I THE MERCHANT. D GENERAL ADVERTISER. Ch·cula.tes largely in the To\vnships of Da.rling· ton Clarke and Cartwright. . It is a common platform, open to the free discussion ol all ques· tion.sin \Vhich the general public &rE' concerned. TERMS. WEST DURHAM '" Ste-a.m Job Prlntmg O:fRoe KI,NG STREET, BOWMANVILLE. eventy-fi.ve cents per annnm, in Ad vance. The 'Merchant' and 'Observer,' $2°00. RATES OF ADV t!.RTISING. One column 45 per ClJlDUm. Half do. · · · 25 ;: Quarter do. · · J5 , . Transient advertisements,5 eta per hue first in e rtion, and 2c. per Hne, ea.Ch BUbsequent one. POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, .. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, VOLUM· E YI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1875. NUMBER XV. &c., &c., &c. EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE /' POETRY. I though it can be cor.trolled by the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Trains v,~ill leave Bowmanville Station, llo\v1nnnville time, as follows : GOL."fG 'W.EB'.l', GOING RAST, COME-and SEE · NEW Ne"! Year's Hymns. I. Ti11te Hc;w S1~ift. 'Vhlle ,\'itli ceaseless course the sun Hasted through the former year, l\fany souls their i:ace have run, Never more to meet us here ; -Fix'd in an eternal sta.te, They hn.Ye done with a.ll bf lOVI' ; ,, Vo v, little longer \Vait 1 But how.little-none ca11 know, will,. it seems to act often qnite independently of it. The infeCtious ya,vn and cough, wbioh are to rnn through a. \Vhole c0Lnpa11y and large congregatious, v.·hen oppressed by their own dullness or that of o. prosy . preacher, In schools it i.s observed to operate with terest in tlie movement for international ar- ies and duties, it is a sign that they will beresulte 1 temporal and eternal, which in so bitration nnd saicT, 'Tbe nations are b'ecom- corr1e good and usefu I men. many cases are clearly traceable t'l the cus· iug so civilized as to feel that there is a bet· 'When yon see a boy tbat loves his Bible, ton1 of wine-drinking, especially a.s pa1t of ter \vay to settle th~ir difficulties than Uy and ia well a" cquainted with it, it is n sign a eocial entertainment, and in vie\v also of fighting.' HI£L'S · are illustrations of this bodily sympathy. such power tbat hundred& of children may be seen to be u~der its simultaneous in~ .E'oor Tom. BY REV. JOHN 'IODD 1 D, D. of great future blessing from Almighty God, the divine precept that the strong bear the \Vbeu you see a boy that stays away from infirmities of the weak, not plea.sing tbeu1theatres, grog·sbops, baU~rooms, and gamselves, even as Christ also pleaeed not himbling houses, it is a sign that be will grow self, this Asaociatiou regards the disuse of · ' up a ~au in principle, knowledge and goodpess: wine, BB well ~s other intoxicating liquors as a beverage, by individuale, or at soci'al When you eee a boy practising the virassemblie~, a.a a duty which, under .the Mixed ....... 2:30 p.m. I Local... ..... 7:55 p .m. Express .... fl:OO p. m. \Express ..... 9.00 p.m. *'l'his train runs every morning of week, Local. ....... 7:22. a..m. ! Expresa .. , .... 8:20 a.m. Exprossl(-...... 9 27 a.m.: Mixed ...· ...... 4:05 p.m. lluence. They will be often found to eway One of the Indians who stands prominent J\.fondaya excepted. 'l'he following traina now stop at Saxony fur passengers : - Fall~ Winter A LARGE Dry Gootls Local going west, due at ......... 7:30 a. Ill Mixed going east, due at ......... 3:40 p. m Mixed going weat, dueat ......... 2:55p. m Local going eaet, due at ......... 7 :45 p. m Montreal time. ---:o:--- LOT OF L.A.:CililS' end ·GlilN'l'S' F'TJ':RS Bowmanv1lle. Nov. 1st, 1873. VERY CHEAP Prof. J. Ruse, of :Baxter University of Music GRA.DUA'I'E ]friendship, New York. rl'eacher oJ Piano and Organ, cultivation o Voice, Singing, 'rhoro\1gh Bass, Harmony, Compo.sition, &c. · 41-ly Darlington, July 16th, 1874. :a. PJILA.TE, TAILOR. 0 Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments ll.ADE IN THJ.1, l'IEWEST ·STYLES. Bowmanville1 July, 27, 1869. R R LOSCOMBt, HARRjSTER-AT-LA W, SOLICITOR IN GF(ANOl£RY, &:c a.a OFFIC.E,-Over McOlung's Store. same flat J. M. Brhnacomb's Dental Rooms. Bowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE LICENSES ARMOUR . ' ISSUED .Bt ROBEl;?T MARRIAGE LICENSES. .ll'J. Darlington, (near Bethesda. C!J,urch) is duly authorized to iesue Marriage Licenses. Darlington, Noy. l9, 1874. mS.tf. -W,,fR. JOHN H. EYNON, J,ot 7, Gth Con. / MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY JOHN J. WILLIAMS Cherrywood Post· office Pickering Ont W: H. 'VILSON, BOWMANVILLE, ~ -o- ., ---:o:--1 AT General Agent for PIANOS, ORGANS, .lliELODI.ANS and SEWING llfAG HlNES NEW 'GOODS! Raymond Sewing A SPECIALITY. M~chine Instruction given, and Instruments and ]..fa. chines guaranteed. J3owtnanville, June 18, 1874. Stoclt fully Assorted. J. & W. J McMurtry & ~Co. SIGN OF 'THE GOLDEN LION, Sept. 25th, 1874. AUCTIONEERS b'o1· the Township of Darlington. GOODS AT RIGH1 PRICES ! H. T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. Prompt attention given to !!ales, &c, on roaaouable terms. Wm.. Barton, ENNISKILLEN. ::5!1.les pl'.01nptly attended to on reasonable terms. :B.obert Young, the Ontario Veterinary College. By appointment Veterinary Surgeon to the West Durham and Darlington Union Agricultural Sociotie1. Agent for the Live Stock Branch of the Beaver and Toronto !\.{utuaJ ],ire Insurance BOWMA.NVILLE. · .,TFTERINARY SURGEON, Grndu·te of Co. fron1 ths country promptly attended to. Ofllce :-One door e~,st of R. Maning's lfnr· niture VVarei·oom. Residence over S. Burden's store, corner of King and Scugog Streeta, Bo"'·man,·illle . mltf Call~ Veterinary Medicines constantly on band. LUMBER. ties indebted to him for Lumber, to settle their accounts without further delay. And he hereby informs buildere, and others in want of lumber, that he is :preQ_~t-ecl to supply them at cash rates for Cash. Henceforth he intends to. do a. ca.sh business. 1873. T HE Subscciber ..xeei)ectfully requesta a.11 par- '!'HOS. SMITH, Lot l9, 6 Con. Darlington. m8tf. } LIME 1 :t.IME! quantity, Apply to Foll SALE in anyWILLIAM SPEAR. Church Street, ne::uly opposite the Alma Hote1. Bowman ville. Juu e l!Jth 187a. tf ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Live171ool London, and Glasgow apply to FOR Tickets, or infc..rmAtion.J. \V. _.\.. N £ADS, Bovnna.nville, ,Tune 9th, 1871. .Agrnt. NEW My New Goods have tf.30 W. S. BOYLE, M. D. RADUATE of the UniverSities of Trinity G College 1'oronto and Victoria College, o Cobourg. Licentia.te of the College of Phyaici 1 ans:,and Snrgeons, of Ontario. OJlicc, King Street, one door west of l\.fr. Cornish's J ewelly Store, :Bowma.nyjlle. NEARLY ALL CO~IE TO HA.ND and the a.<isc· .iilent will be ·found To Masters of L. 0. L LAKK CERTIFICAES, Aj'Plicationa B at office, a.t : e,.,.ular rates. &c., &c., can be procured this VERY COMPLETE AND · l'lowmanville, July 7th, 1873. Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. Krs. Ka.son, PRICES MODERATE The Public are solicited to call and see for themselves. llcgs to infortn the public, that she has just received a Splendid new assortment of Fa.ncy Goods Berlin \Voolsi etc, which she will sell &t ns low' price as they C3.ll be bought for elsewhere. STAMPING done on SBORTESP NOTICE i HAMPTON. )ct. 8th, 1874. 2-3mos. Hampton. Sept. 18th 1872 H. ELLIOTT JUN bp befor0 n1e in n1y forest experienceB, wa.s 'tues of morality and Christianity, you may ·rhomas Y9ung. . He lvas a tall, thin, con- know that lie ,w ill become an honor to him- Christian law ofself-clenial, is now due to suffering humanity. sumptive fellow. His Indian oame (nur Inself and family, useful to hia country, and diana bad uach two nna1es, an English and the glory of his Maker. an fndian nau1e,) was J.lainzeguy see ga,What License Involves. Although gre·t changes sometimes take ' Beat Ljgbtning. 1 I took great interest in the character, these signe, Ma gen· place in this 1 Heat Lightning,' for I s9.w that he ~·os What the licensed liquor-traJlic involves era! rule, hold good. has rarely been presented in a. tnore striking dred eyes, and give a hnbitual cast to the feeble, had a cough and I feared that he The Evils of Smoking. · was 1narked for an cnr}y grave. He waa light than in the following remarks of an general vision. '!'hanks for mercies past received, very silent, Lut kind. Hoi,.v 1nuch I pitied Illinois justice, as reported in the Chicago There tlrc many of tJ1ese tricks which Pardon of our sins renew; Dr. Drysdale, Senior Physician to the TTib1mc. Threi, saloon-keepers were found \Vould seem to originate only in the listle~s· hin1 when I saw hin1 paddling bis, own 'l'eaoh us, henceforth; how to live, With C'ternity in view ; ness of some children . · 1'he llabit of biting canoe by the whol;t day, when [ kuew his Royal Free Hospital, London, and Phyoi· guilty by a jllrytof s~lling li(iuor to minors, But ciau to the North London Hospital for and were thue addre'8ed byJ udge Reading: Bless thy word to young and old, tl~e Jips f!.Dd the nails have often, perhaps, strength was too small for tLe task. }"'ill UR with a Sn.viour'a love ; no other foundati on, yet these even n1ay the opportunity to "go ipto the bush,' as Consumption, at the late meeting of the "By the law, you n1ay sell to men aud ~·\.nd when life's short tale is told, eon1etimcs be traced by · physical causes. lo they call it with gentlemen who pay them British Association at Norwich, read a deeo- woinen, if they \vill buy. You have given May we dwell -.,yjt h thee u.Love ! welli and 'vbo give them ten, .a ud cuffec and 1)' in~ercsting paper oo· the influence or t~ your bond, and paid you1 li'cense fee to scl l such instances there is some uueasv sen&a· · 1 lion produced by deraugem ent of the part :mga.r, and~ bread enough to eat is a . real bacco on public health, from which the to them, and no one has a ,nght ,to: molest II. Pi1ne How Swift. whicb seeks for rclit;f iu the particular GoJ-~en<l to tho.se Indians. ¥Ye never ..ex- following extract is made : you in your legal buriness. No matter what, 'J'i1ne, with nn w1wearied baud, " Re had seen in the co'u ree of his life the consequencen may .be, no n1atter what movcrriC>nt wliich coustitl:!tcs tbe ugly prac- pressed a wish, which they did not cheerPushca round the seasons fast; On the other hand we weru so many cMea of disease which he, · rightly pov.e rty and destitu,tion are produced by tice. \Ve are persnadsd that pa.reiitll and fully tneet. .And in life's frnil glass the sand Sinks apace, not long to la.et : teachers will greatly hinder the future iµ- careful. to trcu.t thctn with kindness u.nd po- or wrongly, had attributed. to the use of to· your selling according to law, · yon have 1.-Iany, just as you or I, terests of tho·e in their charge 'by neglect· litene~s, ancl never put a request in such bacco, t6at he felt it his duty to eay a word paid your money· for this privilege, and Who last yea.r assembled thus, 011 the ne~ative side of the qu. estion. It you are licensed to pu:faue j·our calling. No ing- to notice and correct their trieka of be- language U111t they could refuse it . In th.ell' silent graves now lie ; Poor 'fon1 was iu grent pa.in with his was not above a n1onth or two since that he matter what fumilies are distracted and bavior.-Harper's Ba.2aar . Graves will open auun fdt' ua. eyes. Whether it was the result of u.o in- s8.\V iu the course of one week two cages of rendered miserable, no matter \vhnt wives Daily sin, a.ntl ca.re, and strife, jur)' as he thought, or whether it wus regu- complete blindness,accornpanied by atrophy are treated \\rith "iolence, what ehilJren The Dry One. While the Lord pl'olunga our breath, It was whlt of the optic disc, in men, entirely due, be star\·e, or mourn over the degradation of a. lar disease, I couli.l not tell. Make it bnt a dying life, -On a certain voya.~e out, it! exquieite .sum- the doctor's call' Iritis.' Cue day I found was sure, to the 'use of tobacco. One of parent, your business is legalized, nncl no Or a kind of living death: the age o( twenty.seven, one 111ay interfere with~ou in it. No rrrn.t~ mer weather, we had for cabin pa&1engers him on an Island "'niting for deer, nHtch these patients we.s _ Wretched they and most forlorn, His eyes were bandaged, and and had been a most extensive smoker for ter wb"at mother may agonize over the loss one beautiful young lady and ten more or cast clown, \Vho. no bett0r po1-tion know; I kucw the medicine used ~on1e six years, consumi.ng an ounce of Vir· of a son, or siste.r blush for the shame of Better ne'er to have been born, le&· beautiful young gentlemen. Light very J>ninfu]. rI'han t· ha.ve our all below. winds or dcaU calms prevailing the voyage in such cases ; llUd "0 getting him to make a ginia tobacco daily. The other unfortunate brother, you have a right to dieregard them was slow. They all proposed tu he1', and httle fire, for it was v~ ry cold, I sat down young mun wae only t.wenty·f'onr years old, all and pursue your legal calling ; you are 'Vben constrain'd to go alone, Leaving all yotn· love behind, bloocl-ahed among the rivals seemed immi- against a i·ock, and warming the cold out of and he hud been in the habit of cbewiug licensed. You way fit up your Jnwtul Ent'ring on o. world nnkno\vn, n~nt, pe'nding ' the you'ng lady's decision. my fingers, I drew hif;I e.yes open, and drop· constantly ·· well as smoking. His !lmauro· plo.ce of busiµess ia the most enticiag aud 'Vha.t will then support your mind ? It took me but sis was quite sin1ilar in ita c.he.rlcter with captivating form ; you 1nay furnish it with In this extremity the young) ady_ eonfiijed ped the me<licine in each. \Vben the Lord his su.mmons send<J, a few ruon1ents, arid affor<ltd· ·hirn suddcu that of the o.ther patient. Affections of the the most costly and elegant equipments for in my friend the captaiu, '"ho gaVe this disEarthly comf.orl.5 lose their·pow'r ! creE:t sQrvice. Ht: said: ' 'If.. your affections and great relief. ~ I never thought of Jnyae]f gurus and tongue \Vere very frequently-seen your lawful tr·de ; you may fill it witldhe Honor, riches, kindred, friends, in old smokera. The tongue looked as if it alluren1ents to 1 are disengaged , take tliat one of the youug in the transactici11 in1usctuent ; you may Ul3i::! Cannot cheer a dying hour. men whom you like the best; and eettle the Ilut the next day, rny own eyes began to had been pain\e1l with a solution of nitrate ail your arts to induce visitors ; you may Ha:ppy souls, \Vho feat the LoJd ! _ question.' 1 l can't do that, becnnse I. lik~ turn red anti. be infL1n1ed. Did the strong of silver in some cases; in others there was skilfully arrange and expose to view yo~r 'l'ime is not too S\Vift for you ; them all equally well.' My friend who wa ~ wind affect. them 1 Was it the glare of the a liv1ility of the gums and great duskiness choicest wineo nnd 1nost cnpti vating bever'Vncn your Saviour gives the word, a man of grJat resource, bit upon thi~ iti. mn or the lake too fierce 1 No. I h,ad of the fauces. o~cs; yoq Inay thE'n induce thirst by all Glad you'll bid the world adieu: ",Among the poorer classes, tobacco- contrivances to produ~e a raging · appetite 'l'hen he'll wipe a'\\ray your tea.rs, genioua expedient i said be, 'T9·morrbw caught the disease of Poor Tom. Sharper and Near himself appoint your placo; ruorning when lunch is"'S.nnounc_§~ dO you sharper gte\v the · pain; 1uore and n1ore sn1oking and chewing often made a man's for drin.1::, and then you may s~pply that Swifter fly, ye rolling years, plunge bodily OVerlJoard, head foremosl I [ /lamed my eyes, till [ had to .Gandage them mouth a deplorable spectacle. Dyspepsia appetite to the full, because it is lawl11! ; Lord we Jong to aee thy face ! and dmrrbroa were more frequently caueed you have paid for it; you have a license. will be alongside ih a boat to rescue you, in tea'- lenves shutting out the4ight of day, by emoking than many believed, and Sir and tnke the. one of the ten ·who ·rushr.:s to and 1naking u. cOntiritl'ous night. ,. But that "You may allo\v boys, aln1ost children, to IV. Jenner used to say-and he (Dr. Drys- frequent your saloon ; they may witness your rescue, . and Lhcn you can aJter\vards wa~ not all. The pa'.iri iucrea8ed, till it was dale) thought with truth-that the use of the apparent satisfaction with ·which their have him:· The b 'autifulyounglady high· almost beyond endur,rnce-beyond anything tobacco disposed to palpitation of the heart, seniors quaff the sparkling glass ; you may It . wa.s ly approved and did accordingly. But as I ever recneu1bered to have felt. Tricks of B ehavionr. prolapse of the rectum, &c. Whatever be echooling and training tbetn for the And now came the soon as she plunged in, nine Out' ot the 'ten un1uitjgated agoLJy. be thought of thi· vie.v, be could period of twenty-one, when they too can might 'l1hcre nrc a good many people \vho, more or le·s beauLifltl young men plu~ge\] opium and the n1orphene '"'·restliug \vitb cordially eubacribe to the opinion which participate; for all this is lawful. Yon though endowed with the best qualities of in after her, Lut the tenth remain~d auJ.. .~hJ ixiii-i, and for a long titac~-the 1no~t of aecribcd to tobacco many of the caaes of may bold the cup to their ;ery lips, but tho he~d und heart, f~il to find favor with shed teArP., looking over the side· of the ves· one uight,-the victory seemed doubtful. I malaise and cachexia of men, who \vould you must not let them drink-that is imtho world in consequence of eome defects of sol. They were all picked up an~ restored, was fearful that I should entirely lose my otherwise be in excellent health. Tobacco lawful. But while you have all these eye-sight; but at length the pain began to manner. These, when regarded separately, dripping to the deck. The beautiful young smoking bad left the taproom, and now privilegea for the money ·which you pay, Jndy, on seeing them, said : ' '\<'hat ~m I yield, nnd I lay down in un1· tent and \Vent t seem petty enougl1, but viewed relati\.·ely even the Throne itself was not quite deeti· lhis poor privilege uf selling to children is to their f'fl'ccts upon others, arc seen to be to do 1 See what a plight they are in, to sleep-a luxury seldom enjvyetl by anytute of the perfume of tobacco. Were the denied you. Here parents have the right seridus nature. ~rany a man and wo- fl ff\'\' con r' possitly ch oose 1 becn.Uf:e every · body ~n a degree so high. modern Turks or Germans to go on smck· to assert a litUe claim. Here the parent man have failed in their aims iu lif~ frorp one of the1n is <~qua.Hy \Vet 1' 'Then," ::!aid Poor Tom 1 I no\v understood his si1fI could uow ing from morning till night, as they did, has Lhe right to .s ay : ' Leave my eou to me being unable to overcome the prrj udice my fri end the captain, acting under a sud· ferin gs tor I hnd felt them, and Virginia tobacco or Cavendish as \\."e unlll the law gives yon the right to destroy created against the1n by some offen.si\re trick den inepirationl ' take the dry 011:.' I arn sympatbize ·witb the poor Indian, for I had did in England, they would indeed present him. Do not anticipate that terrible mo· l could never of beh~viour. rrhis mny be in itself of the. sorry to say 11he did so, and· they Ii Y(~d hap _. th.e so.rue hard expe1~ence. have known wbut he suffered, bad I not a deplorable specl1'cle of public want of ment when I can assert for bim no further simp\est kina- a mere turn of the lip, a PY ever a!tcrwara.-Charlcs Dickens. stamina.. Fortunately, however, German rights of protection. That will be soon also suffered ; nor ever have known ho'tv Cf\St of tl~e eye, a tone of the voice, or mo· really fo sympathize with him. He could and Turkish tobacco was almost devoid of enough for me, for his 1nother; for his sister, tia!l of a lin1b. Denounce aS ·we please the WAR. uow' feel 1ny sympathy, he knew it was noxious properties. In Russia, Turkey,anU for his friends, aud for the community, to unreasannbleness of giving such importance · some other nations, "Tomen had already be- see him take his road to death. Give him to so trilling a matter, society ' ...will persist When George the Thir<l came to the rcnl. gnn to invade the smoker's don1ai11, which, to us in his childhood, at leaet. Let ns have in excluding from its lists of fa1·orites those throne ·jn". 1790 th~ nnLion,al ·q ebt of EDgland What a lesson! I now fully understood who offend its fastidious taste. Severe as it wae £lj30,00p,ooo. The ins.~nsate warfare how our Saviour was 1nade perf(;ct through in England lhey had at present left unex· a few yea.rs ofhia youth, in which '"e may ia in its judgment, it is llOt ahvaye unjust, against the French revoluti~n made it £570>- suffe:tiug ; and how he can be touched with plored, to the great satisfaction · of all who enjoy his innocence, to repay us in some and makes the hutnane distinction betweP.o 000,000, au<l by the time Napoleon was the feeling of our iufirmities. He h11s en- valued good complexions in their, country .. small degree for the care and love we have defecta which are natural nnd those that -&afely lauded in St. Helena, the debt dured them all-knows what poverty ie, women. In Russia, elderly ladies asked lavished upon him.' This is something you are al'tificial. For the former there is pity, amounted . to the inconceivable eum of wbat tears n1eari ! Ile has had experience smokers for a llght for theil' cigarettes or who now stand a prisoner at the bar have ' ' cigars, and taught their daughters to blar.k· not paid for; this is not ctn braced in your fort. be latter only di·gnst. £865,000,00D. It may be saf~ly asserted that of it all. Aud if I could sympathize with People are bound to make themselves every guinea of this debt vtas unnecessary. my suffering Indian most deeply, how en thei< teeth and injure the purity of their license. mutually agreeable, are to Qla1nc iol' a:ny -Jdmes PaA·ton. 1nuch n1orc will Je'3us Christ, who bore our breath by inhaling the fumes ol the burn· u For this offence the court sentences you ing weed. He could not help thinking to ten days' imprisonment in the county offence they unnecess{\rily 2ivc to the pub:The tin10 will . come 'vhon the nations infirmiHes and sufferings more than thirty lic fastidiou$ncss. Most of these peculiari- now called ~ivilized and Christian, but years, be to us a great and 1uerciful High with the physicians of more primitive times jail, and that you pay a fiue of $75 and ties of 1nanner which crente the greatest which resort to wa,r to sett.le ther difficnl- Priest, and eympathizc with us. Nothing that simple diet, with absence of stimul·nts costs, an<l. that you 's tand · comn1itted 111ltil aversion are entirc]y spo11taneons in origin. ties, will ~ease to be classed ev~n . amnug but enduring onr pain could call out his and narco.tics, would, to the end of all time, the fine and costs of thie pros0cntion are They often become so habitual as to seem civjlizcrl llU,tio?s, ?uf will be rega'r<lell as syn1p1tthies as thE'lile pains do. O rrom ! I be foul'.(d the greatest friends to "irtue, paid." hardly rlistinguishabJc fro1n the natural barbarian.-.Di·. Pea11ody. learned a good lesson from the· ! I found beauty, and good heolth. Railway traveltrai~s 1 nnd no ·more under control qf the a good schoolmaster in thee, and I hope I ling, al ways so uninviting, was now renderViT ar is in utter violation of Christianity, Save a Mother's Tears. . will. Heuce the nece.:;sity of pre\·enting If war be right then Christianity ia wrong shall forever be the better for this teach· ed much more so by the stole smell of tobacco stnoke, Not long ago, two friends were sitting their formation or checking their growth in -false-a lie. But if Christianity is true, ing. "The whole of Europe, it had been te- together, engaged in letter writing. One, ·child)lood which is entirely under control. if xea!iOD 1 conscience, feligion, the highest I marked bJ' Profesao~ Mantojezza, was fast was a young ma1:1 from India, the other a Squinting, tbnt ugliest of habits co.n fre- faculties of n1an are to be trusted, then "'·ar What Will He Become. being turned into a cigar divan ; and it be· female friend, part of whose family resides quently be traced ,to the growth, of' the is the error, the falsehood_ , the lic.-TheoThis q·uestion ia often asked . by parents came eve.ry day more difficult for·a male of in that far-off land. The former was writchild 1s h.atr, whiCh f'ron1 mere neglect to dore Parker. average st~ength of miud to assert his liberty ing to his mother in India. When bis 'call .in the barber, is allowed to overlap the At .a Peace meeting held ,~t Cooper In- in regarCl to th.c ir sons, ~nu b,v the fiiends forehead, dangle over th~. ·eye,· and distort stitut~, that distitiguis}l.ed and, eminent di· of many young n1en; and, nlthough to refrain· from tobacco· if he went into so- letter was finished, his friend offered to This the viAion. The ugly soun<l which many vine, Chancellor Howard Crosby, presided. tlJere ls no defiui(e rule fur ascertaining, ciety at all He (Dr. Drysdale) thought enclose it in hers, to save postage. neve1· fail to cn1it "'·ith every · spoonfnl of In his opening address he forcibly and elo- ·we may get some idea of wha.t a young then that it ·was titne for such practitioners b0 politely declined, saying, "if it be sent wilt bc::cotne by observing bis actions oi !he heJlling art ae had anything to say separately, it will reach her sooner than if soup they-take comes simply from not open· quently ·inveighed against the fashion of tnan · about tobacc6 to epeak cut. For his part sent through o. friend, and perhaps it rnay iDg the mouth sufficiently ; and &light as is Jilaking boys admire tyrants and warriors, and workA. His friend was touched this cause of~ vers pfl:eusivC _practice, it ·is· by pai11ting tbem in our histories in coleur Solon1on said, many centurieB ago, thitt he char~ed !obacco with caUBing blindness, aave her a tea.r. 11 astoni.sbiilg hoW .pC1'8istent : it. comep from · de rose. Boy.ti, .-he sail!, should be taught 'e\·en a cl1ild is knowu by his \vork, wheth- palpitation of the hear~ pal'tllyeis,diarrhceo, \vith -his tender regard for his mother's habit. Nothing is harder for a. gro,vn per- · the truth·-that wars are cursed things and er it be good or evil.' Therefore, when you and diseases.of the teeth, and mucous mem- feelings, and felt, with bim, that it was son who has never been taug~t iri childhood of the devil,and that Cre;ars and Napoleons see a boy slow to go to . school, indifferent brane of the mouth and tongue, Ha alleged worth paying the postage, to save his mother than to learn to swallow bis broth without a~c simply tigers let loose. .!\.LI the great about learniug, and glad of eve1y opportun- that it waa a foe to cleanliness and good a tear; tnanners. He knew that it was · injurious Would that every )Joy an<l girl, ·very a sonorous aplntter. wars that desolated the earth at vario.us ity to neglect his·lessons, you may take it to workers in tobacco factories, and he young man and every young \\'omuri, were The sucking of the teeth is another vile tin1es y;ert1 sustained and · main'tained to for granted tLat he will be a blockhead. practice, \vhich rnay ordinarily be traced to their bloody end by so-called honor, a sen· Wheu you see a boy anxious to spend therefore contended that it was not ll trne equally ~aving ~f a n1othe1 'e tears. a neglect in youth of a timely consultation tiruent which in his interpretation was only xnoney, and who spends every cent us soon luxury, and , never a necessary. Tobacco "'·ith the deutist. Once formed into a. habit, a synonym for cril)le. A nation sins aI!d ns he ~ets it, you may kno'v that he be might be used for the treatmeQt of asthma, Long Preaching. but to admit tobacco-emokiog, chewing,and hovfever, it ontlast.s the occasion which mu.y rather than ack11owledge its error,it persists a spendtbrift, "There is nothing," says Jay of Bath, iu ha.ve originally provoked it, and becqmes in it to the end. This feeling of honor was '\\Then you ~ee a boy hoarding up his pen- snuffing into the list of the luxuriee of a reone of those pcrsOnnl 11uisancef#· which no the frl1itful source of inua.n1erable outru'ges. nies, and unwilling to part with them Jor fined nnd \Yealtby o.ge wa~, in his opinion, his recently published autobiography,good quality the individtial may poeseos He conde1nned the homage accorded to any good purpose, you. u11:ty set it down a violation of the laws of' public hygiene," " there is uo.t.hing against 'vhich a young preacher ohould be more guarded than can reconcile to the public endurance. great tnilitary heroes as highly injndicions. that he will be u rniser. Luther's Opinion abont " Lager Beer." length, 11 "Nothing," says Lamont," can Vit"hen you see a boy ,vl.lling to taste Ill-fitting clothes are a common. c.anse of He spoke of the intrigues of the Third Ka· some of the n1ost unseemly of these tdcks. poleoa, which occasioned death and 1nis- etrong drink, you may rightly suppose that · In Lnther'a "table talk" we find the fol- justify a long sermon. If' it be a good one, it need not be long ; and if it be a bad one, 'l'he habit of ·h~ugging the shoulders comes ery to udllione. Hi counselled the: honor he will becoine a drunkard. lowillg opini9n on tlus matter : it ought not to be lonK." Luther, in the often from a badly-made an<l tou loose a of peace and good "'·ill an1ong 1nen ao n'lost When a boy is disrespectful to his par" The maci v..·bo first bre·wed beer \\'as a joCke 1 eliirt, or other garment., wbich, pro~ conducive to the advance1nent of Christian- ents, disobedient to his tea~ber1 and unkintl pest for Germany. Food must be dear in enumeration of nine qualities of a good ducing the sensation as if it constantly slip- ity. to his fricndoand playmates, it is a sign that our land, forJthc horsee eat up all the oate, preacher, give as the sixth, "that be should know when to stop." Boyle has an essay ping off, ca:uses the \Yearer, in striving for AliECDOTE OF NAPOLEO::N Bo::.>rAPAR'.rE.- he .will never be of much account. and pe·aants and citi·ens drink up all the This his relief, to make frequent upward jerks \..o When that daring and ambitious soldier When you eee a boy looking out for him· barley in the form of beer. I have surviv· on patience under long preaching. keep. it in its place. This ugly motion fin· was about to invade Ruesin, a person who self, anU anwilling to share good thinge ed the end of gen~ine beer, for it has now was never more wanted since the commonally becomes a habit, \\rbicb en'd ures even had endeavored to dissuade him from his with otheri::., it is a sign that he will grow beco1ne srudll beer in every sense, anJ I wealth than now·, in our own day, especially among our young divines and academics, after the cause has been removed. So, too, purpose, finding be could not prevail, quot- up a selfish man. have prayed to God that ho might destroy an ilJ.fitting pair of trousers will give an ed to him the proverb, 'Man propose· but When you hear a boy nsing profane lan- the whole beer-brewing hueiness, and the ·who seem to think tbelr performances can " I never," slquchy God diaposes,' to ,.,, hi ch he replied i~dig guBjle, you may take it for a sign that he first bre,ver I have often curaed, There is never be too much attend to. habitual hitch to the walk, and says Jay, u err this way n1yself, but my congait has often no other cause than an nantly, ' I dispoec us ·well as propose.' A will becorue a wicked and profligate n1an. enough yearly destroyed in the breweries victions al\vays laments it ; and for many awkwardly made shoe. Squintir1g eyes Ohristian \\'·oman, on heal'ing the impious When you see boys rude to each other, to feed all Germany." years after I begun preaching I never ofand t\\o·itching faces are frequently due tO' boast, remarked, 'I set that <lown as the you may kno_ \\' they ".,.ill become disagree· fended in this way. I never exceeded three unconifortable hats or other coverings of turning point ofBono.parte',g fortunes. God able men. Total Abstinence. quarters of an bou~ at most. I sa\v one the head, aud some of the most ungainly Will not suffer a creature with iinpunity · When you see boys pouting and gramactions of the arms and haude to overl0ng thus to usurp his prerogative.' It happen· bling when to to do a1~ything 1 an<l. always In the Preobyterian Minister's Associa- excellency was within my reach-it was sleeves, proj ecting wrist-bands, and uneasy ed to Bo11apa1·te j nst as wa..s predicted. His displeased when they ha.ve any \VOrk to per- tion of Phil.Uelphia, the Wins Quest10n brevity-and I deternii1H:d to attain it." gloves. invasion of Russia \vas the con1n1encement form, it is a sign they will begood-for-noth- was discu·sed through eix meetinge, and the Some of these tricks arc generated by of his downfa.11. follo\Ying resolution was unanin1ons1y There is no me of money equal to that of ing nicn. that eympatby between the bodily actions But when you '°e beys thut are kind and adopted \about sixty members being preo- beneficence. Here the ~njoyment gro"'B on In a coni'erence wi th Rev. Dr. l\filcs, of hn1nnn beings which is often oba erv~d Secretary of tl1e An1cricun Pe1;1.ce Soci· 1)bliging to each other, obedient and respect- .ent) :r~flection, and our money i~ most truly oura wheiiever they nreassueiated together. Al· etv, Prc!:!ident Grant expressed a warw in- ful to their pal·~n ts 1 attentive to their stud· Resolved, That in ··iow of the deplorable when it ceasea to be in our posseeeion. As the \Vinged arrvw flies, Speedily the mark to find ; As t he lightning from the ekies Darts, n.nrJ. leave no trnco behind; Swiftly thus our f!eetWg days Bear us down life's rapid streatn ; Upwards, Lord, our spirits raise, All below is bnt a drearn. to and fro, wi~. ~·h~~ sai:,n~... . s _ v;ing lilf.e the pendulums o( ·~hop fu!L.Prgoing clocks, A cough once a@rtcd will be taken and kept up by class-after class like a volley of mu·· ketry let off by a platoon· of sharp-shooter·. A single equint intr~d11ce9. ,into a Cl'Owded school has been known ~o disturb a hun- LITERATURE. 0 ·or a . n-:in a