- ·'- . FARM AND KITCHEN. Is it Safe to Drink Hard Water. THE MERCHANT FlUDAY J.ANUARY 1, 1S75. ' POETRY. The Year's Twelve Uhildren. .tANU.\UY, '\\.'01.'cl and gray, .Like an old Pilgritu by the way. '\Va.tches the snow, and shivering, sighs, As the "'·ild curlew round hint Bies ; Or, hutldled Underneath a thorn, Sits praying- for the lingering morn. , There ia a popul.a.r prejudice that 11a.rJ. wakif is rh~ngerous to the 1 ,iealth, aud on that awount we are constantly warne.-J. by physiciaus to heware of it, but in England one of the leading authorities on this subjeot, Dr. Letheby, after devoting many years to an investigation into the properties of the water introduc~d into EngFEBRUAHY, bluff a11d cold, .lish cities, and to a strrdy of the sanitary reO'er furt'OWS striding, ilcorns the cold. ports on the subject, comes to the conclusion And with his horses two abreast, that moderately hard W.tLter is safer and more Makes the keen plow do his behest.. , healthful than soft water. H:trd water is not Rough l\1A~CH comes blustering down the road only clearer, colder, more ftee from air, a.nd con.'!cquen.tJy more ogrf!cable to the eye and to In his wrathy hand the oxen goad ; Or, with a. rough a.nd angry haste, the taste than soft water, bnt is less likely to Sc.fl.tterd the seed o\ff the waste. absorb organic substances, to sustain the life of zyn1otio organism::!, or to exert aolYent properA.l'lUL, a child, ha.Ir tea.rl:!, half !:Uniles, ties upon sa.Us of iron or upon l~en conductr1rips full of little playful wiles; ing pities. The lime salts exert a beneficial And lai:tghing 'neath hc1· rainbow h1xot:l 1 influence upon the animal economy, and even Seeks the wild violets in the 'vood. protect the system from dangerous outward in1\:lAY1 the bright ma.idtln, f!iuging goe8, fluences. Dr. Wilson, of Edinburgh, has also '£0 where the snowy hawthorn blows, collP.cted much valuable material on the sub· \Vatching the lambs leap in the dells, ject 1 and ccnnes to the same conclusions as Di·. _List'ning t.he simplo \·illa:ge balls. Lethoby. He tak(,$ the ground that the human body requires for its nonri$hment and sup.TUNE, with the mower's scarlet face 1 port a supply of certain mineral salts, among 1'tfoves o'or the clovc,r field a.pace, which carbonate and phosphate of lime play an .And fa.st h:ie Cri:Sccnt-scythc sweepfl 1 important part in building up the compactness 0\:1· i;vvt, wlt..iru t.lil' lark h::t.3 fL1wn. of thlj bones and in other functions. We usual· Jur,Y, the fa.rmer, h~ppy fellow, ly obtain phosphate of' li1ne in our animal and La.ughs-to see the corn grO\V yellow; vegetable food, but not from the water 've drink. ~l'ht? hen.~ · r grn.in he tosses up, Ourbonatl;! of li1ne, however, fa not contained in I!"rom his "ght band&.'> f~om a cup. adequate quu.ntity in our solid food, but gener· ally obtains in spring and \Vell water. AUGUST, th r~aper e1... aves bis w:iy, It has beeu inc.:ontestably 8hown that in moun'l'h·ough the golden wnNes to break o.f day ; tainous districts, \vhere the water is more or Or on his ·wagon piled v.-itb oorn, less hard, tl1c inhabitants exhibit the bAst phyAt sunset, home is promptly borne. sical developement. On the other band it is 8El"l'EMD.Elt, with his bl'aying houn<l, believed that in large cities the mortality is inJ.. eaps fence and pa.le at every bound, · veraely ns the hardness of water supplied to the A.nd casts into tbf: wind in scorn, inhabitantfl. A wa.ter which contains a.bout All cares and dani;:-crs frol.'l. hir.; horn. i six grains of carbonate of lime to the gallon is suitab]e for use in all household purpoaes. As 0<,"l"ODEll. comes, a woodman old, a dnnk a.nd for cooking food, such a water of· Fenced with tough kather from the cold ; fcrs tho necessary carbonate of lime for the sup· Itound swings his sturdy axe and low ,: port of life in the i;implest, m1·st natural antl A fil'e-branch J'.!,.1ls at every blo-w. 1nost easily digested form, and it is at NoVEM1JER cowers before the flume, the sami;: t.itne agreeable, fresh and sparkBlen.r crone, forgetting her own name; ling. It is e vident that our preconcived popu'Vn.tcbcs the blue smoke curling riBe, lar notions on th<:: subject of hard water need And broods upon old mem.orics. revising, and that it may be better to use such waU:r than to have recourse to rn.in 01· ice waDECEMBEll, fat and .rosy, strides ter. -Journal of Applied Chc1nist1·y. Hia old heart wa.nn, well clothed hi~ sides, With kindly work for you11g and old, Kindness to Animals. rrhe cheerier for the bracing cold ; From the tilne the colt is Porn, ho should be Laughing a welcorne, open flings taught to rc!:{ard man, 'vhoin he . is afterwa.rj,s liis doors, and as he di)cs he sings. to serve, as his protector and friend. Abuman ·--Cha1nbeti:;' Jou1·nal. band should fii:.st lift hhn gently to his feet 1 and direct his little mouth to the source of natural nourishment. Vlith tbe hutnan touch he should thus early be made to associate oat-eilses A. g· .)OCl "take off 11 in a cumPosing ro01u - A and n. auP:i.ily for all bis wants. Instead of ydls anJ oaths and kicks and rude blows, he should fat talte off the copy hook. hear only gentle, loving tones fro1n the attendThe great labor question of the Ca.-y; is bow to ant's 1nout-h 1 Bn.d pettings from his kindly pn.hn. avoid labor. He Phould be taught to expect and watch for A sound compoaer-.t\ cfon1positor asle'ep. tnan's entrance to the stall or padlock wh ere he Ought a con1p0f!itor to be looked upon as he fa kept, aa a dog waits for the corning of the bellicose or dn.ug:erous when i·eaching for a da.g-- n1R.Ster. as the season of joy and happiness His little deer like limbs tihoul<l be hancllod,and ger. he be taught to yield thein promptly and \vith'!'he gl'tia.test magicians of the age are paper· out fear to the ma~tcr's touch. In short,every1na.kel'S: they h·ansfor1n the begger's rags into thing that loving ingenuity can devise, "'s hould sheeta for editors to lie on. be done to irnpre&1 upon his mind thus early in A ferryman wa.A asked by a ti..tnid lady wheth- life, that man is hie natural protector and friend, er any persons we~e ever lost in the river over between who1n and hirn an inti1pate companwhich he i·owecl. " Oh, no !" said he, " \Ve ionship b~ been ordained by beneflcent nature, which iusuro;ls that 11e shall be protected and always fh1d 'em next day." chel'i1:1hed while he servea. The horse has a 'Vcather \\'ise.-- 'l'he y's that end rni..uy, hca1·t claim upon us, r.l'he young colt is, in some c\oudy and Atormy: sense, ri. member of the family, one of the own- , What is tba.t which ties two persons, but er's household; second in rank and dignity only to the children. So the Arab regards him, 'l'he ohly touches one ?- A wedding ring , ben.utiful young thing, with ita shiniug coat and .J:\ gentleman who has a scoidiug '\~ife, in a.ngazelle eyes and sprightly antics, so fnll of 8\,1 cr to an enquiry a[ter her health, said she bounding but docile life, is htcra.lly hif-! childwo.s pretty well, only at times subject to a ren's playmate. He shares .their food, and of"breaking out in the mouth." t en theiJ: sleeping-mat; tind n. blow <lea.It bi1n is ..A_ 1nother-in-luw is not n. heavenly body, but l~ promptly resented as if it had been dealt the Ml1c has becu known to eclipse many a honey- oldest son: for whose service in peace, and sa.fe1noon. ty in the hour of battle,the young thing is being raiseJ., - .llroni "7'ke Pe tfect Horse." O kittens! in our hours of ease, AUTUMN! 187(. S. TREWIN, OSHA"'\VA is shewing a The Satisfaction given by s eclipsed by the satisfaction gi!en by S~iALE t o bis n umerous :patrons. He ' ll:l now pleasOO t.o announce tha.t he has on hand o. large and varied as3ortrrent of BARNUM Just Arrived at the BOO'l1S At~D SHOES of th~ best qu ality, and is a11xioud that they shall ~ et t.o \York 3.8 soon as poaaible. NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of GRAND 01!' S'l,OCK All :Prioes, All Sizes. All Kinds. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " Balmorais, extra high · · · $1.25· cut - REAL HAIR., FANCY GOODS, & .A.lso a large l)tocl..: of srrAPLE & lrANCY DllY GOOI)S, Which excel in STYLE and VALUE. Stamps for Baiding and Em· N o t h ing -to Beat it. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, broidy. Thirty (30) Days! - -- :o:---The di scerning P nL!ie have evidently discovered the right place at which t o purchase their ---o--- FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. as u sun.I. Millinery and lvia11tle Department Replete with Latest Styles & Novelties. Trunks, &c. Spccinl n.ttention giver. to I · V'V~INTER PUROH.i-\..SES. CUTTING AND FITTING ,111 d MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1nanvill<:: 1 A1lril 7th,l874. MOUit'.N IN<.l GOODS A SFECIALI.:::_I n one bnt first -class workmen employed, thus insuri ng P;ooJ. value eve·y case . Gents' Furnishings ! teed. F'its Gv,cii·an Latest Styles in Hats, Shi1·ts, T1·es, &c. STOitE.- One door ~ast of Cornish's Jewelry toro l{·i or< Street, Bo1"ffit\n ville. 0 ' BOWMANVILLE J. SMALR. Jl Lai·ge Stock of Cloths an d '1.'1·imm'ings, made to Orde1 ·. Bowmru:1ville, S~ pt. 23rd. l.$7:~ Maohine and Implement Manufacturing Co F or tho pas t two months, McOLUNG BROS.' Sales h1we been far in ad~ van ce of Sales for th e conosponding months of any previous ye[tr. It is. very evident, fr om th e way in which Custom >t:!ld Ready Mnde Clothing, Overcoats, Slmwls, Dross Goods, Blankets, Furs, Buffalo Robes, ttnd 'Ninter Goods generally, have left the E stablishuwn t, during October "nil N ovembcr, th~t their ' · Ladioo' and Children'. Fine .Make. BOOTS and SHOE.S ! SOMETHING NEW in Bowmanville. --:o:-- CHEAPE:ST GOODS in 'l'OWN EXTENSIVE STOCIC ANlJ JYlODEl1AT.E asked , ha.ve been fully n,ppreciated. PRICES~ CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Manufactures of The intelligent Yeomanry of West Durham and South Ontario, arc becoming fully aware thnt OSHA WA affords the Best Market; her Mauufactori es supply tho Best Implements; and her enterprising i\'Ierch:ints seJJ tlrn mnst 8tylish Good s,atPliICES 1 ·gulated by a healtl1y competition 0Khawa, W~.~t. Kiug St ~~ept. 23rd, 187 4. WOOD AND IRON Any one wi5hin.i:l t o have Pl~otos enlarged fro1n old pictures of deceased fr1en<ls, C.!tn ~et the satne done at WORKING MACHINE t. i. FALL STO(JK AT Tait & Arthur's Gallery, t hey ha"' ing:gc1nc tQ great exµense in purcba$ing n.nd fitting up a · NlmFPEL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, ttnd For the next SOL.AD C.A.KBBA., for the express purpose of enla.rging photo· vrapL.tS whcih they inake from the i:itna.Ucst 0 ~'ard 'to life size. They would remiri.d the -pu blic that they are atiU strh.. ing to impnive iheir work in Photography, a.nil they are now turning QUt figt"Qres (30).daysJ - -:o::--- Castin gs of a.11 Kinds Crumbs for Chiokens. REP.A.IRS donC on t he All Wool Diagonals. Homespun. French Reps. Pl:i,ids. Merinoes. " " Russian 'l'wills. Plaid Wincies, Plain do. Shawls. Flannells. GREATER Attacks titan ever will be mr:rde 1 GHEATER Inducements tlian e'ver will be o/J'ered ! GU EATER B argains than e'oer wilt be given 1 Equal to Toronto Work. -:o:-C abiu ut /i1cl four-fourth size m!\dO equally as good M ~h e ir cn.rds.. Go a.nd cxn.mine sp~ci· mtios, a.ud he convinced that they are d_oing \vt:ll, Ex t r11 print!:! cnu be had off eld negatives. Th ey keep on }tn,nd and for sale, au SHORTEST NOTICE, We ha..,-e now ouhand a l.~wge quantity of Common and Gang Plows, thn.t will be s old at --o-Man chesi:e1~ Assortment of Frames LOW PRICES Bo\VlU<inville, ~!arch 6 1873. Bowmttnville, Dec., 1874. ALL COMEt Honse, AT THE SHOP. September 21<, 1874. Cheap as the Chea.pest. l~ow111 <l; nvillC' , ti. Nov 12th, 1873. l1p-013·m6·tf 1873. -o- 1873. - -- o-- A HI Cl i ~ i1o w RURI-I DRUGS AND MEDICINES :it the ra.;i n.:; i:i. t Bowmanville Drug Store, Dress Goocts Newest Style. of the F A.LL STOCK. - - -o- - - 1 Uncertain toys an<l full of flca.s, 'When pain or anguish hru.1g o'tlr nu::n,_ \\" t: turn you into sausage then. "lTncle, ho'\' <lo you do! '\Vhich 'Fo11kl you like best, work for wages or p~1t nf the crop ?' 1 "' \VaaJ, I 'cla·r , I think bo~e <le best, if you kin only brung 1em togedder. " Breakfast for ninety-nine, " sai<l a "·aiter t 0 a vci·dent cle1·k at u.. hotel,not longn.go . " Thunder ! 11 said the clerk. ·we can't do it!' 'l'be \\·u.iter e:xplnined that niuety·nine was the n .1mbc1· of the roo111. A ]Jl'etty Ornantcni.t--Takc o. goblet with the . foot and sten1 broken or cut off so that the bo . .vl will be perfect; take coarse red flannel, the redder the bt!tter, stitch it neatly a.round the bowl, or goblet, so a~ to cover lt. complt."tely on the outside i dip it in water, ao a1:1 to wet it thoroughly, then roll it iu flaxseed ; the seed 'vill stick in and olf..the flannel; be sure that nt the Be~d is distributed evenly, then stand it on E :uuninc the stock, which comp l'h!P.>I everything in the trade 1 of the Vllry latest an d n1ost elt afi., SUPPOHTEllS, Etc., Ek styl es anLl patternr;{of Englis_h, Canadian, and Auie1·ican manufacture. · "' its month, or large end, in a saucer or pl::t.Y.!; -o-k ep t con stant ly on ha.ncl. put water i'n tl1e small plate, or saucer. amJ re~ H1: still continues to n iannfacture t o order, f1·oro tho beat of material, and ncme bu t fi ret·cla~ w01·kmen kept. OILS, PAINT, new Or add to it ap it absorl.:>6, N evor let the - o- vessel get dry, no1· suffer it to chilt or freeze. It CQLQRS-, VARNISHES, ~o\. papel.' out in Dakoto Territory, th~ Elk can and will grow hi any part of the roon1, and H oni. .Cleaner, relates the following stor)' of a will be a deep green \Vith red gt·ound. and WHITE...LEAD He ]1a.':I h1 st ock an ondl c1;1s Yiu·iety of L o.dies' and Gcn~s' Saratoga Trunks, V a.lises &c., ftli of fellow who solemnly pledged himself not to \vhich he is ael1ing clteap for cash, ' at th1. very Jo,Yest prices. - - odriuk n d.iop of liquor, either inside or outside What a Little Girl Did. Horses and Cattle Medicines. Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. of a hom:ie for two yea.rs. Soon afterward he The conv~rsation at dinner turned upon N . B ........ Country store·keepers supplied on passed a saloon whoo:a three or four of hia forthe in oflt a dvantageous terms. mer boon.. companionS'- were taking their clrop the progress of the work ot God in that A 0h O ice selection of lfA~fS -fµr bale ch~np. in co1nfort, and be could not help stopping and vicinity, an<l. I was told of an instance of .t:; )w!:qan v :ille. u ~ ~o. 1868. ~. m. casting one look of longing within.· One of this kiu<l. · them spi~d him and invited him to join them . A lady who thought she would try to do 11 Oh no," aai<l he, "I wish I could, but I've so1ue good cu.lled iogether some poor little sworn not to take a, drop either inside or outgirls, On Saturday afternoon, to teach thetn 3ide of a. houee .for two years." " Ob," says · onp, " you, can have one drink for an that ; sewing. She got two or three to help her, wt:'H lift you off tho- threshold and you ca.n and they gathered together quite a numA ~p drink one half inside the house and the other ber of poor children whose pa.rents dill not halt out. :i So oue took hold of each leg and atteml church. There was present one lit· thus they raised him up, while the thi.r<l filled tie girl whose mother had died, and whose and pMsed the 1Jottle. He took one long drink · fot-h er .kept ~ small store or sbop. They ant! was just d1 ..wing breath for another, when one of hits supporters ah~fted a. little, .ancl he were talking about the holy Sabbath and J::Bt; lH't ived, and for Sale, at the tl.oLove depot i\nother car load of the above n oblt" nrt it·lc s 011 o n the Sabbatl1, .e;huuteJ : 11 0 l hold ine even, boys, iny soul's the wron~ of doju~ any work . the ""ay . New Ft·v,i.t and C'onfectiorw,J'r'VS, in your bnnd1;," aud the tho1 1ght took hold on the little Please call a t t..h e They did not bow who ,be A young mau fron1 the country lately voluu- girl's mind. t etl1·ed bis ser,·ices to gallant a yolwg hi,,d)r home wns, but she w·ent hon1.e ; and on Saturday BOW :MAN V ILLE (\Ye!:lt of the Onta.rio Bank.) I1·om a. party. On ]lfa way he cudgelled his evelling she sai<l to her fatl1 eL', throwing her DATES, FIGS, LEMONS Farm Implement Forwarding Agency bra.ins for some intofcsting tc pie to an1use her arn1s arou11d his neck : ORANGES 1'0 ARR. VE ll. W. JAMBS, with, but all in vain ; he could hit upon noth' lfatl1er, yon nre a good J'ather. I love l\.ing Street, Bowman ville. ing until they met several cows, 'vhen the King S t. 1 J~ ow1nrul ville. yon ; but,' she said, 'sometimes you art Soft Shell A lmontl.<, Filberts, Brazil and W all swa.in said, with much snnplicity of m11nner : Euts, f(eiller' s 1l1arnialadt), TVesl I ndia Bov.-·u1anvUle, Dee. .:i, 1872. nl O . naughty.' " ~ TO\V, isn't it strange 'vhat a motherly appear. .Pr~!)er·yed Gin9er, Pears, Pltt mll, 1'o· ~~~~~-~,. -- ~---~~ ' \Vhy: ' said )H~, 'what ma~H~s you tttlk 1natoes. & Peaches , Green Jleas, a.nee a cow has!"' 'l'o which the young lady A feilow who hill under a. aofa. a t an info1 n:ui.l l'o.i ton n1is~ion:i.ry tneeting Bu.ya tha.t the thirty-fi\·e lnUiea spoke twic ~ vi thl! <lown-tl'Od· den: heathen, and more than a hunUted tin1es of a. new kind of ha.fr dy ~. A.t the Durham A88izes a. d1.1at old lady 1 who had hrcmght a.n action for da.aui:ges against a neh~"l11Jor, wa. i; being L·xan1iued. when the judg e ~ugp;estc<l a compromis~, and instruuted counsel to a~k \I lmt she \··ould take to settle the matte1'. "His lunfahip wants to know wliat Y0u will t.a.kl-' ~" a!>kC'·.l the learned. oolmsel, bawling aa loud as. ever he could in the old lady's t'H.r. "I 1ha11k his lordship kindly," answered the anci~'ut. dame: 11 and if it's no ill-conwenience to Litn, I'll t ukt! a. little "'arm ale!" GreaRe Heells or Sfi'«.tcheB.-Dr. J. D. Tut'hUl says :-Greaso- ia a malignant fo11n of scratches, au<l is '?aueecl by bad stable ffiai1age· tneot~ wa.!:Jhing the lieela, and allowing then1 to dry by the $low process: of evaporation. In some ho11:1e1:1 there exists a pre-diap0sition to sceatc]1es 01· grease; in such subjects the cure is always difticult. Three times a week,clcanse tbe heels with soap a.nd tepid ·w ater, and once every day, dress \Vith the following :- Carbolic acid, 2 drams i ·tinchue of iodine, 2 011nccs; glycerine, 6 ounces ; rain water. 8 ouncea ; mix. Give one of the follov.·ing powders, 1nixed in the feed night and 1norning :- Sulphate iron, 2 drama; saltpetre, 2 drams, for one or two w·ct:1ks. t J. HIGGINBOTHAM ;\TOULD me.st r eapf;'ctfully teuder bis sincere l tha.nk s to his uumeroua friends and cus· t omer s, and to the p ublic generally, for the very libPr i)l Anpport htl has received since his ' comme11cing in busincB3 ; anc l hojJes ]Jy con· tinuod strict personal n.ttcntion to business, and offering uothing but the purest articles. at the u10st reasonabla prices 1 to ensure a continuance of public pat ronage. J·. H. woulcl ctbll special attention to 11is very superior stouk of Have you seen Cowle's cheap Cottons? lQ~t GREY COTTON S of the b~ ~ t ma.ko, including the celt.l'bratcd 1 STORM ONT. lOct Cottons at Cowle's···Splendid vaJne. ANDERSON & (Jo. l3eg to ~\.unounce t o the E lect or s of '\T est D1~r~am nncl aun·ounding coun t ry , that the)· \Yill s~ll then· lm1nen se · S TOOI~ OF B OOTS & SHOES, he ts determined to continue to sell at these l'Uinously · low prices T>YE . chenp er thn.n Llie chea.pcst. Why he cari do itwhi ch i:orc s nrc to g iv~ tl>,~ U1;stsatisf~tion. First, he buys for cash a.nd knows just how to puy ! A well selected stock of " Second, what he cn,n't buy cheap enough, he manufacture> ' DRUGS, Third, h e is sati sfi ed with small profits! C'HEJJIOALS, Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. PATENT MEJ)JOINES, --u-BRUSHES, CALL AND SBE lFOB YOVB~ELVES, 0011fBS, AND SHOULDEH-BRACES, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. 1111<1 STUFFS PRINr:FS of uneqnall<..! d At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. STYLE and QtT ALITY ~~yi'i~i~35~sc~~~~11;n~o~~;;~ 1000 pr::;. .Mmse< 1 ebcil a-nd Bl.ijtl Ba,J,11 w1·alo, at LGO, 1u;r p td1·, f or OA S 'f:l ONLY. 1000 Pairs Worr;en's, Nl.is«s' and Chikl's l!'elt Boots, the 1ehole to /)e sold fo r CA SH ONLY. STO:El.MONT - - 0··-011 COT TON 1 BAGS ' Call early aucl Bocurc y our Winter Supply, while the ru8h is going at . BEST in the World. READY-MADE THE ANDERSON & CO'S., Ilo,~·n1an ville , Dec. 10th, 18'7·!. Boot: & Shoe . Empor i111U'Y:t. Orders Promptly Executed, an(j Gooti Fit,s Gua,ranteed Sp·ciut Line Qf COTTONS at OO WL E'S. TO THE vvALTEI{ I 0 PUBl~IC.- SO:t~, WIGG & IVI. TRELEVEN. Good CLOTHING and Cheap. l\- rctur11it'-g- th ank s t o tb 1o:fr n nmerou" ou sto1n~rs ancl tlw nublio ··r>n cr n.lly ·f t f \YOuld ·esp If 1 1 . ·t th . t . .r" ..., , < · Ol' }Jo'.tS llV0 J'8 l cc.:.. u y l llV! e e1r a tention t o mn· p t'(l,~c nt stock of fun 1iture, a· 3 we b ·tve late]' adcle.L~ theret o, t hat we iu a.y t hereby be en:lbled. t o s nppl v n.ll tXtTties v..-1.10 n:iay . l ' t 1 Y him \Vith " '" II " · · d uce inti nts · h er l 1 11ut to t hose purchasing · . :ht our e~t · ablisb P ea.se · < ."'~t · ,,.t.ea. t 1u UJcnto avor p·, t_ i!rcs, J ,onkni .~ C lasset:1. etc .. srl).n1e.d to ord er, and in every style . Sa1n_ ple ..s of tbc 1:ff· · ic~ k ind of .l\fould1 11g1'! can be eeqd at the \V:~!·e-:-oom . 'Vu woul cl also beg to · f , t 1 etG.nt ha.ving purchas ed~ l U o.un you, that, Clothing Made to Ord.e It i$ a ivell-Amown Fact tkat Cowle has the best Tweeds in the conntr,11. SPLEND LD NEW HEARSE, w~ ~hall be ~re0-dY at a. 1 tinrns, to nt t en d funerals, on short not lee an~ reas ona.IJh~ t orin.: -'1 . B . - Cofiirui k c.pt 0 11 hand, ruid made to onlcr-, at tho ' ~· Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grindera Confectionery Depot. W HO/.;ES4 LE and RETAIL § ·FEED MILLS. Choice Lamo:ll, O;ra.nge and Citron I'eels, FRUIT, _________ .. th~n 1\llOBRIS' ___ ,,__ NEW DOJlfINI ON RETA IL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM-. lun\'a, .A.lJg. ~Gth, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. Nothing cheape,. CARRIAGE SHOP' the 10cl Oo, tuk's. l'vii· ns DOMINION BANK. HOWMAKVILL E AGJ, NCY. R:HYME AND LIME. A li t tle Rhyme came j ust iii t i1 uc, .And n.ll a.bout the best of Lime. LiJno fl·om. t he \\.,.est of tho v ery best l\ "'ot beat in auy q uarter ; ' I.1ilne that vvill a.i w<iys sta.nd the t est ~.,.he n inn.king into Jrtortar. ' I \'~ill ~r~ and keep a good supply, ] or it l S always w an ted 1'hat 'vhcn y ou a.11 co1ue i1; to buy You'll not be tl:i si:rppoint ed. ' Y ou will ithvaya fin d it d ry and fr esh .And that is some thing bonni e, ' So co1nc along and try this Li1ne But d on: t fo1·get t h e inon ey. ' Il o ur s~of dcliv e~r frmt:1. Nllw a.. m . ~ i roW' p.m, Uorncr of l..ln een aud Ontar)v. St:z:ei't. BLANl{E'l1S IN Large Variety -------- Winseys--a Dead Jo repli~d: "I do net think it strange, sir, that a RO'?' cow should have a motherly appearance to a \Vell, ' saitl 1:1he, 'sometimei yon keep calf." .. your store open on Sunday, and you know A Love Story. - " Phrurest of the phair," you never did so when 1notber was alive, sighed the lover, "pbo.ucy my pheeling~ when and it is naughty.' I phorsee the ph~erful conBequcnces of our '\VLy,' said he, 'what n1akcs you talk phleeing phro1n your pbather's pha1nily. l:>hew tbut wny 1 ~Vho hos put thut nou sensi.:i phelluws could have phaced the music with .s0 into your l1e~J ?' much phorlitude as I have ; and as phickle 'Father, it is "'·rong. You know I love phortune phails to smile upon our love, I phind myself phorsed to phorego the pleasure of be- yon;' and she 11e0tled up alo~e to bin1. He,_.,ried to put ber away, but she would coming your husbancf. Phare Phrances pha.rewell phorever. 11 ' ' 1-Iold Phra.nklin, hold l" hu\'e her arn1s around his neck. s :a-eamed Phrances. "I will phullo'v yon phor'Now, father,' she continued, 'do not ever.' But Phrl~nklin phlcd .and I'hranccs keep the etore open any more.' phainted. .. On SunJily mo1·uing he was restless . He A young blood at a. hotel was requested to didn't go to open the store as usual, and ·pass a dish near him. "Do you rr1IBta.ke me said he ·would wait till after breakfast. for a w::t.iter ?"said the exquisite, "No sir; I Finslly he said : mistook you for a. gen,tlemo.n/' 'vas the pro1npt 'My little girl, put on your bounet and reply. Green Corn J; Lima· Beans. Our Do!Ilinion E;x:celsior Raspberry Vin r11Il\fE 1i'IONEY a11d LAilOJ t ea.ved ! llt cnch e11a.r,S<tl!Ilon, Lobsters and Sardines Oil PolitJh , 'l'hiR French Oil l' uli.~h is pre. Tomato Sa1,1ce and PiQJ>les pi:i,red for Ca.rriagcs, Buggie_"· }[arn ess, Hoot1:1 They h ave cr:.n1e a.:nd arc corning, a t tl)C Fl'ui t D epot. SOMEl'HINC NEW AND DURABLE. r11UE. snb:>u1·iber i1:1 prepal'cd to build and re· -pa.11' . Block, tw o d oor s east of Br::>dic'$ H otul K in"' StL"eet. . Int erest will be allowed on d~posit~ Draft '! J?,Sued 0 11 all pointf-! in Canada l_,"'nited States and ~rcat Brita.ju. The S a.vi~gs Dank de partment i s no w 01Jen. On all de posits over $4 i uterei:;t will be n.llov,.·ed ~l.it th1t rate of 5 p er cot per ann tun , , Oftice I{oun;.-}'ron110 o'cl nck a. Ill. . , t o 3 o vloi;.:k JI. m. , excep t on Sat urdaye, '\'hen the Bank will close at 1 o'clock, p. n 1., m31tf t01· NO'l'IOE t hl,l D omini ~n Bauk has op onecl n.n agency t h e trana;:i,c.;tJ.on of bn eiut",,;$ in. Ilorse y'~ lS ·Hl!:Rli.llY GIVRN 'l'J:LAT .N, B.·-,Sp~cial SHELL ,v, SH J ;;LLED OYSTEllS QUAl11'Y is th e tcsl of CJTRAI'NESS. T. DARl, INGTON. Bov1rtnanv-illri. D ec. 4th.187:-). nfl·tf antl Shuea, and all kinds of L ei\ther. It will give any article of L 0atbel' 1 a most l;rilliant a.JJ pcarn.nce, and a.t th e same t.in1e, ft·om i t~ oily properties, tends runch to prese1·ve it ; it will al 'vay& bt1 n1oif!t and pliant ; 1 \.ud n w. y be o:xpor,cd to water and \Vashed, and will not hn= ·t;i jb:i l; rillia.nce, and it is not to be fea.tccl thn.t any c1·11~L will settle on sa.iil Le1'.ther whuu pro::>st"rvell '\Vith the above Oil. F&r tbc woochvod c of Bu ggie ~ , Uari'ia.gcs, nnd l!'umiturt: , ther e is n ot a bet ter article in use, :&fanuftiotured by A . S:i.ri:ioN &; Wagons , Bunies, and Outt~1·s, 1,f i!1d1,1cement given to CASH Purchasers. J. II. llioLELLAN, - I i A gtnt. TITOS. l\OWDRN. uo24. t t e very desC,riptiou, at short notico, and rcMonal.Jle ter1ns. 0 Carriages Painted and Trinomrc. Dressmaking, &o. M iss V{ould beg to infnrm the ladies of Bo wmanville and vicinity, tbut ahc ls prepared t o take orders for Dressmn.kingi·-nd fi1! the saine wjth tlc:ipath in the llOW of PJul114elph1a, P n., bottle. ...'\..few drops on a pi ece of spongc,npply it lightly to the 1eatht-1r 1 a nd y ou will obtain t he finest luljt1 e. Priee 75cts. p er botth>,or :$7. 50 p~ r CQ., T"""·'" and p urricrs, fmmerly of ~'1·nco , 1 ln8trucL1011s-Shafre A Blacks1n1"th's Shop Cn.rringe work, and General J obbing. uri the pre in isGB, were special attention is given to 'l.ll dozen, ma.nvillc. .Jnly 16t11i 1874 . .JOHN SMAJ, J<, Sole Agent, llow· 41-tl n1 0H. I I BUCitLER'S OLD STAND Harness, 'ps , Whl A young lady seeking a aitua.t ion, wd inter· esticd in an advel'tise1nent for some one to do light housekeeping. So she wrote to the ad\·ertiser, asking- where tho lighthou'io w~, u.ncl if tbei-e was a y way of getting on shore on Sun- we will go-to church. store to-day.' I will not open the LATE S T F ASI-IION. A C~RD . IA ll wo1·k done at this Establishment I I the 111ost la.at.ing 1 t he le.a.at ti·oublcA 01n e, and con1plete e ver in vented. 'I'bey arc u se'l !!... an cl recorrunon<led by lll < H l y of th~ b est llreeders · iu tho United States and Oa.na.d(}. , such as G. l:l. L ot'in g, Salem, I\iass. , Presiden t l'-1cw l~n gland 1 \Vuol GTuwet·s' Society; J ohn S. R oss, H ennepin, Ill. ; 1-.rofessor Jvf. l\iiles, oI Llw State ..!~ ricultul'al Co lle~e, L a.n sin~ , 3fich ~ ; Ho11. (.}eo , wishes to inform his num erous fri ends and cus E ro\vn, Torottt o, Out.; J ohn Suell, Edmon ton 1 tomers that hP. haAr·emo"·cd t o Ont. 0 11 cad1 lviark ir; 1-:iL a1nped the ownt'r's name and .the Sheep 's n u mber . '!'hoy will be i:;ent J1·ee, J)y nw.il , vr expre;;;s,for only j t;ur cents where he will be f ou11d with th tl iuo st emu each, and will last for TWEFT1." YEAH~ . W CfLsh mllilt nccompa.nv all 01·dor3 ete a sBortmeu t uf ARCIHBALD YOUNG, ,TH., - - - -- - - - --'---- . - - -- - F. Y. Cow1 e REM OVA S. MASON ~ · Dana's Patent Sheep 1 n Qst B owm an vill e, Mn.r c:h 11t h 1871. Marks TilllSll MAH!CSARRTHE CHEAPEST. I SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion. - --NOT SO FAST. 1 h ave writ ten these f t1w lines l\.nd-1:1.ll-I-have t o s :~y , Th at you cn.n tind lne still at hotne I a m not gone 11,vay; So all my kind old f den ds m n.y C(·tno ; A nc l all t he young ones t oo And get thQir ga.rments nicely tnado In fa.'-lh io11s t ha t are n ew \.Vh ere old 1\nd y o11ng d;'1.1r fri<.:JH!-:\ 1nay 1neet A n"c1come gr eeting- b y R . PEr\ TE. Bowo:tanville, .Tun e l!Jth 1873. day. .And he \\"ent lo cbnrch for the first tin1e Iler experien ce fully w arrant.sher in pron1~aing in so1ne ye ar8, und jn three or four 'veeks 1=1a.t.iAfaction, that ruan \Vas converted and p..ll through Residence, Conw1 · of Ch11 rch S t1·ce t, a ud the soft, kind entreaty of that little child. I\'farket Square. -}ii.shop Si:mpsvn. Bowin ~ !l\' ille , JJ ~c. 4th, 1873 ~ I CAN IZED fE ~S hove this dny oppoin tcd ~Hl. C. llAHK E R the E r.clutJive V.J:[~mt for tl1e i:ml e of 1ny V UI.· fot tlowma nvil.le, Ont.. \ · J·oS.EPlI bf ASON . , r. l'· 1 wa1·1·anted .T. ' A ca.ll is resp ectfully solicited. j J . J.JACOBS. D o,vm.a.nville, Sept.10th, 113 74. m~f. MOlmrn. I llO\\rmu.n,·ille, Out. lst, 1869. S::l.1·nh1,, Ont. Orders adch·esged to t he J!rIEROH"N'r .o.nd OBST<Jmm Offic e, Im any qu antity , will be filled at tli e n.bove·mcntion ecl p rice, as- quickly ad"-Jle.. in town , P]e rose c~ll . Buck le i"s ulcl stf\nd '; ?tla.rks can be n1c,de and sent. one door east of ~-t:n.yn :-1.rd 's FTot el. · C. BARKER, Bowmanville 1 Se-p. 1st,. 1873 , Buw1nitn ville,D ec. 28th .18'71. n iJ.8 ly Trunks, &c. )