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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Dec 1874, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1874. ========--=-=-====;==============~===========================c===========~:==f===:::==:==:==~:=====~========================--~ POETRY. Tired Motl1ers. r\. littll;! dbow l:::i~ns upon ) our knee, FARM AND KITCHEN. How to Administer a Ball to the Horse ...\. counnon fof~ in---;bich n1edicine is _ given tLu ho1·se, is by iueans of the ball, an oblong ri1aijs of ratl1er soft consistence, yet tough enM ongh to .r etain its, and wrapped up in thin puper fortl1at purpose. Theuaual weight of the ba.11 is from haJf an ounce to an ounce ; but they n10.:y be given of a. L.trger size, if they are longer but not wider. Every man o'ving or hantllin:; horses,shoultl know how to giYe a ball, which is managed eiLher with or without a IJalliug-iron, an instrument which is seldom .;,anted, and whid1 sometimes occaaions comildera.ble nJ.i.sd1ief to the roof of Lhe ho11:1es n1outh. Oc· cr.sio1ia.lly a horse cannot be tnanaged by any other ID CaJ.lf:l ; but 1 generally S])eaki11g, they In gh·ing only an excuse for liatl rnanage a ball iu the ordi11 :.u·y way, tho ors:e'1:1 tongue ia drawn out of hie mouth on the off or right side, and lleld tl1ere tirmly with the left hand sra!iping it as nea.r tho root as possible. but to a certain extent yielding to the movement of the h0rs1\ 1S head. '\Vhile the tongue is thus ht:ld, the bu.U is placed between the fingers o.nd thumb of the right hand, extended ill a wedge-like or conical forin, eo N:t to pass 1w f:w <lown tbe swallow as possible, and the liand in this form, with the arm bared to abo\·e the elbow, is carried ov· er the root of tht> tongne till it feels tbe -impedi· ment 1,;1;1,used by the contraction of the fHvallow, "·he n the fiugera leave the ball there, and the hand is witbdraw11 quickly yet s1noothly, while s.t the same mo1nent thtl tongue is released, and the .head is hcl<l up till the ball is seen to pass down the gullet on the left side of the neck, aftei· which the head may be releascd. \\Then the balling-iron is used, the oval ring of which it is i.:u1nposed, ie _p~85ed into the 1nou t h, so a~ to keep it open, ~eing first well gm1rclcd with to,y or"clothe wrappeU roun<l. it. Tbt; handl e is then h~ld ju the left hautl, togcthc1· with the haller,, so 11s to steady the head, and yet to keep tho horae from biting; and ,,,-bile thus held the ho.nd can freely be pa.c;sed O\' er the tongue, and the ball deposited in the pharynx. 1n the usual 't".:.tY the horse to bo balled is turuetl l'uuutl in his 8ta.U, which prevents his bacldng away; a11d if the man is not tall enough, he nrn.y stand upon a stable-bucket turn· ed upside tlown. nails Ehonld be recently, as: they soon spoil by keeping : not only losing their fitrength, but also beco1uing so ha.rd as to be abnoet insoluble in the sto1nach, und freque11 Uy passing through the bowels nearly a s tbr.y went into the mo111J1. \Vhen hard. they ru·ri also lw.ble to stick in the horf!e's gullet. If atnmonifl other strong f5ti1nulant is given in this way, the horse sbi&uld. not have his stomach quite empty, but should have a little gruel or water just br.fore; for if thiii! is pntoff till aft~rwards, l,thc nauseous taste of the bah almost always prevents his drinking. When at'senic fonns the prindpul ingredient of the ball, it flhould be given soon after the,'1(orse is fed ; or A. q_uart or two of gruel should be giveu instefl.Ll, just before the ba.ll.- Prai1·ic Fanner. NEW AT .STO(JK · 1 The Satisfaction given by Your tired knee, that Jias r:;o rnuch to bear; A child's dear eyes looking lovingly li'rorr1 underneath :~ thatch of tan!.{lcd baii·. Ptl1·haps you do not heetl the velvet touch Of ,v.:i.rru, 1noist fil'igers,f6Idb1g yours so tight; ·~{ou do not pri;,:o this blessing O\'cr-1nnch; You 11.lrnost arc too tieed to pray to·11ight. s cclipaed by the satisfaction given by 8M.AI,E to his numerous patrons. He -is now pleased to announce that he has c.n hanLl a !arge and "aried aasortirent of BARNUM sha.ll set to"work aa soon a.s possible. Just Arrived. a.t the FA.SHION BOUSE NEY./ MILLINERY. Alsu a lot of BOOTS A1~D SHOES of the best quality, and is anxious thu.t they All Prices, All Sizes. All Xind.s. REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & , '" l3ut it is bleaeet..lne~s ! ;\ ye::tr ugo I diil not see it ns I do to-day VVe arc so dull n.nd thankless, and too slo\V '110 catch the surishine till it E!lips away. A.nd now it seems surpassing Atrru1gc to Jue, That while I wore the baclg-e of mother}wod, I did not kiss more oft a11d tendt?ily '!'he li~tle child that brought n1e only good. l\.nU if, so1nc night \Vhi)n you sit tlown to rest, Yun miss this oluow from your tireJ knee, This restles!S, curlinz heatl fr·orn off your brcai>t, '!'his lisping tongue thnt ohl-ttei·a con::1ta.ntly; If fron1 your own tJ1e dimple hands h1~d slippe<l And ne'er would nesUu iu youl' palm a.gain; Jf the white ft1et into their gravo bad tripped I could not blarne you fo1· your 11eru·tach1;1 then. All Wool " " " " Diagonals. Homespun. FrenchReps. Plaids. Ylerinoes. llussian Twills. Plt1id Wincies: do. Shawls. Flannells. Prunella Congress at 80 cents ILadies' " " Balmorals, extra high cut $U!5· .AJ::io a laTgc stock of Stamps for Baiding and Em- · _No-thin.~ to Beat it. boidery. - -o- - GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, FASHIONS for Spri.Dg just to hand. :M:a.nchester September 24, 1874., lr:Jow:n:utnville . Trunks, &c. Special attention given to FALL 1 DDZSSMA.EING as usu:W.. 1 wonder so th!\t mothers ever fret, .A t 1it.t,le ··hildr .. n clinzii1g to their gowns; C ~ ~1"'t Lt1v.( '--' " ~i1,. .i....~. ~ , l:. ; n th c d··y:; are "'et, ever black enough to 1na-ke thtHJl fro\vn. If I conld find a little inuddy bout, Or cap, orjackt"t, on 1ny chau;lJer ttoor; If I could kiss«. rosy, reijtlesil foot, .A nd heat its p&.Lter in my home onco 111oro. CUTTING AND FITTING MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmanville, April 7t.h,1874. !UTUlUN! 187(. fL and none b11t workmen employed, thus insuring good va.lue every case . Autumn Fashions! > lf I could n1end a b~oken c~irt to-rb.y, 'l\:-::no1·row "" ~ · : · kite to reach the sk y'I'\ · ... . --~v '"oman ,>""-.c:G in · ocl 's world coul d s~)· She wa.s1nore b1is8fully content than 1 . But ah ! the dainty pillow next niy own Is nC\'Cr run1J1led by :i.. shiuiug- head, frf y singing l'ir<lliug fi·om its ~elilt has ilowu; The little boy I used tu k~ is dead. S. TREWIN, ()SHAVVA is shevving OF STORE.- One door east of Cnrnish's J e'velry tore, King Street, Bowman ville. J. SMALE. Bowma11ville, Sept. 23rd. 1~7;~ . ,, BOWMANVI LLE Maohil'l.e and. .. - - - oo--- Xmpl~ment ~Iagniftceut SOMETHING NEW Manufacturing Clo . dis1llay of New and Rich Goods. in Bowmanville. --:o:-Any one wiishinA to have Photos enlarged from old pictures of deceased friends, can get the sa1ne done Ua,nufaetures of WOOD AND IRON MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense "tvck of N~w .Ji'a!J Goods: Great c~re has been taken in buying the Stock, and as "lo th 'in ,. but First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. Crumbs fol' Chickens. "I say, I\ilick, what sort of potatoes a1·e those you are planting ?n~" Rn.w oncs . 11 'l'he 1nan who c:u-ries c\'e1·ything befvre h itn, -The waiter. srrAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Which excel in STYLE and VALU.E. WORKING MACHINER:i T ait & Arthur's Gallery, tliey having gone to grea.t expense in purchasing and fitting up a ---o--- Double Turbine Water Wheels, and I " Iron Binks," is writtl.ln upon tha sign .,~a printers' material deall.!1-. "\Vell, who (hie} aaid it didn't?" chuckled an inel.niate mun, o.fter r eading it over three timl!e. . l i. Canada ma-n tier! his dog to the c11a of a. H~ar ca.1· t11e (jther day, and then bet the beast could keep up with the train. Strange to say, when they got into Detroit. the dog was a-head -There wa~nothing else left of him. Millinery a,nd Ivia,11tle Depa,rtment Replete with Latest Styles & Novelties. .DR E·S S GOODS Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Alpaccru:i, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black c., bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord·. SOLA.B CAKED.A, for the express purpose of enla.rging photographs, whcih they make from the smallest card to life size. They ·would remind the -public that they still striving to in1 prl)VCl their work in Photography, and they are now turning out :Pictures MOtTR ~! ING GOODS A S:P:E:CIALITY Castings of all Xinds REPAIRS llone on tho .A popular clergyman sa.ys it is interesting to obierve how many people go to the circ.:us "just , t) please the chilclnm," and very curious to not ice that solntltiJnt:'s it takes several able-bodied ruen and motherly women to look after one liLtle boy or gid on such llH occas1on. An intelligent young tnttn was i:::eut iuto the ganlen the O~l!r dn.y to pfrk c After a 1uinco . brief nbsencc he retn1'11ed with a basket iull of cuCun1bet'S and a, hnge pumpkin, which he deli\'Ol'l!d up, rema.rkingblandly, "Big- on~s, ain't they 1" Gents' Purnishings ! A Lctrge Stade of Cloths anil 'l'rimmin,qs, made to Orrk1'. Fits G-ua1·a1nteed. Latesl Styles in Hats, Shirts, Ties, &c. · Ladies' and Children'o ·Fine ~fake. CHEAPEST GOODS in 'l'OWN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS . .PURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A .LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. The intcll.i gent Yeomanry of Vvest Durham a.nd South Ontario, becoming fully a warn that OSHAWA affords the Best !lfa1:1<.et; her J\ilanufactories supply the Best Implemen,ts; and her enterpnsmg Mereh.a?ts seli tne most Stylish Goods,at PRICES regulated by a healthy compet1t1on 0Bbnva,West. Kiu~ St :-:ept 23rd. 1874. MILLINERY · of Equal to Toronto Work. --:o:-Cabinet and four·fonrth s~e made equiilly as (Yood ~s their cards. Go n.nd examine speci· ~ens, a.ull be convinced that they arc doing well. :Extra prints t'an be had ojf old negatives. They ke('P on hand and for anle, ft.Ii How to Check Coughs. Ur . Brown-Sequartl, in hfa late Boston lectures, sfl,ys that there inany.lfacts which show that morbfrl phcnmnena. of respiration can ah'\.·ays be stopped by the infl.ueoce of arrest. Coughing, for instance, ca.n be stopped by pressing on tlie ne1·vcs of the lip in the neighborhood of the nose. A pressure there may prevent a. co11gh when jt il3 beginning. Sneezing. 1nay be stopped by thti aame rnechanism. Pressing in the n~ighborhood of the ear, right in front of the eaL·, lnay stop coughing. It fa also preventlV<:J>f. l1iccough, but much les11 so thnn of sneezing or coughing. And, he adds, that the will ha.." i1nn1ense power there. Tb ere was a French 11urse who used to say, " The first pati~nt who eoughs hure, will be depriyed of his food to· d'1..y." It was exceedingly rare that a pa.Lient coughed then. SEO:RTEST NOTICE, \Ve have now on hand a. latge that wDl he sJld .a.t qu~ut.ity BOOTS and SHOES ! Common and Gang Plows, Assortment of Frames LOW PRICES ti. The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste ~('.an be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and. Fe&thers, Laces, &e. :we claim to have the largest assortment to be founrl. .1.\ bashful young- c.l.crgy1nan recently rh.'ing to for t.h1;J first tin1e, 1uade a terrible n1ix of it, and announced hia text in this wise: "And iuunediately th.e cock wcpL 1 and Peter -wC'nt out and cre\tr bitt(.'rly." A m:n1nfacturer a.d n:n tit::etl [t patm1t ilhotJ that will p1·event horse~ f.l'om ' 1 balliug. " Spiner says thi~ is uot a new idea, as Mrs. S. has u~ed a· shoe often to stop the young f3piue.rd' bawling. Cheap as the Cheapest. Howmanville, Nov 12th, 1873. AT THE SHOP. Bowma.nville, March 6 1873. In Black and White re·1l Laces nnd Lace Collars, we have a. large assortment, at prices to suit all. bp-ol3-m6-tf 1873.· -o- 1873. - -- o--- DRUGS AND MEDICINES at tho ..1. barber is no longer sinrµly n. " tonBoria.1 artist . " He i1; a. "professoi· of cranicultnral abl:!cission and c1·aniologica.l tripl,Jis." A Bora.x is a. usofnl article to have :thout. half pound of it will driv~ the co~kroaches out "Don't believe there's :ny use in vacciaa· of any house. A l~rge handful of the pov..· tiuu/' Siii<l a Y " Had a child vaccinat· to ten gallons of water, wilt eITect the saving of ed, and he fell out of a windour next day Ltnd fifty pet cent. iu soap. It is an excellent dentigot kiUed ~" frice, and the best rn:~tcria.l for cleaning the .i:i printe1· being asked to estinia.te tl o cost of St:~lp . doing son1e work, dre:w forth a pencil and pa.per, .:Exceli1Jnt pa.per pillows tnay l:e uiade of old and inadc the following ca.lcutation ; "A naught lctters- - lhe at.iffer the pa.per the better. Newsia a naught; tbret)1Siuto five you uan't-I'll do p3-p01'5 will vot do. TLc papcJ· should be cut the job for thrtle pounds ell::'ven shillings and into Htrips a.nd r-Olled round an iYory knittingM eightpE:nce halfpenny." \Vhat :i head pit;Ce ne.cdle ; jt is then almost like a $pring 1 and th at printer 11a<l tu suu1 ! ma.kea a 1nud1 better cushion than torn paper, .At a ball at Balkaskie, the L1dy of the house being 111ore elastic. aeked 'l':un rr1ish if he would take her up to da11cc. " 0 ayti. meu," eaid Taoo: "I'1n llO YCl)' lliue. I can tlance wi' ony Lolly." Of a truth 1 a home witliout a girl is ouJy l1alf blessed; it is an orch:1rd 'vitbout bl1 il:ISOI'n3, a11d a spring \Vitl1uul i;ong. A h< 1lllle fHll of son::: jr,r like Lebanon wiLL its ccdan;, tint dau ..,h· ters by tho fil·e ,riid e are like 1o :;e ~ i11 Sharon. "' \Vl1~n.! an:1 you going so f1u;t, dt1111:.1.uJed l\.11·. J1,nes.-" lll>lTit·, air, hornl!," said he; ·· Jon't di::lay inc. I hnvti ju:st bongbt 1ny ·wife a new bonuct, and I must deliver it. before Lhc f:;.:shio1_1 cbaug Cl;." 1N A H URRY. Smi th~,, A RU-RH is now i·aging u.t Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM i\T OITLV rc& pectfully tendel' bis sincere ·y thanks to his numerous friends and customers, and to the public generally, for the very liberal support he haf:! received since his ' F ALL S1-1 00K. Dress Goods Newest Style . - --o--of the Our Stuck of '!'weeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers,! Peteashams Meltons, etc., will be found unu.~u.a.lly la1·ge. · Bowmanville,May 7tl1, 1872 · MURDOCH BROS. l TRELEfENS .. )fr. .An alarrn of tire was th O' other clay gi 1 ·en jn a. c.n1ntry 111,tel.-" Landlor\.l:" a gu est, 11 is the l1un$e on fh·e ?"-" Ye11, sir."- !· \Vell, gh c llH one 1uon: drink if you pleal:lL', and we'll stnl't." An old's shjp becoming \1rate1··logged, he to put i ·ll-0 port. His little son, beco1nit1;.; nuxious to knnw whttt the rneaning of the t1:un ° waterloggecl.," the old captaiu explained that the ship a hole knocked in her bottom. A few days after, the little fellow ~ame running to bis J>arents, at the aame' time cxhibitiug a la.rge hol" in the scat of his pauts 1 and l:lxcla.i1n· cl, "li'athe1·1 I'm Waterloggfld !" Max Adcler relates this story : it oceu1Ted to Mr. SJn!ley, of Darbey, that it 'vould be a goorl thing to go out to !'lee if he couldn't ~hoot a rabbit or two. 1-Ic always kttpt his gun load~d :l.nd ready in the corner of the room, so ho me1·ely shouldered it and went out. After a. wbilo be s;,nv a rabbit. and, taking aim, he puij..:d the triggel'. The gun failed to go off. Then he puJle<l the othe1· trigger1 and .the cap snapped again. l\fr. S1niley used s01ne extreme language, and thf'n, taking a pin 1 he picked the nipples o± the gun, pri1ned them 'vith u. little pow~er, and sta.rkd again. The .rabbit; <l1<l not .c;eo SmileJo:, so he put un more t::~.11s and they snapped too. Then Smiley cleaned vut tht: nippleA again, pl'in1ed the1n, and fired the gun off ~ta. ieuce. Then the ca.vs snapped again. Then Smiley becamo furious, and in his he expended forty-seven ~ap1:1 in an e1fo1t to inake that gun go off, \Vhon ~he forty-seventh cap missed n.lso, Srnifoy thought thu.t then: might 1 perhaps, be so1nething the maLter ,vjth tht-. inside of the gun, so be. tri~d the barrels wit.b hia ramrod. 'l'o his utter di~ ma.y, he dii::eovertid that both barrels were emp· ty. Mrs. S1niley, who is nei·voua nbont firearms, had drawn th!J load 'vithou.t telling Sn)i )ey, for fear of inaking him angry. If there had been a well;in anywhere about it would probably have been n1a<le to ring wiLb Mi'. Smiley's denuncfo,tions of 1'-'lrs. S1nilcy. Finally, however, he became cooler, 11.nd· , loading both barrels, he sta.rtt>d a.fter rabbits. He saw one in n. few mo1neuts, and '"as a.bout to fire·, when he noticed th<1.t there were no caps on his gun. 1:-Ie for one, a.nd to his dismay found tnat he bad J:)n1i,ppeclthe last one off. On his \Vay homtt, he saw at least s.i x hundrell rabbit8. He has been out hunting every da.y su1ce, hl)Wer-er, 'vith hh gun in first rate ordor, and he has never laid eye., on a solita.r y ra.bbit. Srniley is begirining to think some~hing is wronq" in tho government of the universe. YIEtD OF l\·fu.K.- One of your correspondents Mks how much milk may be expected from a dairy of twenty.five cows. ! I have no data for the exact ntunber of cows, which are sure to give the bl:st rJa.tisfaction. but ,(.( ivc. the follo,ving yield of a thi:rty-cow ..-\ well selected stock of'y in Dehn.,.. are Co., Pa.. 'l'he presuroption I from the figun:s is thut tbe cows were fed high 11nd he is determined to continue to sell at these l'Uinously low prices DRUGS, nnd kept fat, so that when une of tlwtn failed Why he can do itcheaper than the cheapest. OHEJl!IOALS, t) pay for her feed by her n1i1k 1 she was sold First, he buys for c:;ish and knows just how to buy! t J the butcher and a fresh one purchae~<l. The PATENT 1lfEDIOINES, Second, w}mt he can't cheap enouah, he manufactures ! yi tild, ns gi\.·en ue. is, January, 7,131 quarts; Third, he is B >ttistied with sm ]] profi't:s ! 11 BRUSHES, F ebruary, 7,501; }!arch, 8,588; April, 8,93'1; Fourth, he sells for ; i\'fo.-y, 9,046; June, 9,074; July, 9,134; Auo:O,OJIBB, Filth, he sells at bottom prices. gust, 7,778; September, 7.284; October, 7,030; SHOULDER-BRACES, --o- November, ti,£110, and December, Ci,202 j a tot1tl nf 94,525 q_1ia.1-ts in a year, or 3,150 per cow SUPPORTERS, Etc, Eto. per yet~r-GO qufl;t ts to each co'v per week- 8.!17 AND kept c.onstnntly on hand. . quarts pei· day. As n. sequel, I niay a.dd thnt all these cows were selected by an expert, un · OILS, PAINT, der the Guenon i;yi>tem of marking. If I knew Exarnhl.o the' ~tock, which comprise>; everything in the, of the very latest and u1ost elega.nt COLORS, VARNISHES, styled nntl pn.tte.rn8, of }lnglfoh, Cana(lia.n, aud An1erican ina.nufacture. the dit[erence between the value of cows bought -o-nu<l cow::> t.iold, I would have dat.a. fro1n whii;h and WHITE LEAD He still continues to 1n ,~11ufar.:ture to ol'<ler, from the best of material, ~~nd none but fl rat -class to anS\ver your correspondent's second quei:Jtion. workmen kept. at the very lowest prices. - B'lt.Q'alo Exp1·ess. -o- conunencing in businesa; and hopes by oon· tinued strict pers?11a.l attention to business, and offering nothing Out the purest artioles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public pt\tronage. J. H. would call spucial attention to his vory superiol' i;t.ock of Have yon seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? T>YE STUFFS of the best make, including the celebratecl STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid value. TO THE of unequalled '\'C PUBI~IC. 'VALrrER WIGG & SON, h1m ""1th a .call~ Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our eata.blishmont. Pict1.1res, Looking: Glasses. etc .. 1:1ramed to order, and in every style, Samples of the differen t: kin~ of J..fouldin~s can b seed at the ,.,, 'Ve ,\'ould also beno to inforn1 you tha~ 0 · having purchased a · C.A.LL AND S'JmE FOB YOUBSELVBIS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. N returning thanka ~o ~heir n~1nlerons.custo1'ners and tho public gtjJ1era.Uy, for favo1-sr 'vou1d respectfully invite their a.ttent1on to our present stock of :furniture, as we have lately S'l'YI..Ji: and Q'tT A.LI'l'Y I a~ded .thereto, that m~y thereby be enabled to supply all parties 'vho may to fa.vo1·· STORMONT COTTON BAGS, TH :g SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, we ~hall be ready at a. l times, to a.ttend fnueral", on ehort notice and ren.aonnble terina. I\, B.-Coffins kept on hand, and made to order, at the . Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed which he is selliug d1eap for caflh , ·Horses and Cattle Medicines. A choice selection of LAI\:CPS for i,ale cheap. B)Nm'lnville. Dile. 1863. 6m. Training Children. N. B.--Conntry storo.keepera tmpplicd on He has lli stoc.k an endlcfls variety of La<liei;' and Gents' Saratoga. Tru nks, Valises,, &c., all of the n1ost advantageous terms. O, this work of training children for God ! c' l:Wccntly It is a tre1nendou.s \York. Some people think it easy. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St· llowmauville, ~l3-j'l3, 1871. - .- o- . BEST . in the World. Special Line of COTTONS at COW LE'S. NEW DO:AfINION RETAIL FURNITURE W ARE-ROOlll. hawa, Aug. 2Gth, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. They have never tried it. . M. TRELEVEN. A child is placed in the armi:, of the yonng :R:E'i'XE A.ND I..IXE. DOMINION BANK. parent. It is a beautiful plaything. You look into tbe laughiog eyes. Yon exanline the dimples in the feet. You wonder at its exqu1s1tc organis1n, Beautiful plaything ! . FRUIT, AND IStraw-Cutters ! READY-}IADE But on son1e nightfall, as you sit rocking the tittle one,. voice seems to ran slraigh1 · fron>. the throne of God, i:aj·ing, ' child Confectionery Depot. W JTOLESA LE and RETAIL J:: 3!. "°rri\'ecl, and foe Sale, at the above d1Jpot ·Grain Grinders FEED l\iILLS. ..1\.notl1Br car load of the above nobli> the way . Please uall at the ar ticle~ is i1nm.ortal !' '!·he star~all dle, but that is ·inimortal ! SunB shitf'rgro\v old with age and p eris):l. 1 hut that is an imniol'tal ! Now, I know that wiLh 1uany of you tlJis is ~he chief anxiety. You earnestly wifih ' CARRIAGE (wost qf tho Onto.ifo Bank.) CLOTHING Good and Cheap. (Jn New Fruit and Ccnfectione1·ys, SHOPr Clothing Made to It is a well-known Frtct tlwt Cowle liaS the best Tweeds your children to grow up rightly, but you find it hard work to makt) them do as you wi sh. their waywardness; in the midnight your Choice Lemon, Orange and. Citl'on Peels, , A little Rhyme came just in time, And all about the best of Lime. Lirr1e from the 'Vest of the very best, BOWMAKVILLE AGEKCY. Not bea.t in any quarter ;: JJime that will a.lwaye sta.nd the tt1at, OTICE IS ·HEREBY GIVEN '£HA'l' When making into mortar. the Dominion Bault has opened an agency I will try and keep a good supply, for the transaction of buaiue~s in HorBey'i:i For jt is always wanted, Block, two doors of BrrJdie's Hotel, King That 'vhen you all come in to buy, Street. Interest will be a.Uov.:ed on d~osits. You)ll not be disappointed. Drafts issued on a.11 points in Canada, United You will aJwayij find it dry a.n<l fresh, States and Great l3l'itain. '!'he Sa.vings Bank And tha.t is something bonnie, department is now open. On all depoeit~ ovor So cotne along And try this Lime , $4 interest will be allowed a.t the rate of 5 per But don't forget the money. ent per annum. Office lioure.-Fron1 lO o'clock a. 1n., to 3 Hours of delive~.f from Nine a..m. to Fourp.nt., o'cluuk p. in., except on Saturdays, when the -Corner of Qneen &nd Ontario Street. Bank will close at J o'clock, p. m., N BOW JYIANVILLE Fa,rm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, l{ing St., l3owmanvill c. Bowuianville, Dec. "ti, 1872. · nlO. m3ltf J. H. McLELLAN, Agent. THOS. BOWDE~. Bowmn.nville, ~Ia.rob 11th 1871, n o24 , If You cl1cck thei.r temper, you correct DATES, FIGS, LEMONS ORANGES 1'0 Allll.. VE pillo'\' h1 wet with weeping. You have Soft SheU L1lrnoncls,l1'ilberts, Brazil (Mid Wr:tU wrestled with God in <.1gony for the sn.l\·a,. ' E1its, J(eiller's lrflinnalade, T-Vcst India tiou of yonr children. You ask uu~ if all ]J·1·esen:ed Ginger, F'ea1·s, Plurns, Toanxietv has been ineffectunL I answC!r, }lo. King Street, Bowman ville. in th.e countr,1;. Not.hiny cheaper than the lOct Cottons ----------·----- T Oo1vlc's. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks HESE MARKS ARE 'l'HE CHEAPES'l', SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion. ---NOT SO FAST. r have written these few lines And all I to say, That you can find me still at home I am not gone awa.y j So all my kind old fci~nds ma:r come ; .And a.11 the young ~nes too And get their ga:rn1ente made In fashions tha-t are ne w. Where old an<l young dr.ti,r frjeutlti may mee.t . A. welcrnne greetll1g by It . P}~ATE. B~wmanville, TIMF: !\£ONEY and LAB011 i:;avcfl ! F'1·cn d 1. Oil Poli~h. ThiR l'rench Oil Polish is pre. Wagons, B1lggies, cind C1ltters, pared for Carria&"es, Buggies, Harne!$~, Boots and Shoes, and ail kinds of L ea.Liter. lt will give ll.ny article of Leather, a.most brilliant a]1- c,f every Jescription, at short notice, and o pearan<:e, and at the tirr1c, from its oi y rcn.sonablc terml!!, walk 'i.n tlie paths of. uprightness, thou£?:li he SHELL & · S HELLED OYSTERS properties, teuds much to prPl:it.H"ve it; it will al. __. wa.ys be n1oif1t and pliant; and U)fl.Y be e;:t. poi;ec\ hus such strong proclivities for dissipation. Q[TA LITY 1-8 tluJ test of OHEA_P}·lESS. to ,vater !lnd 'va1::1hed, and will not lose its brilliCarriagee Painted and Trin. med· 1 speak a cheerin 0~' word. God heard every anco, and it is not to be feal' ed that any crust 'l' . DAl~LINGTON. will settle on said Leather when prt'Se;irved with counsel yo 1.t ever offered hi1n, God has Bownianvilhi. Dtic. ,Jth.1873. nH·tf thll above Oil. J'or the woodwork of l)uggies, known all tl~e 13Jeeple.\i.S nights you have liarriages, and Furnitur<;:, there ls not a. better article in use. Manufactured by A. S u!O)I & ever pa~sed. Go<l hao seen every sinking of Co , Tann_ers and 9urriern, formerlr of ]Trance, 8 your distressed spirit. God rewernberi:; now of Philadelphia, Pa., ~ustruct1ons-8h~ke on th~ premises,'ll-~f· sne;ci8i:l attenti<m ie g~vep · boLt.le. ~'\. fe'v drops on a piece of iiponge,apply to t.n · ,' your prayt'rtl. He keeps etern:tl r.t:cord of it lightly to the leather, an<l you will obtain the 1 your anxieties. The grass ruay be rank ~m:,ci;..c!_ , IYl!'ll' s1t1 .lu~t.11e0 . HPNrice r~cAit~.E1'.er bottle.or $7.50 pt:r Cfl·l'l'Htge · 1',,ze6 8 Jf.l. .ii.wo1:.u ·~ ~~-Cll:I. I ufin ~ Sole .A gent, How· 1 work , and Genera l upon your grave, and the letters upon your manviUe. 1 ~ Oh, gxandma !" cded a. 1ni::ichievous little to1nbstone defaet:U wiLh t!lementt;, befol'e the, '\Voukl h~g to inform t~1e ladies of Bo"n1nnviUe 1 Jnlv 16th, 1874 41·6 mos.. J ebbing. 1 u · chin ~ " I cheated the hens so nicely just n. ow. di vino response will come J hq.t .Ue who I au<l vicinity. ~hat she i.s prepared to talte 01·ders I \ __ / I threw t4em your gold beads ; aod they bat.h declar~d · I Yi:ill be a God to thee, and fpr Dress1nak1ng.1.nd fill the same with despath t 3oueLt they were corn, and ute t.heo1 tip a.s thy eeed after thee,'- will not forget; nnd ir the 4ll 1va1'k drine at this E~tablishw.ent f .~<:t a~ t:lt·.Y could 1:· some day in heaven, while you are ranging L.ATEST F.ASI-IION , - -= t.he fieJds of light, the gates of pearl will Her experience full.r \" 'l.rrants h er in ~iromisiug have this d:iy appoiJ~tetl 1'.:11-L 0 . DAlUiEH 'l.Varran~ed The business 1nan who does'ut advertfac can swinv hack, aud, 1·arlandeJ ~ witb 1 rlory, that t' , t· t li(· Y,xclu sn.:c "1t3 ent for the ::;ale of my V uL' 0 0 o q sa JS4 . :: ·to11 . I' f ·11 o t ( .JAN1Y.I~ IJ EN S Ol' - owtua.nvi e, n . get ruined with 1c8s money and more t;t rta inty Ionµ \va_v,var<l one wJll rnsh ]nto your out· 11 l\ es1den ce, Con1er of Church Street, and JOS}}PII :&'!ASO N ., P. J?. A. ca.11 ls t-espectfully solicited. h n ;i,ny other pcr~on on tbfa f'id~ of a l«! a ·c stretched anns of \\·elcon1e un<l tl'iumph.Ivlarket S(1nare. J J J.ACO Bo · T "ORRIS a syium. Methodist. Bowman ville, 1Jec. ·1th, 1873. . Ilowma1ndl1e, Sept; 10t h , 1874. v. m-tL j Bowma~ville, Oct. Ist, i869,i.~.L · that daughter do right, though tihe is .so Tomato Sauce and Pickles d h · k1 very petu l ent ah d . rec. ess j an w at pains They have COTIH:l and are coining, at the l'ruit you have besto,ved ill tea ~Jiing that scio to D epot. " Green Corn J) Li1na lieans. God understands your heart. Ere uuder· stands how hard yo·i 1.ave trH' d to n-iake' Our Dominion Excelsior R-aspberryVin 111.atoeJ. J!: Peaches, Green l)ecu;, SOMETHING NEW ANO DURABLE. subscriber is prepared to build and reTlfB. prur ' egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines BLANKETS lN . Large Variety the most la.sting, the least troubleeome, and n1ost co1nplctc llvcr invented. 'l'hey are used and recommended by many of thf best Breedet'S in the United States and Canada, such llB G. B. Loring..>. Sa.lem, Mase., President l'few England \\'ool Urvwers' Society; John S. Rosa:, Henn e· pin, Ill. ; ~rofessor J\f. Miles, of the State Ag· ricultural ·College, Lansing, Jriich. i Hon. Ge6. Brown, Toronto, Ont.; Juhn Snell, Edmonton, , Ont. 011 each Mark is sta1nped the owner's · name and the Sheep's nuinbe1-. They will Le sent j1·ec, by mail, 01· express, for only jour tents CCl.·Ch, and '\Vill li.wt for TWEN:rY n:,UtEI. Cfi"' roust accompany all orders ARCIHB.ALD YOUNG, J1c, Sarnia, Ont. OrQers add1·es&ed to the 1\-lERC:SNT and OBOffice, for any quantity, will be filled at tbe above-n1entioned price, n.s quickly as he Marks call be m1:1.Ue and 1:>ent. SERV~~ Dressma . k"ing, & c. I ,...,.!I. I I A Blac k smith . , Shop June 19th 1873. 0. BARKER, Wi ncgys--s, :Dead J ob - - - · - . . . . . , , . ..............._ _ _ 1 Bowmanville.Dec. 28th,1871. m13 ly New 'l'ailor Shop, J O ·H N HEAL, WITH F. Y. COWLF., begs to inL ATE form the public gen erally, that be has commenced bwsiness in the Shop next to the EY· press Office, one door east of J. Miln e"!!:. Having had several years experience in the trade, he hopea to aa.tisfy all who iuay favor him '\·ith a call. Bow ma.nville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49-tf~ Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. A QA:Et:O, 11!, B. ,.,special inducement given to · CASH Purchasers· Hrs. Hason., J £· · Ow1 e\ F. Y. C ' Begs to inform the public, that she ha.a just roceived a splendid new assortn)ent of Fancy ; Goods, Bel'lin Woo}s, etc, "'h:ich ahe will sell at aslo\vpriceastheycanbebougbtforelsewhere. STAM.PIN(} done on SHORTEST NOTICE HAMPTON, GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Oct. 8tb, 1874. 2·3mo~ ' ·

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