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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Dec 1874, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1874. · POETRY. Farro Life . B1' :r.IRS. SIGOUR~EY. FARM AND KITCHEN. Watering Horses after Meals. It is the practice ·with many horsemen to give t'Ltill· horses no 'vater until after they eat· en their allowance of feed. Concerning thla practice a veterinarian writes : A full drink of water immediately after belng fed, should never be allowc<l to horses. When water isi drank by them 1 the bulk of it goes direcfly to the large intestines 1 and little of it is retained in the stomaclJ. In passing through the stomach,bov.·· ever, the water ca1·ries considerable quantities of the contents to where it lodges in the intestines. If, then, the food of horses' stomachs is washed out before it ie digested,no nourishment will be derived . from the feed. In Edinburgh, some old horses were fed with split peal!!, and then supplied with '\'ater immediately before being killed. It was found that the water had ca.nied the peas very far into the intestinee, where no digestion took }>lace at all. Mr. Cassie ia quite correct in the views set forth reg_ arding the injurious effects of large quantitiea of water swallowt:<.l izn1nediatel,Ydlofte1· eating. A small qnru1Lity of fluid swallowed along with, or immediately after dry food, beneficially soft. ens it and a!!s1sts in its subdivision a.nd digestion. An inordinate supply of \Yater, or of watery fluid, on the other hand, proves injurio.Us. It dilutes unduly ' the digestive isecr~tions; it mechanically carncs onwa.rd the iinperfectly digested food, and thus interforea 'vit.h the p1·oper functions of the cana.l, and incites .ir1digestion and diarrhrea. These effects are especially apt to occur "\-\>"here horees freely fed and too liberally ,~·atered, are sho1·tly put to tolern.~y 'luick work. Thero ia no more infallible method of producing colic, d.iar1·hcea., and inflammation of the bowels. The horse is not peculiar Jn this effect i dogs1 and even their mMters, siniila.rly isuffor from co1:iious draughts of 'Y!i.ter im~edi ately aft~r eating much solid food.-Ncw York JUST !IBIVED AT the 13.rgest etock of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered in Bowmanville, and 'f)J.e Satisfaction given by Just Arrived. at the S:i.,w ye the farmer at bis plough, As ye were riding by? Or we:n-icd-"ni;~~ the noon-day toil, \Vhen the 1:1~~er suna \Vere high? ..c\.nd thought you that his lot was hard, And did you thank your God That you and yours \Vere n ot conden111~<.l 'Thus like a slave to plod? Come, aee bin1 n.t his h~rveat ho1ne 1 Where garden, field and tree, Cun~pire with flowing store to fill His barn and granary. Hi11 healthful chiJdrvn gaily sport ~<\.mid the new.mown hay, Or proudly with vigorous arm ANDERSON & CO'S BOOTS . A1\fD SHOES F .4.SHION HOUSB :BOOT AN:O SHO:E: EMPORIUM, & s eclipsed by the satisfaction given by SMALE to his numerous patrons. He is now pleased to announce that he bas on hand a lnrge and varied assorhrent of BARNUM e11lendid assortment of AT THE LO-W-EST PRICES. All Prices, All Sizes. SLAUGHTERING HAS COMMENCED. All Xind.s. of the bc~t quality, n.nd is anxious that they · sbnll set to v.·orl~ a.a soon a.a possible, NEW MIL;LINERY. ~i\> -F A I. I. OPENING a lot of 1-Iis tasks a.s best they may. 'L'he IIarvest Qi,·er is bis friend, The 1'-1a.kcr of tho soil; .A.nd earth 1 the inother, gives then1 breri.d, And cbtiers their patient toil ; Cowo join the1n round their wintry heal'th, TlHJ heart·felL pleasure~ aee; And you can better judgfl ho'v bloat 'l'he .f!\rmer's_life inay be, TO CASH PURCHASERS. -o-- GREAT INDUOE~IENTS REAL HAIR. FANOY GOODS, & Also a lacrge stock of Ladies' Prunella Oongress at 80 cents " " Balroorals, extra high $1.25· cut Nothing to Beat it. Stamps for Baiding and Emboidery. Prunela Gaiters and Balmorals are Sacrificed FOR CASH GENT'S BOOTS. Can get 'em for 75cts. and upwards, at Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, Trunks, &c. . ANDERSON & CO., Beed's old. Stand.. Special attention given to FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as usual. Autumn Fashions I ---oo- Crum.'b$ for Chickens. .lt J'rench- wit said of a man who 'vas exceed~ ini;ly fat that nature only made him to show how far the human skin would stretch without breaking. J\Iatchless inai<l-The kitcheu gfrl out of lucifers. --o-and none but first· workmen employed, ANOTHER'FIRSTOL.ASS WORKMAN WANT.ED. NO OTHER NEED APl'LY thus insuring good value every""'· AT ANDERSON & OO'S. STORE.- On· door east o!CorniBh'··Jewclry Bow1uauville, June 5th, 1874. The :Best l'vta.teria.l used. oa.t AN:Oll::EtSON & CO'S. CUTTING AND FIT'lJING .N. B.-We have been appointed · agent.~ MRS. A. FLETO~ER " Bowma.n ville, April7th, 1874. BOWMANVI LLE ~a.chine tore, l{ing Street, Bowma.nville. Magnificent display of New and Rich Goods. .M. URDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense ~tuck of Nrw F;;ll Goods. Great care ha<> been taken in buying the Stock, and aa 'loth in;r but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. for the celebrated BANNER SEWING MACHINE, manufacLured in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Call and see sample machine. · 130\,·roanville, Sept. 23rd, 187:J. J. SMALE. SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. -:o:- a.nd. :Cmplement Manufacturing Co A. Dan,bu1·y little darkey i·efuscd to go to church " kase he didn't want to look theL'e like n huekleberry in a pan of milk, " Hc·1·ald. " J s that your, madam?" said a E'conoinical Feeding .- The ··Irish l!"ru:mer.&' b-Iissouri Judge to an elderly "No Gnzette ' 1 describes a inethitd of feeding cattle sir,' ' she" it's my eldest boy/ 1 "\l.'hcn forage is dear and labor cheap, which Short dresses coming into fnshion n.gain, combines many excellent points. The materi· and young Iadief"! are experiencing the old diffiale ru.·e roote, hay, and meal. The preparation culty of getting a No. 6 footintQ a No. 4 shoe. is made hy pulpi11g the roote, ~hafting the hay, " Came to his death while being hit on the crushing the &'"rain, and steaming the whole tohe::ld with a long-nandled stewpan in the han,ls gether. By two months of such ftlecling, cattle of his wife," was tlte verdict in a recent case in are made to increase as n1uch in \Veight aa by four months 'vith unp1-epared food. Illiuoii:I. :M:a,nufa,ctures of BICE ··· ··· WOOD AND IRON Any one wishinA to have Photos enlarged from old pictures of deceased friends, can get the srune done at WORKING MACBINER~ Tait & Arthur's Gallery, they having gone to great expenee in purchasing and fitting up a. NBPPBL'S DRESS -GOODS Plain and :figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless varieLy of other new Dress Goods. Black .Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord~- Double Turbine Water Wheels, and · A country paper tells this story of a ue'v boy How to Oure A Sore Throat, 'n One of the Sunday-schools: "The precious youth was t11:.kcd who make the beautiful hills " One \Vho has tried it" communicates the about there, and r~plied that he did not know, following seasonable jte1n about ~uring sore as his parenta only moved into town the day throe.ts to the N. Y, Ilcrald :......."Let one of your half million readers buy at any drug befoi·e. n store. one ounc~ of camphorated oil, and five A Louis\.·ille papa did not sel'iously object to cents' worth of chlorate of potash. Whenever the proposed elopement of hie daughter 'vith a any soreness appears in the throat, put the pot· dry g0ods clerk. Hap1)ening to get wind of ruih in ha.If a. tumbler of lvater, and ·with it garthe plan, be 1nerely lay in wait for Augustus, gle the throat thoroughly, then rub the neck u.nd sent him away with the iropi·esaion thn.t 11. thoroughly with the camphorated oil at night, remarkable healthy yi>ung mule had played o. before going to bed~ and also pin around the tattoo \Vith his heels under his coat.tails. th1oat a smnll etrip of woolen tiUnnel. This is A fa1mer complains that a. hook·n.nd -hcldcr a. simple, cheap tl.ol)d aure remedy. con1pany has been organized in his neighborhood. He states that the ladder is llsed after Useful Hints. dark for cli1nbinq into his henbouac, a.{tc:r which Soap f!hould llOt br: used in cleaning oil-clot11s.. the booking is done. To half n. pail of hot, soft water, add hitJ.f a cup A bashful youni 1unu mnrt::i.lly offep.cled t1ie of 'vaebing fluid, Ol' a piece of aalsoda half tho bride of his rr10st intiinate fri(:ud by ~tammer- si:1e of an egg; with a scrubbing-brush 01· broom ing 'vben taken aback by a. r~qut1st fQ r a toast rub hard, putting on only sufficient water .so at tbe weddirig supper' '· 'l'omi my f-h··fricnd, that it v.·ill not mu off ; wipe dry with a. soft ma.y you 11ave a wedding once!\ year as long fl.S cloth ; it will look as bright a.nd shining a~ you Ii \ ·L· ?" wbeu ne'v. 'l'.bis ia a good way to clean common, as it ea.s'ny .x·t:iuoves smokt:, greaae, " Biddy, diJ. yon put nn egg in the coffee to nettle it! Ye.5 t0nn1 : I put i.n four; they ,~·ere .;.~ t' dust, and d()es not destroy the gloss or var. nish. It is also very useful in wo.shing windows. so bad I hild to use four of thc1n." Many housekcepel'a ,.,.ash their fill \· in A shrewd little fello\V who hatl just begun to soap and water. This should not be practised, study latin aetvniehed his master by the foUo,v· as it Inn.kes it look like pewter. _ When it needs ing trao£;1ations: ·v·ir, a man, gin, a t.rap -\.'ir· pol~h, take a. piece of soft leather and 'vhiting, gin, a rn~n tl'ap. and rµ b ha.rd; thif:! will 1·estore its lustre. :By adding half a tear:voon of pulverized ahun An ..4..ugusta hen-pecked husband cloeed 1is t{·sti1nony in his action for iliv-0ree fron1 hi::i to half a package of good ;tove-polish, wet up wife as follows : " I dotJ.t want t"' say anything with a little 'vnte1-, much time and labor will n.gin the \\'Otnan, Judge, but I vrish you could be i!U.ved, a.s a. stove poliahf'd with this rr.ixturc; It should be live witl1 her a. little while. and you'd think I will remain bright a long time. applied \Vhen the etove is nearly cold, and with had telcl the trnth.,, a dry brush rubbed until it is tl.ry and shining. IT "'\V"As DONE.-Piggy ~ot inW, a ynrd where he did JJOt bclcng, and trying t"' get out again, Blfa{,ering Pc~tc-·Take four ounces pulvttrized stuck fa~'lt u11dcr a. high boat'd fence, and there ca.nth:irides, two ounces turpentine, two ounces began to kick und squeal in a ·way fit to break English rosin; two ounces beeswax ; melt alto· ]1is neck. IIis mnster, a bigiat Irishman, htlXL'· gether over a slcnY tire until tlissolyed; rub it ing the hubbub, ran out of the hom;t.J near by, on 'vell with the fingers. ancl caught the pig by t.lic -ears aud endeavored "\Ve <lon't 'va-Dt to suggefclt tb,at you aro care· to pullhin1 through the bole before tLu trespass ·wns disco\·erecl. But this treatmt:nt had no lesf!, reM"ler, but: where arc the toola, to-da.y /. effect but to make the pi9; yell the mt1re. ..\.n old ram lu the yaTd be"ring the nois~. and $ecThe Habit of Fretting. .ing piggy's hind legs and tail :flouritiliing iu the air in a menncing manner, acceptt~d what JH:! :Fretting is both useless and unnece~sary ; t bought was a challeuge, ~nd lowedng his head He struck his it does no good and a great deal of harm, charged '\'ith all his might. 1-Iorc or mal'k ~·qua.rely rind f::i.i1·1.y, and the p:ig shot yet it is uhnost a uniyersaJ l:!iu. t.hrough the h·Jlti like a pork cannon ball, and less we are all given to it. We fret over olstriking his nHLSte1· full in the breast, knocked n1oat tiverytbing. In summer because it is him flat on his baclr, The only 1~erson who too hot, in Niuier because it is too cold ; \Ve -,,vitnes:::ed t11is closing scrne 'Yas just entering nd the yunl, nn<l not being aw:~re how many actorfl fret when it rains because it is wet, a_ when it doesn't rain be.cau8e · it i::;i dry ; were (·ngaged in it, was very much surprised to hear what he suppoi;ecl to be the pig swearing \vhen we arc sick or \vhen '1ly body else is in Irish on the other !lide of the fence. ti.ick. In ~hort, if any thing or every thing .A couple o{ :meinbure. of the clarkey confer· doesn,t go just to suit our partic.ula.r whims ence were pa~stng Jo,vn the avenue, when one and fancies, we : h ave one grand ~eneral reti·o<l on the indigestible portion of a. pea.r, and fugr~,-to fret ov~r it. I aln afraid fretting ;u~ his nun1bc1· eleyena \Vent up, the rest of his is 1nuch more common among women than bi:::iug \Ya9 correspondingly lo· wered. "Ki-yah, 1r1en. We may as well own tbe truth, n1y Brndder Jones, is you fallin' from grace?" chnckled hi11 001npauion. ··Not prezacly, Den.· f·air sisters, if it isn't altogether pleasant. cun; l'se stittin' 011 de ragged edge ob dis pear." Pel'haps it is because the little worries and THE PoPULATlOl:I~ or LiiNDO::-f. --One of the cares n.nd vexations of our daily life hn.ries i·cligious societies of the nlet.ropolis, tlescribing our sensitive nerves more than the inore ex· London, Sa.ys that the police boundaries cover tensive enterprises which gencr11l1y taki~ the 576 square n1iles and a population of 4,000,00() attention of men. Great \Vants develop of inhabitants; that there are Jn,~e gathered more great resources, but the little \\'ants and j ews tl1an there are in Palestine, more Scotch worries are hardly provided for, ana-1ike than tbcre are in Edinbm-gh, mo1·e Iri5h th:un the nail thqt strikes against the saw, they thel"e are in Dublin, nlure Romru1 Catho1ica than there arc in Rome,.. a.nd thnt there a..l'e a nlake not n1ucp of a mark, but they turn B!BllEI FOR THE for the exprcM ptu'pose of enlarging photographs, whcih they make from the sma.llcst They would remind card to life size. the public that they are still striving to improve their work in Photography, and they are now turrung out Picture& Ca.stings of a.11 Itinds MILLINERY The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. wo qlaim to have the largest o,ssortment to be foun.'l. REPAIRS done on the :E:qua.J. to Toronto Work. -:o:- SHO:EtT:mST NOT:CC:E:, "W'e now on ha.nd & Cabinet and four-fourth Eize oquaJly as good a.a their cards. Go a.ud exa.mine spcci· mens, aud be convinced that they are doing large qun.ntity of "'ell. Extra. prints Cl\n be off old negative.a. '!'hey keep on hand and for aale, an Common and Gang Plows; that will be sold at Assortment of Frames LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowma.nvillo, l\:larch 6 1873. In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, wa have a large assortment, at prices to suit all. BEST Organs Chea.p a.s the Chea.pest. Bowman ville, K ov 12th, 1873. bp-o43·rn6-tf tt. Our Stuck of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers,! Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unusually large. 1873. -o- 1873. ---o--- DRUGS AND MEDICINES a.t the Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM llTOt'"LD most respectfully tender his ain~ro fl' thanks to hia numeroua friends a.nd cu3~ tomers, and to the public generally, for the very libE"ral support he has received since his cotntuencing in bui;inesa ; and ho1)es by con· tinuf!d strict personal attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest articles. at th1J n1o~t reasonable prices, to ensure a continua.nee of public patronage. J. H. would call special attention to hi.s very s'l.1perior stock of FALL STOOK. - - --o--Dress Cfood.s Newest Style. of the Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 MURDOCH BROS. - ' Have you seen Oowle's cheap lOct Qottons? · organs GREY COTTONS of the best make, including the celobrnted TO THE PUBI~IO. ~tock W.A..LTER WIGG & SON, added thereto, that '\'e_may thereby be eni\bled to supply All pl\rties who may please to favor him \vi th a, call~ Gi;eat inducement~ held out to those purch¥.ing at our establlshment . Pie· turcs, I,ooking GlasseH. etc .. sramed to order, and in every et;tl" . Sa.mples of the different kind of Mouldings can be seed at the ware-room. We would also beg to inforrn you, tLa,, having purchased a returning tha.nks to their numerous oustomeni: and the publio gP.nera.lly, for past fa.vars, I Nwould reispectfully invite their attention to our present of furniture, a.a we ha.,·e lately DYE STUFFS which are eure to give the bust aatiafaction. A well selected stock of STORM ONT. lOct Oottons at Oowle's--·Splendid value. ON THE CONTINENT. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, an~ wt:i ~hall be rea.dy o..t al times, to attend fnuerals, on ehort notice and reasonit.ble terms. N. B.-Coflitls kept on hand, of unequalled made to order, at the NEW DOMINION RE'l.'AIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. STY:t.:E: a.nd. Q'O' AL:C'l'Y STO:llMONT King Btreei East, Oshawa. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD At tbe very lowest prices. To the :Cnha.bita.nts of· :Bowma.nville. I am a.bout getting fl. COTTON BAGS, DENTAL BTJRRINGENGINE 1'HE BEST by whic-h I cau Horses and Oattle Medicines. A BIG RURH N. B. - Country store-keepers supplied on the most a.dva.11ta.geou15 terlnl!!. A choice selection of LA~IPS for bale cheap. B:nvma.uville, Dec. 1868, 6m. in the World. Extra.ct Teeth in less than half the usual time, and withUest1 to the patient than heretofore, and t.h11it J procured tor genera.ting Nitrous Oxide G_-a.8 1 by which I can now & NEW AND IXPBOVBD A..PP.A.R.A.TUS EXTRACT TEETH WITHOUT PAIN. Special Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. AR.TIFIOIAL -TEETH BEST UPPER SETS, $20,00 " llllMO " " GOOD " YOURS RESPECTFULLY, is now raging at ip-<'a.t variety of spoken. There is a birth in London every five minutes, and a. death every eight minutes. Tuz RESULT or l{EEPING A BAD CLocx.Chubb'e clock got out of 01-de-r one d:i.y <1.bout Chrishnas tiine, r.nd began to strike vnong. '!'hat was the cause of the fearful excitement a.t hir:; house one ni1£ht. They were all in bed sountl asleep at n1i<lnight, '"hen tl1e clock su,d· <len1y struck five. The new hired girl, happening to · wake just ns it bega.n, b~ard it, and bounced ont of bed, ullder the iinprcsaion thn.t morning had come ; and as it is a5 dark at five a. rn., just at that season as at midnight, she did not perceive her mistake, but went down into t.he kitchen and began to g:it broa.lcfa~t. \Vb.He she was bu,stlins about iu a pretty lively ;nanncr, Cbuhb lutppened to wake, and he heard the noise. }fe opened his ro iro <lool' cautiously. and crept softly to the bead of the rstaira to listf'ln. He could d'.Rtinctly hca.r sotne one moving- about the kitchen and dining · room, and apparently p~kini up the china. Acco1·dingly be ....-ent to bis room and woke 1irs. Chubb, and gave her ordt:t ~ to spring th e rattle out of the front window tha moment sh fj heard his gun go off, Then Chubb seized his fowling-piece, a.nd going down to the diningroorn <l.oor, where be could henr tho buTglars at work, he cocked the gun, aitued it, pu5ht..:d the door open with the,.muz.zle and fired. Instantly lrlrs. Chubb sprang the rattle, and before Chubb could pick up the lacerated hired girl, two policemen came into the dining-room. S ce· ing Chubb with a glln, and a. bleeding v.·oman on the :floor, they ima.gined a murde1· had been con1mitted, and one of them trot~ed Chubb off to the sta.t1on-houee while the other re1nained to investigate thin~s. Just then the clock struck si:x. An explanation ensued from the girl, who ha.d only n fe,v bird-shot in hi;:r leg, o.nd the policeman left to bi'ing Chubb home. Ile arri· ·ved at about three in the morning, just as the clock ,vas striking eight. \Vhen the situation WM the e<lges terriblv. T think if we look upon all the little ·worries of one day aa a great united \\'Orry 1 self-control to 1neehvould be developed. But as they generally come one or two little things at a ti\Ile, they seem so very little that we give way, an<l the great breac.h once ruacle in the \Vall l!OOn grows Jo.rger. TRELEVENS llODBIS' OASH 0 READY~MADE CLOTHING Good and Cheap. CARRIAGE SHOP C_ lothing M~d.e to, It is a well-known Fact tha~ Cowle has the best Tweeds in the country .. 'Nothing cheaper than the 10ct Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ont. Bowma.nvil~e 1 J. M. :Srima,combe, I. October, 187;j, I don't believe in the cant that a woman mnst always, ur.der any aud all circun1· stances, wear a smiling face when her husband home, or tba1 she nee<ls to take DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE AGENCY. :Et:B:Yl'vt:E: AN:O I.IM:E:. A little Rhyme came jul'lt in time, (wost of the Ontario Bank.) on the floor to run and meet him at thPand he is determined to continue to sell at these rninously low prices door. But I do bcheYc-nay, I kno\v, for cheo,per than the cheapest. Why he can do it-I h.ave eeen it \vi th n1y own eyes amo:ig my King Street, Bowmanville. First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! friends-that inany a woman has driven 11 Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures ! kind husband :nv.iy fro1n her, n.i,vs:i.y from his Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! hon1e and its sacred influences, and cause Fourth, he sells for cash ; _ b itn' to spend his time at n. billiard table or Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. HE. subscrilJer is prepared to build and re· in a drinking sa.loou, and their profane in~ pair -ofluenccs, by ceaseless fretting O\'er trifles 1 which were not ·worth o. 'vord, much lees Wagons, Bugg·ies, ancl Gutters, AND the peace and. happiness of a home. of every deecription, at short notice, ando I kno\\~ that many a 1nother has turned rensonable terms. her sou agrti:Jst her own sex, and made hia1 Exa.nUae the a tock, which comprises everything in the tradolof the very la.test a.nd most elegll..llt stylos and patterns, of English, Cana<liau, and ruerica.n manufacture. dreud and 0-islike the society of woman, by · -oher exan1ple constantly set before him. I IIe still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none. but first-class Oarriages Painted and Trimm ed. · 'vorkmen kept. kno'v that many a rnother has brought up her band· out of the dough or drop the baby And all ·bout tho bost of Lime. .---------·------Collons Ootule's, T CA.LL AND SEE FOB YOUBSELVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. BLANKETS ~N Lime from the 'Vest of the very beat, Not beat in. any ; the Domiuiun Bank no.s opened a.n agency I.iime that will a.lwaya stand the test, to1· ·the transaction ofr-busiuee!I in l:Iorsey's When ma.king into mortar. Block two doors of Brodis'a Hotel, King I will try and keep a. good supply, Street'. Interest will be allowed on depOsits. For it is a.lways wanted, n·rafts issued on all :v.oints in Canada., United That when you all come in to buy, Sta~es and Great l3r1tai11, Th'e Savings Hank . You'll not be disappointed. department ia now open, On a.II deposits over Yoll will a.lwayi:1 "find it dry a.nd fresh, $4 interest will be allowed at the rnte of 5 per And that ia something bonnie, ent per annum. So come.along and try this Lime, Office llours.-From 10 o'clock a. ro., to 3 But don't forget the money. ' o'clock p. m., exceptou Saturdays, when the , Banlt will close a.t J o'clock, p. m., Hours of df';llive!'J'" from Nine a.. m. to Four p. m. 1 , J. H. McLELLAN, Corner of Qneen and Ontario Street. m31tf .A gent. '!'HOS. BOWDEN. N OTICE IS ·HEREBY GIVEN THAT Bo,vman'1"ille, Ma..rch 11th 1871. Large Variety Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most hi.sting, the least trouble!lome, and most complete t1ver invented. 'l'hey are used aind recommended by many oI thf best Breeders in the United Sta.tea an<l Canada., such as G.D. LoringA. Sa.lem,, President New England Wool urc1wers' Sodety; John S. lloaa, Henne· pin., Ill ; Professor }f. ].files of the State Ag· ricultural CollegebLa.nsing, ~fich.; Hon. Geo, Brown, Toronto, nt. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Out. On each Mark is stamped the owner's name and the Sheep's number. They will be sent free, by maiil, ot· express, for only four cr-nt8 each, a.tld, will for 'l'WENTY Yi:;ARS. Giii"' Cr·sh must accompany aJ.l ord01·s THESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, SO, HO! G-entlemen. of . Fashion. NOT SO FAST. I have written these fe,v lines And e.ll Iha.veto say, Tha.t you c::i.u find me still at home I am not gone awa.y; So all my kind old ?.:iends may come ; And all the young ones too And f{et their garn1enta nic11ly made In fa.shiona that M'e new, Where old and young det.r friends may meet A welco1ne greeting by R. PEATE. nowmanville, .June 19th 1873. -o~- a daughter .J·usL like her.elf, 'lnd develhped ..,. who, in her turn, \VOttld \vreck and ruin the comfort of another fa1nily circle. And He bas in stock an endless r-s.rh1ty of Ladlee' and Gents' Saratoga Trunks, Valises, &c.t all of on th premisee 1 were special attention s given which he is seJling cheap for cash. kno\ving all this, ruy sisters,--and brotbers1 to all -otoo, if' they xieed it,-I know · t hat we ought Reroember the Stand, "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. to set our fa.ces like flint against this nseCn.rriage work, and General Jess, sinful, })f,ace-.destroying and hon1e dis 1 , Bowrnanvillc, May 13, 18r4. Jobbing. turbing habit of fretting. I , Passionate pcr~ons are like men \vho stantl All iv01·k clone at this Estrtblishnunt OrderS Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed A Blacksmith's Shop ---- · '- M. TRELEVEN. issued Uy R. CLI:MIB, I I I I Dead Jcb ,N, unfolded to him, his first action was to jam on their head·; Lbey see all t.hiugs the tho butt end of his gun through the clock, wrong 'vn.y. whereupon it immodia.tely struck tw·o hundr~d LAKK CERTIFICAES, Applications , th f'..11 Ch ubb }Jl "telmu ·' l·t 0 ver Have the courage to own that are an d ! orty· three, anv . . you ~ &c., &c., ca:u be procured nt this office, a.t the fence, Ile had a new cl()ck no,v 1 n.nd thinga poor, and you disarm poverty of ita sharp· regular ra.tes. July 7th 1 1873. Bo"'manville, al"e " 'orking better .--Max Adele-1·. j est sting. To Ma.stars of L. 0. L MARRIAGE LIOENSES W. B.---Special inducement given to OASH Purchasers. B I wa·r1·anted. A call is rei3pectf11lly solicited. ,T, MORRIS. 13ow1nanville, Oct. lst, 1869. theStatcs·man Office Bo¥.'llll\.nviUe Bowma11vil1e Nov, U'b F. Y. Cowle ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Ju., Sarnia., Ont. Orders addressed to the J\fRROH::;irr and OBBKRVER Office, for any quantity, '"ill be filled at the above-mentioned price, as quickly as he Mat-ks can be made and aent. C. BARKER, Bowmanvillo,Doc, 28th.1871. ml3 ly

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