I · THE'1irn.~CHANT. t\.ND GENERAL ADVERTISER. ul,,tes largely in the Townshipa of Darling Clarke 11rnd Cartwi1g'h.t. It lS a comnlon c:;for1u, open to the free dp3C'\HS\Oll of .all ques 1in 'vh1ch the general pv blic art- concerned '£MRM8. _.,, ·nty-five cents per annum, in ad'nce. The 'Mercham ' and 'Observer,' $2.QQ. RATES OF ADV !!.It rISING. AND .GENERAL ADVERTISER. YOLUMB YL BOWMANYILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1874. !HIMBER I. - WEST DURHAM Steam Job :Printing Office ' ..... .I Krno STREET, BowMANVILLE POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HJ£ADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS , &c., &c , &c., EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS S TYLE ~ry (!l)oodti. GP.AND TRUNK RAILWAY! Tr.uus will leave Bovrma.nv11le Station, J3owmanville time, as followa . . 7 20, o. in. I Expt-..:ss i 8.~0 a n1. ~xvreas . 8. 55 am Mixed , 3 iJO p.m. M1"cd ;l 20 pm I Loc.11 .7 20 P .m Express,.:... ,8.iiO p ni. J Rxpiess _J.Ji.O E!"' Local* UOING WESl', GOING EAST, COME and SEE · HILL'S NE w ~ ~:o;:~~y~i~~·~e~i'~it. O\ciy . . passengers.- morning of week, The tallowing trains now stop at Saxony Fall GI R,. Wt"nt~r Dry Goods Local going west, due at Mixed gomg east, due at. Mixed going \vest, due at Local going east, tlue at Montreal tln1e 7 52 a. n1. 3 47p. m. 3.47p. m 7 22 p Ill ----··o:A LARGE LOT OF LADIES' and. GENTS' FTJ:EiS Bowm.uivillc Nuv 1st, 1873. VERY CHEAP. Prof. J. Ruse, G l-tADU A'rE of :Baxter Uu1vers1ty of l\fus1c, Fr1enclsh1p, New York. 'l'o,tcber of Instru1nent, Cultiva.t1on of the 'r 01 cc, 'l'horough Baas, Ha.nuony and Cmnpo s1t1on Darlington, July 16th, 1874 41 ly B. P:BATE, TAILOR. .GeJltlemen's & Boy's Garments ~EWEST MAD.hi IN THE S'rYLES. Bj?wma.n-dllc, July, 27, 1869. .· ly R R LOSCOMBE, BARitISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANOliJRY, &c 0FFICE,-0ve1 :McClung's Stot-0 1 samo fl at M J" 1\-I Bnmacomb's Dental Roomd Bown;anville, Oct. 27th, 1868. :MARRIAGE ISSUED DY LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR BEA UT-.IFUL TEETH Rooms O\ er J\fcClung Bro 1 · 3owtn.tnvillc, Oct 1st. 1870 re e th Extracted at 'T'\ove ~ McCluiig B1'1os. Importers of D1·y Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glasswa1·e, etc., et~ MARRIAGE LICENS ISSUED BY JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post office Pickering Ont FALL CIRCULAR. Bowmanville, Sept. 1874. l\1cCLUNG Brtos. are now fully assorted in the various departm ents for the Season, having received, with the exception of a few packagfls, their entire Fall and Winter Imports. The greatest care has be.en bestowed in the purchase and selection Of this Stock, rnie of the firm having himself visited the leading European markets and manuf'actories for that pnrpose. They have the largest Stuck ofDressGoods,Silks,Shawls, Mantles, Skirts, Cottons, Flannels, Winceys, Tweeds, Overcoatings, Thfantle-cloths, Blankets, Carpets, etc., etc., ever bought in Bowmanville. All these goods have been purchased on the most advantageous terms, a great portion of them having been bought for CASH. If you will favor them with a call, you will feel assured tha~ few, if any, retail establishments in the country, can offer for your inspection a larger, cheaper, and better assorted stock. It aJTords them pleasure to show their goods and they court comparison. Things are already on the move-call early. G. D. Lockhart, DEN 'l~ IST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Office over li' F. J.icArthur's Store, Bo\· manville. l:h>wn1an \ ille, Oct. 23rd, 1873 1(111g St., rn.1-tf ,~l~ H. WILSON, HOWMANVILLl,, Oenera.1 Agent for PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODI. ANS and SE TV ING ,lfAO HJNES Raymond Sewing Machine, A SPECIALI'l'Y Instruction b.,vcn, and Inisti uments and 1'-Iil dUnes guarnnteed. llowmnnv1lle, .Ttuw 18, 1874. AUCTIONEERS '101· McClung Bros. the 'l.'o wnshvp of Da1·lington. -, H. T. PHILLIPS, , able terms. " HAMPTON. Promt:1t .~ttcntion f.'1-VCll to sales, &ci on reason· / Wm.. Barton., ENNTSKILLEN S 1lc8 p1omritly attended to on 1easonablo te~mf!. Robert,Young, \[F'l'ElUNARY SURGEON, Gra<luato of r the Untauo Veteru1ary College By ap po1nt1nent Vetermary Surgeon to the West Du1hain and Darlington Union Agricultural Soc1et1es Agent for the LLv· Stock B1anch of the F ,.. avcr and Toronto :Th.fut11a.l Fue Iusur.uwu Co Vete11na.ry !t'Iedwinca constantly on h,1,nd (n,lb frotn the COi.Uitry pron1ptJy a.ttonded to Office - One door ea.'it of R l\fa.n1ng'a Fn1 n1turo \Vareroom. lles1dence over S llt.ndeu's store, cmner of J{1ng and Scugog Streets, Bown1a11v11llo 1nltf LUMBER. . ties indebted to him for Lumbei, to settle their accounts \Htlinut fwther delay. And he hereby informs buildere, and others m \\ant of lun1bm, that he IB fJCpa.red to supply them ~~t ca1:1h ratW! for Cash Henceforth he intends to ~o r11rr.E SubBCnber respectfully regul' Bt8 all par NEW and the GOOD My New Goods have a. cash business. THOS. SMITH, m8tf J_.ot ]iJ, 6 Cou. Darlington 1873 LIME I LIME! liiOlt S . .\.J_. E in any quantity i. ;:\.pj1lv to 11 '\VILI,Il.1.. 1\11 S .,EAR "-' Church Street, nearly opposite the Alma Hott-l. Howrnan yJlle, June 19th 187~{ tf NEARLY ALL C()~IE TO HAND a,5so1 tment will be:;found VERY ~ CO~{PLETE AND ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livc1'pool London, and Glasgow &PPlY to FOJt T1cket8 oi: 1nfc.rmatJOJ1, Vil. A. NE.i\.DS, Agent. 1 ]30\\rna11v11le) .Tnne 9th, 1871. tf 30 PRICES MODERj~TE H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- ' W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADVA'l'E of the of 'J.. rn11ty G Coller:e, Toronto, and ) r1cto11a of Cobourg L1centHtLe of th e College of Phys1ci 1 Un1vL'r~!ltie:.J Coll~"e, 'rhe Public ;:i,re solicited to call and Ree for themselves. Hampton 8ept 18th 1872 an'.'!,and S11rgcona, of Ontario Ofl1cc, l{u1.g SLrci;:L, one door \Vef!t of l\fr Corn1sh'f! Jcwelly Store, Dowmanville . mind ha.a taken to running in a groove, to that it was a most cruel fate which doomed An Incident in the Cars A Shal1l Diamond Smuggler. them to live apart. lly degrees this feel mg On the "hole, pleasont traits and cliarac · crept Into his heart, until a~ last he allowed How A NEw YORI!. OPERAl'OR FOoLfilD tera are not common ln the ca1s Tlna Tilli Cus·1·0.u I-fousl!1 SEARCHbRS-Two the tempter to whisper that it was not yet opinion I expressecl to my friend Su1nmers SucoESSFUL DoDGES-LAUGRlNG A'rTH1~ too late for them to be happy It was a tho other day. In reply to my remarks he first occurred to Herman that perhap· he common thing now-a days for people to SEAR~U~RS. This life is one vast looro, on wluc:h fa spun related a little ltd venture, wlneh, as it rn and his wife ~ mismaterl. He was break their n1arr111go ties, and seek their af. (F1·om the Boston Co1nm.erual Bulletin) By the great Master·hand the web of life, apropos, o.nd moreover involves a httle love young when he was mnrr1ed, and surely 5nitieo els~where ; and though he had alAnd rllrl'e and bel\utiful the pt.tterna run, There is a ve1y important traffic carried and sentiment, I g1vc it witltout apology, 1'hollgh threads -will break, and tan~lements aro Stich mistakes were made sometimes. Why ways claimed to disbelieve the doctrine, on in drn.monds ovi:r the various European and m his own words, It appears that m rife not m his case 1 He tried to put away the yet it might be true after all. He would hne9 to thlS country, and as the di1ty upon the most unhkely places love and scnLiment thought at first, but the more ho went into rnvestigate the subject more thuroughly, he them Js ten per cent ad valrrem the sharpOur po;:ir unpractised eyes can only v1e'v may be discovered Knottings and tw1st1ngs 1 hopelessly combined, society and left Mary at home,and the more said to himself, for he was ·nxious to do est watcli is kept upon those suspected to be 'I was escortmg home the lovely CharThe threads will break and L,u1gh:: up anew, he saw of brilliant people, and contrasted right, and was it not a downright ain to engnged in it By menus of agent.a nhroad lotte D, to whom I was at tbe time qrnto \V1th a..ll onr stren~th, we cannot wot k ou1 them with Ins wife, pale, dejected, and nn· contmue in the marriage relation afl~r all the Collector's office hM often i~formatrnn devoted. Charlotte could scarcely t\ud room mu1d. cornmunicabv(l,the more persistently \vould conJngal affection was dead. by ca lJle of the departure from the var10us to spread her voluminous !!ounce" I stood God's eye 18 on the loon1, and on the wheels the idea thrust itselt mto bis m1t11l. ByPoor Mary iouu<l her lot about this llme ports of suspected diamond smuggler., and up uear her, t.be1e being no cau\as sc ,1t IIis finger rw;ts with loVJng, tondcr care ; ar:d- by another thought came, Perhaps a most trymg one. She selJom "ent out, is prepared to intercept them. In nme 'After a few nunutes can1e in a poor fie watches, and with surest \\ 11:1dom, deals aomewhero in the lvorld \VR8 hla real soul- and received few callers, but o. word would cases out of every ten the stones are con· woman, who depocited a basket of clothes The knot eutanglell and the fabric fan compamon, one who would brighten his life occasionully reach her that would cause her cealed upou the persons of the passengers. on the front platform, and held m her arms 'Vitb perfect f:uth in God's almighty power, instead of cMting shadows over it. It was hea!t to ache mo -'t sadly. · That Herm~n When this beconies a certainty, or what is a small cliild, while a little girl hung to hei J_.et us stau.d .by, and wait Ills sovereign Vi1ll 1 true he had not !oat all affection for Mary, was changing to,vard her she could plainly supposed to be a certarnty, the passenger is Knowing tba.t day by dayi and hotn by hour, dress. She looked tired an<l weary, !Jut Ile grew cool nnd indifferent, arrested and taken to the searcher's bureau Both warp and woof, their destm.e<l wotk fulfil. but was it not lhe affect10n of friendship perceive. there was no vacant seat; to be sure Char· mstcad of the lwly flume of k ve he had and spent very little of his tirnc ut home, in the Custo1a House. !-Iere, if found lotte m1ght have contructcd,hcr fiouuces,hut And thou!{b our mm tnl eye~ mny nevCJ sHe once thought it i With these feelings m hi' E\ en his children, u1n~h a'3 he lovec.l them, nece5'ary, the party is stripped tu the skin In aJl its 11erfect beauty, God's dc~gn, she did not Beside her, however, sat a heart, he began to look upon himself aa a engaged his attention Jar less than former- and his clothes examined inch by mcb and Yet, when we nse to immortality, very lovely and elegant young \\'01na.u 1 \\ho .A . nd v·hen the light of truth shall on ua shine, man to be pli1ed, a sort of martyr, and for- ly and it was with a heartache, which only eearu by Bea1n ; the heels nre taken frotn }us seemed trying, by n1oving dowu closer lo Each :arp and woo!, oath thread and thrum got to sympathize with bis long-·uffering a lovmg wife can understand, that she felt boots, lus hair and beard are combed, nnd others, to 1nake apace enough foi the ai e "'i:onght, wife, neglecting to tuse means for fanning her influence over him ahpping a11ay, aud every rneans taken to discover the hiding strange» between herself and Jlfrns D At Into one glorioue: whole, without a..lloy, the smouldering coala of the old affection knew not bow to regain it. place of the secreted treasures. Once this last she succeeded, and, with the sweetest God, from coufmnon ha\ing order brought, Meanwhile Herman, with subt1le sophis- mo<U> ol search usecl to be tolerably eucceesinto new lLfe again. blush :i ever saw, she iuv1ted Lhe female to Casts from the loom the golden web of Joy. Meanwhile his home began lo grow uk· try, was drugging bis conscience anll allow- ful, but now Jt rarely serves any purpose A. M, F, be sealed. Charlotte D. drew her drapery some to him. He was fond of his children, ing himself to drift toward the goal of un- except in the case of raw recruits to the around her, and blushed too, but It \\ aa It was smugglrng ranks. but their boJSterous plays often annoyed holy passion and crim~ a.:id ruin. Au olcl bird i· caught not a pretty blush at all, and sho looked LITERATURE. him, and he was ·eldorn in the mood to en- ·stormy WJnter night. Herman had been with chaff but once. annoyed at the proxinnty of the new coin· joy their society. He began to form a habit tutcndmg to take Mrs. Clyde to the theatre, A New York Jew,~who was reputed lo !Je er, who was, however, clean and deccntl} of gomg out d·rectly ~ft., supp er and call- but the storm prevented, and ao they were lll the bua1nesM of smuggling diamonds, though thinly clad . THE HUSBAND'S MISTAKE. ing on a friend or ottending son1e lecture spending the evening together olone, !or used to cross the water on the Cunard hne ' The unknown lady drew the httle girl (l'rom the Phrenological Journal for Oct) His taate5 were not low ; he never frequent· her husband was away aml not expected from tbre7.to four times a season. Two upon her lap, and wrapped her lehet nrnn · The ceremony waa over, aud two loving ed drrnkmg-saloons, or allowed himaelf to back !or several days. It was u magmfi· years ngoi ID the early part of the season, Ile around t~e small, hall·clad form, aud hearts were joineil in a bond that naught mingle fo any society that w&a not consider- cently furmshed room where they were he was eeized upon and a thousand dollars' put hor mull over the half fror.en litt le but death sboald break. So said the mar- ed highly respectable. sitting. Warmth, light, and the most ex- worth of precious stones v; e1e found secret- hands. riage vow, and to Hermnn and Mary that His wife had, at f\·st, offered some protest quisite taste surrounded them. Mrs. Clyde ed m the hmng of his boots, He returned 'So great wa& the crowd that I alone vow was the moat aweet and sacred that agaibst his going out so much. had never looked more beautiful, und never to Liverpool by the steamer, and four weeks eeem ed lo observe. The cb1ld slnrered ; ever bound two loving hearts together. was her n1anner more 1n unison with Her· afterward again landed upon the company's ' Why do you go out t3ia evening, Her· · the keeo wiod from the door blew u1.>or1 In blissful solemnity they received the man 1' she said to him once, ' I don't know man's feelings. Brilhu.nt she always was, whalf on North Rn·er. He "'as again her unprotected neck. I &U\l the youug congra tula.tions of friends, turning no\v and !Jut you are losmg all interest for home, you but to-mght ahe ~as more subdued and seized and subjected to the same rigorous lady qutetly draw irorn under ht;r rnantl e a then to each other for a mutual glance, elo- nrc absent so n1ucb.' quiet than usual, with a touch ofsl1jIJess in search, but with no suoceas. The Jew took little woolen sLawl, "Inch she softly put on quent with their hearts' happiness. If Mary 's \\ ords had been spoken in a her manner that rendered her mo1e captr· it smilingly and philosophically. When he the shou\ders of the little one, the rnotbu It was beoutitul to see them m this their loving, pleading tone, they migb t have ha<l vatlng tban ever before Herman was read· took his leave he eaid . 'Better luck next 100ketl on with contusefl. wonde1 Atte1 a marriage hour. They seemed truly worthy more effect upon her husband, ibut iug a tender lo"tl song in a low pass1onatr. time, gentlemen. I shall go back by the short time she arose to leave the 0ars, o..nd of each other, both handsome, bnlhant, and they were uttered with the injrced, com- tone, while she sat near Jnm hstcn1ng us s.:tn1e steamer on business, aud \V hen I re· would have rcnioved the ~ha\\ I, but the un· refined, and lovrng each other devotedly· planuug mr \\ h1ch al wnya tried his patience, only a wonian can listen whose whole soul turn you cun try it aga1n.' kno"'n gently whispered, 'No, keep it for Friends looked upon them aa a model pair, so be said, hastily . is bent to the task of w1i1n1ng a man to her 1'he officers mentally determ1Ded if be her' rrhe woman did uot answer, thl' con and entertained high hopes for their future. A1' yet no actual words of love had did they would try it agam. Upon inquiry ' I do not see why vou need to complam feet. duct.or h1ur1ed her out, but her eyes awan1 The short weddrng Journey ov·r. Herman as long a" I provide for your comfort, 1f I passed between them, but Mrs. Clyde felt 1t was found that he really had engaged a ~1th tears. l uoticed he1 as she descentle<l. Wickford took his young bride to the home go occas10nally where I can find ple ..ar.t sure that he would nnt leave her this mght return passoge, hav Jng held lns stateroom to a basement, and ( liastely remarked the without some expression of the paas1ou that for that purpose be had prepared for her, a ·im pie cottage company.' Two hours befo{e the house. with tasteful furmshrngs, and here their ' He wus sorry the moment the 11 ords showed itself so plamly in every look and sailing of the steamer he was dnven down 'Soon after toy unknown ros~ to u~}..Ml t ... married life began. were spoken, but he little knew how deep- action to the pier 1n his carriage, h1a wife and I was u1 despair, for I "'anted to iollow and Years passed away , ch1klren were given ly they had hurt The sarcastic retort that (To be Continued.) r daughter \\Ith him to see him oft When discove1 her residenc1.: 1 bnt could uot Jen\ e them i Herman prospered in his business, fullo" ed did not enlighten him, nor did it they returned they earned with them over Miss D. and thought he "as growing wealthy, but improve matters in the least. ' How glad, then, I was to sec her l;ow ten thousand dolt.rs' worth of diamonds What are the Evils of Rum? the perfect happiness which he and Mary 'By all n1eans,' was Mary's answer, 'go w h1ch had larn secreted rn h18 stateroom ing to a 1nutual acq1unnta.nce, who stood JI) had anticipated. did not come, Instead of wliere you ron fl~d ngreeable company. ft the doorway. Frou1 bun, ere 111a11y n111111t~P., This question will have to he ans\\crcd dunng the whole time the steamer had rebeing united by HHl.rtiag ~ into an harmouI· would be a pity for your wife and ohildreu I learned her name and a<ldre.sfl 1na1ned in port Before bis rr.turn to N cw a tbou,.nd times before the great maqs of ous one, they found that they were sllll two to interfero w1Lh youl' enjoyn1ent.' 'To shorten my story aa mncU as poss1bic, York the Collector was not! fied by one of the people "'ll awaken to the enormity of in tastes auc.l views, different elements of He went and shut the door hard after the iev~nue agents nbrond thnt 'Max Fis· tbat lady is now nly w1tr. In the snrnll 1n· chnracter1 nnd sharp corners 1n thetr dispo· him as he left the room He did not know the evil. c1dent wlnch introduced her to 010 s l1tl .Anu first we call attention to the waste cher would return by the--, which sitions, of wh1ch they weze scu.rce]y aware that Mai y cued herself almo·t into coma\. would leave foverpool October 25, with showed her real char.oter-: A few days aftet ol wealth by the use ot hquor rn this nathemselves until tbei· came rnto colliS!on 8lons alter he bnd gone, and tho! her dull, our marriage I showed her the bJessed l:nn1 .. tion. In one year (1871) the amount ot several thouQaud dollars' worth of <l1uwith each other. hollow eyes au<l listless air the next mornson shawl, wlnch I redeemed f101n its own. n1onde.' In dne time the Jew arrived, and No e:erious trouble hail ever occuTred be· ing were the result of the '\ Jolcnt gL1ef in spirituous hqnor manuiuclu1ed and sold tor the third time was eocorted before the er, and sl:.aJl keep t\5 a ln('mento There arc was $870,000,000 ; of fermented liquor, tween the1n 1 but httlc th1ngs Nerc constant· which she had mdulged the night betore. He wr.s evidently' not pteparecl sornetIInes pleasant things to be found 111 $126,000,000; of hr1uurs imported, $100,- searche1. Ly coming Up to vex tbem, often causing When a ruan begins to let go, one by one, iJr such persistent nttent1on. Ile set:med unexpected places; certaiul~, I 111ny be sa.1cl sharp words or sarcasms, for, being young his home interests, he is not long in fonn- 000,000. But a person \\ill form but a very nervous and agifated, and finally attempted to have picked out niy \\ife l!J the cars'inadequate idea of seven hundred imlhons and mexpenenced at the tirue of their 1ng others of a d1fferent n11turc, and so it Review, Baltvmori; of dollars, unlefl8 he is helped m some way. to compronnse, He wna again put through mnrringej tliey did not know how to meet was with Herman. He had allowed him· tbe eearchmg process. His pocket-Look, Heat anli Disease 1n th0 tf ue spn1t the unavoidable d1If10ul· self to thrnk that posaiblv there nngbt be We might say that ID just three years it rt would whi1,;k was first invesCigaLed,revealed a men1· ties that n1ust ar1sc frurn so close a union. an 'affinity' fol"" him somewhere in the would pay the nat10nal debt. During the reheating of the Jurnaces in oraodum ehowing the purchase of eighThey were proud too, and instead of ac. world, and although he bad no lntent10n of cover 20,446 acrea of laud with one rlollar an uon c.;tabhsbment 1a Englnnd, sf\ys the teen <l1an1onds of varLoua a1zes and prices, know ledKiog their shortconnn~s to each trying to seek a' soul companion,' or of o.c- greenbacks. It would keep 5,333,000 per· Bnt1sh Journal of Science, tbe 1nen worl\e<l It would amountrng m nil to about $12,000. When other, and talking then1 o'·er 1u the sp1r1t cepting one should such · person Le thrown sona at school, at $300 a )ear. when the thermometer, placed so ns not to lhis came to hght the Jew begged 11itb of love and sincerity, they would let them in hlS way, yet he began to look uµon wo- load 1,369 wuggons with gold, a ton to each tears to be allowed to compromise. A deaf be iufl~enced by the r.H.hnt1on of h<'~lt frP . . lll wagg:on, nnd reach 534 n1iles pasa by and pretend that they were forgot- men with ne\v interest, to study their die:the OJ.Jen door~, mr:l.rkc:d 120 Llcgrcci! In The liquor thus aold wonld fill a canal ear waa turDie~ to his entreaties l His coat ten, but they never were. pfnnt1ons as far ns he could, and compare the Bessemer p1ts1 the men continue a U !ltd removed and the lining exaunned. was Another drop of bitterness had crept mto them with his own, and say to himself, 'If four leet deep and fourteen wide and 120 N otlung there. Then the wmsteoat. As of labor rcqurnng great muscu!tn efloit at - - - their hearts. Mary, who was very beautiful I were free now mth the experience I have miles long; and there are drunkards enough 140 degre~s. In sorne of th~ operatioJ-" of .,, the searcher pruised his pracllcal fingers at the t1me of her rnarriage, \\as 111d1ng and gamed in all these years, I might have an if they were to lie down to drmk from the glass·1nak1ng, the 01d1rrnry sun11ner v.. lW.l'k ~ ::: along the lining his heart , gave a tremi?nlosing the charms of her girlhood Her opportumty to reahzo true happiness in the canal, to fill both_ s1d~a and leave l00,000 ing letnperature 1a cons1derable o\cr ltV), /~to look OD. But tbis waste Or wealth ia the dous thump as ho reeogmsed the 'feel' of maternal burdena und 1nauy household marriage relation. 1 and the radrnnt heat to which the work sometbrng pebbly, like little rows ofbnt· ·mallest count in the indictment again;t cares l1ad so much nbsorbed her time as to men are subjected fa1 exceeds 212 degreeE All thlS time Jlfary was help'~g to dig rum. tons. , 'J'f>e g~1t was hasti!.YJ;lpffe<l, a It is money, but alas l the waste of allow her little time to devote to the arts of the grave of her 01111 happinea·, when, in- happrness 200,000 per>ons iu the poor strap of chamois ekin \\ : i, s w1thdr,..~ ... n and In a Turk19h bath, the shompooers conLinu· the toilet, and bad wrought great changes stea.i of simulating cheerft 'ness, studying house, 100,000 persons 1u the prisons, 400 unrolled, and therel hey I~, one; two, three four or five boura at a ti1nc in a uiobt u.t-1 iu her appearance, Indoor conftntment n1ospbere at ten1perntures ranging Iron1 l ()5 her husband's tastes, and etrivmg to make suicid<e, 500 murders. Go with me and -eighteen l A" there. had made her sallow, too much care had to 110 degrees. In en,1mel works, meu Jaherself agreeable, she grew more reaerved, look ID llpon those wretched objects of 'You can put on )OUrcoat and waistcoat wrrnkled her bro1v, and dropped a few answering him sometitnes with bitter re- charity rn the alms·honse, gaze through again, Mr. Fischer, said the searcher, bland- bor daily in a heat of over 300 degrees. Oh touches of gray among her brown tresses, the Red Sea steamers, the temperature of torts, and trymg less to make home ;ileas- those grated windows upon those criminals ly. 'Good day.' and ofteu weariness and discouragement Without a word the Jew departed, took a the stoke hole is 145 degrees And yet iu ant as she sa"'· he waa growi.tg to care for it who \\Ould never had committed crime but would dn ve the smilca from her face and horse car home, kissed h1s family, ate a none of these cases does any special form or lesa. . for ruin. Look upon that swollen corps the lightness from her feet, making her a Ilcrmnn was a man of strong pas,·uond, Just taken from the river, Vl8it the scaffold, rous111g chnr1er, repaired to the bath-room, type of disease develop itself. dull cowpanion for her husband when he and fou:id great pleasure m the phys1cial an<l look while the trap is sprnng and a fel- and after soaking a rather capacious plaster came hon1e 1rom his ofhcc,wenry of buSJness Sunda.y a Day of Gladness. enJoyments of life, nevertheless be had at- low-being is turned off and seLt unbidden across the small of bis back for a few and w1shmg lo !Je entertained. in warm water, peeled it off, and m1nutea tamed a high degree of mental and spiritu- before the JUSt God, and if that rn not ,su(God does not mean us always to be som· Herman was now in b1s prime, handal development, and there'! wa.s a tender ficient, let me help you by other cons1d'era- with it 'eighteen diamonds, of variuus cotits bre, least of all upon Sund·y, tbe glad fea st somer, if possible, than at the time of his and prices.' What the searchers and col- of the Resurrection, a -dny whose at1noaapot rn bis conscience which might not tions. You may have been a soldier; J'6u " J marr.tagc. II1s business, though arduous, easily be seared. In the matter of domestic may have marchc<l w1th your regiment and lector may have aaid or thought when they pbere throughout should be one ot quiet, w,as not 1rkaon1ely monotonous. Hia office infelicity be "as allowing hunself to he felt your being thrilled with emotions of found their seizure to be nothing hut clever nnwo1ldly Joy. Let no boisterous mern did not require every moment of bis prestaken off hia guard, and where it would all pathetrn pride, as you looked upon the great glass 11nitat19ns, worth from ten to thirty ment disturb the calm , ]et hearty wor!:ih111 1 ence, He was often on the stieet, meetrng end be had not yet considered. Thus, army passmg iu grand review; you may cents each, nobody kno.ws; for although and kindly intercourse and refresh1ng rest aud conversing with acquaintances, hearing when temphtion came, aa itj u1d at last, it have looked over your shouhleras you "ere the seizure was loudly heralded, the Jin«k ~rest of tireLl 1n1ucl from its drogg1ng brood the news, and havrng his mmd occupied .A lady in this of week-day anxieties, rest of llrcd body found him unprepared lo battle agabst it marching to 8"e that long lme ol men com- was ne,er made public. v. :th the various matters wh1ch enter into city, 1nov1ng in fash1onable circles, wears a from the round of week-day t01l-let this successfully. ing after you. Now take away the burnishthe every-day li"e of a busu1ess man. valuable d1a1nond which was iniported in be the tone of the hallowed day Rehgion, His exercise in the open air kept hnn Ile met Mrs. Clyde at the house of a ed musket, take a'vay the uniforn1, glve to the cavity of a double tooth, said tooth !Je. not in evcr.r. word, act, look, obtrulled lv1th each man the oeedy attire, the sunken strong and healthy ; be mrngled m society frwnd, and subsequently at various public ing in the mouth of an Israehtish gentle- pamful effort, but present m the hea1 t, and thus kept pace with the spmt of the and social gatherings, and be and she be- cheek, the blood-shot eye, and the staggerman of New York. It was · placed m its should pervade the day, its rest, its read mg, tunes, while his ""re went out 50 sel<lom caine very well acquainted, She was a fas- ing gait of the drunkard, then place them rather unromantic hid1ng place in London, fl ve abreast, and lei that hne reach back a its conversation. 0 1 never represent Sunthat it ever she had an opportunity to at- cmaung woman, beautiful in face und form, and aafoly covered with bone fill1ng, \\hich day- at any rate to the young-as a dul hnlliant in conversation,o.nd poiseas1ng that hundred llllles. In rear ot these, place 500,tencl a social gathering of any kmd, she "as u1spluced nfter the arrival in New and gloomy day ; nor dream that 'heart defound herself so far belnnd the tunes and magnetic infl.ue.nce over the other sex, 000 broken hearted women, the wives of York. which renders such woman so dangerous. these drunkards, and, 1,000,000 children, voted to tbe kind God need ab1urc all that out of sty le that she would often decide rn The1r a~quaintance soon ripened into [ncnd· the offspring of these uunaluml fathers, and Slang Phrases Among Youth. is genial and joyous, or that a subdued, her O\\ n 111·nd not to go again opmt-broken step is necessary to the cluld Herman would have been glad to have ship. They talked, sang, and rode together, in1ag1ne these three grand d1v1s1ons of the her accoinpany him oftener than she did, they nccornpanied each otner to concert and army of king alcohol marshalled in hne and 'fhe young nnsses nnd ladies whose gra.ni· who has chosen to walk beside that tender theatre ; tLey discovered mutual tastes in passing 1n grand review, while you gaze but she abvays bad so many excuses to stny ruaticn.l innccnrncies and slang phrases, such Father, holding by Hrn hand. at home that he grew tued of aak·~g her, art and hteratv·e, and last nnd most peril t.pon the mighty aggregate of wretchedness as ' My gracious I' ' Oh, goodness !1 are alA correspondent ol the London Guaiduin an<l ofLen went without her , and though ous of a'l, Jhey confided Lo each other their as it passes before you; but why can you lowed to escape uunoticed at home, wust tells the followrng story 'In the year 1nutual unl1ap1nness in the merriage rela· not kike in tbe mfaery of one drunkard, submit to be severely craicized m good soshe did not object ln v;ords, yet this con· 1846, a second lieutenant of Landwehr lantion and multiply it by 600,000, and the wretch- ciety, or else be doomed to constant anxiety cers waa returning, attended by h1s servant, duct always made her feel unhappy Thus a slight estungerncnt had been Mrn Clyde was married when a mere eclness of one drunkard'::i wife, and multiply in their effurts to play propriety. from some field 1nanccuvres 1n Potne1au1a. gradually creeping lll between them. Her- child to a man old enou~h to be her father. it by 500,000 and the hopelessnefl8 of one The ~oung gentleman who lolls in the On tbeir way to quarters they put their man, m \be flush of hJS manhood, wanted The match waa made by her parents, and drunkard's child, and multiply it by 1,000,- easy chair, and invariably tukes the cos1est horses to the gnllop, and wht!n they came freedom to CDJOY society aud find sympa· she scarcely l1ad a voice in the rue.tter Fier 000 and ·1ius get your heart firetl with in- corner by the fire01de ; neglects to take off close to the brink of the Stantzsee, along thetic souls arnung the 1nauy gifted men husUancl was very "ealthy, and treated ier d1gnat10n, and your whole soul stirred with- bis equeaking boots when visiting the sick- the side of which the road went, the serand women ,vhon1 he 111 et, and the desire klndly, and she llve<l, llke a princeBB; but in yon while you behold the disgrace, deg- room of some suffering relative, or to ac- vant's horse suddenly shied, n;id threw bis had its foundation amobg the purest im- this did not satIB!y her heart. - She could redat1on and ruin that !allows in the wake company hi.a sisters once in three months to rider over his head into deep watf'r. The pulse· of Ins eon!. His mistake was m not love her husband, and the feeliug witb of the rum traffic Is it anything strange the concert or lecture which they are long- man could not swan, ruid the officer sprang mdulgmg m the recreations which had a which he regarded h<r ·eemed hke that of a that thoughtful men shall beg and plead 1Dg to bear, will never lJe a perfect gentle- fron1 his horse, j uruped after the drowning and urge the employment and enforcement tendency to dmw him away from his wife, patent toward a child man unless son1e m1llenn1al \Vave rolls over person, and brougbt him safely to the oank of all possible means tor staying thio terriinstead of keeprng her along with him, He 'II I had taken my choice,' she said him, As for the poor relations, who inhal,. They had to ride a long way still rn their ble business 1 Above all, can ·a Christian m1ght1 if he bad tried, lightened his w1Ie's plalntively to Hern1an, 'I would have chosit the attic chambers, mend the home lrneu, wet clothe· to quarters, and the officer be md1fferent here 1-Rehqwus Herald. cares rn many lllLle w·y·, and mtere,ted en the humblest lot with one I loved m pref· and set ve as a kind of 'p1n·cusb1on' into caught a chill, \\ l.t1cb gave him i heun1at1am her mo1e in the nu1tterr:, which poSsessed erence to the g1ldcd n1teery which 1 now The se1va.nt hns never lt ft b1a wlnoh all the family annoyances are thrust for lite. We have all of u· su!hc1ent fortitude to -w bat plea shall we ofler for them 1 or mai3ter's employ, Uut is now n shcplJerd on cbarn1s for h11n, foz b-Iary had n1ore than en<ln1e' an ordinary share of intell1geucu,and might, lierrnan lJe~ie,ed and p1tied her: was ir· bear the misfortunes of others. what precept enlorce except to enforce that his estate ; the oJhccr wears the 1nedal fur with half the udvantugea of her gulhood, ~elo: rnt1bl)' f1 ls ...1nated by her, and too soon Never be idle. If your hands cannot be 'pat,ence huve Its perfect 'vork 1'-.ll'r&m, S!l\1llg hte, \VIth many nlht!I oidcrr:., on his have 1nade herself a most pleruung cornpan- IX.fie to tl ~ conclusion tl1at they were usefully employed, attend to the cult1va- 'H01ne P,,f)litcneils,' i.n Phre1wloqical Journal breast, and his na1ue nnd tltle are Prince ion. It ia ho.rd, however, wlit·n a 11erson's kinilrA1l 0 ,..., 'l'eated for ench other, and t10n of your mrnd, f01 Octobm·. B1Smarck. turn 1t in other dtrechons. At any rate, in thiA tnsto.nce, H("rrnan did not succeed to For the 1l1erchant. hfa satlsfact1on, and so ceased tr) 1ng. "Things are not What They Seem" It would be hard to euy when the thought - POETRY. 1 1 l I 1 l I 1 I " · - - - - - - -- ---