THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY OCTOBEl=t. 30, 1874. REMOVAL. wii;}iei:; I Lo iofor1n his numerous f~iends and cus S. MASON BEI.:CANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society !ETUMN! S. CaUfornfo Vin· purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho native. herbs found on the lo,vor ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of .L\.lcohol. The question is ~!most daily askerJ, "What is the cause of. tho unparalleled success of VINEGAR Brr. TERsf" Our answer is, that theyremuvo the cause of disease, and tho patient recovers bis health. '!'hey nre the gre~t blood purifier and a 1iL'c-givlng principle, ~ ·perfect Renovator anll Invigorator of the system. Never before in the 1,nstol'y of tlie '"orld hn.s a mediciue Leen compounded posHcssh1g tl1c ren1arkuhle lJUa.litios of "VIN_EGAU Ill'J'l'ERS in healiug tho sick or every 'llliLll is heir to. 'l1hey · l"~ gcuLk I'ur"·aLi vo m; 1\'Cll as a 'l'onic 187(. toxnerS that }w has removed to BUCKLER'S OLD STAND I where he will be '.found with the nwst con1 ESTABLISHED 1840. CANADA CHIEF 0 FE'IC'JJ:S. '(JDEAPSIDE~' foti yo1111' / . Go t~ plcte a.ssortment vf 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MOKTREAL OSHr~WA, TREWIN, OF Harness, Whips, Trunks, &c. In L·) WIL DIREC1'0BS. '\\1ALTER SHAKLY, Esq.t,..,1\1 P., Chuirn1ruin, DUNCAN ~fACDOS.A.LD, .llisq, l\fAJon 1l. E. CA3-IPDELJ,, U,B,, St. TU}~ HoNOR.!.RLlli JoIIN Hilaire. l:>lea.-:;3 ea.11. Rudder's old E.tand one door east of hfn.yi1[tnl'ri lr otel. , li.A:i\HLTON, Ha1Yks- G l{ A N D Dr. J. Walker's cgar Bitters are a burg, Ont. · Bo wrnt-mville, Sep. 1st .· 1Si3. RESIDENT SECRFTARY,-J,nrns GRAi>T. S PECI A L FEA T U RES. The ENTIRE PnOFITS bc1lu· 11g to ~~nd divid· erl iunougst the Policyholders. LIV.l!j:::l, DECLINED DY OTHER Corur +.I.NIES, or 011 which an e.xtra P1·emiu-m would be required, can bo assured at the ordinary rates of this 8ociety, ~~nder a special ar1·lingetni;nt SrECL\"L No~-FoFEI't'.ABLE POLICIES issued under >vhich orJ.y 10, 15 or 20 Annual rayments Me req_11irecl, r)aym.ent securing a Policy for n. s1un aasurcd proportionate to the number of premituns paid, o.,nrlfree/1"0111< fnlur '()11,yrnent vf pre1niltn;11, 1'1oD:F.R.'l.'l'E PRE1IIUMS srrAPLE &FANCY DRY GOODs,I Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. J Fall & Wi11ter DRY· GOODS. Splendid New Stock! _ ---o--- - Millinery a,nd Ma11tle .Depa,rtment I Eu.ephant E:ouse U)IDEJ!S!G~1GD in re~urrdng tba.uks fd~udsa.nd the p~blic generally THE and nwst libern.l c0n- ditions. Prospectuses, Proposal .Form~, &c., r:.u1iplied on application at the H cw:.l UJlioe 01· any of the .1.\gcncius. ' I Replete with Latest Styles & MOURNING GOODS A S:PECIALITY 1 I THE Dominion Oro-an Co'y. BOWMANV!LLE, Present the following te ~ti monialci frorr1 CO!ll l)eteut judge1;1 of Organs. 'l'e,;;timonial fr()ln J'obn Oa1nidgo, l\{us. lloc., Canlu:lir, England . Bowmanville, 24th Dt.::c ., 107;), 1'u Ow Managei·~· Do-m,in.f.m i 01·uan Go. GJiJ7'TL~MJLN .-1 like to pla.y on your Organs t" ~e is so sweet a:ridi:'tea<ly. .A 11 d the \Vork- · mansnip and ftnfah ext:dlcnt, alld in every parti'?Ular they are cqnttl, if not t;nporio1', to any I have ever heard. ITop ing they will nieet public appreciation. BE SuRE AND GET IN THE lHGHT STOJZK "OHEAPSIDE." Bissonnette & Oo., for the liberal pv.ti'.onage extendOO. to him u,u·ing the past 18, begs to announce that from and a.fter the 15th SepternbCJr, he will t:U.lTY on the ~mine busi11ess, but Jnore ext9uSh'ely . JJ.nder the and stylti of JOHN McLEOD & Co. l'xo1upt l1 ay1w..u1t'of a.11 acconnt1;> is rendered iu1pcn~tivc by t11IB bu<;iness arrangeme.11t, i-i.ud aU lJt!l"i'. VUB i11flebtt:d will please notice aud g·overn the1n~clves ~ccording.~y. . _ 'l1HE £0 his 1nany J A:\Ill il GHAN'.!', ltcs. Sccrct::i.ry. tclicviug Gougesfilun or In;flan:1 n11~tion of th:o Liver au1 Vi.:;uoraJ. Organs, in Bilious Gents' Furnishings ! .A Lr£1·ge Stacie of Cloths Cind J'rimm:imgs, ·made to Orde·r. Fits Gucvmnteecl. Lcdest Styles in Hats, Shirts, Ties, &c. Ladie~' and Children'b Fine ~fake. CHE,(I'EST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTA~NS, DAMASKS, &c. . · NEW STYI,ES, A LARGE STO_ CK TO SELECT FROM. · 3~·ly AG};NT l<'OI\ JJOW.MANVIJ,LE, C. DAlUCER, ': Observe1· Oftic~." King ~t. Bowma.nville, Jone 24th; 1870. ---~-~---~ Dmen.scs. V11'1:t..;GAH13 IT'l'l:RS are .A pcrieut, Di11phoretic. Can.n inntive1 NutriLiolrn, LaxaLi\·c, Diuret,ic, Setlutivo1 Oo1Ulter-lrrlt.aut 1 Suc.l.oritic, ..d.Jteni,tive. and .Anti-BiJi1:·;.>;. . ;- --iJ . ' ... ; :.·: :,. \(!:·:;.. j . .'l'he 11roIJertics of Dn. w.<1.u(KR 's BOOTS and SHOES ! JOHN UA:lllDGE llea<l the following fron1 l{or;~ D~Erirrn. : l1owroanville, Dccctnber 22, 187;:l, JOHN McLEOD. Corner Storn, OpposUe Town JIall, Bov.mwnville Bowman viUe , Seµten1lJer 4th, 187:1. TJoh:n. McLeod. & Co T H.Libe1·al Support and H Patronage 'vould i.:0licit the- same James otlH~e McFeeters. EG.tCR '· ·· !(· Jo,1·1 . < AGENT For the following Insurance CmnpaIJies, <i.nd J11atitutiuntJ, viz:The QlJBEN Fire nnd Life InBurance Uompany. Cay.i.tal£2,000,000. $1DO,OOO depo,:,itE'd with the Dominion Government, for the iwotec ders in Canada. The ISOI.iArrED IlISK ]fire Insurance Cnn) pany of Oanado, Capital 50ff000,-0ne of the beat ~111d t:he~ipest Companic_s doing bnsinesa in the Dorninion, for }"" and 1solated l{j;;:ks '. Grateful 'l'housauds prochtim VrnBifi'ERS tho most wonderful Iu- vigoront that ever snstainell th e ei11kiug system. ifi E exteniletl so !Qng to J olm and takes this o:i;iportnnity of inforrning the pnbl1~. that they have McLeo~, E Tbo CANADA LANDED CI\EDIT CO'Y. with ·a. Sa.vings Bank department, . Tho UNION ANll PEI\MANEK1' JJuilding and Savinr;'s Society. The>;e latter instlt,utions advance Loans on }teal Estate, on ternts unusuallv en¥Y (01· 1.he borrower. Bowmauville, Feb. 6th. 1873. according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided tileir bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other n1eaos 1 aoll vi~al organs \rastecl bcyoud repair. · lent in tho valleys of our great rivers thronghollt the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Oilio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Ct1mberlancl, Arkansas, Hod, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grando, Pea.rl 1 .Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro .. anuke, · James, and many others, .with their Yltst trib\1tarics, throughout OUr entire country during the Su1umcr a,.nd Autun;m, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual her:tt and dryness, mo invariably accompanied by extensive donmgcmcnts of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their trcatn1cnt, a. pnrgativo, exerting a powerful inflnenco upon tbose various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho piil'poso equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAI~ BITTER~, as they will speedily remove the darkcolorccl viscid n1attcr with which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho same time stimulati11g the secret.io11s of tho liver, anll generally restoring tho healthy functions u1' Ute digestive organs. by puritying all its iluids with No Person can fako these Bitters The intelligent Yepmanry of Weot Durham and South Ontario, arc becoming fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Market; her Manufactories supply the Bost Implements ; and her enterprising Merclmuts sell the most Bty lish Goods,at PRICES regulated by a healthy competitiGD. Oshawa.West, King St Sept. 23rd, 1874. Desirable Farm Property DISCARDED TllE Bilious Rcnuttent and Inter· mittent Fevers, wbich are so prev,1- · 1.'o the .llfanagera of the Dom hi ion Orga.n Co. GEN'l'LEHEN. -I L<~ve 111nuh pleasure in testi. · fying to the excellent qualities of tho Ol'ga.11 snpplied hy yuu u,L wy concert last Saturday evening. rrhe tone is sweet and verv powerfL-l l a.ud the comhi r1u.tion u( .-stops n'w st ~n.Jmira.ble. I nm sure your instnunent e will flll d f;~v ur in Ohurchef:l, as thl'y are sii1gu la.rly nllapte:;d fN· sacred music . "\Vishing yon every ~u1.:ci:H::1, ~nd that tho public may patro11izo un.tiYe ruauu fu·c turc. I rerilain Gcntlon1er1, ~ ' v~ l!,ry l'espt"ctfully, ltU:::l.A. D'lct:tI)l'"A.. :Every Instrument Warranted for~ Yrs IL O'HAitA. A, M . D.AHL:~y FOR SALE . nortL President. 1\-Iaua..i;::er . Bowmanville, Janiw. ry Hi, 1874. hp·o:J-tnl6. priiting 200 acres-3ti bei11g superior wood land. There is on the front of the premises, a. very fine gentlema.n's stone residence , with l:Hvn a11 d flow~r garden, to the rear of which is o. bcanti~ ful l\1ap1e Grove. Afoo wood shcd,stabh\ dd v1urr house,etc., andever:r necet1sary conve1ueuc.e. 'l'l~e whole, a.bout ton acre:i, is surrouwJt.lcl by ~ thorn hedge; There is a Farm House, with three barns, with all outbuilding!:!. .J\ never failing 13tl·ean1 of \V<.L· ter runs through the prornii:;es. There is also n. BJ?!en<liJ Orchard of f1·uit beadn~ trees, and a kitchen gard~n. 'l'he property is in a good state of cultivation, and is regarlled as 1.114::! most desirable between Kingston and T..ioudon. }~or further particula.ra apply to HJ:\T Splendid Property of the ln.te )1r. H. T :rt-Iitchell, being the hn.lf Lots No. 31, and 32, in the tith Con. of Darlington, com_of Imperial Fire In:? a.nee Co OF LONDON. (Established 1803. HEAD 0PFit3ES.-1 Old Broad St., and 'rhe subscriber would beg to cn.11 attection t his stock of l.N Bl1GS AT Pall Mall, London. GENER,\L .\. CENOY. :FOTI DAN.ADA :- ·24 St Groceries Dry Goods, cr1:rrnent , J\fontreal. CONSAUL'S~ King St., Bowmanville. Al.SO Fund, £1,965,000 Sterling. Subscribed aJJ.d iu,,·ested Capital and Reser"\'e Fund:i invested in Canada.- 105,000, MllS. D. MITCHELL, P. 0. Auguet Gth, 1874. bp-tf·m44·o82. Insurances against loss by Fire are effected on most favorable terms~ and losses paid with out reference to the Board in Loudon. FARM FOR SALE. C ACRES, in the To""'nship of Darlington, .aud about ten milt-s notth of Dowmanvillc. 'l'crm~ ver.v easy, making this a good opportun· ty to bHy. 'l:itle indisputnhfo. For ars, apply to W. HEPINSTALL, Jeweller, ONll HUNDRED Aogust 27th, 1874. 0$~,\~'t'.\., ONSISTl~G ,J DODSWORTH, Inspector. ~ RINTOUL -BROS. Gen. Agents, 1VI9ntrea :Soots & Shoes ffF .R,. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanv:ille, June 4th. 1800. 36 m.o.4.3-39.4w l'ort;ify the llo!ly ngainst discnso V~NEGAU Staffordshire Pottery, Eng, ·11-81n11. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 100 a;!res, n1ore or less ; SO a.J:res, bala1we tiwberell wiUJ cedw·. _ .\.u ext:ellent young beu.ring orcha.rd of choice trcctJ, with . frinne dwelli.n$" ]101Hse, bai·n, e~flble, &e., uu the fa.rrn. Ji'or situation, it cannot lie excelled, being une niile from the village' of Orouu, a..rnl i:;evea from the town of Bowman ville. Posses~ion gi \'en on the fi.1·r;t day of ... '\PltJL next, with pri velege to enter and do the fall ploughing. For particuJars apply to <J. 'l'AJ'vlBLYN Oro11(J, or J. THOR~E,1\mh('.lrstbw-g-, P. 0. Ont· J uly25tb...' 1874, bp-o30·1n4:.:l. JUST ARRIVED, ~ix tl1 Cash Purchasers AKD BOWMANVI LLE Prompt south ha.1 f of Lot No. 32, in the B.ECTG Con. of the to\vnshlp of Chu' ke, containing !UHl '~ill be on sa.le inn. few da.ys. Ilo\vt11n!!villc, Oct. 22ncl, J874. 1u4-tf, SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. · TI!\:(R ~IO?'f8Y s New Tailor Shop, s sr_rovE s, . E Cook, Hall, Parlor, and Box A. ~pleu<li<l v·aTiety of Q Ma,nufa,ctures ·u Well Assorted !U Stock Large AND oI H 0i will always get_ gootl!:i td JJi:ice.s _ cut l'.lNR, as our great 11im will be to court thi-s cla:ss of ti·at.le. Payers on credits short H - - Manufacturing Co . ' Ma.chine and. Implement No epidemic can take bold of a systc1n thus fore-nrmed . Dy~pt1psia or !1111igestion, Hcadnch,c, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, 'l'igl1tucss of the Cbcst, Djzziness 1 Sour Ernotn.tion.-, of tlJc Sto.oo.aeb, Bad rraste in the )fnutll , 13ilio11s Attacks, Palpitatatiou of tlie Heart, IuJlawmation of. the I..1tu1gs: Pail1 in U.10 region of the Kid neJs,-a.Bcl-11-ltundrnd otlJer painful symptoms, arc the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. Oue lJot tlo will provo a better guarantee of H:8 iuerits tllan a lengthy adv-ertise .. lllC11t. llu:r.u;ns. etc., etc ' GOODS I --o-- which for Quality and -Ohf:m,p vVOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHIN:l!:R Y Qi.l Polish. This ]'roneh Oil is prepared for Carrin.rres. Buggies, liarn('J:!S, Boots and Shoes, and ~JJ kinds of l.c:~tber. Tt will give any article of LeD.ther, a 1n0St bdlliant nj" pearancc, ru1ll at the sarne time, frmn· its oi y properties, ten<ls rnuch to preserve it; it will al"\vays be moist and pliant; and inay be ex poi:;~tl to water and washed. and "\\--ill notlm;e its brilliance, and it is not io be feared that :tny erui:it wHl settle on sa.i'l Leather wb('.ln preserved with the above Oil. For tLe woody,·01'k of Buggies 1 Carriages, and Turniturc, there is not a better article in use. hfanufacturetl by . 'l. . SHfO::f &. .Co., 'l'a.nners and Curriers, formerly of Frcrnco, nO\V- of f'hiladelphL'l, Pa., Instructions - S11ake bottle. .A. few drops on fl. pir:e e lif spong-e ,a.pply it lightly to the leatb11r, t~nrl you will obtain the fiuest lmi:trf!. Price 75cbi. per hottlc,01· $7. 50 per dozen. J"OHN SJ}IALE, Sole Agent, Bowrul'(.ovt.11e. J·uly 16th, 1874. 41·6 IDOi:!. and T,AROil SJ1.vell ! P~rc. hch ' 'l'E ITH :TI'. Y . COWLn, to :iuLAforrn the public that he lrns comV\1 JJ~g~ genorall~y, JOHN HEAL E Sores, ]~rnptions of the Skin, 8oro Eyes, etc. In t.L.C!F:ie, as i11 nil other cuustitutional Dis· easc1:1, .,v-~'\LKE1t':; "\Tun:o-Au nrr1·1~as httvc shown their great cnrv.tire powers in the inost ob;:;tin atc nnd intn1ctulJlo cases. 8wellii1gs 1 ()Jeers, Erysipelu~, S\velled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous ] nilu1nwatio:us, Ind_ o ]cut Infla111m11tinns, Morcurial Affectious, 01.U . Scl'of'ula, or lHng's Evil, Wliite Stock Fully !ssortetl. ---:o:--- ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED JOHN McLEOD & CO. for wood 01· coal. Bo 1\T1na.u ville, September4thls73, For Inlfanmrntory and Chronic Rheumatism; Gout, Bilious, Remit- GOODS AT RIGHT PRIQE.S ! ,J & W. J McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF rrHE GOLDEN LION, BO'WHANVl'.LLE. Sept. 23th, 1874. a splendid menced in the Shop next to the Esprc:;:;13 Office, one door eRst of ;r. 1':Iilne's. IIaviug had severa:l expedence in lhPtr:tU.c, he hopes to s:i.tbfy ['..11 who may faNol' him 1vith a cull. Bowni.tinvi ll&, Sep; '1th, 18'72. n1·1D-tf. Double Turbine tent auclfotonnittont Favor~, Diseases of tbcRo J3ittei·s bave no cq11al. Suell DiseatseS nrc en.used _ by Vitiated Blood. e J. ELLIOTT, TYRONF. tho Blood, Li \"er, K illJ1e)'s am.1. Bladd6r. Water Wheels, a.nd l\Tech:wical Uiscases.-Persons engaged in J )ainLs and ~flnerals, such as Plum\Jen:1 1J'yp c-~cttc rn, Golcj-hcaters, n.nd Miucrs, as U1ey ndva.ncc in lifo1 aro subject to paralyHis of tho Bowels. guard a,g-ai11st thin, t a.kc r~ closo of ·w ~\J,K ER's \'~Ul'· EG,\.R DnTl~lrn ocu~sion~illy. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Just Arrived. at the Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds FRUIT, Confectionery Depot: AND REPAIRS clone on the }'nr Skin Diseases, Eruptions, TettGT, 8::tll-Hhc11m .. Blotches, Spots, Pimples, PLl::iLlll1:1J.- JJoils, Cm·Ounclcs, rung-worms, Scald-l.Jo<.ul, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Sourfa, Discolol'aLions of the Skin, Uun1ors and Dbca:::cs of Lhe Skin of wha tever nu1no or nature, are liLcrally Uug lll) nnd cµ.r."i-icil out tho systf!m iu a sllort tirnc by the uso :~sso1-tweut of rVJIOLESALE and RETAIL J :.<:il~ tirdv..,d 1 :1J;1 d for Sale, <it tl1e ;t.Luvc <lepuL, SB:OltTEST NOTICE, of the~;c Bi ttcrs. or New F1"uU and Canfectionerys, 'Ve 11avc now on hand a largo quantity of LATEST FROM 'IliE FUR REGIO NS :Mink Furs a.t Wholesale. · Grebe, very fine; South Sea · Seal, best quality. Alaska Mink, prime. DA'fES, FIGS, LEMONS . ORANGES TO ARB, VE Soft Shcll .Ahnunds,B',iLherts, Bra.";il and FVall Euts, Keitlt.r'i; .1.11(/.rriluilade, West Inclia. l)rtsf;J"Vetl G'i'ilgm·, Pco,rs, Plnm-s, 1'ol(fintoes, d!: Peat;hes, Gree-a, Peas, Ore.en 0Qrn J!: Lima Bea.ns. Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and PJckles They hti,vu con1e and are coming, at the Fruit Dopot. Choice :Lemon, Orange and Citron :feels, Common and Gang Plows, th·t wil1 be sold at lnrki11g /in tho systcn1 of so nu1ny thousands, arc cffectunlly do:'!troyell and re1un,,.cd. No i:>yt:>Lmu of 11wdieine, uo vcnuiJngcs, no nn· thclnlinitks ·will free tbe rrvstorn from 1vorllla like tho1:0 Bitters. ~ Pin. 'l', and otl!cr ·worms, e NEW -MILLINERY. ...o\.lso a lot of REAL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & LOW PRICES tr. or old, n1nrried or siugle 1 at the <lawn of WO· n1anhood, or th e turn of life, theso Tonic Ilittcrs clhplay so decit1ml c u1 iufl ur.Hwo thut improvcn1e).lt is soon pcrcoptiblc. For :Female Com11faints, in young _4..lso a large stock of Stamps for Baiding and Em- '-". AT THE SHOP. Bowman1'ille, March 6 1873. boid.ery. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- SOMETHING NEW THE BANNER ever you find it!=! impnrit.ies bnrstiug through the skiu in I:'i1npJc.~;.. Enrptions, or OoreS'; clenuse it 1vbe11 yon f1Jl(l lt obstructed and. sli1ggish in the veinR; clcm1se it "i"hen it is FASH IONS for Spring just to hand. as usual. foul; your /"eeliugs will tell you when. Koop '\Yill follow-. in Bowmanville. -:o:Any ono wishing- to Photos enlarged from old pictures of tlcc~aF!ed ftienJs 1 cau ge't the ·ert1ne done u.t · SHELL ,\c SHELLED OYSTERS QU11 [,f'l'Y i.1 tlw t~'t nj CllEAPNESS. 'l'. DARLINGTON . Row1nr.i.nvil l ~, SEVVING ~IA CHINE ~ R, I I . 1'ilc00NALD '-~CO,, 0 nri1 gglr:-t.~ n11cl Gen. !}. gt~., San J.i"rancJsco, Califnrnlu., and cor. of \Vushln:;ton n.ntl Ch1u·lton Sts., N, Y. Sohl by tdl D1·111(.i~ nnct Dcnlc1·.i1o tho blood pnro, and tlle health of tho svstcw MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowu1anville,·il 7th,J 874. - B.uffalo 'Robes, Large and dark, a.ll a~ Doc, 4th, 1873. CO lVIP~!\.NY, OF SHEeflBHQOKE, P. Q., !laving n~ cen tly SEASON 1874. MAitXUS FUR }.1R. l\iAYER, MAYER'S ST 0 RE, Strowger Bros. NEW-CASTLE llaving removed to mOt.f -curp.modions prcrr1isesi ., Teit &i Arthur's· Gallery, they hu.ving gone to great in purchasing and fitting 11p a Daily Line to Rochester. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEEB. lVIILLS. Another car load of the aboye nobltthe wn,y. Plear;1e call at Lb.e article~ perfected King St., Bawincrnville. of t,he ]'nr tradei has pureha~ed only l!'ir:stclass Stock, and ii in a po:>itiou t.o brivc sn.tir;fo.ction to all: Now is the time to givt! hin1 a, call, as those who eorne firi;it 1.1.l'e fil'st ser,·eJ. Important Jmpr01;ements, in th1.;ir 1.:elehratcd The New Lake Stea.mer on having a thorough knotl'ledge lN Family Sewing .Aro pre1m1·ed Machines, ~P FOT:i!J.;RGILL'S BLOCK, Leg to inJunu the vublie generally, 'ui aL tl11~.Y are ·no'.\' en'1blcd t o offer them (i UARANTEE TB.Ei\1 EQt:-AL, IF XOT SU'l'ERlOR, Oentlemen's Furnishings, flats, Caps, --:~:-- c~1:. Better Inducements to any no1v before the public. For ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. Highest Price paid for Raw Furs Bow1na.nville, (kt. 21~t, 1874; Grocery l11si11ess, (A::i REGARDS l'RIOE c6 QUAL11'Y) t han uny other hotIBe in the County. SllvIPLIClTY OF CO)[STRUCTION EASE OF OPEl\.'1.TION, UNIl'ORMITY OF PRECISE ACTION AT ANY RA TE OF SPEED, c~pacity for the express purpose of enla.rgim: ·plwtugru.phs, whcih they make frmu the sinallost t:ard to life size. rrhey would remind tho public that they are still striving to in1prove their work in Photograplly, _and they ·are now turning out Pictut·es ?/ill 1nakc her regular trips on thi~ 1·011to, lcnv ~:ug Colmurg every morning a.t 7 ;80, and Port -:u;Hope a~ D o'clo~k, h!r Rochester, connecting there with tho l\uw York, Central1 a.nd :Brie 1{.ailwa.ys, for all poil1b; 1 East, We13t n.nd South. Cabinet n11fl fo1n·-fmll'tb si~o 1nade et1ua1Jy a.~ good a.s their c.a.rd.a. Go a.nd examine speciRETURNT~G, mens, n.ud be con..,.inced that they doing well, ~Extra prints can be had off old ne,gatives. \ViU leavf;' Charlotte (port of Rochester) daily They keep on hn.nd and for sale, an at. 9 o'clock) p. m ., t!Xcept8aturdayfl, when she will leave at 3 v. m. for Cobo11rg drrect. Doalc1·0 in Stock -..vill find thi;s the cheapest and inost expeditious route to Boston, i\lba,uy Nev,· )'.-odr, &c. , &c. ' For further infonna.tiou, address It. CHA\Vl'ORD, Po1·t Ilope STOCK AT B 0 W :i\:IAN V I L L E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency It \\7 . J Al\fES, Equal to Toronto Work. · l(ing St., Bowmanville. Ilovnnanville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. B1\TTIN GS. All Wool c. ·11\IPORTEI1- 1 DE...~Bl{ in all the v:wieties of ~f_>\NUl!'AC11 lJTI.ETI., an of l':lllge and adaptibility to great variety of work, fine or coarse, · THEY STAND rrhe~c UNRIVALLED. " " " Celcbra.terl .:\fachines obtn.iued tho Assortment of Frames Din.gona.h Homespnn. FrcnchReps. PlaiJs. Merinoes. Russian Twills. Plaid Wincies. l?lain do. Italian & Ameican Marble. A la.rg~ and choice selection of I NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD I Weight cind 3feamin Gu.aranteed i.n, eiH~ry iristaru:e. F I R ST p R I A'.r THE 11c1d in 'l~1fontrea.l in Septe;n'bcr, 1873. wa.n~cd, z Ji~ Agtmts Chea.:p a.s the Ohea.:pest. FAltM TO LET. WM. Darlington, Sept. 22nd, 1874. Shawls. F lannells. · I I I Monuments & Grave Stones, alway on hand, of superior "\v·orkmti.nship, and at lowest prices. C. F. GILDERSJ,EB ' l(ini;rsttm, A CAB.D. l'rovincia.l Exhibition, W1·oiiglit I hn.\·e this d_a.y ap}Juiut~u ~iit. c. D.1:\.Hl{~G n the ]d'J.",clw;u;e ag~nt for the sale of my V U!.· CANIZED :PE~S for Bc\vmanvilh~. 011t. .JOSEPH JtlASOK., l'. l'. J. J·. JACOTl~. rn-tf. llow1na.nvillc, Sept.10th, 1074. Teais ai Speciality. J . L. STROWG:ER J . D. STROWGBR . Ne1VC;)..S~lo, 01· Cast hon Fenceo or enclosing- burying- lots. Half, Lot 14: ith Con. Da.rlington . NOll'.eH A.pply perr.;.onally to J. T. ANDERSON, _ .1 · FOB SALE. --o-Hanell1est~11· Sep~embel' 2'1·, lGN. Furniture Tops, Mantel P ieces, &c LOCAL AGENT TOE.i~ .'\.-ugust, 14th, 1$i4. by·o>7·oZHyi·. ml51-tf, A (;(.l0 .l\~~11:UO~D HAND Piano for side. )_ i1<:C if;J L't m:JCi-tf J. ~r. BRI~1.A.CO.i.\1BE. l kept on hand, Gr "\\'1'01ight to otdcr. i·espeetfully reque8ted t-i.t the w.;.11·1::; 1 Octo1J~1·, ..A. call is l(ing Street, Bo'wmcorvi'.lle lst 1 186U . 1-L{ ·