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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 23 Oct 1874, p. 3

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· THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY OCTOBER 23, 1874. RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society ESTABLISJIED 1840. C.\NADA 0HIEF OFFICES: AUTUMN! 187'4. S. rrREWIN, OSHA\VA is sLcwing a REMOVAL. wishes t'o inform his numerous frjends and to1nera that hf'l hns remnvt?d to S. :MASON BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be· found with the n1ost com pl.ete nasortmont uf Go to 13l, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. DI RE 0 TORS. VVALTER SHANLY, E sq., MP., Cha.ir1naa.n, Harness, Whips, . Trunks, &c. in town. call. Buckler'.! old sta,nd One Joor eMt of ~Iaynard's liotel. Bow1na.nville, Sep. 1st.. 1873. 'CJBEAPSIDE,' fo1~ you1 Fall ~ Winter Dlf GOODS. 1 Esq. 1\iAJOR 'l'. E. CA?iIPBELL, C.B., St. HilairP. 'l'n:t< HONORA HLE JOHN IIAM1L'l'O!i, Hn~ks· burg, Ont. I\ESIDENT SECRFTARY. - .LrnES GnANT, D ONO.AN ];fA.ODON.iLD, GRAND OF Sr:l'OCK I S PE CI AL FEAT UR ES. The ENTIRE PROFITS bBlong to and ru-e Uivid· ed amongst the Policyholders. LIVES, DECLINED BY Ol'llER COMP ANTES, or on which an extra PrC1nium wou.ld be required, can be assuniJ t1.t the ordinary rates of this Society, under a special arrangement S:rECIAL NON·FOFEJTABJ,E POLICIES issued Dr. J. Walker's Cali fornia Vin· egar Bitters arc a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on tho lower ranges o! the Sierra Nevada moun tains of Ca lifornia, tbe medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. 'l'be question is almost daily asked, "Wlmt is t!Jo oauso of tho unparalleled success or VINEG-an BITTERSf " Our answer is, tl.1at Lhey romovo the cause of disease, and Lhc patient recovers his health. They are the grer,t blood J?llrificr arnl a n rc-gi ·, ing principl e, 11o perfect Rono\" n .tor and luvigorator of th o sys tem. Never before in tho b.istory of tlie world bas a inediciue been C o111 pouuderl J:l OSscssiug th e rcn1ark able qualitios of \ 1 I NEG .A. R BrrTEUS i u h ealing the sick ol' erery <l isease 1nan is heir to. They 1 0 fLfj we.Jl ns n. rl'onie, o.r~ n.. gentle P urflati 1 1·chc v1ug Congestion or I n1 lfun urn. ti on of' th.o l~ive r n1:'i Visceral Orgctns, in Bilious STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Which ex.eel in STYLE and VALUE. --o-- l I :Com.inion Orooa.n· Co'y. THE Killinery a,nd Ma,11tle ·Depa,rtment Replete with Latest Styles & Noveltieg, Splendid New Stock! Bll: SURE AND GET IN TIIE RIGHT STORE. under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay· menta are req\\ired, eaah payment securing a Policy for a swn assured proportionate to the number of premiums paid, andfreefr01n jutur uaymcnt of pre~niuma. :ThfODER.iTE PnEMIUMS and most lib eral con· ditions. Pros~ect~1ses , Proposal Eorm8, &c., supplied on apphcation at the Head Office or any of the Agencies. ' MO'O'I?.NING GOODS .A SPECIALITY ! BOW MANVILLE, JAMES GRANT, Res. Secretary. Gents' Furnishings ! A Large Stock of Cloths ancl Trimmings, rnade to Order. Fits Guaranteecl. Latest Styles in Hats, Shirts, J'.ies, &o. ~J.ephant House UNDERSIGNED in returniug thanks THE to his many frit:nda L1.nd the public generally L THE Present the following testimonials from com ~etent jurl~es of Organs. Testimonial from John Ca.nudge, 1tfus. Doe., Canluar, Engla.ntl~ Bowmanville, 24th Deo., 1873. T o the lllanagers Doi:ninion Organ Co. AGENT lfOR BOWllfANYILLE, C.BARKER, 32-ly "ObserTer Office," St. Bowmanville. June 24th, 1870. "OHEAPSIDE." Bissonnette & Co., D1'. wALKER's V t NE ? A rt.BI'T"l'F.RS .a~·o A perir:n t,. Di n.p~or c tic} Can mnative, Nu tri tious, ]1n.xat1\"c, Diuretic Sodutive, Coun l n.nt, Sutlorific, ..d.ltc»O:. Live. 1111<1 A.nti-E ilir.n;ir:i. Diseases. 'l'he fwopert.ies of BOOTS and SHOES ! Ladies' and Children',, Fine CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. The. intelligent Yeomanry of West Durham and So.nth Ontario, are be~omm~ fully that OSHA WA affords the Best Market; her Manufactones supply ~he Best Implements ; and her enterprising Merchants sell the most Styli~~ Goods,at PRICES regulated by a healthy competition. Osh.awa,West, lung St Sept. 23rd, 1874. Corner Store, Opposite Town Hall, Bowmanville Imperial Fire .Insurance Co OF LONDON. (Established 1803. l!lllffEAD OFFIOES. - 1 Old Broad St., nnd ; . ., '· ' for·the liberal l)atronage extended to him during tho past 18, begs to announce that from and after the 15thSeptembc:r, he will <;arry on the saine business, but znoro ex._tensivcly under the and style of JonN ~foLEOD & Co. Prompt payment of aJl accounts is rendered imferative by this business arrangement, and al persons indebted will 1Jlease take noticC' e.nd govern themselves accoi:dingly. G.EN'i'~MEN .- I l ike to play on your Orga.nt1 to !e lB so swe~t atldstendy. And the work· ma.a~n1p o.nd fin1eh excellent, a.nd in evert particular they are equal, if not superior, to any I hav_e ever he~r~. Ifoping they Will meet public apprec1at10n. JOHH CAllfIDGE Read the following from Roi5r. J>'Erina : "owroanville, December 22, 18i3~ To the ..U:amagers of the Doniinion Organ Co, ~ENTLEMEN, -I much plea.sure in tasti:· fy1ng .to the excellent qualities of the Organ supp~ 1 ed by 7ou at my concert last Sa.turd&y evening . ~he tone is sweet and very t>owerful aud the combin3'.tion of stops most a.dmi.rabl<'. I am sure your nrntrumenta will find favor in. Churchee, ae th~y are . singn1!l.dy adapted IOI:' sacred music.. Wishing yo_u every succees, and that the pubhc may patronize Hative 1nanufa.e. ture. I remain Gentlemen, V l?ry rea~ctfully~ ' .. · JOHN McLEO!J. Bowmanville, September 4th, 1873. EGAR BITTERS the most wonderfol Invigora.nt that ever su staiuecl the sinking Grateful Thousands proclaim Vm- Pall Mall. London. G ·ENERAL 1.0J!NCY I'Ol~ system. CAN.ADA;- .eJ·am c)1t , 1\-IontreaJ. ·24 St Sub!w1·ibed and invested Capital a.nd Reserve Fund. £1, 965, 000 Sterling. · Funds invested in Canada- 105,000, according to directions, and remain Jong l\jlwcll, provided t!Jeir bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond No Person can falrn these Bitters o HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage 1 T Johw~u~o:~~~~.n~ ColT Eext~mled ~ r=i~;~~;~;t~h~bve i:t'lIE and takes this o,;iportunity of in· ao long to John McLeod, rcpa1r. E ROS,\ D'ERINA. FARM FOR SALE. ' ACRES, in the Township of Dnrlington, .<Wd about ten miles north of Howmanville, l'e:'= s very easy, .ma.king this a. good opportunty to- buy. Title· indisputable. For particuars, ap:1~y to I~ui:tances aga.lnst toss by 'Fire are effected on 1nost favorable ter:r.n.s, and losses paid with out reference to the Boa.rd in London. CONSISTING OF ONE ·D HUNDRE J DODSWORTH, W. lIEPINSTALL, Jeweller, ll(JE ··· RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, Montrea Inspector. R.. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister:, Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowman.ville~ June 4th, 1860. 36 OSHAWA, August 27th, 1874. 47·8ins. m.o.43-39.4w VALUABL~ FARM a,~res, FOR SALE. James McFeeters. AGENT B Con. ofmore the township of Cla1· ke, containi ng or less ; 80 a.ores cle!ltrf:!d, ba1100 ance timbered with cednr. An excellent youn g bearing orchard of choice trees, with fram e dwellin~ house, b~1, e~ble, &c., 011 the fa.rm For situation it cannot be excelled, being one mile from the village of Orono, and sev:e n from the town of Bowmanville . Possession given on the first day of API~I L next, with privelege to enter and do tht3 fa 11 plougbing, For pa.rticula.ra apply to ~ u. 'rA])IBLYN Orono, EING south h"1f of Lot No. 32, in the sixth ··· For the following Insu"rance Companies and other Itstitutions, viz :- · '. 'l'he QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Com· pany. Capital£2,000,000_ $150,000 deposited with the Dominion Government for the protec ders in Canada. ' ,or J, THORNE,Amherstburg, P. 0. Ont' July25th, 1874. bp· o30·m43. B!lltEI AGENrrs F OR THE '.!'he ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany of Cn.pital 500'000,-0ne of the best and .cl~eapest Companies doing bus:inesfl in the Douu111011 1 for Farmers and IsoJa.ted Risksi with a S"'·ving~ Bank departinent. · ' ' The UNION AND PERrvIANE~T . Building a.nd Sa.viug's Society. 1 1.'hefle latter instltutions advanco l1oans on Real Eatate, on terms unusuaJlv easy for the borrower. · lent in the >alleys of our groat rivers throughout the United States; especially those of the Mississippi , Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessco, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, mo Grande, Pearl, Alabamt~, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, -James, and many otbers, with their vast trib\ltaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer [Ind Autun;m, and remarkably so during scasons' of unusual heat and dryness, aro invaria\lly accompanied by cxtcnsi ve derangements of tile stomach and liver, and other abdominal >iscera. In their treatment, a pnrgativo, exerting a pow~ . erful mtluencc upon t!Jcse >arious organs, is essentially necessary. Thero is no cathartic for tbc purpose equal to Bilious ltemittent and Inter· mittent Fevers, which are so preva- Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Y ni Pres1dent. Mana&rtn' Bowmanville, January 15, 1874. bp·o3-.m16. ' H. O'HAR:.i. A. M. DAI\LEY 1873. The aubBcriber would beg to ca.11 atWnti'on t his stock of Groceries DR. J, W ALXBlt'S a!l, VINEGAR BITTERS, '.!'he CANADA LAKDED CREDIT CO'Y FOR SALE . S1dendid Property of the Mr. B THAT 1\-fitehell, being the north half of L ot.8 N o. 31, a.nd 32, in the 6th Con. of Da.rlington, com prising 200 a.crea-35 being superior wood·land '!'here is on the front of the premises, a. ver fine,gentleman's stone residence, "viih lawn an ftowei· garden, to the rear of which is a beauti . Jul }iaple Grove. Also wood shed,stabh,, dri ving house, etc., and every necessary convenienc The whole, about ten acres, is surrounded by a thorn hedge. '!'here is a Farm House, \vith three barns, wit h all outbuildings. A never failing stream of wa. tcr rune through the premises. There is also a & plendid Orchard of fruit bearing trcl:a, and kitch en garden. The property fa in a.good stat e of cultivation, (Lnd is regarded as the most de -irable betw('en Kioget.on nnd London. }'or furt her particulars noply to .Desirable Farm Property they will speedily remove the darkc5"lored viscid npt tcr with which tho bowels are loaded, at tho same time stimulating tho sccrotions of tile liver and generally rcsto1 ·i ng tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. : For t ify tl1 c body aga inst disease by P\lrifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BrT'fl:rts. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-arm ed. Dys~epsi a or l mligestion, Ileadaclle, l ai n in tbo Shoulders, Coughs Tiglltness of tile Cllest, Dizziness Sonf Eructations of t ile Stomacll, Bad "raste iu tli.c Moutli, Bilious At tacks, Palpitalation of tl10 lf oart, lnOannuation of. the Lunga, l'al n in t bO r egion of tllo Kid neys, and a lnm<lre<l otbcr painful sympto ms, nro the otlspriDgs of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle m ll provo a bottc t· guaran tee of its merits tllan a lougthy ndvcrtiscrn cut. s~'i.clll}lg R , Ul ccl' :~, Bowmamille, Feb. 6t\l, 1873, A. N T on the 1st January, 1st May, and 1st September p Dry Goods, H · 1n cac.'i cind every yea?', In the case ot ;,lanufocturere, l\ifechnnies, and others, whose accouuta may a.mount to $50.00 or over, thoir note, ii agreed upon, will be taken payablo at the Bank for a. stated period. A N T :Soots & S'hoes etc., etc, which for SOMETHING NEW '.!'HE ;; .. in BowmanviJle. - : o:.Any Qne wiahinA to have Photos enlarged from · BEST old pictures of deceased friends, can get the ea1ne done at _Scrofula, 0 1· }ling's & Arthur's Gallery, they having- gone to grf!at expense in purchasing and fitting up a hryru p clnf.l, S\V(llled X eck, Evil, Whit~ NEW GOODSI --o-- .... . .nfl. ---:o:-:_._ Cash Purchasers AN]) Prompt Payers on credits short MI\S. B. MITCHELL, August 6th, 1874. Oshawa P. 0. bJJ4l·m44-o32. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. pared fo ":.1' Carriages, Buggies, Harness, Iloot t\nd Shoes, and all kinds of Leather. 1t wil l bri"'e any artl~ of Leather, a.most brilli!l'nt ~p pe1wa11ce, and at~he same time, from its 01ly Prop(n·ties, tends 1rmch to preserve it; it will al· \va,y& be moist and pii~t; and may be exposed to water ancl 'vnahed, a will not lose its brilli .a.nee, and it is not to be .red that any c1·ua t will settle on sa.iJ. Leather when preserved with the above Oil. For the woodW a.rk of Bugg ies ' Uarriages, and l!,urnitun:, there is ot a. bet.te r article in use. :rvianuf'aotu~d by A. -,SIMON & Co. 1 rl'anners nnd Curriers, formerly of"F.rance , now of Philadelphia, Pa., Instructions - Shak bottle. A few drops on a piece of sponge.apply. it lightly to the leather, and you will obtain th e finest lustre. Price 75cta. per bottle,or $7.50 per T IME MONEY aud LABOR s·ved ! Frenc O£ l Poli:Jh. This French Oil Polieh is pre " Organs ' for the exprees purpose of enlarging photo· graphs, whcih they make from the smallest card to life size. 1'ht:iy would remind the 'Public that they are still striv· ing to improve thtiir work in Photography, o.nd they are now tur11ing out Pictures 1 G y 1trc, Sc i:oful ou s ln fln m1u ntinns, l u<l olent Inflmnmnt1 ons, J\forcuri n.l A ffcctions Old ~ores, E nq1ti~H1A of the Skin, Sore Eye~, ote. In these, 111 rtl l oth er cu nstituti01H 1L Dis· eascs1 v r .,,L'K E 1t' i-; V nax; Au. nrrrErtS h o..vo sho wu tlwir grea t curntivo p owor::; in the 0Ustin1itO n11d iutr.aotal)le cases. F or Inllammatory aml Chronic JUwum atism, Gout, Bilions, Hcmitth o 13 \oml, .Iii\' cl', R ill nclrs nnd Bl ndd6r Stock F11Ily !ssorf,ed. GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES! AT H Quality and Cheap H Q/ Stoc~;-rnLa.rge IQ ness, U Well Assorted !U CANNOT BE SURPASSED s cos. S , will always get goods ·at prices cut FINE, as our great aim will be to court this class of trade. I 1 A "plendid variety of Ta1({voEnSox for wood or coal. ' tont and Tn tc nu ittc nt Fevers , Diseases of ~ it. ten; bnvc t1 0 cqu a. n.rc~ c n u sc d hy V itin tell B lood. E JOHN McLEOD & CO. Bf)1vmanville, September4thlg73 E J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. · th os.o S uch DiscnscS l\Ieclrnnical Discases.-Persons ~ngaged in I>aints and l\li ne.rals, s ucli as Pl_un1bcr:-i, T y p c-~ct,1,cm, Gold·\Jcaters, and Equal. to Toronto Work. -:o: Cahinet and four-fourth size made equally as good as their oards. Go and examine speci· mens, and be convinced that they are · doing well. Extra prints can be had off old negatives. 'l'hey keep ov band and for sa.J.e, an 1l·II11cr.3 1 ns ~.hey nclnrn ce in life, are subject to J lfl.l'aly_ s1 s of tho nowel::i, . 'l 'o guard ngai nf<t. t\u;.;, t nl; c a dose of X\T,\ J, JilUt's VIN· JiGAll Hr·rTE IW nf'CH fiiollnll.)'. ter: S a lt·L~.hc11m 1 .Bltitch es, Spn ts, Pimples Pust nles1 Jl ni li'\1 C:Lrbuucl_es, J:U11g·wonns' Scald· head, So re Hyc::i, E r vfiipelfls , Itcu' Scurfs, Discolorn ti mn1 of th e .. Sk in, Humor~ aud Di8cnscs < )f the S\.:i u of w hn tovcr nmue l·'cr Sk in Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- .J & W. J ·MoMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION . ' BOWKA.NVILLE. Sept. 25th, 1874. Just Arrived !lrt the · FASHION H011SB a. tiplendid aaa9rtment of . .,, dozen. man ville. July 16th, 1874. JOHN SMALE, Sole Agent, How 41·6 mos. Dressmaking, &c. Heal Woukl beg to inform the ladies of Bowman ville and ·vicinity. that she is prepared to take orders for Dresstnaking,nnd fill the same with deRpath in the r Organs ON THE or 11ainre, li terall y du g lip and cardo<l out, of tbe syst ein in IL shorf c by t!J o nse of Bi tter. s. ~ lnrk mg in th e NEW MILLINERY. All5o a lot of Assortment of Frames l'i.n,_ 'J'ape, anil other Worms, ~.v.-:;t CHl of r.: o ma ny thonsu..inls, Chea.:p a.s the Chea.pest. Bowma.nville, Nov 12th, 1873. bp-.o4'3·1nfi-tf LATEST FASHION. Her oxpcrience fully wa.ITa.nts her in protnieing satisfaction. Residence, Corner of Church-#itreet, and Market Square. . Bowmanville, lJec. 4th, 1873. CONTINENT. BOWMANVILLE thclm1111 t1Cs w1ll 1rco. tb e sy stem frun1 worms liko th ese Bitt cre. Fo~· Female Complaints, in young or old 1 111nnicd or siuglo, at the dawu of '\VO· n1anhoocl, or th e tun1 of lifo thcso 'rouio Bhters clisplaf so d cdd od an iuilueuco ·t hat impro\'cn1l! 11 t 'ii:; soon porccI?..tiblc. - nre effectually dNitroycd nJJ d rc1 u J veU. No syste 1~1 yf m r~l ic~ n e, 110 yer111ifuges, uo au. REAL HAI&, FANCY GOODS, & Also a large etock of Stamps for Bitiding and Em- 'boidery. :Ma.chine a.nd Implement Man-qfacturing Co clonusi:i 1t ·when yon ftu d t obstructed rmd r.:;lnggish iu Uio "Vei n ~ ; cle.:-i115e it when it is foul; yo1:ir foeliug s.1dll tell y un when. Keep th e blood p uro1 t1ud tho health of tlla system Jc. If, I\tcDONAL D ~ CO, , $ D rugi:\ists uml Gen . A~ls. , Smt Frrrnc i ~co Cnli.foroia. O"'icr y ou ii nd its i nqnwi tic s bursting throngh the skiu. iu Pim1ilcs, Bru j)tious, or Sores i Cleanse the Vitiate1t Blood when - FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. A thurs' Photo Gallery. Sept. 11, 1874. · · N APPREN'l'ICE wanted at Tait & Arm4Dtf. I· will foll o1;·, S o l~l · THE BANNER ' DBBSSll.A.KING as usual. FRUIT, AND Ua,nufa,ctuxies . .ind cor. of \V ;1shinp:wn r.rnd {)lrnrlton St's., N. Y. by rt!I IJ1·u.:.:; i sts nud Dculcrs. SEWING MACHIN.E ' MRS. A. FLETCHER 'Bo1-Y-mn.nvillo 1 April 7th 1 l8i4. of Confectionery Depot. WHOLESALE and RETAIL J'.lf!t arrived, ant1 far Sa.le, at the above depot, WOOD-AND IRON SEASON 1874, COMPANY, Having rt:cently perfected Strowger Bros. H aving removed to more comn1odious premises, IN WORKING MACHINERY. Daily Line to Rochester. Coro1ncncing on or about lat Ap1'il, OF SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders l FEED MILLS. Another car load of the abo,·e noble articles oil the wn.y 4 Please call at the N ew Friiit and Confectionerys, The New Lake Stea.mer Choice Lemon, Orange and Citron Aeels, . ORANGES TO A W, VE Soft Shell Almonds,Filberts, Bra· ilahd Wall Eu,ls, J(eiller's, West India Preseroed Ginger, Pears, I'lums, (['o. matoes, & Peaches,_ Green Peast' , Green Oorn ~ Lirfta Beans. NEWC·A S'rLE Double Turbine FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, Important Improvements, in their celebrnted Family Sewing Machines, Are prepared to DATES. FIGS, LEMONS · Water Wheels, ,., IBetter Inducements beg to inform the public generally. that they ar e no w enn.blcd to offer them a.nd Castin gs of a.11 'Xin ds "NORSEMAN" (R. Cl',A WFORD, M. aster NEW All Wool FALL STOtJii AT Hussian T·wills. Plaid Wincie.s. Plain do. Shawls. Flannell~. GUAR~KTEE THEM EQUAL, BOW MANVILLE Farm Implement Forwarding Ali&illlJ' R. W. JAMES, King St. , Bow1oanville, Dec. 5, 1872. :Bowmnuville~ nlO~ IF NOT SUPERIOR, to any now before the public. For O nr Dominion Excelsior Raspber,1·yVin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sarllines Tomato Sauce and Pickles ' They have comti arnt~~eot~oming 1 at t~e Fru1t SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUAlITY is th· test of CHEAP~VESS. . T. ..Bowmn.nvillB, Dee. 4th,1873. n9-tf DARJ,I~GTbN. G1--ocery I BII'SJD I O ' in the line of REPr1-IRS done on the SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION EASE OF OPERATION, UNIFORMITY OF PRECISE kC::TION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, 0 ... } SS SltOI?.TEST NOTICE, ' \Ve have now on hand a large quantity of \Vill make he~· regular ti·ips on this route. Ieav· ing Cobourg every 1norning a.t 7 ;301 and Port Hope at !l o'~lock, for Rochester, connecting there with the New York , Cer1 J..rfL1, and Erie Railways, fol' all points, East, 'Vest and South. 0. BOUNSALL, MANUF ACTURE .R , atr I MPORTER, DE.A.LEH. in all the varititiee of RETURNHW, '\Vill lt!av1;i Cl 1~1·lotto (por t of R.ochest er) daily at 9 o'clock, p. nl., except 8atu rd'3:yA, 'vhen she will leave at ::J p. m. for Oobourg direct. Dealer~ in Stock will fi ntl ihi!-! the cheap est and most expeditious rout e to Boston, Albauy, Nf.w York, &c. , &c. ]'or fur thel' info rmr,ti on~ address New 'I'a,ilor Shop, J Q H N H E A L, ATE WITH 'F. Y. COWLE, begs to iu· L form the p.ublio generally, that be has coin· menced busineB8 in the Shop next to the E x· press Office, one door east of tf. Milne'$. l{ aving bad scvero.l years e:xpel'ienee in th1~, he hopet1 to l'.latisfy all who 1 ay fa\'Ol' hint with a call. · (AS BEGARDS PHJCE <f QUALITY) tb·n ·ny other house in the County. Common and Gang Plows, LOWthat wil\pbe eRoldI&Ct " " " " NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT C:OOD Weight an cl J }feasv,re Giw1ranteed in every 'instance. Bowmanville, l\iarch 6 1873. ES tf. H. Cl\A WFORD, Ditigonals. Homespun. French Heps. Plaids. Merinoes. capacity of range and ada.ptibility to grttat ,·ariety of work, fine or coarse, Italian & Ameican Marbl~ . A la.rgti anJ. choice selection of THEY STAND UNRIVALLED. These Celebrated Machines obtain1::d the ~onuments & Grave Stones, P ol't I-l (Jpe Kingston. C. F. GILDEI\SLEE ' AT THE s)ioP. j 'l'eas a SJ;ieoiality. J . µ. STROWGER J. D. STROWGER. N ewcastle, August, 14th, 1874. :E" ABM TO LET. Halfi J... ot 14, 7th Con. Darlington. N ORTH Apply JJersonuJly to W~. '~~~~iji~e --o-- Man.cheste:i~ S e pternber·24, 1874. ~ · an<l a Full ~ripply ~j'~~~ ot FIRST AT THE l 1 I l a.lway on hand, of superior worlana.nebip, and at lo·weat prices. Provinoia.l Exhibition, htild in Montreal in September, 1873. wanted. Ag13nta Wrought 01· Cast Iron Pence.;; or enclosing burying lots. FOR SALE. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hand, Gr wrought to order, respectfully requceted Itt the 'vorks, A ov.11 is GOOD FITS GUARANTEED I 1 TUER, m51-tf. A ]3owmanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49-tf. Parlin~ton, Sept. 22nd, 1874. GOOD sr:: COND 1IA:ND Piarip fot sa.le, Pdce $65. m35-ll J. ~1. BI\IMACOMJ3E . Bowl!nanvil!e. J. T. ANDERSON, by·o37·o24·lyr, LOUAL AGENT K11ng Street, Bowmanvill Octol,m ·, lot, l&W. 'I · ·

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