'raak's Infallible 'Tobacco thing of a sprend. Accordingly he wrote thus : Ou1·e/ price one dollar, \Ve shot.kl soon fill 'Ezekiel Hum, America-.' 'J'he polite and gen· our empty coffers, make our neetly cause tlemanly clerk seized the pen n.fter him, and rich, popular, and triumphant, and make bending over th~ book aa if to complete ·the ten times aSmuch as our loss by the Bost.on entty inquired, "Vhat tribe?' VVhen Uncle E~ekiel had recovered enough to answer he re- Ii"' ire , We shall do no such thing. We shall plied with much dignity: 'No tribe, sir; but of English origin from North Atnel'ica.' 'Beg continue to spreiid 1'racts over the Nation, pardon, Canadian? 1 '~o 1' ·Ah! perhaps and beg enslaved ruen to try our an lidote-Nov.a. Scotia?' 'No, sir! I am from. the resolution, _genti11n and the grace of God, United StatP.8 of America.' 'Oh, very good. 'Thousands have<tried it and are free." '}'bank you Y4nkee.' 1 The assortment of 111illinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can he consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the la.r gest assortment to be founi'. SPLENDID 'NEW HEARSE, 1!ubscribl:lr is pl'epa.recl to builJ. n.:nd reTHE, pe.ll' we ahall be ready at a 1 times, to a.ttcu<l fnuorala 1 on ishort notice aw.1 N. B.-Coffins ke1)t on hand, and inadc to order, at the 1·~aso)·~~ble tern1s, Wagons, B1iggics, an-d Ciitte?'B, In Bhck >rncl · \Vhite real Laces and Lacti Collars, we sortment, at prices to suit all. hav~ --------·------BLANICETS IK NEW DOMINION RETAIL FUllNlTUHE l-VAllE-lWOM. Oshawa, A11g. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa· a .l:tr(!e as...., of every description, at Ehort 11otice, alido reaoonablc term·. 'l'o the Inhabitants of :Sowmanville. I about getting a Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Be{tvers,. Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. Carriages Painted and Trimm cd· . MURDOCH BROS. Bowmam'.ille,May 7th, 1872 · ·A Blacksmith's Shop on th premise~, Large Variety DENTAL B1JRRING ENGINE hy whid~ I can · ·were special att1.1 ntio11 a g1veu to nll Extract Teeth in ·less tha,n half the usual time, and with loES pain to t11e patient than heretofore, ·a ud tha.t I havl· pl'Ocured a. Cn rriage work, and General I / IAll work done at this Establishment war/anted. A cn.11 if:! respectfully .soliuited. ,T, MORRIS. Bowma.Dville, Oct. lat, 1869, Jobbing. I.1-lPBOVED APPABA"i:'US W inoeys--a Dead Job. NEW AND for generating 1\itrous Oxide Ga.a, by which 1 oo.n now EX.TRACT TEE'l'H "iVITI-TOUT PAIN. N. :B.···Specia J indnc·e ment .given to CASH Purchasers. ARTIFICIAL TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20<00 " " GOOD " " $16:00 YOURS RESPECTFULLY , CASH. F.· Y. Cowle ~ Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. J3owmanville, October, 187.::. J. M. :Brimaicombe, '

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