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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 18 Sep 1874, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTJiMBER 18, 1874. The Satlsfa ·tlou given by LORD Visit has been lt :Sible Christian SPRING but the · BARNUM a ecli-pse<l by the sri..tis.factton given by HMAT~E to his numerous pati·o1J ~ . I-Ie is now pleased to announce that be ha.a on ho.nil a Jri..rg<i and varied ussortrrent of of the best qua1ity, and is anx.ioua that they shall set to work LU! soun as poasible. very pleasing event to the inhabitants of Bowmanville, BOOTS AND SHOES All :Prices, All Sizes. All Kinds. PlllJES . at which Announcements. IvIA:B.X:'CJ'S :M:AY:E::B.S . calls attention to his very large · House BOOK ROOM E.Lephan!__ HE UNDER~IGNED retnr~ing THE New Fall Dry Goods & Clothing ~.R~~~~assortm~~~~~! 1 J-. in tl1anks T to his many fnends and the public generally for the libern.t pntronage extended to him dur· 01 PSIDE " t ,. tJHE J-. , ' ---:o:--- are beina sold his former displays. is » much greater tre;Lt to those who desire to get the best ;./ their money. value for and he superb. ~~;~;;;~t;a ~; bi~s call~ attenti~n 'l1o his usually large home ing tho past 18 begs to announce that from o..nd aftl'r t.he 15th Septe1nber, he will c;&rry on the businesa, but more extensively un<ler the name and style of JOHN McLxon & Co. Prom:pt payment of all accounts is render· Qd imperative by this bnsinesl!I arrangement, and all persons indebted will take notice and govern th em~elvcs accord1ngly. .· THE BANNER SE~VING MA.CHINE Ladies' Pnmella Congress at 80 cents. " " E almorals, extra high cut $1.25· COJ.\IIPANY, OF SHERJJROOKE, P. Q., !laving re·ccntly perfectml Nothing to Be:a.t it. GENT'S BOOTS. AND to his Silk, they H1s Drab ShcU, they are just what gentlemen require, his Call and judge for yourselves. . GLADSTONE, Immense Bargains 1 CANNOT BE BEAT. GEN. WOLS ELY, AND School · :Remember the .Store ! . "CHEAP SIDE." Bissonnette & Oo., Oorn01· Sto1'C, Opposite Town Hall, Bowinan'V'ille. His G·cnt'a furnishing as usua.11 ill replete with all the latest and choicest ' bnpro,,,einents, Trunks, &c. TJohn MoLeod. & Co T Family Sewing Machines, Dominion Oro-an Co'y. CUTT;NG · ~;J:vr;TTING H.Liberal Support and H BOW MANVILLE, GUARANTEE Patronage E Depot E John NOT Important in their celebra.ted Are prepared t(l would Br)licit the same JOHN McJ,EOD Bowman ville, September 4th. 1873. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, THE . -1 1 THE)! EQUAL, · and takes this opportunity of in· formiDg the public, tha.t they have extended eo long to McLeod, to any ll(IW Present tbe followi ng t estiwr;mials from cnm petent judges of Organs. Tc~t.inion ial from IF SUPERIOR, John Oa1nidge, Mu;;. Doc., Canluar, England. Bowm:anvillo, 24th Deo.i 187:i. before the public. For To the ManagenJ Dominion fh·gctn Co. GENTI..-MMNY.-T. HkE! to play on your -O<gans to ' .e is soi;rn·eet andsteady· .And the 'vork- and uono bnt first-class workmen employed 1 thus insuring good value in every case. STOR E. - One door <Jast of Cornish's J ewc1ry tore, ICing Str~et, Bowtna-nville. STRAvVHATS, n. every st.yle, as usual. Don't f()rget to give him a. call if you are in \~·ant of anything in his line. · KIN!.l STREET, BOWMANVILLE. - -:o:--'l'he 8uLscriber ha11 0 11 ltis Stock is La.r~, His :E'rioes Low; and ho is a.lwa.ya plc:ased to r:!!how hi1' good. Bowmnn'Villc, May 7th. 1874. hand a Large stock of Books, snited for Sabbath School Libra.rils, Sabbnth Prcaont.,, and the Study. Strowger Bros. NEWCAS~LE Having removed to more commodious premi.eea, IN 1 ~d~~c~d:~~~:~~;. E E ness BB THE EOLD SYSTEM, ·DISCARDED SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION· EASE OF OPERATION, UNIFORJvIITY OF- PRECISE ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, Bowmanville, Sept. 23rd, 1s7.1, J. SMALE. · mansnip and finish excellent, and in e-very pa.rticula.r -they nre equo.l, if not a11perior, to :;r.ny I h;\.ve e'ver heRrd . ..Hoping they will nleet public appreciation. JOHH CAMIVGE SOMETHING NEW follows : EL ALL ACCOUNTS ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALf: BOOKS &c, for Sabbath Scbools. · FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, { --<>---Onr Dook.s are marked low. A specia.1 <liecoun . for Ministers, Teachers, and t. beg to inform the p ublic generally, that they Gre now enabled to offer thern Better Inducements in the liD.e of- .. N A p H RE;;;~ED onlh· 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September ln cac?i and eve?"! year. p H A N Head the following from RQsa D'Erina. : ' Bowmanville, December 22, 1873, r.apacity of rallbe and adaptibility to great variety of work, fine or coru:s'e, To the 1lfanagers of the I>om· i.nion Organ Co. ·- : o : - · GJ<JN :rLEllE:;.T. -I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellent qualities of the Organ supplied by you at my concert last Satnrda.y These Celebrated ~Ia.chines obtained the evening. 'l'he tone ia sweet and very powerful Any one '\\'is11inp, to have Photos enlarged frotl-'l ol<l pictures of deceased friends, can get tho and the ~ombination of stops mo::it admirable. sarne done at I am sure. your inatrumeut:i '\vill fuJd favor in Churches, as the;r_ arc ~ingularJy adapted for Bac:red music. '\Yisbing you every success, and AT THE that the public mo.y patronize native manufa.c. ture. I remain Gentlemen, Very roepoctfnllyJ, held in Montreal in -Septe~ber, 1873. Agents ROS..t\ D'~RINA. they bn.ving gone to greri.t e;pense in purcha.:iing wanted. and fitting up n. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs in Bowmanville. . THEY STAND UNRIVALLED. " :E'rovinoia.l Exhibition, & Arthur's Gallery, J. T. ANDERSON, by-037 ·024.-~yr. LOCAL ;iGENT H. O'H ARA.. President. A. Sabbath Scbooll!. The !arge·t ·tock of · ~!cClong Bros. Grocery Business, (AS REGARDS PRICE db QUALlTY) than any othc1· house in the County. T In the case ot ll'fanufactureni:, Mechanics, and others, whose o.ccounts may amount to $50. 00 or over, their note,if agreed upon, will be taken payable at the Bank for a, ata.ted period, Bo,vmanville, Jo.nuary 1liJ 18Z4·, bp-03-11116. M . DARLEY ?rlanager. T SOL.AD CAMEBA, for the express purpose of enln.rgilng l)botograpJJs, whch they 1nake from the ama. leat card to life sizo. 1'hey would r'3mintl the public that they are still otriving to imp1'0~·e their work. in Photography, and they are now turning out Pictures Stereoscopic Views ever shown in this eection . of the country ; also THE Cash Purchasers AND DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the :RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society Im1lorters of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. · Xioosoopes, ' :Rea;ding G-la.sses, eto., eto C. BARKER. · NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight and 1rleaswre Gua1·anteed in evm·y instance. H O E will n.lwa.ys get goods a.t prices cut FI1'TE, a! our great aim will Qe · to court this class of trade, Prompt Payers on short · credits Stoo~NDLa.rge A 3'lendid nriety of H W J. HIGGINBOTHAM 0 E Bowmanville. Drug Store, ESTABLISHED 1810. 0.1..NAD.i CHIEF 0FFI0£f:!. FALL CIRCULAR. Bowmanville, Sept. 1874. McCJ,UNG Enos. are now fully assorted in the various departments for the Season, having received, with the exception of a few packages, their entire Fall and vVinter Imports. The greatest care has been bestowed in the pm:chase and sdectio11 of this Stock, one of the firm having himself visited the leading Enropean markets fnd manufactories for that purpose. They have the largest Stock ofDressGoods,Silks,Shawls, :Mantles, Skirts, Cottons, Flannels, Wincey,s, Tweeds, qvercoatings, Mantle-cloths, Blankets, Carpets, etc., etc., ever bought in Bowmanville. All these goods have been purchased on the most advantageous terms, a great portion of them having been bought for CASH. If you will favor them with a call, you will feel assured that few, if any, retail establishments in the country, can offer for your inspection a larger, cheaper, and better assorted stock. It affords them pleasure to show their goods and they court comparison. Things are already on the move-call early. 'I'eas Speoia,lity. J. L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Newcastle, Angnst, 14th, 1874 , a REMOVAL. wiRbe11 to in:form hi!5 numerous friench1 and · cus tomen that he haR removed to ' S. MASON . UWell .Assorted ! U RESIDENor SECRF'.l'ARY.-JAMES S STOVES, s DYE STUFFS Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box JOHN McLEOD & CO. for wood or coal. Bo1vma.nvillo, September4thlg731 BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be 'found with the n1oot com plete aas.ortment of DRUGS, OULD moat resp~ctf~lly tender }J is sincCro thanks to his nnmerous friends und cusDIRECTORS. tomers, and to the public generally, for the "\V' ALTER SHANLY, Eaq.i l\'I P., Ohai.rmaan, very libE'ral support he has r eceived since 11is commencing in busines3; n.nd ho1)es by con- D CNCAN MACDONALD, ~81). tinued strict per30nal attention to business, nnd ::\fAJOH T. E. CAMPB'ELJ,, C.B. , St. Hilaire. -:o:offering nothing but the purest articles, at the THE HoNORAHLI!l J'OEN HAMILTON, Hawksbur"', Ont. most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance GRANT. of public patronage. Cabinet and four-fo1u'th size made equally a8 · J, H. would call special attention to his vcl'y B"Ood a,s their cards. Go n.nd ex:n.mino specisuperior stock of mens, and be convincetl that they are doing 1 Extra prints c:u1 be had off o1d nega.tives. well .. The l,:N rJRE PnofJl'S belong to and <li vid· Tl1cy ket"p on hand awl for ijl.\le, tl·U , ed amongst the Polic1'7wW.ers. LIVES, DEOLINED BY OTHER Coin'.a.K°IES, Ol' on v:hich are sure to give the bi.:st sa.tisfaction. which an extra Premiuni ·would be required, can A well selected stock of be asstued at the ordinary rata of this Society, 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. :E:qua.l to Toronto Work. S PECI AL FE AT U RES. Assortment of Frames ,. 1(ndcr a special arrangBme-nt 8PE01AL Ko~"'-FOF.Kl'I.AJlLE POLICIES issued under 'vhlch only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Payments an~ reqnireJ., eatll payznent securing a. Policy for a. swn assured ln:oportionite to tho number of premiu1ns paid, a.ntl ftee fro11i futnr t>aymcri-t of preniiuw_,. MonF.RATE }?J,U,:MIU~ S ::m<l moat liberal C{lllditiuns. -Prospectuses-, Proposal .Fonns, &c., supp1itid oii application at the Head Office, or any of the _ .Agencies. OHEMIDALS, Chea.p a.s the Chea.pest. Bo".'maRville, Nov 12th, 187;). Lp-04.:J-1n6-if Harness, BOW\\llANVILLE Whips, Trunks, &c. n town. Ple1u1e cal[ Bt1c lffi. 1s Oicl stand one door eMt of Maynard's Hotel. :Sowm&nvi.Ile, Sep. lat., 1873. PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SH0ULDER-BRACE8, , , SUPPORTERS, Et'c., Etc. kept constantly on hand. Machine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Oo OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD a.t the very lo~e1:1t JAMES GRAN'!', lte.s. Secretary. AGlrnT FOR l)OWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, 1873.. The sub~cril>er \~·oi.tld beg to C(l.11 n.ttention to his stock of ' Manufa,ctures of })rices . " Observer Oilice, l! l{i.Jlg St. 32-ly Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B.-·Oonntry atore-keE!pem supplied on the most advantageous terms. A choice selection of LA.MPS for bale cheap. B owm:l.Uville. D ec. 1868. 61n. _ _ __ Bowm·nvilk. June 24th, 1s10.Co Imperial. Fire Insurance OF LONDON. {Eetablishocl 1803. HEAD OI'FIClXS.-l Groceries Dry Goods, \VOOD AND !BON WORKING MACHINER'i. Old nroo.d St., and CANADA :- .24 Pall Mall, London. GENERAL .!\. O:K:ti' CY ' FGU 1 St craxnent Montreal. and l\esc1·ye McClung Bros. Double Turbine Water Wheels, and OBG!NS.! Messrs. & :ea.rker SEASON 1874. Daily Line to · Rochester: · Commencing on or about lst April. Subscribed and inves:ted Cnpital Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling, Funds invested in Oanad~ 105,000. Insurances against loas by Fire are eff~cte~ on moot favorable terms, and losses · Wlth out reference to the Boru:·d in London.. :Soots & Shoes .etc., etc, which for Ca.stings of. all X:inds. ,, - Have received another sUpply of that superio class of Organs known na the . The New ' Stea.mer J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. .Gen. Agents, l\{ontrea. 36 m.o.43-39.4w , REPAIRS ~lone on the Silver 'rongue., A'.!' PRICES LOWER THAN ANY PREVIOUSLY LMPORTED. a.nd having rooolved. to give tlte public the bef!-efit Of said reduction in cost.. they call specutl o.ttention to the following Jnce List for the · current month. {R. R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister;, Agent for Eowmanville and Vicinity. Bo'\vmanville, June 4tl1, 1860. SHORTEST NOTICE, We ha.vo now on hand a large quantity of "NO::EtSEMAN" James McFeeters. Quality and Cheap Will make her regul~r trips 011 this route,, leaving Cobourg every inot-ning at 7 :301 ana Port Hope at 9 o'clock, for, connecting there with the New York, Oentrn.l, and Erio Railways, for all points, East, West and South. For the following Insurance Companies, ::i.nd other Institutions, viz:'l'he QUl!~EN ]'ire and Life Insurance Company. .£2,000,000 . $150,000 deposited with the Dominion Government, for the prote.e clcrs in Crui,ada. 'l,be ISOLA·rED RISI{ Fire Insurance Coin pany of Ganado.: Capital 000'000,-0ne of the '\V'ill Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily best and cheape!>t Compt.i..nies doing bnainess in at 9 o'clock, p. nt., except Saturda:yA, "'-hen she: the Doiuinion, for Fa.riners and Ieolated Risksi will leave at 3 p. m. for Oobourg dtrect. Deruer~ in Stock will find this the e'heapcst with a Savings J3ank department. 'fhe AND and fa.oat expeditious route to .Bo~ton , Albany, and Saving's Society. N(IW York, &c., &c. 'l"heRe la.tteJ· instltntions ad vance J_.oans on For further information, address . R. Real. ]:state, on terms unusuo.llv easy for the Pott·Hope, borrower. C, F. GILDERSLEE BowinanV'llle1 Feb. 6th, 1873. Kiugston. ORA WFORD, Master) RETURNING, AGENT Common and Gang Plows, that will bJ 'sold l at Style 3?; Seven Stops ' Diapason. Vio· llna Picolo, Principal; Tremolo.Forte, Fr!~cipal l'.orte· Price $125 Style 37 : Eight Stops ' Diapason, Viol· ina Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Pri~cipal Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. Style 38; Nine Stops,Dlapason,Viollna Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub-baRe Forte, Sub·base,Vox human Price $18(), Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base l'orte. Sub·, Vox Humana. Price $160. *"'ilox Huuiana in th~so organs is not a. fan but n. ect of Beeds. C"piial ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, T,YRONE. LOW. PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bownw.nville, March 6 1873. tf. · 'l'he CANAD ALANDED CREDIT CO'Y. UNION PERMANENT Building :B.ltYME AND L:CXE ·. A littl~ Rhyme came just in time, And all about the best of Litne. Lime frotn tho West of the very best, Not beat in any quarter; TJime that ·will always stand the test, Wlien making into Jno-rtnr. I will try a.nd keep a good supply, For it is always wa1 1ted, That when you a.11 come in to buy, You'll not be dis..'lppointed. you will n.lway1;1 find it dry and freshJ Aud tho.t is something bonnie, So come along aud try this Li111e, But don't forget the money. Hours of delive~,. fronl Nine a. Ifl: toFourp.m., Uorne·r of l,lUeeu and Ontano Street. · 0 SQ, HO! Q-entlemen of J:"a.shion. NOT SO FAST. I have ·w ritten these fe\\" lines Aµd all I have to say, 1'bat you cn.n find ine still a.t home . r. I am not gone av:a.y ; , So all my kind old friends may nme ; And all the young ones too And get their garments ni Ccfy made In fashioD5 thn.t are DC\V 'Vhere old o.nd young cl~tt friend Jnay meet A welcome gre~ting by R. PEATE. Bowmanville June 101~, 1S73. CRAWFORD, Ne~_'I'ailo~ Shop_, J O 'H NH EAL, I-~,._,. WITH F. Y. COWLll, begs 1;0 in· L fotm the public generally, that he has comATE menced bu.:iiness in the Shop next to the E:ir· press Office, one door east of..T. ifilne'a. ! Having had several years experience in the trade, he hopes to satisfy nll 1vho mny favor him with a call. Just Ar.rived. AND Confectionery Depot. WliOLESALE ancl RETAIL JuR~ · D..OMINION BANK. BO\VMA!\VILLJ~ AGENCY. IS HEREBY GIVEN '.l'HA'l' F .ASHION HOUSE NOTICE Dominion Ba11k opened an agency a.t the th~ ]1:'1,1:! a splendid assortment of GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bow1na.nville 1 Sep. 4th, 1872. n14-1l-tf. '.!'HOS. BOWDEN. FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. The ],fannfacturc11:1 isi5uti but one quo.lity of '\'ork, and that is arrived, and for SMc, itt the aJ:;o,·e depot, · New Fruit and OonfectionM·ys, NEW MILLINERY. .A.1!:10 a lot of Bo\VID:tnville, March 11th 18·71. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE · I}1E i\fONEY L.A.BOB; save4 T French Oil Polish is pre!Jfired for Carriages, !3uggies, Harneea, Oil PolU;h. '!'bi~ an<l ! J!'nmch B~ts and Shoes, a.nd aJl kinds uf Lea.tber, . .lt will give any article of Leather, a.most brilh:int l!-P· pca.rane;e, and ~tt tho same tune, ~r~ it~ oily properties, tendi! muc,h. to preserve 1t; it will o..l· \vays be moist and pliant; ~nd m~y be. to '\Vater and \Va.shed, and '\Vlll not lose ltS hr11h~nce, and it ia not to be feared tha.t any cr~1st will ~ettle on ea id Leather when preserved -w;ith tho above Oil. For the woodwo.rk of Buggies, Carriages, and li'urniture, there is not .$..better al'tide in use. 1ianufacturcd by A. SIMON & Co., 'ranncrs and Curricrs, formerly of Fra.nce, nuw of Philadelphia, Pa., In8tructions - Sha.kti l)Qttle. ·.A few llropa on a. pieco of sponge, apply it lightly to t1:1e ~cathr:r, and you will ob.ta~n the finest luetre. P1·i(:e 75cts. pe1· bottle,or $7.50 per dozen. J'OHN SifA.LE, Sole, Rowmanville. July 16th, 1874. 41·6 mos. 0. BOUNSALL, MANUFACTURER, I MPORTER, DE.ALER in all the varicti1.Js of A large and choice selection of an Straw-Cutters I Grain Grinders ~ FJ~ED the wn,y, call at the THE VERY BEST their extensive facilities and long- experiont:: enable them to produce. DATES, FIGS, LEMONS 1 Choice Lemon, Orange . a.nd Citron Feels, REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Ahlo tt la.rge MILLS. Italian & Ameican Marble. Monuments & Grave Stones, W1·oivgM 01· Cast hon Fence~ Another"" ' load of tho above uobl· artides on These inst1·itmenls are cased ·in solid well seasoned, Blaclc walnut, eleqantly ancl beautijitlly fin·ished by a new French proeess. ORANGES TO ARR.VE Soft Shell Alnwnds;Filberts, Braoil ancl Wall Euts, K eillfY/' 8 Jfarmakule, T-Veet India Preserved Ginger, Pewrs, Plums, 'l'o-. maloes, d7 Peac.hes 1 Green Peas, · · (}rcen Corn· & Lhna Rw.,m. stock of tor the tran8action of lJoeiuess in II01·sey's Block, two doors eaat of Brodie's Hotel, King Street. 'J J1tcrest IVill be a:llowed on deposits. Drafta issued on all pciints in Canada, United States and Gre£\t Britain. 'l'he Savings Bank flepnrtment is now op en. On all deposits over S·i intereBt will be aJluwed at the rate of 5 per ent per annum. Office Hotu·s.-Frorn 10 o'clock a. Jn ., to a o'clock I?· m., except on Saturdays, 'vhen tho Bank w1ll-close at J o'clock, p. m~ H. McLELLA~, m3ltf Aoenl. J. Stamps for Baiding and Em· Dana's Pat.e nt Sheep Marks boidery. HESE MARRS ARE '.!'HE CHEAPES'l', T the moat lastiug, the least tronbleaome, and mor;t complete ever invented. hey nsed '11 Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They h.a...·e come and aro coming, at the Frult . Depot. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. aa usual. .BOW MANVILLE a.Twa.y on ha.nd, of superior workmanship, and . Farm Implement Forwarding Agency a.t lowest prices. THE DURABILITY of the " Silver 'l'ongue" is ono of its n1ost i·ern.arkable cha.ractel"istics. Their quality of keeping in good t?rie, !"lso is one of the most practical nnportn.nce. SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAUTY is the test of OHEA.PNESS. T. n: W. JAMES, King St., Bo,vmanville. nlO, Bo\Ytna.nville, Dec. 0, 1872. DARLINGTON. n9·tf Bowma.n"·ille, Deo. 4th. 1873. MRS. A. FLETCHER. Bowmanville~ and recommended by runny of tht best Breeders in the United Stn.tcs f!J\d Canada, such as G. B. J jnring, Salem, }.{, President 1'6-w EJ_lgland Wool Growers' Society; John S. lWss, llennepin, Ill. ; Profes::ior 1-1. Miles, of the State Agricultural College, La.nsing, Mich.; Hon. Geo. :Brown, 'l'oronto, Ont.; John Snell, Ed1nonton, Ont. On each ]if;.U'k is stamped the ownE-r's nruue and.the Shc~p's nurnber. They will be sentjreB, by, m· expr~ss,for only four ccnt3 c2ch1 and will last for '.l.'W.ENTY YEARS. GU- Cash must accoiupa.ny all orders or enclosia.g burying lots. Ii['O'SXC ! MUSIC ! ! rrwo PIANOS und nn ORGAN to rent. Apply to J. xL BRIMAC0~1BE, ·*' Bow1p,nvUle, Sept. ol'd, 1874. 48·tl. '""';.:";.;,.~ RIOE &: BARKER, King Street, Bowmanville. 13ow1nanville. }!a.rch 3rd 1874 April 7th,1874. ARCIHB.ALD YOUNG, JE., Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hl\nd, 1>r v.TOught to order. respectfully requested nt the "\Yorks, October, l·t, 1869. A call is FOR SALE. A GOOD SECOlXD HAND Piano for sale. mOii·tf MARRIAGE LICENSES W. laeued by :R. CLlllill!l, King Street, Bowmanville 11.. llrice $65. J. M. BRIMACOMBE.!11 the St!ll~l!nan Offioe Bowma.nvillo Bowma.nvillt N vv. Ith To Ma.sters of L. 0. LANK CEilTlF .CJ. B &c. &c., can be "'" te"'ular rates. Bowmanvillo, July 7th, 1873. 1 r.. pt·o~ur..,tl ~.L··~ Sarnia, Ont. Orders a.dclresscd to t he MER{JHNT and OBSERVI:R Office, fo1 MY quantity, '\Vill be tilled at " ' 11tioned price, l\8 quickly as the ·ot\CJ.C' ru1d B;,nt. C. v v )'\ u1ti.nville,De c. 28~h. l871, m13-ly BAHKER, ' --~ j

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