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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Oct 1874, p. 4

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' THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY OCTOBER- 2, 1S74:POETRY:. . , FA.RM AND KITCHEN. Timely Suggestions. -· AT Winter Grain should have all 1;-een in the ground month, but so1ne fa.nuera were be· la.tcd in their \Vork of preparation. Late B0\V· Still atand the trees in the sofl; h~zy light, . ing with rye, ca.n be inore f:afcly pi:a.cticed than Bathing their branches iu the a'nbient air; with wheat- though On good, dry, \Va.rm soil~, The hush of be~uty btea.tbeth everywhere: Lhe latter grain hgs bet1n kno'\\"11 to do well ail the Ja,rgc st stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered in Bo·w1na11Yille, auJ In crimson robes the forests all arc bright,late 88 the ena o! the lllOnth. One fn.rmer re:. Autnmn flings forth }1ia banner in the -field, cords th<;i fact that he sowed late in N o\'ern.ber, · Blazoned with heraldry of gules n.nrl gold; a five a'cre field, fu1iEhing th~ harrowing with In dyes of blood his 1Fnments all arc rolled, anow falliuS-, and ~lready three inches deep. 'l'he gory stains of 'var are On his aliield, The ct on was equal to that gatheretl from a -~ o ~ Like some frail, fading girl, her death nneat·, field MWn six 'veeks 8oonor. A greater amount On whose fair cheek bloo1rn: brjgbt the ht!ctic uf se_ed was .so.wn _ on the late piece. _ ..., rose; llfayu~i,ig_ ~nd a1·C(IJ·. -iln L o:og I!!l<\nd So bur.J.f:! the wan check of dying yea l',! Me all busy ,at11i?!'-tllne, (Sevt. 111 ) 'Vith ~a.uty brig-hte1· thitn the su1nmor dra~vu-lg rotted Inanure to the fidcis, and _labor- . knows, Cl"S: Sl!, u;agtfd ~u ·sprtw:di.11g4.t broadcast ov~r t\Je .Anci, like a n1artyl', '1nid extingui shed tir(·s, surface~ {the already sprouted gtain )ho\\'lng itEn wrapped in robes of flan1e J1e nolv expires. -oself. h~r6 1u1d th1:1:te) to give some Protectis:ili an,9. no1'11'iShfiie1i·t1io _tlH~ gr~in.Jn its' first ·stagO Q f-dc· Like gallant courtiers, the forest trees Flonnt in their crimson robes with 'broidered vcl~Piuailt~ :on these · ex1fcm~ty" light soils the produce oi grain tinder this IH·actice provcS regold, mnn01'.i~tiv~. .-EXtendcd t~ tJ-11~ grruis ficlds,..-\.·hlch .t:\.nd, hkc a king in royal purpl~'s fold, n 'aCcOubt or prox'.i.roit'y to thetepn..y- sO finely, o" The oak fiingi:; larges!; to the beggar brc~ze. maXKj t'/ the profit of the application would·be For ever burning, ever unoo1u;umcd, as_,..~·eat. W<~ top Like the atrange 1)ortent of the prophet's qu~~ _,,..r...,_s>r. " ~t·e · -noi·iiclYOOath;g" b11sh, drd's!?J!.1.S -~ 1ltc bat-'llJrtV of a~I?lying'"manl1_!'.e, bl).~ The J.-U~ n. :: ..n L.:l :~ :r1 ~~1 a. ~n crc d hush; we 'lpib1~-tl:i·\ . it i~ ~ pr.ofito!Jlc mq~hQd when cotip):~ Wtl:h ' the itse of a..due proportion mingl'l'he forest glory never brighter bloomt.!d. -o-- ~ . ed ~·ith~tl~.soil. f\fuck- l~~,;;11, _ deco1nposed ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY Upon the lulled and drowsy atn1osphcre sod,. . 'cil,d .sf.r~:-.\;· ~waste b6:Ps, old tan !.l,lld' a yari· . AT ANDERSON & CO'S. Fall and low tlle far-off ronffled stroke .Bown1anville, Juue !Jth, 1874. et.v:- of .othe1..:W~tes:maY be-profitably. e1nployed Of woodman's axe, the schJ)ol-boy's ringing N. B.-We have been appointed agents for the celebrated B A.NNER as t~p 1JreeSiJ~ft. Do-not forget that thi.s Practice cheer, Cttll and The watch-dog's bay, rtnd of fi~lling rriay- e ;.c~utinuect -all Autnm~ and Winter; SRWING~MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. whep,ev~r~h·e ttel\l!s cafl Qe-tra;eucd over with. see sample machine. · . oak· And glea~ tl1e apples through the orchitrd tree~, out inj1i(y ~ , 9'havc top (Jrcssed frcque.ntly on the snOW,: which, whcii..rr(elted,allowed the manJ,ike golden fruit of HespcrideR. ure-to"' Se£Ue ~.,,own. 'blosely aboJ.1t the l'O otS nf gra-ss:D.if<J Th~ benefit; accruh1fi seefilcd gre'at Ct: tban."cotlld he accOuntCd for by the va]. u" ol thC:-m®lU'e ifSelf. ~ l:IY W, Ji, WI'l'llUOW, 111, A., NIAGARA. -===================== ,,,,,-O cTOBER. JUST !lllVED & --- SLAUGHTERINGHAS COMMENCED. .A.nnounce~ents. . DOOT AND SHOE EMPOliI'O"M, AT THE I .. OWEST PRICES. ANDERSON CO'S SPRING BltJE ifciq;.· GREAT INDUCEl\!IENTS M~~n~~'~to~~~.,~ItS TO CASH PURCHASERS. Spring Stock,· believing hia present assortrnent exceeds t:my o his former tlisplu.vs. '110 his usually large borne .... · ··· F .A. L L. OPENING Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH pnrchaBcs, be hail imported a. very beautiful Can get 'em for 75c.ts. and upwards, at ASSORTMENT OF HATS ANDERSON & co., G EN. WO LS E L Y, The Dest Ma..teria..l used a..t AND4!:ll.SON & CO'S. - 'ASNnTO . NE Beed~s o~~ and lie calls atte.ntion to his Silk, they are superb. His Drab Shell, they are just 'Yhat gentlemen require, his BAIIiEI Magnificent display of' N e'v ancl l-tich -·- · - oo--- Autumn Fashions! Goods. GLA J . ...:: CI\. NNOT BE BEAT · . ~ .... AGEN'rS FOR THF. MURDOCH BlWS. lmve opened out an immense 8Lvck of Nrw Fall Goods. Great care bas been taken· in buying the Stock, and as 'l0t" in .! but First Cla,5s.. Goods have Leen purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. His Gcnt'a furnishing as usual, is replute with all the latCBt and choiue·t "r STRAW HATS, n overy style, M uaual. Don't forget to give hiln a ca.11 if you 11ro in \\·ant of anything in his line. -----o----- Crumbs for Chickens. Wild oats aro the crop that grow by gas . light. You11g- ma.n, you hntl. better be hont-:st than cunning, and it is hard wol'k to be both. The editor of a Nash'"·ille -paper is ~ccused by hiB ueighbors of having caught cn1d whilo sleeping in church with his pew door open. safctY ncglec..1;ed~ .·-AU-natural water CDu111es should be widely: ·a~i."ct~a.nly~ opeueCl"--'tbe nect:lssary furro~· i;a._ning' to'"'!the1n 'sho~t15l: be cleaned down to tho -nrm rsoil,: and the prope-'tl-- stays placed (,c1 check t11e ttow down st_eep banks, antl turn the wat~1~,iptQ_ h~rmle~;i cbanile]s. fi..~ef~e(;iDra[,,".ca0J.1ot now be His Stock is La..rge, :His Prices Low, and he is always pleased to 8holv Ilown1anvillo, nfay 7th, 1874. his good. BEST Organs f)RESS GOODS - Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tart>tn Vvool Pop Lias, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless vttriety of other new Dress Goods. Bbck Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord>,'. · LONDON, QUEBEC AND ·MONTREAL. ffttc/~~:Ev~r;Ythin,i on t!1e f~r~.n, if lC t u.loni'J , bccoiliea Worse l.Q.o?e easily ~hiu l?e J ter . It i~ esp e,ciallx;. so Wl.ill.f"'."Z1"[)C u dltcher:i on recla.inietl swarn:p l.l.t;id'S·. 'Yide clraii:,s, by .the \Vay, are g.i.~atlY.~t'!_P~J'lo~tO . OPjJ\1ditc.hea~· for the geuer· puipO egpf!_\g'C. ' Still there ilJ'C sitnatio5a W :µ.eia-opeii Q1·ai11sparc preferable. If you . ·any. 0£."thcSe,' 1:1.0'V is the titno to clean out the ;_,~~di.ind tO dcGpe1l thew, if. necessn;ry. 1.'he ditches-·sl1ould be cleaneP, out frequontly. Suph· 1~ti.d8 we e"'ll) good by much labor. It is bad. ~unoffiy Uot to keep t.l:pJm good, by a little'fubor onua)n a year or t\vo, as ma.y ·a.p· vc< H" uecessary to keep tho water running freely,C ill_Orife:r -tML-the sou.r, uunutritious grasaea n1aY -&_i\te lllace to thOfle 'that are sweet and nut.rit-ioy~.'.. ~ . · · fJ1'(J,,'i{i8 ~hould be ~xamined.' the ouU1;t properly · ScCurea, and ilel<lB that neeJ should 'b¢ inspected i A good plan in practice 1874. TEMPitELEY LINE, cotnpose<l ot the following a:ncl other fi1·st-clnsa Iron SterunahipE! : - One of the late ·1aird:S of Polruaise waa · one day riding_ into SLirling, and m et one of his cot~ tar's wives,' wi' a \\'Ce dra1> in her o'o,' ·Yc're reeling the <lay, Janet,' he exclaimerl. 'Oo, ay, we canna aye be spinuin\ ye ken.' ' Och, Bnid a love sick Ifibernian, 'what a rccrcatioii it is to be dying in love. It sets the heart aching so delicately there'a no taking a wink of sleep for the pleasw·e of Llie pain.' 1 ORGANS! Mees1;s. ltice & :ea..rker Have receivecl n.nother supply of that supeTio class of Organl'I known 1.<1 the - " S'l'. ]~ A"\.VJtRNCE." SCO'l1JJAJ\'"D.,, 1 ' 'fHAMES." "SEVERN." "DELTA." be despatched fro1n Tho first steamer of this Lino is intended to I ,, MILLINERY The nssortment of l\1iliinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets evory taste can be consulted tts the variety is so grettt. 'rhe Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be fouJJrl. LONDON FOR I 'I'm not in mourning,' said a young lady, frankly, to a quorist, 'but M the 'vidow1:1 are getting aU the o:IIers nowaday1:1, poor g h·l1:1 have to resort tu v.rtifice.' down South?' '"It'frat ratc- mado pl enty of money.' 'What did you do with it?1 'Laid it out in houses and lot.<J.' '\Vhere?' '}~very place I have been whc1·e there was any.' '\Vhat kind of houses and l?ts?' 'Coffee hou~es and lots of ...vhisky.' A Scotch }Jost1naBter, vuzzliug out a ve:ry uncertain superscription to an 11 isb ktter, jvcosely te1narked ·to a.n inhilligent aon of Erin, who stood by, tbat the Itii:!h brought a h:ird set of names to Scotland. "l'hat's a. fact, yet· honor,' replied the Irkihman, 'but the~ get Jrn,r<ler ones after they :u-rivc here.' Silver 'I'ongue, AT PRICES Quebec and Montreal ON during the Season), ·w eU, friend Jim, how do you nJa.kc it LOWER THAN ANY PllEVICUSLY IMl'ORTED. and having rcsolvedto give the public the bene· fit of said reduction in cost. t11ey call special a.ttention to tl1e foilowilig Pl'ice List for the ·urrent month. WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL ('l'o be followo<l at intervals of TEN DAY~ AND}'ROM The late 1\-ir. Durh~m, of Largo, \vaa in the habit of :.t.ecusing his SOH8 of a propensity for exabi;era-tion. His son, the future Sit· J?l1iLip, wars a midshipmau on boarJ t11e lluya.l George., and was 011~ of seven saved froln the \Vreck of that ill-fated vessel. On the tidings of his csc:ipe reaching his nn.tive district, n-n intimate friend uf the f;,ttnily en.lied at the J_,n.rgo I-louse to cungratul..'\tc Mr. Durl1am on the providential event. 'VV'ccl,' said }-ir. Durhan1 to his yjfritor, 'Philip writes that he's safe, but hll's sic a leer, I really di11na ken whether I can believe him .' 'The Ro1nn.n Catholic Ilishop of Nottinghn.m, England, reported a priest the other day-,for ,.,..nlking with a. woman oll his ar1n n.nd her hand in hia. l'hc l)l'ict!t Mki.!d the Bi,:;_hoti to wh01n he was talking, ·r a111 th~ Bishop of Nottingham,' 1:1~~idl!iB J_,ordship. 'But 've l1aVe_. ~O such Ilil:!hop in the English C1n1rclJ, ' replied the priest. ~ob!' exclain1ed the J3is11op, 'theh· ybu belong to the )~nglish. I atu delighted to hear it, and I beg )-'Otu· pardon witli all 1ny life, b1 1t I do wish you 'vould not wn.Jk nliout in our 1!1~i., form.' is fo tlig h(!lcs he!:e a.lid t11ere,say four fe et deep, an,J,; making ohsex~:ations ·of the rise of water in them, note tho conduct of the land H11der diffq:i:c1:lt ' stat<;is : of 'YE:ather up to the .time of C'1lllmcnc:ing drainage. - With knowl edge ga.ined in this- ,vn.y,-partin.i drn.fuing:a mfl.y be made to a very good purpose. · P otr -ttocs -yet to be . ilng 1 $hould be taken out on1Y. CJll _ diy dnys, allowing then1 to remain on thC surface long enough to dry, nncl imincdit1it!)Jy\r.n~eri·c9 .to bin·s in well ventilated, dry cellars: . They Shonld be handled as little as poss.i1;>1e, and kept fr_pm lig]1t after stori11g. sorted as husked, and instead of throwing the poor cnrs in the mud to thp hogs, let th01n be fed on harQ. grotu1J, or, what is the .bette r pln.n, sOakcd in 'vn.tei\ a.n<l alio,~·eU to sour aligbtJy bcfo1·e being fed. In n d c; sl19uld good co111 he fed whole, if thC" objeCt be to i;i·oducc the largest amount J)f fl esh, from the lcaSt quantity of f ood. It Should be gr~und nnd· cooked, otherwise a considc1·able portion of it willpMs through the animal nndigaated: (;oi'I~ should be cloRely Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. REDUCED RA'I1ES. Certificates issued to p_ craonr: desirous of bringing out their friends. 'l'hrongh Bills of Lading issued on the -Conti· nent and in London for all pa.rts of Canada. a.nd in the United States to Detroit, Milwa.uke!J Chica,go, and other point$ in the West. l!·or Freight or Pat>, apply to '.l'EMPEHLEYS, CAR'.l'EH & DHAKE, 21 Billeter Stl'eet, London ; ROSS & CO. Quebec; DAVID SIIAW, Montrealj or '£brough Tickets from ull points West, at Organs ON THE In Black and White rea,J Laces and Lttce Collars, we sortment, ·at prices to suit all. hav~ a large as- Style 35 ; Seven Stops : Diapason. Vio· lina, Picolo, Principal; Tremolo.Forte. Principal Forte. Price $125 Style 37 ; Eight Stops : Diapason, Viol· ina, Picolo, Principal, Tremolo. Forte Princh>al Forte. · Vox humana. Price $140. Our Stvek of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Petea.shams Meltons,·etc., will be found unusually large. CONTINENT. , F ALL srroCK. ---o--Dress Goods Newest Style. of the Bownumville,1.fay 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. - Style 38; NineStops,Dlapason,Violina Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Sub-baRe Forte, Sub-base.Vax human ia: Price $18C. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base l'orte, Sub-base, Vox Humana. Price $160. *'rox Hu1nana in these organs is not a fan ·' but a set of ll1Je<ls. .JAOOil NEADS. Bowmanville, m2·9-t nl(L Nov. .. BUSINESS CHANGE. the public genorally, that he has1nuchasethe stock and goodwill of the busine88 heretofore carried on in the 1873. -o- 1873. - -- o--- I to~\ii',1/J·m "(1·4 \V~1l~l1.11s, · )?3~01!1!~ ,!ho Th"'re you htt.Vt' U\!en aud had your llfe insured, P'L ws~~j ~ tmmpki~s;s-We~t _ a.ptJles[ 1¥J-lU\Sheii,. tur-. "bile your }Joor wife IO<LY go 1Vitl1out auy in· ni,p~1:1,, ~If} , -tj10~·1'Qwth")ine1rc~ by j.aj~y;_ g:r~R 1:1ur1.t11ce to lier's. It's jn"t \t.-·}11it I would exwillrcOn.tinue~ .... - 1 ~~ "';·: ,;-n .~ '"I~---: .... ·:-· pect 1Jf yn·~ !' ·uo'Us t"al-01' fnft7nt1r t-erY'Vif>iJ1rr::.1[Yen... o A Cohnnl.tia clergyman, who, while preach- cooke<J "'18':~£ ~Ples ~. ~r'"i)l1i!iPkfili, ihrmlgp: ing a ~ermou on Sunday 1;ive11ing, perceived a 'vhich· {~ ·~vfd~d:ltb.J~atU0\;£f o1 °di!'Pllie3l t!1eI 111:.i.n ~ud wom~n under the iialle1y in the. act c~s~JJ;;i;~·frZ ."';. Wc·Juif~~~~·fx4~£.WSb\'v~ of kiseing each ot11er behind a. hymn book, did ~1s'-Pe~ ~~Oadc~t ~~ll ~r~d,';t~tjd,~!ll_6,,,,:.uut lose his temper. Nol he rcmain~d calm.- 1ug-lhcn; ·«lose J;1.> t~e p-o~nU 2_ J/;5;~the wl1ol~ lie beamed 1nildly at the offenders over his to hogs,.. ?ind ~hu_s co!D~~e'd.: ~tht!--.\ttfi:iin)! spectacles, ancl when the young roo.n kissed her process without any ,xi diture of ·co:rn . thl\ fifteenth time, he merely broke his sermon · Soiling 'K);i:k .'.~ lV'e _§.. ifil~ Y i o£C;,t; o~~ fti;.\)Wr abort off in the 1niddle of 'thirdly,' a11d offered urg~n t ib~ll t~.,O.n' thl ~ ~u bj ect, IUl.d-.;QnTcf ~n Y.. ih n.t a fcr\"ent prn.ycr in behalf of 'the young man Olli' adv'ie<!-is· to· sow tlti ckldf of 1'lJC, and rnan1t1·e in the pink necktie and the 1na.iden in the blue hea:vily, -nJsfi,. if, not alrcn.dy, drcs.s· ,i:!ady. bonnet and gray sha,vl, Who were profaning the Sow rye with finely divided manUl'C to -en sure 1 ~n.nctun.ry byidssing one another in pew 78. ·fo0d early ~n_the Spiih~; - ~ 1" And the congregation said 'An1cn. 1 Then the 'voman pulled her veil down an<l the young man · How to cure. Dyspepsia. I sat there and s'vore softly to himself. Ho does not go t(J chnl'ch M much now as he did. Coi'n Stalks fr01n So-wed C01·n for fodder, require very · R"rca.t care in t.'Udng, in m·det to secure the b~t of food for V'.' inter nHe. c have fut\nd it alm6st .impossible to tench any one how tO cu;e this fodtler as it !!hould lie: ]lxperiimce dui,:ing. U}l~ vr t>VO years seeins to bC absolutdy, e1is.9nt!i.1l to ~uccess. . - . ·Bc~t~~·(HJ.d. Cai-rots ·tnmit not- be a'llowed to fn~.ezO . ~ In gllthedng cal'rotr: ; '\'e pnwticed rUnning- the lifl;inq subsoil plo'v ·ae0ply alr)llg-sido the i-owt:1, .jus,t fa.r enough o.w·ay to 1.H~oid bruisi uf:' the roots. This renders the pulling 'My dear~' said !tf r. H.· to his wife, whjle ltfa Hght l~bor. smiling conntcna,nco indicated thP. cousciousness .llepa,(r all Bu-ildinys v.nd m~ke thorough pt·epof having done a. good action, 'I juSt l1nid ~8:1-'_a.t~ r :to.r ~Ute~ P!Q!_~tiQ~J.4.: L-1-?P! ~1d my lifr insured for your benefit.' '\Vc11, I de- live atoclt. .1 .. , · '. r··. · .· ,...~--·__,_..,.. ~ . ... ....- .--,.,,. ~1.:-- f:!".,., clare,' a i~id :.VIrs. B., lookiug- round upon he1· f;'.'-i'f.<l~ ib.Q~~tldJ:ie houhse~ dt;~ii:~f!< ,'<·~5i n" fmnily aud friend'! with n.n expression of ir1t1:1r..')e:g..,w.\.i' ~~u-e 101·qµ,g ..Y~n~!d.S.!l.~JQI!r..., ..,~JD ) o;y; jurcd in11ocfnce, 'jnst to thiuk of the stilfi1:1hlH!HS of men, aud pri.rticuJarly of husba.u<l8!- a. g~~.~p;r1rY.JJf -iui~--~1~~~~ ~9~~~ ~J-l~.Y~ "r FIVf PER CENT. OFF F06 CASH. 'l'ht' rrHE U!\TDERSIGNJ~D bega to anuouncetd 1 /' Rave you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? 1rianufa1~turer~ issu1.: but one '-quality work, and that ii:!i of THE VERY BEST their extensive facilities and lung expot.:icnc enable them to produce. Village ot Hampton, DY TO 11HE PUBI_jIC. vVALTER ·WIGG & SON, K retu rning th a11kl:l ~o ~hefr n~1merous _cus tomers and thr;i public generally, for past fn.vors, .'vuu ld r espectfully inv1 tc then· ~ttent1on to our present stock o~ fu1·uitnrc, as we h ave l a.tely o~hle d _tben~ to, tha.t we 1n ~y thereby be enabled to snpply all parties ·who nrn.y \)lease to fa.vo1· h im 'v1th a ~all . Great 111duce1nents held out to t hose inucha.aing at our eata.b isliment. Picres, J..100Jou~ Glasl:lel:l, etc .. 1;irau1ed to order, und in every style. Sa1nplea of the differeut kind of Mouldings ca.n be seed a.t the ware-room. 'Ve 'vould a.lso bell" to infor1n you t hat having Pltr cha.scd n -.:> ' ' ) M Ja..mes Cryderman, Cabinet m aker a.nd Undertaker and \vill continue the bnaineas in the old pre~iaoa \-Yith a. full assortu·cnt of fitet class Fur~iture Coffins, Shrouds, &c., ·will bo kerJt on ha.nil' ri.ncl hopes by E:ltrict u.ttention to bueinesJi. n11d moderate charges to merit the the 1 1 These instruments ure cased in solid well seasoned, Black Walnut, .clerr<witly and bewutif«lly finished by a new French p1·oeess. GREY COTTONS I of the bast make, irn:=luding the celebn1.tcU df STORM ONT. lOct Cottons h: l people. at Cowle's---Splendid 'Ye 1;1ha.ll be value. srLENDlD NEW HEARSE, THE DURABILI'l'Y of tl1e " Silver 1.rongue n is one of its wost remarkabla charaoteristics. Their quality of keepillg in good tonl;l, also is one of the most practical in1porta,nco. ready at a 1 tiinca, to attend fnu, on.short. notice a.nct reaimnablo iei-ms. N. B. - Coffi ns k ept on hand, and m:l.dt:! to order, at the NEW DffAfINION RE'l'AIL FURNITURE WARE-lWOJ,f. RICE&: BARKER, Ki,ng Street, ·Bowmanville. llOl\'mnnvillc, J\t(arch 3rd 1874 Pl1INr:l1 S of unequall ed Oshawn-, ..,'\.ug . 26th, 1870. · · King Street East, Oshawa. 'l'HE HE.A.ESE having_ been STYLE a..nd Q'C' ALITY STORMONT To the Inhabitants of Dowmanville. I an1 a.bout getting a Improved and Painted, s now onl:l of the best in the County. ders promptly attended to. ·DENTALBTJR,RINGENGINE by whirh I cau All or r A _BIO- RUR:fI ll.. XATE:B.SON. P_ S .-Furniturc made to order ·\'\:hen required, and rc1iairs 1u1n.tlY exec.uted. COTTON BAGS, THE is now raging at Ilampton, Sep. 18th, 1873. . in BEST Extra.ct Teeth in lees than ha..lf the usua..l time, aud with lo~s paiu to th ~ pn.tlcnt than l1eretofore, and th1tt I bf'.V(' procure<l a Alden Gobble,a love; of misrule, was dys- At a trial iu Auburn,lN. Y., the counsel for the Government after severely cross.examining a. witness, suddenly put on a. look of severity, and excla.imed: 'Mr, \-Vitness hAA not an effort been mn<le to iudnco you to tell u. different storyr 'A different story from v.·hat I have told, eir?' "l'hat 1s what I me.'.l.Jlt.' 'Yes, sir, several people have tried to get me to do i:;o, but they couldn't.' 'No'\', sir, I want you to tell nu: ! upon oath who those persons 'vere,' 1 \Vell,' said tho witnesa, 'I guer;s you' Vt:} tried 'bout as ho.rd e any of 'em. BoAT.-An Irisb1nan \Vas c:on1ing du·vn Montagne Strect1 J3rooklyn, on l1ia way to the Wall Street Ferry. O\'er hiS port l!:lhoulder hung a. bafi containing nbout a bushel of pota.toes 1 and in his st..'lirbou.rd hand he Cal'ried a stout stick. 13eing uuder full 1:mil1 tht.l momentum acquired in coming dowil the steep gt' carried 11im nearly through the gateway, when, seeing ::i. boat a.bout ten feet fr'OUl the dock, he,shook out another reef, made an n.stonisbi:ng bunit of speed, and jumped. Just a~ he reached tho deck th~ potato bag shif~ed heavily to port, and lo.i<l out a. Broad Street clerk who was smoking fl. cigo,r through a meersehai..nn bolder 1 wbil.c the stick hit a nitun<l ·south Street merchant in the 'vaistband, shut· ting him up like a jack-knife, and giving Pat himself an involuntary devotionalaUitude. IIe "'Bti the first to reco\·er his perpendicularity, and, n.s he replaced the bn.g in its normt1.l po· sition, he complacently remarked, '.Be me sowl, but I got the boat anyhow!' 'Got the boat!' screamed the cle1·k, spitting the pieceB of runber out of his mouth. ·Why, you confounded itliqt, this boat is coming" in!' And s:o al1e waa. C.JA'l'OHING ~·u peptic, and suffered great uneaeiness after TIELEVEN'S MOBBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP (wcat of the Ontnl'io Bank,) the World. NEW AND I MPBO V:ED A.JPVAD.A.TUS for ge nera.ting Nitrou~ Oxide (J as, by whid1 I c.'1n no'v BX'l'RAC'l' TEETH 'VITI-IOUT PAIN. Speci<<l Line of COTTONS at OOWLE'S. ARTIFICIAL '.l:EETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 " " GOOD " " $16:00 eating, so he goes to the great Dr. Abernethy for atlvice. 1 What is the matter wlth you 1' a·ks the doctor. 'Why, I presume I have got the dy·pep!iia.' READY-MADE Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Bo"·1nan ville 1 October, 187::J. J. M. :Srimaconibe, :EtHYME AND I.:CME. A litt]e !thyme cam e just in ~ime, -4..nd all about the best of J,itnc. Lime fron1 the \Vest of the very best .Net beat i11 quarter ; ' J.Lme that '\·ill al wa ys stan<l the t est When 1naking into mo1·t1'l.l". ' I will try and keep a good sup1 Jly Ji'or it is ahvays 'vn.nted, · ' 'l'ha.t wh-0u yol! all come in to buy You'll not be disappointed . ' ' You will always find it dry nn(l fresh _ l\.nd that is so1nething bonnie, ' So come along and t1-y this Lime, But don't forget the money, Hours of delive!'~ fr om Nine a.n1. to I'onr p.m., Corner of Queen and Ont ario Street. '.l'IIOS. BOWDEN. Bo,Vinanvil1 e, l\'la.r ch 11th ]'871. no24. tf YOUl!S RBSPEO'rFULLY CASH. 'Ah P said the doctor, 1 I see; a Yankee· )vho has swallowed n1ore do1Jars than · be CLOTHING Good and dheap. DOMINION BANK. BOWMA!<VILLE ca.n dlgel:!t.' ' I 11n1 an American :3itiz<!n,' said Alden, 'vith great dignity ; ' I atn secretary of onr and he 1 s .detennined to continue to sell at these 1uinously low prices legation to the Oomt of St. James.' "rben,' says Abcruethy, 'you will soon get rid of your dyspepsia.' 'Don't sec that interence,1 said Alden, 'it ain't a natural cou.seqncnce, I guess, that a. man shc ulLl cease to be ill because he is called to fill an i1nportn.nt Clothing to Order it is a well-known Fact that Cowle ltas the best Tweeds in tli.e count1·y. AGENCY. cheaper than the cheapest. Why he Cl\·D do it1<1rst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, wh1it he c1m't buy cheap enough, he manufactures ! Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! l<'omth, he sells for cash ; l~ifth, he sells at bottom prices. --o-A:\'D King Street, Bowmanville. ofllce.' ' But 1 I tell you, it docs to1lo\'r, for in tt.c con1paJ;;1y you'll.keep you 1 l1 have " to eat like a Christia.a. I 11ever aaw a 1Yankee who didn't bolt his 1'ooll like n boa·constrictor. CALL AND SEE FOB YOUBSELVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS · WITH YOU. T HE. subscriber i1:1 prepared to huUd and re· pair , ----------·---Nothing cheaper titan the 1 O ct ( ../ottons. Oowle's. Wagons, Bv,gg-ies, and Gutters, the Dominion Ilauk hu.i:! 011eued au ag-ency io:r t he transaction of brutlu<.'88 in H orsey'g Block, lwo doo1"S cast of Br.odic'::i H otel, Kiug f:?trc ct. Interest will bo allowed ou dcpo£iitl'!. Drafts issued on all points in Ca.n ada, United St:!ltes and Great '!'be Saviugs Bn.rik departu1w1t is now open. Cl11 all d eposits over $4 will be nllowcd at the r:ite of 5 per cnt p er annum. O f-lice l-lonrs. -l!~ro1n 10 o\;lock a. m., to 3 o'clock p. u1., exceptoH Saturdays, when the Bank will close nt J o' do~k, p . m:, _ . . in31t f NO'.rIOE TS HElll;llY GIVEN '.l'IIA'l' teeth, for . ~otl neve1· · use t,hem ; 11or your digestion, for JOU Overload it ; nor your saliva, for you expend it on your carpet in- How can you expect to digest food that you ncith'er take the trouble to dissect nor Litne He Atill continnos to manufacture to order, from the best of m:i,t crial, and )10no bUt fi·ret-d:~ workuien kept. to rnnsticatc 1 '1L 1s no 'voncler you lose your - o-- of every deacription 1 at short notice, ando rt:a~onable terms. Exrunhtc the i>tock, wh-ich comvrises everything in the trade,. of the very latest and most elegn,nt styler; and pattern s, of .English, Canadian, and Anieric..'\n !Oaoufacture. J. H. MuLEL LAN, Agent. _ - o-- BLANI{ETS IN's Patent Sheep Marks the most hi.sting, tho least troubler.ome, 1noi;t complete ever invented. 'l'hey are used and recmnn1ended by manJ; of tlit best :Breeders in t~e lJnited Sta.teli and Ulfj.1.n.da., such R.ij G. B. Lor1ng,.1, Sa.le1n, Ma~.· President 1'1 ClV Enghwd Vi,7 ool u-ruwers' Society; John S. ]{oss, I-Ienncpin, Ill. ; Professor 1\-f.. Miles, of t he State A g ricnltura~ College, La.using, Mich.; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'Iol'onto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton Out. On each Mark is l:!tan1pcd the OWJJl:'r'; name and the Sheep's number. They will be aentfree. by mail, or express, for only jour cents each, and will last fo1· 'l'W.ENIY YTI:ARS. CH~ CMh inust a ccompany all 01·<lers Carriages Painted and Trimm ld · Qrders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ile has in ctock an endle88 variety of L~dim~' a.nd Gents; Saratoga Tnuiks, ,raliscs, &e:, all .of which .ho is selling ch en._p for . · Large Variety TIIESE MAmrn AHE '.!'rill CIIEAPES'l' and SO, HO! G:entlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. I have ,Vritten these fcY· lin"s And all I have to say, l'hat you cau find me still at honie I am not gone a\vay; · So all my kind old friends may orn e ; And all t he young one!:! too And g et thei r garment1:1 nicflly m ad u In fashimi s that are uew. . V.rheL ·e old l\nd y oun g d~t-.. fri end may meet .1-\.. wel conle greeting by R , PE . A .'l 'E, Bowma n vill (' Ju1) e l i.ltb , lf 73 . A Blacksmith's Shop on 1,h pren1facs, ·were special attention s g iven to all stead of your food .. beastly! It's disgusting ; it's You Yankees load your ston1a.chs aa a Devonehire 1nan doe.~ his cart-aa full - o -- Remember the Stand, " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. CBBERFGJ,X .E~~ _IN The Emperor"\\ ill1a.n1 never appc'lrs vr1th hat such a loacl ot compost is too heavy for a button out of place, or a single decoration you. Dyspepsia ! pooh ! It's beastly guz . appropriate to the occasion neglected, Ile is known to have '\'isely sai<l th at a kingzling, you iuean. I tell you \Vhat, A-fr. Secretary of Legntion, take half th~ time to as it 'vi11 hold, and as fast as he can pitch jt SMALJ, Tn~as.. - (in ivith a. bayJork; nnd tht'll you complain M. TRELEVEN. Eow1nnnville, ].fa.y 13, 1874. To Masters ' Of L. O.L :MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by I Jobbing. IAll worlc done at this Establ;s'·1n"nt ° v " Cn.rriage work, and General Win ceye--a.. Dead ..Tob. 1'1. B.-·-Specia l inducement given to CASH Purchasers. ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Js., )~ .. . Sarnia , Ont. Orders ac1dressl.\d to the 1'--1.ERCBN'f and On. SE ~\'&R Office, for any quantity, will be filled nt dom may be lost Ly one\ button, eat that you do to <lrawl out your words, J..1ANK CEll'l'IFI C.AES, Applications W. R. CLIMil!:, &o., &c., oan be p rocured at this office, at ' as this n1ny he the beginning of negligence cbeYt your food half as n1ncb a.a yon <lo regular the Sta!esman Office Tio"\'\wanYille i·ittef!, which will end in disaster. · yom tobacco,and you'll be well in a month.' Bowmanville, July 7th, 1873. :Sowma.nville Nov. lfh B war1'anted. A call is re.spectfully solicited. .T. MORRIS. . Bo,vmanviUe, O(Jt, 1st, 1869. e F. Y. COw1 · ! tl1 c 1 above-1nention ed price, as qu ickly as he 1vlarks can be m arle and s eut, · C. ll ARKER, Tiowmanvill e, Dec. 28th , 1871. l:lmly

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