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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Oct 1874, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1874. REMOVAL. House and Four Acres of Land for Sale. 1wat and dc·ir~bl~ 1wupcrty, the 1 ·csiTHA'.l' deuce of t he llcv.·f . ] . Metcalfe. It rn situated on the Gravel 1toa<l, in t he village of --- IBUCKLE.R'S Harness ' I u town Plei~i,se wishes to inform his numerous friends and cus tonier~ tliat he ha~ remnve<l to S. MASON OLD STAND . Yi sit has been a very pleasing event to the inhabitants of Bowman vi Ile, but the LORD PllfJES at which Hampt on , 4~ rriil ~s front. }~O\Ytn::i.n d lle. T he house contanIB parlor, dining room, 5 ?eel· room s, kitchen, 'w ith ha.rd and soft water, sink, etc., a goo.d stone cellar, and furu_ace for hot air. "l'here is a "'OOJ stablo. heu-ho u'se, ·Yood Hhedi Q t c. , all i; £rat class n~pair. A good ord1ard of vc~y choico fruiti and. a kitchen go.rden . Jl'or prwe or further plU'ht:;Ul::trai itp1)ly to Rev. J. F . )fctcaJfo, ou the prc1ni ~ca . . ni49· 1Inp. . , . · \Vhere b e 'v1ll be found \v1tll th~ n10f'lt com pletl\ assortnumt of · AUTUMN! 1874. R EWIN, S. TOSHA-W-A 1 The Satisfactio11 given by BARNUl\t1 s ec!ipeed by the satisfactiqn gi\·en hy Sl\f c\.LE to his numerous patrons. He is now pl ~i1'3(1d to announce that he has on a 11'l.rge and varied of ' - is shewing a BOOTS AND SHOES of the best q11ality, and is anxious that they 1:1hall set to work as soon rui po:ssible. Whip~ i:.>' Trunks' &c. Buckler 's o1d f!ta.nd · . I l 1 (]- RAND QF sr_rOCK Grateful Thousanils proclaim VJ:!i. EGAR BITTERS most wonderfl!'l ~ vigorant that ever SUl!tamed the .smkmg 0~1 c door cant of 1vlayn.'.l.rd1s Hotl:ll. ca.IL All Prioes, All Sizes. All Xinds. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents. " " Balmorals, extra high FARM FOR SALE. ~i\.CRES, in the To\Vnship of ])arlington, and abont tt:m rnik~'i north of J3owm anvillo. T erms ·v ery · ~a5y , 1naking thii:i a. good opportun· ty to bu y . 'J'itlt: b11lii-:put...,1Jlo. l"or part.ivuurs, apply to VY. HEI)IN8'fALL, J'eweller, 0~H d. W~1. Bowmanvillt:', Sep, lat. , 1873. STAPLE & FANCY DRY GO.ODS, Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. cut $ 1.25· O ONSlS'l'l1'T! 0]' ONU HUNDl\JlD Nothing; 'to Beat: it. GENT'S BOOTS. New Fall Dry Goods & Clothing aro being sold I ----o--- system. At " fJDEAPSIDE," is a much greater trco,t to those who desire to get the best value for their money. Augnst 27th, 1874. 47-SiJ1,;, S.A LE On TUESDAY0 OCT. 20th, :J.1 e. If. 'l'. PL illip;; will sell by pnblic ..1.;\uction, w ·ithout rmy reserve_ , on Lot 1'7, Dth Con. of 11arliugtuu. a lot"of Farw Stoek, I u1 plcments, Hay, 'l'uruipn, &c., the prope rty of John l{er· ---:o:- - -- Call and judge for yourselves. . · · Immense Bargains ! f.l]ake. Sak to co r1 nw:.'l.H.'e Se11t. 23rd, 18-74 . tit 12 o'clcck. 5-~·4 ins . Remember the Store I "CI-IEAPSIDE." Bi~s~i;inette & Co., VALUABLE FARM FOii SALE. south hu.lf of Lot No. in the sixt h BEING Con. 0f the town:;ihip of Clarke, containing ;~~. . 100 ~res, morf;! nr les8 ; 80 acres clca.t·t~rl, hal.anco timb;;;:rcd with ccJa.r. i\.n tx(.;ellent young lwaring on:hard of drnice txees, with fran1e dwelling h ou se , ba.rn, 8:~ablc, &c., on tho f;.\ Ji' or situation, it cannot be excelled, being one mile from the village of Oro,u o, and Bevcn fl' <)]1l the t O W\,1 nf DOWlUfl:11 Vi l]iL Posse'lsion µ;iv en on the first d11y of ...A~PR.IL ne-xt, wi.t,h pl'ivelegc. to l~Hlf!I ' ~i ·.nd · do the fa\11 ploughing-. ]'or apply to C. 'r.A.MEL ·yN Orono 1 or J . THOR NE, A_mhomtburg, 0. Ont. July 25t.b, 1874. bp-o30-n143. Corner !:fton, Opposite .l own II all, BowrncHwille · - - CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. -- --- ~,..,. r. I ' I ..:\..TE in T <nVnBhjJ2 of Usbol'ne, County · SITU of l-lu L'ou, on Lot J:-, o. S, north FJidc of r l 'ham s l\.oad, eontainiRg 100 acres, inore or about eight)' acr~s are deared, and in goof!. st-atf;? of culti vflrtion. T.f...e farm iB well fenced, has goml 'vater ~~ri vil ~ge8, ru1d. a never failiug spring. 'l'}u.:ii-e w on the pre1uisc.s, gc.od ~ tone house, frame \Jani , ;;1 ;n.bfo, 1.hivitJg 110m;tl, and other buildings fo1· sheltering cnttle nnd sheep ; also fine youug 01·c11ru:fl of. i;liuim; J:n 1it. The iwoperty is situa.ted within four nlilcs of the tJ1nving of J~ xe tei·. . I.fEH.J\'.lS {)]' SAJ,J~.-No payment rcqnired tlowu ; if uo cash pay meut , murtgago t aken on propDrty for the h 1U nn10unt ofpurcb iu;1.nnouey, but uwrtgage purchaooi'S, or son:te other property, to be givon gs coJlateda1 security. lfor particulars, a:pply to tlw proprietor ou the premises. l f 11ot so1dJ'ri vately, ')Jy the first of October, it wiU be sc1l by public o.uction un thl;l ptemie cs, as the underRigo od is about t o reth·e. le i:!S ; H EI --- RIClIAJlU J·'A~SO;N", .Exeter l'. 0. o34tf. Desirable Farm Property .. FOR SA LE. Spkndi<l rropetty of t he late J\fr. B. THAT ltlitchell, bt:ing the north half of No, Lo ~~ E o~· E L :l~~c~d:t~~~~~~:. L E A~l~~UN'l'8 E p p o. BO UN SALL, H HI I A Italian A & Ameican -Marble. RENDERED on the according to directions, and remain long unwell, provider! their bones are not destroyed by ~al poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond Replete ·with Latest Styles & Novelties. repair. Bilious Remittent and Inter· mittent Fevers, which are so preva. lent in the valleys of our great rivera .A SPECIALITY I 'l' .H B throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, ArkanS'Jll, lied, Colorado, l)razos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, UoHE UNDERSIGN);}J> in retur.t\ing thanks Fits Q.uaran- anoke, 'James, and many others, with to his 1nan~' fri undt> lwd the \Jubli,e' gener:tlly A Lnrge Stock of Cloths and T·r~mrn0n,qs, rnade to Order. for the liberat"yatl'ou~g1: Xtenc eJ to him dur· their vast trib1,1taries, throughout onr teed. Latest Styles i.n Hats, Sh·ilrls, T'ies, &e, iug tb e va,~t 18 years, bega to announ.ce that entire country during the Stmuner lllld fnnnri.ndafterth.tl_l!iLh8eptembt:r,he\Y:ll~~rry a · I Autuqm, and remarkably so during eea. on the sa1nc bus1ness, but more ext,,nsne1y . -. sons of unusual heat and dryness, are under the nmne au<l style of Jomr l>IcL·on & . ' Ch.Id , F. Ma k CH.EAPE"' l' "OODS '1'0\"N invariaPJy accompanied by exteI)sLvo de· Co. Pr01upt ini}"1nen~ of .all. accounts is render· La.dies and .,. 1 ren b l!le . C. ~ u '.J Ill 1y rangements of the stomach and liver, ed by thia ln~""'"" "crnngeme~it, CURTAINS DAMASKS &c. a.ud irnpemt\\'e all pel'sons indebted will please tnke noticf . CARPETS . , FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ~ and other abdominal viscera; In their and govern tbcrnseJycs accJ'6iJ"fViHcLEOD. . NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerfal influence upon these various Or· Bow1:ilanville Septetnber4th. 1873 . I gans, is essentio,JJy necessary. There ' / The intd!ictetit Y eomunry of West Durhi;tm and South Ontario, are be- is no cathartic for the purpose equal to John McLeod & Co coming full~, awo,re that OSHAWA affords tho Best ~Ia1:k_et; her Manu- DR. J, WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, .. factori es supply the Best Implements; o,nd her ente11m.srng J\iercl~tmts us they will speedily remove the dark· . would ' " 1'"'l Ll·e same sell the most 8tylish Goods,at P .RICES regulated by" healthy competition colored viscid ll\Utter with wblch t)le bowels am loaded, at the same time Libe.·al Support and Oshawa, West, King St Sept. 231.·d. 1874. stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy , Patronage functions of the digestive organs. SOMETHl~C NEW AND DURABLE. extended so long' to John - ~lt.$UX~ttttC. Fortif'y the body against disease · ~~ncl laki.::1-1 tl1i.s opportunity of in· ll>I}J MONEY and .:i:,ABOlt save~ I Fre,.ch by pmifying all its fluids with VINEGAR jfor1ning the vublir., that they lutve Oil Poli8h. Thie ] rench Oil Polieh is pre· BITTERS. No opidomio can take hold pared for Carriages, Buggies, Harness, Bootg of a system· thus fore-armed . . :£?,ELI.ANOE and Shoes , and all kinds of Leather·. _It ~ll DISCARDED give any article of Leather, a. most brilha.nt &p· Dyspe,Psia or Indigestion, HeadMutual Life Assurance ~ociety pearance and at tbe _ same time, ~ro~ it~ oiJy THE ache, Pam in the Shoulders, Coughs, .IJropertics, tends rouc_h to preserve it; 1t will al· Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour ESTABLISHED 1840. way,s be moiat al) d plrnnt ;· nnd 111ay be expoi::ed Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tfillte to water and vtnshed, and will not lose ite brilli· in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita· ance a.nd it is not to be fe~red that .n.ny crust C ..\NADA CHlt::ll' 01<'1"1CEH. will ~cttlc on said Leather when preserved "°ith talion of tho Heart, Inflall1lllation oj\the the ;bove Oil. For the ~-oodwork of Buggies, 131, ST. JAMES STREET, ~10NTilEAL. Lungs, l'ain in the region of the Kid Carriages, and }Urniturt:i, there is not a better ueys, and a hundred other painful symp· DillECTORS. article in use. Manufactured by A. SnroN & toms, are the oft'sp1ings of Dyspepsia. Co. TanDers and Ourrie1·s, for1nerly of France, \V~\LTER SHANL1-, E11q. , )1 I>.,, One bottle will prove a be~ter guarantee now' of Philadelphia, Pa., Instructions-Shake DuNaA:'f 1'.-fACDON.ALll, Esq. · nesa as follows : · bottle. .4.. few drop.3 on-a pieco of aponge,a.pply of its merits than a lengthy advertise· B,, St. Hilaire. it lightly to the leather, and you will obtain the MAJOR r. E . C~UIPBELL, C _ ment. THN IioNORARt.E .TonN H AIDT,TON, Hawks· finest hte:tre. 'Price 75cts. per hottle1or $7. 50 pe;r ALL burg.i Ont. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Wh1tt dozen. JOIIN SI\'IALE, Solt1 Agent, RowRESIDENT SBORFT A RY. -J,rnEs GR.I.NI'. Swellings, lJ!ccrs, Erysipelas, ~welled Neck, uaanville. Goitre, Scrofulous Infla.1nmnt1o:os, Indolent July 16th, 187 4. 41·6 mos. No Person can take these Bitter11 8 :Millinery a,nd Ua,ntle Depa,rtm.ent MOUE/NINO- GOODS Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. Specialattonlion given to CUTTING AND FITTING a.u<l none but first-class workmen cmployeJ 1 thus inr;uriug- good value in every ca.~e. E.1.epha,nt ltouse T Gents' Furnishings I BOOTS nd SHOES' 1 , · STORE. - Ono doqr ea;&t of Cnrnii$h's J ewelry tore, I\:ing Street, Ilowmn.u ville. J·. SMALE. Bowma.nville, Sept. 23rd, 1S73 _ l' I I , T T, H E ~fcLeo<l, T THE BANNER 1 OLD SYSTEM, SEWING IYIAOIIIN I~ COlVIPANY, OP SHERJJRUOKE, P . Having rectmtly pcrfect,cd <J., Important Imprm;e1nent.··, iu Lhtlfr celebrated Family, Sewing Machines, Are prernir~cl t0 S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. E~:rIRE Prtor:r'l'Fi helong tu ;i,,11d are divided aiuonget the. Potic11Jwldcrs. The I:IVE.s, D"F.CI,J~ETJ. 13; OTHER Coli:PA..'H~S, or on which an extra Premium would be requ1J'ed, can be assmed at the ordinary rates of this Society, SPECIAL NON-FO.FEl'l'ABLE POLICIES 1st J.anuary, 1st May, · and lBt September )fPOR,'l'ER, 1\._fANUF AC TURER, an D1f;ALER in a.11 the varieties of Inflan1mBtious, Mercurial Affection~, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Eyes, etc. In these, 88 iu ull other constitutionul'Dis .. eases, W ..lLKER's VlNEGAlt DITTERs have sho-1vn\ thei~ great cura.tivo powers in the most olJsUnato aud iutraetablu Cll8ea. · GUARANTEE THE!lf EQU AL, Jr NOT SUPJ:R10R, l~or to a.ny now before the public. SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRL:CTION EASE OF OPERATIO::-<, U;ll FORMITY OE PREClSJ<: ACTION AT AJ\iY RATE OF SPEED, capacity of ro.ngc and a.duptibility to grcv t variety of ·work, fiu c or coa.rc;'e, NEW GOODS! - -o-- - - : o : -- - o ___________ Strowger Bro~t UWell Assorted !U Stock F11lly !ssorf,etl. NEWCAS~LE .E S STOVES 's E St OCk .wa.r 'I' (fie I:> AND 31, and 32, in the Gtb Cou. of D.:1>rlin gton , con1prising 200 acres-:35 b ein g enperi01· ·vnoi.l ]and . Then~ is on the front of the pre1nises, a ·very fine,ge11 tlern.n11 \i fJ tun u T~i:iidenee, with htwn and flower garden, to the roar of which is a beautiful M aple (~rove. j\ ]Ho wood ~hcd,stable-, driving house,etc., and ever y necessary cOU \'enience. 1,he whofo, a.bnu t tfm aere ~, i-> surrounded by a thorn hedge. rrhere is a. ]Parm · Hom~8, 'vi t h three barns, with all out huildi:ngs . .A. never failing stream of \vi-I,ter run1:1 through the p remises . '~here is also a. splendid Orch of fruit beu.!ing trecA, fmd ;:i, kitche~t ga.:den. . ~fh.e___l?!opcrty is i~ a good state o~ cult'tvation, m~r~ rn r1~gnJ:ded. a~ Uie most desu~ble bet wc:>en 1(117gston and London. ] Ol' furth er parhcn ln.1·A appl y _ to MRS . 13. J\II'l'CHELI,, Usha1va P. o. August 6th, 187 4. bp-tf·mH-032: . N 1n e(iiJ?, wnd e·ve,ry year. under a Bpr.cial arrfhngemm1l T Tn the cii,se oI . J\,-le6hanicsi and others, i.v·boso lac.counta may amount to $50.00 ur 1 over, tJieit- note 1if agreed upon, will be taken payable at the Bank for a stated period. ~vfanufc.1ieturei'fJ, N . . J\. --- T Monuments & Grave Stones, lfrou,glit 01· large and choice selection of isi'ued under which Only 10, 15 or 20 A. nnual Payments arc rcqnired, each paym ent seClu-ing a Folley for a sum assured proportionate to the number of pretniums paid, andfrccfrom. jutur }'or Inflammatory and Chronic R.heumatism, Gont, lll!ious, Remittent and Intermittent }'over11, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and DladdE:r, thcso Ilittors have no equal. Such Disease& ~ro ctLnsed hy Vitiated Blood. 8 t'l-l wa.y on hand, of superiot . wotkurnnahip, and at Jo,vcst prwes. t;ia.yment of prii-iniwm$. h-iODERA.TE PnEJ!IUMB lllechauical Diseases.-Persons engaged iu Paints imd Minerals, such as Phu_ n l.Jcrs, rry1ic-settors, Gul<l· bcatcrs, nnd Miners, us they ndvance in life, are subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a doso of W .ALKER'S VJNa EG.A.n. Iln'TERs TIIE an<l inost liberal con- I IPrompt Oas~ Purchasers L...,D Cast Iron Fe;wu, ~ota. ditions. Pru}Josa.l Fonn1:1, &c., supplied on application at the Head Office, or any of the ...i\.gencies. Prospectu~es, THb'Y STAND UNRIVALL R!l. or burying occa.sionally. Thege Celebrat.ell J\1achines obta.inud the H - o PaY.ers on short credits will always get goods at prices cnt FINE, as our great aiin will be I t o cont t thi~ class of traJc. H Fm·niture Tops, ·Mantel Pieces, &c kept on 11and, 01' ""'!'ought to order. A call is r~l':lpf!ctfully JAMES GRA)[T, Res. Secretary. xeqll.ested at the works, I ., King Street, ·Bo11.oman1n:Ue l-tl. ._____... Octobe1·, 1st, 1369. AGENT FOH BOWMANVILLJ<J, C.BARKER, 32-ly t Gr, Salt-Rlleu~n 1 Blotches, Spots, Pimples, l ' nstnlce, Boils, Carbuncles, }Ung-worms, Sen.Id-head, St)fe Eyes, Erysip_clns, Itch, Scurfs, Di$colorations of tho Slnn, Rnmora For Skin Diseases, El'llptions, Tet· AT THE o.nd Diseo.r:cs of the Skiu of whatever nnme "Observer Office," Kivg St. Bowman·ville, Jun!.! 24L]), 1870. ,, or nntnrc; nro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short timo by tho uso .of these Bitters. e Provincial Exhibition, held in liontrenl in SePtembcr, 1873. wanted. Agent8 - - --------------·- Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON. (JMablishecl 1803. Hr.AI> OFJJ'JCES. -1 Old Broad ~t., and Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box ·for wood or cot~l. ' · A ~plendicl variety of , aro eflectaally destro:ved 11utl. removed. No syste1n of medicine, ~no vermifUgea, no an· thelminitics will free tho system from worms lilrn tbc' c Bittexs. . Pin; 'l'ape, and other Worms, I tu·kiu~ . in tho systom of so inuuy thousands, J. T . ANDERSON, l I ·l LOCAL Al!l::Nl H aving removed -to 1no1·c co1n1n(· diout> premises, m Pall Mo.I!, London. GENF.RAJ. t:·T Rllltit JOHN McLIWD & CO. '.\.GIFCY Fr.n C,\NAnA :-- 24 St or 0Jd 1 n1n.nicd or sing1e, n.t the dawn of WOa manhood, or the tnru of lifo1 theso Tonio Bitters display so decided an mf!ncnce that im~·ovcment For Female Complaints, in young is soon percc~Ublc . THEim the Ch1·01nos IS M<J R!l FUN in "PL UOI-C," than any. pa.intC<Cl or printed story that ha.."! Uee·n given to the public for yearr.J . N ever before h::i.s bc~l1 accorderl t.o any P icture or Bet of Pictures , ~font.real . GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES ! AT l'OTHERGII,L'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public generally, that t hey arr; UQ \V enabled to offer t:hetn Bo,..,..pianville. September4thlb'73J · t,;leanse the Vitiated Blood when· c\er you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores j cle~nso it wben you find it obstructed 1111d sluggish in tho veins ; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelin·gs will tell you when. Keep the blood pmo, and tho health of tho system . R. Jl. lUcDONALD & CO,, 41 Dl'nggist.3 and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Call(omlri. 1tnd cur. ofVirll!tlington and Charlton Sts., N. Y. Sold by all llruNists a.nd lJeal_ o r·· Subscribed and iDvet1ted Capital arid F.eserve Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling. · Funds invested in Canada- 105,000. Better Inducements in th<J line of THE POPUlAlllTY these Chrowos have a tt ained. Size Hi by 22 inches . Price, $JO the pair - AddI"esa oi·tlurn tu .J & W. J. McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF 'fHE GOLDEN LION, BO"\VM.A.N'VILLE. Sept. 25th, 1874. _, Insurances against los19 by Fire are eff?cte~ on n1ost favorable termR, anrl. losses paid with out reference to the Board in London. will follow. Grocery B11si11ess, (AS REOARDS PRICE dl QUAL11'Y) than any othel' h011so in the Com ity. J DODSWORTH, Inspector. [t. RINTOUI, BROS. Gen. Agents, ~iontrea J . .F. RYDElt, Publisher, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. 41-tf - -------- ·--- - - - -· R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bov.:ma:nvi11e, June 4th, 1860. 36 rn.o.43-30.4w Di·;·;r. Wallier's ·cai1rornto. Yin· July 16th, 1874. James DRUGS Al'!D MEDICINES THE at thti - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- McFeeters. AGENT NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD We·ig/if ancl' Jlfoasiire G: uaranteed iri. e1)ery 'i-nstanc e. Bo'wmanville Drug Stor~, :Dominion OrO'a.n Oo'y. BOWMANVILLE, . Pr:;ent the following testimonials from com petent judpes of Organs. Testimonial from ·~rohn Canudge, 1\.{us. Doc., Canluar, England. Bowmiinville, Dec., 187:), To the Mwna(Je1's D(}m.inion Oroan Co. G111N'TLF.MlDT .- I like to "Play on your Organs t" ~e is so sweet and steady. And the work· m.aosnip and finish excellent, and in every particular they are equa.l, if not superior, to any I ba\·e eyer heard, Hovi.Jig they will roee· publi~appreciation. Teas a, Speciaility. J. D. STROWGER. :f'{ewcn.~tle,· A11gt~~t, J. HIGGINBOTHAM tomers and to the public generally, for the very lihrral suppm·t he has receiVed since his comn:10ncing in busincs:;; and hopes by con· tinued i;trict personal attention to L.nsine8S, ttud offering nothing but tho purest ru.t1cles, at the u1ost reasonabfo prices, to ensure a contii1 uanee of public pn.tronago. J, H. would call special attention to hi~ \'l;}l'Y superior stock of For the followiug I of.HU"iu1ce Con:.ip anios, and other Institutions, viz :The QUJJ;EN Fil'C and Life Imnu·ancc Com1>any. Capital£2,000,000 . $150,000 deposited with the Dominion Governn1ent, for the protec ders in Canada. · ~ 'l'he ISOI·.1.\.TED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany of Capital 500'000,-0ne of t11e best a.nd oheapeAt Con1panies doing business in the Dorrdnion, for Farmers and Isolated H,isks1 egar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly ttom the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountairu; of Califor· nia, the medicinal properties of which 11re extracted therefrom without the uee of .Alcohol. 'l'he question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of VINEGAR BIT· TERS f" Our answer Is, that they remove the ·cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and alife-giving principle, 11 perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the uistory of the world has a medicine been compounded posseplllng th~ rem~rlrnblc qualities of VINEGAR BITTERS m}1colmg tho sick of' every di~ease man la heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relioviug Congestion or Iufla.Dl'!'·ti~n o! tho Live1· and Visceral Organs, m B1llons DiJleMes.. · VINEGAR13lTTBRS are .Aperient,. D.iap~ore"t!-c, Carminativc, Nutritious, La:iatrve, D1urotlc, Sedative, Oounter-Irritant, sudorific, ..Ute1ative. and Anti-Biliq"·· R. 1-1. MeDONALD & C-:1 .. Drng~i!rt~ nn d Gen. A.t,'1:s., S:m Frri.noi~co. { ;ri l~f·: i"· i and cor. ofWashin~ton Clrn.rU.un ."!!.>: .. \ I 1873. 'l'he ~11hsm·i1~1· woulll Lt'g to c<lH attentio11 to his stoek of Groceries Dry Goods, J. L. STROWGER llfOULD must respectfully tender his sincere l' l thanks to his numerous frienda and cua14th, 1874. SOMETHING NEW rnHH CAMIDGE l{.ead the following from Rosa D'Erina : ~owmanville, December 22, 1873, Tu the .Jianauers of the Dmn·inion Organ Oo. GENTLEXEN. -I htt.Ve mucl1 pleaaure in t t:J8ti· fying .to the excellent q~alities of the, Orgu.n supplied-by you a.t my conct:irt last Sa.ttJrday evening. The tone is sweet and very powerful and the combina.tion of stops mOst admirable, I am sure your instruments will find favor in Clnucbes as t:Q.eY are singularly ad,apted for sacred m~sic, "Wishing you every ~ucces.,, a.nd that the public may patronize na.tivO ·manu·fac. ture, · Thc~e latter instltntions advance Loans on Real Estate, on term8 U JtUstuillv easy for the borrower. Bown1anville, Feb. 6th, 1873. The CANADA LANDED CREDI'l' co·Y. with a. Sa..vjngs Bank department. The UNION ANn PERMANEN'l' Building n.n<l Saving's Society. :Sootf$ & Shoes The vropcrties of DR. w ALKER'a in Bowmanville. :o:·- · / BOWMANVILLE T>YE STUFFS which are sure to give the buat satfafaction. A well selected stock of l etc., etc, which for Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co Sold by_ all D r- u~gf ~ f "' a.u.d D .,.~ : .. .4.nv one wishing to have r11otos enlarged frmn old pictnreo; of dec\msed frieuch1 , cnn get the s11.1nc clono ~\ t ~ Arthur's Gallery, tl1ey hl\vin){ goue t o great expeni:e in pu rch.:;u:ring :i.n<l f'1tting 11p a · DRUGS, CBEMICALS, PATENT 1WEDICINES, I .remain Gentlemen, Very respoctfully,,_ BRUSHES, HOSA D'.1"RINA. CO JIBS, Every Instrument Warranted for li Yrs Jr. O'HARA. . A. l>I. DARLEY SHOULDER-BRACES, President. Manager. SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. Bnwnuti1\·ille, .Jru1uary lll.r 1874. bp·o3-m16. kept con stnntl y on hand. SEASON 1874. :M:a.nufa,ctures of Daily Line to Rochester. Commencing on or about let AtJril. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED '.VOOD A~D IRON The New .Lake Stea.mer -! l WORKING MACHINERY. ~---~---'-------- I NEW All Wool " Diagomtls. FALL STO(Jii AT fO[' the CX}!l't~i<'i lJUr·po .'-\0 u{ tj Q(an;i.i ug photo· gr1iphs, wh ch they in::ik c fro1n tho r;mallcflt card to .life i:;iz~~ . They would i·~1ni nd the public thflit they tuc still 8tri\-jug:_ tu hupruve thdr work in · · l'hotography_, &.nd they a-re now turui.11~ out rict.urefl OlLS, PAI~'l', COLOl~S, VARKISRES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines. :-.I. B.--Country store-keepers supplied on the inos:t advantageoi1s torn1s. A choice selection ofLA1'-IPS for oale cheap. llJWilltli:.ivill~. D oc. 1868. Urn. Confectio~:ry Depot. Double Turbine WHOLESALE and RETAILWater Wheels, Just arrived, and for Sale, at the aboye depot, FRUIT, 1Zl "NORSEMAN" (ll. CRAWFOPJ>, Master} \Vill make her regular tripA on thi8 route, lea.viug Cobourg every morning at 7:30, nnd Port Hope at D o'clock, for Rochester, collnecting there with the ~- ew York, Centra.1 1 and Erie Hail \vays, fo1· all points, East, 'Vest and South. J. ELLIOTT, · TYRONE. L ) BATT ING S. I Equal to Toronto Work. -:o:----· ·-~----· ·---....!-- " I Homespun. French Reps. Plaids. Merinoes. Hussian Twills. Plaid Wincie,, Plain do.· Shawls. Flamwlls. DATES. FIGS. LEMONS Choice Lemon, Orange Castin ga of a.ll Xinda and Cit;-on Peels, REP.A.IRS <lo:ne on New Frtiit and CoYifectfonm'ys, and - -- -- "'--------- - - - - - · - RETURNIN'G, Will leave Chnrlotte (port of llochoster) daily Cab iuet a..nd .four-fourth size urnde cqu:i.Jly as good as th eir ca.r<lil. Go nnd examine ' speci· m en:::, and be COl,vincetl tlrnt they :tre doing woll. Extra pl'inti:; el\.ll be lu-i.d off lilld negatives. They keep on baud uud fu1· 1:w.Je, <1.J:i Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal ORANGES TO ARR. VE Soft Shell A?raonds,Filberts, Brazil and Wall E·uts, J(eiller's, West India · Presen.ied Ginger, Pea.1·s, Plums, To·ma.toes, & Peaches, Green Pea.s, Green 001'n 'd!; Lima Beans. th e SHO:B,TEST NOTICE, '\"c have no1v on hand 1J, large quantity of Assortment of Frames 1 · Woulll beg to inform the ladies of Bow1nanvillc and vicinity, that she is preparecl to ,tak~ onler:i for Dres~rnaking,and fill the same with despath in the Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato 'Sauce and Pic.kles They have come and are coming, at the Fruit Depot. \Vil! leave o.t 3 p. m. for Uobourg direct. De~le1·iJ in Stock '\'ill find this the cheapest and most expeditious l'oute to .Boston, .Albru1y, Nf'.w Yotk, &c., &c. l!'or further information, n,dfh·es6 R. CRA WFORJ2< Port Hope a t 9 o'uluek, p. lllq except SaturdayA, w]1en s11e Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED lVlILLS. Another car load of the al.Joyo noblf. articles 011 the way , Please cell u,t the Common and Gang Plows, that wH l be sold at 0. F. G1Ll>ERSLEE Kin~!'!ton. ' --0-- .. ( I LATEST FASHION. :l\lan.olhes:ter ~ :September 24, 1874. Bowm.anville. r I Cheap as the Cheapest, ~ov Her experience fully warr~nts l1er in promising satiafactio11. Residence, Corner of Church Street, and ~Iarkct SH,ELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUA UTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. T , DAHLINGTOl'i. ;Bownut11ville, Dec. 4.t.h . 1873. n\J-tf LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, Ma<ch 6 1873 . tf. :ro:a, S.A.:t.E. SECOND RAND PiahO for sale, A PGOOD rice $65. B 0 'V l\'IAN V I L LE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency P.. W. J A~lES, l(ing St., 13owruanville. Square. Bowmanville, , l2tb 1 1.S7;;, bp-o43·1n6-tf Bowmanville, JJec. 4th, 1873. m3V-ff .r, M:. lllUMAOOMBE, Bowipa.nville,' D{'c, _ 51 1872. nlO, ·

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