THE MERCHANT. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER.. Circulates largely in the To'\'/nehips of Darlington, Clarke a.nd Cartwright, It is a. common platior1n, open to the free discussion of a.11 quear:«ona in 'vhich the general public are concerned. TERMS. · .. WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job :Printing omce KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-five cents per annum, in advance. The 'Merchant' and · Obser· ver,' $2.oo. RA.TES OF ADV.l'.JtTISING. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. .,, VOLUME VI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1874. !~UMBER One column 45 per a.nnwu. Half do. 25 " Quarter do. J5 " ~rransient a.clvcrtiscments,5 eta per line first insertion, and 2c. per line, subsequent one. v POSTERS, PAM:PHLE'rS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS ' &c., &c., &c. . EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! COME and SEE · Trains will leave Bowmanville Station, i 1owmanville time, as follows : GOING \VEST. GOING EAST. HILL'S I,o cal* ....... 7:20, a..m. ] E,.cpress .. , .... 8::30 a.m. Ex11ress . ...... 8.55 a.m .. : Mixed. u..... :3:50 p.m. Mixed ....... 3,20 p.m. I Looal ........ 7,20 p.m. Exp.'"OSl!I · · .· 8:50 p. in. I Expreas ..... 8.50 p.m. "*'!' traiu 11lDS every inorning of week, ~londaya excepted. 'the following trains now stop at S~xony for pnssengers : Local goiug west, dtte at ......... 7:52 a. m. Mixed going east, due at ......... 3:47 p. m. Mixed going west, due at ......... 3:47 p. m. Local going east; due at ......... 7 :22 p. m . Montreal time. , d . _ _ 00 s ry G Fall &Winter D ---:o:- A LARGE LOT OF LADIES' and G·EN'l'S'· FlTRS Bowmanv1lle. Nov. 1st, 1873. VERY OI-IEAP. Prof. J. Ruse, G Friendship, N e'v YCII'k.. TtADUA'rE of Baxter University of 11-!usic, Teacher of Instrument, Cultivation of the Voice, 'l'horougl1 Basa, Harmony and Compo11ition. 41-ly Darlington, July 16th, 1874. B. PEA.TB, TAILOR. Ge.nt· lemen's & Boy's Garments MADE IN THE- · 1' EWES T STYLES. ]3owma.n'.ville, July, ~' 1869. R R LOSCOMBE, JMRRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLWITOR IN ·cHANOERY, lf:c M 0Fl:'TCE,-0ver ].:t:cClung's Store, eame fiat J. M. Brimac~b'f'I Denta.l Rooms. Bowmanville. Oct. 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE ISSU.ll!D B'Y LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR BEAUTIFUL TEETH ,1'. M. BRIMACOMBE L D. S I Re;n. ;\,s over l\.fcOlung Brof!. Stores, Bo,vmanvilh '~ Oct. 1st, 1870. 1 ~SSUED Teeth E 'traeted at Twenty-five Cents Importers of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc. MARRI~~GE LICENSES BY JOHN. ,J. WILLIAMS Chenywood ~"oat-office Pickering Ont FALL CIRCULAR.' Bowmanville, Sept. 187 4. McCLUNG Buos. are now fully assorted in the various departments for the Season, having received, with the exception of a few packag!ls, their entire Fall and Winter Imports. The greatest care has been bestowed in the purchase and selection of this Stock, one of the firm having himself visited the leading European markets and manufactories for that purpose. They have the largest Stock ofDress Goods,Silks,Shawls, Mantles, Skirts, Cottons, Flannels, Winceys, Tweeds, Overcoatings, Mantle-cloths, Blankets, Carpets, etc., etc., ever bought in Bowmanville. All these goods have been purchased on the most advantageous terms, a great portion of them having been bought for CASH. If you will favor them with a call, you will feel assured thai few, if any, retail establishl)ients in the country, can offer· for your inspection a larger, cheaper, and better assorted _ stock. It affords them pleasure to show their goods and they court comparison. Things are already on the move-call early. G. D. L<}Ckhart, D ENTIST Graduate o'f the Royal College of Dental 8ugeons, Ont. Office over F. li~. 1'fcArtbu1·'s Store, King St., Bo"'·manville. llowmanville, Oct. 23rd, 1873 m3-tf. W. H. WILSON, BOWM-ANVILLE, Qenera.l Age:ri.t for PIANOS, ORtlANS, MELODI- A NB tMid SEWING MAG HINES RaymPnd Sewing Machin!l, A SPb'QIALITY. __.,,, Instruction gi~'en, a.nd jtl:Sfirnments and D.fa. chines guaranteed. Bowmanville, June 18, 1874. McClu~g Bros. AUCTIONEERS For the Township <'.·f Darlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. ProrntJt attt.ntion given to salee, &;.c, on re.aaonable terms. .... Wlll.. Barton., ENNISKILLEN. Sales pro1nptly attended ta.on reasonable ternt1. - - - ---- -- - - - - --- Robert, Young, F'£ERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the 'Veterinary Colfege. By appointment V eterinary Surgeon to the \Vest Durhum and Darlington Union Agricultura.l V Societies. .t\.gent for the Liv· Stock Branch of the Beaver and 'foronto :&fut11a.l .Fire Insurance Co. Veterinary Medjci.nes constantly on hnnd. Call~ from the country promptly attended to. Offico :-One door of:{{.. MGning's Fur· nituee VVareroom. Residence o~·er S. 'Burden's .kore, oorne1· of King and Scugog Streets, Bownianvillle. niltf · LUMBER. l{E Subscriber re_spectfully requests all parT ties indebted to bun (or to settle their accounts without further delay. .And he Lumber, NEW GOODS. My New Goods h1we hereby inforu1a builders:, o.nd others in \vant of lumber, that he is r:rep_~red to supply the1n at cash rater~ for Cash. Henceforth he intends to <lo a cash business. THOS. SMITH, Lot 19, 6 Uon. Darlington. LIME! LIME! ~EARLY F WILLIAM SPEAR. Church Street, nearly O'Pposite the Alma Hotel Bowman ville. Jnne 19th 187:l. tf OR SALE in any quantity, Apl?lY to 1873. mStf. ALL COME TO HAND AND and the assortment will be'Jouncl · VERY COMPLETE ALLAN LINE STEAMSHlPS. LivM·pool London, and Glasgow on. Til.\keta, or infr.rmation.J. apply to F Bowmiuivillc, .Tune 9th, 1871. W. A. N.lliADS, Agent. tf-30 PRICES MODERATE Tl;e Public are solicited to call aml see for themselves. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADU-1.\.TE of the Univeri!ities of T1·inity G College, 'l'oronto, and Victoria College, of CoboUl"J. Licentiate of the of Ph;y-sici Coll~ge ans, and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office, fil'lg Street, one door west of Oornish's J'ewelly Store, Bowman,·ille. ~(r H. ELLIOTT JUN bp- aprin~ upon the platform. Had he changed 'Be.muse you do not care for me,' he reOf the old city in its glory, the accounts some of thorn after trying the contents of his mind and returned to the farm-hous~ 1 plied. by contemporaneous ""riters are high cert1:1in canisters, carefully losded their It was not likely; in his present state of 'Bu~-I think I do for you, Tom 1 ' wrought and florid. It 'vas, to take their Written at My Mother's Grave. waistcoat pockets fromrthem. He followed feeling: he \VOuld not court a meeting "'ith she said, coining tr1 llis side to adjust the re· descriptions1 a capital 'tvith one hundred suit, and found the snuff had come out of Mr. Hastings. Helen felt-she knew not fractory handkerchief'. 'I did not want to; B¥ GEORGE D. :PRENTICE, churches, and equipages luxurious as l\f11.. the fiery ordeal very tmuch improved in why-a vague consciousness of anxiety. b~t you know it is so natural to like peo- drid, with the splendid living of the regal 'l'he tren1bling dew drop falla 'Ralph,' turning suddenly toward her ple whom you have compelled to fe"l grate- circle of Escurial. ~1uch of this is exng- pungency and aroma. Like a wise n1nn he Upon the :ihutting flowers-like souls at rest, said nothing, but took another place, set np The stars shine gloriously-and a.11, lover, 'I want to go up into the valley-it ful to you.' ge ration, but it had much of the superb. · lot of ovens, and before long, Black Y urd S:>.ve me, fa bleat. will not be dai·k for more than two hours ' I know,' answered Tom, very \vell sa.t- The cathedral wao a treasury of art and Snuff-otherwi·e "Irish Blackguard"yet ; will you go 1' !\-!other J- I lovt: thy gi·ave ! isfiel with the explanation. ' And, aft~r elaborate ornan1eatation, Gold, ivory, and ·r:r.e Yiolet, '"ith tbl.l blossom blue and mild, '\Vait till to-morrow,' he ans\vered, mind· all, Helen, eircuwstances which would not precious stones deco1·ate(l the vestments of was all the rage with lovers of nasal titilla- , \Vavcs o'er tl1y bead- '\'hen shall it ·wave ful of hil! tight boots, and in no mood for permit me to be a hero allowed you to be a Virgin aud Saints. These are no'tv in par- tion ; and in a few years I.undyfoot was .. rich man, owing to the accident he thought AboYe thy chilJ ? rock-climbing. 'You are pale, Helen- heroine-it h really too baJ.' tial ruin, save t't\·elvo monn$tic and conven~ yes, and actually shivering, too. This air ".l'is :\ 1:1weet flower- yet inust 'You should be very thankful to circum- tual chapters, with church, chapel, and dor- had ruined him. A would bealchemist,seekIts bdght leaves to tht> co1ni~g tempest bow, is fevcr·and·agueish,' '"rapping her shawl stances,' laughed Helen, 'for if Jou bad mitories to eacl1, and in one, alas for Pio ing to discover-what mixture of earth would Dear lnotber-'tis thiDe t:uli.1lem- dust more closely about her as he spoke. 'Come, saved my life I would have been your IT!Or- Nono, are the mules and spindles of a cot· make the strongeat crucibles, one day found le on thy brow I let us get home as soon as possible.' tal enemy always; and, until you tumbled ton ruanufactory from Manchester! Ghost he had made porcelain. Instead of transmutAnd l could loYe to dic'I will not J l mean I can not !' Helen over that precipice I thought you ratl1er an of Santa Catarina, do not. leave your conse- ing metals, as be ha<! fondly hoped to do, To leave unta:sted life's dark, bitter streams ; replied, excitedly. 'You must go with me, awkwarll. person, and felt very \Yell content crated crypt to avenge the ·acrllege to your Roftger transmuted himself ; as if he had By thee, as erst jn childhood, lit-, Ralph; I am afraid sowething has happen- to marry ~fr. Hastings.' na1ne and institution, the construction is been touched with a conjuror's wand 1 he .A ·.id tlhare thy drea.1111:1. ed to T- Mr. Ford.' massive and proof againBt everything but was on a sudden transformed from an alche .. And n1ust I linger here, A Doomed City. 'Who is Mr. Ford 1' asked he, with a look a"ferrern.oto. In the apartment of a partial- mist into a potter.-Ohamb<rs' Journal. 'fo stain the plun1age of my sinlea.s years, 'ivhich was by no means lover-like. ly ruined convent lhe upper story toppled ~.\nd mourn the hope of childhood dcnr Doing a Dun. '!'BE HECENT EAR'l'HQU.Q.KE IN GU;\TEMAJ..A 'He is a gentlcLnan who has been boardfrom its foundations leaving the ground "-rith bitter tears? PAR'rIAL DESTRUCTION OFANTIGUAiug at ~frs. ICidder 1s, this sununer,' replied suit of rooms uninjured, which were occu'I have a small b!ll against you,' said a A DESCRIPTION 01!., !'I'S DEAU'l'I:E'UL Aye~ must I linger here Helen, the color rushing ove" r her face in pied. The measuren1ent iu the greatest pernicious-looking collector as he entered A lonely branch upon n. blasted tree, SCltROUNDINGS. spite of her efforts to appear indifferent. window ·was nearly six feet in thickness. the store of one who had acquired the char· 'Vhof:!e last frail leaf, untimely sere, ' He was to reLurn to the city this afterLaid in a ceinent, the compositiou of which rater of a hard customer.' '\Vent down \vith thee? AsnFIELD, ~fass. Oct. 12.-'l'he late acnoon, taking the trl\iu here, and he has failia DO\V unknown, it becan1c indura.ted to ' Yes, sir, a very fine d"°' indeed,' wa!!I 0£t from lift:J'8 withered bower, count of the partial destruction of Antigua, 1 ed to do so, and-the ~olidity of rock, and could only be the reply. Iu still communion with the past I turn, Guatemala, by an earthquake, brings back 'Can not a man change his mind if he displaced by the agencies of drlll and powAnd muse on thee, tl1e only flower 'I am not ·peaking o( the weather, but with perfect distinctne1:1s of recollection iLs der. sees fit 1' ~1r. Ha.stings interrupted, hallIn memory's urn. your blll,' replied the collector in a loud site,its scenery,and its long series of cahunijestingly, half-angrily. 'Don't be so foolReduced for a 'vhile, it \vas never entire- key. .And, "'~hen the evening pale ties. Situated about nine leagues or twentyish, my darling,' he "'cnt on ; 'it is not ve:ry ly depopulated. Since that period unt;l Bows like a mourner on the dim, blue '\'ave, 'It would be better .if we a little rain.' seven miles from the capital, you pnss over complimentary to me your fretting aboul now there has been no damnging convul! stray to hear the night winds 'vail 1 Confound the rain, 1 continued the colthe intervening hills and valleys of the disAround thy gravu. another fellow the firat evening of our meetsion. \Vith the introcluction of cochineal lector, and, raising hie voice, added, 'have tance on a smooth and solid ].facadam road, ing. W c will go back now, and if he is not as. a cul ti vation,so1ne thirty yeara ago, it bas you money to pay this bill 1' VVhere ia thy spirit flown? nntl cross bridges of stone, with guardings at the house, somebody shall be sent in I gaze above-thy look is ill'}agcd therereclain1ed u. portion of its forn1er p1·osperity, 'Beg youtipardon, I'm bard of hearing, in \\'alls of labored finish, Hanking Agna, ! lieteii, a11d thy gentle tone search of him, I promise you.' and has now a population of twenty thou- I've made it a rule not to lend my funds to one of the twin volcanoes 1 clown a sharp deIs on the air. 'It may be too late then,' said Helen· saucl. strangers, and I really don't recognize you.' clivity, into the amphitheatre of the old 'You must come \Yith me, R.llph,' taking Oh, oomt!- whilat here I press . The growth of this dyeing material, so ' I'm colloctor for the Daily Extingui·her city. My brow upon the grave-and, in tbo1:1e mild his hand. valuable to the arts, is, under fortunate in· neWspaper, sir, and I hnve a bill agJ.inat Spread out in a plain alu1cst level, and 1\.nd thrilling tones of tenderneas, ' I will do nothing of the kind l' answercidents, more remunerath·e than any other you,' persisted the collector, at the top of which may have been the bed of a lakc,you Bless, bleB1:1 t11y child l ed the irat< lover ; ' and if yon go it will be yield of the soil, but its accidents are fre- bis Yoice, producing the bill and thru~ting take in at one glance a vista of unsurpassed Yes, bless thy weeping child, in disobedience to my express commands.' quent and perilous to profit. A permature it in the face of bis debtor. loveliness. From bases so near to each And o'er thy urn-reli"ion's holie~t Bhr!neMr. Hastings looked really imposing in his shower sweepa off the insect and colors the 'I've determined to endorse bills for no other that ooly a narro\V passage \\~ay separOh, give his spirit undefiled wrath. wat<r with the hue of blood. The trenches one ; you may put the bill back into your To blend with thine, ates them,arc the volcanoes Agua andFuego ' When was I ever known to obey yoube~ween the rows look like the scuppers of pocket-book ; I really can't endorse it.' -Christian Union. soaring in ahnost regular cones to a height or any one else I' retorted Helen, with flasha bottle ship or the sanguinary currents of ' Confound your endorsement ! Will ycu of over sixteen thousand feet, \Vi th a lower ing eyes. ' I would now if'-trying to say armies in conflict. The peculiarities of cli- not p·y it 1' range of mountains encircling the entire bu~ something tragic, but failing-' if [ were mate O.nll locality which govern its culture 'You'll pay it no doubt, sir, but there's sin. Surrounding the co1npactly built city, certain that I should lose my way and be have not been investigated. There are only always a risk about these matters, you and within it, ure the plantations of Nopal, compelled to stay out all night in the c6ld.' four points where its growth will pay. kno't\r; so I muet decline it.' from 'vhich cotne the pfloiluct of cochiueal, NO HERO AFTER ALL. And shaking off his detaining grasp, she ~Yhat these conditions are is so far an un1 The money must be mine to-day.' whose culture bas bei;:n the resustication of was gone in a moment. solved problem. There may be volcanic 'Ob, yes, ninety days, but I would not its ruins. In distinct fields of about two (Concluded.) 'I suppose tbat every 'voman must be influence~, for each place of raising is near endorse a bill for yon at a week; so get out acres, enclo':led by an ndo l>e \Va11 of soru~ (Fi·om the Aldine, for Oct.) either a slmplet0n or a vixen,' philosophicto the bases of peaks, which have been erup- of my store. It is seldom that I am pressI think I can get down there,' soliloquiz· ally observed Mr. Hastings, as he wended eight feet in elevation, to protect from winds tive, thongll now and for years in quietude. ed upon for nn endorsement, even by n ed Tom Ford, the next forenoon, peering his solitary ¥lay ho1nev,·ard ; 'but such ex- the cactus vegetates, and when in full flow~ friend ; on the paM of a stranger, sir, it ia over the rocky wall. 'At !~st it is worth hibition of temper and wilfUlness on Helen's er, seen from the higher grountls, shows a Do not force me to put you inexplicable. blending of green and crimson dotting the my while to try-it will eave a mile of part was rnally very unpleasant.' out : leave the premises.' Fortunate Accidents. inte1 va1s....wi th parterres glowing in floral walking if I succeed.' Swinging himself The walk was a long one, and night was The bill- was rel urned to the Extinguisher over, he crept cautiously dow1l\vard, Half Inst falling when Helen reached the entrance beauty. Do not pause to admire t.he fasoffice, endorsed : -'So dreadfolly deaf Iha· cinations of the outer landscape, but pass The cracking of a picture placed in the the descent had been made safely, when his of the valley. She and Tom had ex}'lored he could'nt understnnd. 1 foot slipped and he feH, carrying with him it together frequently ; but now, in the through the ancient gall!way into the plaza sunshine set Van Eyck experimenting to through building ruined in appearance, produce a varnish that would dry in the the rock to which he was clinging. shadowy twilight, it looked so wild and forTo Young Men. '\Vhen be recovered consciousness he bidding, that she shrank back involun tari- with massive walls prone in heaps from the shade. He found whot he sought, and found force of the terrible convulsion,the 111 agnifi- beside that by tnixingit with his colors they fonnd himself lyiug at the botton1 of the ly, Don't avoid the society (If a superior Would it not be worse than folly to --precipice, pinioned to the ground by a inass riek her life an1ong its rocks and chasms, cent cathedral roofless, with t]fe faded dee- acquired greater force nndlbrilliancy,aml rc- young ""Omnn because you fancy they reorations of its ,volls, the prostrated altars, quired no subsequent varnishing i and so of rock and earth which bad fallen upon because of a mere nervous fancy. alize their superiority ; you w:Jl Jlnd that As she and the filth and rubbish of its destrnction about the discovery, or re-discovery of J1iu1. really intelligent women who possess the stood irreaolute--feeling her courage fast 'Unlucky that I have not the use of both ebbing, a f< cry seemed to fall upon her as it 'vas after the destTO.)'Ing night. On the n1'L of po.intiog in oil. l\.lezzotintn owed n1ost desirable qualities, are unirormly modai'n1s,' he thought, having finished the con- ear. She listened eagerly. Did some one the other side of the square is the old pal- its invenlwn by Prince I.tu pert, to the est, and bold their charms in modest estitemplation of his situation. ' Wel1, I must ca~ 'Helen,' o; 'tvas it only her imagination 1, ace of the Vice Royalty, one half in heaps simple accid.ent of a sentry's gun barrel be- mation. What such women most admire of rock and cement and the other still ltn· ing rusted by the de"'· Henry Schnnward, see what I can accomplish with one. Phew! iu men is gallantry, not the gallantry of 'It was like Tom's voice,' she said to herharnH·d, while over its principal entrance o. Nuren1berg glass cutter, to let how it pains ~ rne ; I inust have bruised it courts and fopa, but boldness, courage, de· self, with a shiver, 'only so faint u11<l unthe escutcheon of the empire, with its dou- son1e ac1uu.fortis fall upon his spectaoles, badly coming down.' earthly.' Her timidity had all vanished ble eagles, as if respected by the elements, and noticed the was.corroded and soft- votion and refined civility, A mnu'a bearAs he ·P-oke be attempted to lilt tho now, and ·he went resolutely on, falling ing wins ten superior women \vbere bis is undisturbed in its carved heraldry. ened where the aquafortis had touched it. free arrµ, but it dropped _FO\Verless by his boots and brains wln one. The rest may be over prostrate treea, cli1nbing up the rugWe have spoken of its evil fortunes which Takiug the hint, be made a liquid uccor1li:>ide. 'Broken, as sure nrlate !· he exclaimsafely left to the parties most interested, ged sides of projecting rocks, urging her leads to earlier annals. After the com- i11gly, drew son10 figures upon a piece of ed, with · grimace of mingled pain and way through tangled masses of vines and pleted conquests ofl\fexico, Alvarado, the gla~s, covered them 'vith varnish, an<l. ap- Therefore never be afraid ofa woman. Wo· an1uP.e1neut. ' Was ever a :f'elio\v in a sormen are the most harn1less and agreeal)]e underbrush, heedless of her cut and bleedfavorite captain of Cortez, wns despatchet.1 plied hie corroding fluid, cut away tho glass rier predicament 1' creatures in the world, to a man Who has ing hands and feet, her fast-failiug strength, for new territory and rapine. IIe halted around his dn1,ving, so that whenhcremov'It won't do,' he said, after a score of 1 If you have not and intent only upon reaching the spot his colun n at tho base of ~<\.gua,two leagues ed the varnlsb the figures appeared raised got a man a: soul in him. ' I am 1 fruitless efforts to release hin1self. got the spirit to come to a test like this, you whence that cry had come, !ron1 the preisent situa~ion of Antigua, and upon a dark ground, and etching upon glass here, and here I must stay till some one ' Shull I ever find him 1' she thought, determined to take formal possessiou of the was added to the ornamental arts. Aloie have not got that in you which moat pleases oomea to my assistance.' 'And thereupon despairingly, as her foot caught in a tree- country, and found there its capital. The ,,Senefelder, playwright and actor, thinking a high-souled woman, and you will be obhe shouted at the top of his lungs for help. liged to content your.elf with a simple girl root and she fell once more. Putting out ceremonies \ve:te in tJ,e fullest magnificence it possible to etch upon stone in lieu of The valley gave back the echoes of hil! "V;·bo in a. quiet way is endeavoring to at· her hand to aid bersell in rising, she touchof the pomp of a semi-religion and the rnili- copper, polished a slab for tbe purpose. tract and fasten you ; and one years' posvoice, but there ¥-'US no other re~ponae. ed something that was neither etoue nor tary glory of these conquistadort:,fresh from He vvas disturbecl by his mother coming Still, again and again he called- each session of the heart and hand of a really wood. She gra·ped it eagerly-it w .. an victory and flush with the gold of their ac- into bis omall laboratory with a request time more ·weakly than before, for his arn1 in a rough coat sleeve-a mrumuline quisitions. 'l'he cross first rose, and then that he would jot down her list of things noble specimen of her sex is worth nine strength 'tvat fast lcnving him; bnt no hundred 9.Ud ninety·nine year's possession arm evidently, and the discovery sent a. the foundations of the city were laid, and a for the 'vash, as the 'voman was \Vaitiog to lucky chani::e sent a person by -rvithin reach thrill to her hear<. of a s'tveet creature with two ideas in her young metropolis grew up with the lavish take the baeket away. 'l'bere being neither The pain ot the of that despairing cry. head, ana nothing new to say about either An instant more, and the injured man riches of these knightly pltmderers of the paper or ink handy, Senefelder scribbled broken a.rm \YRS intense, ancl bis cramped of them. moved a little ancl murmured 'Helen,' in a wealth of a simple and unwarlike people. the items on his atone with hi· etching position added to his misery ; his throat was feeble, almost inaudible tone. Agua is nu extinct volcano, \vith n. crater prepartion, that he migh~ copy them at his Physical Evils of Tobacco. parched 1Vith thirst, wliile the glare of the Helen did not shriek, nor faint, nor call broad and of great depth. During the rainy leisure. Some time afterward, when about sun, as it ro"8 higher, well nigh blinded him~' darling,' as a heroiue would have done. A prominent physician-a man of large him: Ia such ll.gony us he hu..i never dream- tlhe only said quietly, 'I am Lere, Tom ; season it became filled with water, and in to clean the stone, he thought he might ao professional experience and obaervationone terrific night, with rending thunder well see what would be the effect of biting ed of he lay as the weary houro dragged by, telrme, are you hurt badly 1' and a reeling eartbquake,a fissure v,ras open- the stone 'tvith aquafortia, and in a few specifies the following as among the terrible and the tlay journeyed toward its end. 'Is it you, Helen, renlly you 1' be aned into its walJ, and the 1,vhole mass of it.s minutes oow lhe writing stanUing out in re· consequences of smoking and chewing : Would help ever come 1 he wondered, swered, excitement lending him strength. Tobacco contains an essential oil, and contenta came down in a . surging torrent lief. Taking up \lie pelt-ball charged with straining his ears to ca.tell the slightest 'My arm is broken, and there is a n1ass of upon the devoted population. Every house, he inked the stone took off a nicotine, both of which are highly poisonsound. earth and rock upon me. I have been ly\\'as s\\·ept froni its fountlations, and every few impressions upon paper, and he had in- ous. '!'he place was a lonely and deserted one iag here ever since morning, and had given rl'obacco, when first smoked, or chewed, lile was a victim to ito unpitying submer- vented lithography, The pelt-ball used by seldom visited, except by some wandering up all hope of being re·cued. Did you come sion. The wife of Alvarado ,vas one of the Seneftllder was long indispensible in a print- or snuffed, deranges the whole system. a.tList in search ot the picturesq neJ and there to look for me-I have thought of you couUl\COunted den.CT 'tvlio \Vere borne in Gin in- ing-office. A Salopian prlnter in a. hurry . Tobacco, by preventing the nourishing WltS no one to miss him or gro.w anxious at saliva, prevents the due elabor·tion of chyle tinually .' slant to eternity. The husband, absent in ' to g?t on with a job, ~ould n.ot find bis ball, and blood. !tis absence. Helen would take for grant'Yes,' returned Helen, ha.stily, thinking Europe, escaped to die later in tl.e lir.gering and tnked th{form with a piece of soft glue Tobacco exerts a special influence on the et.I that he had returned to the city, and so that had fallen out of a glue-pot, with such brain and nervous system generally. he wotild be left to perish slowly of thirst tbatfurtber questions might prove embar- misery of a Spanish dungeon, Tobacco, by weakening the nerves, prorassing,' nnd no'tv I am going back for help. All that remains ot the obliteraled an- excellent results \bat he henceforth <lJScardand starvation . duces morbid excitability and irritability. I will not be long ; you shall be safe at ed the pelt-ball altogether, and by adding And while he was thus dying she would cicnt city is the barranca ploughed out of Tobacco impairs the senAes of smelling be laughing away the joyous moments with hon1e within two houra. I assure you. Keep the mountain aides by the rushing flood, treacle to the glue, to keep it from harden- and tasting, and often, bearing and seeing. ing1 hit upon the composition of which. Tobacco seriously affects the action of the llfr. Hastings by her side. Ilis fancy pic- up a good heart till I come back.' and the chancel ot the old cathedral, its 'How did she know that I failed to take grey boulders and thin ivy garniture en· printers· rollers have ever since been made· heart, and circulation of the blood. 1\ired the pair together, aud lie ground his Tobacco mars beanty, destroys the comthe train 1' queried Tom, mentally, as the closing the bones of the dead, bleached by Three very different discoveries are recordteeth iu impotent fury and despair. plexion, and impairs the brilliancy of the ed to have resulted from the unintentional Then, as the day declined, and darkness, sound of her footsteps died away. Bruised .the storms and sunshine of more than three eye~. Tobacco ~moke in confinei rooms is wry stealing through the valley, wrapped itself and aching as he was, he would not juot centuri~s with no covei-irut except the firm- application of intense heat. Pliny attribute· the discovery of glass to some merchants injurious to sickly women and chlldrnn. about! l1im 1 half-delusive fanices came to then have changed places with Mr. Hast· un1cnt. Tobacco consumers are more liable to travelling with nitre, who stopping on the make him forgetful of pain. Helen was be· in gs. The new city wa.s theu founded, but from disease than if they 'vere in a natural conbauks of a river to take a n1eal, 'vere at a .ide him-he could hear her soft tones, feel the first it rocked and heaved on the billows dition. loss for stone( to rest their kettles upon. Tobacco weakens the constitution and the clasp of her haod ; she did not love Mr. 'Dtn't make excuses for him, Tom,' said of intestine cremation ; eart.hquake followed Hasting·, but himself, and so she had He len, in a vexed tone, and ·walkiug rest- earthq uake,.Fuego rained down ashes which Putting them . upon pieces of nitre they renders recovery from sickness a greater . sought him out to tell hi.n so. A· the less! l' to and fro as Tom himself had done darkened tbe 'air and encum15tred the streets, kindled their fires; the nitre, dissolved by difficulty. Tobacco has a tendency to superinduce the l1eat, mixed· with the sand, and the vision vanished he lost consciousness for on the evening, before Mr. Hastings' expect- and lava and scoriro burned out tbC verdure par.lysil!. n1erchants "'ere astonished to see a transparTobacco harms the gums nnd teeth, the first time in his life. ed arrival. of the plnins. ent matter flowing over the ground, which Tobacco poisons the blood. At length the fiDal opening of fiesnre and 'Why not I' asked Tow, watching her was nothing else but glass. Charles' ' GoodTobacco is a known cause of enfeeble' 'l'hn view does not strike me as a par- from the louuge on which he lay. ' I ad- upb eaving can1e lvitb all of its terror and year had for years experimented in vain, ment to the posterity of its consumeni. ticularly fine one, deal',' sAid ~fr, Hastings, mit that he behaved badly ; hut then he devastation. The accounts given by the Tobacco arrest· the growth of the young, hoping to deprive india rnbber of its sns~ !Jalancing himself on the railing of the had re .. on t) be aggravated. Answer his prjests in written antl printed chronicles and thereby lowers the stature. ceptibility to the action of heat and cold. Physicians to insane asylums decide that bridge, nnd surveying the scenery 'vith a letter, Helen, and say that you forgive biru.' are thrilling in lhe;t' descriptions. The Conversing with a friend on the subject, be a large proportion of the cases of insanity earth groaning and undulating as if in some glance of calm disapproval. He stopped, feeling that heroism and a.if. empbasieed an assertion by flinging a piece represented in these jnstitutiona ure the regreat agony ; the shrieks ot distress and the 'It is not vc1·y p1'etty/ Helen replied ; sacrifice could go no further. of sulphured rubber across tho room. It sult ol' nervous derangement induced by 'but-I wanted to come.' She was looking ' I ·will never see him again !1 .she ans,ver· cries for mercy ; with reeling walls, the at· lighted upon the stove ; ar.d 'vhen he smoking and chewing tobacco. In Germany, 1Vhere the pipe and cigar are used, there is very inlently at the railroad track-~ plea.s- ed, her slender, Uark eyebrows coming a. mosphere thick with dust of falling edifices, picked it up, a few days afterward be found the largest nnmbet of cases of nervous in· ant object for contemplation, as any lover of little closer together. ' I know now that I ·nd with all this a pealing thunder which the intense heat to which it had been sub- sanity. If this :iarcotic can break do~n .the beauty will admit. never had any real affection for him-thank answered the subterranean sounds of fear jected had conferred upon the mdia-rubber German constitution end craze the aiieavy, ' Suppose, then, that we go home,' mildly fortune I found it out before it ~vas too late.' concentrated in a eombintd horror of dieas .. strong, deliberate, well-balanced aermau just the q11ality he had so long striveu to mind, what should it not do for ue Ameri· ter and .goe. suggested l\Ir. Hastings, ofTering her liia impart to it. According to some, he stumul- cans '1 Our country, our customs, our in'Poor Hastings ! I aw sorry for him,' It was not destroyed any more than "·as ann. ed upon tl10 discrn.·ery in e.cliffcrentmu.nner stitutions, our temperament, our race for rejoined Tom, gtavely 1 trying to arrange Lisbon by a like convulsion, or our own '~Vait a II101nent-lh e lrilin is cou1ing,' but, at any rate, vulcanised india-rubber 'vea1th and honors and things we know not, the sling in which his disabled arm rested, Chi~go by the scourge of file. It 'tva.s no unswered sh~, us the ehriek of the loc.01noall tend to tobacco a ·worse foe to 'mildly sorry- that is, I pity myself a hnn- habitation for man, and a royal rescript or· \Yat> LlJe creation of an accident. .A. Limer- A1nericans thaa to Germn.ns. Let our tive was heard: The train came-slacked ick tobaeconist looking do1'fully at his poor youth take warning, and let parents know dicdfold 1nore., <lered its abandonment antl the plan Ling of almo::.t to an absolute sloprage-1Icleu's 'WLy 1' asked Helen, ~ith the nir of a a new seat of Governrr1tnt.,v.rhich has gro'tYll neigh bars groping cunong the smothering where the danger lies, and how the spoiler eyes watched it the while very eagerly-but rui ns of bis burned out ·hop, noticed that comes. up into Guatemala la Nueva. a seeker after useful i~1fo1matiom, no Tom took ad vantage of the delay POETRY. I LITE RA TU RE. 0 to ·