t THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, NOVE:l\'IBER 13, 1874. POETRY. A Wonder. " But thou hast not cu.Ucci upon 1'-Ie, 0 J a.cob ; but thou hnst been weary of :!\:le, 0 Israel ."Isa.. xiii. ~. All along the dangerous places where unwary feet might slide, · 'W alks, with wistful face, and tender 1 a serene and 1nigbty Guide; LeMls us, '\·hen the !!hadows thicken, and the foel:i around us stand, Holding our 'vcfl.k, tren1bling fingers, in llis own strong fearless hand. 'Vhen the !ltm in noontide g-lory -floods the flo·.\·er-clad laughing ci.u·th, And we add our happy voices in the chorus of glad mirth, And ,ve seek for shining treasu1·c1:1, Re is near and make~ us s~u, Ho"" when He is wn.lking with us, earth a paradise C!\U be, When the way is long and toilso1ne, awl t\'C wish for ea.sc a.nd reist, Close He folds His arms about Uf'I, shelters us within His breast, Rn!:ihes all the worlci to science, kisae.a us lest we should weep, And with care Di"vine and tC!nd~r gives to his l1 elove_d s1eep: FARM AND KITCHEN. Kee:p the J.lfUk-Ro(Yln, Su:eet.-1\filk and cream n.rc great absorbents of the gasses and flayors tliv..t niay be floating in the air. We ba.ve been in some kitchens in which the milk 'va.s kept in 'vinter for the sa.ke of warmth,and 'vas expol!!ed 1 of Course, to the fumes and fiases of the daily cooking. 1.-:lilk kept under such conditions must n.cri11ire an unpll-'aaant flavor, and must impart it to the butter. What iei worse, as the casein of milk bas a great tendency to com· mence decomposition while in the fluid stat, this tendency is doubtless hastened by the germs of decay which are constantly floating in thn atmosphere of a kitchen. Some dtdry-women say that they cannot m~ke sweet butter in ""inter. It is not to be wondered at if they expose their cream a \veek before churning to euch contam in a ting influences. }[~re art: a few of the rcn.sona 'vhy horses are wbippetl: }"'or stu1nbling, owing te careless and reckless ddving; for slipping down, owing to smooth ahocs ; for shying, when frightened; for any vigorous effort to be relieved of torturing fli es ; for the brt'aking <lown of the "ehicle ; and, sixthly, because tho wind blows off the 1 dri"·er) hat. ..A ]),'eatly kept cellar i.s a pretty good guarantee of health of the family 'vhose members are breathing the ait fro1n it day and night. Every· body believes in having pu!e air to breathe ; but ~Ne are sorry to t ell the truth, that thous· ands are breathing impure air on account of foul cellars. Wbat a.re the essentials of a good cel· la1·? It must be dry; it must have !!tone walls outside, ~d division '\'alls of either stone or brick; the floor of cement upon i. foundation of cobble stones previously irnbedded tnto the earth by means of a heavy inaul. handled by t\VO men ; plustered ceilings and walls ; oom· plete ventilatiou by means of large windows. If these poinra nre secured, the cellar becomes one of the most important rooms in tl1c house. Keeping JVintcr Apples.-A member of the J\1ichigan Pomological Society stated at the late Adrin.n meeting, that he 'vru:i very successful in keeping winter apples, and had sound, fresh fruit in ~fay, by the following treatment: He picks the fruit in October,a.nd places it in hea.~s in the orchard,covering them with hay. These heaps rcma.in untouched till December, the slight moisture of the earth and the fe1v inches of hay preventing any injury to thti apples,even durinR sharp frost. They are then assorted and packed in barrel.a, which,' after heading up, · a.re placed in a cold cellar, which is kept at !t temperature of about 32°,o.nd if it should happen to be a few degrees lower for a short time, the protection of the barrels will prevent injury. Laying Hen.5'.- Treo.t hens kindly if you want then1 to lay eggs. A petted hen is a t1inging hen, and a. singing hcri is invariably, a laying one. The boUse\'.-ife '\'ho feeds her flock of a dozen petted fowle out of her a.pron, wnl have eggs to spare ; when her neighbort who counta his hens by the hundredJ but pelts them about his premises with sticks and stones, and set.e hiEI dog on them whenever he catches them in the stabhis, ·will not have egga for his own use. AYoid chasing or frightening fov.rls, it injures them. If you want a.:ny to kil1, take them qui· etly from the roost at night and allow them neither by flutter or scream to disturb the rest. If you do not ivant to kill them tbe same even· ing.., put them in a coop, or other suitable place, where th~y can be had ne~ morning without further trouble.- ··Lancastcr Fa1mer. 4 JUST !llIVED AT The Sa.tisfactl on given by :BOOT AN:O SHOE EMPORI'tJ'M, the largest stock of BOO'l'S and SHOES ever offered i11 Bowmanville, a.n<l AT THE LO'WEST PRICES. -----o- ANDERSON & 00.'S BAR NU B M :Bible Christian I SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. eclipsed by the s:ati8faction give~ by SMALE to his numerous patrons. He is now pleMed to announce that he has on hand µ. l.arge and varied assortrrent of All Prices, All Sizes. p runela Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH All Kinds. -o- G REAT INDUCE~IENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at BOOTS "AND ·SHOES of tht:i best quality, and is anxious that they flhnll set to work as soou as possiblf.>. · BOOK ROOM FALL AND I OPENING · l I ANDERSON & CO., Bead's olLd Stand. --o-- Ladies' Prunella Congress a.t 80 ce~ts " " Balmora.ls, -extra high $1.25· cut Autumn Fashions! J -oD--- Not:hing to Beat iit · GENT'S BOOTS. The :Best Ma.teria.l used a.t AN:OE:B.SON & CO'S. --o-ANOTHER'I'IRSTCLA SS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY . AT ANDERSON & CO'S. Orumbi:i for Chickens. 11ard (on) cases.-Printeri3 · Jlee Simple- A fee to a. qnack. A poor line of business- A clothes line. 'Vhy are ladies like churches? Becaust> there is no living without th"n1 · \Vhy are gentlemen like chapeh1? Bec/\uf.!e there is ho living with tbcm. Who is the largest man? The lovel'; he is a man of tremendous sighs. Sailors are very unob!erving men, although they are continually going to sen.. 1'he 1astheightofimpudence,- Takingrefuge from the rain in an umbrellu, shop. 'Vhat never flies E>xcept both wings a,re cut off? A British army. A new version of Burns by a medical student Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Magnificent display of New and Rich Goods. :Depot MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense 8L0ck of NE'w Fr.11 Goods. Great ca~en taken in buying the Stock and as ·wthing but First Class.Goods ha~ been purchased, customers dan rely on get. ting good value for their money. N. B.-We haYe been appointed agents for the celebrated BANNER SEWING MACHINE, manufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and see sample machine. Bowmanville, June 5th, 1874. Trunks, &c. Speci~la.ttentiongiven to CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first-·cla..<1s workmen employed, thu~ insuring good valuei every case. STORE.- One door ~a.st of Cornfah's Jewelry tore, King Street, Bowman ville. Sabbath School KI N !l STREET, BOWMANVI LLE. --:o:-- J. SMALE. RICE ··· & ···. Bo\\'manville, Sept, 23rd, 1873 . LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. The. Subscriber has on hand n. 1874. TEMPE.ELEY LINE, Large stock of Books, composed of the following and other firat-claes Iron Steamships:- DRES~GOODS . Plain and figured Lustres,' Plain and Tartan Wool Poplirrs, Met,i1 Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and aµ endleas variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz CordP. · -"Gin a body snatch a body." · I wish I could take iny gold with me,' said a dying deacon to his pastor, "Jt might melt,' was the consoling reply. A WIU'I EH asks if any one can inform him of the best W;iy to sta.t·t a nurst>ry. Get ma.rried, is the answer. · J'd.soner, why did you follow this man, and beat and kick him so shamefully ? 1 ' I am sorry, your Honor, I wns a lit tle drunk a.nd I thought it was roy wife.' 'Vhy is <lat hnt like the UIJited States? 1olding up his dilo.p~ . said Pompey to 8quasb, 1 idated beaver. Cos-·cos- -dunno, nigger·' · \\'ell, cos it's not subjec-1;. to a. crown·' 'Vb v arc two ladies ki~si.ng each other nu emLle1~ of Christianity? Because they are doing unto each other as they would 1nen ishould do unto the.n. "DELTA." 'l'he first steamer of this Line is intended to be despatched from " S'l'. LAWHENCE." "THAMES." I "SCOTLAND." " SEVF.TIN. " nited for Sabbath School Libl'arila, Sabbath. Presents, nnd the Study, ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c. for Sabbath Schools. ... LON:DON FOR MILLINERY T-he assortment of llfillinecy and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be cons11lted as the Ya~:iety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Lace,9, &c. we claim to haYe the largest assortment to he founil . Quebec and Montreal ON - -o-Our Books aro marked lO\V, A special discoun for Ministers, Teachers, and WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, (To be foilowed at intervals of TEN DAYS during the Season}, · Sabbath Schools. The lar,lii'est stock of AGEN'rs FOR THE AND FROM Stereoscopio Views eT·r showi;i. in this section of the country ; also . Quebec for · London . ABOUT 7th MAY. REDUCED' RA':l1ES. Certificate~s "issued to rrersonl!'I des~rous of br~gi.ng: out theh: friends_! rhrough Bills of Lad1ng l&°iued on the Continent and iD London for all pa1·ts · of Canada. and in the United Sta.tea to Detroit, Mihvaukee, Chica.go, and other points in the West. }"'or Freight or Pasuage, apply to TE~fPERLEYS, Through rl'ickets frotll ~au p6ints West, at A shrewd little felloVt' who 11ad just begun to study Latin ast.onished his master by the fol· lowin1: trans1a.tions: Vir, a tna.n, gin, a trap 1 'Tirgin, a man·trap. ' Vi'hat brought y ou to priaon, my coloreU friend? ' ~aid n. Y ankcc to a 1\egro. ' Two constables, sah.' ' Yes, but I mean had in· tetnperance a.nythinil" to do with it?' 'l:~es, sa.h, dey waA bof of 'em drunk. ' 1 Step in, step in,' sa.i.J a cheap clothier to a. countrym::i.n- 1 the cheapest goods in the mar~ ket ! l ' Have you any fine shirtB ? ' ' A sp1en· did assortment, sir_' ' Are thay clean ? ' 'Of course, sir- clean, to be sure,' 'Then ,' said the countryrna.u, gra.vely, 'you had better pnt 011e on.' A JOBBING join er took a couplu of raw a.p· pl'Cntices. Having to ltave hia busin~!lf! f>Jr a day, he gavo the bo:ys orders to grind all . the t.ools in his absence, ~ext morning he inquired of one youth ii the tools had been ground, ·Yes Master, ' replied the boy; but "'e couldu't g-et quite all the gaps out of the hand -saw, ' Mioosoopes, Rea.ding tlla.sses, etc., etc C. BARKER. In B:!ack and White real Laces and Lace Collars we have. a large assortment, at prices to suit all. ' A pious elder of the Scottish kirk on 11is way to service of a Sabbath 1non1ing, 5aw a little boy and girl playing marble s . He \\IJnthfully inquired, 'Boy, do you know where chil<lren go who play mu.Jbles on Sunday?' · Ay, a.y, answered the boy ; ' tht'y gang down to tho field by the bridge. ' '='To!' roared the elder, 'th1:1y go to hell and ru·c burned. ' 'l'ho:.i little fellow looking shocked and fri:,;htened, callcfl to his sister, 1 Come aw:...', Jeanie, come awn', hcre'fJ a. mon swearing a\vfully. ' .A raw countryn1 an, gazing at n garden in tho ,·icinity of :Boston, :in which \·:ere several mar· ble sto-tues, exclaimed- " J ust see what a. \Vaste ! R~re's· uu lesa than six scare·crows in this ten· foot patch, and v.ny oue of tben1 would keep the crows from a ti\·e acre lot! 11 An lrishmfl.n rec-:ntly stepped a.t a hotel in 11-Iontre:l.l, wht-re' pt·etty high bills,vere charged. In the tn<>rn:ng the landlord presented it to Pat. After ht:i had 4lanced over it th6 latter looketl the landlord right, in tbe face and ex· claimed, ye put inc in mind of t~ snipe. Why, asked the landlord. Because yo're..-\·ery nigh all Lill. A lawyer built hiuJ an office in the form of a. hexagon, orai.'< square. The novelty of the struct.ure attracted the attention of so1ne Irishmt:in who 'were passing by; they inade a full ~top 1 and view ed that -building very critica.Uy, The lawyer, disgusted at the.ir curiosity, lifted up ti.e window, put hie: head out, and address· ed t.henl: ' \Vhat do you stand like a pa.ck of bluck11eads, gazing at my office for ; do you take it for cl:lureh ?' ' Faix, 'arunvered one of them, 1 I wa.s thinking l!O, till I s:nv the devil poke his head out of the windy '1· 'rhf> windo1v \Vent down with a violent slam, and the lawyer dis· appeared. Cure for Dipthcria .- 'l'he ravages of dipthcria in Australia, have been so extensive V.'ithin the last few years t11a.t the Governmt-nt offered a large re\vard for nny certain method of cure; and alnong other response!:! to this was one by ~fr. G·reathead, who at first kept his .u1ethod a secret, but afterwards oommunicatecl it freely to the public. It i! simply the uso of sulphuric acid, of which four drops are diluted in three· fourt1n1 of a tumbler of water, to be ad.minister· ed to a gro"'-n person, and a smaller dose to c11ildre11, at intervals not specified. The result is sa.id to be a coagulation of the d1pthcritic membl'ane and its ready rerooyal by coughing. It is asserted that where the cnse thus trtlated has not advanced to a nearly fatal ter1nination, the patient recovered in almost every instance. Packi·1iu Ft"uit. - The a((!rdcn says that in France small jars of baked earth have supersed· ed baskets for the pa.cka~c of small fruits for transpor!Kt.t.ion. 'l1hey hold about a quart each, and are conveyed in large baskets. 'l'ho fruit is said to arrive in market in these jaxs in fine condition. hlake ·11out· T·rees Branvh Lo_ w,-Train you1· pea.r trees for ga~en 01· field use thnt they \Yill branch at a d istance of one or two feet from the ground. 'l'he ndvantag('S are eMily entunerat· ed :-1. It iii easy to trim. ~. It is easy to gather tl1e fruit. 3. }"alllng fruit is little in· jnred. 4, The branches being sturdy, ·will not be strained by C'Ver-bearing or over-weight of fruit. 5. Soil will be kept shady a.nd moist. G . The truiik will be protected from the scorch~ ing sun. 7. The tree 'vill grow more and more beauti(ul. - Horticulturist , 1'o Remove F1·u·it Sta-ins.--4. solution of chloride of sod<~ will remove peach and all fruit or vegetiib1e st.o.ins, and is also excellent in reu10v· ing mildew ; but for this it must be applied sev· eral times, and exposed to the sun, while fruit cav ,lie rernoved by it instantly. Of course, it canionly be used for_ white cotton or linen goods. It is pl"rfectly hannles~ 1 ii well rirnmd in clear waier immediately niter using. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found lll!Usually large. ' BEST Organs Billeter Street. London_ ; ROSS & CO. Quebec; DAVID SHAW, 1'-Iontreal; or ! CARTEH & DHAKE, 21 .JACOB Nl1ADS. m29·t md. Nov. Bowmanville, 1873---o--· .-o- 1873. BowmanyiJle,Mtty 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. · DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, FALL STOCK. ---o- - Dress Goods Newest Style. of the J. HIGGINBOTHAM ll t.hanka to his numerous friends and cus~ tamers, and to the public genern.lly, for the very JibE>ral support he has received since his commencing in businesiS ; and hopes by con· tinned striot per1onal attention to business, and offp,ring nothing but the purest a.rticles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J. H. 'vould call special attention to his very superior stock of litTOU LD inc.st respectfully tender his sincere Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? GREY COTTONS of the best make, including t11e celebrated TO THE I PUBI..4~[0. Organs ON THE T>YE STUFFS which nre sure to give the bust satisfaction, A well sclectfJd stock of vVALTER WIGG & SON, N returning thanks to thoir numerous customers and the public ~euerally, for paat fa.vors 1 "'ould respectfully invite their attention to our present stock of furniture, as we have lately added thereto, that "'e n1ay thert:iby be enabled to supply all partiea \Yho may please to favor him '\'ith a caU~ Great iuducomeuts held out to those purchasing at OUl' establishment. . Pie· tures, Looking Glasse1:1, etc .. sramed to order, and in every style. Sa.mplel!l of the different kind of I\fouldings can be seed at the ·ware-room. 'Ve ivould also beg to in.form you, that, having purchMed a. · STORM ONT. CONTINENT. lOct Cottons a.t Cowle's·--Splendid DRUGS, value. GHEJJ.fIGALS, PATENT 1vlEDIGINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, of unequalled SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek STYLE a.nd Q'tJ' ALITY SP LEND lD . NEW HEARSE, Wt: PRINTS STOliMONT Mall be ready at a. I tin1es, to attend fnuerais, on short notice and reasona.ble ternfs. N. B. -Ooffins kept. on ha.nd, and n1ade. to order, at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM_ . /- Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. kept_constantly on hnnd, A Mother's Power. A moment's work on clay left more than an hour's labor on brick. So \Vork on hearts should be done before they harden. Dur· ing the first six or eight yearo of child life, mothers have chief sway ; and this is the time to make the deepest and most enduring in1preesious on the human mind, The examples of' maternal influence are OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LE.AD at th@ very lowest prices. To the Inha.bita.nts of :Bowma.nville. r am a.bout getting a COTTON BAGS, -DENTALBTJRRINGENGINE 'l1HE BEST .by whic-h I can Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. ,B .-Country store-keApera supplied on the most advantageous terriis. A choice 'selection of LAMPS for i:.ale cheap, B ::nvma.nvill', Dec. 1868. 6m. in the World. Extra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usua.l tim.P and \vithlless pain.to the pa.tient than heretofore, and that I hp,v~ 'procured a. ' ... , · A BIG RURH NEW A.ND IM:PDOVD:D A.PP.AB.6 ,...itVS tor genera.ting Nitrous Oxide Gns, by which I can now 'ifl now raging a.t EXTRACT TEETH WITHOUT Special Line of COTTONS at OOWLE'S ARTIFICIAL TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 . " " GOOD " " $16:00 ---------,......---- PJl~IN. L e :. I attl'a.ct attention." ther \vho art in heaven.' .. It is the pro,1 ince o-f gentlemen to n.clmire, " ' I rOund out what made you the man you :reviled the gallant man of law. are,' said a ge ntleman, one morning, to "Not when they arc mnrried." ' 11 But I am not. 1' (we. · \ of the Ontllrio Bank,) President Adams ; ' I have been reading "Indeed . 11 your mother's letters to her eon.' nd he 1s determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices " Oh, no; I'm a bachelor." Washington's mother trained her boy to cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itThe lady quietly removed he1· veil, disclosing trutbfulnes,a and virtue; and \Vhen his King Street, BowmanYille. First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! to the nstonishcd magir>t.rate the face of hie message came to tell her that her son was Second, whttt he can't huy cheap enough, he manufactures ! mother-in-law. raised to the highest station in the nation's Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! He ha.a been a i·aviJ1g maniac ever since, gift, she could .say,' George wns always a Fourth, he sells for cash ; Snooks hnd occasion to cali on the Rev. Dom· l'!E. subscriber is prepu.Jed to build and re· Filth, he sells' at bottom pi-ices. inie ThoJnas Uampbell J.vhile be was n.t Glas· good hoy.' pau . -oA mother's tear dropped on the head of gow. ·Is the Dou1inhfh1?' he enquired of a portly dn.me who opened the door. 1 He's at her little boy one evening as he ant in the Wagons, Buggies, and Gv.ttei·s, hame but he's no in,' replied the lady, 'I-Ie'B doorway at·d - listened while she spoke of AND of e\'cry description, at short notice, an.do in the yard sooperintenilin' Saun(jrs. the car· Obrist and His salvation. 'Those tears reasonable tel'lll8. penter. Ye can .see him the noo, if your busi· made me a missionary,' said he, wheu he \ ness is vera precise.' Snooks assented, and had given his manhood's prime to the ser- Examine the !tock, \vhich comprises everything in the trade, of the very latest and tnost eleg11.nt sLylee a.nd patterns, of English, Canadian, and .A. merican manufacture. walked through the door pointed out him in the - ovice of the Lord. yard, where he beheld a ca.rpenter briskly plnn· Carriages Painted and Trimm He !!till continuee to ma.nufacture to order, from the be1:1t of ma.tcrin.l, n.nd nvne but firat-clasl!! Some one .Skcd Napoleon what was the 'vorkmen kept. ing away to the tune of 1 Maggie Lauder,' a.nd - o-'M;oth· the worthy do1ninie standing by. Unwilling great need or"the French nation. to intrude on their conversation Snooks stepped era! 1 was the significant an~wer. unseen behind a water cask and heard 'Sauners ! Woman, tiaa God given ,you the ,privHese He has in stock an endless vai·iety of Lt:tdies' and Gents' Saratoga. Trunks, V a.lises, &c., all of on th pren1ises 1 were .epecia.l attention s given No answer from the carpenter. 'Sauners, I ana r1~sponsibilities of motherhood f Be \Vhieh he ie !lelling cheap for cash, ~ ~ to all r;ay ! Van you no hear me ? ' 'Yes, minister, faithful, -then, to the little ones ; you hold -oI hear ye. 'Vhat's yflr wull ?' 'Can ye no Jtememher the Stand, " BIG. BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. the key of their hearts now. Tf you once c~.rrittge work, ·and General i\·histle some mair godly tulle while ye are at u give the world to win it your work! ' ·A "'eel, minister, if it be your lose it,you woul. Jobbing. Bowman ville, ~lii..y 131 1874. will I'll eten do it. ' lTpon which he cb01nged hack ; me your oppor tunities before they the air to the Dead March in Saul, gl'catly to pass. ... , the hindrance of what l\'aS now painful planing. All ivorlc done at this Establishment Courage is nothing n1ore than a power of The Dominic looked on in silence for sou1e uJinMARRIAGE LICENSES opposing danger ,vith serenity and perseverutes and then 1:1aid, 'Sauners, I hae a.nither warranted, issued by word to say till ye. Did the gude wife hirti ye ance. W.R. CLI:.lrIE, by the day'is darg or by the job?' ' 1~l1he Jay's' LANK OERTIFICAES, AppEoations A call is reapectfully solicited. What a mercy it is to enjoy health if we &c., &c., ca.n be procured a.t thls office, at theStatesman Office Bow.manville darg wa~ our agreeing, u1aister.' ·Then on the are but uabled to eujoy it to the glory of J. MOHRIS. regular rates. whole, Sauners, I think ye may just as 'veel Bowma.uville, Oct. l st, 1869. Bowma.uville Nov. ltb Bowma.nville, July 7111 1873. 1 gae back to wl1is~ling bounie · ~:faggic Lnuder~ God. 11 countless. Solomon himself records the words of wisdom that fell from a n1othcr's lips, and Timothy wss taught the Scrip· tures from a child by his grandmother and his mother. A New Orleans Judge :rfrling in the ca.rs re· John Handolpb, of Hoanoke, used to say, cently, fron1 n. single glance o.t the countenance of a. lady by his side, imagined he knew her, ' I should have been a French atheist were and ventured to rerna1·k that the day was pleas· it not for the recoll~ction of the time when ant. She only anawered; "yes. 11 my departed mother used to take my little " '·Vby do you wea.r a. veil? 11 hand in hers, and make me say, ' Our Fa~ TRELEVENS MOBBIS' 1'JABH· REAPY~MADE CLOTHING Good and Cheap. CARRIAGE SHOP Olothi_ ng Ma.de to Order It is a well-known Pact that Cowle has tlie best Tweeds in tli.e country. ,..... Licentiate of1 the Royal College of :r....1ental Surgeons Ont. owmanville, October, 187~. J. M. YOURS R}'.SPEU'.l'FULLY, :B~1ima,combe, ' DOMINION BANK. A litt~e Rhyme ca.me just in time, And all about the best of Litne, OTICE ~s ·HElrnBY'IGIVEN '.l'HA'l' Litne from the West of the very best, the Dom1u1on Ra.nk ha.s opened a· JJ ar,ency Not beat in any quarter; for the transaction off.busiuesa i.P, Ho~sey's IJime that 'vill alwa.ys $tand the teat, Block 1 two doors east of Brodie 1s J.:"iotel, King When making into mortar. Street. Interest will bo n.llo\vetl.· on dt:_posits, I will try and keep a good supply, Drafts issued on n.ll points in IJaJln.dn., United For it is al\.Y·ays ¥/anted, · 1 States and Great Brita.in. T .a.e Sa vi1 1gs Bank Tl1at when you all come in to buy, department is now open. P1n all deoosita over You'll not be disappointed. $4 interest will be allowed n.t the rate of 5 per You will alwa.yti find it dry and fresh, ent.per annum. And tha.t is aomething bonnie 1 Office IIours. - From 10 o,clock a. m., to 3 So come a.long and try this Lime, o'clock 1?. m., except oni,Saturda.ys, 'vhen the But don't forget the money. · Bank w1llcloae at l o'clock,_p. m., Hours of delive.:.r from Nine a. m. to Four p.m. 1 J. H. McLELLAN, Corner of ~neen and Ontar.io Streat. m3ltf Ageut. BOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. ________,,,_ --the lOct N Nothing cheaper t.lian Cotton· T Ootule's. CA.LL AND SEE FOB YOVBSBLVES, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. BLANKETS IN THOS. BOWDEN. - Large . Variety Bowmanvillet March 11th 1871. no24, tf Dana's Patent Sheep Marks and recommended by niany of thf be~t Breeders in the Unitt:id States a.nd Canada., such.as G. B. Loring.z Salem, Mass.t President l'lfew Engl~nd Wool li:rowera' Societ_y; John S. Rosa, Henne· pin, Ill ; Professor hf. Miles, of the Stn.te Ag· ricultural College, Lansing, Mich. ; Hon. Gt:lo. Brown, rroronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each Mark is stamped the owner's name and the Sheep's nlimbe1., 'fh1::1y 'vill be 15ent free, by mail, Dr' exprese,for onty fou.r cents each, n.nd '\\>·ill last for TWES'l'Y YEARS. GW' CAsh must a.ccomna.nv all orders ea. HESE MARKSAHE THE CHEAPEST, T the most lasting, the lea.at troul)leaome, and most complete eyer invented. They are used SO, HO! G-ehtleme:n of J:'a.shion. NOT SO FAST. I have written iheee few lines And all I have to say, That you ca.n find me still at home I am not gone away ; So all my kind old friends may come ; And all the young onea too And get their garments nicflly made In inshions t11a.t are ne,v; \iVhere old o.nd young deh.r friends may meet Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed A Blacksmith's Shop i M. TRELEVEN. 'Wino eys-~a. :Oea.d Jo b .N·. B.···Specia. 1 inducement given to CASH Purchasers. · AHCIHBALD YOUNG, Jn., Sarnia, Ont. Orclero addressed lo the MERCHl!< and OBSEUVJ:U Office, for any quantity, v..ill be filled at tbe above-mentioned price, as quickly as he lli!arks can be made and s~nt . . Bowmanville,Dec, 2Sth,1871. To Ma.sters of I.. 0. L B .le . F. Y. Cow r 0. BARKER, m13 ly A welcome gt·eeting by H. PEA'.l'E. Bowman ville June 19th, 1873. j