I THE MERCHANT. AN D GENERAL ADVERTISER. Ci1 c:ula.tcs largely iu the Townships of Da:rlington, Clarke and CartWl'ight. It iS a common platform, open to the free <lLBcuseion of all qn eflt1un8 1t1 'vh1ch the general public a.rt' con cerned. TEUM:S, WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing O:ffi.ec Knm STREET, BowM.A)[VILLp;. eventy-five cents per annum, in Advance. The 'Merchant' and ' Obser ver,' $2.QQ. RA.TES OF .A.DV .t!.RTISING. One column Half do. 'l'r:msH·nt ~btlveitisements,5 eta pct line fir st in Hertton, and 2c. pe line, each subsequent one. Qua1ter<l.o. · · · - 45 p er annum, 25 " 15 " AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1875. !{UMBER xrv_ POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &e. EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE conve1sing together h1 ·.i,.-bispera. '\~that \Ye 'Bogua, bogus,' ans\vered the 1nan 1 turn· How the Ka.tie King Deception was BUSYBODIES. said I will not repeat ; it 1s enough to sey ing and dru1nming on the piano \Vith l11s Managed. that I played Homeo, and that a kind ,fu- right hand. New Years Bells. The Apostle speaks of 'bJtsybodies '- 31"1 Phiktdelphia Erl'fuircr, Dec. 19th li~t was not wanting. ' Where is he, nnd where is his family 1' what are busybodies '! The Apostle descrilJes Ring, bells, ling, with your 1nellow din, Suddenly at the 1>pper end of the room ' How should I know 1 They treated me 'rhe seances took place upon the secc.nd anJ defines thcn1 pa.rtly by saytngi ' r.l'here Ring the old year out and the new year in l there was n struggle and some confuston, i 1 ; but now that I am restored to my floor of the bnildiug, two rooms being tie~ are so1ne whtch \\nlk amor.gyond1so rclerly, Like the Yoict:s of birds from the old gray spire, and in the nndst of 11 all a stout, shaggy- rights they escape-yes, they may escape,' cessary to the devcloperuent of the "materLot ycur aih·ery music rise higher and higher ; Ile evide ntly l1ms working not at all' headed, elderly n.an, , pushing aside the he said, 'vith 11 dreamy air, and still dru1n· ialization." In the front ioou1 the andi- had reference to persons in tbe Church who Floating abroad o'er the hillside bu.re hands that sought to Etay him, strode into ming. ence assembled, witnessing hrre the seo111.ce, are still clinging to the 'vorld,who hnve not In billowa of sound on the trmnulous a.ir, the place, am! stood like a rock in the cen'.Let it rise and f 111 with the fitf 11l gale : I knew not what to think-what to do. and thoroughJy unconscious of the part been truly converted and nrc ~till se!.!king 'l'dl ove.1 city and >vood the tale; tre of the apartmeut, gaping from side to Could this man's story be true I Certain which the other room took in this bo~us to gratify their sensual desires, and a1e ~ till Say that to·night the old year diei; ! side with a harsh, disagreeable.leer. The ii was that the Dithmars, one and all, had drama of the spirilf>. The cabinet wo.s leading ungodly, unholy, and worldly li;-ca, Bid tl1e \Vatehers look to the eastern skies, ladies screamed, and several of them faint· fl.own, and thnt wna in favor of its truth ; placed in the front ro0n1, ·with its back beinK disorderly in conduct, unguard:1ec1 10 For the beautiful halo that tells afa.r eel. Mary Dith1nar shrank back, and cluug besides, I l em em bered the effect on the fn.m- ngainst a door ~ which opened into the ad· Of the wt11come rise of l,lie new yen.r's star! society, and are thus liringing <.lieigrace to me in sheer terrot. ily of the intruder's first appearance-the joining apartment. The door was taken off, npon themselves and the Church. ' 'I'hey Ring the old yen.rout. '\\1th its sighs and tears, j \Vho is It r I asked, \\'·hen I had recov· blank ama1en1ent1 the utter crusb, D:rth· and there was oubshtuted hy .Mr. Uolrnea, work not '-that is,lo.bor not in tl11ngs that Its withering heart-achtlf:I and tiresome fcara; cred from tny temporary natonishmcnt. rnar's unquestionable aubn1ission, the dii3· a walnut boo.rd part1tioo, and this partition they should, ha\·e no desire to see the Away with its memoues oE dO\ibt and wrong, But Pii,iry could not r('ply. Speechless missal of the guest~, ?r!ary's last words on he declared frequently 1uight bo examilled Ils cold decays and its envying~ strong, Ubnrch prosper-1ubor not tor its welfiue, All its p:i.ndel'ing lures to the fa.ltcdng sense, and pal~ as a ghost, she gazed at the ju- parting ·with me-and I, too 1 began to ad· by anybody prior to the occurrence of the pray not for the good of o~hers, labor uotr~ All it.'! pitful shams and cold 1 truder hke one turned to stone. The whole mil suspicion snd <lottbt. Then I reflected seance, aud many, including Dr. Child and save souls. 'They have not the 1ove of Je· Jretcnse. 'Vo wtll heap them togethe1· and bind the111 fai:;t I D1tb1nar fanuly stood as if transfixed. that this \\'US cruel and nnktnd in me, and Robert Dale Owen, dtd so examina it, fiq,d- sus, and arc not moved by pure and holy 'l'o tht:i eld 1n~l.n'13 lord as he tottt:"I?JoJlast, 'Bah I' cried the man sternly; 1eo this is in a second I bethought me of legal aid. ing nothing at the time to engender susn1otives to wol'k in the vineyard of the '1,he llls tbat ht: brought he 1nayl lle again; what you do \Vhile yon think n1e dead. Eh, Just at tba\ moment one of the wrndows picion. These \valnnt boar<la were secured Lord But they 'vork in a d1fft'reut way, Keep,ve the joya1 let him bw·y the pain I Joseph Ditbn1ar? But you see I am alive opened from without, and at it appearod lhe Ly four battens oa each side, and frequently and with other n1ottves. They labo1, but R1n~ soft, oh bcll&1 n11 he goes to rest ' yet, and nID. come flt last to denounce your bead und shoulders of Duff the gentlemen above nan1ed l\'ere invited to it is Dgainst the pure .1nd good, oga1nst the l!,ar 1n the shades of the dnrkcn1ni;r west· . f fi d' b f 'l cr1n1es and those o your en ts a1n1 y. 'Hallo!' cried that worthy,' wbot's up 1' come and take these battens off and exam· cause of .Teaus Cblist. 'l'hey labor aud arc Ring, bells, ring, \\·ith a merry din! You thought you bad mm·derd me, eh I inc the boards. It bas since been <liscover- busy, but it is alone for self-aggrand1seI "'ent to h1n1 and whispered: Th~ old year has gone \vith ;ts caro and sin ! \'7cll, it '\\-"asn't your fault that I a1n alive. ' Not a \Vord. Come in and watch this erl tbat Holmes ha.r' the means of taking ment, nnd for the intereHls ot S \tun rnt h er Smiling and fair, at the eastern gates, Your hired l·ssassius betrayed you Why man until I return.' out une of these Loarde- the centre one, than for the glory of God. Clad in tinted hght, the new year waits ! don ,t you welcome me 1 '\'\7 here's your Duff, amazed, and not knowinK \vhat to whtcli was (abollt 15 inehes wide-and of '\V ekurne him 1n with the rosy baud, To be plain a 'busybody, ' 1s one who hospitality l \Vho wait the wave of his beckoning hand: make of the aspect ot things, obeyed. I substituting in ita place a board that was minds eveiybody else's business better than Hope, with her 'vrcaths of swe~t spring flowers, The guests stared at one anotl1e1 and at ran tor the constable. I found thut offic~r, cut across tbe centre, adtnitting of th~ re- his own. It 1s the bc1ght o.t lns a1nb1t1on to Joy for the snmn1cr's glowing hoUl'B 1 their host at tbis spet.?ch in stupid amuze· and, armed with the requisite authority, we moval of the lower half, and el).sily adnut- go around talking Pvil of his ne1gl1bo1, tryPlenty and peace for the fruitful fall, ment. At length D1thmar grew in a meas- were soon on our \Vay back to the Dithu1ar ting a person fron1 the back room into the ing to prejudice other minds and stir np a And Jove for all seasons-best of all, ure calm, uud addressing his friends sai<l in mansion to solve the problem that had been cabinet through the aperture. This waB the ' fuss' between them (the neighbors). He l'ting 1nerri.ly1 hells !- o'er the b1uslnng skies an unsteady vcice : presented, by law. - At the door, much to way in winch Katie Kiug entered the ts buay in trr1ng to r.use a disturbance, and Sec the beautiful stn.r of the ne>w year riso ! But there was further dis· in fact is not content until he has a big 'Gentlemen, ladies, friends : this is an my surprise and joy, I met Mrs. Ditlunar cabinet, - Froni the Aldincf01· Decetnbcr. covenes made subsequently \vhich were of hornet's nest s~1rre<l up. IT ere is a ' busyunfortunate scene; try to forget it. I will in her bonnet. 1 Mr. Shllpaon,' sniJ she, in a voice that an intensely interesting character. If Katie body 'of a wotuan ; she must be coutrnualexplain it nnothcr time. Now please leave us.' had yet a trem hie in it, ' I am so glad eutered the cabinet in this "'ay, where was ly on the' trot' froin one house to an otbei, she kept concealed prior to thti titiances, and telling her neighbors that ~tr. So·an<l i:o Still tbe int,uder stood undisturbed, and yuu 've come. lt1s a1l over, he's gape.' THE BALL AT DITHMA.R'S. fro~·ning in his positioB, and Arthur, ·who I di·missed the const.al1le on Mrs. Dtth· during the intervals when she disappeared 1 and bis \Vife had a terrible fight and CJ.uarbad sprung forward toward him as if to mar's assurance that there was no furtbur In the rear roon1 there was a bed, upon rel. At the next neigh boris r:ihe dechnes The name of Ditbmar had been known eject him a.nd administer personal chas- need of his ser\·1ces, and \vent in. Duft' and which ladies and gentlemen attendrng the that they parted ; at another, it is certa 11ily almost from its foundation, in l:I tisement, was caught and held 1mdway by the lady \Vere the only per~ons present. i:;eances,V\-·ere in the habit of depositing their true ' thnt Mr. So·and so hn.s g-ooe to C1 tnand mem hers of that fomi ly had filled with his father. It w:ie a slrnnge nnU incom· My late compauion, the intruder, was no- superfluous clothing. 1'lns room was, ns a ado to evade the law.' \Veil, aftei awhile honor mauy responsible positions in its malter to be expected, subject to close ecru· neigh Uor oae goes to Mr. So and so's atH.l pre.ben~tble affair1 and the guests evidently where to be seen. gift. At the time of which I write the hearl. did not knew what to make of it, as by ones tiny, the closets and the bed being exan1in- finds then1 seated a10und the tabhi, talking ' What's becorne of lum,' I askt!J.. of th e fsnnily was one Joseph Dithmar, a and twos Ibey slowly dcp,uted. · e<l,a11d mo1·e than one pair of eyes cast their and laughing ; cluldren are all jolly, and Duff made answer with a Jaugb : retired manufacturer of about sixty, a genglances beneath the bed, to see if any con'His keepers touk hun off.' '1\{ary,' so.id I to my companion,' let me the neighbor is inv1tcJ to dine "'ith thcni, tleman of culture as \Vella.a i'ortnne. !\-Ir. take you into tLc a1r~unywbere tro1n here. But no and kindly accepts. They talk of va1iou8 ' What l' cried I, \vith a look that de· federate· might be hidden there. Ditbmar's household circle, beaides himself, search resulted in sncb a discover)'. Yet, thinge-, ask about th e neighbors-if all are mandcd explnnntiou, Thia is awful.' then consisted ')f bis wife, by some _}ears his 4 Nu,' she replied '?tfr. S~mpson,' aa.id 1:frs. D1~h1ner, 'That as iL nfterwards turned 011t, the bed, like -y,·Pll ; and neighbor one 1s info11ned tbat firrnly; 'I must r.;,junior ; his son, Arthur, a young man of main with n1y fan1ily and shnre the worst poor creature who l1ae so sorely troubled us Macbel'e wonderful automaton, did hold a the lady over in the next house is 1 1 cry twenty,and two daughters, Helen and Mary. He confederate who was none other than the Indy sick ; she hasn't been out for sonic tune.' with them.' And with gentle force she led is my husband's dcmentecl brother. I-Ielcn v-,·as twenty-ix, and though by no me to the outer door. r went home as· has been confined in a lunatic asylum for whoi:Je confession has been given. But where Struck with astonislunent No. 1 exclni111s : means ill-tavored, bade fair always to reThe attendants upon '\Vhy 1 you don't s11y 1 vou arc cert,1111ly tounded. What could ull this mean I Had some years, and none of our children have could ehe burrow I main a apinster of her own voliliou. the seance lmd the freest liberty ot examin- mistaken. She \VM to Olll' house this n1or11there been fraud and attempted murder by ever seen huu before. Yesterday he escap~1.1.1ry 1 on the contrary, though 01uch The bed was open, some doubters ing ; nnd such horrible things a.s she said of the family I had so long revered 1 I could ed. and came direct to N - - - . Once ation. younger than her sister, did not share this not belie\·c it. I resolved to have n1y among u·, his malady (which takes the even probing the mattress to ascertain if ~fr. So and·so, I uever heard in all n1y life. strange aversion to marriage, and that wM, doubts cleared by personal explanation the fori:n you saw) broke out afresh; and know~ it dtd not for the time, cage cbe beauty. Why, she declared up aud down you hu<l n perhaps, the reason that I had inainta.ined following day. ing from experience that the pQor n1an is 'Vho would have thought of looking at the ternblc quarrel and fought like dogs aucl for so loug tny acquair.tance ·with and my Duff had vacated my apartments durmg sometit:&es o.ij bloodthirsty anU fierce as a. bolster 1 The bolste1 was so unin1portant cat.' I Did you ever bear the hke r says lriendsbip Jor the family. l\[ury was the my absence, and, thank h eaven, I was alone savage, we dismissed the guests, and all left a n1atter that it never once excited suspic- Irlr. 80-and·so. ' Its too bad the way that belle of K - - - , and well merited the powith my thoughts and sorrows. I went to lhe hoqse temporarily, while Mr. Dtthmnr ion. Y ct it held the living n1yatery, none \Voman cnn m1srPpresent a person. 'rlu~ sition on the score both of personal and inbed aud dreamed. My dreams were iu the went to the ""Y !um for the keepers. )!'ear- other than the ruby-lipped and fair-armed morning I went to make the ht·0 nnd the tellectual beauty. She had numerous genleast degree awful. ing to ala.rm or arouse the 111aniac, we let creature who 'vns in a few mo1nents via the stove fell over ; and Ilannah was up in bed tlemen friends, as was natural, but none I awoke in a cold sweat and found that the lights burn, and left him in possession. walnut partition, to burst upon the delight- yet, and I ballooed tor her to come down that I considered my rivals. it was dayUreak. I rose, dressed inyself, Tl1e rest is soon told. 'rhe keepers 1 Mr. ed vision of the breathless Apectntors. The and help : nnd eo she came runn1ng down· There "ras1 indeed, a certain Harry Duff and then, eatly us it was, hurried to Dith· Dithmar nnd the lunatic have just this in- bolster, then, ·was none of your old.fashion.. stairs so fast1 and made euch a terrible -a sort of b1ai u1eaig fashionable popinjay mar's. J uclge of my surprise, on approach· stant gone, and now, if you please, you 11nJ ed striped hcktng bago,puffed up w1lh down, noise, aud talked so lond, that I guos8cd - 'vbo aspired lo her favor, but his prcten· iug the house, to find it open, and the light. )fr. Duff may go and brrng the girls homo. but instead a wicker cage. ingeniously con· our neighbor thougl1t we quarrelled. Anll tions uppea1ed so ridiculous to me that I of the night before all still b1illiantly burn· They are at E - - -'s, on the main 'Street.' structe<l, aud as 1ngeniously overlaid, in j uot wait till I sec tbut old busy body ; I'll did not give either him or them much Thus ended the strange story-the curi- wbrnh \he chnrming confederate to all thIS tell her Low we qllnrrelled.' ing i the house b(ld evidently been open thought or consideration. Besides, I bad since tbe sudden exodus of the guests. I ous adventure that sprang out of tho 'Ball spirttuulistic to,:;;!oolery housed herself unIIow true a description of a busybody. old J\fr. J111hmar's favor, and that went a t1httddered) a.nd o. na1neless pre5entiluent of at Dlthmar's.'-and now, after a lapse o.f til she was to issue like a golden beauty She left her house all up. :dde down u,nd went long \\·ay toward strengthening n1y position evil iaetened on me as I went up the steps yeara,as;I thtn lt. of it, I shudder as I speculate from a cocoon. On one occasion it \\'aa pro· around telling such a horrid falsehood. and my complacency. Mnry, too, seemed and entered the mans10n. It was deserted. on what might have chan ced bad fo_ rtune posed that after a seance 1 this partition A person not attending to lns owll busito lean toward ruy side. I went into the ball-room ; it was stlent and not Ja.vored tne while I " 'a.a alone \\ it11 and should be examined by all the parties pres- ness, but who meddles iu tl1e affairs of ot h· rrliis was the state of afiairsJwhen,one day Prior to the opcrnog perforn1ance, ers, jg a full-grown empty, and the Ha1ning gaajets but iocreaa~ striving wtth all my might to irritate a <lan- ent. busy body. The in the winter of 1867, I received an invital\frs. Holtnes proposed a short " do.rk cired its horror and gloom. I ran up the stairs, gerone: and unscrupulous roauiac. world is full, and tlw Church is Jnll. tion to a hall at Di th 1nar s. N o,v, this incle," and the lights 'vere put out, during and searched chamber after chamber-all These disorderly people baYe no fnll vitation was notlling uncommon, but the which time l{.atie King entered the cabin~ CULTURE· vacant, all v01d. I called aloud on llfaryapvreciation of \\'hat is respectable, let fact Lhat the note was ..vr1tte11 and signed et Jrorn the rear room, having, of course, alone \Vhat is rjght a nd ~ooU. rJ1hose live on nil tbe occupants of that splendi.1 dwellLy .Mary Dttbmar herself was ·ignificantThere is no more forlorn sight than that cautiously eniergt!d from her cocoon at tL· disorderly and are busyboJ1es who rl o not ing ; no response ; not even an echo to my at lca·t so I thought. of a man highly gtlted, elaborate1y culti- head of lhe bed, and slipping out the lower reflect on the true end of their creatlou. own voice, and I thre'v myself down on a Tune 'vore on, ,1nd at lcng1h the eventful vated, with all the other capacities of his half of the central board of the partttion May the Lord so le1<l them that at last they chair and groaned. evcu1ng of the halt cn1ne round, and I was Just then I heard a heavy step near me, nature strong and active, but those of fa1tli Then the dark circle mummery "'a.s:ended, may see the error of their fo.-r1l ,1,.ays a.n<l in my ioo1n at home dressing for the occa· and in marched the intruder ot lnet night nnd revereuce dormaot. Aud this, be it and Katie Krng showed her charming face turn to hitn and live. Society can do withaion. in Dithmar's dreseing go'\\'n anll slippers, said,is the pattern of mon in 'vhich culture, at tl.ie aperture, put forth a rounded arw, out the1n. The Church can sparo the1n. Suddeuly the door bell rang, and in a Then she The world will be fur better without lhl'tr col ml~ £noking a short, black s:unted-loo~ made tho chief Hood, would most likely is- and exhibited her long tresses. moment ufLe1, tbe scrvnnL announced that ing cl\y ptpc. He took the pipe from hts sue. 011 the other hand, when 1t assumes opened the door, stepped out and retreated. experi~nce. And their own precious soul ;, Mr. Dutt was Lelow, and wtshod to see me. mouth and aurveyed me coolly and delilJl'r· its proper place, illu1nined by faiLh, and As soon as she bad retired, some one spoke will be bles.sed 1f they be delivered from Ile canie iuto the chan1Uer, an<l. threw All the anger a.nunateJ. by devout asp1rat1on, it acquires of the examination of the partition, and a this abominable h11b1t of wholesaling (;lVcryate'.y, but said not a word. himsell heavily down in an easy chairi of my nature was aroused nt the sight of a digmty and depth which of 1tselfit cannot number of p~rsons eagerly seconded the thing pertaining to everj·body else than stretching his legs out upon the carpet in this accursed wretch, and I went towards attain. From faith it receives its highest movement, but this was nipped JD the bud themselves. Christian f1 ien<ls, pray for the front of him, and resting his hands by the Re put his pipe and most worthy objecta. It ia chastened by the sudden appearance at the wmdow of conversion of 'busybodws' hlm with a look of rage. thu1n~ in the unnholes of hie waistcoat. the spirit ol John l{ing,whose voice betraybuck in~o his mouth, and, folding his arms and purified fro1n :ielf-referenceand conce· I was shaving, and as I turned· round, O\'er his breast, coet1nned his survey with· It is prized no lunger, merely for its own ed him to be none other than Mr. Nelson BRAVERY. razor in hand, and saw that b-lr. Duff ~·as sake, or because it exalts the po~sessor of it, Holmes, and stated that another spirit wos out a word. tlushed in the face, and had evidently been to be n1ateriah.zed, and that it would poss1~ Pure and brave spirits s~ck not a iefu g~ 'Devil!' 1 cried, 'who a1e you, , and but because it enables him to be of use to drmking somefhat deeply. I wus astonwhat is your fiendish po\\·er over this house others who bave been le~s. fortunate. In a bly succeed it tbe !Jgltts were put out. The fro1n un eternal future iu disgraceful d1::;si· ished, for I knew that he had been invited word, it ceases to be self-isolated, and seeks light was put out, a11d remained out five pation; they aonrt unbounded existence and this family 1· to the ball. to c:on1municate itself as widely as it may. nnnutes, when it ·walil announced that the mther as the only fittrng sphere for the unThe smoker smiled, and said : ' ~ mpson,' said Duff, in thick tones, So culture is transmitted f;on1 an intellec- atten1pt at nnotl1<!r mnteriahzation could foldrng of th<ir latent energies, and calmly ' Do you like mustc 1' · been to a d1nner·patt) and miscalculated Was ever ~nch <t qucstivn Mked at such a tual attainment iuto a spiritual grace. 'l'his not succeeu. During this brief Interview await it, clad in the panoply \\hi ch wise capacity Can't go to the ball,' and so come tin1e 1 I '\\·as tLunderstruck, anl remained seems tbe light in which all who are admit- Katie King had escaped to her own sphere, moderation alone c'.ln provide. Great and to pmr off with you.' l iu sensual with my handa cl1i11ched, silcnLly staring at ted to a higher cultivation shoulJ learn to an upper room, and the partition ·was ren~ goocl virtues are never tnaturer 'Duff,' said I, ad1·ancing half-way into regard their endowments, whatever they be. dered by somebody ·ll O.K. The nudwnce an<l. tin1id spirits. 'l'crror1 induced by him. the intervening space between us, ' my good was then permitted to exa.1nine it, and, of guilt, chills the soul, as physical fear chills -Principal Sharp. 'Do yol~ like music 1' fellow, you are out of Jour ¥senses ! Do course, finding nothing wrong, a number of the body, destroying all prospects of inoral The queaUon \Va5 repeated ; 'vithout you think that we are mem hers of Congres~ the epcctators voluntarily siHned a certili- excellence in the heart from \vhich chaste \Vaiting for an ans'\-li·er this time, the atrango .MELANCHOLY. or United States Senators I'-' {· cate that the \\'hole show wus honest in desires and wise self.government are exiled, being glided to tho open piano, and eitting 'I don'~ think anything of the kind,' lie every particular. The certificate was writ· -Dr. Mngoon. on the stool, pipa still in his mouth, play· Never Hive way to n1c1o.ncholy ; resist replied wtth a druakeu laµgh, ' but I want ten by Robert Dale Owen, and signed in cd gracefully and elegantly some of the it steadily, for tbe habit will encroach. I to pair off w1th you. 1 wild, stormy music of 'Hobert le Diahle.' once gave a lady two and twenty receipts his pre.eeuce. Neighbor's Thistles. At first I \Vas rather amused at the situ· '£hen, h~ving concluded his instrumonta· ngninet melancholy ; one was a bright fill'e ; at1on, aod talktd soothingly to tl1e n1an 1 A person was once wallnng w1th a fauner Lion, he sang in a soft, and alu1ost lem1n1ne another,to remember all the pleasant things The Creed in a Sixpence but o.t lengLh, n1y stock ot patit:ncegrowing through a beautiful field, when he happenvoice, 'Uobert,.RQbert, toi quc j 'ain1c, 1 from said to her ; another, to keep a box of exhausted, I brcan1e slightly angry ; and ed to see a tall thistle on the other side of The plnnis on the mantel-piece, and a kettle the same great work of Meyerbeer. Some Very Flue penman can put the C1ecd Lurning front my vieitor, I abruptly conthe fence. ln o. sc::con<l, over the fence he man waf: evidently forgotten in the musi- siuunering on the hob. I thought this mere inside of u sixpence. S· JJne very tine Chris· t1nued my prepo.rations for departure. cian ; 1or "'hen the performer first opened trifling at the moment, but have in after- tians can put their creed inside of a five Jumped, and cut it off close to the ground. When I waa ready to go, I Mid to Duff: 'Is that yo'lr field I' asked bis companion. hts Jip:S to give vent to the first \Yor<ls of life discovered how true it jg that the·e lit· cent piece ! ' If yon have Leen a fool, I can't help it ; 'Oh, no !' said the Janner; 'bad weeds do the song, the pipo tumbled from between tie pleasures often banish melancholy betWhat is your cree<l. 7 Your Christian aud if by paring off yon mean that yon want his teeth, and was dashed into fragments on ter than higher and more c~n.ltcd objects ; faith. The amount it will do !or Christ. It not care much for jcnces ; and if I should me to stay away from Dithmar's to-night the floor. I ietnaincd \\onder s1nitten uncl and tbot no meai:s ought to be tbo~ght too you can put the amount you Wlll do for the leave that thistle to bloMorn in my neighbecatli:le you hav·e inade au ass of yourself, 1 still, .At length, the sorig being finished, trifiing which can oppose it either in our- Crucified in a iive cent piece U.DLl lay it on bor's field, I should soon have a plenty of tell ) ' OU frankly that I do not mean to gr!fi· iny own.' Evil "eetls in your neighbor 1::1 the man turned toward me aS·if Jor appro- selves or otbers,-Sidney Smith. the plate, do not i1ut your Creed inside of a fy yon. 1 tielt.l \vill scatter seeds ol c"il in your own ; bation. · nickel 1 I held the door open as I spoke, aud, hat therefore 1ncry weed pulled up in your An1ong oi.her qunhtit!S, I \Vas an enthusi· And you expect your faith wtll save) our in hand, \vaiteLl for Jnm to get np. " Household Words. neighbor's field is a da qgerous enemy drivast in 1uus1c ; and full of horror for the 111. i;oul fron1 death ; that it will obtain you He did not move. en off from 'your own. No one hveth or dividual aa I was, I could not be! p inwardStop your noise' Shut up this minute ! everlasting lite, and heaven and glory 1 dtetb to himself. ' Duff,' said I, 'don't you sec 1'111 waiting All ure linked together. ly aJ111iring his mastery over the science oi for you 1' I'll box your ears ! Hold your tongue ' How much faith have you 1 Fl\'l:l t.ents Sg,ges of old contended that no sin "as harmony ; but this feeling was but mo· Yet your fa1th is ve1y great, in But the heat of the chamber had been too Let me go! Get out ! .Behave yourself! "'·ortb ever committed whose coneequences rested mentary, and as soon as I could sufficiently inuch for him, ancl, C\' en as I spoke, Duff's I 'von't 1 You shall! Nev1;>r mind! You'll another light ; aruuz1ng, incredible faith l ~n the head ot the s1uncr alone ; that no collect myselt, I demanded where the Dtthhead sank forw ard on hia breast-he was ca!Gh it! Put away those thing· l You'll 'ro beheve that such "mint, anise aud cum- man could do no ill, and bis fellows not 1na.rs ho.cl gone so suddenly, and reiterated kill yourself! I don't care! They'1e m1n" will \\·ill secure you u the crown ol suffer. They illu·trated tt thus . 'A vesasleep. I left him whe re he was, and tellmy inquiry as to who he \Vas. He wheeled Yes, )OU sel sailing fron.1 Joppa carried a. paSBeuger mine ! l\Iind your o'vn business! I'll glory that fadeth not away!' ing the servant not to disturb hi m, went to round on the piano stool and looked ti.t tne who beneath his berth, cut a hole throngh tell n1a ! You nasty mean thing! rrhere, have incoinprehensible faith, to cast your the ball. the ~hip's aide. 'Vhen ~he ~en of th~ fixe<llJ:. Creerl. upon the waters iusde of a five cent The si::itc·rs ucver looked 1nore beauttlul I told you so ! You don't ! I uid ! I will watch ex.postulated with 111n1, \Vnut doeet 'Is it posatble that you Jon't know me 1' have it ! or appeared to greater advant!lgti than on You don't oay ao' Oh, look piece ! thou O miserable man l' the: offender ealn1be said in (\tone of quiet surprise, ly rc'plied, 'Wbat 1nnt .tr8 1t to you I The that night, and Mary especially shm,e a what you have done! 'Twas you l '\Von't I assured h1n1 that he v.·as n perfect bole J have rnadc lies uud ~ t my O\\ n berth ' 1 you catch It, though ! It's my house I bnlliant otar, The grave is the cox. n mon treasur) to This aoc1cnt par11file is wurthy o1 th~ ut~ atra.nger to rnc. He appeated puzzled, and Who's afraid of you I Get on! of this room \Vhich '"·e runst all be taxr. d, At length ·UIJper W(l.'l o\'er, I had acmost cous1der..t.L101J. No DltUl pe11sb es tht!u e a1J : ditectly ! Dq you hear me 1 Dear me l I co1npanied ~iary to the roo10 and fron1 it, alone in his iniqu1Ly, uu iuau can guess the ' [ llill the re<"Ll J o!wph D1th1n11r.' Folly untl anger are but l'\\'O rH1n1es for tull consequences ol ln~ t1 ausgres s ion. - Sc ~ never did see rnch thing· in all my born 1 Who Lb ~ u, pra.yi wari be who until h\st and wa~ f' to11<l1ng Vt 1th lier ago.in in the the same thrng. lected, days. ball roow apart fiom th e re·t. We \\ere night w~ k uo" n h e;re hy t h~t uame 1' POETRY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! COME and SEE · Trains \Vill leave Dov/manville Station, Buwn1anville time, as follows : GOING ·wEST. GOING E~'!..S'l'. HILL'S Express* 9 27 n.m. : Mixed. . 4·05 p. m. !'r11xed ..... 2:::JOp.m. ! Local,. . . 7:55 p.m. E.xp1·ess .... \).00 p. ro. I Expres~ . 9.00 p.m. ii-This train runs every morni..ng- of week, ?r.fonda.ys excepted, r1ocal. ·7 ·22 a. m. I Express. I 8 .20 a..111. NEW ---:o:--- 'l'he following trains now stop at Saxony fo1· passengers : Local going west, due at ..... 7:30 a. n1. i)..fixed go1ng east, due at. . . . 3 :40 p. tn Mixedgoingwest,dueat .... 2:55p.111 Local going east, rlue at.. .... 7.45 p. m Moutreal time. Fall & Winter D1~y Goods A LARGE LOT OF l LADIES' and G·EN'I'S' F'UBS Bowman vill e. Nuv. l~t, 1873. VER.Y CHEAP. Prof. J. Ruse, G RA.DUA'l'E of Baxter University of l\fusic :H'riendsbip, Nc'v York. 'l'eacbor of Piano and Organ, cultivation o \.Toicc, Singing, 'l'horoui;h Bass, Htnmony, Cor.nposition, &c. ( Dailiugton, July 16th, lSU. 41 -l y n. PD:ATB, 'l.'AILOR. MADE IN THE Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments ~EW. EST STYLES. Bowman\'"'ille, July, 27, 186!.I. R R LOSCOMBE, LITERATURE. BARRISTEJl-A1'-LAW, SOLICITOR IN C][ANOJtRY, &:o OFFICE t \l:J - Over McClung's Store sa1ne flat J. 1f. 'nriroa.comb's Dental ){001ns. Uo\~·mauville, Oct, 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE I SSUl!:D D"l: LICENSES ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1\ITR. JOHN IL EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Co~ lll. Darlington, (near Bethesda Church) 1s duly autho~~i~ed to iaaue Ma.M1age Licenses. Dadingtou, Nov. 19, 1874. 1n8-tf. MARRIAGE LICENSES JSSVED BY JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post·oftice Pickering Ont W. H. vVILSON, HOWMANVILLE, G-enera.l .Agent for :PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODI.ANS and SEWING l'tfAO HlNES NEW GOODS I --o----:o:--- ~· Raymond Sewing Machine A SPECIALITY. Instruction given, o.nd Instruments a.nd ]'.\.fa. chines guaranteed. Bowma.nvillc, .Tun~ 181 1874. AUCTIONEERS l!o'I" the 1'ownship of Da;·l:inglon. GOODS AT l{IGI-IT PRICES ! l AT 1 H. T. PHILLIPS, JIAMP1'0N. Prompt attention given to sale~, &c, on :reason· able tel'IDS, J. & W. J McMurtry & Co. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, Sept. 25th, 187'4. . Wm.. Barton., ENNISKILLEN. S.des prolnptly attended to on reasonable terllll!. BOWMANVILLB. :Robert You:iig, FTElUN ARY SURGEON, Grailuate of the Ontario Vetelinary College. By ap· e_o1ntrnent Veter1nat·y Surgeon to the YV cE:t Durh111u a.11d Darlington Uniou .l!.gncultural Societ1es A.,.ent fQr the J_,.ive Stock Tiro.nch of th(' Bea.~er and Toronto Mutual Fire Insul'ance Co. l Voterwarl' l\fed1cines constantly on hanc. Callis from t le country promptly attended to. Office :- One door ea;)t of 1-t. M an1ng1s } l\u · nituni 'Vareroou:i. Residence o-..·er S. Burden s store, cornet of l{u1g and Scugog Streets, lJo,vmauvillle. mltf V . LUMBER. ties indebted to hlm for },umber, to settle ~heir accounts without further delny. And he hereby icfonus builders, and other~ in wa11t of honber, that he is prepared to s11pply them n.t ca.ab rates for Cash Honcefo-.·th he intends to do a. cuh busu1ess. J_,. ot 19 1 6 Con. Darlington. rrI-IE Subscriber respectfully requests ~wt par- 1'HOS. SMITH, 1873. m8tf LIME! LIME! Apply to FOlt SALE in nnyauantity, ILLIAM SPEAil Qhuroh Street, \\1 ' nearly opposit~ the .Alma. Hotel. Bowman ville, June 19th 187 ~'\. tf ~=========:=========F---- - ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. hive?·pool London, and Glasgow Fon G ricket.a:, or inft...rmation..., apply to 'rV. A. Nl!.iADS, Agent . tf-30 .:Bowma.nville, .Tune 9th, 1871. 1 NEW My New Goods lmve and tile :.iHsc inent will be found · W. S. BOYLE, lVI. D. "!' ' RADU A'fE of the Universitic1:1 of 'frin1ty Collegt>:z. 1oronto, and 'T1etoria College, .o. Cobourg. .Licentiate of the College of Phys1e1 ans and Surgeons, of Ontario. v'ffioe, Ku~g Street, one tluur ~est of J\ifr. (Jonusf1·a. Jewclly Store, Bowma.nv1lle. :1 NE1\RLY ALL C0~1E 'rO HAND VERY OO~iPLETE AND To Ma.stars of L. 0. L CEl\'i'IFICAES, Applicat ions BLANK &c. , &c , can be procured at this offi ce, n,t :egul1u· 1ater:. :Bowrnn.nville, July 7th1 1873. Fancy Goods,Berlin W ools,&c. Mrs. Ma.son., ~lie PRICES MODERATE Th., P11blic arn solicited to citll n.ntl see fer t!iemselves. HAlVLPTON, Begs to info1w the public, that hns ;ust re S TAlt!.l'INO done on SBORTJi'ST NOTIOE '!ct. 8th, 1874. 2·3mos. ceived a splendid nev; assortment of .Fancy Good~ Berlin Wools, etc 1 which s11e will sell at 1"1.s lo·v' price as thtiy can be bong ht for else ~here. [fampton Sept. 18th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN bp I .. ~--- ----- ---~-------""""' ............. ~ ----·-~-