THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, · SEPTEMJ~ER 25, 1874. REMOVAL. Tile Satisfactioi\ given by Visit has been a very pleasing event to the inhabitt>nts of Bowmanville, but the LORD House and Four Acres of Land for Sale. }T A. T n"n.t nud desitable properLy, the resiT . dence of the Rev.·J . F. :!\ietcaJfo. It fa S. MASON \V:i sLca to i11for1n his numerous friends and cus torrJerd thri.t he ha,;.i removed to :Sible Christian BARNUM s eoµ.ps ed by the sn.t isfit<;tiou given by Sl\fAJ, 1~ to h1s numerous pa.tront>. li(j is nO\V please(l tn ft11 no11uce that. h e ha~ on hand a h:u-g-o and vaned u,;;;i;o1·t~~ 11t of of the b est quality, and is ~ious that they shall s et to work as s<:¥,111 a.;,; pos:-sible, ' I PBICJES t>t which . are being sold s1t'Q.ated on the GraYel l"toa.d, in the "ilhi,ge of H arnpton, 4b n1iles fro1u Bow1nanville, The where h e will be 'found with t h~ 1u0Bt emn house contains parlor, dining rooru 6 bod· plcti~ n~ i::u1· tui';!l1t vf roo111s, kitchen, with h:·rd ru1 d soft v:dter, sink 1 etc,, a good stone cdlru.-, and furnace for hot air. Thero is a good stable, h e.n-houso, wood shed, etc., aH in :firflt c1rt8$ r eJ1air. ..A. good orvharc~ of \'ery choice fruit, and a kitchen garden. l~'or price or furt.lrnr pu,, u.pi)Jy to Iicv, J. F. Mi.:ioalfo 1 ou lhe 1J1· 0nii~ es. 11 to \V n. Plc.'1SC oall. nuckl~i·'B oJcl st:Jtud m4V-lmp. one door east of !rlayua.rd'.;; Hotel . :Boi..nnanvillc, Sep. 1st., 1873. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND Harness, BOOTS AND SHOES All :Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. Whips, Trunks, &c. BOOK ROOM THE BANNER · AND' Pr~ nella New Fall Dry Goods & Clothing U i~ a much greater treltt to those who desire to get the best value for their money. PARM FOR SALE. OF ONJ<1 · cut· 0 OKSIS'l.'ING IIUKDllJCD !t " CJIE!PSIDE," ---:o:--- ACRES, iu the Towushiv of Darliu" f..o11, ru1d about ten 1nlles north of Tiown1an~'illc. 'l'errns very easy, nln.king thhi, a A"ood opportun· ty to buy. 'l'ithi iilllisputable. For IJ\ctrt..ii.:uars1 apply to SE1VING ThtIAOHINE COlVIP.A.NY, OF SHERBROOKE, P. CJ., Having rt>cently verfet;tOd Congress at cents. Balmorals, eXtra. high $1.25. ao N o t h i ng to Beai; it. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, }'elt Goods, W. HEPINSTALL, Jeweller, OSHAWA. August 27Lh, 1874. 47-Sins. Important Imp1·01;ements, in their celebrated Desirable Farm Property FOR Call and judge for yourselves. . Immense Bargains ! T ~~l. SALE. "OHEAFSIDE~" Bissonnette & Co., Cornei· Store, Opposite Town Hall, Bowm(J,nville :Remember the Store! H._'\.'l' Splontlid I'roperty of the late :\fr. B. :'..\fitehell, being the north h al-f of J .. ots No. md 32, in tho 6th C_ ou. of Darlington, cornprising 200 acres- 35 being superior \\·ood land. !§J.aphant House lH.I~ U Ni>EP~SI.GKED in returning thank s tu 11i:-; JlJll. llY friundsn.nd the public g"ener~lly ~or the liberal pn.h·onag l:.i c":>.:!:f! ndud tu Liu1 chu·· 'l' l l E Family Sewing Machines, .A.i·e pr~vou·ed Dominion Orooa.n Co'y. BOWMANVILLE, .. THE Trunks, &c. Sp ecial att enlion given to School Depot to CUTTING AND FITTING and i iuue but fi1 ·'3 t -eh1ss worktneu etnplo~red thn$ insuring good v?'1uf:! in every caBc. ~ ' GUARANTEE TllEYI EQUAL, IF NOT SLJPERIOR, There i!'I on the front of tho rn·c1ui"cs, a very fino,gontleman's stone residence, with lawn and flower gal'den, to tlw rear of which is a beautiful 1\-1 Grove. ..1.\.lso woocl r.; hod.stnbl<f, driY1ng houae,etc., and every nece::! S~ry Convenicnc;c. The ·whole, aOout ten a 1.,T C8) i;; surrounded by a ri: to any n0w before the public. Fot' TTU .1:\:'rE iu 'l\)i,.v1rnhiri of UE:1borne 1 County of Huron, on Lot No. 8, north W.tle of Thames Itoad, containing 100 acrua, 1nore or less ; about eighty ncrcs are cloa.l'ed n.nd in good state of cLtltivation. 'l1l:e fann ia ~vell feueed, has good water privileges, :uul a never failin"' f:!pring. '!1hei·e is on the pre1niacs, good ston~ houfle, frame barn, stable, Llri\i·ing lioLIBe, ~t.11U othe1· buildings for sheltedng cattle and sheep ; alw fin e orch:ird of choice fruit. The propel'ty is situated within four n1iles of t L.i; thnving village of E.x.ete.r. 11'.J.i:I{l\1S 0]' S .AJ_.1 E. - X o payJnent required clown; if no ca.<ih payment, mortgage taken on prope1·ty for the fnll atuov.ut of n1oney, but mortgage purchasers, or so1ne other proper· ty, to be given as collatcri11l sccuritv. li'or par· ti<:-ular.s, apply to the proprietor ou the pre· mises. . If n ot sold p1·tv11tely, hy t he fir$l, of October, it _will bG sold by public auction on the prti· m1Ses, Uri the un\:lersigned is about to 1·eth o. TJohn McLeod & Co!T Large of Books, THEY STAND UNRIVALLE'D. Libe1·al Support and H H FIRST , Patronage CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. I 'E E S :E'rovincial E:hibition, ·w ould 80licit the s;iriw Lhoru hl:ldg~ . 'l'hcrc is n. lt""nrn1 IIoustl, with three barnR, with all outbuildings. A uever failing strorun of 'ya.· ter run::; thruugh tlw IJl'emiRCS. rrhere Us a.lso a ' 8J?lendid Orchard of fruit bcariug tree?!, a.nd < kitchen garden. 'J'he prope1't.y is in a. good st:'.Lte of cultivation, and i;i n: g:·~1·d e CI. a~ the most de· sirable between l{ingston and I,on clou. For further p1utieulru:s auply to !vlltS. 13. 1rrrcHELT~, Oshawn. 1). 0.·o82. August 6tl1, 1874. the p ast 18 years, bei;s to announce tho.t frn111 t~nd a.n~ I.' tl1e lOtll 8cpte1nb0r, he \Vill carry on t he san10 bnsiue ~s, but ll"IO l'C ext ~usin:ily under the name a.nd stvle of JonN Th.fcl ,J<;on & Co. Pro1u1jt l)ll,y1nent"of all accounts is render~ int!)erri.tive by thil::I bu .; in1~~ " arrangement, and al pcrl'Ons indebted wiJl plca.'le take uuLit;(' n.nd govern tL tJ111sclves nccorrur.gly. KIN r, STREET, BOWMANVILLE. - - -:0:- - SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATION, UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT AN , RATE OF SPEED, Present the follo·wing testimonials frmn com Testi1nouial from p_etcnt jud15es of Organs. John Ca.undgc, J\{ua. ]) oc., Oanluttcr. Eu r.rl:~uu S'fOl~B. - One d?::r ua"t of Go1"llil:il1's J eweJry Dowmauvill.e, 21lh De,c., i"s7~-; tore, l Cing S t r 1:et, B o w1na11 \'ille. To the Manayc1·11 Dominion Organ Co. . , J. SMALE. Gl:K'l'L~I<ffilN .-I lik~ to tJlay on your Oq_pt.m~ B O\Ytna.n ville, Sept. 2::lrd, l ::>7:{ t;o .c 1s HO s·wcet a.nd stea<ly. _i\nd the work· ina.nsnip anc.l finish excellent, [l.nd in every thoy are equt~l, i! not superior, to any I have ever he11rd. Hoping they will 1neet public appreciation. JOHH CAMIDGE SOMETHING NEW __ JOHN McT.EO'). 1873. Th e SnbE.cribm· has on hand n. Bown1:ct.n ~ :illc, S cute1ubl~ r 4th, I sn1tecl for Sabbath School I ..1brar1hi, Sabbath Pre·enta, and t h e Stu . dy, ILLUMINATED CARDS externkid so long toJohn ft.1cLeod, takeFl thL~ opportunity of iu· formllig the public:, tb:i.t th ey hn.Yc TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c, lttiw..l th~ following f1·01u H.osu. D'Eriuu.. : Bvwm:\.uvilli,:, Deeembl.!r 22, 1873 , capacity of;c and adaptibility to great 1'o the .,_'lfanagers uf the Dr.J11l'i:nion Orga1~ Co. variety of work, fine or c~arse, 0ENTJ,E11EN. - I much pleai:ure in ttisti· fying _to the excellent qualities of th9 Otgo.n si1pphed by you at 1ny concert Ja.13t 5aturdu.y evening. The t one i::i sweet and vtiry pow1.Jrful TJ1ese Celebrated 1fachines obtalned thu and the combination of stops tnost adtnirablc . Any or.? if ~h l 11g tu l1nve Photos enla1·ged fro1n old p1et.urcs of dei.:ea..sed fri t'nds, ea.n get the I ti.tu sure your i11stnunent13 \vill fiud. favor in sa1ne done at Churches, as they are 1:1ingularly for sncre<l m11 sic . 1\risbing you r,yery s11ccess $.J'.ld that the publio rnay patronize natlvc mau~ii.·o . AT THE ture. I 1·e111<W..u Geutle1uen, Very rospcctfuUr, ,, in Bowmanville. Tait & Arthur's Oa.llery, and fi t ting up a' DISCARDED THE I I for Schools. HOSA D El\INA. - - o- - h eld ht Mo1llr.eal in S epte1nher, 187:3. wanted. A,gent, .; Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HAltA. President.. Bowtnanville, January 15, 1874. l1H~Y h~~v.i ug gone to grei\.t e.x penso i.u purchasinr~ 0 Onr Books ~re 1na..rkcd lo"'·. .A. E!pecial discoun fo1· }iinh~t crs, Teachers, u.ntl by·o37 ·o24-lyr. Sabbath Schools. J. T. ANDERSON, A. M. DAHLllY LOCAL ;iGE1V1 !\ola~1agm·. bp·o3-ml6. 'Phc la:rgcst stock of IF.H::ereosoopi.c Vie-ws ever sh(nvn i.J:1 this Rection of the country ; also -- ---- RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society RlCHAll.D F ANSON, Exeter P. 0 . o<f. McClu11g Bros. I1nporters of Dry t;oocls, G1·ocerie8, C1·ockery, Glassware, etc~, etc. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 100 a ;:res, mot·e or lrn~s ; 80 acre::1 cleared baJance timbered with cc<l.c.u·. .An exc:ellent Young bearing orchard of choicu trees, ·with fnune Q.v.-·~llin;t hoi~sc, ~arn, s ~nblc, &c., on the farm. ]~r filtu11t1on, it cannot be excelled, bein"" one mile from tliu village of Orouo a.nd save~ fro1n the town of Bowrua.nviUe. ' Possession given on the first day of .A.PH.IL next, lvitb privel ege to enter a:nd (lo t}Jt fall "Ploughing. For ])articulars apply to 0 . 'l'.Al\1..BL" YK. OronQ, or J. THORNR, J\.rnl1er :.;t b11 rg, P. 0. Ont. July 25th, 1874. bp-o30-m43. B EING soi.1th half of L ot No. 32 in thE: sixth Con. of tho towniship of Clark~, cOnta.ining H A N T H 1st January, . 1st May, and 1st September In the case o! -~f:inufacture rs, l1n e(J,c~i rind eve·1·y year. ]..lechtiou.ics, nutl 0Ll1 1.'! 11'I, \\'hose 1 accotu1ts mo.y u.1nount to $50.00 or over, their uot e,if o.g-rced upon,wilJ be taken payablo at the 13ank for· · a statt:id p eriod. 1H A NT T H Mioo scopes, Rea.ding Glasses, etc., etc C. BARKER. SOMET~INC DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the ESTABLISHED 1840. C.\NADA Ca.lEF OFFTcr.1:1. foL " tho express purpose of mi.lar~iing photo~ graph;;, w~~h ~hey 1nake from the f'1nallet1t cnrd to hie. size. '.l'lh·y would re.111ind the -pubhc that they twc still st.riY· ing to itnprove thefr \vork in I>hotography, ~u d they now turning out P ictures Bowmanville Drug Store, 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. DI REO TORS. ,~lAJ,TEH SJIANIJY, Esq., :fyl l>., Dt:-NCAN )fACllOKAJ1D, Ji:f!q. Cba,, Equal to Toronto Work. -:o:Cabinet oncl four·fonrtb :.;ize w.o.dc eqna.Jlv :ta (~o fl,nd exarnine sPeci~ men s, and be conv in ced that t.hey are doiu(r wclJ. J:.:xtrn.. prh1t8 ca11 be lt;:i.d ntf oid~ega.Lives: They ket>p on lin.:ud and_ for 13ttlc, nu g_ oorl, aa U11·ix cmrd~.. NEW AND DURABLE. J. HIGGINBOTHAM o?mruenci ~1g !f.1.JOR 1,. E. CA.)U'DELL, THE Ho:t>ORARLE J ODN C.13., St. HAIIJIL'L'OY, Iiilaiie. IIrnvks- IIY.(E J\lO~F.Y and LABOlt saved! F1·cncll Oil Poli!Jh. This ltl·ench Oil Polifil1is pre- FALL CIRCULAR. Bowmanville, Sept. 1874. l\!lcC"'1·UN<J BROS. are now fully_ assorte~ in t~e various ,-departmen~s f_?r the Season, hn:vmg ~ece1~ed, with th~ ex~ ception of a ,~"'W packages, their entire Fall and \Vmte1 Imports. . The greatest care _h~s been best?wed 111 the purch'.ise and selection of this ::,.t.ock, one of the firm havmg. himself visited the leading Eur~~pean markets and rnanufactories for that pm·pose. ' ~ , . , They have the largest Stock ot~ess~oods,S1lks,Shawls, Mantles, Skirts, Cottons, Flannels, Wmeeys, Tweeds, Overcoatings, Mantle-cloths, Blankets, Carpets, etc., etc., ever bought in Bowmanville. All these goods have been pmchasecf on the ~ost advantageous terms, a great portion of the'lil ha:vmg Leen bought for CASH. If yon will favor them' .'~1t.~ a t.:all, you will feel assured thai few, if any, retail cst:<J.bhshµients in the country, can offer for your inspection ~ larger, cheaper, and better assorted stock. It affor<... s ~hem pleasure to show their goods and they court comp<:nson. Things are already on the move· call early. T H ]!] Cash Purchasers Ab'"'D 0 I Stock Large O UWell Assorted !U RHYME AND LIME. SPRING .A.nnounoements. S s1,o ·v Es s I AND will always get goods at price8 cut :U'I N:g, as our ~ rtml ni n 1 . . vill be [ to court this cfass of tr1.~de. Prompt Payers on credits short pctred for Carriages, Buggies, HarneSB, Boots and Shoes, and all k inds of Lcathor. lt \vill g:i \Te :i.1 1y 8,rticle of JJeatber 1 a1nost brilliant np. pearauco, and a.t tho sauie tia1e 1 from its oily properties, tends inuch to preserve it ; it will a.1vvays be inoiat alld pliant; and may be exposed to water and washed, nn<l will not 101rn its lirilli· n.nce, u.nd it is not to be feared that any crust will settle on L cat11cr when preserved \Yith thf! n.bove Oil, F or the woodwork Of Buggies Carriages, tiud F1uniture, there is not a beLte; article in use, l\fa.nuiactnrcd by A. SIMON & Co., rra,nucre nnd Curriers, for1nerly· of :U'rance, now of .Philo.clel!Jhir~. l)a.., Instructions-Shake ~~le. ..A. few L rops on a piece of spongG ,apµly 1.t lightly to tho l e~tho1·, and. you will obtain the finest luJ:>tre. Price 75cts.. pei· bottle,01· $7.50 ptr dozen, J" Ul·II\ S.\fALE, Sole Agent, Bow· 111a nville. July 16th, 1874. ·11·6 1nos. tomer~, f'U tl1 tu the public generally, for the very hbf'ral support he has received sinct} his 1 .I1he }~N"niu: PH~lfi'll'S belong to <1.ind aro divi<l· in businesa; n';ld hopes by con· tini.,ed strwt personal attention to busine8:i aud cd a1nongst the PoUcyholders. offering nothiug Lut the purest articles the LIY"f~s, DECTJlNEU BY OTH;.ER OoMrAYIES, or on mm~t reasonable priceE, to ensure a continuance ·which a.n extra. I'nrrnium u·ould be required, cn.n ofJ'.ublic patronage. . H . would o:.mJl 13pecial attention to his "ery be assurod at the ord·inary rates of this Society, superior stock of l1TOULD most respect.fully tender hia sincere RESIDE~T SECRP'l'AllY. - J,nrES Gr.ANT. ff tb:inks to his numerous frienrls and cna· burg, Ont. S P ECI Al FEA T U RES. ai Assortment of Frames rJY" E " STUFFS , wlllch :.tre sure to give the bust satisfaction, under a specicd .a.J.Tan[/ement A well selected l:!t.ock of Cook, Hall, Parlor, and llox for ·wood or <.:oa.L A <iplcndi d variety of E calls ntteution to Lia very ln.rge IlCJ 1v1n~n ville, Sept~1nber4thlg70 ) JOHN .McLE;OD & CO. , .E Spring Stock, Lehe~·ing his pres~nt a..5sortment exceedi:; any o his fonncr <li.splaye. To his m:m ally l(lrgc l1ome pureha~es 1 b c hus importod a, very ben.utiful A little Rhynie cn..m e just in time, i.\,nd all a.bout tho best of Lin1e, Lhne £r01n tb e West of the very best, 1\ot beat in any qua1·Ler ; r.hne that will always stand the teat, ¥lheu making int.3 mortar. I will try and keep a good suvply, For it is alwt~ya \\'anted, That when you nll conw in to buy, You'll not be disappoiuted. You l1rill alwa,ys find it dry aucl fresh, .And that ill something bonnie, So come along- and try thi1:1 Li1ne, But don"t forget the money. I-lours of delive!'.f from Kine a.m. to }""our p.m., Uo1·11er uf Queen and Ontario $trer-t. .DRUGS, CHE111ICALS, PATENT Jl{EDICINES, BRUSHES, COJIBS, . SHOULD.l!:R-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc:. kept COl1$ta.11tly on hantl SPECIAL NON·l'OFEI'l.'ABLE I>oLrcrEs issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Payments are required, oach pay1nent Hecuring a rolicy for a SUtn assured propo1·tiona.te lo t he unmbel'. of prcminmfl paid, andfrcefnnn jv.t'iir '1)t1,y1ncnl of Jll'l.m·11l·um$, ~:fooERATE PREMIUMB and moist liberal con- Cheap the Chea.pest. bp·o'13-m6-t! Bown1anvillc, Kov 12th , 1873. ditions. ProB~ect1;1.flCs,Propoi;al J?ormi,!, &c., sup plied on n.pphcation o.t the I:Tca<l Uftice ol· <tny of the ...<\.genuies, ' JAMES GllAN'l', llGa. Secretary. AGENT FOlt EOWMANVJLLE, C. BAil.KBR, u Ob$erver Office," J{ing S t. 1873. 'l1he i:lnb:-wribt.1 ; would Lei; t o ca.11 attention to hi~ stoek of 32-ly Bowmanville, June :l· 1tb, 1870. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE s.t the VeJ'Y Groceries · LEAD Imperial Fire Insurance Co · lo\vest prices. OF r~ONDOX. Horses and Cattle MedicinesN. B .-·Country store·kc~~pers supplied on the most advantageou.s terms. A f:bolce selection of I ,A}ofl'S for :.ale cheav " B:Jwn1\tnville, Dae. 1868. 6m, · ASSORTMENT OF HATS and he ua.Ue; attention to his ::!ilk, they are superb. His :01·a.b Sht:ll, !.h~y arc just whl\t ge11t11::1nen i'eqnirc, his , 'fIIOS. BOWDEN, (Estab!i,hed 18-03, HEAD OFFICES. - 1 Old Broad St., and :Ory Goods, 24 St ' BOWMANVILLE - -- - ---- - - - -- - - - - - Eowr:u:.u1 ville, Mru:ch 11th 1871. no24. tf. PaH :rt-Ia.11, J_jondon. GE1!."Eil.\T1 '.'\f.ll'l\CY FOl:l CANAD ~\ : - SO, HO! c1·amcnt , 1'-IontJ:oaJ. Cnpit:~l Eoots & Shoes etc., eto, , which for GE(\{. w0 AND LS 1E LY, Gentlemen of Fa.shion. ---NOT SO FAST. SEASON 1874. I have \\'l'itten these few linl"s .l\.nd all I have to say, Thnt you can find me still at home I llan not gone a\\·ay ; So nU my kind olil frlends may omc ; And all the young ones too And get their garments nicoly In fashions that are 110\Vi Where old and young tlei.. fdend may ineet A welco1ne greeting by R. PE ...i\.TE. Buwmanville Juue J!Jtl1, 1Si3. Snb1-Jeril.1tid a.nd investod and ltesel'YC Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling. ]'uods invested in Canada- 105,000. McClung Bros. G LA J ~1 S'T'ON CANNOT BE BEAT. E, 1 Gent's fui·nishing a..s usual, is rop1ctc ,~·ith u.11th·1atos1 autl choicest Daily Line to Rochester . Cominenciug on or about 1st .A.1Jril. Inaurances aga.imt lo1!a by are effected on most fa;vorabl e termf(, ]of!ses with ont rcfcronco to the Bowrd in London, Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co J DODSWOll'rH, Iuspector. mN'.l'Ofil, BHUS. Gen. Agents, 1\-lontrea ST RA 'V H .A. 1 S, n every 1:1tyle, ~as u ~ ua.1. Don't fo1·gct to give hi1n a. call if you are in \~· 11nt rif anytL.i1ig in ltia line. The Ne:w Stea.mer R. R. LOSCOMllB, llarristar., Agan t for· Bowma.nville and Vicinity. Bowmanv.ille, Jnne 4tl1, 1860. 36 n1.o.43-39.4w Quality and Cheap ness, C_ AN'N OT BE SURPASSED His Stock is La.rge, His Prices Low, and he is always pl~a..<1ed to sh0\V ;13owmanvillo. l\iav 7th, 1874 . his good. l/.Ca,nufactures of '\VOOD AND IRON 0. BOUNSALL, I DE....\.LEl{. ])!PORT};R, MANUFAC~'UREll., ll1 all the vri,rietie~ of "NORSEMAN" James AGr:~~eeters. (R. ORA WJl'OllD, M,.terl Strowger _ Bros. · Having rernoved io rn o:re co1nmodious pre1niscs, IN an WORKING MACHINE R \-'. "'°·n1 mnke hor regular trips on thif3 route, len.v· LlEFFEL'S Italian & Ameican Marble. A largu and choice stlleetion uf N:El'WC.A.STLE Double Turbine FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, ing Cobourg every morning at 7 ;30, and Port Hope at U o'clock 1 for J{ocbestet, COJUlectjng there with the New York, Central, a.ntl Erie Railways, for all point8, ~ast, "{est and South. R.ETUR.NING, beg to infoun the public generally, th:tt they arc now enabled to o tl\~r lhBJ:ti Water Wheels, and "\Vill Charlotte (J.Xlrt of H,ochester) d~ily at 9 o'clock, p. rn. 1 cxccptSaturdayi:;, when she :.-i.fwa,:y on hand, of superior \Yorlananshipi and will n.t ;1 p. m . for Cobourg <lireut. at lowest priees. Deale.rd in Stock will find this the chea.pest a!1d 1nost expeditious routo to Boston, i~.l ba.ny, Monuments & Grave Stones, W rouyht Cast hon Fenoco 01· 1' f\W Y O)·k, &c. &c. 1 For turthel" inforination, address For the following-Insurance Compn.nies a11d other Institutions, viz : ' r.l'l1e QUEENFh'e n1Hl Life Jneuyn.11 c(' C01n· pany. Capital £2,000,000 . $150,000 depo~ited witl1 the Dominion GoverIWlent, for the protee ders in Oanu.Ua. 'l"he ISOLi\..'l'ED B.ISK ]fire Insurance Com pn.ny of Cru111do. Cri,pital 500'000,- 0nc of the best and .c~eape13t Compa.nie~ doiog business iu the Donnn1on, for Farmers D.ind Jsolat.ed Risk81 'l'he CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with n Sa"Vings l3ank depart1nent. The UKION AND PER1t'I.t\NEN'r Buikling and Saving's Society. Tllf:~e latter instltution s o.dvo.nce L oa,ns on Ren.I Estate, on terrrll! unusunllv Ct'W:)Y for the borrower. Bo,..,·n1anv1lle, Ft;b, 6th , 1873. J. ELLIOTT. TYRONE, ------------- - - -- - DOMINION BANK. Better Inducements Ca.stings of a.11 X:inds. in tho line of or t:u!Jlusiag burying lots. ll. CltAWFORD, EOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. U'l'ICJ<: IS IIE11EBY GlVE N THA'l' the ])omi.nic;n Bank h a;; opened a.11 n.gency tu1· the tn1 nr:mct1un of 1J11 fiiU('SB in Hon;ey'il Block, t wo doors eaet of BJ·vdie's Hotel Kin,.,. f?ti·cct . Int erest will be nllowe!l on d~posit~ Drafts is1:1 netl oll ill.l points in Canada, Unit~~d S ta.teH a.n d G B ritain. 'l'bu Savings Bank deva.rtrn ent is now op en. On all tlcpositf1 over $4 interest will be allowed :bt tho n~te of () per ent ptir an num, Oftice H our s .-Pro111 lO o'clock a. ro., to 3 o'clock p. 111., except on Satmdavs, when the B<ink 'villcloi:J C <it J o'clock, p. m:, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on'han d, or "'~·ougl1t to order, r"'~ p cctfully reqncsted at the workH, October, l st.186V. A call is rort lI01Je C, F. GILD]!]HSLBJ3 ' KinQ:Hton. N NEW GOODS. ----My New Goods have Grocery B11siuess, s:a:o:a.TEST (AS REGARDS PRICE & QUALll'YJ than nny other house in the Couuty. REPAIRS don e on the Ki·ng Street, Bow"fnanvilW ]*ti Just Arrived NOTICE, V'v'c have 110,v ou hand a. l<"lit'ge quantity uf Common and Gang Plows, that wiH be sold Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FJ3:ED lVIILLS. Another car load of the alJov~ FRUIT, Confectionery Depot. WJIOLESALE and RETAIL J!l1;t n.rrived 1 and at the · A~D B .ASHION BOUSE a splendid assortn1ent of l ) I J . H. McLJCLLAN, 1n:3l tf Agent. NEARLY ALL COME TO HAND · and tho assortment will be found fo1· Sale, at the above depot, NEW MILLINERY. NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight and Jlfeasure r1'ucwwnlcecl in eve·1·y 'instanee. LOW PRICES tf. New Fruit (J,nd Confedfonerys, Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ...'\.ho a lot of 1wl.Jlf· a.1·ticl.efl on AT TH E SHOP. Bowl,Ilnnvillci ,!iiarch 6 1870. the-wa.y. Choice Lemon, Ora.nge a.nd Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS, LEMONS REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Allio a large Btock of VERY COMPLETE --AND _ Teas a, Specia,lity. J. L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. New Tailor Shop, JO H N HEAL, press Office, on e door eat!t of ,T. Miln e's. ff n.Ying hw.l several. years experience in the ~rade, h e hope&to Sil.t1sfy all who mri.y fn,vor hhu with a call. ORANGES 1'0 ARB. VB Soft Shell Almonds,Filberte, an<l Wall 13 Q vV :i\1:AN V I L L E Jtuts, J(eiller's j,_\farnialculc, TVut India Farm Implement Forwarding Agency Presen.Jecl Ginger, Pears 1 l)l'nnts, To· rnatoes, J; ]Jea,ciwsi Green Peas, H. W. JA:\lFS, Green Corn ·& Lini-a. Bea.ns. l{ ing St., Bown1an \·ille. Bo\.vwn.nville, ])ec. 5, 1872. nlO. Pleai:;e call at the Stamps for Baiding and Em- 'boid.ery. PRICES MODERATE. The Public are solicited to call and see for themselve~ Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 Apples! ~ <\. ·BUTTER, BUTTER, AT.I> VH'J'II F. Y. UUWLR, begs to inApples l· L £0111 }..,t be puLlii.; g1:rncrally, that he has com· menced bnsiness in the Shnp next to the EY· Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salnton, Lobsters and Sardines Sauce and Pickles eome and aro coming, at the Fruit l)epot. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. ns u is:ual. th1;1 ruvl:lt lasting, the len.B t a.n ' n1o_ st complet ~ ever invented. rrhey are used aud l'CCl)mn1cn ded by llHHl Y of t he best. Breeders in the U u ited St.a.tee and Oanada. 1 such as G. B. Lo1·ing, Salem , 1\i ass., President 1" e'\\' England 'Vool G ru\.vcr s' Sociely; John S. ]lo.Ha, Henne~ -piu, Ill. ; P ro fess or I\:f. l\lilos , of tl1e State Ag· i·icu.ltural College, J,1l.1J..Sint{, 1t:Iich.; "Ron, Geo. :Brown, 'l'oronto, Ont. ; J ohn Sn ell, Bdmonton Out. On each M" ark ii'! st amped the o'vne1·'~ nanie and tlw S hee1 i\~ !'.l.·11 nlier. 'l' hey will be sent free, b)'." m ail, or e:.:.prcss,for only jou.r cC'lits, and \1,."111 for TW.EN'l'Y Yli:AHS. (@" Cash unu:it a.cw11 1pa.i1y all orJ.tirs CHEAPEST THESE :11AllKS A lW 'J'HE trou!Jlc~o1ne, ARCIHBAT.D Y OUNG, J&, Sarnia, Ont. Ord!}rS addrek>1ed t.() the 1'1EROHN'r a.nd OB· 81HtV ER Office, for tlllY quan t.ily , wiJl be l.lllcd at t\Je above.m ention ed prii:: o, as quickly as the l\-la rks e:in bl'.! tnarlf' n1.1Jl io11 t. C. J:: ARJ<ER, B ow1u { u1 Yil le ,D e c. 28th , 1871, ml3-Jy H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- \VIJ.T, P Y the I fighest l'ricc for any I qnn.uity of good shipping A ppl e.:l . A lso the Highe&t J:lricc in C A.S H , for But t f;lr and Eggs. FOR SAL't . · fi,9~~~~'6EC O J\D H,\ :ND Piauo for ··le, m:J5.t f J. ~1. 13H.Il\1ACOl\1BE. SB:ELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUA [,JTY is the t'8t of GIIE'Al'NESS. T. DARLD1GTON. 119-tf Bo\VDlWlvill e~ S. BURDEN. Ilowruanvillc , Aug-. 20th, 187· !. 4G·tf GOOD FITS GUARANTEED _A Dowrounvi lle 1 S ep. · itli , 18· 72, 111 4 0~tf. MRS· A. FLETCHER. .A pril 7th,1874. I'