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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Sep 1874, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FlUDA \1 SEPTEMBER 25, 1Si4. POETRY. ·-.:;c-·:===~ ==-=·--·c ----===:===-============================::=============:::==============================================================================================;:====================================;===========================; : : ;:=======-=-=--==== --=c, If we Knew. If we knc ..v when '~·al.king thoughtlesf.! ' rhr.)ngh t~o,vde<l, noisy way, ' l'hfl.t some peat! of wondrous whiteu e~n Cloae bel'lide pathway lo.y, \Ve woul<l pn.use when new wo hruitf'n, \Ve woHld on look around, Li:st 0 11r c s feet should trample wol ln tlbe ground. i FARM AND KITCHEN. --- --._:.._....o.-~ - - Concerning Poultry. Po1Lltry hreedi11~ has now come to be regatd; lld al! important a. branch of farm industry aa ' t.l.1e r aising of :;~vine and i;heep. In one sense it is rif more import11ncc 1 in that it fa: not every f;u'11er who can 1c:eep sheep or swine with a.dvu,ntn,ge,but every one who owns or reute a. plot of g-round. if only the size of a city lot, can keep a few head of poultry with both pleasure and proTit. \\'hen tnken into consideration the vast numbeL· of eggs annually ooufl u.mod in the United States - the city of New Yo1·k alone using d uring th'!- y~ar 1872, upward of 340,000,000, c~ l sling at "'hole1mle, about $6,29::!,000-and j wht:ll we note the iuimunse number of tons of · pt)ultry fl:"lld'in a.ll tho large ciLies of the Union, '\\' C cannot call t.he poultry l nterc~t one of minor i mpot·htn ~e. Yr:it it· is but a few yea1'i:' since that thtl nam e of poultry-breeder seemed t.o convey a:n ic lea of insignifi cance. Now, ho·w ever, the proprietorti of L-i.q;e stock faxms . have the 1lockti of pure bred fowls, wbfoh get their of attention and study a:i \'i'"el1 t\.S the hornud C'lttlc and h orse,c:i; ::tnd th e net income from ii well.managed poultry yard is no sm:-i.11 ad1lition to the f11rm l·eccipt.s. - The JJou ltry Jlecord . JUST ARRIVED AT ANI)l-DRSON ~ :BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIU"M, & CO'S the largeat · "tock of BOOTS and SHOES eyer offe1·ed in nown1a.nvilh:, a.nd · at forms were fa,i nting For Lhe :tdc that we ebonld fti:.i g, If we knew ·wba.t lips were pfi.rchitlg J}'nr t li.e wi.~liCl...._w·e ~hould brinq. '.'v'._. s~; iJd ha'lhe-witth footstep!" , \" wvuld ~rk Jf w<.' kn A'l"' THE L0.\7VES'1"' PRICES. --- SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. Rl(JE 111·11 with \\'illin~ han1l::.i, Jlea.i ing- c11pt of cooli11g Wi~t er, "f?tanLing n 1ws of .e_ h adio g P:llm.s . If we k11. '3 ~ wl1N1 fl'ienJ11 :~:·ouu ' l u3 Clo "ly pre.3sBd to say l.{ood~ by, \Vbie~ amo11;; t11c lips tb[l,t kil:!i$ us TO CASH PURCHASERS. -o- GREAT IND UC EM ENTS ANDERSON & D eed's old Stan d. --o-- - - -0 - preparation, made chiefly from the na· tivc herbs found on tho lower mngcs of niu, the medicinal propel'ties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of .Alcohol. 'l'be question is ·almost daily aRked, "What is the c:i,nse of tbo nuparalloled success of VINEGAR BITTERS ~ " Om· answcl' is, that tho)' remove the cause of disease, and tlle patient recovers bis bcaltb. They are tho groe.t l>lood purifier and a lifo-gl ving principle, ~ perfect Ronorntor and lnvigorator of the system. Never boforo in the b.istory of the world ha.':! n 1ncdiciue beeu eon111ounclcd p osf;cssh1 g the rernn.Tkabl c CJ,un.liti~~ of \.~INl~O:\.R DI'l'TE~['l in .hco.ling th e swk o! c\Tory d 1scnso llllln1r:> hen· to. 'rhcy a gentle Pu l'gath·o n:"J _ "tl:ell as a 'l'onic, rnlic\·i11g Con_ t;f :=; tio!l Dr. J. Walker's California Yin· cgnr Bitters are a purely Ve go ta blo the Sierra Ne'{adamountains of Califor~ Fi rst 1!11onld 'neath tht! dait>ieti liti. \;ri ~ >vould clasp our anus arount! them, Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwar ds, at BA R Ii I R New Goods, New Goods ~ JU-ST ARRIVED. Ladies' Cu:ffs and Collars, with ou:it Buttons and collar Buttons at·taohed, FOK THfi: A".$ Loo1dng on them throngh uur tcn1·s, co., 'j\mder wcrds o_ U Qye cternn.1, \Ve wvnld whisper lit their· euri:I. ]{ ,1-,, i,,... \t 1- l1 .'l ~ liv"" were da.rk en~d A Bunch o' Recipes. 1'umato P ·icklrn. - -'l 'o a peck of 'l'om~ttocs lJy w1110 tl10ughh~r.i.:! W· Ji\.l~ of 0 11rf!, Sprinkle the !'alt b~tv;een ~ad1, till ;:~ll are cut atH1 packed in n. crock. Let stand (Iver night ; out and drain 1:he1n, nnd scald them in we:ik vi11egar u11til tender; then pnt three quarts of good yjnegar, three pounds uf sug::tl', If we knew, i~lrts ! and do Wl1 sca.hl it an<l pour ove1· tbe1n. Add two l~\·1':r care to seek to know, l;lp oonfula of cloves, ginger ::~11Apice, one u.ud \Vhe.thi.!r bitter herhs or rose~ n. quarttir te:.\spoonful of Caye1l):IC- pepper, one nu1· u eighlxirs' g-anlena grow? tablespoonful of mustu.rcl seed. I 01nit the U1lil forgive us, le1:1t hereafttlr, onions for my taste. The tornatoer. rnust bu Our henrls t1reuk to hear hiin say, ~ re en . .. o~trclellS chiltl, I never knew you, Vrm:li m)r prc::1ence fl ee a.war." Cab1>ar;r, Salad. - Shave a hard, white intb stnall st,dps ; take tlic yolks of three \Yell · beaten eggs, a cut> aud a half of good cider \'in. egar, twu teaspooufule of t)1ick cream, one tt:a· flpoouful of niustaT:d n1i:"1: ed iu a Etti e boiling \Vanted - A i:and to hold 1ny oWll. w11ter; salt n.nd llCpJler to suit the t aste. Mix .As <lnwn lifo'1; stream '\\'t' glide. all but the eggs logei11er, and let it boil ; then \V <intt:-d ·- A hand to milk the rows, stir in the eggs, r11pidly tnrn. th<:! cu,bb~g-o into .A '"l<l be my own sweet brirl e . the mixture, a.nd stir well. Mn.kc erioni;h two days at once, and it kenps perfectly, aiid is · 011, ma! There'~ an angel with \1 :ngs. '· P1:1haw! Tnat's 011ly a LouisviUe sirl with 11cr ~tn excellent i·clieh to all kinds of milk . Canned Cm·n. Bainbridge, lioss County, t.:;:n·3 aµren.d. '- Cinci11nat-i Paper. Ohio, Ang ust 6, 1874, - l'o t en quarts of corn 'Can't th ey trnin 011ioamen to en.t grasshoptake J t ou nct- of t.arta1 :ic acid ; boil and stew perr?' is the conundrum propound1:d by interwell, then can . When opened iu wiuter, MU e11t e'l pa.rtiero in tJic W est, one teaspnouful of soda.. to one quart of corn, also .ll Chica.go pnpP.r tbil1lo; tl1at a rocent pub- one tableapoonful of white r;uga1· _; theu aUd li!>hcd LaUa1l, ~Oh, flpeak uo more,' Bhovld have Lutter, salt anU creatn . Soldered cans are the bP.en dedicated tn Anua. Didciaaon. hc:»t, 1.iltl10ugh I have k ept it jn sea.led ones \'el·y nice. I use the sugar coTn, )111t i:;upposc the When a young ft;llow begins to of 't.h e Lther would do jrn3t ag weJl. Tt h &plend id. .iuast little Uelical~ aqu1Vine curve iu the sen siTry :it . ,.. ti \'l' ncme' of llis girl, he's a goner. Uow lo 13akc .'l'omatoeJ.- Take ln.rg l' sinno th .An old lady, lJein.z dt·Sil',·lHI to bi:.: thought tmna.toes aud. cut the1a round.ways . '.l'aiko thi:< yo,1n!:icr than ::>1.Je traE!, tha t Abe wB.3 but need out n.u<l fill the~Yacancies with stL1ffing sduie forty yNtr il nld. A stnJ.:int \Vho sat near ob· ag prepared fur fo\\'ls, then place thctn together t-et'Yed that it nius t be quite true, for he hrul ao·a.ui, putting thetn in a pau or Uisl1, and bake. bf!l-i.rd her T'l·l>E'llt tlu~ i:minc for the pa~t ten, \Vhcn done reinove them earefnlJy and you will Hca1·.~. have so1nf'thing tha t is nice. Do not peel your t o1uatoes, [n e1uo.rk=:i.- Another grand way is .t\ . :\Iilwauk 1:: 1: papc1· is re~noneible fur this:'A t.\11n1dcr-storm 1uade ~ern,ug·er a p(Jet., a to bake the to1natoea whole,La ving first sprin~~ n l oth~r's kii:>s maclt! \Vest 1~ er, and :t sala- c<l a little flolll' Q\'er them.) ry of $4 n. week makt!s ::i. jouJ·na.list,' 11fock Oystcrs. - 'l.'n.ko one hn.lf dozen ~ars of 'Di·l anythi11 :; abciut the defenrlant i;trike coru grated; after g rating, f!Crape all tbe milk Now a.dJ bfilf a tablea1X1onfnl yonr cy1i as ren1:u·kable?' a~ ked the J ndg e of fnJJn the cob. of flonr . St-asott ·with pepper aud salt ; beat tho pl11int;ff in n case of a~i:mnlt ancl battery, 1It dLd, yer Hon!lr.' 'J\ nd wliat wafl iL't' Cfin· the yolks of three eggs and ath iuto t}w co111; whisk tlie wbittl!'l to n stilf froth ::iud add the tinned the Judge. 'lfisfist, :yer Honor. ' last thi11g-; drop a. doe s::iert spoonful at u. time '\.Vho wai:; thi1'1 iurio ~' nsked a, "nsr..1ma.b. cu1·n- on .a J1 ot gl'irldle o.nd fry of n. ligl1t brown on ncr as he entered a crowd n.1 ·11und :t (h· body. side . 'rhcso nioo ; t1·y the1n . 'Be!ou~od to a bn:i.::s band,' r eplied a. J.,oy,alld t b c 1'o Cook Ri<:e.-Th o followinl"-i i.8 tJ1e n1ethod i;1n·o111:Jr went 011: 'All rigltt- n(1 iuqnest 11eee.<>· ~·ecomnlendcrl by the J1 'rench Academy f~)l' cook6:11'.'f. ' ing ri.Ce during t11c siege of Paria : T ak<i one It. havi ng bee111·upLlrlt-tl that a \\iJ1.l a~ htlcl ( ,mp of J'ice a nd one·fourt'h c11p of water in a cscn.petl from }~c~rnuni's sbo·w, tbc J.ouis··ille ~ n.uccpa11, t~oYer nud µlave over a. gm1 d llre ; 1 . 1.f.To u1·1utl man ~uys o.ll the O\ i<lencc ho waul=. of ticr nn hour th o wut~i· will be evnporn.tcd, and the f:i<,t fa thf! wa.v t.11 e pu.pera 011 his ta.ble <tre thri rico cooked t vwll\1' 1 Uut d ry, and w1t.h the daily rueddled wHh. .A.t whid1 tL~ Bo3ton Acl· graitn! Uistiuct·-- not in paste. S 1rfilcie!lt i> 'v·c1·ti11C1' i::ays thn.t n. ra tnble tlll'1lugh the cdito- !'houl..-1 bo ad<led in tho firilt p laco, au<l can~ rh1 !1 of t,he .Tour11ttt fa a.J I th e ovicl1.: nce t]1fLt t.l>e ~honld lie t,1kcn not. to '1.istu1·b the rice while cookh1 ~. By ridding a litt"!lu butter, nntl 111ltrwr ua l l~rf'. of that p u.per will re!]uire. ing ihe rice to dry a little 1no1·c ov er ;L goatJ~ .A.ta U H~ t~Mllg h1 T ... oudou, to receive a r eport ti re, a. more cloiic~~t., di~h ii! p repared. from the 111i f:11:1ionfl.riL'S sent tv diHunvu· 1!1 u trlbes } ·'0 1' Glue j m· R eady lr.~e. - To awy quw1tll.y oi of l t: rJ.eJ, Loni R - - - w:is uskL·tl. to t ri ke t b e ch nir. 'I take,' lie r<'plied, 'a g1ea t interest iu glue ust uo1n1uou w.l1isk1Jy instead of water. l'ut Jottle; CO l'k tight, itud set your rtsoarches, gi>ntlemell, The fact ir-:. , I littl'c botl1 bigcther in n 1 born ·v.- ed tnoney from <tll t hu J e\\s nowkn1)\~n, it away Jur tlrree or fo11 r' d:lys. It wi.Jl then be lt and if y ou can ti nd a Dew sot! shall foel Vto'r.f fit to use, wiLhout the ttpplication of heat. will be found a usefui and handy art.iek: in cv· n1uch oLli gc<l.' _ L , \""\711iuh had ei·er lain ainong them, L ike the fror1t 11meong the flow\:'1·~; 0, with whn.t sinccru repentiugs, \Vith wha.t auguish of regret. \Vhile our t:yes were over-fiowing-i \Voulil we cry - forgive-forgot. add The :Best Ma.te1·ia.l used a.t .ANDERSON & CO'S. - - o -ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANT.ED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY AT ANDERSON & CO'S. I~ow1uanvillc, £our onions a.11d a. teacup of salt, Slice the tu mu.toes t~ntl onions. Put a 1a.ycr of each, Jnne 5th, 1871. X B.-We have been e,ppoint,e<l agents for the celelmitod BANNER SEWING MACHINE, manufactmc<l in Sh erbrooke, Qucuec. Q,t11 and see sample machine. THE VERY LATEST NEW YORK STYLE. or l11fl ~imrnati1rn of the LiYer nn. l Visccrr.l 01·gans1 ln Hiliout5 Dh;eases. Vi~ r·:G .11~ BITTt·: ltS H,\'fl ~\ }H~ !'i cnt. 'l'he propf11:ies of D1i. ll in11hore tic, wAr.1ruii's N E W D R E S S G0 0 D S, Can11in:1tiYC 1 ·:.-,~11triti o n::., a t.. iY t', Diun~tic, S0d n.riYo , Uounte.r-Trrilrmt, Sudorillc 1 .Altefa· 1 :ii:1 . 1u1tl _,.i. nti-Bili1··;;i,, · D :·u;.::;d ti i.8 1111dC:1·1J. .\ ut.-'l .. f~· · · ·· :- u.n.d of 'Var-'. 1 111 Ct L ·L ·.:ti' "i Sl1)l <l by :":. .I~~ ·- : ·- , :;·. ' ' CO )' , BEST NEW MILLINERY, NEW HATS, NEW CASHMERE CAPS T O !D A Y. E X P EC ~- o-- Crumbs for Ohiokans. LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. 1874. TEM:PEitLEY LINE, ORGANS! M e2srs. IUce & :ea.rker Have r~ ce1ye d composed ot the following and other first-class Iron Steamships: :- tweeds, New trouserings, New vesOrgans New tings, New York Laces, New ReadyMade Costumes. -oAll the novelties of the se11son to he fo11nd at r.r "'fHAl\iES." " S'f_ J;A\VR.ENCB." I "SCOTJ,AND." cI SE"\,.ERN." "Dl!:L'l1A." 'J'he fi1·st i.-tcmti er of this: J_,ine is intended to he despatch ed fro1n a11ot.1l o:i r supply <,f tlia.t 1:;uperio class of Or,:::i11 s lawwn as the LONDON 1\0R. Silver Tongue" LOWEH VIAN. ANY PREVIOUSLY IMPORTED. :tud having r1'solved t.o give the public the ht0n etit of smd r i-r1uc.:tio11 in cost. they call spccinl attention to the following Price List for the current roonth. .J &W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF rrI-IE GOLDEN LION, Quebec and Montreal ON WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, ('l'o be foll.:nved at ln tor v1tla o f TE.:T DAY S during th e Season), ANDl"ROM Organs ON THE BOWMANVJ:LLE · Style 35; Seven Stops' Diapason. Violina, Picolo, Princip:i,l; Tremolo.Forte, Pnncipal Forte. Price $125 Style 37; Etght Stops' Diapason, Viol· ina, Picolo. Princi14"l. Tremolo. Forte Principal Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. Style 38; Nine Etops.Diara·ou,Violina Picolo, Frinci)o al. Tr ~molo, Forte Sub·baee Forte, Sub·base,Vox human ia· Price $180. · Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Suh base l'orte, Sub-base, Vox Humana. Price $160. ""'Vox Uu1nn.nn iii thci.c vrg.i:rns :i s n ot a fun but tt Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. REDUvED RATES. Certificates fosned to personR cll.'o:.irous of bringing out thllir friend s . 1'hro11gh Bills: of La..-.l ing issued on the Conti. nont a,nd in );on<lon for a.11 pa.1·ts o. f Canada ~1nd ll1 t he lJ 11ited States to Detroit, l\filwau: kc.;., ChiC<\.60, and other pointsi in th~ \Vest. Ji or Freight or Pasm~ge, apply to TEllfP}!RLEYS, OAll'l'JlR & lJHAKE, 21 ]Jilletcr Steeet, London ; ROSS & CO. Qnc:bcc j D ...\. lD 8H.A. w~ Montreal. Ol' 1'hro1~h Tick't'i from nll pointB W est, at CONTINENT. 1873. -o- 1873. - --o-- - v ,J AOOB NRADS. Bowrna.nvillc, ni20·t md. Nov. set of Hur,; ds. F!Vf PER CH!T. OFF FOP. CASH. The J.fa1ntfa.cturcr;s issu t-> but one qi\ality of work, and thnt is .B !JSINESS CHANGE. ---- the public gen erally, thllt he }ias purcliase· the stock and goodwill of the business heretofore ca.rrioU on in th e 'r . ~ F A.LL STOCK. - - -o--:Cress Goods Newest Style . of the l:IE lTNDEilSIGNED begs to :mnouncetd rrREWIN. S . SPRING, 1874 IMPORTEit OJ>' THE VERY BEST their ext(~nsive Village o:I: HaJmpton, BY f;.wilities ~ud long e>::perie1w Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? of P;.u-iK,.m; well n.s th e grocer ~ an,·J h 1of. ·rn ·tkers htW1) th vfr o!Jicia i journal. TlH r e i:'I <~ p1lpt·r a ll'o (h~v o t L·<l io the DHtnln, "l·ich hn~ nlmo8t rli\- (1 (·llt iu thi s <:Ount r_y, for JlO!lt:L;Je stau1p cr1llt·etiI1g-. The nud :-Jpir-itu~iJist-. l'fl ~-p:cl: c1 s cry l)ot1 t5chnld. tm:i.l.ile then1 to produce . The Habit of Fretting. Fre t ting is Loth U8e1 ess nnd unnecessary_ It does no good, and a great deal ot harm ; -· 11ow? ' i11quired oue Nasln:11e nu.:orc)1ant ;,f ;rnut.her, y<:stcnl a y. '))nll, fe arfully dnll, ' w~1.::1 t he r ~' ply. "J'he fact is, no· l11uly Luyf.! n.uyt J;in g j 11 :--t now Lut provfaions tlnd whi~ky- the b:u·c u·~ c.:c: ~s arie!'.l of life, a!l it were.' '_,.\. N1 ·r,rich p reacln:r,' says tlie Bulletin, 'Ifo;1f~ h t:Hin EH! ' A 1: -t: H laflt 8 11Hi];1 y aftel'noon with so1nuch e1 urilw i:; i1:1 t hat E'f evcnd louugers at a.1\-Iai1P..street {lrttg i;tore !'";t a r tt·(I hn·nthlessly into tll e i;treet uo:1cl' tla: = 1npre ·:-- i1m Lhnt a.11 a.la1·u1 of fire had liei.!11 1 a.i:::c I_' J-' 1 ·(1f. 13rauu iH a iuan wl1mw unnic is: fro. qa ently weu~ion tid in the Ronthern newspapC!.'S "' "' ith s1wh perscon n.l J'A tY!:11'k'> M the follow jog:·He- is a n nnllersized German teacher of langu ~.gc a, dJsH11guiiob utl. by l1is unparallelcrl check and hhi: remark::1..Lle unfamiliatity with truth as . an al,slr11 ct p1·inc!ple; inUced 1 it m;..1.y be sriJd "thi~t. \\ ith l1im truth ie stranger than fiLiion. .L\ftl~I" the fH' n.t.tornr.y hnd heapeLl vitupe1·n.tion upo11 thu poor prison~r 't':ithout uoun.:i cl, the judge t\Sked bim if he had unythin_g to say for Liruei·lf. 'Your honor/ repliuJ th e pri~onl.'!1·, 'I t1sk f·)f a postpoue1nerit. for eighteen tl a~ in order tht\t I may fin<l 1\ blaukg1 rn rd t o amnYer 0110 th ere. 1 yet it ls ulrnost u uniycrsal sin. 11ore or 1es8, we nte all given to it. \Alc fret over al!n c et e\·erything-in l:'iUllltn er it is too hot, in winter because it is too cold. f1tt wheJ1 it rain s, becau se it is wet i and wheu )t, is <loes not rai11, been use it il'1 dry ; when we ate sick, or when iu1ybudy else is Elivk. In short, if unytLing or (:Verytldng doesn't go just to suit our particular whin1s anJ fa11ciea 1 we have one grand gerier::il r efuge-to fret over it. I am afraid fretting is much 111orc commo11 arr1ong "'01neu tl1nn atnoug n1en, \.Ve may as well own tLe truth, niy fair sistcre, if it isn't altogether p1eo ~ unt. Perhaps it ie because the little wotrica, unU cares, and vexa.t1011s, of our daily h'·ea harass our sensitive nerves 11 :, 1e than tho nlcre extensive entcrpris,:s which gcnern!Jy take the atte11lio11· of ruen. \ ; reat wants develop great resources ; but the little wants and \YOTrjes are hardly provided for, and, like the nail that iltrjkeii Th ese ·i nstrmncnts aTe cased in solicl i~ell seaso ned, Bl<ick Walnut , eleqantly cmd heautifiilly finished by a n ew F1·ench proeess. Ja.mes Cryderman, ' a1ul will continue t h e bnsinc-8.$ iu ihe old prcr:.iiseR, with a full 0.3801tm 1.:nt of fu·st clasa F11rnitul'e 01\ffins, Shrouds, &c. 1 ·will Le kept on hru1t1 1 :u1d hopes by strict att1;>ution to bu~iues1i l\llJ moderate ehar15er:1 to inel'it the patronage dr the people. a~ Cabinet u1aker and Untle.rt.1ker srrAPLE & FANCY DllY GOODS, Ca,rpets, Lace Curtains, and liouse lfurnishins lllANUF AC'l' URER OF GREY COTTONS of the best ma.kc, including the celebrated STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's-··Splendid value. Fashionable Millinery Mantles,and Gents' 'l,FIE DURABILITY of the " Silv er T onguo" is Oll e of its most. remarkable t·haracteristic.'). 1~beir qui'ltlity of keeping iu good ton e, also is one of the rnost practieul ilnporta.nce. C Ij, 0 . T .f l I N G DEAIJ~It IN RICE cf: 13.ARKEB, King SLrcet, Bowmauville. Bowm au\'ille, l\'tarch 3rd 1874 'I'HE HEARSE hnving been PI~IN':l1S of unequalled Boots and Shoes, Ready lJfadc Clothing, ---:o:--Occ·,1pying my Now Premi ses, LARGE, ELEG.4NT and CoNVENIEN'l'; Show Rooms replete with Hats, Caps, Shirts, Cola:rs, 'ries, &c. STYLE a.nd Q'C'.A.LITY . Improved and Painted, s no"' one of tho be!lt in t11 e County . de1 · promptly 11ttendc<l t o. .811 or STORMONT A BIO· It. XATEltSON. COTTON Ill IlUAH is now raging at quired, and i·~p:iirs neatly executed. Hampton, Sep. 18th. 1873~ P. S. - l?urniture to order THE BAGS Sprinq and Surnrn.M· 111-itUnery, Mantles, Shawls, T1·i1mnings, etc. DRY GOODS and SILKS, a SPECIALITY . ' LATEST NOVELTIES 11!@1" Special &ttention given to getting up ordern for Family Mourning. A Large Stock of Black Lustt'e Goods at all times. . BEST rigairi sl the tiaw1-tlr11y 111ake 11ot rnuch uf a tn a rk, blLt tLeJ taru ti.le edges terribly. l 'Yllu would not take uw for twent;v?' i;ai.J a nice gi1·] h) he1· µartn er \.Vhile danci11g>, u. few evt!nings a,;o; 'wli.1't wo11l<l J.'Olt tu.k.e llle f(·r'! ' 'For l1etter, for ·w orse,' repli~U he. Profau!ity never did n ..ny wan the least good. No ina,11is1·icl}L'l', or lrn.pvier, or ,dser for it . It co:T1rnends no one to i;ocic-ty; ·it i~ disb'1tsting to the retined, rt.nd aLomina.Lle to the good. In P elt-!rshire 1:1 < weraJ diss1Jnting mun1her:,i of the- J~ piP.copa1 ChuTch wa ited 011 the l'cctor with a. t"<-'qucst that th t;;y might ha,·e the sen·ices of the r1on 1£1'ai;tfo.11 &exton . '\Vill y1) U :illuw u.o;, si r, to dig our otvn g1u.ves?' n.ske<l on e of the t.hi11k th at if,vc could look upou all the Jittle worries of. one duy as Et great, unilcU worry, 1-';e]J.control to 111eet it woul<l t.e de· velop ed. But, u ~ th oy gen eru.lly coin e Ont>. Ot' two little things ltt lt tirne, they s een1 ao Y ery little tliat " e gi,'e wuy,:intl. the brt-i ach once mncle iu t.h e wall '":loon grows large.r. I dou't 'believe in the cant that a wonwn n1t1st. n.lWaJi.:,un d cr 1111 and a11y circnm}jta11c~f-l, w1::ar a ~1niling faec wh r- n her htt::) ha1 1 rl TRELEVEN'S UOBBlill' the World. · LIBERAL Special Li»c of COTTONS at COWLE'S. DISCOUNT TO TI-IE CLERGY. Oshawa, West, King St, April 9th, 1874. S. TREWIN, ". READY-lIADE TO THE I>UBI_jJ_ O. vVALTER \VIGG & SON, N returning tlrn.nks ~o ~hoit· n~11nerons .custoin eris .a ud th!': public ge11~1·n.lly, for faYor;i~ '"ould respectfully invite theu att e~t1on to otu· present stock of furmture, as we ha Y e latoly added thereto, that we m ay thereby be enabletl t o supply all pa~·ties who n1n.y plei.~s e to favor him ·with a co.ll ~ G·rcat iuduuen1ents h eld out to those purcha2ui.g at our Cfl ttl.bli::il.imeut. Pictures, Looking GlMSCH, etc .. 8ra1.ned to ordel', ;.i,ud i-i:i _e very st yJe . S1:unpl7s of the difftlrcut kind of }.fouldiugs can be R eed at the warc-r ou1 u. \\1 e v1ould also l.Jeg to n1fonn yon, thn~, having pur chaBetl a CARRIAGE (wcf!t of tlw Outurio SHOP ]~ ank",) Good CLOTHING and Cheap. I the bctt~r.' 1 'Cei,ta.ioly, gentlemen,' sn.i<l the on the flnol', lo rnu nr1d 1ncct Lin1 at tli1) r-0ctor, vc)u ate mo&t welcome, and the soo11c1· d B t I d b I' 1k f u o e ll!\'tJ - nay, ·uo w, vr I l1avt~ seen it wi1h 1ny own Pyes on1 onj.!111y frien<ls--tha.t inary a. wotnan has dri\'ell a oor. depnta.~ion. I couu::.·s ho1u e, or tLal $IH.: u e cd~ to tuke 1..: 1· b11nds out o f tJ1e dougL , ur drop the b11\1y 1Je11r George, 11nw i;weet and wavy t.bat whent is!' exclaimed u.fair young Jady, looking kin<l bu sLu11d awlly fronl her, aw.1y rrvrn languidly fium 11 cu,r window, 'YBS, love, ho\V beautiful!' s:i.ys deo.r George, n.iOrc intent on hi s 1101ue n11d it s rmcrcd ir1fiuence~, a11d insi'lnatin:J his arm around. 11 tweuty-fou1· boIJe C<!US~d lti1n t o SjJend Lis time at a billi a rd co1·s~t. ·how like n.- a-ho'v like a chveam!' taUlc or a drink1ni'.{ sal oon, aud tLeir lJl"O· 'How like oats,' retorted a disguRtcd G1·ang·ei·; fant: j11fluvnc('~, l1y Cf a$e]l:S8 fretti ng ov<:> r 'tht:m's oats, youug- man.' trlfles which wl:rC uot worth a "-ord, aiucb 'like to be a<·nu.ry, :\nd go lJl't!acb to the suffering heathen?' Teara - brii;ht pC!nrly d1·ops and he is detennined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than the cheap est. Why h e can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! S econd, wlmt he can't uuy cheap enough, he manufactures· ! Tliird, he is satisfied wiLh small profits: Foul'th, he sell> for cash; Fii th, he sells n.t prices. --o- Clothing to Order King Street, Bowrrnmville. It is a ·well-known Fact that Cowte has the best Tweeds in the conntrp. ,, }.,Tothing ch eaper than the 10ct Ooltons Cowl·"·· SPLENDID NE\V HEARSE, r1 · lII_g. snl.Jsoriber is iu·epa rcd to build rn1d r epa.1r _________ _____ · wo shall be ready at :;i.. 1 ti1nes, to attend fnuerali:i, on short notice and reuc;onri.hlfl t ernui. N. B. ·- Oollin~ kept on hand, 1-i.nd made to or der, a.t the NEVI DOMINION RE'l'AJL Ji'URNFl'URE WAR F-BOOM. 0 8ha;wa, .Aug . 26th, 1870. C-"-LL AND SEE FOR AND YOVRS~LVES, Wago·1is, Buggies, an d Cutters, of eve1·y lles'-'ri11tion, -a.t short n oticc 1 ando reasonable ternm, King Street East, Oshawa- '\.Vould my little E;::.ra.,' asked a fond 1nvt.htr 1 Jess th e pl'ace ,,~- fceling- gliste11ed in litUc Ezra's eyes a t3 be murmured:. 'No, I woulrln't; bnt l'd like to bt) on the pl:lrlu..:e lung enough to put a tin roClf on . "· !Jt'ollglit up tLe b. lg' ! um111ux wrn.t r.. i uc k i: Loem.n 1 c(!r ,s wa;x on l kuow tbat 1na11y a n1o tlH·1 ,l1a s . niy 1:>ea.t to-tlay n.t .bchool.' and d(·Yclopl d U duug\..tlt'J'.) ui::.t. l J k e hcr&:!J I, A Puinsylvaiiin. boy got so bome:dck that lie who, in her turn, \vou ld wreck and rui11 walkcJ seventy-eight 1niJes, ·viLhout oa.tiug-, in order' to i::it down once 1110re at the family hearf.h·l'! IJc wa:> re<..!eivl:ld with sur.:h warn1th by his 1nale parent that it 'Vas sever~~l the couifoit of tuiotbcr fa niily cirt:l t:. AT 11l kn0wing all thi .:i, n1y i-: i;;;ters-a11d brat111.:rs, loo, if th ey nt!ed ~ t-1 k11ow lhat \Ye ought to set our face s Jikt: a filnt again~ t this u 8e. l1appinces of a hon1e. 1 kuow that tnany ti n1otl1er has LunH:d her sun ngninst bl:r own St> X, and n.iade him drca<l anJ <-1i ~ljke th~ society of wotnan hy I her l.'X;uuple cons taiitly Sl: t before hiin. J 11 11J BRING -YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. .Exan:1in.e the stock, which cmnprise~ everytl1iug in the, of the very ln.tost o.ncl tnost eJeg-.'.lnt styl ol'l and pu.ttel'ns, of Jl~nf;l i8h, Canadian, n.nd A.nlcric:an lnannfncturc, - o- Ht: !',till continues to n1anufncL11re to order, frou1 th e best of 1nnte1·ii-i.l, a nd none l1ut first-class WOJ'kllll'U k ept. ~ --===================:-:::======================== To the Inhabitants of :Bowma.nville. Carriages Painted and Trimm cC:. BLANl{E'fS IN - o~ Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ren1ember the Stand," BIG BOOT" drawn by Two Horses, King St· JTe Jv1:; in z:. thck an endl ess va1·i e ty nf Ladie~' :Lnd Gcnt1-1' S::i,ratnga 'Prun ks, "\7n.lisos, &c., all of on th prmuiaeH, 'vere special at, ~01ltion to all wl1ic.h he is s_cI_ling_c _ ·h _cap for ca..,h . A Blacksmith's Shop !l L arge g1v C 11 Variety DENT 1\L F~ 1Jl~RINCi-ENGINE by which I can · · Extract Teeth in less than half the usual time, n.nd wl th less p to thi:l pn.tien t tha.n h eretofore, 11.ntl that I h av<: p rocured D M TRELEVEN · [ Cn.rringe \\?Ork, a11<l Genera] 1 ' · j J 1 · Jobbing. D :Il!IP D OVED APP AR.A '.t'VS Wi nceys--a Dca.d· Job. NEW A N±or gt!neru.ting Ni tt·ou.s OxiLle (;u.'i, by which I can now EXTRACT TEETH J inducement given to CASH Purchasers. da;e before lie could anywhero. / 1e,,, sioful, p<ace-de stroying )fn.y Heavi;:ns angels whisper golden wol'de turbj ng habj t ot fret Li n cr. 0 .. they ki'8 your dorling cLeeks,. "'rote a J ,. I Crosse mi'.l:n to hi s B~t!!y only ltu1t Spriug; and now. ehW tR 1ee - eaven 8 u.n~<.:!18 would whis1)er J h to h ,m ow lit! breaG -of.pro1oise suit ia com· jn; out, nl! bi'l lai\ Je ·is duubtful. si'.dow'.' , and home-di s- ' .:':"'.'.'.=============~================= To Ma.stars of 1i 0 L M A B R l A G E L I c E N s E s · · ,., issued by C J.JIM IE, t h e Statesman Office :Bowma.nville Bowmanville Nov, lfh \V. lt. Bowman ville, }1a.y 13, 187,t WITI-IOUT P A IN . YOfJJtS RES PE CTFUr.LY, All work done at this Establishment l-1. B. ··-Specia 1Va'f1'a·ntecJ. A c"ll .. i"· ARTI,F, ICIAL '.l'EETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 " GOOD " " 9116'00 CASH- h .1 R I The way to b~ noth ing i-J to d o nutliing ]3IJANK CJ£RTJFIC""\.Jl:S, .l\j)plications H l ti <l 1· J · f!I. ,. I &c., &c . , crut be proc1ne d at t h u; offi·er, at e OSt S ie gilu O 118 q 1c.~Lous ·" 10 reg_nlar rates. is not the b~t.ter for tb e a1. 131)\vmanville, July 7th, 1873. ,· I · ·ted. i·e·p··ctfully "'] v ""' 101 .T. ~IORRI~. Dowmanvil; e 1 Oct,, 1869. F. Y. Cowle Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont.. I T30\\'manville 1 October , 187::J, J . lVI. Brima,combe,

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