-· ' =-----=-===========;:"================================"================================;o:;================;================================ POETRY. FARM AND KITCHEN. Notes for Horsemen. Sprains in th eStifle ,- Symptoms :--'l 'ho ho1·se holds Ul) hfa foot , 1nou.ns '"'·11en moved, and swells in stifle . This is what is called stifling. 1.'here is no such thing a-s this joint getting out of place. It getl:I sprained the same as any other joint, and the patella mn.y slip from its place~ which actB as a. stay to the j oint . 'l'he tenduna and ligan1ents become contracted~· and lan1eness follows. To r elieve it, foment the joint '\'ell, stin1ulate it with strong linin1cnt or a. alight blister. .Uquid Ulister.- 'l'ake one pint of n.lcohol,half pint turpentint>, four ounce.'! a.mmijnia, four ounces oil O J' iganurn 1 one ounce naphtha. Apply this with a. sponge every three hours until you fe('l the skin thicken. THE .M ERCHANT FRIDAY, NOVEJ\'IBER 20, 1874. ' The Satisfaction giyen by Tl1e Christian's Hope. I an1 weary, sad and drea.ry, IIomeless, friendless, and a.lone, Wand'ring through this \Vo1·ld a stn~n,ger, 'l'rav'ling to t1rn.t 'vorld unknown. Suon I hope to cross the rh·er T o the bright u.nd shining shore, An c~ JUST °IlRRIVED AT to m ~et the blessed Saviour, V\' h o will see 1ne safely o'e1· BOOT AT THE LO-WEST PRICES. - - -· t he laq; est stock of BOOTS and SHOES e ver offered in J3owmanvillti, and ANDERSON CO'S BARNUM AND SHOE EMPOB.:C'C"M, :Bible Christian & s eclipsed by t he satisfaction given by S~fALE to his nu merous pi\ tron8. He is no'v pleMed t o announce that he has on baud a large and varied assortrrent of --0- 'Vhat are all my earthly tl'ia.ls ? What are all my troubles hero ? B ut to fit n1y aoul f or heaven 1 And to rlwell forever there. .SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. ·v0s, I hopt> beyond the l'iver, "\Vhen my work on earth is done, li'ar above this world of sorrow, 'J.1here to 11ave n 11e1ven1y l1omc. There tho L1H"d shall be Shepherd, Friend and brother, priest :ind king , Il e sh ttll lcn.tl me by the \\'aters, ]~lo wing from the crystal ~ pring. In that land of bliss and pleasure, J:.'ree from sicknesa, pain, and death, . There I hopo to dwell forever, Ct"owncd with an immortal '"'"l'Path. '!1h on T ~11 r,nhl not stop to murff1ur, 'l' hu u 0 :~ , .... J l,., ~ u; 1 cti.:·t h bt· hard, TO CASH PURCHASERS. -o- G REAT IND UC EM ENTS ANDERSON & Deed' s old Stand· - - o -- of t he bes t q u..W. i. ty, and is an.xio u~ that they sh all set to work as soon as possible. BOOTS A1\fD SHOES All Prices, · All Sizes. All E:inds. BOOK ROOM F .A L L O'PENING AND u1z A New Disease in Clover in Fmnce A Paris correspondent of the Cn.lifo1·uia Fttr~ rr1er says :- Nearly o.lJ our cultivated plants .seem doomed to pass through a. series of mala· dies. In their wild state they ru-e not so affect. ed, at least we do not perceive such; Is it that culture, great~ r wclJ.J:ieing in t he conditions of their life, leaves them mor.e exposed to enemies, thnt the more 'vc do fol' them the less th ey ap· pea.r to depend on their.owli n:i.tural powers of resist!\once? '!'be late!!t plant attacked with disea-se is clover ; it sickeus where it " 'll8 formcrly robust,or dies oft' ju being cut at the crown 1 'vhile the tap root remains healthy . The latter diii ease has been developed at the Grignon. Ag ric ultural College ; the clover fades, blacken~ and die!', not in patches so much as by nnmcr· ous isolated plants, a.nd curiouBly most markedly on the f:oil where wheat and potatoes bad previously been cultivated. It is at the neck of the plant, a little nbove the surface of t he soil, that the 1nalady appe3.rs, rri. eembliug in the 1 narks as if it had been gna\\'ed by '.:!. wire \Yorm , hut produced by a parasitic inushrnom, which as it g1)"'s, alters the cells and their contents: . When a dea.d plant is placed in a muIBt i1osition for a day or a night, it beco1ues .covered with flown- the sntne fungi that atta,c:kcd it when living, and 'vhioh is believed to be identical with that found on the lea ves of a. diseased po · tato pla.nt. Keepinq Celery Di~·1'ing 1V4.nter. -A correspondent of t11e Germantown ·relegraph 1 says - " A friend of mine has kept his celery through the winter now for several yen.rs by standin g it iu apring water about an inch in <lepth j and k ept thus it continues to grow and sentl up fresh branches, so that be h~ cut niceJy bl anched, tender tops t'vo or three tirnc.s in a ".oint er. My trouble with the trench system has bflen meado'v mice, \\'hich appear to bi; quite a:::i fond of ihe plant as I am, and make sa<l bavoc with it . Otherwlsc it was the best way to keep it1 'vl1icb I liild an opportunity of trying. 11 Prun ela Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at co., Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25· No·thing t o Beat ii;. Autumn Fashions! ---oo--- For I know when life is over, I shall reap a. rich reward. A STRJ.NGE.U. GENT'S BOOTS. I The Best Ma.teria.l used a.t ANDE:El,SON &i CO'S. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, --o-ANOTHER':FIRST CLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY AT ANDERSON & CO'S. Crumbs f o; Chickens. It is 1 5etter to be flush in the pocket than iu th e face .- Da. n bury Ntws. " I come to steel," ns the rat said to the trap -·- " tt.nU I spring to embrace you," as tho trap ro11lied to the ntt. '\-Ve go up the biU of life like ll.· boy with his slc1 J aft er him, and go <luwn it like a !Joy with h:s sled uncior him: rI'hc 1nro1 who has not anything to boa~t of but hi s illustrious ancestors is like a potato plant-the only good bdonging to him is under ground. An a m01·01ui swD..in tleclares he is so fond of his gir l that he has rubbed the skin off his nose by kissing her shadow on the wall . The diff~rcnce between a. country and a city gl'e(\nhoni is that on~ v.·oul<l like to know every· thing, and the other thinks that he can tell him. Tho opinion is being st.rengt}1e1.1.ed every dl\y that the 1uan 'vho first mn.de o. shirt to button behind did 1nore for the world than one who has discovered fivll co1nets. .A ferryman was ~ked hy a timid Indy whether any persons were ev{'.r lost in the river 0 over· which h e rowed. Oh ! no," said he, "\.Ve alwayf! find 'e1n 'the next day." Next t o a rooster jn :l. rain.storm, or a n1a.n with bis tnother-in·law on his arm, the most wretch ed-looking thing in the world is a. candidutc who has just overhear d son1e fdend wauting to bet three to one that be won't be elected. A young blood at a hotel was requested to pass a di.Rh neD..r hitn. "Do you mistt~ke 1ne for a 1vaiter? 11 1mi.d the exquisite. '" No, sir ; I mistook yon for a gentle1nan 1 " was the pro1n:pt reply. A 'l\iilwaukee writel' ie eevere . Notes of the storm still come in . } ... visi'tor from Loui,:oville was stl'uck by the "·ind, and as h e ffow up Wis. C onsin st reet \Yit h his eara unful'led, a gentle· man remarked, ' 'I knew that the wind \Vould fetch t he circus t ent." "Yes, Job su ffe1·ed som~," said an Illinois deacon, ':but ho never knew what it was to have his t eam run <J.'.\·ay an<l kill his wife right in the busy ijem1on w 1 1en l1hed girls wnnt three dollars n. week. " 1\.. wag, on seeing his friend with sotnething u11de1· his cloak 1 nsked hiro what it '\Vas. "A poniard," ;:\n~wcred he, But he observed that it "'as ~t bottle. To.king it fl'om him and drink~ ing the contents, he returned it, sayin~, ' There, I give you the 1:11xW burd bn.ck ;:..gain.' IIow 'I O 13.EG. - A poo1· boy who had been on t \u> trarr1p all day called not long ~iuce in the gloa.rning r~t the hou ~ e of a farmer in Sootla.nll, a.uJ thus addressed the f:u-1n el"s wife: " ~Iis tres.~. could you oblige me 'vi' a drink o' \"n.tter, fo1 · I'1n that hung ry I dinna ken where I'Jl sleep t"l-ie nicht . 1' If t he ti mvs are hard stop your pa.per, but do not sli ortcn your allowance for. whii;key or ~o b<i.cco . A good paper in a frnnily is a great corn fort to the wile and children, but that is no reason " 'hy you should providll Urnm with a weekly lnxu1·y at the expense of a daily ne · ccssit y. A professional nlau wit fat' fro1n State fitrcet, Bol!ton, returning to hi ~ office 0 11e day, after a s u lJ::~t~1 uti al lunch , sai d complncPntly to his as· fii stant , "Mr. P cctkin, the world looks different to ::o rnn.n wbeu he lia::i t hn:e inches of rnm ia hi1n." ··YeB ," r~ pli e d the junior1 without a u1oment'e hesitati1)n 1 ' ' nnd he looks different to the world!" A tiar ty of y oung fops were standillg in front of an anvien t "wltll~r·s shop, kept by a Dutch· uian , a.n d th ink ing to have somt! sport with 0111· U ~ 11l 1 BU friend, Oll t! of theJU opened the door a nd ad<l 1·e i!1ll:l ~l hi1n: "I say, Hans, have you any saddl es fm· jackai;scs? ii Lookin!:'" up from h i., work quite composedly, he replied:. " Ya,v, c.:r.c iu ri.ud dry "on on." 'l'he following incident is reported as 1:1trictly trne: "An elderly gentleman of Conco1·d, Ne.w I-Inrnpshire. was riding on the Eastern Railron.d t he other · J ay, when a lady entered the car ho.v· ing fi· child under one arm and a dog under the other. The car 'vns well filled, so she proceed t:d to stow herself, clUld and dog into the vacant seat beside this gentleman. Having a grea t a version to dogs, he blandly reniarked, 11 ~Iada1u, I have no objection to one baby in this seat, but I have the most decided objection to twins." Thtl lady "'·ith the "tn··ins" moved on to find other accommodations. 4 N. B.- We have been appointed agents for the celebrated BANNEH SEWING MACHINE, rna.nufactured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and see sample machine. Bown1a.nville, June Gll1, 1874. Trunks, &c. CUTTING AND FITTING Sa.'bba.th and none but finit -cla.ss workmen e mployed, thu~ in;:;uring good value every case, s1~ecial attention given to 1"iagnifice1tt display of New and Rich Goods. School Depot MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense 8Lvck of New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lnth in;:i: but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on g r·tting good value for their money . . S1 0 ltE.- One dool' (:fist of Oornish'.s Jewelry t ol'c, lCing Strt>et, Bowrnnn ville . J. SMALE. Bo·w1na.nvill e, Sopt. 2:3r<l, 1.S7:1 1 KINC STREET, BDWMANVILH. / LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. --:o:- - RICE ··· ··· 1874. TEMPRELEY LINE. coJnposed ot tlie following a n<l other fix.st-clasa Iron St eamships :· " S'l'. L A.'\-VRE:NOE." "SOOTJ.AND." "'l'ItA.!YI ES." "SEVRnN." '1 l)E L'l'.<\.." ----0'---'l'he Subscfiber baa on hand a I Large stock of Books, uited for Sabbath School I.ibrarils, Sabbath Presents, and the Study. DRESS GOODS Pfain and figured Lusti·es, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, E!llpress Cloths; and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Oord,o . 'l'be firat stc:;tm.er of t his Lin e is intended to be dea patch ed from ILLUMINATED CARDS TICKETS SMALL BOOKS &c. for Sabbath School·. 0-- - LON:OON FOR Quebec and Montreal 0:"1 MILLINERY · 1'o .Rcm,ove Wa1·ts f1·oni Ha,na& .- Purcbase a dime' s worth of spirits of bD..rtshorn ; b.'.1.the ¥/arts, or, if very uumel'ous, that portion of the hand where the warts are, with o. :.mall 11ortion of the spirits of hart.s horn,each night and n1or11· ing". fo1· a!Juut three w.eeks, not washing th,13 hands immediately after. The L use of it will not cause any pain unless it comes in contact with a out or b1·uise. A cure is usua&Y affect· ed iu about three "'eeks. Raw Beef for Dvsentei-y .- 'l'ake half a po uud of j uicy beef, free fro1r1 any fa.t 1 mince it ' 'ery £ne1y, then rub it into a. smooth llulp, either in a mortar or \vith an ordinnry potato:n1asher,and press it through a fine sieve . Spread a li ttle out upon a. plate and !ip1'inkle over it f!Oinc salt or some sugar if the child prefer it. Give it alone or spread upon a buttered slice of stale bread. Jt rnakes au excelle nt food for chilc h·en with dysentery. · Breakfast .Jlolls., 'l'ake a coffee cup fu l of new 1nilk ,; two beaten egg~ ha.If a cup of fre sh yeast; a teaspoonful of ~s:dt ; a ten.spoonful of sugar; t'vo tablespoonfuls of butter or sweet lard; stir in bri skly enough sift ed Jl ou1· to m ak e a stiff batter. , ThP.y should be mixed in this way at tea time, and ~vere<l up to rise, L:;i,te in the evening 'vhcn the dough is light, m old it out on the board twd put bauk in the p iu1, and cover again. In tht morning t ear off, Lut do not cut, in pieces of sufficient size to twist .up into rolls, working i tia.s little as po.~s ible; when they puff up, bake in a quick oven, nnd eat them while hot. <: BARKER FOR THE WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, (To be follo,ved at intervals of 'l'E)I DAYS c ludng the Season}, 0ur .Books: a.re marked low. A special <liacoun for 1'finiaters, 'l'eauhers, and Sabbath Schoola. The lar2est stock of AND FROM Quebec for London ABOU'f 7th MAY. Stereoseopie Views ever shov·:n in this Kection of the country ; also - T hrough Ti ckets f rotn all points 'Vest, at REDl. ~CEl) J{ATES. Certificates issued to P.en;1ons desirous of bringing out their friends. l1hrough Bi ll.R of Lading issued on the Collti· ncnt and in L ondon for A ll pa.it!S of Canada., and in the Unit ed States to Detroit, Milwa.u· k c.;., e hicas-o, and other points in t he VVest. .v·or Freight or Pru:mage, apply to Miooscopes, :a.ea.ding.cna.sses, etc., etc C. BARKER. .The assortment of Millinery and !vlillinery Goods is very ex tensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every ta.~te can be consulted as the val'iety is so great. The Flowers and Feathe1's, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest ass01·tment to be founrl. In Bfack and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we havt a large assortment, at prices to suit all. B ST Org.ans TE:>fPERLJlYS, CAl\'l'ER & DRAKE 21 Billet er Stre1:it , I ,on don ; l:..OSS & Co. Quebec ; D AVID SHA.W, l\i ontreal; or J AC OB NEADS, n1 20-t rod. Nov. :Bowma.nTille, Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually la1·ge. DRUGS AND MEDICINES o.t the Bowmanville Drug Store, -o- 1873. FALL STOCK. Dress Goods Newest Style. 18 73. - - - o -- of tho Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MRDOCH BR OS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM il,T OL-LD tnvst. r espPctfully tender bis sincere ,f tha.nks t o b 1s numerous friends and CU.3· tome t'S, and to the public generally, for the very libero.I sup port he has received since his ' commencing in busines3; nucl J1 opea by con· tinued strict })er1on:.tl attent ion to business, and offering nothing but the pure.!!t articles, nt the most reasonable prices, to ensu re a continua.11ce of public patronage. . J . H . would call r:ipeciaJ. at tention to his very superior st ock of Oat1nea.l il{u~h. -4,s :.t general i-ule, the coar. ser the meal the better the n1ush. The n1oal iu which the kernels are barely broken in two once, is next in quality to t bn groate, w11ieh a rc not brokeu ti,t all. Pour oue me asure of t hi8 conrse oatmeal ioto three· and one-half nieasnres of boiling }Vate:r. Stir occa<iionully, and bnil briskly Until the rb eal is evenly diffused th rough t he "' ~Lter, then set tl1c k ettle bnck wh ere it will barely simmer , cover close and }(;;tit cook an hoLu· without atirriug. 'fhen dish nnd ser V'e war1n, Jlfa1·k Your 1'ools. - Y ou cm~ eilsily mark you:r name upon steel by a process called et ching . Coat ovr.r the tool1:1 with a tliin layeL' u! wax ·or hard taJlow, by first warminq- the steel and rubbing on the wn.x, warm until i t flows, and l et it .cool. '\-Vhcn hard, mark your n:i.me through the wa.x with a "Tl"aYer and a.pply by o..quafortj_s nitric acid) ; after a few 1noments -waH h o[ the acid thoroughly with 'vu.t or, warm the m eta. enough to ·mclt the wax, n.nd 'vipc it off wit h a soft rag. The lcttc1·s '\'ill .be found etched into the steel. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct CottonsJ --- - Organs . ON THE T)Y E STUFFS which ar e su1·e lo giv e the bust satisfaction. ..:\. 'veil !!elected stuck of GREY COTTONS of the best make, including the celebrated TO THE PUBJ_jlC. 'VALTER WIGG- & SON, STORMONT. CONTINENT. lOct Cottons DBUGS, GHE NICA LS, P A TENT JfEDIGINES, BRUSHES, GOJll! BS, SHOULDER-BRACES, of unequalled SUPPORT.l!:RS, Etc , Ek STYI.E a.:nd Q'C' AI.ITY N returniug t hanks to their numerous cuato1ners a.nd thi::i public ~HneraHy, for pa.at fa vors, would respectfnUy invite their <a.ttention to our present stock of furnit ure 1 as wo hD..,·e lately added thereto, tbtlt we may thertiby be enabled to su-pply all parties who n1ay please t o favor hini with a call. G-reat inducements held ont to those ptu:cha.sing at our establishment. P ie· at Cowle's---Splendid tures, TJooking Gllli3Se8, etc .. sra.med to order, and in every style. Sa1nples of the di:ff<:rent kind of 1"Iot1ldings can be seed a.t the ware·rooro. We 'vould also beg .to inform you, tb a~, value. having pur chased a.- I SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, \Vt! PRIN':rs STOl?.MONT shall be r(lady at al times, to·a.ttend fnuera.ls, on short notice and roasoni1,blo t orn1s. N. ~. -- Coffins kept on hand, and tnadc to order, at the NEW D03fINION RETAIL FfJRNI1'URE WARE-ROON. Oshav.·a, Aug. 26th, 1870. K\ng Street East,-Oshawa. kept co1u. i tn.utly on hand. Is the Manufacture of Cider ·Profitable as· -a Business? My opinion is, that it would be fo r lbe nterest of farm e rs to pay m ore attention to OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VAR~ISHES, Mid WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices . To the :Cnha.'bita.:nts of :Bowman.ville. I am a.bout getting a COTTON BAGS, DENTALB1JRRINGENGINE THE BEST by which I can Horses and Cattle Medicines. fruit-get good frui\-particularly the early liarvest apple, both sweet and sour, they sell readily for cash in all our inarkets, and N . B.-Country store·ke~pers supplied on the most advantageous ter1ns. .A ch oice s.elcc.tion of L AMPS for bale c11eap. B .) W' Ulil,!n'1l1e . D ;1c . 1868. Um. A' BIG· RURH in i the World. Extra.ct Teeth in less than ha.lf the usua.l time, and withUess pain to the patient than heretofore, and tha.t I have proourcd a. NEW AND IHPBOVED APPADATUS tor generating Nitrous Oxide Gas, by which I can no'v Irish gi.d 1 on applying for n. ai.tnation, was asked by a lady if she 'v~H! u:;:ed to early rising. " Arrah l " exclaimed B iddy, is it airly rising ye v:nnts? Faith, I al· ways ge ts up, an~ has the breakfast rcD..dy, o.nd every bed in the house made, before there.. is a ~oul in the house :i,,va.ke. .An' is that aidy enough for ye ? ,, 'l'he lo.dy thought it was 1 bnt i:ihe also t hought th at making a bed wlJile the person was asle ep Wa8 a ~ ovel e;xperimcnt, and one which !:ilie did not caro to £ry. Biddy, thcretore, received h~r conge. JilAEL Y l{.JSING.-An furni sh fine food for hogs, beginning to foll, ns they do, befote our peas are tit to gather, and before they can be turned into stubble; then as to the fall apple, have a greater proportion of s\\o·cet apples ; there 11rc sever· al noted species very fine for npple- saucC, is now ra.giug a.t ' EXTRACT TEErl'H WITHOUT PAIN. · Special Line of COTTONS at OOWLE'S. .11..ltTI,F, IOIAL 'lEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 " GOOD " " READY-MADE and those are again sought after in market an·l readily sell for cash at foir price s, and what cannot be sold of those will ·1'·in furnish tine food for hogs,and just at the time that our shoata have gathered the shuck;; of tbc stubble ; thus then 've are disposing of all our apples to goori advantage. 'l.1hen CLOTHING MOBBI S' Licentiate of· the 1 Royal College of o"'·manvilJ(l, Qptober, ~87-i~ J. :M. :Brima,combe, D~ntal YOUR.S RESPEUTFULLY, $16:00 CASH. Surgeons, Ont. · Good and Cheap. DOMINION BANK. BOWMA1'"VILLE AGENCY. the Dominion Bank has opened an agency for the transaction ofiifbusiuel:!H in Horse-Y'tt Block, two doors ea.st of Br(!die's Hotel, · King Street. Interest will be allowed on deposits. Drafts: issued on all points in Oanadtt.1 United States a.n<l Great 'Britain. '11he Savings Bank department is now Oj)Cll, On all deposits over $-:1 interest will be. al o"·ed a:t the rate of 5 per cut p!lr annum. Office Hours.-F1·on\ 10 o'clock a. m., to 3 o'clock p . m., except on.fSD..turda.ys, .when the Bank will close at J o'clock,_p. ro~ J. H. J\lcLELLAN, m3ltf Agent. A little :Rhyme came just in timo, And all i'olibout the best of Lilne. I.ime fi:cAI. the West of the very best, Not beat in an_y q'Qarter; J,ime that will ahvays stand the t es t, '\'\7flen making into mortar. I will try and keep a good Sllpply 1 For it is always \Vantcd, That \·then you all come in to buy, You'll not be disappointed. You will alwn.yis find it dry and fre sh, An<l that is something bonnie, So come along and try this Lime, But don't forget the money. Hours of delive:1 ft'Om Nine a.m . to Four p.m. , Corner of ~neen au d Ontario Street. CARRIAGE SHOP Clothing Ma.de to Order It is a well-known Fact tlwt Cowle has tlie best Tweeds A Righlnnde1· wh9 sold broom1:1 'vent into a UarlJcr's shop in Glasgv w to get shaved. The barber boug11t one of 11is brooms, a.ncl. after havin g sba\-"'ed _him, o.sked the price of it. i i Tippence/ ' aaid the Highlander. · "No, no/' eays the .ehavcr; "I'll give you a penny, and if that do es not satisfy you, take )'Ollt broom aga.i.n. 11 The Hig-hlandtir took it, and a:ikc<l " 'hat he hat]. to pay. ,, A penny/' sa.ys Strap. n I'll gie ye a baw·b1;ie," sa.ys Duncan, hand if that J 1 nna sn.tisfy ye, pit on my be11.rd again." 'Anny letther for Q 1lloo1a.han? · Oilico. '\1\/ lrich of them ? 1 1 Anny of thim,' ' We can't give out letters that wa.y-·wha.t's your first name? ' 'None of your busiuess fwhat 1ne name is- I want a lctther. ' 'V{e can't tell i.vhother there is any letter for you 'vithout knowing what your name is. ' 'I'm ~ naturalized ci tizen, and ain't I as much right to 'a let· . as auny boc1· ·1 th er s? · ""h ·v )', yes, of course,_ J there is any fol' you. I can't tell 'vhether ther9 is a.uy. unless you tell me your name.' 'Gimme a. letth1:.ir1 I tell you!' 'Give me your name, I tell you!, '1'¥1 e name is- me na,weis-Path· rick ).fa.honey.' (Clerk looks). ·'.Chere is no letter for Patrick Mahoney.' After n. little 1 comes the winter apples, those that are picked and barrelled eau l>e transported to tnurket after supplying our O\Vn v.rnnts and that of our neigb bars, and then of tho3P. ·which are specked or bi;ai aed in falling let the fo.rmer make cidcr,t as it i s nut 1ny vi'ish to see nTiything wa.s~d, nor \VOn ld I 'co1n mend cntting down apple tree s u nless they produced. such iniserable fruit as \voul d make a pig squeal , and then if su ch a re cut down let them be replaced \Villi :;;u1.,; li fruit (west of the On tn.rio Bank,) nd he 1 s determined to continue to sell at these rninously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do tKing Street, Bowmanville. First, he bµys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what he o;i,n't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with §prnl I profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; rr11E. r.mbs criber i~ 1Jre1rn. recl to build and Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. p air · in tlie country;. Nothing cheapel' than the !Oct re· N OTICE IS ·HEREBY GIVEN 'l'HA'r ---------·-----·-Cotto11s Cowlc's, O A LL AND SBE '.FOB AND --o-- ·~ YOUDfll~LVBS, l~n lrli!h fellow-citizen eall.ed ~ nt the Post as I have stated, and let the cidc.r be 1na.de W a!Jr ·,~s1 Buggies, cm d Gutters, of evc l'y deac..ripti. ori , ::i..t s:Port noti cp, auclo and sold after it hae becorn e good vin egar, " r9riaonable t enna, and my word for ii you n e ve r " ·ill hea1· Exa1 nine the stock, which comvrises everything in the trade, of the very lntest a4d JnOst cl cg:rnt those having lnrge orchard s mourning over styles and patterns, of English, Canadiau, and Anierican 1uanufacturo. --o-the loss: of their market for 'Jider; bccatt$C from the best of rna.terial, r:.nd n0ne but firt;-t -class Carriages Painted and Trimm ed. they \\'ill make double out of' theil· orchard s He still continues to n1run1fa.cture to ot.'dor, workn1en k ept , on my teetot.a.l plan than they wi11 oll the -o-· BLANKETS BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU . , ·THOS. BOWDEN. no24.tf Bowmanville, 1"1a.rch 11th 1871. Large Variety Dana's Patent Sheep Marks nnd recommended by many of thf best l3reeden in the United Statoo and Canada1 such as G. .B. Loring, Salem, Maas., President I\l"e'v E_!i,gland 'Vool (}ro"·ers' Socioty; John S. Rose, Henne· pint Ill. ; Pi·ofessor I\L Miles, of the State Ag· ricultura.1 College, Lansing, Ptfich.; Hon, Geo. Bro,vn, Toronto, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each ~lark is stamped the owner's name S..."ld the Sheep's number. They will be sent free. by mail, or expret111 1for only iour ce·nt~ ca.ch, l!oDd will la.st for ·x\..·ENTY r~AR8, CW" Cash must accompany all orders JIESE M.!\RJCS ARE 'JlHE CHEAPEST T the n1ost lastiug, the least troubleaome and most complete E:!Ver inYented. They are used 1 SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fa.sh.ion. ---NOT SO FAST. I have written tbeso f ew line_.s .A.nd all I ha.ve to say, That yqu can figd ine· still.at homo I aiµ llQt ·gone ijW~Y ~ So all my kind old friends u1~y co1n c i And all the young OI)es tpo And .f,?et their garments nictily m n.do _In fa.~hiona tha.t a.re new, \Vhere old and young dei:..r fi·ienda tt a.y meet A lvelcomc gr eeting by R. J>E .A.T E , l3Qwmanville, old cider-topers plan of tuaki ng_ all in to cider.-Oolumbia T"Vashing . Wnian.~ · 1· I t h t e are more me rnec o a e one ano tl1cr on points on \Vhic~_ ""·~differ ~ba..n to love one another f:ir no1n ts on which \Ve agree. W The reason Orders Pl'omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed 1 · j· I H<l has in st0ck a.n endl'esi:i \'ariety of Ladies' ~:Q.d Ge1~ts' Sa.rf)otoga. "l'runk~, Y *lises, &o., !J.ll pf on th prc1nises 1 v:ere special a ttention s gn 'cn j 'vlrich he is selling cheap fo1· cg.slr . ~ ~ " to ~l!· . - - oi A Blapksmith's Shop \York, Remember the Stand, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. · · M TRELEVEN · o~.n-iage · and General Wino eys--a. Dea.d Jo 'b ~. pcrb~ps is thi s : 1\fhen \ve find more !!tubborn insisting, the man started a vay. ot.bers that agree with u s, \Ye :sc11.1om tro uLle 1 .A. gentlen1an who had been looking on ,.vitb ourselves to conf11·u1 that agreement ; but n1uch enj oyment inquired: 'So you~n)t get when \\'e ch£tnce on those th at di!Te1· with u s 1 1 .any let ter after nil,. J:>at2 ' ' N o,' said Pat, we are i ealous b ot h t o CO il\fi oce a nd io con· · wit h a. wiu.lc, ' b ut I got ~v eu wid h im ; it :LANK C l~ l:\'l~IF IC AES, .Applica.tions ·wrtsuit me own ll ame I guv him! Is there a.ny vert them. Our pride is h nrt by the fail&c. &c ., can be procured at t11is office, at o. t her P ost Office in this towi1 where I could get j ure, an<l disappointed prid :: e nge11dere reaulitr 1 l'atr. !:. Bowmanville, July '1th 1 1873. p, lett JJ er, sur?' hatred, ·-. ::'.::=================================== MARRIAGE LICENSES W '. issued by R, C L IM i ll, Bowmanvillo Nov. lfh .Bowm an ville, May 13, 1874. J obbing. I All work do ne at this Establishment B- --·Specia ~ indMement CA.Sil Purchasers. giy~n tQ SEii.VER ARCIHBALD YOUNG, JH., Ord ~rs addre8seJ. to the MERCHYT and OB· , To Masters of L 0 L Sf\.rlliK, Ont. warrnnted. B tl1e States-m.an, OOice Bo\vma nville I A_ca.ll i::i resp ectfnlJy solicited. .T. MORRIS. B o>vm n.11 v ill~, Oct. l st 1 18 60, . 1 C F. Y, 0w e; ' Offi ce, for any quantity, 'vill be £lied a.t the ' above.mentioned price, a.'! quickly as he M arks cun be made and sent. . · C. BARKER, Bowmanville,Dec, 28th,187L ml3 ly J Ltne 19th 187 3. ·