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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Jan 1875, p. 3

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THE ~iEI~CHANT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1875. The Best Paper! Try it I IT WILL PlY TO VISIT Bissonnette & (Jo's cn~ry fan1ily, Bvor7 farmer, every :y_oung man, o\rery mech:lnic, every citizen, in search o first ·class Dry Goods and good substantial clothing, P0Bta9e Fn:-e. BC<iulifnlly Itlustrated. our establishment, where we have Fifty 'l'housan(l Dollars wo1·th of all kinds and styles of Fall and 'Vinter Goods at where goods are sol. d at very low· prices. Our December has oomtncnced, and the public ma.y depend oil getting b[l.rga.ins from a large a.nd well selected stock SALE OF STAPLE GOODS, Mens' Boys' and Youths' (JLOTBING for we are determined to do a large trade thi:; season, and evcrYbody ·who de· sires good goods should therefo:.r:e call The SCIENT'IFIC AME·RIUA.N now in its OOth year, C!ljoys the widest CJirculatiou of any weekly newspaper of the kind i11 tho worlcl. A new volume con1ml;!nccs J anuary 4, 1875. Its contents embrace the latest ancl most interesting information pertaininri' to the Inclus· trial, !t'Iechanical, ancl Scientific Progress of tho world ; Descripti on~. " ·ith Bcn.utiful Enf{1:_avings of New Inventions, New Implen1ent.s, J.'lew Processes,and Improved In dust ri es of alt kind!:!; Useful Notes, l~ecipes , Sujtg1::stions and advice by Practical "'1·iters, for Workrnen ancl Employers, in a.11 the variouB fl 1·ta '!'he SCU:NTIFIC AMlmICAN is the cheapest and best Illustrated weekly pa.per published. Every nun1ber Contains fa·o1n · .10 to 15 original engray.ings of ne>v mnchinory and nov· el in ventiorui. ~NGR.AVI~~S, illustrn.ting Improvcmeuts, DLScovenes, and Iroportaut '\..Yorks, pertaining to civil and 1\.:t:echanlcal J£ngineeriug 1 Milling, :i\fining- and Mctallurery ; l{.ccords of the latest progress in thi.i ~pplica.tiou of Steam, Steam Ent.11neering1 Ra:il waya, Ship Euilding, Navi· gation, Telegraphy, rl'elcgrll.pb lCngineel'in<1 , El,, Mn.gnetietn, Lig11t mid .fftmt. n l!..,AB.MEHS,, Engineera, .In\·ent· ora, Ma.nufa.cturcra, Che1nists,Lovcrs of Scit:nce Teachers, Clergymen, I.1awyers, and Pcoplu of all Profe13sions, wHl rind the Scientific Ainerican useful to them. It should have a pl ace in every 'Family, Lihrary, Stucly, Office, nud Counting lWom; in every Reading Room, College, Aca.cle rny, or School. A year's numbers contain 832 page s nnd sev-1 eru.l hundxed Engravings. Thour:;unds of vol· uu1es are . 1n-ef:l c1·ved £01' binding- a.n'l i·eference. The :practical receipts are well 1'·orth ten tim es the subscription price. Tc1·ms, $3.20 a year by mail, including post·go. Discount to Clubs. Special and Specimens sent fre e, May New ()ash Store (Jheat D1~y Gootls!1 FOl\ ADJOINING It E I. :C A N C.\.NAUA CF!Kr C~E Mutual Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840. O.r~·10.t:s. - --:o:--A. B.IUGN ALL has just openecl out, MR. CONSAUL'S GROCERY STORE. lill, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DJBE01'0RS. The Clwap<Jst Lot of Dry Goods ever qffered u t Bowinam;itle, TYRONE, Has now n. f ull assortt::d St.ock of CONSISTING Q}' r., Chairmaan, DUNCAN l\ilAOµONALD, .Bsq. ~1.AJOR 'l'. E. C.uIPBEr,r,, CJ3. 1 St. IIilaire. 'l'HE HoNonAnJ,g JouN HAMILTO~, Ha\\'ks· burg, Ont. · . ItESIDEN'l' S};CRFTARY. -JAM>:S GRANT. \Var;rER SltA:XLY. Esq., ~1 Groceries ~ry Goods, :Boots & Shoes et 0 etc, h ] · W 11C ·' for J SHAWLS, POPLI-"lS, SHIRTI-"lGS, GLOVES, LINENS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, &c. ---:o:--- PRINTS, \Vl NCEYS, WOOL PLAIDS, HOSE, WOOL GOODS, FEATHERS, S PECI AL FE A T U R ES. . The EY'.l'lR.E PROl!'l'l'S belong to and divid ed an1ong;;t tho Polir;yholdus. LJ.VES, DECLTNElJ BY OTHER OOMl'.~NIES, or on which an extra P1·trmium UH>uld be required, can be assured at the Ordinary rates of this 8ociety, under a spet;ial arrangement Sl'ECIAL NoN-Fo1".EITADLE PoLion;s issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pny mentIJ required, ea.oh payment securing Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the number of premiums paid, ana. f1·ee /rum julur vayment of pt·C?niums, :i\fODERATE PU.EMH.:Ms anti 1nost liberal conditions. Prospectuses, Proposal Forms, &c. 1 supplied on application a.t the Head Uffioo, or any of tho Agencies. JAMES GRANT, Res. Secretary. 'l'hf;! entire Stock having been bought at about 11a.lf the u sual Co:it Price, Dominion OrO'a.n Co'v. Present the following testimonials from co~ P-etent jud$,es of OrgrulJ. Testimonial from John Ca.midge, Mns, Doc., Co.nluar, England. Bowmanville, 24th Dec., 187:>. To the Mooagers Dominion Ot-gan Co. GENTLEMEN . - I like to play on your Orgnns t,.. .e is eo eweet a.ndsteady. ..And the work·;nip and finish excellent, and in every pArticular ·they are equal, if not superior, to any I ever beal'd. :Hoping they will meet public appreciation· . JOHN CAMil!GE Bowma.nvillc, December 22 1 1873, To the Managers of the Dominion Organ Co. GENTLKMEN. - I have much pleasure in tttSti fying to the excellent qualities of the O rgan supplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening. The tone is sweet and very powerhil a.nd the combination of skips roost admirable. I am sure your instruments will find favor in Cburchee, NI th~y nrc singularly adapted f(>r sacred music. Wishing you every success, and tl1at the public may patronize native ma.nufo(\ . THE Qua1] .Ly and Cheap Gl{EAT BARGAINS WILL BE OFFERED, "1 . . BOWMANVILLE ness to effect n. quick Sale of tlie Goods, a.t ... ~AadofAANEewsNDealffl.e! · · foconm:otion AT "CBE!PSIDE." and avail them&elves of the chance to get first-class dry goods; o.nd clothing: at 20 per cent. leas tb~n the same c:\n ba had elsewhere. A call solicited. Remember the Store, oA. ~.~'.th thei:>o.1entitic Amel'lcaq CANNOT BE SURPASSE'D · J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. J PRICES BELOW 11fONTREAL WHOLESALE GOST. "All frosh New Goods." :SISSONNE'l"l'E & CO. Corner Store, oppos±te the Town :E:a.ll BOWMANVILLE. J\.fessrs. )funn & Co., are Solicitors of Autori· can and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in tlw ·~·orld. l\fore tl1a.n t:ifty thousand applicati ons ha ve beei:. Jnade for patents through theix agoncy. Patents are obtained ou the best terms. }-lo· dels of New Inve11tions and sketches examined and advice free. A spccia.l notice is made in the Scientific Ameri<.!an of all Inventions !>a.tented through this Agency, with the nMD.e and residence of the Patentee, Patent s ttre of.ten sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to thf;! in· vention by such notice. Send for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing and full direotions for obtnining Patents. Address for tho Paper, or concerning Patents ~IUNN & CO., 37 Park Ilow, N. Y. Brand~ Office, Cor. }!' and 7th Sts-i Washington,D. C, Call early, and. See for yourselves! l~e1nenib7r J)cc. 3rd, 187 L 1 Am:rrT 32-ly ~'01.l BOWMAN VILLE, C.llARKER, "Observer Offict!, 11 King St. t.he !)lace, 1\iext Door lo i°"rir. Oonsanl's Grocer.11 Store, Bow1na.nt·ille. 10-2inos. Bowmanville. June 24th. 1870. Read the following from Rosa. D'Erina : . Imperial Fire Insurance Oo OF LONDON. JOYOUS EXfJITElUEI\JT! - -·-:o:---· (E·tablished 1803. Old J3roa.d St., and Pall ~:lnJJ.. London. GE~EHAL i\.GENCY FOU CANADA :- 24 St ture. ci·awent , Montreal. HEAD OFFIOES.-1 I remain>Gentlemen, Very respectfully, ROSA D'El.UNA. LIVERPOOIA CHEAP CHRISTMAS GOODS. ---:o:--AT THE Subscribed and invested Capital and ReserYe E'und. £1,965,000 S\orling. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs H. O'HARA. President. A. M. DAHLEY 1'-Ianager Bowma.nville, January 15, 1874. bp-o3-m16. Funds in1~estod in Canada- 105,000. CJoarse Salt Cheap Book, Stationary, Fancy Goods and IN BAGS AT GO ODS GIVEN A \7V A Y Insurances aga.ill8t loss by Fire are effef..>ted on m~st favorable ter:pls, and losses paid with. out reference to the Bonnl in London, J DODSWORTH, Inspector. RINTOUL BROS. Gen. Agents, Montrea. · Toy Warehouse. . ---:o:---- - . >l R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bo·wmanville. June 4th. 1860 36 .IW""0'Hara's Old Stand, - - - - Town Hall Buildings ...S m.o.43-39.4w. CONSAUL'S, King St., Bowmanville. R. EASTON, PROPRIETOR. The subscriber',s, B°tOQk co1~sists of a very large a.ssorement oL Book;:, Statioue-ry, ]fancy Goodr;, 10y$, Musical Instruments 1 Jewellery, Silvf1r·, Pioture::i, &c. R EASTON shows a very hirge lot of. Cheap Wax Dolls, James McFeeters. AGENT Important Announcement ! ~~~-o~---~ ALSO a large Unpol'ta.tion of THE BANNER SEWING iVIAOHINE COlVIPANY, OF SHERBROOKE, P. Q., Having recently perfected CBOCltERY,&o. fi·om the Staffordshi..Ie Pottery, . Eng,, I Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. I ---oo--- Great :Red.uotion in Dry Good.s, JllJST ARRIVED, rufc! will bo on salo in · few <lays. J3ow1nanville 1 Oct. 22nd, 1874. 1n4-tf. For the following Insurance Compa.nies, and other Institutions, viz : The QUlil:!:N Fire and Life Insurance Com. J pony. Capital£2,000,000. $150,000 deposited ...,;th the Dominion Government, for the protec den~ in Canttda. The ISOLATED RISK ~"ire Insurance Com pany of Capital 500'000,- 0ne of tbe he~t and choapest Companies doing business in ll.n~ same dlscount on '"~ode· boxes, and a inuch larger discount on Dress ing-cases. Albums-a the Dorninion 1 for li'armerA and Isolated Risks The CANADA LANDED CREDITCO'Y. $1.50 .AJbu :u for Sl.OO. a good Album for aQc. Cabinet Al bnrus at hl\lf ririce A 1$ a . large .ll$SOrtment of Picture~ framed, coneistiryi of ~lain and Colored J1 ithogra p]18 · Oil ~~J nl:~k with a. Savings Bank department. The UNION A'1D PEHMANEK'l' Building . Ohromos, and Cabinet l'1cturei:i very cheap. and Sn.ving,ij Society. ,-On and befor.ethc 22nd December Ii.. E. will g-i ve ::i, bea ut iful PapicrThc-"O latter iilfltltntions advance Loans on . . _· 1naclte Portfolio to all pcrsoM buyiug foul· dollars ¥-·orth of goods · aud from H.ea.l l.!atate, on terms unusuallv eaey for the the 22nd, to ]'eb. lst, 1875, inclusive, f:! present f01· every $G.OO ptuchase ' Farnilie · borrower, buying to the a.1nount of $10. 00 will have a very liberal discom1t all owed in g~ods. ~ Eowmf\n1,ille 1 Feb. 6th, 1873. l!i.1.epha,nt House HE UNDERSIGNED in returning thanks T to his ma.ny friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to him dur· ing the past 18, begs to announce that from and after the 15th Septemb<::r, be will carry on the same business, but more tixt~nsively under the uam.e and style of JOHN l\.fcLEOO & Co. Prompt payment of a.11 accounts iS render· ed imrerative by this buainess o.rrnngen1eut, and al persons indebted will please take t1otice and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN McLEOD. BowmanYille, September 4th. 187.'i. THE f A $1.SO Wa.x Doll A 1.25 W'a.:x Doll l.OO 'Wa:x Doll 0.75 W'a.x Doll - - - - for $1.25 for i.oo for o. 76 for 0.50 NOTICE Important bnprovements, in their celebrated Remember O'Ham's old Stand, Town Hall Buildings, B0w1minville, The People's Cheap Warehouse. R. EASTON. 'rhe l)roprietnr bclie~·es in a Niu1ble Sixpence. bcinrr bett er than 0 1l ownianv illic, N · ~ ov. 2oth, 1874. ::t. ' Slow Poking Shilliu·r ' Family Sewing 'Machines, ly-ln!.I. 0 · T John Mo:C.eod & Co T HLibe1·al Support and H Patronage would ··licit the ··me MUI DOUB BIOS. AT AND BELOW Aro prepared l0 GUARA:KTEE THEr1..r EQUAL, IF NOT S UP J.!: RLOR, E extended so long to John McLeod, and takes this opportunity of in· forming the public, that they ha·ve E to any now before the<":. For aving decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION ASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Ilfillinery, EASE OF Ol'ERATlON, UNIClothing, Crockery and Glassware, l11sh!head T and secure your 1',all and Winter e mpply of Card. of 'l'hanks. LATEST FROM THE DISCARDED THR COST! FO~MITY OF PRECISE - ACTION AT ANY RATE OF SPEED, capacity ?f Yanety The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can . depend on getting ran~e and of work, adaptibility to gl'Cfit fine or coarse, B00t s & Shoes, I .A T I-IE Subscriber retnrns thanks to those who have given hi1n their patronngc in the past and would inforrn the fa.rn1ers that he has re: paired and rcTI.ttP-d his l\.'lilli and is now vropar· ed to attend to their i.vants in the rnilling line. He is ah!o-conducting a ll(JE ·1111!1 FUR REGIONS :Mink Furs a.t Wholesa.le. Grebe, very fine. South Sea Seal, best quality. Alaska Mink, prime. GENERAL STORE, anrl having purchased his stock for E C~E:O:CTS, E L I.ONGL . OLD SYSTEM, THEY STAND UNRIVALLEf>. rrhese Celebrated Machines uJJta.lned the JfORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR 'l'HEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. FIRST PRI Z J( A·r THE 0.L\ SH, is giving b.'trgains iu Call Early, and secure Bargains, as t!te whole Stock inust be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. Provinoia.1 :El:xhibition, held 1n l\f:ontre..W. in Septembei-, 1873 . Agents wanted. ---:o:-Ile has the J. T. ANDERSON, LOCAL A GlJJNl THE GROCERY I DEPARTMENT by-o37-o24-lyr, Largest and Best assortment of auy l1ouse in the County, uf all sizes and quality. ~ Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. STA.NJ).-Recently oc<:upied by Mr. Gray, Bu~~!?d dM~~bes, p RE~~~~ED p . MA:B.X:'C'S XAYE:B.'S H H FUR STORE, A A N N B!lliEI T T ··· King St., Bowmanville. l\iR. 1\-IAYER, havmg a thorough knowledge of the Fur trade, lias purchased only Firat~lass ~tock, and is inn. vomtion to give sat· isfaction to alL Now is the tiine to give him a can, as those who come first arc first sel!ve<l. E and \\ill conduct their credit bnsi· ness ·· 1onows: ALL ACCOUNTS E I 1st January, let May, and 1st September ln cac:Z. and every year. In the caee 01 ldnnufu.cturers, ~fechanlca, and others, ¥:hoot: accounts may a.mount to $50.00 or over, their note,if agre.ed upon,wilJ be taken payable a.t the Bank for a. stated period. is now complete with the choicest supply of S. VANSTONE. Tyrone 1 Dec. 17, 1874. Ohristtnas Goods, Raisens, Our1·ants, ·gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. TYRONE. Gentlemen'1J. Furnisltings, Hats, Caps, <$;c. --: : - THE .. Purchasers AND ALL KINDS OF FURS REPAIRED. Prompt Gents' Sewed. and Pegged Boots made to order, and a No. 1 flt guaranteed; Highest Price paid for Raw Furs MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874. He defies competitfonin either q1.iality or PRICE. --;o:-Reme1nber the Stand, Sign of the :Bible Christian Bow1nanvilhi, Oct. 21st, 1874. · FOR THE BOOK ROOM AND H 0 will alwaya get goods a.t prieel:I cut FINE, a.a our great ailn '"ill be to court this cl ass of trade. Payers on credits short , Stock I.a.rge . AND H Q "BIG BOOT," Opposite the Town Hall. Il owmanville. Oct. 29th, 1874. 5-2rnos. Augu,i 6th, 1874. BEST Organs Strowger Bros. N:El W C.AS'l'I.E H~ving :~~o_y_~~--~ -1nore com~~ious p~emisee, IN Sa.' - ~ohool'l!Li'bra.1·y w. STRAYED. · RO}'.[ the premises of the Subscriber, about the middle of September, a Red Heifer, yearling past. Any person giving information that \vill lee.d to her recovery, will be suitably rewarded. R. DAWSON, Lot 35, 4th Con. Clarke. Ularke, DcC. 24th, 1874. 13-tf. BUNNEY, ' Levi Morris ! Builder, and Manufact11rer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c. }fr. l\f orris would inf ... rm the gent'ral pnbliu that he is prepared to fill ordors for Depot, - :o:- UWell Assorted !ij S STOVES, .s E E Cook, Ball, Parlor, and Box A ,.'!Ploudid voriety of JOHN McLEOD & CO. for wood or coal. KING STREET, BOWMANVILL[ '\-V c have now the most varied and Bl}IVlllanvi11e, September4thls73 BUILDER, ETC. Town Lots for Sale. F T "\VU Valuable 'l'own Lots, being Nos. 39 and 40, in Block 13, in the Town of Downum· ville on corntr of .Albert and Duke Streets, west' o( T. T. Coleman'B. For particulars, a.p· ply toE. B. Cryderman, Hamptou, or toJ,],f. Brimacombe, Bo"'·manville. Noveinber 19, 1874. mS-tf. Begs to return thnnks to his friends for the sup· p0rt he has recei\·ed the past t\\'O yea.l's, and hopes 1 by continued 11trict personal attention to business, u_nd working at thu most rtlMOnuble prices1 to e~u~e a coutinu nnct of public patron· age. B. 16 prepared to build ho1rnes, etc., on the moet Jnodern style of a.rcLitecture. J'obbing promptly n.ttended to. Plans and spccili· cations got up on applic.ition, on the roost reasonable teL·n1f;, ·~nd of every de::ci·iption. Office and Sh~lp, Ontario Street, nearly opposite ~lr, T. Ilowden's. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874. 1:1.Jy. SELECT STOCK OF '"l. Pla.ning a.nd Ma.tohing, Mouldings of alt dcsm·iptions, Twrning, &b., &c., for gencr.'.l.l building, on SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE y et offered to the people in West Durbrun. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public generally, that they at·e uow enabled to offer them --o-- Better Inducements in the line of 'W'a.nted :Cmmedia.tely, GiltL, 12 or 13 years, of age to A YOUNG aasist in housework. MRS. CODD, Dominion Ba.nk. WANTED. A JUNIOR DRY GOODS ASSIS'rAN'l'. Apply at A. BRIGNALL'S NEW CASH STOHE, :Bowrnanvillc, Dec. 10th, 1874. 11-tf. FOR SALE~ the Villn.gc of Tyrone, the premises belong· I Nlng to the subscriber, containing au n.crc of SHORTEST FOR SALE. A Enquire of JACOB BLOW,(}ueen St. :Cowrnauville, Oct. 5t11, J874. bp-tf-ro4ol2. CORDWOOD by mail f1·ee. Address with ten cent r11turn sta1np, M. YOUKG, 173 Grtienwich St.N. Y. bp-tf-m8-o47 ... Oct. M, 1874. bp-m6-o40-6ms. W QR K or evening. }to .Cap£ta FOR ALL ! lVc send valuable package of Good/ $5 land, ort ~vhich are two d~ell1n g houses, one very desuable, a blncksm1th shop, a un.irria·'"e shop, And stu,l>Le .aud dri\o'ing hou~e . Also "' a. At home, male or temale; $85per nllmber of good fruit trees, ApJ~lv, if by letter prepaid. to JAMES COLLACI7i'T, ' M::trriposa,, ur .T. H. :EYN ON, No. 7, tith. Con. Dnrlini;rton. ·r All class~s of workll1g people, of cither se.x, young or old, make more money at work. for us ORTH half of Lot N o. 14, 7th Con. Dar· Apply at this in tht::ir sparti 1noment.<:i, or o.11 the tin1e, than at BOY about 5 years old. li.ngton, contaiuiug 100 acres, more or le s~. Office. anvthing else . Particulars free. Post ca.rd to Good buildings and fences, and Ja:rge y.ounr. or· Stites cofjts but two cents. Address G. STIN- chard. For, apply to "' SON & CO.. Portland, l\faine, U.S. \ V M.. 'l'UER, HAYDON. Oot. 29th, 1874. ' 5-tL October 27th, ·1s11. ly-bp·o43.m5. y A YOUNG WOMAN recently from England, o. situation, v.·here she c011ld make herself generally uee(ul, bebin<l the Counter, in NTO the Subscriber's premi$ea, Lot 7, BrokN ASSISTANT FEMALE TEACHER, the ])ressma.king department, or ae ~<\.ssjstaut en F ront, Darlington, a Buck Sheep. The . for School Section No. 11, Dnrlington, Book~keer.ier. References kindly permitted, to owner is requ e Rte~ to prove property, pay ex· tIIumpton) for 1871). .Apply im rnediatdy, stat· severu.l respeOtable persons, both in '!'own nud pene;es nnd take h1m away, ing qualification and Salary, Countr~. Address, N. A., OBSERVER Office, l3owmRnville . J. KNIGHT, TrnEltees S. S . No. 11, H a1 npton. Dec. 31st, 1874. 14-3w. J)oc. 3rJ, 1874. ~O·;f.' Dec. 24th, 1874. bp·21Y·ml3°052. TO ADOPT. TO $20 PER DAY.-Agents'l"'a.nted! Clood Fa.rm for .Sa.le. Gift Boolcs, Splendid ,A lbwrns, Prang's Celebmted Chromos, Jl1icroscopes ,)[aleidoscopes, SPECIAL A1'1'P:NTJON 1'0 JOBBING. of the Ji nest description, Ladies' Companions, W'riting Desks, Shop and Residence on Liberty Street Pocket Boo/cs, &c., &c., Bowmanville, D ~c. 21st, 1874. 13-tf. He will also tak e contracts for buildi11gi:c, and ix1.ys NOTICE, and in GOOD . STYLE. IFor the Holidays ! I Organs 0:-l' THE Grocery Business~ (AS REGARDS PRICE f: QUALITY) than any other house in the CoWlty. DENTISTRY !. . NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight and Jfegsure Guaranteed iri, every instcon~e. N New Tailor Shop, A'l'E "ll'l'H F. Y. UO"\-VLF., begs to in· L form the public gen erally, that he has commencell bnsineEls in the Shop next to the E.:.-· to please aU, nnd every one. A large and splendid Collection of J. M. Brima combe, L.R. O.D.S. ASS!i;TED BY - - --- - -- - - - - --- WANTED. JOHN HEAL, Ster·e oseopie Vie"tvs '1'he Goods were bong ht at befit rates, and pnr chasc:r::i will recei\·e the benefit. _ ___ - - - - - - - - - -- - . 1 'l'eas a-Speoiality. G. D LOCKHART, L. R. C. D. S B STRAYED. WANTED. I A pl"ess Office, one door east of .T. l\filne's. Il aving had i:ie veral yen-rs experience in th <? trnc le, he hope· to satisfy all who may favor him with a call. Bowmn,nvi lle~ Sep. 4th, 1872. If you '\Vant Good Bread, Use the Nr'lvembor 5th, 1874. CONTINENT. J. - J. L. STROWGER STROWGER. Newcastle, Auguot, 14th, 1874. D. FEES MODERATE. OFFlOE ·over ll!tCLUNG'S Store. Dowmnnvillc, Doo. li\74. 11-tf, :!:'O:B. SALE. sole m35·tf GOOD FITS GUARANTEED ~il\momt ro46·tf. m6·1y. GOOD SECOND RAND Piano for A Price $65. J, M. BRIMACOMBE. ·

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