· THE MERCHANT. WEST DURRAJ\<I AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Circulates larb"ely in the Tovrnships of Darlington, Cln,1ke and Cartwright, It is a common platform, open to the free discussion of all quessions in whwh the general vublic are co11cerned. TEilMS. - 51- Steam Job l'rinting Offi.oe Knw STHEET, BOWMANYILLE. Seventy-five cents per annum, in advance. 'fhe 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2°00. RATES OF ADV .1!.Ttl'ISINO. Oni, cohunn 45 per ann1un. 1 [nlf do. ~5 " Qun,rte1 du. J5 'l'l .~ns1eut ad~ e1 ti.semouts,5 cts per hne first in· HIJt hou, and 2c per line, each subsequent one. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Y. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1874. lZUMBER 1 He POSTERS, PAM~HLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CA.RDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c., LJ/ EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Home after Business Hours POETRY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Tr:nns w1111cavc Bo\\Tma.nv1lle Station, Row1na.nv1lle tin1e, as follo\vs : C:OINQ \VEST. GOI?$'"0 EART. COME and SEE · Jn the Rammoek. BY NATHAN" D. URNER. HILL'S Lucal* .7.20, a.m ) Express , .8.,{0 am. Express 8 55 a..JU : Mixed . 3 50 p,1n, 1'-f1xed. . 3.20 pm J f..J()CD.l ..· 7·20 p .m. Exp1ess. 8 50 p 1n I l~xpress .. 8 50 p.m. *This t.tn.ia runs e\ ery n1orn1ng of week, :Z...Ioncln.ys excepted, NEW U ndcr the bo11ghs of the beechen tree Ms- Indian hammock s wi~i;s, "£he brave, noble girl put her banJ on And ovt:r n1y head, with cadence free, the shonlJer of her manly companion. The s uwtner south-wind t1Jnge; 'Cu«e you, girl. I would choke you to And the bleat of fb<.:ke <tnd the lo"ing of herds I hear w.. th my head on my a.nn; death if I" ere over there I' llut I'm dreaming still of the tender \Varda 'Then fa.th er do not co1ne. I a1n not That once ga"e the hammock its cha.rm. ready lo die yet, nor do I "ish to die by It rocked me to Bleep by the Indrn.n deep, I n tho intricate ba·1yan's .shade, VVhcn soft at my 1:11de. in the w111n1 w ,d 's you encoura6e 1n their vi sits to the house· I an1 o1d enough to choose my a>lsoch.. tes I am sure.' 'Old enotlgb to choosn a f1!lnrc husbaud n1aybe 1' sncer~d the father. 'Yes, sir, ~ucl I have chosen That mun standalu 1P, fl is saved, and I am re ~cnged P September Days. Then utterly helpless, he would have been cnrr1cd fro1n lhe shore, had 1t not b een 'fhe followrng tmins now stop at Saxony fur passengers.Local going 'vest, due ut .. Mixed f.(Oing east, clue o.t .. .ThiL'\.e1l going 'vest, due nt Locn.l go1ng east, due at . . Montreal tnue F~ll&Winter VER.Y DryGoods your band when I paes awny " 'Come instantly h)Ill0. Young man your 7 .52 a. n1. 3.47 p. m. 3 47p. m. --- :o ~- 722p.m. A LARGE LOT OF young nuin, 1'01 going to have a little re· soaking soJ and stem"' _._th warmth and lite. B!lently \ell of thongbtfl'1 anil "'xpectant venge, too. There stands th e rnost wilful Never Is the e.ith su deeply green as after love the gentle tnin1strattous that d1sencun1htt!e bit oi womanity that ever h1·ed. I'm tbe first September ruins, never does the ber us into an old uud easy se ut before \Ye Bowmanville Nov. 1st, 1873 1 going to send for a minister this very hour sb adow of the branch seem deuser. If here are awa t~ uf it , tbe!:)e and ) l{e tokens of for the purpose of fasLemng her to you for anti Lbere some yellO,\Jng spray thrui3t It- a.ffcct1on and syrnpathy, consotute th e poeA.DU.A.'l'E of Baxter U111vers1ty of !tlusic 1 life. And the further sentence of this coutt self upon the sight, it is I \e the one 5.1,"ay try whieh reconc1 les us to Lhc prose of hte. "endsln1), Kc\V Yo1k. is that you two bnve got to stay here aucl thread in the hair of beauty ; it inakes all Think of th1s ye \\.a\es an<l daughters of ·reach of Instl·ument, Cultivation of the ':Pbtnk: tho tolls, the take care of Jne until I atn called a way the rest n1ore p1ec1ous, and adde a so1ne- bus1ness nien ! Voice, 'l'h i.1gh Bass, IInrmo11y and Compo sent the light boat high upon the shore from this heard·hearted world ' th1ng teDderer to the beiug whose mortal- anxieties, the u1ort1fica t1on and wea1 that e1tion In a ta.mnrisk grove half-hit!, 41 ly Darhngtont J uly 16th, 1874. And on wings of scarlet, blue, purple and gold, where the father stood. 'I'here \\'llS a s)Jowcr of salt \\ U tcr 1n that ity it proves. 'Ve remember, when \\'e see fathers undergo to secure for you corufnrt~ Strange birdt' through the bnght o: $1-ld, Here young Clark leaped out, and ex· room just then, but plenty of sunslnue with the yellomng spr,iy, the eibyl'a golden able homes and co1npensate thorn for th eir Ilut I had but eiyea: for the deep, da'"k onea tending bis hand to Anna aas1sted her to the ten.rs, nnd my story ends 1u-ah, me! bough that illumrnated the way through a trials by making them happy by then own 'l'bnt e\ er on mine v;·ore ca.:it, land. nothing but mat." mony ofter all. What dark and doubtfnl region,und \\'e a.re thank· firei!ides. With their shadowed rays of a n1il"on suns, As ho did so, Mr. Markle, the lather, nonsense ! Not even an elopement ! ~ l that if \V1nter n1u~t come upon us nt s Ga.rmenta1 And the" SII' e from the sto_ 'es past Caution Against Bigot1y. ·with his face purple .tram passion, raised his last, ll is through such a royal road that be Oh, tny dark blight one! Oh, my deep de~w clenche<l hand and struck lnm a blow ao must travol-,a very Field of the Cloth of It I S certain, so long a.a \VO kno w but in · The B ~fdal Tour. one! violent, full on !us br0ad chest, that be Go!d-w!ule ull his tenting place· sba'1 le BO'wn1anv1lle 1 July, 27, 1869. part, that all men v;r1 ll not se~ things alike. r · F1om Sultan~ antl Ra1aJ1s sprung; reeled backward and fell into the water. Young Spriggles and bis .t\rn1n antba. J ane rich as the hangings of the tabo1nacle. I~ is an unavoiclable couscquenco of thr. pre· R R LOSCOMBE, Have the life sands run- is the proud race 'Father-father, this is infamous!' cried had just been mnrn ed nncl were going upon We haidly become entirely used to the sent weakness and shortnens of hu1n a11 1111· BARR TSTER-AT-LAW, donethe indignant girl. their bridal ton. They didn't know fact of summer, j 1Jdeecl, till this 1nonth derstand1ng, th at seveiuJ tnen wHl be of · SOLIOITOR IN. CliANGliJRY, Jn llGono with t11 e aong that you su 1g' ' Never nnnd-1t was base nnd unn1a.nly, whether upon thrn retu, i they would comes to cont1n110 and carry it on a t its se\·ernl minds in 1el!g1on os well as 10 comGone with tho air tha~ mmo ear st 11tt11Js01"FlOE,-0~el' l\icCluui;'e Store same fict; but I will be revenqeJ, I' eaid Ed ward Clark, board \\ ith the ' old 1olks' or take roorns in best ; to give it the last touch, the consun1- mon lrfe. So it has been iro1n the beu~n 'Vith its burden of buried yearsa.l:l ,f. M Ilrimaco1nb's Dental Tioomti. 0 as he rose dripping ±rom the stream, and a private hotel. Berng 011ly a clerk, Sprig- mate stroke c.f JoveF less ; to maintain the niug of the \VOrld, und so 1t will be ' h\I "\Vith its mystical ken tf the c1adle of men, :So-wn:anville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ~ That invokes my solemn tea.rs? pushing off his boat got into it. ~ great wave of the year a little longer ut 1ta gle.:1 mean 'verc lim1ted, nnd be could not the res titution of nll things' LICENSE~ He was very pale, but in no other \\'ay expect nntch at first 1n the wa) of J1v1ng. height before it breaks m the splendid .Nay, furthei . Although evt·iy 1 uan ~ Yet still it u; eweet as under the tree ISSUJUJ ifY dicl he exb1b1t anger, except the \Vortls I I11 rny Indian hanunock I swa.y, 'Of course,' be said to Dodge, a \\ ealthy treat of October sunshine, and fa 11 s ., the nccessanlv b z1 ieVL:f4 tbat every p.11t1cula.r To m·~gle the \Vords of its mystery have record ed. member ot the firm who hod kmdly grant· gray u11sts and ra 1 'ls of November. It is opinion \Vh1ch he hole.lo is tru e, (!or to beROBERT ARMOUR In the summer south-wind's play, J 'Revenged, eh-ieveng~l" That \\as ed b1n1 a three \Yeeks' leave of ub~ence, 'we m September that we realize the wealth heve any op11110111:-; not tiu e, is tho saa1e - -And still, MI 1:1wing- my day's work rlone\\hat be said l I \\ill look om for bim" must be l'l style, you know, Bir. J Sllppose of the Bl!111mer, the n1otberbood of the beau- thing as not to hold it,) ) et can n o n1 n11 be Vlith the 'LJeating of flocks at band, ---oo--said h1r. Marl~ 1 e. 'Vle innst hurry hon1e, you took a rusber when yon \\'ere 1narrie<l. tiful earth ; th e n when the harvest 1s ripe assured thnt all Ins own opinions, taken toTo dream o[ the dark-bright beautiful one girl-a feariul storm is r1s1ng. 1 I niean you took t·n extensive and s.-howed for the guthenog, aud ·we see it bowir.g in gether, ate true. Nn-y, \erytlunk1ngrr1nn In the far fair Eastern land. BEAUTIFUL TEETH p· ] Auna said nothing. Her eyes followed your" the field golden and full, meet it laden rn 1 the sights 1 s ass1ued th ey at~ not ; see ing hu1nanum ... .,IC I her lover as he ro,ved do\vn the stream un· 'Ye!!,' snld Dodge, w1th a nod. 'I " :U great c:rrta the labor 1 ·1g oxen <lra\v in eve j est erra1 e et nr%Ci1·(;, 'lo 1Je ignorant ui 111auy J.M. BRIMACOMBE L D. S ti! he could no longer be seen. Then, she tell you about it. I m1de long preparnL10ns lane, taste it by I "trng a hand to the !wavi- things, and tu nu<.:.tnkc in sotne, is the 11cLITERATURE. Leeth :Extracted at T"venty-f1ve Cent.a turned, and without speaking, followed her for my bridal tour, and \be girl \but was to ly bendrng bougbs. September, in fact, is ces.sa1y condition ot h un1au1 ty' 'rh1Q,thereRoon1s over )icClung B1 os. Stores. father to 1~·s e]eg.1nt mansion on the bll~n:"' be my wife helped me. We bad it all fi·.ed th e very crowu of the ycr". June has h er fore, h e ls iscns1bl e is his own caRe Ile Bow·1na.nville. Oct. 1st, 1870. 1 NED CLARK'S V.FNGE~E. IlClll' by, and laid out beforehand. I "01 ktd bard roses, August h'Cr trop1cs glow ; bu1 \Yhat knows 111 the gcncrJl, thnt he b11nsclt rn ! MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense 8t0ck of N(\w F:.11 for it, and she worked too. It was the is there that Septeniber has not? Fi mts n1ist'lken ; although 1n \\hat particulars he il'i ED\VARD )f.lNT'CRN. ISSU~D BY grauU event of our hves, and we wanted luscious w1th juice fit ±or Hebe to pour mistakes, lte does not, perhaps he cannot Gods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lnt'· incr rAur 11 JOHN J. WILLIAMS bi First Class.Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on get~ that it should be a suceess. We felt tb at"' out to the gods, and all the Haunting flo\v- know. 1 PAR .r J. For days one of those leaiful storms, Cherrywood Post·offi.ce Pickering ting good value for their money. the new hfe opened so 1t should continue ors tha t snck the rich earth dead , dewy I say, pe1baps he cannot kno\v; for \Vho /A beautiJul scene\vith a gronpiu:; tosn1t. \vh1ch sweeping over our Vlestcrn prairies Ont mornings and b1rds i br1lha!1t sunshiny can tell ho,v far invincible 1gnou111Ge n1ay 1mg rivers teyond I wad enrning $500 a yea., That was good Where Coon River, in ita narrow bed, 1s almost delnge them, fl 1 1ty, ,-., lien extend l pay for a eules1nf'l'l fiie ~tud tb·Tty years ngo noons, trances of heat anJ tra11qtu 1 Or, (what corn.ei;i to t he f_mme), rushing to its confluence "ith the Des thejr banks, trnd been raging. Bridges ce!-better thnn three bnl '2S that innount DO\Y, a!l uature seems to bold its breath to hear 1nv1nc1ble p1 eJUd1 ce 1-which is often so .hfo1ncs, on n small island, separated by a rted away, even houses afloat i'l the stream, us tblnge go. We "ere m, .cieJ 1n the the magical \VorU proDot '"1ccd that shall de· fixea in teDtler minds, that 1t 1s aftcr,varcls nnrro\v chaunel fro1n the mn1n shore. stands !;"eat trees full of fo liage torn from the mo1Jr1g at tho houee of tUJ wife's fatber. cla rc the \Vork per1ect ; pnrple aftcruoon 1111poss1blc to tear U!J ·w hat has t,tken so a grove of noble oaks nnd elms, .spreading bank, all told the ruin which was mging Then we rode tno nules to the snhsto.utial haze, leadtng the eye and the faucy away dcqp a root And ·who cnn say, unless he · out their curiously orebe<l. a11d gnarled over the floorl counl ry. cottage I hatl secu red as a borue. JHy into u1!in1te distances; lo ng eve111age "ith kne"'· ere ry cncu1nstauce a.ttend1ag 1t, ho\V Early during thi s stor1ny l1me 1 Mr. Marbr-nnches, unti l all above is g.ee:i net-work; J1 ght \\ ootl Li.res eracl- ..,g on t!Je hearth , a far any tn1sLakc 1s culp,ible l Secinq nll _ all below a dense shade lde had been 0bl1ged to leave homeou busi- nloney hrrd nm.de the f"'St pu:;.nent ou it, and Mary's money had 1t .nsbetl ti ee red<le~ng forest ; a great wh1te n1oon,that guilt n1ust suppose so:ue concurrence of t he n ess which i!lvolvcU a ]p ..ge amount of A gentle breeze rnurmured through the . L"tin and figured Lustres, Plain und Tar tan Wool Poplbs, Metz C~rd rooms 111 it 1 hangs \11th widespread 1ustre, 1 ke a \V 1ngcd \\1ll , of w·h1ch Ile ou lj cau Jndge \\110 Frgred Repps, Empress Cloths, and 1rn endless variety of other new heavy branches ; the watel' rippled !Jke money, and to hirn money was ever; thing guardian of tbe wolld ; day~ alter days that seaicheLh the lieait, '.1.\.nd we e:i.t 01 ~first meal Lhereatter 1n 1dest dreamy whispers ulong, anJ. on a fallen Now, when the river was at 1ts \\ Die; Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Block Lustres, Black Co our ov.a houi_;;c j and I thence went to n1y are spells ot utter calm, follo11·ed by all the Eve1y wi ~e man, therefore, wrlll allo'v tree sit two y:: n1ng Le1ngs, 'vhose hear ts h eight, communication by bridge cut off ?urg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Corde, work 1 .1nd my wife set nbout ber \vOrk It storms of the equ1nox l 1 others tue same liber~y of th1 uk 1ng, wlnclt linked ·w1tl! Jt ,·c a S\ cet rnystery, l:lonls from hi.s horr1e, every ouc nenr the water 1n was a ne\V lite und we neru determined to Aud yet, perfect as September is, there he de si re.& they should allow hun , and will I softCned by the B\\cet sut.ronnd1ngA, \Vere consternation, for never had 1t risen so fearsucceed 'f possible. And rn that effort was a1e 1t:\v of r9 to "'horn 1t does not LII!Ig, uo more ins1st on then· en1bracin g bis op1n· Office O\ or}"'. ]'. l!iic.A.rthur'~ Sto1e, ]{1ng St., talking of a future which hope alone held ft 'ly before, Mr. Markle, mounted on a our joy. And HI the success that follo\ved with all its beauty and 111x11iJ, a sort ol ions than he would ha\ e the1n to insrst on Bowrnuu \ Llle. ont to their· vie\v. powerful blood horae, ;ro1e up. n1J tf. Bowman'\ille, Oct. 23rd. 1873 was t" 1a oyed hnpp1ness. In le1:5s than sadness-sadness not .ea keen as so~_o,v, by his c1nbiuc1;g thein:. Ile bt: J rs "_._th those --Q ne \\'as a mode:l of young, vigorous, p~r· He \\'US a stern and dctern'1ned old man, three years my house \\aa pai(l for nn<l ruy any means, ond pe1haps some" hat necessa.ry \Vho differ front 11101, a ud only asks huu feet manhood, in form and fac e ; his dress o.nd looking across the atreain, ~nd to a hon1e was my O\\ ...1, Con1e storm or come tv complete the charm, as the mioly bloom -.,.;1th whom he dcs1re.s to unite in l o'r~, th.it so plnio, however, th11t it 1ndicatcd e1lher a. ~rou p of men ne1r by : BOWjlic\NVILLE, suns! ne ·we had a rvof to covei us-a roof completes the gtape. single questlon, 'Is L hy heart right, as my dJSabihty to ape the dandy isms of the day, 'It is rough, but my ts,.ny here has car'Se_r::tciruber stre\vs the woodland o"cr heart is w1Lh thy h eart 1'-John /Vesley or a di ,.1 ncJ·oation for fashionable garb. In ried inc over tnany a stream before, PUd from wl 'ch the hand of man could not turn The isortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive us. \V1th maoy a br1l"ant co101·; l'IANOS, ORGANS, MELODI- and in 1 immed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be con- fact, you would Sa), that lna poeitio11, from lllttAt now· II T11e wo1 ld is gayer than before~ 'I douLt, young mun, it e\Ter a br1Ual 'Hard Work.' his appearance, \\'ns tlat of au in<luah1ou s 'Do not attempt to swim your horse over 'Vhy ~hJuld our her ..s be du er 1 .ANS and SEWING MAC HINES sulted t the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c . and well-paid mechanic. tot"' was happier or more profitable tban -he never can ca1ry you across !' cried Sonow and the scr let leaf, "'T h,t t is your secret of snccess 1' askt:d re claim to have the largest assortment to be founr'. was nune; and I know that the e.:~ercise of The other, \Yae a gill in t11c first llu~..11 of hnlt-a-dozen persona at once. Sad thoui:rhts and s1 iny weather ; a lady of Turner, the chetingu1shec.l pa1nteI. housekeeping upon h e1 own account \\'t1.!3 wonianhood-11erbaps eighteen, or nineteen Ah n1 e ! tlne slo_.,r a'!ld tlus gr1ef I The old man laughed scornfully and l:Ie rephecl,' I h ave no secret, mad run, but But then, we I Agree not \\·ell togethe ..,' years of age-rather full m form-w1fh spurred his horse rnto the \later. The brave invigorating and he>lthh ·. A srECIALITY. hard -..vork.' marned for real ea1nest ' v111g an d lo\ ng. In Bklf and \Vhite real Laces and Lace CoUars, we hav~ a large as- aon1ewhat irregular, but exceeding c:xpress- un1n1al took t11e stream readily and .atrag· It is, inost hkely, a faiuter reflex of the 'Nothing/ .says Reynolds, 'is tleniccl \Ve beheve<l we should hd life'o purest Instruction b'lv ...·u, <ind In t1t1 nmcnts nnd ~Ia sortment\t prices to suit all. iYe features. Her dark, hazel ' eyes were gled nobly in the strong current. He was same fc:.ehu g that we have in crossing the well directed labor, and no\lung is to be at1 ,h1ncs i:;uara11~ecd JOY·'~ tho discharge of life's sacred duties. full of liquid tenderness- there was heaven soon mid.way in tbe stream, and the anxious Rubicon of midclle hfo-a feelfog where the tained without it.' Bovt ruanv.illc, June 18, 1874. 'I declare,' pul'sued tli e old mun, '-"'lth D in her smile, and fro?wns we1e strangers to cro1>ds along the bauks began to .hope that pleasure of the past and the uncertainty of ' Excellence in nny department/ says gl1 !.Stening moisture 1n hu~ eye, 'I should the luture are s\longly and sweetly min- Johnson, " can Le attamed only l1y the he 'vould 1nJecd cross in safetv ":th hls Our St~ of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams her lace. hko t hose first Ulcs t <lays of 1ny own ho1neA pretty little skiff, moored nee~ th ese rider. gled The season is delightful, but alas ' labor of a hfo tnne, 1t is net to be purcliasecl Meltons, e, will be found unusually !urge. hfe to hve over .1gn111 l:ha it I'! \J Hvt U(· liu\\ soon it \\'1'1 end! It has been blessed at a lesser prie . ' young people, suggested the means by But sudclenly a huge log burne swiftly 'iFoi· the TownshV}J of Darlington. And,' he add e1.1, v Hb ,1 t\grt:1h11 tt 1 1k 1_ c1f which they reached the island. The name on, unseen by horse or rider, struck the w1t b eo.chanting excitements ~ 1 therto, 1i\jth ' There is Lnt one method,' said Sydney the head, 'I fear the yotu1d u.1.tn of the pre on its stern \VBS one which the young n1rtn forn1er ±nll 1u the side, a.n<l the next mohor.r.s also of reat and peace ; but how soon S mith, '· nd it le hard labor, anJ a man H. T. PHILLIPS, sent generation w111 Dot "ve then1 for my frequently addressed bis couipanion, m en t with a neigh of pa1u and terror the the great gales must burst- no'Y.~, and be an- who will not pay that pncc for drntincl10n, IIAM1'1'0N. viewing.· Bowman le,l\fay 7th, 1872 , though he al ways prefixed it with Borne en- horse d"appearcd anJ d\lr. Markle was lcfr swered by the ship11-eeking cry of the sea, had better dedicate lumsclf to the pursuit Froll'l\Jt attention giyeu to sales, &c, on r oasonSpriggles walked away scratching bis · a.ble te1 ins. dearing term. Thus, tor inatauoe: struggling in the '"ild current. wluJe the flymg gold of the rumed wood- of the fux.' head, He wasn't oure t~at he had really 1 Dearest Anna, is not Ibis a heavenly He will drown--he will drown-lie is no land drives through the E 1 r " No\\" all is ' Step by fltep,1 says the FieDch proverb, caught the drift of Lbe old man's remarh. spot 1' beauty, and n:ffiuence, ::ind delight; but .! one goes very far.' swirnn1er !' crietl out one who kne\v him ENNISKILLEN. presently con1e tempests of ter.'!'S over Jong 'Husb, Eu ward! Heaven is a holy pluce, well. 'Have you et er enterell tt cotto.gC', ever Sales p1 omptl y attended to on reat:!ona.ble tet1ns Si;.ve the Leaves. and it ie not right for us, even . l tall- to 'He mil <ho11~ I Ile Will drown l' was p.nt111gs, presently conies the e, .. aynesa of travell ed in a coach,ever tn.Jked \Vlth a peas· LADIES' and GENTS' F"CJ"BS OI-IEAP. boat took her over there-bring her instantsweep, ly lo tbia side l' Rooked the fortn of a H1ndoo maid 'Sir, if you "ill promise to treat your How her soft eyes be"'lled from their lashes doughier kiodly I \\ill bring her over. But long, How wa11n \VO 1 hei.' hand's caress. if you do not, I will be the last man on And the inystlcal "urds of the SanAc11t song, earLh to place her w1th111 the rencb of un.A.ncl the lips that" ere mine to preS&, kindness ii 'V"o couJd see the flocd of the Gang-es sweep, 'Of course, I'll treat her \\ell, sir. She ,\ nd list to ite sacred song, is my only child. I may w.lk rough, but I And watch the tame leo11ards in ca.t IJla.y lean \\'oulJ not raise a liand to hnrm her, and On the noweA ..- . bar 1 :s along, she kn '.nva it I' 1 But n.' tht ough tho shade of \.hat 011ont gJade 'Con1e, dearest AuTUL-he 1s your fathe.r, Ran the uotes of tha.t Sansc_"t mr, and should be respected ns .sue h 1 · By the ll1ndoo ma.id ao mou~nfu' ' y played, And Ed word Clark led her to his boat. As I toyed \'i.th her coal blnck ba.u-. St!,1teJ. 1n it, a fe\\- strokes with the oars A ruined temple of m1ghty mold 'l1he rofl<l al ong whrnh the n1au of bus1September nl\\ays stcp:i upon the sc~ne us n queen might come into her krug- neas travels in p11rsu1t of co111pl~teuce or dom. 'l'he flutter and iroi·c of the blight 'vealth is not a AiacadamizeJ one no1 Uoe1:1 spring duy 3 il.re long gone, the deli- 1L ord1nar Jy load tluough pleasan t scenes Ou tJ1e cate finsb of early SLHnmcr, the pass ionate and by wei.l-spr1ngs of delight. luxur1anco of the lat ter set~>lo u, have fol~ contraty, it is n rough and rugged path, belowed, and then 1-lC hnvc Septerrlber, like a se t with '\vait-a-bit' thur.u1:1 and full of pitof his preserver ralhed sooner, bL1t be was a beaut1frl woman poised in her perfect falls, fl Inch can only be u\oid ed by the AtieL ' forbidd en to leave the house n\il he (Mr. matuuty, rich with thought uncl mcn1ory, watch1ul care of circun1spectioa. every day's JOU"ney over this wo1.'.>e tl1an M.) was able to talk to l11u1 as he wanted aud cxper1ence, and meeting the iuellow rough turnpike roa<l, the \>iayfarer needs days in a complete aud happy serenity. to'. When we reach Sept0mber ourselves, th e something n1ore th ,tn rest , be re1r11res solTLe day came, and this was what Mr. year al ways seemt! to 'va1t, perl1aps in a. a1;e, aD<l he deseri;cs it. Ile j.g wearv o1 Lhe Ir1arkle sn1d, bis danghter being p1te:cnt · 'Ned Clark, the day \Yhen I struck JOLl ec1 t of s weet expectancy to the r1per Joys to dull prose of li fo, and athirotfo1 the poetry. hke au old brute, ns I am, you sL11d you come, come, perhaps i11 n iond hogenng l!appy 1s the Uus1ness m.1n "ho e1n find over the days that are fled-the blessed days that solace and th:'.t.t poetry at home. "'a r1n would be revenged.' 'Ycs, sir ; but I did nol d1eain that a when buds wete b1 ,.sting auU bees \Vere greetings froo1 lo' ing henrts, fond glauces w hen boughs were wrestling florn b1ight eves, t he welcome : >bouts of chance to be revcngeJ. as I tlesnea would rifling them, · vnth summer atornis, safe in the raln1nf].ance children, the mnu.r thousand little arrangecome to me ao soon.' '\Vcll, \Yell, it hM co1ne. .Aud no\v, and strength, "hen summer snns ttere ments for our con) fort ·ind enJoyn1ent th~tt for the hand o( sweet Anna Markle. She held him till stronger arms were there to cnrry both the half·dro\\ ned men to the same <l'\ve1Eng. Days elapsed before Mr. Markle""" able to be up and about. The youth and vigor Prof. J, Ruse, or R. ·p PA.LL OPENING MARRIAGE - Autun1n Fashions! fagnificent display of New and Goods. ·re MARRIAGE LICENSES G. D. Lockhart, DENTIST Dl{ESS GOODS Graduate of the Royal College of Dental 8ugeons, Ont. MILLINEl{Y W. H. vVILSON, Qen.era.l Agent for Raymond Sewing Machine, 1 AUCTIONEERS MURDOCH BROS. Robert Young, Cillli:o fro1u the co.unfa v p1ornptly attended to Office -One door ~·ast of 1L l\fan111g's ]111r n 1tu1 e '\V-a1e1 oon1 Res.iclcncc ove1 S Bnuh·u's sto1e, corner of Xmg and S1;ugo:; StU:·trt.':1, BO\\ 111 n1v1llle 1:p"l'ElUN ARY SURGEON, Graduate of \ the Onta.no Yvteuna1y Uollege. By a.p p_ointinent \7eteuna1y Su1g-con to the West Durham and D::i.rhngton U n1on AgT1cultural Societies Agent fot the Live Strick Branch of the Beaver and 'l'oronto I\-Iut11al .Bue l111:mrance Co v- eteuna1 y Med1crnes con8tttntly 011 hand 1nltf LUMBER. r1 SubscnLer re::q:iectfully rcq_uests n.U par <-1es in<lulitud to hnn for l~umbcr, to settle th '" '",punts without furth\·1 delay. .And ho h eirba'- .. '.ll"Ill8 bmltlers, n.n<lothcrs in vr0int of 1 1 erei]. ~b'"at ,_1-!-c is I rcpared to supply them at r~\cs for c.:~1 lienccfu1 tL he 111tends to ~RE TB'1!S B!TTING begs to rnform l11s ·tomeis a.nd the public gencully, that he has now · 1 eceived his c:h do a c·sh \JUBl!icss. ~~OS SMITH, J ~3 Lot Jll, 6 Cun. })a.rl1ngton. mSU ·LIME f LIME! Fon. SAL"E ,i..uy aunntify, ApjA:; to WILLIAM 8 '.11AR Church Street, ncn.rly oppos ite tbe Alma Hotel. l3ow1nl\1rv1lle. J une lOt-b 187·L 111 ~~~~--~~- ' NEW I w PRING S'l'OC X. of GOODS on inspection will be found ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livnpool London, ari cl Glasgow apply to FOR r1·1ckets, or rnf(,rwat1on, W, .A.. NEADS, Agent. Bowrnnnvil1o .·Tune !Jth, 1871. tf.30 At t r.a c i v e a n d Ch e a p. --o-- ods marked at the lowest of College, 'Toronto, and College, Coboulg Llcentiate of the College of rhys1c1 aes, itnd Surgeons, of Ontario. _ Office, Kiug Street, one door west of 1'-Ir .(Jo?DJ!ih'a Je,velly Store, Bown1anv1lle W. S. BOYLE, M. D. of 'l'runty Glt...'\.DU.ATE the L nivers1t1e111 V1ctoriN> of CA P R ICE, no abatement will be made. I April 15, 1874 . Kan.chester Bowman.ville. hnk the gross earth witb it.' - -passed from hp to lip. ant in the field, or loitered with a mechani c It is becoming a favorite amuse111ent to ashes, the snows of old. A boat, small and fragile, select the rarest variegated a.utun111 leaves, Yet that is never to be d1gnifio<l by the at the loom,' says Su· Ed1vard Ilulwer LytBut, see l ' I a1n sure, dear Anna, that this, at least, is a sacred pince, for here you first listened shoots out swiftly from the shore below. A especially those of the maple, when, by pnt- llO.UJc of actual sorrow \vlnch is only tn ~1l ton, 'and not found that each of those men to my impassioned avowal of n love ·w hich young man, wi th strong, vigorous armo, al .. ting them through the process of press1~, t1c1pntion, wlnle happ 1ess surrounds us in had talent you h.lli not, kne\v son1ething I could no longer I conceal- here w!Lh your most lifts it from the water "" his oars im· drying1 and varnu1hing, nrrangu:ig thein in the pre·ent \l ilh it' golden atmosphe1e yon knc\v not 1' I face almost celestial in its rosy light, you _pel it on\\Tard toward the drowning mnn. various dev1ces, such' as \\.1. eaLhs, crot)ses, Nor is 1t anythmg very b1tterm tbe expeii· 'l'he n1ost nsC'lcas c1cu.ture thlit everya\vuTwice has Mr. llfarkle sunk and come and boquet" they produce eflect· as bnl- ence , i t 1s something necessar) to the t1111c, ed at a club, or counted th e uumLer ~f hia confessed that you loved me- here, wJule only waving branches, vnd rippling ·watero struggling more and more feebly to the sur- linDt as a picture I1oru nn artist's brush. it may be-neces>inry leot too great so.hafac- rags under the sun's Calabria, haa no e x~ echoi'.!d our vow.a, \Ve pledged our troth to face, when the boat reaches him and the One of the cbo1cost attracl10ns at the fam- t1on b~ sat1at1ng and pern1c1ous, There aie cuse for want of rntellect What men want eai.:h another. Here those thrilling \\'01ds rower 15~1zcs h1n1 as he l'i sinking for the ous' World's Ft11r 1 ·" 1 London was a" reath certain splendors th f1 t we may not look at 1s not talent, it is purpose ; in other left your lipa-' idY.:urd, I um yourr, now thnd time. of autumn leaves, prepared and sent by a without ve ils ; and 1 r th15 l1ttle touch of re- words, not the po1vcr to ach1eve, but the 'He is saved ! Ile is save<l ! !leaven New E.igland lady. and forever, eoul and brrdy.'-Hcro I reThe viSJtora to the gret did not come 111 here 'vho can tell h o\V 'v1ll to 11.t.bor. \Ve are no belie-vc1s 1n sponded 'Angel-I inn forever thine!' blesa Neel Clark for that brave act l shouts '\Vhite ~fountains la.Le in tLe seas on cull the glory of the year would dazzle us, or geuiue, but \\'G believiJ th at lnbor,j11d1c1ou13Oh, ...<\..nno, 1f thorc 1s a holy vlat.:!e on all one 'vho knows the boot1nnn. hundreds of leaves to ado1.J. lhc1 r c1ty \\"Ottld seeu1 t ::>o grcnt ff"JU beauLiln1 for u s ly u11d continnous1y applied, Lecornesgeu1us. .And then n. cry of h0rror LurBts from homes, a11d on~ gentlernan la.st auturnn to part \\,th \V1 thout the real so1ro'v ~ the earth, to rae, it io he.re t' every hp, !or in trying to 1;ft Mr. Markle gathered and pressed ti vc Lhousand ka1 es lHoreovcr, this tiivial ier, et has its 0 \1i ..J 'Edward-dear Ed\\ard !' Be Economical. These were but words-btit her look of Into the boat the youD~ 1nan lories his ha.l- of nature's o'Yn handiwork, \\'hose c:.qu1s1te pleasure , the very h ·,1 y of grief is g11ef Look most to your spenchng No tenderness, her dark, soeiful eyes, spoke ance, the boat is capsizell, and Loth nien art- colors vi e vnth tho&c of the painter's palette. "-thout positive personal cause; and this The brave young man tloea more a thousand times than word s could ut- in the \\'::llcr To prepare these lf"\Ves press then1 under so~ ~ O \\' wbich accompanies the Rca1lct letd 1uatter \vhat comes in, if m.ore goes out, not look o[ter the boat, it drifts a~·t\f while hca.\ y weights for a ie\v vre eks varn1!::!b is a sorro'v that th0 Sybarites themselves you \VJll alw ..1.,: s be poor. 1Ihe art is 11ot in tered 1 4 J.1ttlc Tenderly, but \\ jth tJ1at ... respect \Vl ·ch he chngs \v1th a strong) brave man'~ grasp them w1th m ap varnish 1f JOU des ·e a might hn1l as the co nsumn1at.1on of tbe1r maklng money, but 111 kee})lng 1t. betok ened the pt _ty and so'ullnl nature of to the almo st lifeless body of ~fr. Markle sb1ny snrfa1e, !'lJd ar~angc thetn as your eaee ancl bliss, th e unc drop that swes the expcllses, ]· ke u1ice Ill a Le J' when they I-le bas alreaUy seen a \vlute dress on the t"ncy dictotes. his love, ho dr~\r h3r heud IoI\\f d, and When the l eaves are cup frou1 inc1p1d1ty. Septen1ber, then, let are many, xuake gre,it "'::.ate. lia1r by hair pressed Lis 11ps upon her bro\v, A sigb, a opposite bank- be kUO\VS \Vho is a wituess thoroughly dried, they can be aLtaclied to a us agree, top· all the lnx· y of the t11elve· heads get bald ; strnw by straw the tlialch eave her father Jong pie of coa rse, fie: ble \\ re hy the mouth. Part ot tis delight IS shed upon it goes off the rottoge, an<l drop by drop th o sweet ackuowleagement of qufot joy, left to his struggle, and he her rosy hps, but as harsh as a peal of thun- or dted with him. aid of" bro" n cotton tt ·cad 11 °e-the lat- from the shadow of the gold and grern be- rain conies into tl1e clia1nber. .A. bn.rrel 1q Ohl 1t is a feutf·' battle wt\h dcu\h; but ter is thP. most durable. der on a still, su!llmer e'·e, came a voice A ..ranged 1n tlus fore it ...i\..nd.though \Ve arc lath to su1len· soon en:.pty, if the Lap leah.& but a diop a on th1011gh the 1nad surges- on, on, he manner, \V1th the cooti.i.suug colors of th e d e11 t, as to st ·1enJ.c1 all dcl1ghtfnl things, nnnutc. " 'hen Jon 1nean to save, begin which brought both to their feet. ' ...<\.una I IIave I not forbiUden yonr aa- snuggles, e1·er keeping the bead of the al- onk, 1nap1es, beech, etc, they n1akc pretty let us euJoy it to the tull while-we have 1t, w1th your mouth ; many thieves pass do wn Boats garland s, -with wluch to enc cle tbc m1r· \'nthout one pnug uf premonition, aud 1rl- the red l ane. The nle Jug is a great wcJ.stc. soc1atiou with that low mccban1c 1 Come 1nost li feless man above the water. Iu aU other tlungs l~ccp 'vitlnu compaes. co1c'n_g, but all too slow-he ia Dearing ere here 1nsbn1tly ! A s for 11ou, eir-1f you ever rors, pictu"e--f1a1ne3, and v..: 1do,v. In· menlber be ie a fool "ho iu sur·sh1ne slnvcrs Never stretch your legs fur~her t han your speak to n1y chikl again I " , ' hor.sewl1ip the shore faster tl1an they are Dear1ng h11u deed, the prettiest !um ureq r JS we ever because snow is corrung. blankets will >each, or you will soon be But bis i:.trength is go1og-,v1ll 1t last until saw were llHtU.e of prcsBed A.nd var1 :shell cold. In cloth es choose en1tabl e an<l l ast1ng you through the town " Do nothing m anger, for that is like put- stnff,ond not tn,\<l1y 1 1er11.~s. To be \\arn1 . These words came frol)l the hps of a port- he cnu save not bis own rie, but that of her leaves, pnined on the lace banging15 iu grace~ 1s the inain thing ; uever in1nd tho ]ooks ting to sea 1n a storn1. ly \Vell-dressed man, po.st hfe'a p1nne 1 \\ 1th lather l fut foro1 s, and ea.ch cu1tai!l \\'llil udorned A loo! may make money, but rt needs a Ea1.h rninute is au agt!-Lut love, the with one vamty ol leaves, Mth fronds of The actions of men are l 1\:1;! the ind ex. w1se n1an to spend tt a lace on whrnh consequence and pride Reme1nbcr, 1t is seerued 6t':lmpcd. truest love on earth, nervt-R the. sw1n1mP.r, the fern of the WOOLJ~ :1 tcn~persed between of n. book , they point c.ut \\·bat 18 most re- easier to U111ld t\YO ch1 1nueyg than to keep one gon1 g. If you glve all to back and markable if, them, '},ather l Father r En her address Ed\\Ord an<l. at last th e olcl n1an ia w1tl11n the grasp them. booul, the1e is notlnng left for the savings Clark wit h respect or do not 8pt:.ak to h1m ol lits daughter, who str. nd s on the verge of We hope to giow o!a, ond yet we fe,ir Fare hard ancl \\'ork h[tul wlule you are .A 11 aflectnt1on IS the "81n :P1d 1idicul0Ll~ at all. If he is a n1echan1c he is more of a the anblY strea 111 . old nge, that is, we are \\'llli ng to hv!.', vnd youug, und ynu \Vlll hnve a. cLauce to ;rest Poor Etlwnd had strength but to say· gentlewon than nny of the brair'ess lops nttem 11t of poverty to he rioh, 1 'talll to die, when you are ol<' '"II · l ·