THE MERCHANT. A ND GENERAL ADVERTISER ton, ()larke and Cartwright. It lS a comm Oil pl.ntfon n , opou to the fr ee d1scu ss10n of nll qu essious in ' '1hwh the general i)ublic arf? concern ed. TERMS. WEST DURH~M Ca c t1lat es }[l.rgely in the To·w nships of Darli ng- Stea.m Job :E'rinting Office KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. l Seven ty-five cent s per annnm, in a d· vance- The 'Merchant' and 'Obs erver,' $2.QO. U.ATE~ Ol!"' ADV .i!.RTISING. One column H a.lf do 45 pe1 annum 25 '( AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1874. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ - ~~~~~~ POSTERS, PAMPHLETS . CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS , LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, Q nal t er do. J5 " 'l'1 ansient advertisements ,5 cts per line first msclt1011, and 2c. p er hn e, each gubsequent on e, !~UMBER IV EXECUTED IN FIRS~cCLASt~T~~, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Trams will leave Bownrnnv1lle Stat10 n, Bowmanville time, as follows . GOING WEST, 1,0ING EAST. Locnl * Exprosa .S.30 a m. 3 50 p. m. Mixed . 3 20 pm I Loca.l . .. 7:20 P . m Express 8,50 p. m. I E xpreSB . 8.tiO p. m. -11 This tl a1 n run~ every morning of week, ~fon da) s excepted, . 7 20, am. I Express , 8 55 a..m. : l\{1xed · The iollow1ng trains now stop at Sa{on y for passengers . 7 52 a. n1, Local going west, due at. 3.47 p. m b-11xed gouig east, due at .. 3 47 p. n1. MLxed going west, due ot. 7 .22 p. m Local going cost, due at .. Montreal time. Prof. J. Ruse, 41-ly RADUAT E of Baxter Uruvers1ty of 1'fm$ic, Frieudship , N{:n~ Yo1 k . Teacher of I nstrument, Cultivation of t he v, .,roe, ThorQugh, Hannony and Comp0- G s1ti . . \IJ. . Da.'lington , J uly 16th, 1874. PE.A.TB , TAILOR. Ge11tle1 uen' s &~ 's Garment B ~ MADlll I~ TJf'Pl' E'Vll'E S'l' STYLES. R R LOSCOMBE, J30,v1nruiv11J l11f ~uly, 27 1 18UU. B ARRISTE ll-AT-LA W, 'C SOLI OITOJl IN CHANCERY, & . tis O~' F T CE -0 v cr McCluni;'fl Store) sa1ne fl at .J. M . 'Bril n aoomb's Dental Rooms. Bowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE - - - LICENSES I SSGEU BY ROBERT ARMOUR BEAUTIFUL TEETH J , M. BRIMACOMBE L D. S H.e~B over McClung Brem. Stores. Bowma.nvrUe, Oct. 1st. 1870. 1 - teeth Extra cte d at '1We nty - f1ve Cents I1n1lorte1·s of Dry Uoods, Groce1·ies, Crocke1·y, etc., etc. MARRIAGE LICENSES I l58 tlED BY JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post-office Pickering Ont -o G. D. Lockhart, EN'I.,IST, G raduate of the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Ont. Otflce o'\' ei F . F . :ri:IcA1tliu1's Sto1e, l{ing BL , Row ma.uv1lle. }Jn wn1 auv1 1lc, Oct. 2;Jrd, 1873 1n3-tf. W. H. vVILSON, BOW)fANVILLJ<J, ' General Agent :for P IANOS, ORGANS, 111.ELODIANS and SEWING ,lfAC HINES .1.~aymond Sewing Machine, A SPECIAL!l'Y. 1 In titruchon i:,'lven 1 and Instruments and ?!'IA lune 1 guaranteed . Bowm 'l.11 V 1llc, June 18, 1874. fi'o1·' the Township of Da1·lington / H. T. PHILLIPS, '\RAMPTON. Tro1nvt ~1.t tcntion b -riven to sales, &c, on re.:i.won· nblo terms. W:IB. Bart o n, ENNI!$KI/,LEN. s<~le:,1 p1outptlyattended t o on reasouable terms. Robert,'Y'oung, SURGEON, Grad\late of l the Onta.110 Vetminury College. By appvintmcnt ~- ctcn1i<ny Su1geon to the West lJu1hum u.ncl Darhngton lTn1011 .Agricultural A gent for th~ Ln · Stock Brunch of the J3ea.v<:r and Toronto ~futua.l J!'ire Insurance Co Veterinary M cU.1c11ies con stan tly on hand. C .dl~ Iron1 the count1y p101ovtly attended to. Office - Ono dooi: east of l t . ~fan1ng's }\u mturf:' VVa1c1'001n. lleiudenot: ove1· S. Bu1den's store. cmner of J{1ng au d 8cugog S t1 eet~, Bowmrtnvilllt: rnltf Soc1ties 'lTI<'~'ERINARY LUMBER. pa1t.1~s 111debtcd to lu1n fo1 Lul11hei, to settle theu accounts w1lh011 t further delay. .t\nll he l 1~1~bJ in fo rm s btn klers , and othms in want of l un\be1 , th.lot he 1s 1 re2~red to supply th'eru at cash iates fo1 Ca..~h H encefo1th be u1tcncl s to rr1rESub~c nLer 1cspcctfully requu;ts aU do a cash busu1 eas. TROS. S lVCI'I1H, Lot 19, ti Cou. Da.l11n gton. t LIME! LIME! I ";iOl{ i:H L 1;: irt my q\lant1ty, A@lY to ~ ' WILLIA 11 SP EA:R Chu1ch Sheet , nen.rly oppo~1te the J\lma Hotel. 1Jown1 a.n ville. J un c 19th 187.{ tf 1873 - . _ _ m _str NEARLY ALL ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livcl"pool London , and Glasgow Fon 'l'ickcts, inf<, apply to W A NllADS, Agent. J3ow man,1 1ll {~ 1 .T11nc 9th, 1871. tf-30 0 1: P'RICES MODERATE H. ELLIOTT JUN up- W. S. BOYLE, M. D. J · Ontario. Office Ku1g Street, 01 1c door 'vest of l\1r Cornishre Jewelly S tore, Bowmanvilte. au ~ , n.nd S urgeons , of RADU ATE of the Univers1tie1:1 of Tl'1n1ty G College Toronto, and Victoria. College, Cobour_g L iceut 1at e the Oolleg~ of Phys1c1 [ ~f of 'Tell me,' said tLe Kjng, 'ho\V yon knew Taxation that Kills. it would rain' WE CAN MAKE HOME HAPPY. WILL l'r PAY 1- USEFO L IIINl'S TO llUoINE SS We have before us the report of Mr. Hut· 'I didn' t know, said the couutryrnan, tny MEN- WHERE AW) llOW !O ADYEUfiner, Superintendent at the Virginia Iloard J o.cknsa told nie so.' 'l'hough w e 1nay not change the cottage For a nlaue:ion tall and gr an di 'I ISIJ:-l'~\.WrB ·w oR'IlIY OF Ol!.:NETIAL 'And liow, pray, d1d be tell ) ou 1' usked of the Publie Instruct10n, for 1873, and we Ox exchange a. little grass plot furtive gh.u1 c(;J at her face. A11TE N'l'lUN, fiud in it, arrayed in startling hgu1 cs a stateth~ ICing 1 For a boundless Rtretch of laud' )l"o,' she said, slowly, and coloring a By pricking up Ins · cars, your rnnj eaty,' tuent of taxation for liquors, drank w1th1n Yet there's something bdghter, dearer, little. (l'rnm the 'l'1 oy Daily Times) the State, which fully accounts for tbe povsaid the rustrn. Than the wealth w e'd thus command 'I kne\\. it,' said Torn, checking a sigh 'I1u u bus1ness m an the question of adver'The Kiug then sent the iust1c n.way, erty, not only of Y1rgrnia, but of all the ·Well, I must content myself wi th the t1sing turns upon a single point. 'l'hough W Cl h ave n.o nieans to purchase 'PVill i t and procnring the jacka8.'l of him, h e placed Southern States ; while he also gives the Castly p1ctu1us, rich an d ra~e dead llowern and crumpled ribbons which Jlay? With the grea t share of hbernl anu him-the Jackass-in the office the philoso- reason for the straightened circumstances of 'l'hougll we have no silken hn.ngings you have worn A man more deserving progressive men, who nre enterpruung and pher h ad filled. millious m the Nor th. There are 2,856 re)for the wa.lfa eu cold .ind u.~re than I might rec e i\'~ even less.' A ph1lo- thrifty in their bustn esf'I, tins query has tail hquor shops in the St.ate. II theoe ' And here,' obser\' e<l Joel, looking wise, W e can bang them o\: t' \\1Lb ga1land;;, soph1c r cn1ark by no mea.ns in keep1ng \Vlth been settl ed 111 the n1ost prn.cticnl way. '1s \Vllere the king made n great nustake.' shops sell the aver age amount of liquor For fl owers bloom everywhe1e the speaker's gloorny and perturbed coun- They are fo und advert1sing ia every way shops ot the U!Htcd S tates, anu th ere j s no 'How so 1' incimred the auditoI6. We can nh.,ays make hom e cheerful, t enance at that 1noment. A long silence, "h1ch their shre wu Judgment approves as reason to suppose they do not, the annual '\Vhy, ever since tli.nt time,' said Joel, lf th e right cour~e ""'e begin, broken at last by 'l'om, 'It is almost throe profitable. Some men say, I have been \llith a grin on lus phiz, 'every 1uckns.s amount consumed is $10,022 1888 rrhere are \Ve can make its inmates h appy, ---:o:montb s ri1nce we met, ~ii ss l{elen. Do you ui trade he1~ twenty year.s , it is time I was wants office.' 1 additions to be made to th1· from wholeAnd their ti ue;;t Lless1ng! \'iin, ren1ember iny com1ng up the walk and find· well known among m en What is the use I t \\111 make the Qtnall room Unglitel 1 sale <l.eulBrs and patent medicines v. luch are A Strange Case . LARGE LOT OF If ' ve let the sunshin e 1n ing you bulhng stra wberries with one of of advertising 1ny business? 'l'o such men bought and consumed for thetl' alcohol, that Rachel's check aprons · on 1 How sweet we feel like saying, when they put their Fourteen years ago, Mr A. was the raise the aggregate $12,000,000. There is '\Ve can gather iound the fi1e::i1tle those strawberries \Vere " qu ~stton s to yon in a triump hant eort of American partner of a large frrm doing busi- no doubt that the sum total exceeds these 'Vhen th e evening hours are Joui;, '\Ve can blend our hearts and voices 'Almost three months,' et;hoed !Jelen, way 'A. rr: you n1ore sagnc1oug and a bet- ness on both sides of the A.tlant1c. He was terrific figures, which le aves out entirt:ly the In a happy, social song, ' aud- I an1 going home next week. ' ter business mau than A. rr. Stewart 1 His a hard worker. and trade rapidly mcreased a.lcchol used for mechani cal and 1nanufa.c' Ve can guide some erring brotho1, Tom started and then scowled, but sa1d name nnd bis trade are household words 111 the United States under his rnanageiuenD tur1ng purposes This sum ex ceeds th e Bow1minv1lle Nov. 1st, 1873. Lead h1ru from the path of ,.,, rong. nothrng. throughout tho land, Hundreds of tbou - His European partners thought he \vorld total valne of <.1.ll the fa rm produc~1ons, in V\i"' e may fill ou1 hon)e \Ht h u1ua1c, ' How glad I am that we arc to be m the santl.s know them \~here tL011sanlls know of him. But suddenly, one day, without C!:ease in h ve stock, and value ot in1proveAnd with sunshllle lnnnuung o'er ean1e mty next winter,' she went on present- you. Yet :llr. A. T. Ste\.\art IS u constant. any warning or premonition whatever, he ments iu the year 1870, accordmg to the U. If against all dairk 1ntiuders ly. 'We can meet often, and Clara, who is systeroat1c, anU cxteneive udverhser. He became stark mad. Before night he \Yaa S. Census, in the seven best countlP:s of the '\\re v.:ill firmly close the door o. literary person, will lionize you ' does not feel that he 1s so '\'ell kno\\on he raving, and upon the follo" ing week he State, and by just about the same amount, the Yet, should evil shadows enter, '\Ve shall 11et'er meet, 1 he replied \\ith need cease telling people that he still' lives was removed t o the Litch held (Conn ) In- value of the productions of forty-five smaller We must love each other more most ungracious curtness. and deals in m erchand ise.' If n's ne1gh- sane Asylum. He wa· verv soon classed counties during the same year. Tbe wheat Theie are treasures for the lowly ' Why 1 she askeLl, m a shgbtly hurt boris ne,·er cha!1ged ; 1f the world never among the 'incurables.' T1an1e passed on ; crop of Virginia for 1870, w&s, in round "\V'bich the grandest fail to find tone. moved, why, then a business man ·woull lus friends moat of the1n ceased to v1i1t numbers, 8,000,000 bushels. This, at $1 50 'l'hertt is n. chain of sweet ~ffection ' Do you need to ask why!' he rrJorned, hold his trade, 1f he 11'1!.B au honest dealer. cnm, a nLl had apparently forgolten the un- per bushel, which is more than was received, Binding friends of kindred mindW e may reap the choicest blcssingR 'What sort of a companion for Miss Dena's But so long as our people come and go, hke fortunate man. Never once had he given makes exactly $12,000,000. In bnef, V1rFrom the poorest lot assigned friends should I be-a beggarly srnbbler the ebbing and flowing tide, a mnn who any ev1dt nce of retL1rning reason, but on g1nia.drank up its entire wheat crop !:o the who barely keeps lmnsell lodged and fod, has need to be known,has ueecl also to pro- the contrary, as each year came and went, last gill I and ha8 not talent enough to enable him to cla11n his presence, ~herefore he has need he grew scerningly more confirmed in. his l\Ir. Huffner µresents other illuatrative hope for fame oven when he ls grizzled and of, or would find a profit 1n ~\dvc1tl>.11ng. dementia The other day some of the at- cstiinates, but nothin g ca n add to the 101ce fifty! No,' he continued, inore quickly, He tnen If a mon says, I agl'ee that 1t 1s profitable tendants were somewhat sur.l?rised and of those which "e Lave cited. NO HERO AFTER ALL. ' I have liad my day here m this old form· to adyert1se, the next question is still more amu.sed when 111r. A. came toward tltem as goes on to show that the total taxat10n for house, \·nthout a rival to dread-with no 1mportunt to hirn, \vlnch rn, how to nu1ke they \vere standing in a group,and exclaim- State purposes, including leg1sl11t1on, sala soul to co1ne between the sweetness of your thrn rnvestment with the larg·st profit. ed ' I a n1 restored to tny senses again, and aries, courts, inst1 tut1ons fo r dumb, blind (J!'1om the Altline, for Oct ) ' Are you star· gazing 1' asked Helen Deno, compamonsh1p-I have bad my fall meed Herein n1any 11beral ad vert1sers make a want to get out of thIB place.' At the same and insane, public schools, and interest on 1teppiug out upon theveran dah,where Tom of happiness, and I covet uo half-way JOY great nustak e. rrhey seem to reckon that t11ne he indited the followmg dispatch to the pubhc debt only reaohes tlte sum of 3,I was not made to play the it they put out ao advertisement and a dol- the senior n1e10.ber of the firm 'vhen he lost 500,000, wlnle to add to this sum all }'ord stoo<l, staring abstractedly at the cloud- in the future part of a uespaaing lover. I could not lar in money, it is uot ~ erv material where reason, d1recting it to London, England the local taxation, would not equal the burl ess evening sky. n ethod in the ' I am sane ognia, come over and rneet den which the people volunt.a11ly lay upon 'Only trying to dev ise son1c n ew incthod haunt yo.u footsteps for a s m1l e, a look; or the two go. They have ~o 1 nut tins is not all Their>· of shuftbng off the inorta.l co11,' r1·01n answer- dance a ttendance at pa1ties nnd operas for business; they have not st11die<l. the matter me' Inasmuch dS the laying claim to themselves, ed, laymg his unlighted segar on the rail- the pl eusnre ot biingmg you an ice or pick· as they lu~ve others 111 then· bttSHH!SS a..ffcurs snrnty is one of the n1arked ind1cot1ons of jury done to pubhc 01der, ar.d to private 1ng up your fiin I d0.sp1se n man who cnu they clo not t1nd ou~ whe re they CH.a put ~ 1nsa111ty amo11g the patients, the attendants health and enterprise, is to be taken into ing beside him. Mr Rnlln er behoves Uiat the 'Have rnatters reached such a desperate h umble lumself in such a \Yay. Yes, and I dollar with the larges t profit aml the snrest thought nothmg of the request of the man. account, 1 condition "iLh you 1' laughed Lit> co111pan - w,is going to add, that I d espise the woman and l!afest returns. r\- by not do tlns in ad- He cont1nucd 1 however, to push the1n so time wasted, the lllJUry Jone to business, ion. 'I should ne ver have suspected 1t. 1 who can take pleotsui:e lll seeing hlm do jt P verhsing afi in buying o.nd sclhog fl our, pers1ste11t1y, nnd n1anifest such sLrik1ug in- and the cost of crnne, pauperism, insan1~y, Ile to o::sed the segar a way, and strode up groceues, dry goods, stov es, t nnvare, or in clinahon of r eturu1ng reason that the phy· and ht1ga t1on re sul tron1 inten1perance 1 'It is n1y here, not myself, wh o 1s to be sclf. sent out of the world,' was the reply. 'Can and down the porch, which creaked any other commodity 1 There is a vast deal s1c10ns were finally called, ancl held a con- would be more costly than the liquor iL Gla~sware, al,1rmlngly beneath Ina h eavy tread. Then the Superin tend ent, with figu1es fur· 1n the ti me and manner and place in suUa.tiou. TJ1 ey dev1Ued that the m n.n ,vas not you give n1e n hint 1 Poison, consu1np'A pretty fellow I am to get rnto such a advertising. N 0 ab rcwd m au would sane. To make long story short., he \Yas nished by the distrngmsbed English actution, precipices, shipwreck, runa way horses. Bah ! I h ave made use of th em all till rage about nothing,' be sa1d u.t last, pausing advertise Bibles a nd hymn books m the snbsequently releuoed The withheld dis- ary, N c1son, in the interests of Life Insurthey have grown \Veariso1n ely comn1on. I be,1de Helen, who still leaned against the Police Ga?.ettc, laces anJ. fine linen in pa+cl. to Ins old partner \vas forwarded ance, shows how much valuable hte 1s am tempted to advcttise lor a novel way of latt1ve-,vork. 'Fo1g1ve rn e will you not? I the Uoal Cirmlnr, or Jewellery and It found him in Europe. He came over thrown nway, Between fifteen and twcntv 1 fancy goods ii;..the lion Age. That wouldn't to this country to meet tlie restored lunatic, Je11rs of age, the number of deaths of inter;. ridding myself or other people of ltle-eveu will never Lehave so again. 'I have nothi ng to forgiv e,' ~ be replied, pay. If a man is to advertise ui n paper, the latter found his intol'est in the busincE!s, perate persons, ui as 10 to 18 , between at the l'lSk of bnnging a whole Lost of detec\\ iLh a sm1le. 'I like to i:ee you behave he wants to know several things : Is the wlnch had never been disposed of, had in- twenty-one and thaty, JO to 51 ; between tives down upon me.' He at lilirty and fo rty, 10 to 40 At twenty years 'Why not let the poor myth live 1' < 1nes- bndly- 1t amuRes me, and I n eed to be paper read, by whom and how many peo- cre·sed from $200,000 to $ 550,000 Bowmanville, Sept. 1874. It 1s material wlint class of people once resumed his place as an active mem- of age a temperate per13on 's chance tor hfeis pie ! tioned H elen, smiling at the oomical expres- amu sed.' McCLUNG B1ws. arc now fully assorted in the various ' l s it not a pity th u.t u Juan js so ham- rend a paper, as well as how many. Many a ber of the firm, ancl 'vha t is both remarka- 44 2 years-mtemperate, 16 6 ; at thirty sion ot despai r on the perplexed author's pered by c1rcnm stun ces as to be unable to man who wants to advertise fail s to oee this ble and valuable, the memory of every- the tern perate nian 's chance is for 30 5 years, departments for the Season, having received, with the exface. ception of a few packages, their entire Fall and Winter · ' Impossible " replied r r on1. ' The lost assu1ne a heroi c ntt1tl1de "'·hen be wishes ?' point olearly, and, tberetore, misapprehends thing tran sp1nng JUSt bP.fore his calam1ty inte mperate, 13.8 ; a t fo rty years t]1 e proheir hns turned up, and 1s all r eady to mar- question ed Tom, sec:mingly quite tranquil the economical or profita ble aspects of the came upon hin11ust as fre sh as though the portionate cbauces are 18 8 to 11 5 years. Imports. do not care to be taller nor C'8e. He s·ys tlie Daily B'gqai will take events transpu e<l. but yesterday. He jok- Thus money, health, morality, industry, ry L acly Gwcndoh ne, and so tlus hero- as- once mo1e. The greatest care has been bestowed in the purchase e1y well, ingly alludes to his long period of forced good order, and life itl'.lell,in enormous sun1s, sistant hero, rather, is 1n the way, nnd must l ess clumsy ; I don't even wish to amend my udvcrtisementfor so much. \ T and selection of this Stock, one of the firm having himIs there be iemovcd, even 1f I do 1t 111 a com1n on- and i ev1se 1uy nose, hut I woult.1. like to if that paper g~t s it, thP. pnce 1s dear, retuement from the worltl, ob.serving that go into this bottomless cal<lron. self visited the leading European markets and manufactorplace fashion. You do not know what a perform some wonderfol feat which would for the obv10us reason that no equiv- it was probably the best tlung for him, in- any return of good for all this expenditure 1 ies for that purpose. It a, man asn1uch as be ·wou1cl have probably enga[led None. rri.e loss is entue and irremed1abJe. benevolent pe1son I um, :&fiss I-Jelen, nor forever exalt mf! 111 your eyes, and earn for alellt is rend er e<l. for it They have the largest Stock ofDress Goods,Silks,Shawls, ' 'Vbat in some specnla tion and lost all his money, If the whole had gone over to Niagara Falls, how much I have done for the happmess of me your eternal prntitude. I can think of says to n dry r;oods <l.ealer scores-snatching you h on1 uude1 the do you ask for broadcloth j ' and the an- mstead of being worth more than t~ me as somcthmg would be picked up ou the shore my kind since fi lst I cornmcncecyc1ibbh ng Mantles, Skirts, Cottons, Flannels, '\Vinceys, Tweeds, Ovwheels of a loco1notn e ; swimming with swcred is s1x doll ars, th e iuquner proves much as he \\as wLeu prodtrnted w1th in~ bolow, but nothing is left from this waste. At the l owest estuno te I have drn uted out ercoatings, Mantle-cloths, Blankets, Carpets, etc., etc., A bushel of gram transform ed into alcohol, nud r eturned to their sQrrow1ng paren ts you to shore fro1n a sinking sh1p, while the notlnng by saying, 'It is too inuch j I can sa.n1ty ever bought in Bowmanville. waves we1e l unn1ng 1nounta1ns h igh ; or and swallowed as a be ~·e1 age , is a bushel oI buy cloth for four and ahalf.' What lB the fully three d oze-n heirs and heiresses- with All these goods have been purchased on the most adgrain annilulated. If all that is sp ent for Married Flirts. That is th e test. Very likely and without strawberry·marks and tattooed rescuing you fron1 some desperado armed q uahty ! vantageous terms, a great portion of them having been hqnor were put uilo a huge inrna<!e and anchors on thcfr arms. It it were n ot for .with numberless daggers and revolvers. the six doll ar cloth is the cheapest. A lady It 1s to be regretted that while society bought for CASH. If you will favor them with a call, tht! basP. ingratitutle of bu11ia111ty, my st,itue, How delightful it wonld be to hear you sob goes into a store and wishes Lo see silks ; co1nrnanda and business compels that rude- burne1..l, we should have ashes; but as it rn, out ) our thankfulness to your brave prethey are three, four, or ten dollars a yard. ness be bamshed and harshness an.I querul- we have no ash~s except such as, with shan1e arrayed in nont.1.eacnpt costun1e, and exea you will feel assured that few, if any, retail establishments and, \Ve are obliged to l>ury.-Scnb· Is it cuted in the worst style o[ American art. server, as 1'iiss ...4.licia de Courcy does to 'I can buy them cheaper,' ehe Bays. in the country, can offer for your inspection a larger, Per e)' F1tzgc1ald in n1y last drama! .1.'\.t any reason '"·hy the seller should reduce his ousness be repressed, yet in the co1npara· ""' 's .Mo,,thly. now adorn Central Purk or "L-n1on would tivc retirement of home, greater freedom is cheaper, and better assorted stock. affords tlrem Square, I would like Lo be a lost heii my- pref.cut I au1use JOu-am well nigh as in- priee 1 There is likely to be a g1eat d1fier- allowed , and there ao1ne 1 Lords of Creapleasure to show their goods and they court comparison. aelf,' he went on, inusingly, ~ only to be one ~1s pensable to your comtort as a lap-<log , ence lU value as well as price, betweeu <l eal~ tion; display thcii tyranny, wh1le the a111iThings are already on the move-call early. History of Tobacco Using. The pa ~ able belles ot society who, when bent on 1e is necessary to h.ive lurmd blue eyes and compel you to b e grateful, and-I thmk crs. It is JUSt so in adver tis1ng. per 'vhich bas a lai ge circulati on, and fa conquests, never forget that 'a low, sofL golden bair and snowy brow , or raven yo u coul d hardly avoid loving me.' The tobaeeo plant is a native of Amenca . ' I should abho1· yon " returned Helen popular a~ a tan1ily paper, und is read "tery \'Dice is an excellent thing in v1oman,' yet locks and fatl10rnless dark orbs and classic fe atures, and not one of these attracti.ons 'I always dislike p eople to whom I arn largely, is cheaper for an advertiser at J.ou~ here, on the sltghtest provocation, speak in lt was introduced mto Europe after the dIBcovery of the new wodd Ly Columbus. It When I am torced to ble 01· triple the piice than a paper did unkind nature see ftt to bestow upon unJ er obhgat10ns a tone sufficient to arouse the seven sleepbe grateful to nn) body, I feel as though the me. I am homely-not even picturesquely wh1eh baa not half the circulation, and is ers, wbile th eir J uniom are allowed the larg· was first used in Spain and Portugal, and homely, at that-do you know it, :lrliss anybody had a string tied to my little finger almost worthless at any price. A· broad- est lieeuee i and, in short, hon1c ia treated afterw·ard introduced into England by Sir Walter Raleigh. It was soon a[ter carried and conlU jerk it \varningly at intervals to cloth is worth more than satinet, as silk is Helen !' s01newhat as \Ye do rainy days, 'vhen we into France, Germany, Russia, and Italy, re1nind me of my duty ' worth inoro than wool, as hneu is ,Yorth sally out in our worst habilunent' and feel 'Since you hu.~c 1nude the as.sertion, I In Russia the u>e of tobaeco was prohib1L'On the whole, then,' mud Tom, looking n1ore than cotton, as coffee is \\"Orth more can not be impolite enough to contradict it, i in our E:urliest mood. ed under penalty of the bastinado for the she replied, gathering some of the criinson do·wn at her small figure, ' you would pre- than chicory, as flour is worth more than Does the charming Lillian llfat1lda ever fer to rescue inc, and lfoten to the sobbing shorts, as gol d is \Y or th more thai: pinch- r emen1ber, the honeymoon having pasied, first offense, loss of the n ose for the second, leaves from the Virginia creeper and putand depri vatlon of life tor th e tL1rd It assurances of my gra\Jtude ; I wI!l impro- beck, as l eather is worth more than pastetmg them into her belt as she spoke. as she languidly takes her place at the rth l11 0 l ij thctu cab- breakfast-table, with her hair .n curl papers, Italy, all who used tobacco or snuff in 'Give them to me, plea.tie,' said T o m, vise some horrible danger forthwith- boa.rrl, as tobacco is \'VO church \Vere exconirnun1cated. In Consta11plunge hcadfore most into it a nd ~lllow you lrnge leaves, so one paper is worth 1nf1nitely st1 etcbrng out his hanil · crumpled collar, and morningarobe looking T he as though washrng was mcluded among th e tinople, a Turk was led through the street She shook h er head, and pomtcd to Lhe to take me out, 1f you \Vere any more likely more to a n adve1t1ser than another. with his nose transfixed by a pipe·stem, as to ior me in conseq ncnce. Let n1e see last is just ns pla1n as th e h rst, if a man revine. lost arts, the time when h) stencs would a warnrng to all smokers. The Shah of we are gorng up the \alley to-morflecting upon 1t, men are misled very often, l1ave ensued should her intended have ' For a inemento of this evening/ he Por.:i1a treated tobacco using as a capital pleaded, in a tone which was lai fr om senlL· rO\V- ' and feel that one paper lS JUst as good as chanced to !ind her irr such <l1shab1lle 1 crime. J affies I also iuade earnest efforts : Not we,' interrupted l lelen. ' I must another, but, as our Irish frtelld said of men, mental. Does she imagine, as, \Yith petty gossip, to suppress tl1e tiaflic m tobacco, placrng remain at home to entertain a visitor.' ' HO'iY muuy sucil 111ementos have vou also 'one rn as good ae a.nother, nnd a httle continuous murn1unng, 0r angry \vords heavy 1mpo·18 upon i t. 'Do you expect the com mg of that uo- better, too ' rea,!y 1' ques\lJned she, still ke e pi~Jg th e abont trifles, she taxes her husband's paA bne! glance at a few statistics will mest1c atlhct10n, Miss Fletcher 1 Why not leaves. ---- ---tience, that human affection can \\'lthstand show ho\v enormous is t he a1n ount of toThe King's Mistake . 'A deaU rose--some other plant, which run a way from Lel' the first thmg in th e all sho cks, or love and respect never be clebacco rnI>rng and usrng at the present now look s and smell, decidedly hayey-a mo rn i n~ 1' stroyed 1 It certainly never occurs to her, time. ' It is not ~11ss .l! .letch ei ,' said Helen, A 11un1ber of p oh t1c1nns, all of v.;liom glove, spotted with le1norrn.Ue an<l of no posa as, wi th loltiest Uis<lain, sne addresses her In 18.JS, toUn.cco cost E ngland n1orc than ' It is-i\1r. \Yere seek ing office un der the Go ver1anen t, servants, pays no attention to their \vants or sible use to its r1ght1nl owner-a shpper 11cs1tat1ng over th e word s were seated under a tnvern porch, when an sorro\vs, and looks upon the1n n1E:rely as $40,000,000. rosette, big and ugly a. a mushroom, an d a IIasL1ngs.' In the year 1860 !'!> cost F rnn oe the same '\\' by did you n 'J t t ell n1e sooner ?'usked old toper, Joel D---, a person "ho was beir.g· peurntted to hke merely to serve p1ece of pink ribbon mnch creased, "lnch sum. T orn, in a h ard constrn1ned tone \'ery loquacious v;hen corned, but ~ x a ctly 1 may, perhaps, liave belo11ged to Mm Hell_ ==================::;:;-=-==-======-~-~- --=-her, that 'Of one blood God created all the L01t year (1873) it waa estimated tl1at to' I did not kno,\~ it till this eve111ng,1 she opposite when sol.Jer, said tha t he \\ould nation s of th e earth/ and that 'all we are sted insteo.d ot you, 1 enumerated Tom, bacco co-,t the Euglish people rnore than replied. 'The telegram ca1ne only an hour tell thern a story. 'TJ1at JS all, I assure Jon.' breathren.' Nor cloes Adolphus Charles reThey told to hnn 'f1re~nH1y,' whereupon member the ruies laid clown in courbni bread. "Yhat are you going to llu "1th tL e n11' n;o-Jnst after \Ve bad fin ish ed te.i ' Th e OniteJ. .S tates annually ex hausts n1 ' And yon are glad 1' Tool q neeLioue<l, he spoke as follows Helen demand ed, much inclmed t o laugh. day s, as ' company being absent,' he Ieisurcthe culture of tobacco ·100,000 acres of its lo ok ing at her with a k eeu gl ance. 'A certain l(1ng-I don b icco llcct bis · K eep then1 to sigh over winter evenin gs ly smokes his CJgar in the cosy parlors and 'Yea, I suppose so; lt is my duty to be na me-had a philosop her upon whose Judg- labors under the delns10n that carpets were richest soil, and employs 30 1000 men, \\ o~ wh en the fire gets low a nd iny segar is men, boys and girls JU 118 manufacture. In ment he allrnys. depended N ow it hap- woven fo1 spittoons. tiWOked out,' rron1 anewercd. 'One mus t glail' My New Goods lmv e 1 1842 the amoirnt of tobacco nsed in this This is goo<l.·hy, then,' sa1cl T om, alter penccl one day that the Kmg took it m to ltave help to misery na well as to happiIt is mamtestly unknown t o him that some 1n1nutcs of en1b<:1rass1ng sil ence. his head to go buntrng, anc l assembled his inanteJ-pieces ..vere not intended for joota country amounted to seven po u nds ior each ness ' ' Shall I 11ot see you to-1norrow 1' sho nobles, and n1 alnng the necessary prepnra- stools, neither were boot Jacks onginnlly adult person. 'It that be so, here are the leaves,' laying: Holland has l,OOll,llOO callo·v, caud,1vera.e ked, a little falter lll her voice. t10ns, he summoned the philosopher, and ded1gned tor parlor orna ments. them in bis hand. 'May they contnuute ou s looking people t-IJ gaged in the in anua ' No; I sliall be off by 'unnse for a last asked him if 1t would rnrn. The philoso· their sn1all share toward making you Ile is disposed to forget thQ.t lou rl yawnw and the assortm ent will be~ found wretched, since it is Jar that you desire day in the valley. I cuu take the evening pher told it would not, ,and they started ing is not cons1dered essential to good b1eed- fu.cture cf the various forrns of tobacco. train a t March's Bridge-- it slacks there,a11d WlnlcJOtuneying along they met a countryThe present annual proclucl10u ot the them. t11 g j and that niagnanimousiy to surrender 1 1\.. thousand thanks ! ' he e.s.clauned, put th e couductor knows rr1e, and w1ll not oU- n1an rnounted on a Jackass wnrld 1.:s estimated by I'ehablo authorities at youi fa.v oute newspaper Ol' maga1.111e to He 01dv1sed them to re tnru, 1 for; eaid he, l,000,000,000 pounds, wlnch mu,t cost the tin g the coveted po8sedsion into lns pocket- j ect, II Mr. IIastmgs 1s what he abou!Ll be, son1e relative IB a ca1dinal v1rtQe. And it 1 'rhey smiled cun· consumers at least $500,000,000.-Hecilth book, where the ilead rose alteady re- you will not want me ; if he is not- shake '1t will certa1 nly ra1 n must be confessed that wheu unkindly deR ef011ner. AND hands, HP-len. Don't lcok out the window temptuons]y upon l.11n1, and then pas'3ed on. posed. clarrng that his wife's new bonnet is ' a perwhen I go away. 1 should only think of · they hatl goi1e n1any 1n1les, however, Before "Vhere are your other collection'3 'l' ask fect fright' and lter taste mcomparably inNo j ust rnan ever became rich all at ed Helen. ' I presume you have made you no looking a little later for l\fr. Hast- th ey bad reason to regret n ot hav ing taken fe1ior to Mrs. Jones'-her coftee den ommonce. ings' coining. th e rust1c's advice, as a shower comiug up quite a number with 1n the paB t ten years.' When they ated ' nause9.ting,' and her favorite pudding 'Poo r Tom,' said IIelen to herself, a few drenched them to th e skm. Simplicity is al waj s a. cha racteristi c of '11 0 tell the truth,' rephed he, 'I burned had returned to the palace th e l{ing rcpria 'perfectly d1sg ttl5ting,' bis opinions have real genr11s. them alter pilfering your glove. I c hd not minutes afterw ard, a.s she heard b 1g room n1ancl:;d the pl11 loso1 1her severely . changed, although she may renlly ha ve imwish to gel the triilss tmxed and eo rnis - door close wi th emphasis, 'I wonder If ' I met a countryma n,' Stll d he, 'and he -proved in c.lress n.nrl household mfl.1 1-1g" '"1('nt SlanJe1 IA eaaily fi xed, but tune\\ 111 d1sa R alph ever 1iungs doors or gets into a1uall knows n1ore th an you do He told me it s1 nce the tln1e when all she \Y0 1 ~ \\ .,,..;o; d ~ cover the fra11 d of 1t plaeed my iegret,, you see ' 'l'he Public ai e solicited to cnll aud see for themselves. r..1 ges r H P never lumbers, ~1t any 1ate,and Hele n bit her lip at the straightforward how the porch dicl i: ri_u eu k \Vh en Tou1 wal k· wouhl rain, whereas yo n tol d m e 1t \vonld 'lovely' and her cooking 'irres1et1F rankl in saya . ' I look upon tleath to be not ' The k mg then gave bun hi s walking avowal. 'Are you al ways so trank, Mr. eel across 1t I' papers anll seut for the countryman, who blc '-F1mn ' Jlo11ie Politeness/ ui Phiena· as necessary to our constituti on as sle cp Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 Ford 1' logical J om nril for oci. soon made his appearance. (T o be' cont111uecl ) We ehall rise refr esh ecl rn the momiug. c 0 ME and SEE ~ :iltt!J ~\ PdETRY. ' Never,' lte answered, ' except when craftiness can not a vail me anvtbin g. If diplomacy could make) 0 11 adore me as-aa I adore you, J ~lio,ld be a fu!l-iledged :.\fachrn.velh J nstautly ; Uut 1t conld not t ' I About Advertising. -- HILL'S · NEW Fall & Winte1~ 01~y Goods A LADIES' a,nd GEN'l'S' Ftl"RS VERY · CHEAP LITERATURE. McClu11g Bros. a FALL CIRCULAR. V n McClung J?ros. · I l 1 · NEW GOO-D S. OO~{E 'fO 'HAND 1 l l VERY OOMPLErrE a 1 :) -~ ) _j l