THK MERCHANT, FRIDAY DECEMBER 25, 1874. POETRY. Under the Holly Bough. CHAR LES M,\.CKAY. FARM AND KITCHEN. Selected Recipes. Bean Sou.p .- Put a piece of pickled pork in a pot with hvo quart.s of water. In a.nothel' pot put one quart of dried beans, a(ter being picked and 'vashcd. As soon ns the bea11s be· gin to boil t~e them out, put them in a. colander t o drain, then put thew in 'vith the pork, and cover the whole with water. Boil tht-1n t ill they are quite 1mJt. Ye who scmn ed each ot her, Or inj ured fl'i en d or brother, In t hfa fast fading year ; Y e who1 by word or det:d, Have made n. kind heal't bleed, Come gather here. L et ainne<l agaiost, and sinning , F orget th eir str ife 's beginniug, 1874. S. OSHA-WA, TREWIN, is she\viag a !UTUMN ! Just .Arrived at the SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. -:o:- FASHION HOUSE a Billendid assortment o·f NEW MILLINERY. AJso a lot of "' And join in frielld:..ihip novv ; De link.!! no long-e L· b.1:oke11 1 Be sweet forgiveness spoken, Uuder the holly bough. Y e w]10 have loved each other, Sister and fri end and brother, In this fading year ; A:fot her and sirtt and child, Young n1an and maiden mild, Come gatlrnr hero. And let your hea.rt:s grow fonder, A s memm·y shall pondor Each broken vow. Old Jovca and yonnger \Yooing Aro sweet in the rc nt=w ing U. nc kr t h e h olly ho11 gh. Ye who have nourished sru:ln.esa, E~tran~ed front hope and glaclnoi;s, Iu this fast·fadi nq ytiar; Ye, with o'ei·bur dened n1iud, a.liens from your kinll 1 Corn e gather hl;!re, Russian Salad.-Take a bout eight medium· ai:c.ed potatoes nicely boiled, .anrl fl oury; p eel a.ncl while hot, with a silver fol'k, break them into lit tle pieces about t he size of small nuts. B oil hti..rd ahout five or six eggs,chop thu 'vhites and yolks separntely i take about half a tumbler of best Lucca oil, a little vinegar, pepp1::1·, salt~ capers ; a couple of ch opped auchovies, if for a fish salad, or the liver of a. fowl bruiser! in tho sauce , if for fowl, is a great improvement ; if the la tter, cbop the meat into sma.11 pieces ; or if fish, shred it into little bits . Take 1rn..1f tho eggs and n1ix with the sauce, place it on the d ish you int end ser,·ing it in; smooth the snr· fa ce, cover i.t lightly ·wit h the re1nain:der of th e chopped eggs, ancl garnish with pickles and beet.root, cut into shape, '\vi th a tiny bunch of_ flolvers in the centre. r lhe great advantage of t hi$ di.sl1 ia t hat you n1 ay put \\'ith your potato oa any f:l crap~ of meat 01· fish you happen to hn.vo cold, and it mak es a very pretty dish. Y ou rnust regnJate the quantit y .,f oil by the · meu.t put in the salad, as some mea.ts and fi.-Jh are much root·e dry tlum ot hers. 'l 'hc object in break ing the potatoes while hot, ' vitb a silver fork, is that they are 1uud1 inore light tbu,n if cut with a sted instrument G1·avy f o1· Clwps.- 'l'ake out your chops when GRAND s rr, o c IC 01" Any one \Visbin~ to have Pbotoe: enll\rged fron1 old pictures of <l·ceased friende, can get the same done. at ' · · _ REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & S1 APLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, 1 Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. & .Arthur eJJ-allory, , they having i;one to great expense in purchasing a11d fitting up a Also n large stock of Stamps for Baiding and Em- broidy. SOL.AB C.AM:BB.A, FASHIONS FALL for Spring just to hand. OPE ---oo-L-- ING Millinery and :M:a11tle Department Replete with Latest Styles & Novelties. .l~otrRNINCZ aoo~s A Sl'E CIA·L ITY ·' I .for t he expresa purpose of enlarging photo· b'Taphs, whcih they make from the sm?-llcst card to life isize. ".Chey wo~d re1!11nd tho vublic that they ~re still ~trn~ ing to iJ.nprovc their 'vork in Photo1;, 'l"aphy, and they twe now turning out llictures DDBSSKAKING as usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bo,v1nanville 1 A1)ril 7th,1874. Autumn Fashions! ~1agnificent Gents' Furnishings ! A Lurge S tock of moths an d '1'1·imvrnings, made t o On kr. Fits G'uaranteed. Latest St1.jles in Hats, Skirts, Ties, &c. L:vlics' n.nd Children', Fine ~fake. CH EAPEST GOODS in TOW N CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. . Equa.1 to Toronto Work. -:o:Cabinet ancl four-fourth size made ~qually ~ good ns their earth!. Go and examine Bp~Cl· 1nens aiill be convinced that they aro d_ou1g ,vell. ']£xtra prints can be had off t)ld negab'r'e& They keep ou hand and [or Bale, an BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co display of New and Itich Goods. L et uot the use leas sorrow · l)ursue you night and 1 no1To,v, If ero you hoped, hope no1v~ heart ;- unclond your fJ.<. e.;i A nd join in onr cmbrncea, 1.h1dci· the holly bough. Crumbs for Chickens. Two horns will nu ox: a lifetim e, b\1t nrn.ny n. m:tn ·w ants that nu1ul;i:r ev ery in ol'ning · before breakfast. "0f[bhe goes!n s._ 'l.i.d I\ lady. "You hn.vo tn:istaken th e gender," liaid u gentl1nuan, "this is t he u1ail t rain. " 1'he Dinn who sang, "Oh ! breathe no inore that simple nir," went int o th e s111ol(ini;·car where i t "i"aa more 1nixecl. cookod; keep a l arg~spoonful of fat in v.,.hich they ·were cooked, in a. pan ; clreU ge in as n1uch fl our ns will m o.kc a. p o ; rub this ·well tog1;..ther over the fire until n. light bro1vn, then pour in as nn1c..:h boil-ing '"nt cr as will reduce it to t he t hickness of cream, and add a t ablespoon . ful of 1 nushroom ca.tsup, a. little salt ; let t his: siJnroer fivt: lninute.s, and pour it through a sieve oveL' th e steak. BOOTS and SHOES ! Assortme)lt of Frames W arning. -rrhe young man who add.eased a young lady n!!I "the priestes8 of his soul" began life as a clam vender. ... There is this difference in thti LiogT.'.l.phy of J .uu es VVatt nnd the legend of t he pillar of One is the story of 'Vutt's life aud tb0 oth er fa Lho story of Lot'~ wife. " What would you be dearest, if I should;;s the stamp of love upon those sea.ling "·ax lips ?" "I," responded the fa i1·y-liko creature, " should be- stationory !" "Didn 1t yuu guara11tee, sir, that thfl horee 'vouldn't shy before the fire of an enemy ?" ·'Ko i.uort: lu; 'rl'on't ; tisn't till aft1;J r the tiro that he 15hies." 01 ncletJ. - In 1nixinz omelets, two gen(;lra.l rules should r.evc1· be forgotten. One is, not to use Jnore tha.n eight eggs for any one oinelet. Some cookery books fix tLe limit at twelve, but thn.L is too, especi;1.Uy if the oper~tor Le new at her work . 'J'wo on1elets, of six eggs, are far pl'cfcrable, for many r easons, to The other rulo i!:! 1 not to beat one of twelve up-the eggs too m uch; the object of beating L hem , is .simply to mix tli e ,,·bites and. the yolks together, and this should be done only just be· fore tho mixture is put into the frying-pan . From this simple dish spring many variet it:s. :&1inced bacon, bani, 1:1ardiiJes1 salmon, onions. , etc., beaten up '\vith tbe cgg a in due quantity, will give us many diffe1·ent kinds of omelet.a. Then, also,the· omelet may be served over tnany kinds of thick sauces or pu rees, such as so1Tel, spinac]1 1 to,~en,J.ivti, ltittuc~i ce.lery, etc. NEW sTYL~s, A LARGE sTocK To sELEcT FROM. Chea.p a.s the Chea.pest. Th e intcllige11t Y comanry of 'Vest Durham arnl South Ontario, are be- ~Bowman ville. Nov 12th, 1873. bp·o13-m6-tl coming fully awotre tlint OSHAWA 11,fford s the Best J:.fa~k_et; her ManuThe Satisfaction given by factories supply the Best Implemen ts; a,nd her enterpnsmg Merchants seJJ the most Stylish Coo<ls,atP.RICESregulated by a healthy competition ! 0Rhawa,West. King St. Sept. 23rd. 1874. Manufaotures of MURDOCH BROS. have opened out 11,n immense 8lvck of N rw Fa,11 Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as 'lnth in : hut First Class Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. WOOD-AND IRON BARNUM WORKING MACHINERY NDPJFEL'S NEW All Wool FALL AT srf0(JI{ BOOTS · e eclipsc<l by the satisfaction gi!en by SMALE to his 11tuuc1·ou8 patrons. H" is now pleased to announce that he bas vn hand a. lnirge and varied assortrrent of Double Turbine Water Wheels, and GOODS Plain and figuFed Lustres, Plain and Tartan Wool Poplins, Metz Cord Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and 11,n endless variety of other n~w Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, D011ble Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramattas, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cord?, of the best quality, and is anxious t_hat they AND SHOES shall set t o work as soon as possible. , .All ~rices, · .All Sizes. All Xind.s. ~ Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds " " " Cheese Tout. - Grate a t eacupful of cheese of a mild finvor, 'Take half a pint of 1nilk and boil it on the stO\'e ; beat to a froth four eggs, sea. son the milk wit h salt and turn tbe grated che e ~e into it. Let it come to 11 boil, then add. th e benten eggs ~nd a. small bit of butter. l:fa\'e ,.some thin slices of bnmd toast ed hot, and spread each slice with a tl1ick layer of m elted cheese and egg. Serye like cream 'l,his makes a fine reli6h for either supper or breakfast. Diagonals. H omespun. FrcnchReps. Plaids. Merino es. Russian 'l.'wills. Plaid Wincies. Plain do. Shawls. Flannells. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balm.orals, extra high · · $1.25· cut - REPAJRS doue on the MILLINERY The Msortment of ~fillinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive and in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every tMte can be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to the la.r gest assortment to be founrl. No'thins to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. S:El:Oll.TEST NOTICE, Rubber Goods, ll:elf Goods, Common and Gang Plows, '\Ve have no1v on hand a large quantity of Trunks, &c. Special attention given to that will oo sold at - - o- - . "Haven't I a right to be·saucy if I please?" asked a young l ndy of an old bncbe1or. "Ye!'I, and none but first·class workmen employed, Bowmanville, 1\-Iarch 6 1873. ti. if yeu please, but not if you displease," wna the To Steam , a T urkey.-All of u~ are used to Septen;per 21, 1874. thus insuring good value every caae. l'e;ily . "r oast aud bolfod t urkey, but a stea1necl t u rk ey Our Stock of Two.eds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers,I Peteashams S'l'ORE.-Ono door ~ aat of Cornish'sJtnvelry L rtdiea shoul d rc1ncmber to keep their n1out hs is more of a novelt y, while it is.. also a most de· etc. will be found unuRUally large. Meltons, li cious dish. Cleanse the fowl t.horoughly,then tore, King Strt:et. Bowma.nville .' 1hut when going from a warn1 roam into the cool J. SMALE. iub pepp er and well mixed into the .inside air. In fact, it woulJ.n't hurt nnything to ki:ep l3owmanville, Sept. 23rd, 1873. of it. F ill u p the body 11,..ith oysters mixed with thtm t1l1ut most of the time. a small cupful of bread c:rumbr; . Sew up all th~ ho were vretty thor- 3.pertnres ; lay t~1e turk'i;"y into a large stearnt r A couple of fellows \V Bowmanville,May 7th, 1872 oughly soRkcll with Lad whisk e3·, got into a11d pl1tce over a kettle of boiling wttter , coyer · i~·URI-I tlH· guL ter. After fl ounde1 ·i11g for some time closely, and steam thoroughly for t'vo hours a.ncl one of t hcn1 ; " Let's go to nnother house, a half. N ow take it lllJ; set the p1a.t ter in a iBnow ragin;; at this hotel leaks. " warm place, and turn whateYer gravy there is of the A pa.rty of S ioux Indians stolt· a. patent ice in the st1:1 amer, straining it first into the oyster at the crean1 fl'eczcr, thinkiug it wa...'i a baud organ, sauce wh ich you have prep are ~ in the following awl all the big mi.:dicine men tul'uetl the crank u. 1nanuer: 'l' a pint of oyster~, turn ll pint of boilin g woek boforc they decilled thero was no music wa.ter over them in a colander. Put the liqn.i d In it. qn to boi1 1 skim off whatever rises to th~ top. IJnrd ct11Tcncy for evcr. - A P enrn::iylvanian 'l'hicken it ·with a tablespoonful of fl 0lu· 1·uLbe<l fool tooled with a pistol. 13G11 struek a. five-cont into t wo t ablespoonfuls of butter ; f,leaso n ' vell Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct piei:e in his wai stcon.t pocket, a nd tO<)k to his with pepper and salt. .A.dd two or thrcu table· 11TOUJ -'D most respectfully tendel' his sincel'e Cottons? l thauks to his nun1erous friends and cus. biJots insteaJ. of his vitn.Ia, .A. thous!lud dollars spoonfn la of crcn1n or milk t o \\·hitcn jt; and tom ers, and to the public generally, for the "" in P:\l10l' woultl not Lave sa.veJ hin1 : pour it QVOl' the turk ey and plnLtcr ; ser vf: boilvery librral support be has received since his ' 1 com1nenciug in busincsa: ; ruid hopes by con· Everything goes wrong," ;;a.ya an Illinois ing hot . Thi::; sri,uco 1nLtst be w]iile the tinued strict pereoll::il l\ttention to business, 11.ull ·kcy ia still in the steamier, so that it cau be f~~nner, wiping his eyc" 8. " '!'he grasshoppel's tu1 offering nothing but the purest i1.1·ticlea, at the :key-as soon as it :is t u.ken cu1n 1 the hiretl lU< ln bruko b iii l t:~, wife di oJ , the }-)ourcd over th e t n1 inost reasonable p rices, to ensure a continuance of public pntrona.,. ,.e, li< H'H burned, ;l.nd l 've l'id for threti days and up. J'. H. 'vmild ca.ft spi:;ciail .attention to lJ.ia v ery of the best make, includin g the celt.ibrated c:1.n't fiud u 'vo1uan who w :'l ·l t..~ to 1narry. s11perior stock of Sit Dow1 i to Jt. - Dish-washing is good for a1id he is dete~mined to continue to sell ·at thes~ ruinously low prices A m an h;)..{1 betL P-1 · li:bVt:· a lnillstonf! tied to dys puptics. I t is iight exercise of the ti.rtns and his neck n.nd Le cn,,;,.t into the ~ua , than t o prom- chest soon aftett. i\ n1ettl, and it n1 chea.per tlrnn the cheapest. ·why he can do it-ay be clone i;;it· it:>o to ina.l'ry tt '. l\;x1 t:::. gid and th en nduse. The ting ~ well :LS st ;:~nding . .A. h igh offic e·sLool b First, he buys for casb rtnd knows just how to buy ! V.'hicl1 n~·c sure. to giv e the bt.Jst satisfaction. lOct Cottons at Cowle's--·Splendid wholt! o:.:onnh·y t ur1.11:1 out t o 11nn t him, iu1d be is very Useful in the k it chen. F eeble 1yo1ncn 1 who Second , what he can't Luy cheap enough, he manufactm cs ! value. A ·woll selected stock of generally left to ):;' ro,~· up with it tl'e e. <lo th eil· "own work,n often stancl u ri,on their Third, he is satisfied '"ith small profits ! DRUGS, fret rTiore than fa n ecessary. You can.sit down A i;e11tlen1 nn f3ctid t o hir; ganlcncr: '~ George, Fotirth, he sells for cash ; the ti nrn will o:.: oine wh en a Jua.u 1vill be a ble to t o dreBS veget ables, t o \\'ash u.nd "ripe ·lishes,to Fifth, he sells 11,t bot.tom prices. CHE1l:fICALS, carr y thi;: 111an ure of an acre of lanL1 in one of knead bread, t o iron, and to do many other -othings. Y ou may be a littlu ruu1 ·e slow ii.bout hLs "W"<.d .~t coat iincket'l. " 'Jo which t1re gardener PATENT MEDICINES, r eplicll ' "I belici·c it, f:! ir; but lie will be aLle the \YOL'k, but yon will get tlnongh it in a betBRUSHES, t er condition. H ousekeepers would often l ike AND "o carry all the c1·op in tho ot her yoc..:k~t, 1' of unequalled to t ake an out-door waJk, only tht:ir 11 feet nrc N ret1tming thanks to their numerous customers a.nd thl'l public generally, for fn.vorft, COlrfBS, A 1nan 'vent hom o th e uther evening, n.nd so tired!" ·would respectfully invite their attention to our present stock of furniture, as we ha\·e ll\tely added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties who may to favor found hi i; hon ~c locketl u p, Getting in at the would not 1 ,e ha.I f 80 disacrr ee- Examine the st ock, whicl1 compriseA e verything iu t he trade, of the very In test and most elegant SHOULDER-BRACES, D ish-washinrr 0 him with a call. Great inducement" held out to those pureha.aing at our establishment. Pie· styJ es and pat t erns, of E nglis:b, Canadian , au<l A 1nerican n1anufacture. ""' 1vinllO\V with considerable diOi cultyi Jw found able AA it often i1:1, if the <lii,;lrna 'vere lightly -otures, Looking Glaa3etc, etc .. sra:med :to order, anti ill' every style. Sa.mples of the differt1nt SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek on t btl a note fro1n bis wife : ' 'I have scr<"'l,ped free fron1 crn~ubs, ant!. neatly piJed up IIi: still continues to ma..uufacture to order, from the bei::!t of. matedal, r.nd none but fit· kind of 1\-Iouldings cn.n be seed at the ware·room , \Ve would also beg to inform you, tha~, having purchased a. gvne ont ; you will find the door·key on one for,va.shiu::i:. There Phou Id b e_a 1arge c . h -pan workmen kept c.onstantly on hand. 1LH _ _k ept. 0 isi lu of the door fl! tep." 110 OIL~. PAINT, and pleoty of t water, with which to fill up I sel· , , Corpulant old lady. - " I i:;houhl like a ticket tlrn pan gru.dua.lly a8 1ts cont ent~ - cool. w~ ehaJl be ready at a 1 times, to attend fnueral19, on short notice and reasozin.b lo terms. COLORS, VARNISHES, for t hu t rllin." Dook ing clerk, {who thinks he dom n::; e soap for \VMhing dish ea, h\tt to the nn. H e h as iii stock n,n endless variety nf L adies' and Gents' Saratoga Ti.·nnks, V alises, &c. , aU of N. B . -Coffine. kept on hand, and made fu order, at the THE which he is selling cheap for cash. will 1nake a jok e)- " Y t.s ; will you go .in the skillt~d, or to those who use much butter a.nd fa.t and WHITE LEAD in their cooking, it seems a necessit y. Fa.ith o p :tsscnge1· train or cattle train?" Lady-" Well NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROO~M. at the Yerjr lowest prices. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. if you are a of \vhat I ahaU experience & chcster. in the i1assenger train, give me a ticket for the Horses and Cattle Medicines. King Street East, Oshawa. , )lawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. o:i.ttle trnin by &11 mea11 s , " An Awful Fate. N. B.-Country store-keP.pers 6Upplied on Bowman.ville, Jli.fay 13, 1874. the most advantageous terms. 'Vhilc 11 · D. Jones ·was in Oohunbus, modoll· A ehoice selection of LAMPS for bale cheap. The bondage of drunken appetite we call ing his bust of · Ch ~ e. a young u1an of the 6m. B owma.nville. Dec. 1868. SJJli.rkler order of a.rchitect1:1 approached him a sin, nad blame the v1ctirns v.·ho will not one night at a social gathering,vitb the fol1ow. Lreak it and sboke it off forever. But th ere Speoial Line of COTTONS at COWLE'S. A little Rhyme just in time, iog cnquil'y; " Er-~aay ! er·er so you're the are 'vretclicd p ersons in t his \Vorld who can· And a.11 about the best of Lime. man-er-that nui.kes mnd heads, ain't your' BOW:'.1AKVI LLE AGENCY_ Lime from the W eat Qf the very best, not free th emselves·from the fearful thral· Not beat in n.ny quarter j "Ye3," old 1fom, blanlUy; "du you want don1. There are those '\'ho have inherited AND 11 J .ime that will always stand the test. OTICE IS ·HEREBY GIVEN 'l'HA'l' a new one ? When ma.king into mortar. the Dominion Bank has opened an agency the vicious craviug of th eir parents. If be~ I will try and keep a good aupply 1 for the transa.ction of busiuess in Horsey's .A. N e1v York gentleman, upon being asked ings exist now, similar to the demoniacs of For it is a.hvays ·wanted, Block, two doors eJ!,at of Brodie'fS H otel, King by a friend for the loan of a dollar, briskly reThat ·w hen you all come in to buy, Street. Interest will be allo,ved on deposits. the !f cw Testament, these ccrtain'l y belong plied, " \Yith pleasure ;" but added, immediate· You'll not be disappointed. Drafts issued on all points in Canada, United " Visi ting th e ini- TV lv, to his impecunious frienfl's disgust, "Dear to that unhappy class Sta tea and Great Britain, 'l'he Savings Bank Yon will ahvays find it dry l\nd fresh · And that is BQmething bonnie, department is now open. On nll deposits over me, how unfortunate ! I've only on1:1 lending quities of the fathers upon the children .. is Ju st arrived , and for S:\1e, at the above depot Anoth1;Jr car load of the abOl'e noblf' urtideM on So come along a.nd try this Lime, $4 interest will be allo,ved at the rate of D per dollar, anti it's out." in tl1e· Jaw of -11ature and the law of God, the way. ent per annum. But don't forget the money, New Fruit an d Conf ection er1.JB , Offi.ceHours.-FromlOo'clocka. m., to 3 Hours of delive?".f from Niue a.m. to Four p.m, An Irish gentleman; parting with H. lazy scr- and every such case as the (ollowing,affords o'clock I?· rn, Saturllays, when the Pleaao call a.t the 1 except on Corner of Qneen and Ontario Street. .... vruit wo1nau, lie was asked, with respect to terrible warning to the self-1nnde tlruakurd, Bank \Vtll close at J o'clock, p. m~ THOS. BOWDEN. h er industry, whether she was what is termed uot only of what he is doing hitnsclf, but of J . H.McLELLAN, B OW MANV IL LE i.~ (west of the Ontario Dank.) BowmanviJle, March 11th 1871. no24. ti m3ltf Agent. afrai<l of work, " Oh, n ot a t all !" aaid he, "not what he ruay do to his children i DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Farm Implem~nt Forwarding Agency ti.t all; she'll ft·equently lie <lown n.nd f:i.11 m;lecp "I know in T exas a young man who wus ORANGES ARR. VE , by the very side of it," 10 n. w. JA~rns , heir to a woeful heritage-the passion for King Street, Bowm,.,nville. drink. H e 'vas phy sically one of the hand· Soft Shell Almonds,Filberts, IJrazil and WaU t · ~fathe r, " said a. little girl who \l' !).B cngng· King St. , Bowmanville. somest of rnen, uud vossesst·d of grea t and 0 E uts, J(eiller's jfarmalude, West I ndia B owrn.anville, D ec. 5, 1872. nlO. I believe I cil in making her doll an apron. HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, ].Jre.served G·in!Jer, Pear8 1" Plums, :To· the most lasting, the troubleaome, and Will Ue a duchc6ts when I grQw up." "Ho,~· do vuried talents, which he hntl carefully cul· Nothing cheaper than the !Oct tivated. :&ioreovcr, he had ser-vccl his cou1J· Cotton· most complete ever invented. They used rnatoes, & l'eaclws, Green Peas, you tivcr expect to becOinc a duchess t-ny c~ augh try \Yith d istingui sh ed brav ery, and Yi'i\S a.nd recommended by many of thf best BreeUera Green Corn & Linia Beans. Oowle's. ter ?" 11 \Vhy by inari·yin ,Q" n. <lutcb1na11, to be then holding a high pQsition of i.l·ust nnd liE. subscriber is prwarecl to build and re· in the United Sta.tei:; and Canada, such as G. B. pair 1mre," replied the gjrl. Our Dominion Excelsior RaspberryVin Loring..t Salem,, President llftiw England I have written these few line$ honor. IME lvIONF.Y aud LAJ3 0 lt saved ! Fren ch. egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines 'Vool urowers' Society; John S. Ross, Henne· " .But with a regularity tha t was terrilJle, Oil Polish. ThiR ]!' ' Oil P olish is preAnd all I have to say, A s the train on the Sa.gina'v rJacl ha.d nearly pin, Ill. ; Professor 1\-I, Miltis, of the State Ag· Tomato Sauce and Pickles Wa[jPnB, Buggies, and Cutters, pared for Carrialife!!, B ngfries, Harn ess, Iloots That yon can find me still a.t home ricultura.l College, La.using, Mich. ; Hon. Geo. reached th e j unction the other day, an old Indy there cam e to hiin- no 1natltr \Yh e re Le It will was, over his ledger, in t)ll~ cbnrcb, liy tLe They come and are corning, at the Fruit and Shoes, and lrinds of L eath er. Brown, Torol!.to, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, I am not gone a.way; suddenly shouted out : " Stop this keer-stop give any articl e 0£ Lt:ath er, a most bl'illiant ap- <J every de::it.ription, at short notice, and o sid'e of the \Voman he loved - a craving for . D epot. , Ont. On each ~lark is stamped the owner's IN So ·a.ll my kind old friends may come ; her J" A passenger wanted to k no1v what waa pearance, and a.t th e sa me tjrue, froin its oily reasonable terms. name and the Sheep's nurnber. 'l'hey will be up, and the old wou1an ra.n up and down the brandy th at possessed him like a demon, SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS properties, tends ln uch to prf'serve it i i t will al. And all the young ones too sentj'r'ee, by mail, 01· express,for only four cents and drove hin1 forth fro1n arnong his fel""ay& be moif5t and pliant ; and inay be exposed each, and will last for TW.ENTY YEAUS, pt:1issa.geway and excit edly excla.iinetl :-r-- lO\\' creatures. Anq. J!'et their garments nic,,Jy QUAUTY is the testoj CHEAPNESS. to water and washed, and will not los e its brilli. - Ctl.8.h must accomua.ny all orders In fashione that new , 11 'Vhere ~s ihe man ·vho l'uns these keers ? I've a nce, and it is not t o be that a..ny crust "With set lips and despairing face, he T. DARLING'f ON,. Carriages Painted and Tr!:ir:n;ed· will settle on said Leather when preserved with ARCIHBALD YOUNG, J11., 'Vhere old a.n<l young d~i..r friends ma.y left a. qua.rt bottle of cold tea at Detroit." The would deliver to a friend the k eys of his olllowwanvillA , Dec. 4th.1873. nfl-tf the above Oil. F or the wooflwork of Bub'b>ies, P.ain didn't back up. meet fice and b etake himself to his rootn-not a~ Sarnia, Ont. Carriages, and :Furniturt::, there is not a better Orders addressed to the MERCHNT and OB· A welcome greeting by R . PRA TE. articl e in u se. 1riau ufact ut·ed by A. S IMON & Accommodu.t.ion, - ·A cet· son of St Crispin. n1en go to a carousal.- but a s they go to SERVER Office, for any quantity, will be filled a.t rn eet a fearf ll reckoning- and fur two 01 Co. , r l'anners 11.nd Currier;i:, formerly of France, Bowma.nvil!e, J1me 19th 1873. r ecently called on a n eighboring blacksmith t o the above-mentioned price, as quickly as he now nf Philadelphia, P o.. , In structions - Shake t hree davs tirink in sullen silen ce till th e Marke: ca.n be m&de a,nd 1r;int. on th13 pre1riises 1'vcre specia.J attention is given get the steel corks on his horse's shoe sharpened bottle. A few drops on a. pifice of sf'>ongt:,apply craving ~\'liS appeased. S o me ou e Vla.s on B · to all BARKER, it lightly to t hA leather, and you will obta.1 n the and being in great ·haste, he asked ; "Can't d.av praising, in his presen ce, his vast stor eR fin est lustre. Price 75cti;;. p er bottle,or $7. 50 J>':r Bowmanville,Dec. 28th.1871. m13 ly you do it without t)lking tht: shoes off ?' 1 " I ~(acquired information and his delicate dozen. ,fOHN SX!AL E, Sole Agent, How· Carriage work, ltnd General don't know," saya Vulcan, " but if JOU will Jan~y as an· artist. I-1 n anville. hold hie feet in iny forge, I'll try." July 16th, 1874. 41-6 mos. "Yet I ehall die like a brute," he said, Would bog to inform t he Indies of Bo\.Vmanville Jobbing. sadly ; and the despai ring look of a hunted aud vicinity. ~bat she is prepared to .t ake orderf.I The hood is bea.big bl'ig:hdly. lov~ , ATE WITH F. Y . (JOWLll, begs to in· aaiinat ca.m e into his eyes a~ h e acl<led, : for D ressmak1n g~'l!ld fill t he sarne with despath .N. B.---Specia 1 .inducement given to form the public generally, that he has com. The sta.ra ru-e shidig too ; " } fy fatb er tlied <l r un k.--m y m oth er- God u 1 t he meuced buainess in the Shop next to t h tJ E.x~ A ll w orlc dowie at this Establishment CASH Purchasers. WJ1ile I a1 u gazing drcnrbily, fo rgive her !- my grawlfat her shot hi mself T~ATEST FASIIIO N. press Offi ce, one door east of tT, Miln e's . Begs to inform t he pubJic. that she has iu!3t r-0Add t hiugJ.dg, lovo, oh .you; Having several years experience in the have t his iln.y appointed l\1Jt . 0 . 13.Al~ J<E R in deli ri um tre1ncns-you k n o vv, b oyst ho"'- IIer expcri encfJ fully warrn.nts h er jn promfoinr:;ceived a splendid now n.ssortment of .E'ancy trade, be hopes to satisf-y all who may favor You cuddot> oh, you co.ddot know, poor Patrick di ed-it will be lhe same with ,atisfaction. the f'Jxd 1 rn ivr:. agent for t]1e trnle of my 1""UL· Goods, Ilerlin '\\i~ools, etc, which she will sell at him with a call. My J.arlig, bo,v I bi.ea yonine.!' CANIZED 'PENS for Downm.nviUe, Ont . as loW price as they can b e bought for cfaewhere, A call is resptictful1 y solicited. l{ eij1dencc, Corn er of Church Street, a n(l (Oh, whadt a fearflll colt! I've gotJOSEPH MASON.,P. P. " His propheey \Vas too soon J'L1lfill ed."- Market Sq uare . STA J 1J.PING done on SBORTEST NOTICE .T. MORRIS. , J . J. J.ACOBS. Ok-tish·u l Ch-ch ·tish-u !) Science o/ Ii.ea.Ith. : Oct, 8th, 1874. 2-3moa. Bowmnnvi lle, lJ w. 4th , 1873. B owmanvillti , Oct. lst, 18(i!I, Bowmanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. Uowmanvillc, Sept . 10th, 1874. m-tf. m 46-tf . LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bouse , B owin.a:nv i lle. CUTTING AND FITTING In Black and White real Laces 11,nd Lace Collars, we havt. a large assortment, 11t prices to suit all. A BIG- DRUGS AND MEDICINES TBELEVENS Bowmanville Drug Store, :Cress Goods Newest Style . FA_LL STOCK. ---o·- - 1873. -o- 1873. - -- o--- _ MURDOCH BROS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM GREY COTTONS STORM ONT. TYYE STUFFS C.A.l.rL A.NP .SB· POD YOUDSE LVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. PRINTS STOll.MONT TO THE PUBI_JIC. WALTER WIGG & SON, SJ:LEND LD NEW HEARSE, STYLE- a.nd Q'C' ALITY I 1 Orders Promptly Executed and Good Fits Guaranteed COTrroN BAGS, M. TRELEVEN. BEST . in the . World. ll.HYME .AND LIME. Straw-Cutters ! Confiect ionery · Depot . ·Grain Grinders . IIOLESA LE and RETAIL FRUIT, DOMINION BANK. READY-MADE N · FEED MILLS. CLOTHING and . MODBIS' Good Cheap. CARRIAGE Choice Lem.on, Orange a.nd Citron l?eels, SHOP. Clothing- Made to Orde ft a well-known Fact tliat Cowle ltas tlw vest Tweeds in the country. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks SO, HO! T Gentlemen of !'a.shion. NOT SO FAST. SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. T T BLANKETS Large Variety 1 Dressmaking, &c. Mias Heal A Blacksmith's Shop C. I Winceys--a. Dead Jo New 'l'a,ilor Shop, HEAL, Fancy Goods,Berlin W ools,&c. JOHN Mrs. Mason, .A CARD. I HAMPTON · L e F. Y. COw1 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED · · · l