, THE MERCHANT, FRffiAY OCTOJ1ER 16, 1874. REMOVAL. House and Lot for Sale. ITU .._l\.'l'E in the town of Bowman ville, on Scugog Street, about ten minutes walk from the centre of the Town. ':J.1here is about two a.ores of land, well improved o.s r:.. kitchen ga.rden, having sev4"ral fruit tree1:1. 'l1h e house contains fl rooms, and has hard and soft water accommo· daiion, ai1d is.new. There is on the premises a new Stable and drh·ing house. S wishes to inform his numerous friends and cus tomers that ha has removed to S. MASON AUTUMN! 1874. SOMETHING NEW BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be lfound with tho moat com plete assortment of S. Visit has been a very pleasing event to the inhabitants of Bowrnanville, but the LORD TREWIN, OSHA-VVA, is sbetving a 01<' in Bowmanville. -:o:Any one '\Vi.shing- to have Photos enlarged Irorn old pictures of deceased friends, can get the same done at PBitJES at which The above property will be sold by Public Auction, on \YEDNESD.A.Y, 001l. 21st, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. At th~ 1:1ame time and placo, a variety of new household fu1·niturc will be sold. lfor particulars, see Posters . in town. Please call. Bncklcr~s o1d stand ANNIE HUMPHREY. one door east of Maynard's Hotel. Bowm"l!.'illo, Oct. 6th, 1874. 2-2w, Bowman ville, Sep. 1st. . 1873. Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. GRAND Tait & Arthur's Gallery, th ey having gone to gre:\t expe.ueo in purchasing and titting up a. FARM FOR SALE. 'l'etms very easy, 1na.king thi.B a good opportun~ tY to buy. 'l1itle indfaputaLla. ]'or patticut~rs, npply to W. IIEPINS'J'ALL, J uweller, 0SHAW:\, STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Which excel in STYLE aud VALUE. Dr. J. Walker's California Vin· cgar Bitters are a purely Vogotablo tive herbs found on tbo lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada motuHains of Califor. nia, tbe medicinal properties of which arc extracted therefrom without tbo uso of Alcobol. 'l'!Je question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tbo unparalleled success of VINEGAR BI'l'· TERS f" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. 'l'hey are the grc:'.t blood purifier and a life-giving principle, A perfect Renovator and In vigorator of the system. Never before in tbe history of tho world ho..s a mediciue boon sick of' every disco..~o n1an is hoir to. They nro a goo.tie Purgative o.~ well as a Tonic relieving Congestion or Intlammatiou of t~o Liver a.n:l 'Visceral Orgnus, in fliliotui Diseases. compoun<le<l possessing the reuu1rkablc qnahtics of VINE0.1..R IlI'l'TERS iu llealin[ the ~reparation, New Fall Dry Goods & Clothing are being sold ONSJS'J;TNG OF ONE HUNDRED O ACRES, in the 'rownship of Darlington, aud about ten miles north of Bowuiauville, made chiefly from tlrn na- 80LAB CA.l\IEBA., for the ex1Jress purpose of enlargino- jlhotographs,whcih they n1ake from the s~a lest card to life. size. They would re1nina the pubhc that they are st.ill striYing to im1c JVG iheir work in Photography, and they are now turning out Pictures -o--. - Millinery a,nd. Ma,11tle Depa,rtment Replete with Latest Styles & Novelties. · 'l'HE , At " tJDEA.PSIDE," is :t much greater trciit to those who desire to get the best value for their money. August 27th, 1874. 47-Sins. SALE. On TUESDAY, OCT, 20th, Mr. H. T. Phillips will sell by public Auction, without any reserve.t. on Lot 17 1 6th <Jon. of Darlington: o. lot of .tl'o.rm Stock, Implements, Hay, 'l'urnips, &c., the j·ropertyof JohnKerslake. Sale to c01nmenoe at 12 o'clock. sept. 2s"1, is74. Equal to Toronto Work . --:o:-Cabinet. ~ud four-fourth size 1nade equally as good as their ciu·Us. Go and exnminc spcci· mens, :nd be _convinced that they are tloingwell. Extra prrnta can be had off eld Pc,..ativcs. · 'rhey keep on hand and for sale, an ~ 0 ----·o· · ' · l ves ·~nd JUdge "'or yourse Call w 1~ , :EIJ.epha.nt House liE UNDERSIGNED 1·eturni11g thanks T to liia tnany fri<::nds genera.l ly for the liberal patronage extended to him dur· jn Remember the Store ~ "OHEAPSIDE." Cornet· Store, Opposite Town Hall, Immense Bargains ! Bissonnette & Co., 52-4in~. o.nd the public --o-- ing the past 18 yearl'J, begs to announce that from and after the 15th September, he will carry on the same business, but more ext:insively ITUATE in Township of Usborne, County under the name and style of JOHN 1{cLEOD & of Hu1·on, on Lot No. 8, north side of Co. P1·01nrt payment of all accoi.uits is render- LadicH' and ChiJdren'o Fine Make. CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN Thames Road, containing 100 acres, more or ed impera.t1ve by this business arrangement, a.nd all persons indebted will please take notie<> CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. ; n.bout eighty acres are cleared, and in good Bowinanv'ille less state of cultivation. The farm is well fenced, and zovern tbe1nselves accordingly. JUHN McLEOD. has good water privileges, and a never failing NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Bowmanville, September 4th~ 1873. spring. There ia on the prt'nriaes, good stone hoU.sc, fram e barn, stable, driving housl!, a.nd The intelligent Y eornanry of West Dlll'ham and South Ontario, are beother buildings for shelterin~ cattle and sheep ; coming folly aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Market· her Manualso fine young orcha1·d of choice fruit. The propel'ty is l:!ituated ..vithin four miles of -the factories sup~ly ~he Best Implements; >md her enterprising i.Ierchants thriving \'iila,gc of Exeter. woul<l s0lici t the sanic seJI the most i'3tyhsh Goods,at PRICES regulated by a healthy competition. TER.J\fS 01r SALE.-1'-o payment required down j if no C!l$h po.yment. mortga.ge taken on Oshawa.West, King St. Sept. 23rd, 1874. l)l'l!!JtlJ't.Y for the full a1nount of purchase money, but mortgage purchn.sers, or some other_propei·ty, to be gi yen tts collatel'ial security. l!'or parSOMETHING NEW ANO DURABLE. twulara, apply to the proprietor ou the preextended so long to John !vicLecd, mises. IME MONF.Y and LABO!{ saved! Ft·ench and takes tl1is opportunity of inU 110t sold privately, by the first of October, OU PolUsh. This French Oil Polieh is preforming the public, th~t they l1ave it will be snld b;: public auction on the prepared foe Carriages, Buggies, Harness, Boots mises, as the1:1n4_ersigned is about to retire. and Shoes, and all kinda of Leather, tt will -:R+DHARD F ANSON, give any article of Leathe1·, a dlost brilliant ap. Mutual Life Assurance Society Exeter P. 0. pearance, and at the same time, fro1n jta oily o34t[. 'l'HE properties, tends much to preserve it; it will n.l· ESTABLISHED 1840. 'vays be moist and pliant; and may be exposed VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. to wate1· and washed, and will not lose its brilli· C~\~ADA Oun~F 0Pl!'IOEs. anc('I, and it is not tu be feru· ed that rt.ny crust EING south half of Lot No. 32, in the sixth will settle on said Le::i.ther ·when preserved 'vith 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTHEAL, Con. Qf the township of Clar kc, containing tho above Oil. For· tho woodwol'k of. Buggies, 100 a;:.rea, more or less ; 80 rtares cleared, balCarriages, and TurniturE:I, thE:1re is not a better DIRECTORS. ance timbered with ccda.1·. An excellent young article in use. J\fa.nufactul'ed by A. SIMON & bearing orchard of choice trees, with frame OQ., rranners n.nd Curriers, formerly of France, ,V,,U'l.1.11nt S1u.NLY, Esq., 1\-1 P., Chail'Inaan, d'velling house, barn, e'.in.ble, &c., on the farm. now of fbiladeJphillo, Pa., In structions-Shake DU:N"CAN lYIACDO~ALD, Esq. ] ?o.r situation it cannot be excelled, being bottle. A fc,v drops on a pi1:1ce of sponge,apply Yf,\.JOH '11· E. CAMPBELL, C.13., St. Hilaire. ncsa as follows : on~ mile from the village of Oro110, and seven it ligh tly to thl:l le,11,tl1fn·, and yolJ will obtain the THE fTONOR.llLE JoaN RA~nLTO.Y, Hawks· from the town nf Bow.man ville. fia est lustre. Price 75cts. per bottle,or $7.50 pE:r burg, Ont. ALL AOCOUN'l'S Possession given on t]rn first day of APRIT~ dozen. JOHN S!vIALE, Sole Agent, :Row- RESIDENT SECRFTAUY.-JAMES GHANT. ne:xt, with privelege to enter and do the fall manville. will bf.: ploughing. }"or particulars apply t o July 16th, 1874. 41-0 mos. S P ECI A L FE A T U R ES. U. rl'AMBLYN Orono RENDERED 'l'he EN'.L'Hill PnoFITS belong to and are dividor J. THORNE,Amherstburg, P. 0. Ont.' ulyZGlb,.l87.'I. bp-o30·m43. . ed amongst the Policvlwldcrs. Oil the JJ1VBS, .DECJ,JNED BY OTHER COMPANIES, or on MPOR'l'l!!R, MANUFACTUH.ER, an which an extra Pnmiiu·m 'Would be required, can 1st January, DE.ALER in nll the varieties of 1st May, be !1S$ure<l ~tt the ordinary rates of this Society, and 1st September under a special arrangement & II.A.'11 Splendid Property of tho late Mr. B. SPECIAL NoN-FOFEIT.1.BLE 1">011cI..Es issued ln eac~i cincl every year. ~fitchell, bt!ing the north half of Lota No. under which only 10, 15 or 20 Armull.l Pay~n. and 32, in the 6th Con. of Do.rlington, comA b.rg1..1 and chofoe 8election of In the caae ot .n1:anufa.ct\U'ers, ments are required, ca<!h payment aecuring a prising 200 acres-35 being superior wood land. ~feeha:bics, and "·thers, whose '!'here is on the front of the premises, a. very Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the accounts may amount to $50.00 or . -fine,gentleronn's stone 1·eeideuce, with lawn and numLer of premiums paid, andjreefrt.nn /14-tur over, their note.if agreed upou,wilJ fiower garden, to the l'ear of which is a beauti. be taken payable at the Dank for ~lw·~.Y on h:·n<l, of superior 'vorlananship, and 'IJayment OJ preiniu'ff:.S. ful ]i.faple Grove. Also wood shed, stable, driv· a .stated period. at lowest prices. ing house,etc., and every necessary convenience. MoDERA~.E P11E11IIIJ.MS n.nd inost liberal conThe whole, about ten acres, is surrounded by a ditions. 'l'Hl~ thorn hedge. . · W1·ought or Cast Iron Fencco There ik a Ftutn House, with tbreo barns, with J Prospectuses1 Proposal .Form~ &c., supplied all outbuildings. A. never failing strerun of ·waon application at the H tad Utticc or any of or enclosiag bi.1rying lots. .;;:=-~ l'Un:. thrvugh tbe }Jrerui.ses. rrhere is alao a the Agencies. ' " AND sp .;.'~id Orchard of fruit beni:i.ng trees, tt.nd ii Prompt Payers on short Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c JAMES GRAN'!', kitch ~,_ g!lrl'dt:!n, 'l'be pi·operty is in a good state Res. Secretary. credits kept on hand, er wrought to otder, _..\. call is of cultiv:fltion, aud is rega.rded as the inost dewill alwn;ys get goods at prices r ~f)pectfully 1·e'luested at the works, eirable bet ~ec~n Kingato:o and London. cut FINE, RS our great aim will be A<.aiNT FOH BOWMANVILLE, For fn1·thex.,.pMticulars apply to to co1.ll't this cla.i:is of trade. C.BARKER, King Street, Bownianville MRS. B. MITCHELL, " Observer OJlice," l{irig St. October, 1st, 1869, Hf Oshawa. P. 0. 32-ly bp-tf-m44-o32. August 6th, 1874. Bowma.nville, June 24th, 1870. caoicE FARM FoR sALE. A La1·ge Stock of Cloths and T·rirrtin'ings, inade to Order. F'it& Giiamnteed. Latest Styles i~i Hats, Shirts, 'J'ies, &c. Gents' Furnishings I BOOTS and SHOES ! S . 'l'lie lll'OpN-ties of DR. wALKER'S Assortment of Frames VINEGAR Br1"rERS are .A.perieut, Diaphoretic Carruinativc, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic; Sedative, Countm··Initaut, Sudorific, Alte1a.tive. a.ud Anti-Bi.liY'.1-'l. n. H. lUcDONALD & <.:n .. Drnggiats nnd G<?u . .Agts., Sun Fr::i.nci.J:;oo, 8n.J'. f11 n 1i11 a.ad cor. of"\Vashington trnd Chlll'ltm1 Htr; .. X. Y. Sold by all U:ruggf:;te an.d D 1 ·n.!~· :;· : . Cheap a.s the Cheapest. Bowmanville, Nov 12th, 1873. bp-o-l3·mG·tf TJohn McLeod & Co T HLibe1·al Support and H E Patronage E DISCARDED Grateful Thousands proclaim Vm. EGAR BIT'l'ERS the most wonderful In· vigorant that ever sustained tba sinking system. G according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. No Person can tnke these :Bitters Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ FEED MILLS. Ol'l T Another car load of the above noblP. articles the way. RELIANCE B E ;OLD SYSTEM, E P L:"~~c~d:~~~:~~; LE Desirable Farm Property FOR T H SALE. A N T E p HI A Italian N 0. BOUNSALL, Ameican Marble. T Monuments lent in the Yalleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ollio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan· sa.s, Reel, Colorado, Brazos, Uio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Uonnoke, James, and many others, with their vast trib\1taries, throughout our entire country during t!Je Summer and Autuo:m, aud remarkably so during sea· sous of unusual heat and dryness, are invaria\lly accompanied by extensive de· rnngernents of tile stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow. erful intluence npou tl!cso various or· gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J . WALITE!t's VINEGAR Brn-J!ms, as they will speedily remove the dark· colored visci<t ll]attcr with which t!Je bowels arc loadeu, at tho same time stimulating tho secretions of tbe livor, aud generally restoring the healthy fonct ions of tbo cligcstivo organs. by pmifying all its Uuicls with VINEGAn l3r1"1 'mrn. No epidemic can take bold of a system tlrns fore-armed. Dys~epsi:t or Indigestion, IIead· ache, Iain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tbe Chest, Dizziness, Sour Emctations of tbo Stomach; Bad Taste in the l\louth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatation of t!Jo Heart, Iufla111mation of tbe I . . uugs, Pain in tho region of tl1o Kid no.vs, 1111d a hundred other.painful syrup· toms, are t11e oflsprings of Dyspepsia. One b ot.tic will prove a bettor guarantee of its merits tlrnn a lengthy a<lvertiserncnt. Bilious Remittent and Inter· mittent Fevers, which are so preva. Please call o.t:. the B 0 W lYIAN VILLE Parm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, King St., Bowmanvillt'!. nlO. Bow1nanville, Dec, 5, 1872. Just Arrived at the lF A.SRION e:ovs:m a splt!ndid assoitment of NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & & Grave Stones, .Fortify the body against disease Alao a large stock of Stamps for Baiding and Em- boidery. Cash Purchasers FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as usual. H () H () Stoc~~NDI.arge New 'I'a.ilor Shop, ---:o:--- Uw~n Assorted !U A <;plendid variety of Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF J,ONDON. (Estoblished 1803, -fl-IEAD OFFICES.-! Ohl 13l'oad St., and Pall li'Iall, Loudon. GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES! .J & W. J McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF rrHE GOLDEN LION, BOWl\!IA.NVILL:B. ~~pt. 25th, 1874. L form the iinblic genera.Uy, that he has J Q H N A'l'E WITH F. y. COWLJ.:, begs to H E A L: ~" COlll· menced business in tho Shop next to the E.:--· press Office, one door east of .T. ~:lilae'.s. Raving had several yuat~ experience in the trade, he hopee to satili:fy a,ll who may favor him with a call. s s rr 0 v E s' 's E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box JOHN M L"'OD & CO C "' ' for wood or coal. E GENEn,\L crnn·: cnt ~ 1 CJ:t.<.,Y YO~ l\:f tJnt.real. CANAD,,\ :- 21 St Scrofula, or ]{ing's Evil, Whit~ Sllcllings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, GoiLrc, Sorofulou R I nflam mtttions, lnllolen t Jufl m11mation~ 1 1fcrcminl .tdJ'cctiouR, "Old Ho1·ct'\1 Bruptions ()f the Skin, Sol'!) Eyes, otc. In tho.:;c, m:i" in nll other con~titutional Dis· mwcs, ·\~r .H,KE l~'i-; V 1N1.;u_,_\n Br'l"l'HltS ha.vo S-lHH\'ll t.lieir great cnr1tt.irc powera iu tho inost oln:tinato n11d intrncta.hlo cases. .!!'or Inl\11111m11tory anil Chronic lilieunrntism, Gont, Bi lions, He mi ttho JJl (1 1Hl 1 Li\'er, Kidnei·s and Dladd6r tho::;o Bitters bare 110 cqtm. Suc;h Diseases '~re caused lJy Vi t iatcil Blood. e MRS. A. PLETCHER Bowm:t.nvill~, April 7th,1874. 1873. 'l'he snbt>cribcr would beg to call uttt:"ntion to his stock of B0~vmanville, -September4thlg73.: · Subscribed and invested Capit.:.'lil .a.ud Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling. Funds iuvested in Canada- 105,000. H ~serve tcnt and fntcrrnittcnt 1"cvcrn, Diseases of GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmanvillc, Sep. 4th, 1872. Groceries Dry Goods, :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which for m4U-t:.f .- T the Chron1os "PLUCK," THE POPULARITY HERE IS Morrn FUN in Insurances aga.i.nat loss by Fire are e:ffeetc<l on_ most favorable terms, and losses pa.id with ont reference to the l3oard in London. J DODSWORTH, Inspector. illcch:mical Discases.-Pcrsous engaged i11 Paints rt!H.l .Minc1·als, such na PlnmUcrs, 'l'ypc-.setLer~, RINTOUL BHOS. Gen. Agents, Montrea Gold-bentor.:11 and llliucn;, ll.S t.huy a11 ran co in life, nrc subject to pn.i·nly f>if.i 11f Uio Dowels. rl'o guard ;;~ ..-, than nny pai.ntt·<l. or printc::d story that ha.a been given to the public Never before has been for years. accord~d to any Picture or set of Pictures these Chrowos have attained. Size l.G by 22 inches. Price, $10 the pail'. Address orders to g , R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanville, June 4th. 1860. ngaiu8t Lbifl, klkC [l. tlor.: c of 'VAI,KIHt's 1r1N· EO :\R HI'l"J'E!fS oceasionallr. t.er, Snl t-J:U1cnm, Blot.ches1 Spot.~, J:>imples, Pu s tul e~ , Boil:-;1 Cnrbu11clc1J 1 Ring-wonns, Scnlll-hcml, Sure Ere~. Eryr-;ipclas, Jtcb, Scurf~. Diticolorations of tho Ski11, JJun1ors uud Di/:ica::;os cf th o Skin cf whatever namo or untllre, ti.n! !ite!·:~lly d ug up arnl carried out of tho systo111 in n sllurt tinie by the uso ul' Lhcso Bi tto rs. ., lurliing in the ;;rstmn of so nui.ny thousand?;, nro offecLtrnJly tle5troyctl mul rcrr:avcd. Ko 1>,r:;te1n 1Jf 1notlicinn1 11u -rcn11ifugcs, 110 ..n.nth o!m i11itics will fn_1 0 tho r;yst.cn1 front wor111s like th c:-;o BHterK. or ultl, 111!U'l'iO(\ ol' ~ing lc , at the dawn of"'O· manhood, or Ll.Jo tnrn of life, thoso 'fonio Hitters <li i'play r-o tlm.:idc<l a.11 influeuco that irnprOYClll Cllt IS l;OOU pcrccptiblo. 36 For Skin Diseases; Eruptions, Tot. m.o.43-39.4w James THE McFeeters. AGENT J, F. RYDER, Publisher, CleVeland, Ohio, U. S. July 16th, 18: 74. 41-tf~ :Dominion Or"'an Oo'y. BOWMANVILLE, Dressmaking, &c. Hiss Beal Wouid beg to inform the ladies of Ilo'A-,nanviUe aud vicinity. tbo.t she is prepared t o talce orders for Dressma.king,and fill the same with de£:1path in the LATEST FASHION. Her tJX.I)8rience fully WatTants her in promitring satisf!l.Ction. Residence, Corner of Church Street, anU Jrfa.rket Sr1nare. Bowmanville, !Jee. 4th, 1873. Present the follo\ving teetimonials from com pctent judges of Organs. 'resthuonia.J. from John Camidge, :Thius. Doc'l Cauluar, England . Bowmauville, 24th Dec., 187S. The CANADA I.ANDED CREDIT CO'Y. 'l'o the Mwna.ge1·s Domi·nion Organ Co. with a Sa,,·ings Bank der.iartment. GENTLEME~ .-I like to play on your Organs The UNION AND PERMANENT Building t" ..e is so sweet atidsteady. And the 'vork- -and Saving's Society. 'l'hci:10 latter instltntions atlvanco Loans on maosnip and finish excellent, and in every particular they are equal, if not suptirior, to lleM Estate, on terma unusuallv easy for the any I have e:ver heard. Hoping they will meet borrower. public appreciation. Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, 1873. b,or tbe Iollowi11g Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz ;'.I'he QUEEN Fire nnd Life Insurance Company, Capita\£2,000,000. $150,000 deposjtod with the Dominion Government, for the protcc ders in Canada. The ISOJ..il~.TED RISK Fire In~urance Com }Jany of Canado. Capital 500:000,-0ne of the best and chenpeRt Compo.nics doing business in the Dmninion, for Jhu-rners and Isolated Risks~ l'iil, 'l'n.pe, and other Worms, }'or Female Complaints, in young Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED JOHH CAMIDGE THE BANNER HeJ.d the following from Rosa ·D'Erin.a: Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'l'LE Having removEn:l to mo1·e comwodioua p1·e1niees, SEWING :MACHINE COlYIPJ\..NY, OP SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Having recently perfected IN :Bowman.ville, Decembel' 22, 1873, To the j1fa11agC?'3 of the Do-niinion- Organ Co. GEN'l'LEMEN. -I have much plettsure in testifying to the oxoellent qualities of the Organ BUpplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening . The tone is sweet and v1;;1·y powerful aud the combina.tion of stops most admirable. I a1n emre yoill' instruments will find favor in Ch1uches, as they are singularly adapted for sacred music. Wishing you every success, nnd that the IJUblic may patroni~e nath·o manufacture. I 1·enudn Gentlemen, Very rei;rm~ctfully, BOWMANVILLE rou find its impurities bursting through th e s kiu in Pimplu :::1 Ernptions, or Sores; clea.nrse it '\·hen you iiud it obstructed and sluggish iu the vein i:i; ckanso it when it is foul; your f'eoling;; will tell yon wheu. Keep the lJl ooO plHC, anrl t.ho hcnlth of the system ,i;-ill foJIO\Y, _.,. . It ('\01' Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when. Machine and Implement Manufacturing Co U. lJ'. I't!<~DON A_LJ> & CO., nnd Gcu. Agt~ .. $au l'rancisco, Cnlifornln, ,rn d 1:01·. ~1f \V~1~hing-ton n.nd Chnrltou St:i., N. Y. !) (;:, ! l 1·:.- nH Ul'tJ.:;iJ"i,;ts nud Dc:ilcrs. Dr uf!;;·ii;t ~ J. ELLIOTT, SEASON 1874. TYRONE. The Satisfaction given by Manufa,otures of Daily Line to Rochester. Com1nencing on or about 1st Apdl. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inforni the public generally, that they are now enabled to offer them Irnportant Impr01;einents, in their celebrated Better Inducements in the line of ROSA D'EIUNA. Every Instrument Warrnnted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. A. YI. DAHLEY WOOD AND IRON The New I.ake Steamer BARNUM s eclipsed by the satiBiactiou given by S1t'IAJ-'E to his numerous patrons. He is nov: pleased to announce that ~ bas on hani1 a large and varie?r ttsso1-tirent of Family Sewing Machines, Are prepared t(i President. 1i'Iann.gcr. Bowmanville, January 15, 1874. bp-o3-m16. WORKING MACHINER 'i. NEW All Wool FA.LL AT STOCK Grocery GUARANTEE THEM EQUAL, IF F R-U IT, J:.ist arrived, and for 8ale 1 at the above depot, LEJFFBL'S BOOTS AND SHOES of the best quality, aud is anxioua tha.t I shall set to wo;rk a;~ soon as por:isible. th~y KOT St:PER!OR, to any now before the public. I"or BATTINGS. " " " Business, (AS REGA RDS PRICE SIMPLICITY 01' CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATION, UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT A~Y RA TE OF SPEED, capacity of range n.nd udaptibility to greut variety of work, fins or coarse, Co11fectio;;;ry Depot. Double Turbine WHOLESALE and RETAIL Water Wheels, New F1 ·ui.t cmll Oonfectione1·ys, and " NORSEM.A.N " (R. CltA WFORD, Mastet') ,o QUALlTY) than any other hou.se in the County. NO PRESENTS QIVEN, BUT GOOD " Diago1mls. Homespun. French Reps.; Plfjjds. Choice Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, DATES, FIGS. LEMONS ORANGJCS 7'0 ABB. VE Soft Sh'U Almoncls,lrilberts, Brcw.ilan1l Walt Euts J(eil/er's Marmalade, West lndia. r:ew·ved Gingm·, Pears,Plmns, Toma.toes, cf: Pecwhes, Green Peas, Green Gorn cf!: Lima, Beans. Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters .and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles 'l'hey baYe come and are coming, at the },nut Depot. Castin gs of all Xi:nds !Vill make her regular trips on thhi route, lea.v1~g Oobou1·g every mornitlg at 7 :30, an<l l")ort Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, connecting there with the New York, Central, and Erie l{ailwn,ys, for all points, East, V.-"'est find South. All Prices, All Sizes. All Kinds. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25· Merinoes. Russian Twills. Plaid Wincies. Plain do. Sha\rls. Flannells. TVc·iyht wnd ilfeciS'l.We G·uaranteed ·in euery instance. REPAIRS dnue 011 RETURNING, 'Vill leave Charlotte (port of lWchestcr) dai)y at 9 o'clock, p. m., except 8aturday~ 1 when r.ihe will leave at ;; p. m. for Cobourg direct. Dealers in Stock will find this the cheaJlest a.11d n1ost expeditious route to Bo.:iton, .A.lba.ny, Now York, &c., &c. For further inforn1a.tion 1 addreas R CH.A WFORD, Port Hope No-tlh.i.ng 'to Boa.t i't. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, GENT'S BOOTS. THEY~ STAND UNRIVALLED. the SHORTEST NOTICE, \Ve have now on hand a large quantity of Trunks, &c. Special a.ttt'!ntion given to J . L. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Newcastle, August, 14tl1 , 1874. AT THE C. F. GILDEUSLEE --o-- FARM TO LET. Bowm.anville. 1-In.Jf, Lnt 14 7th Con. Darlington. N OR'rII Apply personally to 1 Provincial Exhibition, htld in ~fontreal Common and Gang Plows, that wjll be s'Jld at Kin~ston. ' CUTTING AND FITTING and none but firl:!t-claas ·workmen employed, thus insu1·ing good va.lue in every case . in Se-ptember, 1878. Ageute wanted. 'Manohes'ter · Bov.se, :September 24, 1874. WM. 'l'UER, Darllugton, Sept, 22nd, 1874. m5Hf, J. T. ANDERSON, ' by.o37 ·o24-lyr. SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUA UTY is the test of CHEAPNESS. 'l'. DARLINGTON. 13owlllinivilll-! 1 Dec, 4t.h,1873. nO-tf LOW PRICES tf, m3G-tf ron. SALE. GOOD SECOND HAND Piano for A Price $65, · sale, LOCAL AGENT AT THE SHOP. Bowmamillo, March 6 1873 , S110RE.-One door dMt of Cornfah'e J ow~Jry tore, King Str~et., Bowma.uyille. Bowmanville, Sept. 23rd, 1873~ J. l\L BRIMACO:MBE. J. SMALE,