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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 27 Nov 1874, p. 4

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THE NI:ERCHANT, FRIDAY, NOYEl\'IJ3ER 27, 1874. POETRY. A Mqtto for Boys. BY AI,10.lil UARY. JU'ST !RIIVED Soinc farmers a1·e always behind hand in do· jng tP,eir 'vork, and t:.his month freqU.entJy find!! th em not at all P~enared for its chilling blMta. Bnildings'not bi g-ood orCler, Should be.repaired without delay, all foul places cleansed thoroughly, and heavily whitewashed or. sprinkled with limo. " · CeUars under houses should be sctupuloualy cl1.Ja1tsed: ·and, if possible to avoid it, t1hould ' nevcl· The Satisfaction given by AT Tho bp)r. who does a stroke ~<l to.tops, Will ne'er a great ma.u be; 'Tis the a.ggre~ate of single drops That makes the sea the sea. ANDERSON · _ :BOOT A.NI> S:B:OE EMPORIUM, _ · ='-' & CO'S s eclipsed by the satisfaction given by SMALE to his numerous patrons. He is now pleased to announce that be bas vn baud a largu and varied assortrrent of BARNUM shalls:ttowor.ka.·soonaspossible. Just Arrived. n-t tlie The monntain was not, at its birth, A mountain, so to speak ; The little aton1s of sand and ea.rth Have made its peak a peak. !:Not all at once th e mornjng Btrearr1s 'l'be 'gold above tho gray ; '1'is thousand little yello\v That makee the day the dniy. Not from the ano,v<ld.ft ~fay awake!', In purples, reds a.nd greens : pring's whole bri gh t retinue it t:~kes 'l'o. malte h>'.'r qrn~en of queens. .Upon the orchard rain n1ust fall, And soa.k fro111 branch to root, And blossonls bloon1 and fade withal, Before the fruit is frui t. 'l1he farmer needs must sow and t.ill, "And 'vait the wheaten bread, Then cradl~, thresh and go to 1nill, 1' 1.~f1·rl.! tlw 1Jr"enrl i~ l:)read. Swift heels nui,y get the early shout, But· 8pita of all the din, .j AT THE L0\7\TEST pJ:--:>ICES --0. the la.rgest stock of BOOTS and SHOES eyer offered in Bowman.ville, and BOOTS. AND .SHOES of the best quality, and is a.nx1ous they All Sizes.. All X1nd.s. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut $1.25· a splendid assortment of · All P ices, NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of ' It is the patien t holding out Tba.t makes-the- v.·inner vAn. Make this your motto, then, at start, 'Twill help to smooth the way, And steady up both hand and heart," Rome wasn't built in a day ! " Crumbs for Chickens. It was a bright boy who told bis teacher there were three eexes-the 1nale. sex, the female sex, and the insects. An Indiana clergyman sued a newspaper for libel and dropped dead within a week. 'l'he Detroit Free P1·css says these fellows will learn something by and by. A captain finding an Irish boy, during the middle wa.tch, frying 1:mme ham a.nd eggs he ha.d rtole~ from the ship'a atore ca.lied out to him, 1 you1ubber, you, I'll have none of tbat.'· "Faith, captain, I've none for ye," said the Ind. The witty wife of a noted physician advised her husband to keep a'\Yny from the funeralB of his patients, as it looked too much like a t~ilor not ad4 to the health of the f~inily. Anhnal" should be. studiously protected, but only iu jtborough1y ventilated stables. Their food should be given four or five times du.ringt.he twenty-four hours, so thnt nono of it need be refused because it i::i 1nut!sed or 1toilt;d. Many farmers whose experience has been varied, prefer this plan, thinking it more economical, and more serviceable to the animals than feeding only two or three times a dny. For borsef.4 and neat stock, t:ila.ce lumps of rock salt in the mangers. Fooll inust be varied to suit the kind and condition of animals. He who would prosper as a stock breeder or dairy.wan, caDnot learn too much of the animal economy. Comfort able stables i;a-T"e food, and very materially a.~i s t in maintaining animals in a good condition. Cli::~zwing.the hiClc ~lld:;,fieqnent ntl>bing will PXomote health. ll has become quite a comn1on practLcc with Sm ;ne . farmers, to curry and rub down their neat stock, and We trust it mn.y become universal. · · · ' Ke-ep fattenimu' 4nimals fuil.y fed 1,but be careful to vary t'hc food sufficie~Lt1'y to cause a. good appe tite. ,. Hogs'shoulc.l be fed oil Cooked or soaked co~n, or corn meal 1 .almost e.n~irely toV(a~ th~. la.,,t day ~ of their fattening'. Tjirow lime and ashes, in sinn.11 quantities, on the fl0ors of th~ pens from time to time, and occasionally fcod a little ' Sulphur. 1 , · Young Animals ought not . to be made tender b,Y too close boui:ling-should be treated gent!y and wilh.:fa.iniliarit . . , Steers and Colts m~y thuS be brought to ~ condition that \v.Ul make it a very o~y t$:ok to brenk them into the yoke or harness. ~ ,Sliede,a~ lc9:9~' !hil't.yfeet wide, with ~ow g,~s~s, and opemng into tL' y' rd on the sunny aide,_ s-qrronnded by buil,clings, or a high fence 1 are .hliihly approved of for sheep c;ir young stoc~ They thus ha.."V'e an ovportttl_!it:y to exercis,e in the o~n~ air and snnlight, retiring to ii Well littered protection at their1.Jle(\Sur . care inust be used iu feeding, that the wea.ker animals may have fair bi' u:Sed f.or 1:1toring vegetables, as they do SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & G ·REAT INDUCEMENTS Stamps for Baiding and Em'boid.ery. rro CASH PURCHASERS. ' 'to Beat i't. . A.lso a largo stock of -o- Prunela Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH GENT'S BOOTS. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at Rubber Goods, F~lt Goods, FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. FALL OPENING ANDERSON & CO., Trunks, &c. thus insuring good value every case. 1 Deed's old Stand. Special attention given to CUTTING AND FITTING The :Best Ma.teria.l used. oa.t ANI>EitSON &; CO'S. and none but flr·at-cla ss workmen cm1)loyed --o---ANOTHER'FIRSTCLASS WORKMAN WANTED. NO OTHER NEED APPLY AT ANDERSON & CO'S. DBESSMAKINQ as usual. MRS· A. FLETCHER Buwmanvillc, April 7tb,1874. Autumn Fashions! ---oo- .N. B.- We have heen appointed aO'ents for the celebrated BANNER SEWING MACHINE, manufactured in She1-brooke, Quebec. Call and see sample machine. Bowruanville, .Tune 5th 1874, STORE.-One door east of Cornish's J ewehy tore, King Strt!et, Bowtna·n ville. Bowmanville, St1pt. 23rd, 1873 BOWMANVILLE l\Iagnificent cliSJll~y J" SMALE. Ma.chine and. Im:plement Manufacturing Co of N e'v and Ricl1 Goods. LONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. Ma1l ufactures of MURDOCH BROS. h::we opened out an immense Htvck of N <'W F:;ll .Goods. Great. care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as '10th :n.? but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. 1874. WOOD AND IRON RICE ··· TE:MPRELEY LINE, comµosed of the follov.inlj and othei· ijrst-cltJ.Bs Iron Steamships:"'l'H.A:\:IES." WORKING MACHINERY. "' .---o---- "ST. LAWRENCE." · I "SCOTLAND." <I LEFFEL'S SEVY.TI.N.., "DELTA." DRESS GOO DS _ Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Popli:is, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black c~ bourg, Black Paramat.tas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz CordP, The first steamer of this Line is intended to be flespa.tched from Double Turbine Water Wheels, and ··· · LONDON FOR play. ' · .· Manu~c makinq should be prosecuted l'.-ith carrying home his work. R-eY. Gt!Ut.-11 But you reiilly e.:.'\n have no. serious reason to wish to be pa 1'ted from yoi1r wife." Rustic.-" \Vell, no, Sir. I like my wife Well enough, but, you see, she don't please mother." Girl$:, a.e you va1ue your lives, don't get Ut> a.D.d get breakfast in the morningi;i. :A. young-la.dy attempted it one day Jn.rot week, and wae· burned to death. Show this to your rriamrnas. "I am weary of life- bury me deep on the hillside," wrote a young man in ])ubuquei; but they pumped him out, and that sa1ac nig.h t he went to the circus and ln.ughed till -he cried at the a:s,tios of the trick mules. ' h~tchelnr isa.ys if you hand n. lady a ne\"!t' l- :1p ur '\'i' h ; 1. µar:"Lg-1·arJh cut out of it, not a line uf it \\ill b... read, bnt every blt of int.ercst felt in the paper by the lady will centre in finding out what the misijing para.gxa-ph contained. Boston men can't bt'lieve what they see, One of them had to feel a Hteam·er in Chica.go tq, Bee if it v;ag rcfilly whirling. It reil.lly wa1, and three or four of hts £ngcrs fell Cown behind an aldermo.n's era.vat. -Detroit Pretts .. A certain !armer, Jw.ving company at dinner, ·was atMbitious to tnake it appear that he wns somebody. Addressing his boy, he said 1 "Hln·eyon driven those sheep in?" "Yes. 15ir." "Are you sure you drvve th ::im all in? 11 "Yes, sir; I saw hin1 jump over tho bars.' 1 He had but one. 0 Alas!" said the nurse who attcnJed the witty didrie, Sidney Smith, in his illne8~ 1 " I have a n1istake a.n<l given you a bottle of ink." "'l'hen," said the dying wit," fetch me all the blottin~ pa.per there is in the hou se.' ~ An inveterate topf;'r, in a locaEty where the ardent \Vas llnder the ban, put somt' rock candy in a bottle, rnbbed the neck with i.:a1nyhor1 a-nd then had the druggist fill it ,vitt.i wbfakey, ~he wife oft.he purchaser was u troubled so much '\'\"ith the headache." R ev. J. H. 'Todd, of Sivux City, played a rather neat little joke 011 his wif0, the other ~ da~ . 'Vhilc sh e ~. 1·us unsuspectingly engaged in half solicg his "' inter trousers, he quietly slipped out at the hack gu.te and el.. pi;:d 'vith a millinel'. An enthusiastic was turned out of the gallery of n. ?vicmphis theatre, the other night, for ~ll· couragiug the antirn·~ ot Miss Lydia. rrhompaon with the delighted exclamations of " Bully for you, old to"·.top ! Good lordy, Took at her kick ! " Thus crnel fatt' cl'iilh! the ard-:>r of the most inkeuious spirit. Poor young thing ! she fai11tc<l away at the lvnsh-tub, and 11cr pretty nose went ker-slop in· to the aoapfu<ls. Some said it was ovcrWol'k . others, however, '\'hisp_ercd tha t her beau had peeped over the back fence o.nd called out: "Hullo, th ere, Bridget, ia }fisa Alice at home?" - J.'e10 York Conim.c1'C'\n.l. Thia is the 'vay' a colored pl'eache1· at Richmorid arranged hfa heaters for mutua1 eolltenitince : "De fore pa.rt Qb de church will please sit down so de hind pa.rt ob de church can see do fore part, 'fQr de hilld part can't Bee de fore part ef de fore part persist in stanin' before de hind pa.rt to de utter exclt1eion of de hind part by de fore part. 11 ~ · . .I Several years ago a hopeful youilg minister left these shores for the Cannibal Ialands as a the utmos_t~ yigor. Af long as the weather permits, occu)?y every;_ spare hour iii collecting mud~1 pond mud, leaves, sods, ditch acra.pinks, a.n~ 1 ~ganiq depOsita,to be thrown under cattle in th~ bog ~e.rt,tfr ~3.~~re yi;rd. '.-Re,coll~cf tliat" manur" is the :fioa.ting capital of the farmer,and i£ benefit is to be derived from its use, mitst be tak~n that it does ~otjloat 'ofr'literalJ.y. Devote $tutly a.µd thought to this p~t Of .y6ul' far1nlpg, but do not spare the 111-u.!Cl~, f1r muJli oa.n be made by a p_roper manipulation anclcoit~ mingling of materjals. . Taj, Dressing may be puniued as auggeate·d lsst n10nth 1 and the hints there given aa to--Uitch-es, ,dra.ins,aud drain¥e 1 ijhould b9 heeded as far ~ po~sible dul'ing tbiS month. '· ~ Fruit shOuld be ca-refully cUU'!d over, a.nd ~ll tho.t is sOund, wiped dry, and laid away on shelves, in dark, cool 1·ooms, or dry cellars~as uniform a t en12eratu1·e as possible being kipt up. Cut scioru for grafting, and pack &.wai ill dl1tsawdust in a. good cellar until uee.d~d. tings of, cu1TantS,etc., ,may be sc~'1.a Jong1i.s ihe ground is oi)eµ.'and fl~fa.ble. · · Cell<i1·a and pits lot: vegetables need clost watCbUJg, that more protection may be given when tbe cold weatber..bogina in earnest. Plants in cold ffauies should get -all the sun and air they cau endure. · Spina<ih and other crops left out shou1d be ·protected. With..litter"i;hickly laid ou. All roots should bo j.nlmadia.tely · gathered and stored in. pitij. --~capt th!\t portio ~ Of the ..:parsnip ·crop intended for'· Spring use,. hich will be better oft.ju t11e ground, if stO.ndtn:g wn,: -ter is not alloJYed on :tl!e 15~ds. G·rape ·'vines should be ca1·efu1Iy pruned-the Oonoor<;t, Is~ a.bella, and Cn.tawba not as closej,y aS tl1e finer ~o~ts.- Some aprts in. co~ la.titud_es willllee<l .t~ Qo laid dowh ud coverod with earth -for the 'Vinter. 'J.1hjs is also true Or tender rasp\erdes. Strawberries ·should be ch:1-tfdlly covered, and no stagua.ut '\'ater aJTorvEid On the bedS:r-Pcn' and Plboi. :., ~ Quebec and Montreal ON ca.stings of a.ll Xind.s B!lliEI AGEN'fS FOR THE WEDNESDAY, 15th APRIL, ('l'o be followed at intervalB of TEN DA-Y:S clin'ing tho Season), REPAIRS done on the MILLINERY 'Phe assortment of Jlo.llllinery an\} l'ifillinery Goods is Yery extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste ran be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the largest assortment to be founr. AND FROM Quebec for London ABOUT 7th MAY. Thr0ug11 Tickets frou1 all points W ~st, at REDUCED RA'l'ES. Certificates issued to p,_erson~ desirous of bringing out their · frie11cls. rhrough BiJls of Lading iesued on the Continent and in London for all parts of Canada.. anU in the P'nited States to Detroit, ~filwau ke!,i ChiMbo, and other points in the West . ..ll·or Freight or Pasf.!age, apply to s:a:onTEST NOTICE, We ha.\o·e now on hand a large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at LOW . PRICES . AT THE SHOP; Bowma.nville, March 6 1873. tf. In B:iack and White real Laces and Lace, we hav~ a large assortment, at prices to suit all. TEMPEULEYS, CA'.Rl'lim & DRAKE, 21 RUletcr Street, London ; ROSS & O. Quebec; DAVID SH.AW, Montreal:;_ tu: JACOB NEAvS. Bowinanville, rn 29·t md. Kov. 1873._ -o- 1873. ---o--- Our St.vck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, etc,, will be found unusually large I DRUGS AND MEDICINES Organs at the Bowmanville Drug Store, I FALL STOOK. ---o--Dress Goods Newest Style. of the Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROSa J. HIGGINBOTHAM 1.;{TOUJ,D 1n0st respectfully teu<ler his sin~ere ff thanks to his numerous friends and customers, and to the public generally, for the very libl'ral support he has received since his commencing in ·busines3 ; nnd hopes by co~ tinued strict per!onal attention to businesi!, autl. offe1-ing nothing but the purest ~icles, a.t themol:!t rca.~onable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. .J. H. would call special attention to his very superior stoo~. of ( Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? f ·' ,.. The Liv~ St0<:k f l:!u:rnal has ~.. cOrre.s~nUerit who fo und his ·mtt1P given to the hahit of eating wood, chewing b<>ues, etc. They thin in flesh, refused to eat ha.y, and presented a sickly <l·Pi)earance. He had no impression that their food la<:ked the constituents for making bone; a.nd his neighbors use bone-meal, without noticing any good rosults whatever, At laf,!t lie put about four bushels of leached a.shes in his barn-ya.rd, and threw out to them a.bo11t a .shovelful day. They all ate with evident relish. After turning them out to pasture, he put one peck of dry.· ashes per week on the ground in the pasture. · '!'hey it an, and off the grass wber 't-lut.d been lying. The cattle begaI\tO imp ore, ga.ining flesh and looking better tha.n th y had done for ®V<:ral years. He ea'r thilflb!rbif1: appearimce wns unnoticed yea:ra ago, 'from thi:: fn'i:lt tha.J the ground was ne1v and aelijY from the ~urning of the wooda and 1~1d clettrrings. , Sine t 'fs discovery he gives one quart ~f ash.e!i~ mixed1 with one qua.rt of salt, to twelve bead of cattle a.bout onoe a week. Ashes a~ Food _ .. _ for Cattle. . i' Organs ON' i;_THE T)YE STUFFS which are suJe to give the best satisfaction. A well selected stock of GREY COTTONS of the b~st TO THE PUBI_j:ro. vVALTER WIGG & SON, ~ rotun1ing thauk~ to"thcir numerous customers and, the public .i:;, for past fa.,rOJ'i3, I ivould respectfully invite tJieir attention to our present stock of fLu·niture, as we l1a.Yc lately added thl'reto, that we may thereby be enabled tu anpply all pa.~ties who may please to £av.or him v.·ith a calL Great induceui~uts held out to thos~ purchasing at our esta.bbsb1nent. Pie· tu1·es, Looking Glaase1:1, etc .. aramed to order, and in every style. S~1npl?$ of th e different kind of ~{ouldings can be seed at the ware·room. "\Ve would abo l1og to infor1n you, that, ha,ving purcha.sed a makl:'I, including the celebra.ted STQ RM ONT. CONTINENT. !Oct Cottons at Cowle's---Sp!endid DRUGS, value. OHEN[O..ALS, P .A.TENT llfEDICINES, BRDSHfi:S, GOJlfBS, SPLEND lD NE'\V HEARSE, PRINTS of unequalled we shall be rea.dy at al times, to attend, on &hort notice and reasonable terms. N. B. - Coffins kept on hand, and to orcJer, at the SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek kept consta.ntly on band. ,,, S'l'YLE and. QUALITY STOBMONT NEW, D01l!J.NION RE7'.AIL FURNITURE W .ARE-ROO"~f. Osha,Yat Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD o.t thi ve1·y low,e st prices. To the Inha.bita.nts__-of ~owma.nville. 1 am about getting a. COTTON TH.E BAGS, A Chee~ Hi>1f1e. ·~~~~ , ~ Horses and Cattle Medicines. N; B. - CoUntry store-keepers supplitid on the most aclvantageous terms. A choice selection of LAMPS for hale ch6ltrp, B:)W1 na.uville, Dec. 18fi8. 6m. BEST DENTALB1JRR.INGENGINE by which I can ·in the World. Special Lino of COTTONS at COWLE'S. Extra.ct Teeth in less than , ha.lf the usua.l time, and 'vithlless pain to the patient than.heretofore, and that I have procured a miasionary, On· ~rl'iving at the end of his joµrney the natives weiqhed him and cut a. aliv.E"r qff his leg as a sample. He came home by the · 11;e~ _boat 1 and is now the travelling agent of a along our, full of freshness, fragrance, circue. and b~auty, oo do kind words ,and'. gentle A WOIDan in New London, Conn., .saw her husballd ca.rrying a lady's sat.chel, and she tore ·the lady's dress off her before discovering that ~~ waa her llJother, 'vho had ·dropped dowu on '.the evening tl'fl.ln to i;iu HJrise her.. Every hus· bapd in ~the land who is out evenirigs shvuld rea.d this little itein to his '"°ifti and ·h old up the daugers of her beco1ning suspicions without the best ,.f t.:ause, A single bitter word ma .l'isquiet an en· tire family for a whole day. One surly glance casts a gloom ·over the honi!ebold, while a smile, like a glea~ of sunshine, may light u~ ·11\li ll$rk..efil ~~ w.iariest hours. Like unexpected flo~·ers, which spring up A : .BIG RURH is now ra.ging at NEW .AND IMPROVED APP.A.BATUS tor genera.tin!{ Nitrous Oxide Gas, by which I can llO\Y ' TIELEVENS MODBIS' EXTRACT .T EETH WITHOUT PAIN. AR'l'IFICIAL TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20:00 " " GOOD " ." $16:00 YOURS RESPECTFULLY, CASH· READY-~IADE · acts and sweet dispositions make · glad .the home wl>ere peace and blessing dwell. No matter how humble the abode, 'fit be thus garnished with grace and awe tened with kindness and e111iles~ the heart \Vill turn CLOTHING Good and CARRIAGE · o\vmanville, October, · 187~. J. :M:. :Brimacombe, · Licentiate of1the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Cheap. lovingly t,oward it from all the t~1m11lts of lH ;~ li t.tlti town in Missouri a lady te.:i.cher 1Ht" 1.x -n~ a of juveniles i n me~tal a.rithllwP. She bf' the que~tion, a If ~;OU buy a cow for ten dollars "-whGn up a littlehiind. 1 '"\'\Tliatis it, Johnny?" "'\-Yhj .. you can't buy no kind of a Co'v for ten dollars. Father sold one for sixty dollars the other day, aud she wns a regular old scrub at that." the world, !:\nil home, if it be ever so homely, will bet-he deart'st spot beneath the circuit of the sup. > SHOP .Clothing X~d.e to Order It is a well-known Fact tliat Cowle ltas the best Tweeds in the countr.1J. 4.\Tothing cheaper than the 10ct DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. OTICE IS ·HElmBY GIVEN 'l'HA'r tbl:l Doininion Bank iu1.a·opened an agency :tor the tran saction ofj,busiuess in Horsey'~ Block, two doors of Brodie's Hotel, King Street. Interest will be allo\\·ed on d~J:i_osits. Drafts iflsued on all points in Canada., United States and Great Brita-in. The Savjngs Bank department is now open. On all depoaita over $4 interest will be allowed at the rate of 5 per ent_pcr a.nnum.' Office Hours. - From 10 o'clock a. Jn., to a o'clock p. Ill., exceptonUSaturdays, when the k will close at J o'olock, p. m., B"zi R:HYKE AND LIME. A little :Rhyme ca1ne justiu time, And all about the best of Lime. Lime from..thtLW e~t of the very best, Kot beat in n.ny'; Ioime that "'ill n.hvny8 sta,ncl the test, Whcumakll1g into mortar. I will try and keep a good eupr1ly 1 For it is always wanted, That when you all come in to buy, Y ott'll not be disappointed. You will ah\·ays find it dry anl1 freah, And that is something bonuie, So come along and try this Lime, But dou't forget the money. Hours of delivery from Nine a. m. to Four p.1u., Uorner of Qneeu and Ontario Street. (\Yest of tho Outario l3auk,) And the inf\Qence~ of home perpetua~ n d he is detemiined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices Lbemselve,;. The gentle grace of the mothcheaper thn.n the cheapest. W by he can do iter the ·l!,augbter long after her hea,d First, he buy· for cash and knows just how to btiy ! King Street, Bowmanville. is pillowed in the dust of death; and tlie Second, wh11t he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures I fatherly kindness fi Dds its echo in the no:I'hird, he is · satisfied with small profits I biUty and courtesy of sons who come to wear Fourth, he sells for c11sh; A wlored man applied fo a- Doston sa.vings- his mantle and to fill his place; while, on Fifth, he sells at bot.tom pl'iooa. rrHE. subscriber is ln·epM"oU to build a.nd bank, wishing to Uraw· one dollo.r. The clerk the other hand, from an unhappy, lnisgoverned, an4 disordered ho1ne fio forth pe.~s1ns who shall make other ho1nes inisefable, aild petpetuatc ti1e sourness ·llnd sadness, the contentions and strifea and failings which have 1nade their own early liveS so wretch- N Gotlotia Oowle's. re· informed him thil.t the iron rule of the institn. tion forbid the withdrawal of less than three dollars. Our colored brother \vaa jn d"eep Rtudy for a few moments, .and then said: "Sar, I'll take de frtie dollars." The three dollars were paid to him, when he a.t once added: "?\ "ow, aar, if yer ple&se, ear, I'll 'poset two dollars in de institution." 'rhe a.moullt was duly received a.nd credited, when, 1vith hia loose dollar in his pocket, he gave the clerk a aly wink, · nnd walked a.'vay. S11ortly after the battle of Pcinccton a. witty Scotch fariner aun18ed himself by writing a humorous ballad upon it, which so stung one of the officers who had Pchaved ver-Y badly on this occasion that he sent the poet a challenge to meet him at H - for n1ortal c1,mba.t. The accolld found the farmer busy 1vith his pitch· fork, to whom he delivered the cho.llenge of the ;tedoubtable hero . The good-huinored farmer, turnin1r toward him with liis ngricultural implement in his hand, coolly said, "Gang awn.' back to Maister Smith, nnd tell him I hae nae time to come to R - to gie satisfaction · but that if he likes to come here, I'll do just a~ he did- -I'll run a'va' ! " -o- pa-1r. OALL AND SBJE FOR YOURSELVES, AND Wagons, Buggies, a.ncl Cutters, of every desw-iption, at short notice, ando reaHona.bliJ terms. .B LANI{ETS IN BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. ExatniRe the F;tock, which compl'ises tiverything in the, of the very latest and 1nost elegant sty1es and patterns, of Rnglish, Ca.nadian, and American rna.nufacture. -O- m31tf · J. H. McLELLA~, Agent. 'l'ROS. BOWDEN. Bowmauville, ~I1uch 11th 1871. ed and d.ietortCd. ,.._. ~ . Toward the cheerful home the chil<lren Hi.:' still continues to lna.uufacture to Large Variety no24,tf Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, T the most lasting, the leMt troublesome, and most complete .t::ver inventt::d. 'l'bey used ar~ gathei 'as clouds aud as d· oves to t'beir win.. -odows1' .'yfiile frotu the ·l!,on1e . 'vhich is the Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed abnd of diseon'.tent and strife and troul>le they fly foi:th.aa vultures toTepd their pray. He ha.a in stock an en dless variety of Ladies' and Gents' Saratoga-Trunks, Valises, &c., all of de11 and d-ietreas t1:1.e woi-ld, are not Lh~e born and nurtured .a1nid the hallowed in- order, fro1n the best of material, and n one but first-class WO!'krnen kept. Carriages Painted and Trimm cd· SO, HO! G-entlemen I 'fhe-cla1s of iuen tb·t disturb -and disor- , . which l.iti is selling c11eap for ca,sh . ' -o. A Blacksmith's Shop on th vremisee, were special attention s given Remember the $~and, " BIG·BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. to all fluences o(. Christian j:iomei;; but rather,. tL@e whose ear1y life bas-been a· scene of trouble and . vexation'-who ha1·e started \Yrong in the pilgrimage, nnd \\-hose course is one of dis~s~r~o thems~Ives,,.and trouble Bowman\·iHe, May lS, 1874. M. TRELEVEN. MARRIAGE LICENSES bsued by I I CMriage work, "'nd General Jobbing. Wine eys- ·a Dead Jo'b 1'1. B.-·--Specia I inducement given to CASH Purchasers. and recommended by many .of th· beat Breeders in the United Stn.tea and Canada., such as G. D. Loring,. Sa.lem, I\-1w.s., Presiclent I-few. :England "\Vool Growen' Society i.. iJ'ohn S. Rose, Henne~ pin, Ill. ; Professor M. J.\iilc!'l of the State Ag· ricultnral College, La.l!Bing, Riioh.; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'l'oronto, Ont:; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each M'i:t.rk is stamped the owner's na.m~ and the Sheep's nn·mber. They will be sent free, by ma.ii, or express, for only four cents each, and will for TWENTY YEARS. f@"' Cash must acco1noanv all orders NOT SO FAST. have written these few line-e ---- of :Fashion. To · Ma.sters of I.. 0. L I .All work done a.t th·i& Establishment ARCHIBALD YOUNG, Jn., Sarnia, Ont. j to those aroun.d "t'lem-Friends' lntclli9encer, LANK CERTJ :roAJ<JS, Applications ,-&c. i &c . , can Le · · -u cured at this office, i:i.t Great names debase instead of elevate regular ratef!. those who cnnnot sustain them. Bowmanville, July 7th, 1873 . B W. R. CLIMil<J, thcSta.te"1nan Oilice Bowmanville f wwi·1·anted. A call is respectfully solicited, ,T, MORIUS. Bowroa.nville Nov. l!'h Bo\Ylna.nville, Oct. l at, 1869. F. Y. C e 0w 1 I the above-mentioned Office, for any quantity, will be filled at price, as quickly as he SERVJi:lt 01d'.ers, addressed to the MERCH::f't' and OB· I l\f~uks min bo made a.nd sent. C. BARKER, Bo,vmanville,Dec, 28th,1871. m13 ly And all I have to say, That you ca.n find me !!till ~t home I am not gone away; So all my kind olq fri ends may come j And all the young ones too And get their garments nicflly made In fa5hions that arc ne\V; \.Vherc old and young dct..r frit:ntl~ maJ' tneet A \Yd come greeting by It. . l=>:E..:"\.'l'E. Bowmanville, June 19t11 1873. ·

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