' THE M'ERCHA'NT, FRIDAY J,ANUAHY 22, 1S75. POETRY. One Year Ago. One year ago a i-inging voice. A clear blne eye · And clustering curl~ o( 1:1unny ha.ii', ~L'~o fair to die. Only a year-no voicu, no smile, No glance of eye, Ko clustering curls of golden hair, .Fait· but to die. One year ago, ·what loves, what schemes-Far into hfe ! Wbo,t joyous hopes, what high resolves, 'Vhat generous strife! Tile silent picture on the wall, The burial stonc, Of all thu beauty, life and joy Re-ma.in alone ! FARM AND KITCHEN. blind, and I can't sleep O\._ Dlo\'·c abont for \ he rbeumo.tica ; but I've got two teeth left C1·eam, Chet$e,-1. Put a quart of cream into in my head, and-praise and bless His holy a clean jug, with half a teas~onful of salt stir- na_me !-they're opposite each other ! It hos been said that this old womau was ted in,a.nd l~t it sta;qd a day or two till thickish. Then fold an ordinary grn-ss cloth about six or thaukf11l for snutll mercies. eight times and sprinkle it with salt, then lay it in a sicvo abou t eight inches in diameter, A Good Omen. The sides of the cloth should coroe up 'vell over the side . 'l'hen pour in the cream and sprinkl(" Every body knows bow a drunken nlan . a little salt nn. lt. Change the cloth a.a often as used to be treated hy the boys in tbe street; it bec~mes moist, and as the cheese dries pr~~a he was mocked at, spit upon, an<l pelted it w.ith the cloth and sieve. In about a. week 1 with stones. ~rbe boys ne,·er tbom.sbt of or nine days it will be prime nnd fit to eat pitying Lim, but regarded him as the nark The a1r alone suffices to turn the cream into n1erry-n1aking:.-He went rdli tg cheese. 2. ·rake about a ha.lf·pint 0£ cream, tie for it up in a piece of thin muslin, and suspend it ir. a cool place. _ After five or l:iix days take it out of the wnslin and place it between two pla.tes, with a small weight on the upper one, This will ma. ke it a. good shape for the tahle, and also·help to ripen the ~heese, which w1ll be fit for use in a.bout eight days fro1u the com rnencement of i.be mal..ing. 3. To.ke a quart of creain, ~itber freah or sour, mix about a salt· spoonful of salt, and the SR.me quantity of sugar. Put it in n cloth with a net out:!ide, hang i.t up 1 and change the cl9th every other day; ip ·ten days it will be fit for U'Se. AUTUMN ! 187(. S. .TREWIN, OSI-IAVVA is shewing a Just Arrived at tho F ASBION BOUSE a splendid· assortment of NEW MILLINERY. A I!!o a lot of GRAND OF Srt'OCK :ind VALUE. IREAL HAIR, FANCY Also a. lrrrgo s~ock GOODS, & of One year, on~ year, one little ye!tr, And so rnncb gone ! And yet the e\.·en flow of life Moves calmly on. · 'l'he grave grows green , the flbwcrs bloom fair Above the hea.d, No sorrowi ng tint of leaf or spray bu..J::> l!..: J .J u..:..:d . New Method of Making Bread. through the street, or perhaps made ·hi· bed in the gutter. A few days since, I passed though a part of the town wher~ sncli n spectacle hnd not been unc'Jn~ mon . A Emilor, pnrt1y intoxicated, wa~ stJ iving to steady himselfagain~t a post j a group of bo_ya w~re nround hirn, son1c w i th their finnds in th~ir pockets and their cap s thrown back, were eagerly ta lking ; one was brushing th e dirt from the in· ebriate's jacket ; another wae wiping the blood~ a.way froo1 a sligh t scratch which he had l'ecei l'ed on the cheek. STAPLE & ~~ANCY DRY GOODS, Which excel in STYJ,J<~ Stamps for Baiding and Em- ---o--- Millinery and Ma11tle Depa,rtment Replete with Latest Styles · & Novelties. F .. ~ !-~. ~,~~ Thirty (3Cl) Days! 81 -~-:o:- broid.y. · 'N?w you nnl9t-wo1~'t yon.? CrlPd one 1 No pause, or h ush, or merry birds That sing above, rrells us h,ow coldly sleeps below Thi.;? form we love . '\-V~h ere hast thou been the .year, belOVt1<l? \\...hat ha.st thou seon? \Vbat rising fa.fr, what glorious life! Whete tho\l bast been? · The veil ! the vail ! so thin, su stron!S ! 'Twixt us and thee ; The mystic veil! when shall it fall. r J 'hat we 1n~y see ? Not dea.d, not sltlepinF· not even gone, But present still, · And waiting for the coming hour Of God's sweet will. J..ord of t he living a.nd t he dead, Our Saviour dear ! 'Ve Jay in silence at Thy feet '£his ao.d, sad year. Crumbs for Chickens. Afen of color- Painters. If you do not like your neighbor, buy hie child o. small drun1. · ' Yon look as if ypu were beside youreeU,' said a wag to a fellow who stood by the side of o.n n.ss, It js the opinion of the doctor that the la.wj er ge t s his li¥iUI{ bY pluntler.·while the lawyer thinks the doctor ge~ hIB Ly pill-age. An Iri8hmau tvho was fettered to another prisonei· said, · Bedad ! his fatCls liiiKe to n1ine.' ·Teo thin' hM Lecu1ne obsolete . 'Nut suf. ficiently materialized ' is tile lalt!st form 'in wl1ich this idea is elothed. 'C1in't you u1a.ke any allowit.IJCe fnr & man's being drunk ?' ' Ccrtainl,t,' sai<l the judge, ·rn a.llow you thirty days in the work·house. An old Indy "ns n<l midng the benu tiful picture called 'Saved.' 'It's no wonder,' Raid she, 'that the poor child fainted r.ftcr puUing that gre11rt dog out of the water.' Good bread is a good thin_q, and ont! not so little fellow, looking up in his f'ace. ea.sily obtained. A corresp0t1dent says she can 1 Oh ·. ye?., indeed, I know he will; ,drink· _ ~ make good bread, and tells ot.hera how to do it. ipg·r~so wi:k~d-it i~ sud to.'"" him,' said She li'ays: " Im:.tead of protracted agony of . ,ome, ir you inll I will lea<l I twelve or eigh'tcen hon ~ it will only be n pleas· ~nother. ant exercise of a. few zp.inutes in malcinl( it- jnet you home, and father will help you.' ' ·· · teed. Latest Stvle 8 in Ji ats . Shirts ' 'l'·ies &c. ·'I know be will!' exclaimed a t hi·rd ; · ' ' ' two hours fur rah.ling-and baked in fifty 1nin· utcs, and then out comes the lonvea, so round 1.M;~re corues Ed word.' and light, so tend; r and sweet, the whole house· .'J: io"oked in the direc tion of the boy;s The first thing. and ~ye~, and saw u little fellow runnuig with Lailies' and Children:; I<'ine Make. holfl will be deJighted. CHEAPEST GOODS in TOWN last in fact, is proper temperature, both while all his migl:it towards the1n, bearing in bis CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OURTAINS, DAMASKS, &c. nw.king it a.ud in process of raising, Without hand .a roll of paper. NEW STYLES, A LARGE STOCK TO BELEOT FROM. heat, internal as well as external, fcrmentntion . . ' HeTe it is ; hc-:re's ihe pledge! ' Lis the cannot be raµid . e nough. Thetl heat two bricks r y of West Durham and South Ontario, are beto 100" or more, and place the pan you make boys ple~dg~ j now you must sign it, and 'Phe intelligent Yeoman. coming fully aware that OSHAWA affordR the Best Mttrket; her Manuthe bread in on thcm,Rnd eo knea(l and work in neYer drin'k a.gain.' t he heat with the . terials. And now, though !Yes)' cried another, 'and it's the vcrv factories supply the Best Implements; and her enterprising Merchants the great army o( hreadmakers stand up in One that belongs tO our re1npera.nce SocietY, 8e]l tne most f'ltylish Goods,at PRICES r[u1ated by a healthy competition floury nrray · against. me, ~nd' even shake tl1eir 0Hhawa.West, Kin" St l:>ept. 23rr!. 1814. and we have all signed it,' sa.iJ the first Luy doughy fittgeni at me'1 I shall not wince or ·abate ohe jot. 1 'Success ia the test o(merib/ coaxingly. The suitor looked rouud bewil<lercd. \ as the world goes, a.nd thia past delusive notion that ~tcr brcn:d ia light once, it' 1nust 'forsooth 'WhaL ia it'1' he hiccuped out. be moulded over into lo'aves and set to work Why it's tbe pledge. We 1\·01ot you to again,is a.11 nonsense. It often induces sourne-ss, sign i t, I.ind be a temperance u1an. 'Ve nre certainly mult.iplies la.bor1 and takes time. sorry J'Oll drink, and we want you to leave Well, then, have two tins well grf!ased (butter is A'r off,1 saiil the boy 1 in n.n earnest,decideJ nrn.n· hopeless in these days) ancl divide the dough ner. equally. (I use tw,o quart tins,which, of course, · '\Vho be ye, WI.Hf t1rink of inc, and cure require two"quarts of flour, and over for a. loaf) I a.nd set them to ria:e by the fltove on 11ot bricks, for me ?1 criell the SEt.ilor, beginniHg to co1nwith a piece of ca.rpi::t over the bricks to moder- prehend the nature of the case. 'fhe tears ate the heat, and then ·well cover with warm 1ose to hia eyes and rolled d own his weatl1· woolens. lrt two hours it will be rising like .A.1er- beaten Jace. addin's pa.la~e, an<l when fairly brimwing full, Russian Twilh. Diagon tL!s. ' Y cs, he will sjgn it i he will, know he All Wool pla.ce it in your oven, and you will :;ioQn htwe as Plaid Wincies. :ijomespun. " delicious.,bread to eat as one ought to!expect out will,' shouted the children exulli11gly. French Reps. Plain do. " 'Yes, I will,' said the· sailor; 'ln1t take of Plll."n.ciise. 1 claim thh as original, and only Shawls. Pl a.ids. nsk you to follow. these directions and give us care of me till I get sober-keep me frorn Merinoes. Flannells. the res~l t. Thus L bread-making ceases to be the lantl sharks. God ule" ye-bless ye.' the tax of tirue an(f pa..tlence it usually is, and 'Corru·, go with nm ?1 cried one. the harraesing dunbts atld fears one u.sually gut.s 'No, l'il take hi1n wit.h rne/ ::;;ti.\ a sec· through while following the old method, are quite d11nc away with, I cotild sa.y mucl{ c>Jl · O!Jd. He "'"' lcJ awuy uy Lhc little boy with the philosoph~ of. ba,Jcing bread,, in adjusting thn the children follow~ 'golden in't:.an,? whfoh, ~Iter a;1;is half. A pt'ep the pledgC", the rest of 1 into some of the"cloSed ovena wonld, · f fear, ca.it in~, a!'! happy f:l.F! could be in the prospect of out the exclamation .of the dogs, in Ln.ndseer's redcen1ing the poJr mn.n from the misery of Bo...,.ma:nvill~. ·picture of ' too ho.t, too hi.it.' " These ins1;rucinteruperate ho.bi ts, tions are so pla.in, n.nd the results promised, so September 24, 1874. I blessed the dear children i n my heart, great, that theoy are worth . trying .- JVood's ci.nd prayf:d God to Lle8S ilieir tffortaHousehold 1Jl1igazine. MO'CfltNIN~ GOODS A SPECIALITY t s' .,j; · h ·. I !Jen JS t1.'rnlr$ . ings A Large Stock ol Cloths amcl 'l',·irnrnings, rncide to Oi·dM·. FitB Guai·anBOOTS a.nd SH-OES ! I DBBSSHAK.ING as usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmanvillc, April 7tb,1874. The discerning Public have evidently discovered the right place at which to purchase their BOW MANVILLE VVINTER PURCHASES. .Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co . Ma,nufactures of For the past two months, :McOLUNG BROS.' Sales have been far in advance of Sales for the corresponding months ' of any previou8 year. It is very evident from the way in which Custom and Ready ]\fade Clothing, Overcoats, Shnwls, Dxess Goods, Blankets, Eµrs, Buffalo Robes, aud Winter Goods generally, haye left the Establishment, during October and N ovembcr, th'lt their WOOD AND IRON EXTENSIVE STOCK AKD MODE11ATE PRICES, asked, have been fully !tppreciated. WORKING MAOBINER.i NEFPBL'8 N·Elf · FALL STOfJii Double Turbine Water Wheels, and ~and Fox· the OBSERVE, Ca.stings of a.ll Einds next (30) ---:o:--. - days, REPAIRS doce on the .r NOTICE, \Ve have now on hand a.large quantity of GREATER Attacks tlian aver will be ntade 1 GHEATER Inducements than ever will be o'{!ered ! GHEATER .Bargains than ever wilt be given! Common and Gang Plows, that wil\ be s-:>ld at LOW PRICES · tf. --o-- Bowman ville. ~!arch 6 1873. AT THE SHOP. . Bowmanville, Dec., 1874. ALL COME! ··) Y outh's Medallion. , 1 873. -o- 1873. ---o--. The Disease of the Day: A gentlcmn.n o.skcd n ncgro boy if he wouldA correspondent of the Boston J ourna.l writes : n't take a pinch of snuff. 'No,-' replit'!d the It if:! bny, very respectfully' n1e tank you; Pomp's Paralysis hi becoming n prime disease. not confiued to th1:.1 fleshy, the plt>thoric, nor t u nose uot hungry,' the aged. The fast life of our bmriness young '"'~by Georgie, you are smoking1' excJ.iiimed tnen telle on thflm , · It is a very common thing "n am !tzed moth er, who came uptin her little to see men of tbirt:f and Jihirty.fi ve_, Lald·head· b::iy a~ he wn.<J pnlling n.way at a. ci. '1'n.r, ' N ed, f,,.ebki.·gated, an-1 ,,·&J.king about with canes, no, t111 ; I'm only keeping it hghted for ¬her tLeir undet··pinning knocked ol.lt, with Other boy.' signs 'of premature age. These signs of early ~ udden deaths Conversation nt tireakfo.o:;t ttt.ble :-S1nith -- Wijaknt:ss develop in paralysis. Several Ain't Jolln late in bringing the ma.il this morn. from this cause are very common. iug? Jones- I guess there is something on the h<·Ve occurred in railroad trains; the vibrat.ion pm~tal ca.rd!! that h e <losn't un{lerstR.nd. lle's FJeeming to predispos(' pcrEons to the disease. ~ot loug since a gentleman died in one of our pt·obably rell<ling them over twice. churches.. I.le was interested in a 'case of disci· Thcr~: a.re few si~hts more inspil'ing than JJLine . He made a. re-port to the church on the t li e ~pect::id~ of a s1nn.ll boy 1:1houting along an cae:e, sat down, raid his heaid on the back of the alley way with abnut four feet pf bulldog fastcuseat nnd -instantly expired.· In another case, a e.d t<1 h is tro·niers and floa.tiug in the brc('z~ bem·an, not accustomed tc) ,Public aptlaking, arose hio(l him. to relate his re14,riuus ex~riunce. :He was so ' CoIJfound my ca.rclcs~neE:s,' ~ :)ill a. ten- ye.'l.r- excited thnt he "could so~cely speak. In the ol<l Detroit 1act. ' \Vha.t's the matter ?' n~ked midst of his remarks he w~ seiz.ed with paraly· }1is friend. "\'by I \\J·ule to my girl this sis, and c11r1·fod to his hotne. Our young men morniJ1g, a.nJ d11tod tl:ie letter 1874, 1uHl she'll will ba.\'tl to tone rloWn their style of living if think it is a. yenr old.' . tLey awouDt to anything. 1 -~ TRAVEI.Ll'iR'!.i EYPBU.IENCE .- ' aeted on tbu principle of total abt: tirien~e fro1n all lllcohelic li(F10rs during more Lhau twenty j\·Urs. }fy opi.nion is that the n1ol!t severe labors or pri Vfitions may be undl!rgotte without stimulilnto. I have FALL srrOCK. A BIGis now ragi ng at J:-(,URH Dress Goods of the . . . DRUGS AND MEDICINES at th· TBELEVENS .Newes~ Style. Have you seen Cowle's cheap lDct Cottons? · Bowmanville Drug ·Store, ' - GREY COTTONS of the best mnkc, including the celebrated !NDEISON & fJo. Beg to n.unonncc to the Electors of West Durham and surrounding country, that thej- will sell ~heir immense . . J. HIGGINBOTHAM OlJLD most rt'.! spectfully tender hi13 sinC'ere thanks to bi~ numerous friends nnd customers, and to the public ge nerally, for thti very libo?ral aoµpol't he has received since his com1nencing in businesa; and hopes by con· t inuecl strict personri.l attention to business, and offering riot hing b ut tht1 pl.lrt!st articles. a.t the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continua.nee of pnhl ic patronage. J. H. would call special attention to his very supel'ior-'s tock of W "8TO RM ONT. lOct Oottons at Oowle's···Bplendid . value, STOCK OF BOOTS & S. HOES. , At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. 'Su you tnki.:: le~so ns in clra wing.SaJ.lie?' 'Yes and tbe t eacher so,ys I'm an a.-pt pupil, as t dr!l.w more inference , iD.<iinuation~, admirers,and allowance than tiny other girl in the acn.demy.' An int:briatcd nHL\1 w~lking a.long the street, rngardt11.1 _the mvon with soY~reign contempt: 'You nce11u't feel ~o proud, ' ho said' you are full only once evc1 ·y month, and I nm e\·cry night.' · Th e .vll l uf a. resident of l\fiddleaex, Del.. reccutly rl eco;IJ)etl, contains the following clar.use: 'A1 1d I bc..:quef;ith to my heloved eon John the r:1nr1 of one dolla.r, with whkb to buy a top elong r.ud 1:1trong- enough t() ha.n'{ that lria:h w ife of his. i A 1'-fi~ourian wl10 ~ttend'e<l ·pray(ll' tneet~ng \dlh his daughter felt compf'lled to rise up and remark : ' I waut to be g-ood a._nd go to hfrl.ven, but if those fellows don't stop winking a.t 1\.fary there will be a good deal o( prancing ar,,und here the fust thing they know ?' Beef 1'ea.-Six pounds of the flank tc>fbeef,c.:.i.t in small piecefl ;- boil in tWo quarts of wnt er until tendt:r, 'lh~;a.. put in a dozen potatoes a do.ten onions'· and four turnips; cover it eo that the stea.m .aball not eeca.pe ; salt. and pepper to tho tast.e. , . 0 T)YE STUFFS which a.re sure to give t1rn buRt satisfaction, A well selected stock of and he is determined to continu~ to sell at these rninously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he cnn do it-First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what ho can't buy che;ip enough, he manufactures '.Fhircl, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash; Filth, he sells at bottom prices. -o- PRIN1 S 1 of ·unequalled ;~I;;"~vtiai~i~'i~Sb~~;·;scha~:~~iun~o;~;~;;;;: 1000 pr:J. Mi.!se.' P ebal and Buff Bal11wrals, a.t 1.60, prw pair, for OASH O])rLY. , STYLE and Q"C' ALITY STOl\MONT 1000 Pairs Women's, Misse,s' and Child'· F;lt Boot .., th· whole to be sold for CASH ON LY. - - o---, 01ill early itnd secure your Winter S\lpply, while .the rush is going on 11t · A Suvge:Jtion .- Ba..-e the tea lea.Vea for a few <la.ya, then steep them in a. tin pail or pau for a · sieve, a.nd use ha.If an hour1 strain throug.h _ the liquid to wash all the varnJshed paint. It requires very little '" 'elbow-polish/) as the tea wets as a Rtrong actergent, cleansing the ~pa.int from a.U its impurities, and making the varnish SHOULDER-BRACES, equal to new. It clen.nS wi11dow·aasheS'and ,oilSUPP0RT:ERS, Etc, Ek clvtbs ; in·qeed, 1ny varni"'alled snl'fa~ i~ iinprov· ed by its application. ~ lt washes \Vi11dow·p~ues k;pt (.Ou ~tantly on hund. and mirrors m~eh b'e tter than water, . u.nd fa exOILS, PAINT, cdlent for cleaning blao'k walnut, picture, a.nd looking-glMe frames. It will not 1do _ to ·.vash COLORS, VARNISHES, unvarnished pa.int. with it. DRUGS, CBEMIOALS, PATEN:f 111EDIOINES, BRUSHES, OOJlfBS, CA..LL AND BEE FOB YOUBSELVES, AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examine the stock, Which comprises everything in the trade, of the very Iateat and most clegflnt Stylea and patte.i·1IB, of Engli1:1h, Canadian 1 and .American roanufacturo. 001 TON BAGS, THE 1 ANDERSON & CO'S., Fowrnanvillc, Dec, 10th, 1874: BEST -o- o-· Ht still continues Co manufacture to 01·dcr, from the best of ma,terial, f.lnd nono but first-clnss wc-rkmen kept. iil the World. I = -===========:::::::;====================-==-=-=-== Boot Be Shoe Bm.poria:m.. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ho has in ~tock an eudless vru-iety of La.dies' and Gents' Sara tog~ Trunka, . 'vhich ho i'.e selling clieap for cas-h . Specia! Line of COTTO.VS at GOWLE'S. TO THE PUBI_j~[C. '7 alises, &:c., 11.ll of 'VALTER 'VIGG & SON, N rot urning tha.nka to their numerous cu!Jtomere a.nd th" public ~l'lnerally, · for pa}!t 1favors, \vould respectfully invite their attention to our pre!ent 11tock of furniture, .a.a 'f.'e ha'\·o lntely a?ded .thereto, that we may thereby be enn.bled to ~upplr all parties who may pJcaeo to favor lum '\V1th a .call~ Great inducemcnt!J held C'!ut to tho1Jeo purchasing ei.t our eata hhsl1ment: · Pic h:res, Lo~lung_ G la~se~. etc., sramed to order, t\nd in every style. Samples of tho different k1nd of :\Iould1ngs can ho $eed a.t t l1c ware·roora. We would also beg to inform. you th<it, having purcllAsed a. ' Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" drawn b:t T.wo-Jij>ra~a, Kl11e Bowman ville, l\fay 13, 1874. - - o- ~t· READY-~1ADE and WHI'l'E LEAD · M. Tl.ELEVEN. at the very lowest prices. The Gastric Juice. '\Yell, farmer, yo 1l told: as your place was a Horses and Cattle Medicines. goOO place for hu.nting ; now we've tramped it Professor Sil~inu1.n, in a late lecture, for three ho.urs and found no ga.me. ·-· Just 10, N. B.-·Country store-keepers supplied on w~ll I calculate 1 af3 a general thing, that the stated t11at the gastric juice, which is the the most advantageous terms. A t::hoice selection of J... AMPS for cale cheap. n, lVOn~d pour into tess game there is the more hunting you baNe.' g.zeat agent of digesti6_ B.1wma'lvi1le. DM~. 186S. Gm. the stomach 1'\1 hen any food or other sub~ Recently the loca.l paper at Grass Vo.Ucy ~1.1id :- 'The Pnittiest girhi in Grass Valley Good CLOTHING and Cheap. SPLENDLD NEvV HEARSE, NEW D0.~1IN " doesn't cn.rry herself straight enough whenp1·omenading,' For a week a1fter that aJl the: Gre.s" v~ alley girh1 atalked about like r;o tnany ramrods ; nnd every girl aaid, 'T·hi:.t horrid paper ~? 1'ia, dont I walk straight?' A £oldier of a. cavalry regiment was brought up for stealing his comrade's liquor ration. He was an Irishman, and his def once wo.'3 un.ique ::.._'I'd be sorry, indadc, surr, to be calle-1.l n thief! I put the liquor in tho so.me bot.Ille, ».nd mine was u.t the bottom; and sure I wa.s · obliged to drink his to get out iny own.' ·You haYe a pleasant home and a bright fireside, with happy children sitting ~round it~ l1aven't you !' said the J u<lgeL 'Yes., sir,' said Mr. 'rhornpson, whu thonght he saw a way ont. of the diffii-::ulty. '\Yell~' sald Urn J wlge, 'i.t the happy children sitl\["()Und th~'cheetfu l fi reside until you retu.re:) they will" stay there just forty.three da:rs.. ~s I shall ba\'0 to send you up for that time/ SL.JG·H:l'LY MlS'l'~\ KF.N.--Some stance .is placed lliere. · This juice, he said, "'!ls easily tUkeO fr.o~ the stomach, a.nd l1e !had a bottle of it. The liquiJ was at the J?Tesent time appar0ntly pure DS it was ten years s:tgo. It bad the peculiar property o0f sell-preservation, or of resisting putre· fuction.-f woul_d, if warmed to blood heat, Jissolve rneut in a. wiu.e glass. ,Ile ~a i d he had never con1e to any other eat1sfactory conclusions as to its character frun1 his at· te1npts at analyzing it ; . a· rl h~ harl sent a portio1 1 of it to one oJ the 1nost earne<} and skil fu l chco1 istl!l of "Europe, but he wa~i aDle to throw hut very little l ight upoU the subject. But 1his, ProfcSSor. SJ.said he did kr.ow. that it .hJ.d no uffinil)·. with alcohol, Straw-Cutters ! FRUIT, Confectionery Depot. -.Grain Grinders d AND shall be ready at a. l times, to attend fnuera.Ie:, on short notice and reasonablEl ter1ns. Clothing :U: ade to Orcle . w~N. B.-Coffin~.. kopt on hand, and made to order, a.t the . ·as WI-IO LESA LE- and RETAIL ~ FEED MILLS. the way. It is a well-known Frtct that Cowle lias tlie best Tweeds-' in the countr.v. 1-l"othing Cheape1· lha.n tilt, I Oct Oowle's. IN RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. ~ UODBIS' Ju13~ arrived, and for Sale, at the above <lepot Another ca r load ol the above riobl4" 11,rticleis on ---------·----Cottons · Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most lasting, the leaot troubleeome, a.nd Thay are used mo$t · co1nplete ever invented. and recommended by ruo,11~ of thf best Breedem in th e United Stattia an<l. Ua1ul.da, such aa G. B, Loring,), Salem, ~10.ss. 1· President New Engla,nd Wool lltl,wi:ira' Soci.ty; John S. Ross, Henne· pin, Ill. ; Professor l\.L )files, of the Ste.to Ag· ricultural College, Lansing, Mich, ; Hon. Geo. Broivn, 'l1oro:nto, Ont. ; John Sncll 1 Edmonton, Ont. On each l\Iark is stamped the o'vner'e name and the Sheep's number. .They ,will be sent j1·cc, by mail, ot· express, for Qnly fou~· ccnt.s each, and will last for 'l'WEN"rY Yl!lAltS. P- CMh must accompany all order~ hawa, Aug. 2tith 1 ·1870. King Street East, Oshawa. The Satisfaction given by CARRIAGE SHOP New F?·uit ancl Confectionerys, (west of the Ontario Bank.) Choice Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, DATES. FIGS. LEMONS ORANGES TO ARR; VE Soft Shell Alm10nd.1,l·'ilb,rts, JJraziland Wall Euls, ](eille1"s _.1_'11.ctrrrnalade, lYest India Please call at tbc now ' THESE lliARKS ARE THE CHEAPEST. MAN VILLE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. J .iDIES, King St .., llowmanYi.lle. Bo\YUHtnville, D\lc, 6, 1872. nlO. BLANKETS ' Large Variety IK BARNUM . ' i Kii1g Street, Bowmanville. ['rese·r..V/Jd .Gingo.r, Pcp,r&, Pli!.ms, To-niatoes. & l~eache.s, Green Peas, Green. Corn d!; Lima BeanJ. rtlHE. subscriber is prepared to build and re· .1 p~ll' . . · · WinceysHs. Dea.d. Job SOMETHING NEW AND DURABLE. l\'.IONEY and J.JAilOH. snved French Tih:iE Oil P olish. Thi!\ J?rench Oil Polish is pre· pared for Carriages, Bugp_ics, Harness, Boots ! s eclipsed by the sa.tfafaction given by 8:\IALE to his numerous patrons. .lie is now pleased to anno.unce that he has ori hand a. !arge and · \·ll.ricd 1.1.ssortn:-ent of and that they 'v~re in their nature aud at~ tributes totally diverse, and pos~e~e.d counti:r~\ct.ing qualities. Our Dominion Excelsior Raspberry Vin egar,Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines Tomato Sauce and ·PJckles 'rh ey have corn~ and are ·comicg. ARCIHBALD YOUKG, Ju., .N. B. ·-·Specia I inducement given to S.lfiia, Ont. Or<iers addressed to the 1\:fERCHNT n.nd On· BE.RV ER Office, foI any quantity, will be filled at tbe above-mentioned· price, as qltickly a.El he Ivlarka can be made and s~nt. U. BARKER, BD"w1nauville, Doc. 28th, 1871. n:113 ly BOOTS AND . SHOES of the best quality, and is a.nx:ious that they · sh.all set to work as soon as possible . Wagons, Bug?Jies, und Cutters, cf e.very <les(.tipt. ion, at sl1ort notice, and o reaaonable t ern1~. Touching Gratitude. Depot. ttt the Fruit CASH Purchasers. time since a p:trty ~f inspection went through Durham Cn.stle~ One {)f the n1osl ,toucl1iOg instances of ~Phc 'lions' were !!'ob.own to them by an elderly : J.>Tatitnde is nlleged {0 bav~ occurred il l "the en1a.le of a sour, solemn aud dignified nspect. country the other d:~y~ .A.. httl1::1 hoy, the · ln thti course nf their peregrin:itionE.I they ca.me cln ld of a, wee,ltby 1oother 1 Dun1bled into to the ceh.·brated t<Lpestry tot· whic4 the car.tle is so famed. the 1iv6r. He wast res'c ued by a working· SHELL & SHELLED OYSTERS QUA &ITY u the test of GHEA PNESS. Carriages Painted and Tr inn: c {. T. DARLI:'fGTOK. BowmRnvillA: Dec. 4th.1873. n9-tf irrhese,' said ~he gui<le,in a true showman style flavored with.a dash of piety to suit the subject, and pointed to se veral groups of fi gures upon the tapestry-' These represent scenes in the lift of Jacob.' 'Oh yes-how pretty!' said a. young la.dy; and with a la.ugh, pointing to two figures in !oroewhat close proxim~ she continued, ·I 1;uppose that is Jacob kiaoii ng Ilac:h~l 1' 'No nm.dam,' tei:11ond~d t.be illdigr1ant guide1 with crnf!hing dignity 1 ·that is Jacob wrt"lstlino:with the angel.' The 1neu haw-hawed , the young lady l,'mbsid-ed, and offered no further exposifory remarks, but groaned undc:r a sense of un\vorthint!1:!i5 dur· ing the rest of the visit. man, 9.tld rt:sto red lo his proken-bearte,,d parents. The wo.man ~ave. the man a ven. on the oy p6atage sto.1np, 1iud ·sairl sl1e would be gJad to b" a.vc bi~n eon1 e to her bo1l1e 8!11d sit flUt jn th~ e.atry, and hear _lier play, Lh. e ..., ia.no. He went a'1ta'-· · with tears in bis P " evee. He ·l'aid he \vasuit nse.i to st1c.h over· There was o~ce au o1cf wot.nan \Yho,in answer to a \'isiting almoner'.':! inqniries a.9 to bow she did, said, d 1 Oh, eir ! the J~ord is very goo to _ me. I've lost my husband, and my ~lde~.t soa, and my youngest dunghter, and I'tn ho.If- .A Bl premh~ei;,,were ac k ~ }lffilt h' special atten tion is given to a.ll s. Sh op Dressma.klng, &c. Miss ~eal Volould b~g to inform the ln.Qies of B0-wma.nvHle and vicinity. that she is prepnred to take orders for Dressmaking, ,.~nd fill the same~,vith dc~pa.th in the ; work, ::Lnd General Jobbing. and Shoes, and all kinda of Leather. lt will give any article of Leother, a most brilliant ap. pea.rnnce, and at the same timo, from its oily properties, tends much to prf'scrvc it, it will o.lways be moist a.nd pliunt i nnd may be exposed to water and wn.shed, and will not lose its brillianct~, and it .is not to be feared that any crust will settle on o;aid Leather when pr..:ser\red with tho above Oil. For the woodwork of Doggies, Uarriages-, and FtLrnitu1·~, there is not a better article in use. 1\-Ianufactured by A. Suio:t.~ & Co. , Tannefs m1d Carriers- form erly of France, now of Phileodel/Jhia, Pa,, 1:rJ1:1tructiona-Sha.ke bottlo. A few ( rops on a piP-ce of sponge.apply it lightly to the leatber, and you will obtain tire finest lustre. Price 75cts. per hottle,or $7.50 pei· dozen. ,JOHN SMALE, Sole Agent, Howman-ville. F. Y. ·c0w1e 1 All P:t'ices, All Sizes. · All Xinds. Ladies' Prunella Congress at 80 cents " " Balmorals, extra high cut · · · - $1~25· REMOVAL. S. MASON wis hee to iuform his numerous friends and c:us tomors that hP.- ha~ l'emnved to SO, lIO ! NOT SO FAST. Gentlemen of Fa.sh.ion. Noth.inti to Beat it. ---I have written these few lines _.\.nd all I ha.ve to say, That you can find me still,at h{lme I am not gone away ; So all my kind old frlends mn:r comei ; And nll the young ones too And get their gH.rnlenta uicf:ly made In fa~hions that are new.: Where old and youug dm~.r friends may ineet A welcome greeting by R. PEATE. Bowman ville, June 19th 1873. GENT'S BOOTS. Rubbef Goods, Felt Goods, July 16th, 1874. 41-6 mos. BUCKLER'S OLD STAND where he will be fo1u1d witl1 the most rom etc assortment. uf Trunks1 .&c. Special l\ttention giver.. to ~he1rning kindness. ". All 1voi·lc clone a~ this Establishme'n.t warranted;. A call ii! rcepoctfully solicited. .T. MORRIS. Harness, CANIZED PEN~ CUTTING AND FITTING and none but fust.cla211 work1nen em11loyed, thus insuring goo<l value e\'ery cnac, S'fOl:tE.-Onc door -aast of CorniHh's J 1.nvelry tore, King Strt:et, Ilowman viUe. Rowma.nville 1 Sept. j3rd, 187;~ LATEST PASI-IION. Bo·wn11\nYille, Oct. ) st, 1869, Hr experience fnlly warr~i:it~ btir in promising satisfaction.· ReBidence, Corner of Church Street, and Market Sqnare. Bownmnville, Dec. 4th, 1873. I t:IH1 :z;.:xclusive agent fol' th e Ba.lei 11f my VTIL· hn.vc this day u.p-pointed Ml{. 0. BARKEH for Bowman ville, Ont. Whips, Trunks, &c. BucH'ler'a old stand one door cast of Mayuard'a Hotel, Bowmanville 1 Sep. 1st.. 1873 . ,TOSh:PH MASON.,P. P. J. J.JACOBS. 13oW1nanville, Sept. 10th 1 1874. m·tf. J. SMALE . '!- ·