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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 15 Jan 1875, p. 4

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· · · <.. THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1875. and a so urce of 1uany of the answers , whieh ~reate life 's angry altercations is pride. Oo merely worldly ground there is great i The Snow. The Back and Loins of a Horse. wisdon1 in soft answers ; for the speaker is When a horse's is short, the loins will so a pt to win .the day, aq,d gain his own BY RU&ri; Dl,UFF. be found to be broad and str01i" 0 ·-what is caiobject in the end. De Quincey tells of bim· led good; a circumstance arising front the circu· From laden sky, through frosty air, ., f th h t d ti b .. 'tl f th h" l arii.y o e c c~ nn rn ren.u l o e 1ps self~ that when travelling once on the roof Marvel of purity, wonJ.roW:I, -these four form~.tions, viz. , shortness of bauk, uf a coach he fell asleep fro1n weariness and From a home so high to a home so low, circnla1·ity of chest, breadth of the hips, arid ·weakn ess, being at tlle time in bad health, Softly flutters the beautiful snow ; strength nf loins, genera.Uy being f ound· i"n c:Qm~ all<l lu.rchr.d against nuother passenger,. who It dances noisele3sly. u1errily down, bination. It is a g1·eat ma.tter that a horse woke him with much surliness an<l co'tn· Aud co\-·e1·s thti ca.rth so bnrc nnd browu. s11ould have good loins, and when these &re. as· plaine<l rnorosely of this iovaeion of his It nestles do>vn an1ong E>ilken .::urls, sociated with a long back, and the · requisite comfort. . De Quincey apoiogiaed, tiaid he .A:nd kisses the cheek8 of the village girls length and subst:ince of hind qual'ters, we may As they h urry along tluough the millc·whlte tak e it for gra.nterl that the animal possesses was unwell, but woulcl do what he could tc drifts; both speed and endurnnoc.' Ifook at the hares avoid falling asleep for tbc fu~ure. Nature It creeps under veils tbat the rude wind lifts, and rabbits, greyhounds, deer, and stl.cb -like would not be coerced, however, and he was But oft risks too tnuch by venturing there,, and note wha.t thickness of loins. and BOCin slu1nbering again ; he "'felt ihe And diea on t.he cheek so warm and fair. length and muscularity of hind limbs they all arnt of his surly neigh bar pa~S('Jl aro.1nd It fa]L<:f upon home-s of estate so low, exhibit; while their fore parts amount to bard· him to prevent hiS falling, and in all tlie ly anything in co1nparative substance. It is stages of th e jou rney th ere1Lfter, be ' ru~ted Their inmates nothing o{ purity kuow, · Where vice, s.nd crime, and shame m:iy dwell, impossible that a. horse with thin narrow .wltll the tendern ess of n wonH\n townrJ the loins can; the moment his feet sink in the Y tJt con1ei:1 the beautiful snow. 'Tis well dirt, th!tt morr1ent be will fail. It is the good invali<l.. · That something pure will venture thorti loin that cm- and the only point thatcau-co m· There ure a f!!W swe'ct 1 placid tetnpcrs to 'Vhr:.ire ein haa sprca.d its greatest snare. pC'nsatc for hollQ,..,.n eBs of back. ¥Yhen tJ1e whou1 the 'suft nnswcr' £Olllt'S c~Htipara It shrowded away in its spotless white loins good, not lellgth, not even hollowness tively cnsy ; llut \Vith most persons, it must 'l1he dead Old year, all is wrong a.nd r!ght, of hacki are tn be accounted objectionabJe : ·be ~be fru1t of resolute self.control and self:. And nevP.r a. fNrer robo was worn\: conquest) of a hahit of mind prod need by Then that which awaited the New Year morn. Points. · It is nonsense too prctt·nd to prescribe tbn.t · !\-lay Ch!1ri t,y'1:1 tn:int.le be sp~ead like the snow the back should be long-or short, of this length watchfulness ancl prayer. One can sym0.t:l' .lllj' J,_ 1,,: ,}.-; 1tl~·.;1 I am ln.'.d Ju·.v ~ or that; nlthougb wr: may, in a general ,vay, pathize , ... ith tLe padsiouate schoolboyt "'·ho, f<.tll in with the comrnon description of \vhat a pondering on lhti e;nbj ect, asked another, back ought to be, and aay, "that to pea good ~Vi/hat soft thiug is very · harcl 1' - and ex· one, it should sink a. little below (behind) the plained his rueaniug tll U3 · "dthers, and th~11 t·uu strajght . " ~L'hc back 'If it is not a ,ha.l'd thing for a i"e1low to will be too lUN.I~ --~e or too short, "r (though, to the · .a. sot f ans\o,.·er wue:.L '· , . .d own FJash langu~ge-Telegra1ns. give l1e's rigµt ,:ibserver,of unusual longitude 01· Hhol'tness,atiLl} \ r-.- othing- An open bnnghole w_itbon t n. bar- of the proper leu'gth, de1)endiug opon the form· veie<l, then I don't know wh~re yon 'wi 1~ rel. ation and dimensions of other parts with which, find anything that's har1l.' Is there anything more harrowing tu the soul in structure and action, it is associated. But, ii the schoolboy learns the lcsaou, than a. peg in one's boot. .4. long back vvollld ill ace0rd with short legs, the man will have less difliculty jn putting r.J.efea.te;;l in their operation; ll short back '\VO Uld it into u. ·1·e is ' as '3e. ' rrh e b cgino ing ot· stn A Chicago rna.n wa.utd th1-..1 thief who stole hlrt not require Jong legs, they woUld do too m uch w1;i1l-bucket nnd rope to come back and get the for it. ha.-ve therefore, long.backed horses when one letteth out 'vater i and - the soft well as it is of no use no,v. and short-backed horses, and yet witb backs of answer will ahvays enable us to fuUil the ¥lhat is the differfl1we between a, market proper length; Pecause the lorigitude,wbatever following i njunction:' Leave offconten!.ion gardener and a billiard-marker ?-One mind3 it may be, i· that which is the suitable len~th before it Le IU<;ddlcd wiLh.' Y t!l.. how easi~ his pea.s, and j;hd other his cues. for the rot:t..chinc of which it forms a pa.rt, ...<\.. ly we j listify oursel \."CS in this wrong-doing, 7 " hat is the difference between an auction very con1mo11, but not lesg on tha.t <tcCotn1t, proinpted by the dc rnou pride 1 How and a aea-sick man ?-01te ie a r:;al~ <>f cffcc~s. repn:hensible, custom among " judges of 11or- q uickly does tbe shaTp retort rush to the ru.1d the other the effects of s. sail. 1 aes," is to find fault with a point, without any 1 1 \ .how cl-:!ver "'e dccin ourseh·es whenrefenmce whatever to the general or particular \Vhy ls a <looter better ta.ken care of than conformation with which .that point is consort· t hrust (probably as poisont<l ~ls '\VC could his patients ?- Decause, when he goes t <> bed, ed. Abstractly considered, it may be out of 1nake it) has been giv(!n, We do not re· somebody is sur1;i to rap hiffi up. proportion; but cons.idered correlativ'1y, .....ith nH~mbcr tbnt thts,like other hun1an t~mpta A Green Dn.y paper en.y~ that a. wic lower with>portioncd other parts in the same tions, was met and conquered by our Great a clean shirt on can marry in that town in frame, it may be in the best proportion, OL" o! Exempla r; we do not' consi<lrr Hi1n wh6 three hours. Bay is northeast of Detroit- such proportion as serves to compensate for endured such con tradictions of f:!inners faulty dimensions in other pnrts. A. part n1ost boat.8 run daily. f u.ultlessly fa~oned and proportionep. n1a.y- against Hi1J1self ;" who, when I-Ie was re'1-fother,' eaid a lit tie urchin when he came placecl among certain other ill·fottned or out·of. vile<l, reviled not again ; when If e f:!U!Itlrect. home, 'I have heard suoh a smart preacher. proportioned parts-appear itself to be tbe faul· lie . uot ;' al though ~he twelve He sta.n~ped and rna.d"' auch a noise, and then ty piece in the fa.biic... · legions of'angcls stootl Ten<ly at His call. he got mad; he shuok his fist at the folks, and In an .animal body, a.s in machines made by there wasn't anybody dared go and fiight hitn.' run.n's handR, the great object to be sought for, Th~eatening . a Child. A minister approached a mischievous urchin, is hannony between the constituent member1::1; about twelve years old, and laying h ·s hand at the insta.nt, we are not hnatily to conde1nn It is a wroag systen1 altogether to threat;... upon his shoulder, thus addressed hhn: H A-Iy any apparent disproportion, lest, on critical ex· en a child with puu1sh1nent-the iuotber son, I believe thf." devil ha.s got hold of you." arnination, it should turn out t o have been giv· "'I belie"·e he has, t;oo," wa.e the airrnificant re · en for the purpose of compensation- to l.'l.ake the whi le uo~ bnving the slightest intention Now amends for some defective structure elsewhere, of puttjng her threat into execution. pl)r of the urcL i11. which may not at-fir:;t sigl1t ha..vo struck our at. thi~ Lloes.harm in 1nore ways thaii on'e. In A 1-IilesiR.n having returned to his native tcntion .·-Prairie Fa1·mcr. thr. first place, the child, fr6rn experience, lo.nd, Wf\S asked to give an illustration of Arner· kno'INd full well thrtt tbe tno,ther w11l not ioan enterprise. 'If a Yankee was ahipwreck· µuuilJh him ; he P.Onsequently lOses confi· Sources of Power. ed on a.n uninhabited island l.he fnllowing morn· ing he would be sclliug newspapers to all the dence and faith in he1· trntbfuluess, which '\ Vhat ·wood and water t.n:c to the steam-eninhabitants.' gine, food is to the body. By the burn,iug of is a grievous state of things. In the second 1 Now, then,' said a physician che erilJ, to a the wood, w:.i,ter is couveJ:ted into steam, and place, her t hr~ats have no Jeter ring efl:"ect patient, 'yon have got a.long far enough to in· that zives power. By the consumption of food upoo lii1.n-Lhey unly encournge him in his dulge in a little animal food, and-' ~NO you <tn<l its digestion. power is g ivep to the body to na.ught.iness. A mother ought ne\rer to don't Doctor,' intern1pted tlrn patient; 'I've work and the to think. A.<J there is more threaten punish1nent without, if he presists snffct'ccl enough on your gruel and slops, n.nd beat in some woods tbo.n others, so there is more iu his disobedience, executing jr.dgment, strength or power, or nutri1nent in some kinda I'd starve sooner than begin-on hay and oats.' and carrying out the punishn1P.nt to the very of food than in others.'. Ilpersons have to work A lady,hen.ring the remark that the storm aigbard bodily, or have to think int~naely, they letter-a child nlus~ sec that the:: mother innal was set, inquinicl whfl.L ll1a.t rnea:nt, and bl:l1nust cat nlUr!:! thu.:n' if tbt!y did nQt labor muc11, tend:i what she says, and she cloes not mean ing tolO that the signa.l tlepartmeut no,v· w atches or think much. Gi·eat thinkers are great feed- either to trifl~ or be trifled witiL-Dr. the weather, and telegraphs in ad"·ance all over ers, as Connt C:.i~our, Prince Bi::;1narck, Chas. Ohavctsse. 1 the country, replied, 'Now, ien t that convt-n· Sumner, Henry \Vard Beecher, and ])~niel ient fo1· washerwomen?' \.Yebster. Observant IDl:n, who had lo.rge A young man in A~htaLula sought to secure numbtirs of wo1·k1nen in t;beir err1ploy 1have long his sweetheart by strategy so he took her out since noted the fact that the most work could . for a bon.tdde, an(.~ threatened to jump over· be got out of thm1c who had the best appetit;e . · board into the lake if she didn't consent to l:fence, to study easily, that is, to get lt:ssons marry him. But it did not work. She offer· easily, chih1ren and college stud ents should eat at tho ed to bet him a dollar that he't divt1 iu. heartily, and if they will eat at t hree regular POETRY. FARM AND KITCHEN. 1874. S . .TREWIN, OSHAVVA 1UTUMN! OF Just Arrived at the JF ASHION HOUSE i spJ endid assortment of_ ' NEW MILLINERY. A li:>v .'.l.. ·al{ AND 1 Which excel in STYLE s ,~nd O-C IC VALUE. lot or · GOODS, & REAL HAIR., FANCY Also a lal".ge stock of S1 APLE & FANCY Dl{Y GOODS ' - --o--- Stamps for, Baiding and Em- broidy. · FASHIONS for Spring hand. I :Millinery and. :Ma11tle .. :Oepa~tment Thirty (30) Daysl ---:o:--The discerning Public have evidently discovered the rigbt place at which · to purchase. their · - . . Replete witb Lat.est Styles & Novelties. DDESS!MJ:AK.ING as usual. MRS. A. F-LETOHER Bowroanvi1lc, April 7th,1874. Crumbs for Chickens. · · . , Gents' Furnishings Ladies' and Children', F ine l\'lttkc. BOWMANV ILLE VVINTER PUROI-:IASES. A Large Stock of Cloths and J',·immin,gs, 11wde to Oi·dM·. Pits Gu.aran: teea. Latest Styles in H o,ts, Shfrts, 'l"ies, J::c. ' a BOOTS and SHOES I - Machine a.nd.. Implement Manufacturing Co CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. CURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM :Ma,nufaoturem of For the two rnonths, :McCLU.NG BROS.' S>tles have been far in:i.dvance of Sales for the corresponding months of a.ny previous year. It is very evident, from the wa.y in which Custom and Ready Made Clothing, Overcotits, Shawls, Dress Goods, Blankets, Furs, Buffalo Robes, and 'Vinter Goods generally, have left· the Establishment, during October und November, th"t their EXTENSIVE STOCK AND vVOOD AND IRON The intelligent Y eonia.nry of W rst Durham and South Ontario, are be coming fully aware that OSHAWA affords the Best Market; her l'IIanu factories supply Lhe Best Implements; and her enterprising 1forchn.nts sell the most Stylish Guods,at PRICES 1gulated by a bcal!hy competitiq n 0q1!>.<Wa,We~t. King St :-,;ept. 23rd.1874. . . MODE11ATJ~ . WORKING MACHINER 'i asked, have been fully appreciated. . · PRICES, NBFPBL'S · All Wool F!LL AT STOCK Double Turbine W8Jter Wheels, and ~and OBSNRVE, For the next .B ATTIN GS Diagonals. ·Homespun. .ErenchReps: Plaids. Merinoes. Russian Twills Plaid Wincies. Plain clo. Shawls. Ffannells. Ca.stings of all Xinds (30) ---:o::- - - days, REPAIRS done on the ""' " " SHOltTEST NOTICE, We have now on hand ·a large· qua.ntity of GREATER Attacks titan ever will be made! GHEATER Inducements than ever will be offered! GREATER Bargains than e1,e1· will be given! Common an4 Gang Plows, th:t wiH\~J.d u.t LOW --o-- PRICES tf. AT THE SHOP. Dow man ville, Mru.'ch 6 1873. Mm.noh.ester Septefl'.ber 24<, 1874. -o- 1873. F A.LL STOCK. 1873. ---o--- - Bowmanville, Dec., 1874. ALL COME! ' A BIOis now raging at T?,URI-I ' DRUGS AND MEDICINES TRELEVENS Dress Goods · Newest Style. of the - -- o - - - Have you seen Cowle's cheap lOct Cottons? 'Nothing.' sai"d an impa:tiGnt husband, ' re · times d(l,,ily, and uothing between, of minds me 60 much of Balaam and his a~a as two plain, nourishing food, there is very little dang· wolnen atopping in ch·lrcb and obstructing the er of eating too mnch, and there is a reaso11a.ble wa.y to indulge' in their everlasting ta.He., 1 But ~ertainty of their having good health and becromyo~l forge t, de~r,' returned the wife, meekly, u_1g efficient students and fine s~holarfJ. T~e · thHit it wa.~ the n.ugel! who stopped the way, time n:a.y Cot~e wl;}en persona \Vlll order tb1:.n 1 ·and 13a1aam and his asa who complained of it.' food with a. view to the amount Md duw:<ictet' oft.he labor to bo performed.-HaU's Journal 1 A sailor's wife at l'ortpatrick ha.djust receiv- of Health. · ~ cd intelligence that her husband had T )erished at sea. She ·was visited by n. neighbor who sym· A Good Prescription. pathised with her 0n her loss, t1.nd ex1Jressed a rcrsonnl cleanliness is. not invarin.bly a pa.s· fea,r tha.t she i.voulcl Le poorly off. ' Deed will sion, even with in<liyidutt.lH in the u pper ranks I,' said the 1vido1·1; "but he did' all !le could of aociety. 'Ve have heard of a British Gener· tor me he'a saved me the expensu o' fiis bury· al, whose antipathy to ablutions, was a matter in~.' of notli)l'if'ty among his friends and acquaintanc. Nor C,u,LING· K.ut.J::::i.-' J::ipheth,' said a es . ?fleeting one of the latter one- day, the quaker to his neighbor, 1 I do not wish to call General complil.ined of b(Yi,ng unwell. 11 What thct.:<1r a.nybody na1nes; but, Japheth, if th e seems to be the matter?" U{quired the guntkPresident should comjj to me and say, 'Simon, man . . "O<tn't tell," said the General, "but I I want thee to find me the biggest lin.r in the don't fEiel f'xactly well." "Allow me to preState of Peunsylvnuia.,' I should come to thee, scribe,' 1 said the gentlcmn.n. No objection nnd sny, 'Jnpbctl1, the Preaident w~nts to see· beitlg offered, he advised. the General to lose no Lhcc particularly.' time in procuring "a t ub, h <!ilf ·tilled i.vitb t epid wa.ter, a nd a big.sized lump of .brown soap. A stn"nger who was eating a. piece of pie in a Dl:ltroit restaurant struck hia ·teeth againf!t Apply the ::.oap and the water liberally, and re· f'11methi11g hard, and presentl)' held up a two· peat the experiment agrun·a.nd again," said he. "'Vlhy," saif1 the General, . "that simply cent piece and exclaimed : ' Ifere, you· -lrnre'e tw() cents whi(,oh-1: found in this pie!' '\.Ven, a.mounts ~o ~L·q,shiti[! rn.yse.lf." The gentleman Pm sorry it isn't fifteen,' L'eplicll the waiter; putting on a .very se.rioui:i look, remarked, " It fa liable to that objection." 1 1ut the fact is, titnes are so bard that wu can't d::i any better just now., Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM lilT_OULD rnvat respectfully tender his~in0ere ff . thanks to his numerous ·friends and customers, nud to the public gene!'ally, for the very libE"ral support he has received l:lince l1is cornmoncing in busincR3; nnd hopes by con· tinu1~d strict persoEattention to bui)iness, a.nd offering nothing b the }Jurest articles, at the most reaaonable p r , to ensure a continua.nee of public patronage. J. H. would call special attention to his very superior stock of ' GREY COTTONS of thll best mnke, including the celebrated ANDERSON & (Jo. Beg to announce to the Electors of 'Vest Durham and surrounding countl'Y, that theJ will sell · their immense STORM ONT. lOct Cottons T)YE STUFFS which are aure to give th~ 'b~st satisfaction. A well Seltictell sto"ek of and he is determined to con tinn ~ to sell at these ruinously low . chea~er · than the cheapest. Why he cn n do it F1rnt, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, what he can't buy cheap euouah, he manllfacturcs Third, he is satisfied with small profit<i ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; · Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. . - o- 8 PRIN':rs of unequallud at Cowle's···Splendid STOOI~ OF value. At a Discount of Ten per cent. for OASH, for THIRTY DAYS. BOC)TS & SHOES, ;Eaz;;en~vi'i~io'i~;35~::~Chil;:~tin~;~;~;;·: 1000 prs. ...l.1'i88eG Pebal and Buff', at 1. 50, per pai'l"1 for CA.SH ONLY. STYLE and QU A.L:CTY STOB:M:O:NT 1000 Pairs Women's, llfiss,s' cmd Child's Pelt Boots, the u·hole to be sold for OASH ONLY. --O-··- - I DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, BR[]SIIES, , COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etc. kept (,Onstantly on hand. OALL AND SEE FOB YOUDSELYB,S~ A"D COTTON BAGS, · THE · BEST . ID the World. Sp,cial Li·e of C01'1'0Ns' at COW LE'S. Call early and secure your Winter Supply, while the rush is going on at BRl~G YOUR FRIENDS -o- ANDERSON & CO'S., Fowmanville, Dec. JOt.b, 1874. WITH YOU. Boot & Shoe Bm.poriUD1.. ExamiRe the stock·, which comprises eve.rythi!1g in the tr::u:le, of the very latest n.11 d nwst elegnn t styles a.nd patterns, of Englu;h 1 Canadian, and Amcricarn rnan ufa.cture. Ht- still continues to manufacture to order, from the beat of rna.tcrial and none b~ firBt -elass workmeu kept. ' - o-- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed ' He hns in · TO THE PUBI_JIC. vVALTER "\VIGG .& SON, adde rnreto, that we may thereby be euabled to s11pply aU parties who may please to favor him with a. call. Great inducements held out to those purchasing a.tour e$ta.blisl1mcnt. Pie· turee, Looking;. etc .. sn1med to order, and iu ~ve1·y style. Samples of the different kind of Jtfoukllngs i.:au lie aced at the ·;vare·ruom. ·v1e would also beg to inform you, tlia~, having purchMed a, urning tha.r1ka to their numerous and pnblic gP.nera.lly, for favors, I K 1·e ' respectfully invite their attention to olU' present stock of furniture, as we ha,·e lately ,~, (."Uston1er~ th~ stocil~ n.µ ~cndleaa variet:y of Lo.dies' f}nd Gents' Saratoga Tn1nks which he ia selling cheap for caah . - · o- Your aon,': said a schoolmaster to a fond mother, who was inquiring about her bois ~ gr~ss, "will not w01·k, He exhibits such a. want of intelligence that it is impoasihlt: to think of his ever succeeding in medicine 01· at the b?.r. He ie next door to an idiot." '"l1hen/' returned the lady, indignantly, "I shall devote him to teaching. I shall n1:lke him a schoolmaater." 0 - soft' Answers. ThE>re is a fitory of J ndge Grier, which everyblld;y delights in, how ;he aet aside the unjust verpict 0f n. jnry against an unpopul~r man, with this remark : 'Enter the verdict, ].fr. Clerk. Enter, also, · Set aside by the court.' I want it to be understood that it takes thirteou men to steal a man's form in this court.' An Irishman, newly engaged, presented to hi1:1 master one morning a pair of boot.a, the leg of one of which was muchlong:ertiu1.n the other. ' How comes it, you raacal, that these boots are not of the erune length?' 'I really don't know, sir ; but what bothers me most is tha,t the pair down stairs is in the same £x.' The following circumstances, it is said, hap· pened to the learned Serje:lnt Hill. He bad 11. remarkably lonir nose, a1Hl bejng out 1-iding one day, was Bung from his horse,and fell upon his face in the middle of the road . A country· mn.n who sa.w the occurrence ran haatily np, raised the serjea.nt from tho dirt, and asked him whether he was much hurt. Tbc serjeant replied in the negative. 'I see, zur,' said t he ruati.c, grinning, ~ yer plo1Jgl1ahare saved ye.' A Chica.go gentleman, occupied all day, but having soJno 'hours of leisure in the evening.' instead of advertising for bookH to write up, ha1:1 set up a. semi-suburban private patrol, charging his neighboTs $4 a month foi- watching their iwemises. 'Ylhen asked whether he did not find it e:xhausting to work all day and 'valk round all night, he admitted fra11kly , th11t he yieited his customers onJy once ~n. I110nth, and that was to collect. 'llut don't they find you out?' said the querist. 'Oh no,' he replied, ' they hear the burglars going and trying the doors, and:they think it's ine.' 'Grandma, dQ you kno'v whv I can see up in the sky ao far?' asked Clrn,rlcy,a little four yeu.r old, of the venerable lady who sat on tbegardi,on aeat knitting. 1 No, my dear, ·why i<i it?' ;,.o,id grandma, bending he1· ear, eager to catch and remember the wiae eaying of the precious little pet. · Because t11cn~ is notbiug · Jn the way.' replied ' tho young philoso1>bel", resuming his astronomical search, ti.nd grandma her knitting. That scLool:child made a good,i'.eEiy.,who Bowmanvill~, l.<Ii~y 13, 1874. said that n1eek people \Vere us those who n.t tha very lowest prices . 'give soft answers to roug h questions.' .But Horses and Cattle Medicines. bow faL· the world is froru taking llie Scrip· N. B. -·Country store-keepers supplied on turni st(l.ndard, and collsidering meekness a the 1n0Rt a.dva.utageous terma. wilual>Ie quality, we may learn by a cow· A f!hoice selection of LA~IPS for i.ale cheap. mon use at tile word. Who · would like ~o Vm. Bowmanvilli:'. D f'l c. 18118. AN!/ have said to him, as of Moses, that he waA 'very meek· l Something mean-spirited would be the popular acceptation ; nobody ,,,,.ould understand the \Yards to express an WHOLESALE and RETAIL envh1.ble virtne, if used in the degenerated Joct arrived 1 and ~or Sa.le, at the above depot conversation of to-d ay. And yet, how doee .New F'l'uit and, Oonfcctione'l'ys, the Giv~r of all blessings signalise the n1eek. ~l'h ey are among His especially l.ileased-' they shall inherit the earth.' OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD ' 1,taliaes ' &c all ., 0f READY-1\IADE Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" drairn by Two Iforses,"King st. M. TRELEVEN. '· CLOTHING Good and Cheap. Clothing M to Or de 1 t is a well-known Fact that Cowle has the best Tweeds in the countn;. Nothing cheaper than the !Oct Oowltls. CoUu"' ' SPLENDID NE\V HEARSE, Wt: shall be roA.dy at a 1 tirnP.s, to attend fun erals, on short notice and reasonnblo terms. N. B. - CQffins kept Qn han<l, and made to order, a.t the Straw-Cutters ! F "R u . 1:~, Grain Grinders .! Confectionery Depot. FJ1~ED the '~·ay. NEW DOMINI N RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROQ},{_ liawa, Aug. 2(lth, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa. The Satisfaction given by HOUBIS' J\ilILLS. Anoth1;Jr car lmt<l of Ute above noblf' a.l"tides orl ------ Dana's Patent Sheep Marks' roost lasting, the least troublesome, and most complete 1;:ver invented. They ar~ u1:1ed and reconuncnded by many of tht beat Breeders in the United States and Canada 1 such as G. B. Loring...!. SalEJm, j\fass.., P1·esident l'lew England Wool u-ro,vers' SocWty; John S. Ross, Henne· pin, Ill. ; P1·ofcsi:1or M. Miles, of the Sta.te Agricultural College, Ln.nsiiiq, Mich.; Hon. Geo . Brown, 'l'orolito, Ont. ; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont, On each },IJ ark is stamped th e O\\"ner's na.m6' and the Sheep's number, 'rhey will be aent -1\;e, by mail, m· express,for only jo?~1· cents each,~ afid will last for IWEN'l'Y YEARS. iG~" Cash must accompany all orders CARRIAGE SHOP '\o\ritmot in greu.t \\'rath at an"injury he had sufferccl from some person high iu worldly position, and was considering huw he co11ld best show his resen 1m ·nt. ':\Yould it not be manly to resent it 1' 'YeS,but Go;J.-lil.iJ'! tofurgive it.' Tl1e iJea had. an instautly southing effec t, und be left that intervie"r, no lo ng(:;'r tLinking of revt.nge. · It is r elate<l of _4.ntheiny Blitnc, one of the earliest cuuverts 01ade by Felix Neff, that when he was strnck on the head Uy au ~.\.gentleman can10 to Sir E. (west of the Ontario Ban.Jc.) Choice Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron :Peels, PJease call nt the MARJ\:S ARE THE CHEAPEST, THESE the BO\V l\'.IAN V I LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency DATES; FIGS. LEMONS BLANKETS I :'f BARNUM s cclivsed by the sati::.iaction given by :JiIALE to his numerous patrons . ~e ia )10w plear:cd to a.nuonnce that he haa on ha.nd a large and . varied ass!itrrent of .King . Street, Bow1rnmv..ille. THE. subscriber pair " ORANGES 1'0 ARR. VE Soft Shell Alnwnrls,Fi/beris, Bra"il and Wall Ents, f(eiller'S J1fa.ruiahiJ.e, TVest .India fJrescrved Ginger, Pears, lJlunis, To· niatoes, r1: l)eaC hes, Green }JccM, Green Corn & Lima Bean.~. n. llowrn~nviJle, W ..TAMES, l{iug St., Bowman villo. Dec. 5, 1872. nlO, Large Variety Wince ys--si, Dead Job .N. B.···Special inducement given to fa pl'eparcd to build and re· Wagons, B1iggies, tind Outten, Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and Pickles They have ·come and n.r~ coming, at the Frmt Dep0t . SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. IME .MONEY and LABOH. saved! Fte n. clI Oil' Poli.1h, 'rhi8 F1·unch Oil Polifi h is pre pai:e9 for Cru:ria.ges, Euggiea, I-I:trneas , l~oots and Shoes, and all kinds of L~ athet. It wil l give any article of Leather, a moet brilliant ap· peara.nce, and at the same tiruo, frortr its oily properties, tends much to PJ'f'Se rvc it, it will always be moist a.nd plinnt; nucl mfl.y be oxpused to ·watl:l1· 0:u1U wa::;hud, a.nd will not lose its briJli. ancc, und it is nef to be feared tb11t any crust will Settle on said Le:i.,ther when pr..:served with the above Oil. ]for tbe wo11dwo1·k of Buggies, Uarl'iages, and 1!~11rn iture, there is not a beLter article in use. lviantUacturcd by A , Su10N & Co . , rta.nners and Currier1:1, f orn1crly of }'ranee1 now of Philadelphia, P:.i,., Instructions - Shake bottle. _A few drops on a pi ~ c e of Bponge,ap-µl) it lightly to the foath ttr, au<l you '\-ill obtan1 the linest lustre. Price 70cts. per hottle,or $7.50 per dozen. .JOIIN SMALB, Sole ~ll gcnt , Howmanville. J·nly 16th, 1874. 41·6 mos. T ARCIHBALD YOUNG, Ju., Sarnia, Ont. Orders addressed to tho MEHOBN't.' and OB· SEH.VER Office, fQr any quantity, will be filled at , the above-mentioned price, as quic::kly as he 1'-1arks can bo mad.E" and sent. C. BARKER, Bowmanville,Dcc. 28th.1871. ml3 ly BOOTS A1~D SHOES CASH Purchasers. of the best quality, and is anxious tha.t thev shall set to work M soon as i)ossihle, "' c,f eve~y desc.ripti<in, a t short notice, ll:n~ o rea.sonnble ternts. . opponent of the truth, he suH.l, ' .hiay GoU forgiv·e.and bless you !' Tho other exclFjm .. eU iu a fury tLnt he woulU kill hitn. Sorne Carriages Painted and T1in. n: (Q. dnys afterward "Anthony 1net this n.u.i.n in a. narrow Alpine road, and ful iy expected to get struck again ; Uut to lds aiuazcnH~Dt a · , band was outRtretcheil with the hem·tlelt . S woi·ds, 'l\{r. lllanc, can you forgive rnc '/ ' on th_ e p1emiscs,wer: s~lfial attention is!1ven SHELL & SJIELLEfl OYSTERS QUA l,Jl'Y is- the test of CHEAPNESS. T. DARLIKGTON. Bown1an villn. Dec. 4th.1873. n9-tf .. F. Y. Cowle REMOVAL. S. MA.SON inform hia numerous friends and · "·ishe!! tb()..t he hm~ removed to mus All Prices, All Sizes. All Xinds. cut Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high SO, HO! NOT SO FAST. ·A .Blacksmith 0 Shop Dressmakiµg, &c. Miss Hem.I Would beg to inform the ladies of Bow1nanville and vicinity, thnt slia itJ prepared to take orders for Dressrnaking,~.nd fill t he same with duapatb in the Gentlemen of Fashion. Noilhing to Beat it. ---GENT'S BOOTS. I have written these few lines Aud all I have to say, That you can find ine still at I am not gone away ; So all my kind old friends may come ; .A.nd all the young .Jnes too A.nd get their garments In fashion$ that are new. V{here old aud young de1,r fdends mny meet A welconie g1·eeting by R. PRATE. Bo·.vma.nville, .Tune 19th 1873. · · - - $1.25, 1 hie heart' b1·eaking the bone.' [ C~rriage work, and General I Does not Sir Matthew Hale seem the J greate" man, wben we recall hi· reply to Jobbing. Cromwell's angry speech, 'My !Jard Jnslice, you are not fit to be ajndge 1' -IIule All wo'l'k done at this Establishment bad refused to lend himself to some arbi- 'fhe soft answer to thil:I blow had Bofte11ed Rubber Goods, Felt Goods, BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be found with: the nioat corn ete assortment vf Trunks, &c. Spiacial attention gi,·er.. to I -------- LATEST FASHION. A CARD. Harness, Whips CUTTING AND FITTING and none but first-claiss work1nen employed, thus insuring good value every caae. STORE.-One door east of Oornish's Jewe]ry,.tore, l{ing Strt:et, Bown1an vilJe. J. SMAJ,Jl! · Bowmruiville, Sept. 231·d. 187.~ trary action, and his only nns-\ver to the Protector's words was, 'Please your highness, it is very lrue:' · "llis great upright soul was aleo crowned with humiliiiy ; warranted. A. ca.ll i$ respectfully solicited. · T. ~ORRIS. Ilowma.nville, Oct. 1st, 1869. }le" r experieuce fully wa.rrants her in promising satisfaction. Residence, Corner of Church Street, and Mm·kct Square, Bow1nan,·ille, !Jee. 4th, 18'73. / I hii,v1~ this Ja.y appointt1d lVIJ{.. C. B.AURF,R tho Exclusfoc agent. for the sale of my y~UL· OA1SlZED l_).RN8 for Bowrn i.u1ville, Ont. ,JOSEP H MAS ON.,!'. P. J. J.JAOOJJS. H owmanville, Sept . 10th, 1874 tu~ti. 'Trunks, &c. Buckler':s old st~-1ind iit town. Please call. one door east of Maynard's IIotcl. BowLnanville 1 Seµ. lat .. 1873. '!. I J.

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