THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1874. POETRY. l\, SIGN~OARD. , I wilf"1)a.iI1t you a sign, rum·selltir, . .i\.nd hang it, :;lbove yQUr door; A. truer and bett~r sjg11- boar<l Than over you had before, will paiut with the skill of a. inastn·' Autl many will pause to see 'l'his wonderful piece of painting, So like the reality. FARM AND KITCHEN. Our Shows. r I wilJ paint yourself ruI'n·selhiri As you wait for that fail' young l>oy, Just in the morn of nlanhood, A n1other'1:1 f'dde anJ joy. lle ha.ts no thought of stopping, But you greet him with a smile, And y9U seem so blytbc and friendly '.rhat ho pauses to chat a.while. I will paint y~u again, rum seller, I will pailLt you H.S you stnnd YVith a foruuing glU::!s of liquor Iiolding iu either hand. He wavers, but you urge hiTn; "Drit!k? pledge inc just this oneF' And he li.fliH the glass and drains it, And the liellish work ie done. .t\..Jid I next will paint a drunkard; Only a. year ha~ flown, TI1« iu~.1 t.lii~ lon,t,hHrim·c crci~ture 'l'he iair young L>u)' has :;rown. '!'he "\Vork was quick and ri~pid; I w.ill paint b:i1n as he lies In a torpid 1 drunken slumber, Under the wintry skies. I will paint tho forn1 of the inother AR she kneels at her darling's sidoHer beautiful boy was dearer Than all the world beside. I will paint the of a coffin Labelled with one word- " Lostl" I. will paint.. all this, run1·seller, i: will paint it free of cost, The sin, aod th1J shame, ancl sorrow, The crin1e, a,nd want, nnd 'voe, That are born there in your i·um-W10p, N.Ohand can paint, you know; But I'll you a s.ign, rum-seller, And many ·shall pause to view rrhfa WQnderful f3Winging Sign· board I So terribly, .fearfully tnlc. Crumbs for Chickens. A Chicago sausage maker advertises his wnres ns ' dog cheap.' I-Ie who by his biz would rise, must either burst or advertise.' 1 This is the latest forw of wedding invita.tiona: 'Oome arountl and see n1e capture a mother-inhnv at 8 o'clock 1 e:hal'p.' AT Is the system of judging and at our shows rcnlly beneficial? rl'his iB a question which has agitated DHIDY minds for several years back, '!'here can be no doubt but that the practical experience of a great many p<Jrsons is that the deci.Jriom5 rendered at these ebo"'·s are the largest stock of BOOTS and SHOJJS ever otrOred in Bowrnanville, and upon the whole, not satisfactory. Judges are apparently either partio.I or incapable of judging - - - ·They as to the merits of this class a.nd that. tender their judgments, to be sure, but no soon· er have the people heard of them than divisions --owithout number immediately formed. Some declare this exhibitor bas been wrongeO, some that, and some the otlrnr, until really a doubt supervenes in the best-balanced mind as to whether the system of judging should not be done awa.y with eotirely, 'l'ake, for imtance, cattle of different grades 1 - wha.t two can agree -oupon their qualities? _l\.nd when we def!cend from cattle to sheep and boga, the diYergence of opinion becomes much greater. '\\"hen again we descend into the seal~ of implements aud 1nunufactures in genera.l,how 1nuch more widely still do opinions differ? The fact is, our shows, it appears f.rom every point of view, whilst giv· ing a certain impetus to some in one ee1u~e, are --0-an eq\lally cloA upon others equally de· serving in another. Now, 'vhat is the remedy for all this? It must be ac4pitted tluit the gen· --o-eral object of all shows is business, traffic, gain. ANOTHER FIRST CLASS WO_ RKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY ~fen shov,.· their cattle in order to secure prem· AT ANDERSON & CO'S. iums and thereby inc1ea."1e trade in them. 1'-Ian· Bown1anvillo Jnue 5th, 1874. · ufacturcrs show their various wu.res fo1· a similN. B.-We have been appointed agents for the celebrnted BANNER ar purpo13e . Indeed 1 if we- except the "L:i..dies' SEWI~G MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call n,nd Depattro.enta .., and one or two more 1 the sarci.e see sample machine. may be safely said of all others. If, then. judi:i:ing. and injure some, whilst the public, i.vho are really the purchasers, are not satisfied, we may with some degree of reaaon a.ik- 'Vhy not do away with the system? Why not turn our shows into fairs; bold them for two or four week'.$ instead of one ; 1ct exhibitors ahoW their wares to the i.·ery best ad,·antage and to any extent ; an(.l let the publio be the judges, 1:iions not by awa.i·cling prizcs1 giving their ded. hut by leaving their orders '? rrrue, there arc certain clasHes of exhibited goods and worknw.n· ship which every one likes to see at theae e~ hibitions, nnd without which the exllibitions thernse1vt:s "\~·ould pl'OYC not nearly so interest· ing. Let these con~inue to occupy their present pesition; let co_ropeteut, impartial judges be appointed over them,and let prizeabe a.warded. \Vt:l refer in this instance more to " J'ine Arts" than anything else. :But in most other depart· ments we would aa.y,let the people be i::1ole judg· ca a.nd suit themselves. We have i·eason tribelieve tha,t, ·wpre this system followed, our shov,·i:i would be larger and better attended ; for it cannot be denied that many articles of superior ex· Have received another enpply of thu.t supe1·io cellence are thrown into the ehade by the opin· ldass of Organs known as the : diibitions.ion passed upon thc1n at these c: Globc. ' JUST !RRIVED The Satisfacti on gi·1en by :Bible Christian ANDERSON :SOOT AT THE LOVV-EST PRICES. CO'S BARNUM & AND SHOE E:M:E'ORI'C'M, s eclipsed by the satisfa.ction given by S}lALE to his ntunerous patrons. He is now pleased to announce thn.t be has on hand a. large and ":'U:ied assortrrent of SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. BOOK ROOM AND TO CASH PURCHASERS. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at G REAT INDUCEMENTS A1\fD SHOES BOOTS of the best quality, an<l is anxious they I shall set to work ns soon as possible. tha~ FALL OPENING All Prices, All Sizes. Prunella Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH All Xinds. ANDERSON & CO., Deed's olld Stand. Ladies' Pruuella Congress at · 80 ce nts " " Balmorals, extra high~ cut $1.25· Autumn Fashions! -oo--- N othi:ng 'to Bea:t it. GENT'S BOOTS. 1\-Iagnificent display of New and Rich Goods. Sa.b' School KIN~ The :Best Ma.teria.l used a.t ANDEBSON & CO'S. Depot MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense ~tuck of N f'W 1:a.ll Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lothm.r but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on get· . ting good value for their money. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. Special attention gi vcn to STREET, BOWMANVILLE. --:o:-- CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first.class \\' employed, thus i.:usu1·ing good value in every case. ----o--The ~ubscriber bas on hand a STORE. - 0 ne door aast of Cornish's Jewelry tore, King Street, Bowmanville. J. SMALE. Large sto~k of Books, Suited for Sabbath School Librarils, Presents, and the Study. DRESS GOODS , Plain and figured Lust1·es, Plain and Tartan Wool ~oplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord.o. Bowmanville, Sopt. 23i·d. 187~L LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. -18 74. TEMl'RELET :t.INE, ~ ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c. !or Sabbath Schools. c!>;p:ipo.,,"-o4 ot the following an<l othw· · first·d ss Iron Steamships:- ORG!NS! AT PRICES " S'r. J.AWRENOE." "SCOTLAND." "THAMES." "SEVEl"tN." "DELTA." i'hc first steamer of this Line ia intended to be dCsplitched fr01n I --o- Onr Books are marked low. A special discouu for Ministers, Teachers, and MILLINERY Sabbath Schools. FOR lviessrs. Bice & :Barker :t.ONDON Quebec and Montreal ON dnring the Season), Stereoscopic Views I Quilp, wl10 bas lieretofore been a Un!versalorder to re· ist, now thinks there are two things destined to move the .skins. · Cut them up and put them Ue eternally lost- hfa c.mbrella, and the man into a sauce-pan, with a little salt, a bit of butter and some fine' crumbs of bread or pounded who stole it. cracker. Let them stew gently u,u hour; if. It tloesu't look well, to sa.y the least, folf a you like them sweet, add sugar ten 1nin.utes bel{ruffas church member to have to draw out his fore serving. revolver in order to get at his two cents for the Ca.ulijl.ower Omeletle, · -'l1ake the white part of contribution box. a boi!ed cauliflower after it is cold and chop it Horse de(l,ler- 'I know you tou't liko hit v.cry smo.11, n.nd inix with it a snff1cient iiun.nti· 'ea.d, and I allow he ain't got a purty 'ead; bnt ty (lf wdl beaten egg, to make a very thick batlor', 111:1\\', look at Gladstone, the cleverest man ter, and then fry it in fresh butter, in a. small in aJl Engln.nd! o.nd look at 'is 'ead!' / pan, a.nd send it to the table hot. In giving- geugra.pl1y leasous down East, 11 A Jlot Lemonade is onti of the best remedies teacher aekcd a boy what Sta.tu he lived iri, and iu the worhl Ioi· a cold. It nets promptly anU was a1nuaed a.t the r.Jply, drawlt:d through the effectively, and has no unple:.umnt after l:'ifee~s. boy's nose, 'A state of ain and misery.' On1:1 lomon properly squeezed, cut b.1 slices, J>Ut 1Arta.xerxos' said. Mr. Ma.rrowfat, SQlcmnly, with sugar 1 and cover with a half pint of boiling 'J1ever get in::i,r1·icd n1y boy. 1.Jittle do you 'vatcr. Drink just be.fore going to bed, and do know what n. responsioility it i1:i to uphol~tcr a not expose yourself on the following day. 'l"'his reme:ly will ward oft an of the chills a.nd wife. Oue of the rneanest thiugs a. small boy can do fever if used promptly. Pu·1·e Soft Watfi: is the best of all bloocl-purih1 to put tacks in the chn,irs. "\vhen be knows that a young rnnn is cmning to call ou his siBter filjtS, It disaolv~e almost every ilnpurity ihflit nfay find its v.·ay ioto the blood, and passee it thnt evening. off through the skin 1 lungs, and kidneys, thu~ An editorial uotice of a woman's grocery '""aabing out the blood without any irritationjn store rea.ds as follows: 'Her tomatoes nre as passing throurb the syste1n and without tho~ red a.a het own checks; her indigo is as blue as chemical changes and deposits which arc likely her own eyes, and her pepper ns hot as her own -to nriso fi·om tho· action of drugs. Why then temper.' uac doubtful, dangerous and often injurious One of the ol<l sett1cra of the Isles of Shoa.11 drugs for purifying the blood when pure ,simpl~, see-ing the name ©f Psyche on the hull of a sa.fiJ, pleasant and far more effectual wator may yacht, the othel' clay, spelled it ont slo 1 \·]y, a.nd be had without money and wit110nt price? then exclaimcrl: 1'\Yell, if that ai111t the durndl' Lamb Ste-u,,-Take half a shoulder of latnb, est way to spell fish!' boil it 'in t"\YO quarts of water for two hours. A party of young 1nen \Yere out serenading Di 'l'hen put in pota.toca, onions, turnips, cut in few nights i.incc. They :m.t- on the pavement, qua.t:tors; ~nd pepper· to taste. 'l'en which had been recently paved with a tnr so- minutes before serving put ill dumplings. lution. Next tnorning the rcru.· .... of six of i)a.nts dot,te<l the walk, and tnMaj.c is hear<l no MANHOOD. more a.iound that cottage. A coloi:eclpren.chcr down Sout h took for bis "J\fanhood in the Christian life is a better text the ·words, "l'hongh a.fter my R"kin worm s thing tl111n hoy hood, because it is a riper dcj,!troy thie body, yet in my fle8h I shaJl rieEil thing; anU ulc.l age ought to be brighter aud God,· which he divided into three ptwta: aa fol· calmer and a more serene thing than n1anlows: 'First, skin 'vorms; second, wh;i~ they f' hood, There is a second youth or rnan, done; third, wlrn,t the man ·!'!een aft~r he WM better and holier than his first, if we will eat up.' look on und not back. There is a peculiar 'fhose who livt:i in glass 110uses i:chould not throw ::itone1:1; or a. 8 a prominent swell e:xpressed silnplicity of heart 1:1.nd a touching l:!ingl~ i~.- 'Dwellaws in chwystaJ palaces 1Jhould re- uess ot purpose in Christian olcl age "'·hich fwain from the pt·op~1lfdon of iwegnln.w·shaped has ripened gradnally and not fitfully. It partidcs of gwanite forrnatiun.' J·es8 so. Wo is then that to the \viscfom of the serpent is ahvays thought so. added the harmlessness of the dove i it is .A. n1inister ~tpproacbed a mi sc11ievous urchin theu that to the firmness of manhood is about twelve yea.ts old. and laying his hand joined alinost the gentleness of womanhood; npon his shoulder, thus addressed hin 1: 'h{y it is then that the somev.·bat austere and son,. I believ~ the devil has got hold of you.' 1I lielieve he ha1:1, too/ was tho tJiQ;nificant r:ply of sour chFLracter of growing alrength, moral the urchin. : nnd intellectual, mallows into the rich ripe- - ---- ---Stewed Toma.toes. · Scald them in Silver 'rongue, :Micoscopes. WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, Bea.ding Qla.sees, . be follo"'·ed at intervals of 'l'EN "' ('l\} DAYS etc., etc AND FROM The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is yery extensive and in trimmed or untrimJ]led Hats and Bonnets every taste can be conever showu in this Aection o'f the country ; also sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be fouw1 . The largost stock of l l ' WWER 'IIIAN ANY PREVIOUSLY I111PORTED. and having resolved to give the -public the beue· fit Of saii.l reduction in cost. they c"ll speci..-.-..1 nttention to the following Price List for the current month. Quebec for London . iiBOUT 7th MAY. "" rl'hr011gh ~rickets fronL all points 'Yest, at RBDBCED ltA'l1ES. Ce1·tificates issue& to p~raon~ desirous of bringing out their friends. Through Bills of Lading issued on the Continent and in London for all parts of Canada. and in the United States to Detroit, ifilwau· kee, OhicaJo, and other points in the 'Vest. ]for Freisht or Pasmlge, apply to, TEMP.llltLEYS, OAR'.l'Eli & DRAKE, 21 Billetei: Street, London; ltOSS & CO. p. BARK~R. In mack and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we havt. a. large sortment, at prices to suit all. llll· Our Stuck of Tweeds, J!'ancy Coating~, Pilots, .Beaver'.';; Peteashams Meltons, etc,, will be ·found unusually hlrge. Style 35; Seven Stops : Diapason, Vio· Jina, Picolo, Principal; Tremolo.Forte, Principal Forte. Price $125 Style 37; Eight Stops: Diapason, Violin a, Picolo. Principal, Tremolo. Fo~e Principal Forte.· Voxhumana. Pnce $140. 1873. -o- 1873. ---o--- Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. . Quebec ; DAVID SHAW, Montreal; or. .JACOB NEADS. w2·9·t 1ncl, Nov. Bowmanville, Style 38; Nine Stops,Dlapason,Vio!ina Picolo, Principal. Tremolo, Forte Snb-ba8e Forte, Sub-base.Vox human ia· Price $180. Octave, Coupler, Tremolo, Forte, Sub base l:'orte. Sub-base, Vox Humana. Price $160. ""Vox in tliese organ s is not n. fan but a set of J~ e cds. FALL STOCK. ---o--Dress Goods of the DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Newest Style. Have you seen Cowle's che;ui lOct Cottons? · Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM OlJT.. TJ n1vst rc~pcctfully tender his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and CUB· tomera, and to the public generally, for the very libr<>ral support he has received since his commencing in busineaa; and hopes by con· tinued strict personal attention to business, a.n<l offering nothing but the purei:!t article1;1. u.t the most reasonable prices, to ensure a. continuance of. public patronage. J. R;_ would uall s1)edal a.ttention to his vory superior stock of W FIVE PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH. The l\'.(al1uf1teturc1·s isf!m"1 but one qm:ility of work, n.ncl that fa GREY COTTONS of tho best mrtke 1 inoludin8' the celebrated · STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's-·-Splendid value. THE ·VERY BEST their extensive facilitie ~:and TO THE Pt1BI_jl0. WALTER WIGG & SON, returning tbanlcs to their numerous cust01ners and the. public i::encra.liy, for .r·a:flt fa.\'OLi! I N"\Vould respectfully invite their !ftttention to ou1· prer:icnt !:!tock of furniture, as w·e la.telY ~have long· experience enabl~ the1n to pi·oduce . DYE STUFFS which a1·e sure to give the b1.:st so.tisfaction. A well selected stock of 'These instruments a?·e cased in solid well seasoned, Black Walnv,t, cleqantly and beaut. i fully 'finisluxl by a new French p1·oeess. THE DURABILITY of the " 8ilver 'l'ongue" is one of its n1ost re· 1no.rkablc characteristics. '!'heir quality of kct1pil1g in goo<l. to11ei also is one of the most practiea importu.nce. DRUGS, GHEllIIGALS, PATEN'l.' 1rfEDIGINES, BRUSHES, OON~BS, -PRIN':rs of unel"lualled added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to anpply n.11 pn.rties who may · lease to favor him with a ~alt Great induce1nents held out to ~hoee purchasing at ,our ~s+-. . abhshrnent. Pie· ~r~s, Lookins: Glassci:i, etc .· aramed to order, and m every style. Sa.m ...-"'ies of ·the different km~ of Mouldings ca.n be seed at the ware·romu. Wt: wouJ<l. also bev to iuforin vou tlia~, having purchased a. ~ M ' SP LEND lD NEW REA :';.~SE, STY:t.)11 a.nd Q'C' A:LlTT STO:EtMONT w~ shall he ready at a. l tiines, to attend fnuerals~ on sh?"\. notice and rcasonnblG termr;. N. l:L-Coffinti kept on hand, and mad1.: to ovder~ at· ~ne NEW D011f1NION RETAIL F'URNITURE WARE-.R001f. Oshn.'\Yn, A\lg. 26th, 1870. RICE&: BARKER, King Street, Bowmanville. .Uowmanvillc, 1-Iarch 3rd 1874 SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Ek kept constantly ou band. COTTON In · TH~ BAGS, King Street East, OshaW3'. · OILS, PAINT, COLORS, V ARNISilES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices. BEST To the l~ha.bita.nts of :Sowma.nville. the World. I a1n about getting a A tra.\eller who has crossed th~ Atlantic tells ness of an old age made S\Veet anU tolerant a story of a atorm when the 1'nin potll'ed down hy experience ; it i~ then that. man returns i11 such torrentg that tbe ocean rooe ten inches. to first principles. There comes a love 'IJ..'here'a no mistake,' aai<l he; besides, the cap· more pure and deep than the boy could ever tain kept a mark on the side of the vessel.' At1 Irishn1an on boa.rd aahii;i was 01·dercd by one of the officers to go below and fi..:tch a jug of water just a..<i the ship was a.bout to sail. 'l'he man hesitated to go, because, aa he said, thP. vessel being n,boutto flail, he wnf> afraid he feel; a. collviction, \Vith a strength beyond that ·which the boy could ever know, that the earliest lesson of life is infinite, Christ is all.-F. W. Robertson. DENTALBtJRRINGENGINE by which I can Horses and Cattle Med!cines. A .BIG- RURH N. B.-Country stoi·e-keP-pers supplied onl the moat advantageous terms. Special hine of COTTONS at OOWLE'S. .A.-ohoice selection of LA).fPS for i:ale cheap. B")wrn:~nville. Dec. 1868. -Om. Ext11a.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usua.l time, nind with less pain to the patient than beretQfore, and t.hat I have procured 0 ExTi{A.C'T'tiT~'.E;~d· ZVr~i~t°T " PA1N. I. ii:i now l' at NEW AND IMPBOV:lllD APPARATUS ARTIFICIAL TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 " " GOOD " " 9H6,QO CASH. should be left behind .. :[lfistresn and Maid. If the mistress, however sorely tried by A clergyman, who WDJJ consoling a. youn" wido"" on the death of her hu.sbt"lind, spoke in a sins of omissiou and commission, however Vijry eeriour;i tone, rema.rking that ho was one of the few-Buch a jewel of a Christian-you can· 111Jt find his e<1ual, you well know. i:ro which tho sobbing ono replied, with nn alnwst broken heart, 'I will, you bet. 1 An I1·i~h1nan found a Government blanket, recently, and rolling it up put it under his arm and walked off, saying: 'Yes that 1s moine - U for l.>athrick, and S for l\1.cCal·ty; be me :-;owl but this larnin' is a foine thirig, as me fayther would rm,;r,for if I hadn't any edication I would not be after findin' me blanket. 1 Destroying all tlie pleasure-at a · fun.eralthe unde1·taker arranged for the husband and 1110ther-iu-law to rl:de in the !:!&.me cnrr.iage. '.Must I,' said'the broken bt:arted n1an, 'must I hdc with that awfuJ wo1nan?' '"\-Yell, if I must1 ed he; 1but to ri<le with her dcI 111ust 1' repli_ strOys all tlie pleas\tre of the occasion!' Thn.t was shrewd advh::e of a learned lu.wyer to a pupil, 'When the facts are in your fa\'Or, bltt t]ie law opposed to you, come out st.rong on the facts; and when the law is in youi· favo1· and the facts opposed to you, come out strong on the law.' 'But,' asked the student, 'when the law and the fa.ct1:1 are Loth against me,w}iat "11all I do?' '\Vhy, then,' said the lawyer, 'talk · a.rvuncl it..' ··).fa 1 didn!t the pan;on si~y last Sundny that tlie sp~du> flew upward?' ·Yes, n1y cli.:ar; how carne you to be 'tbinking of it?' 'Because y~es· tenlay I saw couflb1 Sally's spa:i·k stagger al,1ng tht: street and fall<l.ownwurd-' 'llerc, Bridget, put this child to bed she must begetting sleepy,' A clergyman, wbo owned a farm, fonn<l. 11is ploughman sitting on his plow, resting the hor· ses. Quoth the clergymaII: 'John, wouldn't it be a goqd plan for you to have a good stub· scythe ht:re l'l.Dd be cutt'rng o. few buthes along the fen~e while the horses are resting a short tin1e?' 1\Vouldn1 t it be 'veil, sirt' sai4 Joh:c., 'for yon to have a tub of potatoes in the pul· pit. an<: '<;\·hen they arc a.lnging, peel 'tm a.while to be rt / for the potP TRELEVEN S / READY-MADE CLOTHING Good ,... . and -- Cheap. Bowmanville, October, 1870. bafiled by stupidity and carelessness, c·n but constantly remember that the delinquent is first a woman ; her sister 11y birthright, and only secondarily and by accident he1· servant ; if she en!) but perceive tbat the household dutieo, so simple .and meth· o<l.ical to her clear brain and clever hands, v.Lothing to Order Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. J. M. :Brimaconibe, RHYME AND . LIME. YOURS RESPE01'FULLY MOBBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP It is a well-known Fact tltat Cowle ltas tlie best Tweeds in tlte countPy. ,,, uny be complex and burdensome beyond measure to .the limited intelligence and clumsy 'vays of her hireling ; if she ca.n but {west of the Outal'io Bank.) _________ _____ BLANI{ETS DOMINION BANK. BOWMA!IVILLE AGENCY. and he is determined to continu~ to sell at these ruinously low prices Nothing chectpe» thu.n the IOct Cottons Why he can clo itcheaper than the cheapest. keep a guord upon her tongue and a mask 001i·lc'8, King Firnt, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! ·upon her fu.ce, lest she say a word or show a frown v-.'l1ich she would not sa.y or show if Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures I the offender were her equal or friend; if she Third, he is satisfied with smalI protits: can explain trifling n1atters u.gnin, o..nd yet Fourth, he sells for cash ; snl.ii1crlbo1" ii:! 1>repart:d to build nnd re· a&ain, to thia grown·up child with the calm Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. lN T l[]~. pMr distinctness she would use to the toddlers -oat her knee; if she can believe that these CALL AND SEE lFOB YOUDS'.KLVES, Wagons, Bi1ggles, anll Gutters, Large Variety vexatious; ignorant aliens, consuming her AND substance and her nerves,and making house· keeping a wearines~ to the flesh, are confided to her aa the wards .of Christ who 'vill BRING YOUR l"'RIENDS WITH YOU. Examine the stock, which con1prises everything in the trn,de, of the very latest a.nd most elegru1t styles and pa.t.terns, of English, Cana<liau, and Aweric..w 1nanufaoture. - O- of every desc,ription, at ~hort notice, reasonable terma. ·~n<lu A little Rhyme just in time, And all nbout the beat of Liine. Lin1e from the West of the very be8t, 01'ICE IS HJ<JREBY GIVEN 'l'HA'l' . Not beat in any quarter; the Dominion Bu.nk has openeJ au agency Lime that v.rill always sta.nd tllo te st, tor the transaction of Qusiuess b1 Horsey's 'Vhcn making into mortru.·. Block, two doore east of Broilie's Hotel, King I will try and keep agood~uf!ply, Street. Interest will be allowed on deposits. For it is ahvaya wo.ntcd, · Drafts issued on all 1loiuts in Canada, Unittid 'rh.a.t wbon you all eom1:1 in to buy, States and Grea.t Britain. The Savingl:I Bank You'll not be disappointed. depart1nent is now open. On all tleposits ove1· $4 inte1·est will bo allowed at the rate of 5 per You will a.hvays find it dxy and fresli, .A.nd that is something bonnie, ent per annum.. So come a.long and try this Liu11;:, Office Hours.-l!'ron110 o'clock a.. 1n. 1 tu 0 o'clock ·(>· in., except on Saturdays, when the llut don't forget the Uloney. Bank will close at 1 o'clock, p. m., lI01u·s of delive'!'.f from Nine o.. m. to ]!,our p.n1., J. H. llicLELLAN, Uo1·ner of Queen and Ontario Street. m3ltf Agent. N 'l'HO.S. BOWDEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks Carriages Painted and Trimm cd· the iuost lMting, the least troublesome, and most complete ever invented. They are used and recommended by ruany of tht best lh·eeders in the United States and Canada1 such as G. B. Loring...t Salem, Mass., rresident New England V\7ool Urowcrs' Society· John S. Rosa, Henne· pin, lll. ; Professor l\L 'l\iiles, of tho State · Ag· ricultural CollegebLansing, J!t'Iich.; Hon. Geo. Erown 1 rroronto, nt. ; J ohu Snell, Edmonton, Out. On each l\.ftt.rk is stan1ped the owner's a.nd the Sheep's number. They will be seutfree. by mail, 01· express 1 for only four cents each, and will last for TW.l'iNTY YEA.RB. W Cash mul:!t accompany all orders AROIHBALD YOUNG, JR., Sarnia, Ont. Orders addressed to the MEllOHN'l' and On. SERVn Office, fo1 any quaµtity, will be filled at tho above.mentioned price, as quickly a.a he ~Ia.rks t:a.n be l'nade and sent. C. BARKE!\, Bow!nanville,Dec~ 28th, 1871. 13n1ly llowmatlV ille 1 ?!--larch 11th 1_ 871. no2-"l. t.f one day ask how s)le kept His faith with the least among them, nine times out of ten Hi:' still continues t.o lnc~nufal~ture she will make her incapable put on cap·· city, whi~e_ , a geneTatiou of fit mistres::cs tu order, fro1n tho btir:it of inaterinl, nnd none but fit'st-class workmen kept. · -o··- THESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, SO, HO! Gentlemen of :Fa.shion. ---NOT SO FAST. I haYe written these fo1v line's And all I have to say, That you can find n1e still at home . I am not gone away ; So all my kind old friends may (Jnme ;. And all the young .:.ines to(\ And get their garments nic..'ill'y·m.-ade In fashions that ll.e·1v-, Where old and young dehr fricnd8 ruay ~ meet A welcome greeting by R. PEA'.rE .. Bowman ville June 19th, 1873~ OrderS Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He has iu ~t0ck an endless v:iriety of f\.nd Gents' Sarntogu. 'l'rUuks, '\'"alises, &c., all uf on th which h~ is selliug- cheap fol" cci.,15h , -o- in cheerful rooms and "'armed with a. sense· Bllwmanville 1 }fa~ 13, 1874. that its avocations are of great bei:iefit to .society, and worthy to be treated with as lull 1 -=:================================~ respect as the avo.::.ations of law-maker ?r MARRIAGE LIOENSES preacher, perhaps cook and house-maid world huve neither need nor deaae to 'bet· ter' thcr.nselves, but would Btay in the first LAXK CERTll!,IC .A.ES, At)plications family that gave them ~·elcome till. tl!"Y _&c., &c ., can be lwocnred at this office, at 1:1b~uld have homes of their own.-Ch1·istian reguJar rates. Bowrna.1n1ille, July 7th 1 1873. Union. of cook or house maid. If it were made full of the brightness which the fe~ling of mutual kiudneaa diffuses, if it \Vere ].Jasse<l. would create a race of fit servants. \Ve have 110 rirrht to forget hO'iV narrow and GommOnpla~ and unvarying is tbe life A Blacksmith's Shop pre1nis~st were specin.l attentio;n R to all given 'Win ceys--a. Dead Job. Remember the Stand,, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. · M. TRET "CIVEN. J..1E.1 issued by work, !md General .fobbing. N. B.---Specia 1 inducement given to CASH Purchasers. ITo B I 1 Masters of I.. O. I. .All worlc done at this Establishment ioa1·ranted. n. call i.s i·espect.fully aolicitljd. · ,T, lliORRIS. Bowmanvi11e, Oct, lat, 186~. F. Y. Cowle W. R. OLIMIJ:; .· tho Statesman Office Bownµnville Bowwa1.ville Nov. lfb · · ------