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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 29 Jan 1875, p. 1

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· . · THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Cucula.tes largely in the 'l\nv11sh1ps of Darlington, Clarke and Cai-:twdght. It HI a common pla~for1n, open to theixee discussion v( all quesns in ~·hn:h the general public arC' oonc.:erncd. .'..J:.EH.')18. ,, · f WEST DURHAM Steam Job :PrintingO:fRoe KING S1REEl', BowxANVILLE Seventy·ftve cents per annum1 in Ad vance. The 'Mercha;nt' and Obser· ver,' $2.00. RAT-ES OF ADV .1!.Rl'lSil\G. I· AND· GENERAL ADVERTISER. . " VOJ... HME VI. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1875. despe1ate situation inhabited my bosom alone. I detcrnnned tu unfold ·l! First I engaged 1odg1Df;S in the o;i ly locality ~\'he1e A Retrospect I was able to find a conlidmg landlady ; then I Dulled Bessie 111, locked tb'e door, Bl \IC KIE SPENOER and re;taled ever~\ thing-. She fa1nteU, of In n1y frantic state, I believe I The friends of tbep~tst-oh, where me Lhey nowo; course. threw a shovel of coals on her instead of a Do Urny thwk I neglect n.nd fon~et? Do th~J deem I "'ear the seal on my bro"r µ1kbe1 of water; but )et, dear girl, not a Of a lrni1Jptness ne· el to l!tet ~ rep1oach foll from her hps. I asked her \.Yell would it bl) <:11111tl t,he mask hf1 so \\ orn sunply "hat""' lo be done l 'Write to }\ s to hide from the curJrJllR eye papa.' elle sobbed 'lle will forgive us, I 'lhe sad d1s11ppo1ntments we btvi;e fb(11ne1 know i ~ t · '\Vhile the s" 1ft, cll'chug} earR n·cnt by. I P rocured the neceesary t=tat1onery (1n ' ' Dut b IBe is Lhe heatt ~hat for ou~ht can fq!"'ego excb1nge tot o. coat left with a relative), The cb~rm of a f111'ndsh1p that's true 1 and Ent do\' n to con1po.!!c an epistola1 y In all the fa.lsc glitter that 'Vl'ealth can be~tow, heart-\\r1nger. Tbe effect, viewed in a~ But an e1npty bauble I \lfl\'i purely literary hgh~, \Vns a n1asterpiece. It No, I i;lo not fo1gct, tn plea8iure 'or pa.1n, rend like Sheridan's speech in the Ha.stlrJgS rlb1;1 olfl scenes a cha:r1n for me hold~ And all I h.H C known I would fa111 greet agarn case I! old Molecrap should be curious I With the l1enrt) "elcome of old enough to read It, success \\as quite Gel { ' !~UMBER XVIII POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, ~OTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKE'l.'S, &c, &c, &c. EXECUTED IN Fl~ST CLASS STYLE POETRY. CC)ME and SEE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Tr,uns will lea\ c Bo\'rmanv1lle Sto.t1on, Howmauv1lle tmie, as follows GOING WES'l:. GOl~C. EAST. 11 · HILL'S Local , 7 22, a..m. J Express . 1£xprcss* 9 27 a.m ' ]i.1ixflfl ~I1xed , 2 30 pm ! I;ocn.l f~xpress 9 00 p m 1 l.!.xpress *l'h1s tra.i11 runi' e~cry morning 8 20 fL In 4:-05 Pm N 1 EW ---··o.--A LARGE LOT OF 7t GU P m LI 00 P .m of \\eek, by the pu bhc , and so my compamons agreed \e:ry well But I never had such a fra1up in u1~ hfe In the vai1ous towns I Vl"tted thus I must bave walked a thousand miles Ah, j ou ungrateful puss,' he con eluded, k1Ra1ng my Bess, 'you see · w hat a fool of a lathe? you" But be was a regular old trun1p, was M·Jor M , and I shall believe rn hm\ to the last. Regardrng msself, it" siertam, If he had not atepped m so opportu11ely, the end would bn,·e been very bud for me To say the truth, I beheve I was f:J.Uite crucke<l. at one time lh~ t so goes the~ wolld ' Heighbo ! John, bnut{ rny slippers A Ride for Life ?tlondays exl:t.Jpted, l'he iollowtng tratnQ now stop at S.1xony for passengers L ocal going west, aue at ~11xed going east, due at M ixe<l. go1ng west, due at Local go1ng ea:'.lt, due at ~Ioutretll time. An innocent Granger. A fartl.1er-we call l11a1 thn1th', for short -hves in 1\.:Ia<l1son county. Ky, and wnu'd be known; ot ll·ast by reputation, to nHiny of our r~ader.s were his right give11 But the incident we ·now 1elate, thongb. 7 30 a. u1 3 40p m 2 55}) Ill 7 45 p Ill LADIES' a,nd GENTS' Bowmanvilh· Nov 1st, 1873 VERY Ftr~S OI-IEAP J. CHAPLIN, fruit and 01namcntal, S('cds, BulU~i 1 Floiver~. &c, &u. 1lr C. guM ant~nrn1sh nothing bu t First clase: trees, and true to name. 4<ldresa, P. 0. Box ti5 Bowmanvlllu Jan 22nd, 1875. bp-ly-1nl7 oi DEAL.EB l N Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGERY---SILVER ST '3i'i" . NJght call!! aDS\\ercd ut 1Jr Boyle's ol<l Snr gcry, or at Dr Rc1d 11:1 rm:11dence Bowwanv1lle, Jan 14th, 1!~75 16-tf Prof. Compos1~1on, J. Ruse, 41-ly of B.txter Un1venntyof1'-Ius1i.; GR!\.DUATE F11endah1p, New York. &c Teacher of Piano and Organ, cu1b:tiat1on o Voice, S1or::-1ng, Thorough J3ass, Harinony ' Darhhgton, July 16th, 1874. :e. PEA.TB, TAILOR. MADE IN 'Il:il1: 1 Gentlemen's & Boy's Garment s bEWEST s rYLES. 180~. Bow1nnnville, .Tul_y, 27, It R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN GilANOJiJRY, & c 0:F.FIOE -O'iier 1'iI~'s Store 1 game £la t as J }1. 'J311m::i.comb's f)8ntn.l Roonis J;,ov;rr.anv:ille, Oct 27th 1 18(i8, ly MARRIAGE ISSUED DY LICENSES } r:: ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. H EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Cur1 ll1. Darhng"ton (1H ar TI1;;tlJe~cla Clnl'ch) 1S clnly niithonzed. 't0 1ssne 1\[a.illage :Cwenr-:el3 ])ru;hngton_, ~O\ 19_,_ 1~74 rnS tf ·~/Pt JOB NEW GOODS! ' I W. H. ='\iVILSON ' -' RQWMAKVILLJ>, PIANOS, ORGANS, MEL ODIANS and SEWING 11£.AG HINES Stock .Ful·ly !ssorf,etl. ,' I· .. --o-- General Agent for ----·., o .--- · GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES ·! a AT Raymond S(lwing Machip.e. A SP.EOIALITY. Instruction given, and Inst1u1neuts runl }if chines guara.utecd l:lowmanv1ll1;1A June 18, 1874. · J. & W. J McMurtry & Co. SIGN 0}1-, rl'HE GOLDEN LION, l AUCTIONEERS For the Townshilp of Dar linglo1i. BOWKANVIlI"LE. Sept 25th, 1874. H. T. PHILLIPS, H..\:MPTON Pr01npt attt.ntion gwe-n to sales &c.: 1 on reason· able te~ros Wm. BB.'l"ton~ ENNlSKILLEN. Sales pron1ptlv at.tended tci on reasonable term8. Robert Young, _, po1ntment VeLiJl 1na1y Su1geon to the \Ve st Du1ha1n and Dnrhngton l..Tn1on Ag11cu ltn1 al V l"l1 ERIN4 .\RY S1JRGEON, G1adu11te of the Ontario Veterinary College By np- Offic~ - One"lioor east of l'.t l\:[ ~1nng's F1 ff' 1ri.tu:i:o Wa101001n Re1:11<l.~11cfl'Ovcr S. Burden'!! store, corner of Kmg u.nU Scug.e;g Street .. , Bowmnq\tllle. mltf Societ1es · Agent for the Ln e Stock Tu o.nch 1,.1f tl\0 Beaver and 'Pm onto 1\'.lut:1ial }.. , 11 c· Oo Yeteuu;;il'y_ "'"'ltfed1ci.nes constantly on h~n d Qalb from the country pro'°' atte.o de1 J t0 ' , .. HE Subscribe1 rcsPcctfuily re(lµ esta all par T t1e.s inde'bted to lHl'.H to sett le their accounts without furthet clela.y .t\.nd he (1,t.t:··l.~111nbe r, herebY inforn;ie bu1ld~l"li. 1nd others in want of lun1ber.1; that hc--1s i:; to supply: th~in ·t <; ra~es for C?\8h JI c'Yi cefortl} he 1nt~nd " to do a ca~h btullncss: ~'!'HOS SMl 1 ff , Lot ]9, 6 {'on. J >arlll:iJto11 1873 .. ~ in8tf F OH. S.A.L..1£ in any quant1ty 1..ApvlY to W !Lbl YI Sl>EAH Chu,rcli Street, nca1l;y:. ep.pusite tho i.\.ln1a. 'Hot el owman nlle. ;r 19th 1870 tf NEWGOOD-S My New Goods have AllAN LINE -STEAMSHIPS. F ,, j Liverpool £?ndon, _ani Glasgow on. Ticket;;, ~Jr )nf1. i-m.atiOll1 apply to '\V · ... 1-, NE.A.DS, A!t&n t. !1owma.nv11le 1 .T11n~ Yth, 1871. tf ~30 NI~ARLY ALlj COME rro HANl) AND to few outsiders 1n bis neighborhood. Far~ mer Snnth hved 1n a qu1et v.:ay, ond was suppose<.l to have acGun1uln.teO. sonictb1ng Of all that in yea1 s gone we puzed, Of the hones that shone with fl' uch dazzlmg ah~aa, besides ha \·1ng a pretty good farm gleams, I After hJS second aon had been tnarr1ed about IIow much l1a\: c "e realized a. ycnr, he concludecl to settle near the old mau 1s 1f be coula rent a place. Kot all that \\'e wmhod smcerely, Not po:we:r, or v.;ealth, or frunc, Hearing of thrn, b<lr l'hompson-rrgrun Not one of the ]wpes \.lie lo\'ed so dea1ly 1 we withhold the true 1 name- thought there ~o title or soundmg n:urHJ might be a chaucc to l:lell u certain place on t l3ut bt!t.tc1, a hfe 'mid the meek and lowly, pretty fan means, Mr. Thompson wns a Whom the Saviour deigned to bleHf'I, Inoney-loaner, and nutlnng BLnteJ. hini so 'Vhoso footsteps through \Ve fvllow sloVI ly well as good rnterest,!Jacked by good securOu~ guide, II1s righteousness ity, and he wns moreover generally consideteu a pretty shrewd trader · He rode over to see old 1nan Snuth, but the farmer sa1d he <ltd not feel able to buy- he mi1;ht buy on ctljtl1t, 1f trhe prICe was low e11ongh nnd A TALE OF A TRUMPETER the interest wa.13 not too btgh His sou {Concluded ) Jackcy, he said, would have to pay for the Befo1e we entered the train I took niy tarm h1m~~lf it the trade was made, but hrn dear girl by the arm and ·poke to her thus, son waa · good farruer, and, he tho i~ht ·Have you thought fully over th,,, uarwould be .<11 light-at least the land would hn()' 1' be there, Utul woult.l Ue good Joi \\hat le· whtspered the words 1n a yoi,e of con mamed tmpaid ii Lis son should fail. What centratcd e~notion seeocd to st.rtle the olcl fello\\ """ the ' Yes,' she returried 'What IS) our pr~ twelve !Jer Cent lntetest t!Jat trhornpson In sent1mC'nt as to the end 1' s1ateU upon demanrhug ' Happ1neas ! and yet-' Flnally, ho\\ ever, aiter a great Ueal of 'And yet I' ~alk, the p11ce \\as agre~d 011 at twenty 'And yet I remembered son1ethu1g In thousRnd dollar" one-fifth cash. anu notes s111te of a11, the thought ot 1t n1asters me 1' at one, two, three, and f'our ) ears, y; 1th Reosie turned pale, I ha,tened to ex· twelve pljr cPnt 1nt1~rest honl date, for the 1 retn:i1nder The contract was drawn, and P arn. 'The trun1petf':i 's threat. s'i\ect YoL1 c~· they wete about to f!lgn, whetJ the fur1ner u1em b c1 t h e giant wit h th e t u b e oI L !;..tSS 1 ( r l suggestPJ. that 11 he should at any time get , " .1 uet b .. l:<.!ore ue Jl ed 1ron1 th a t j a1a1 scene, 1 1e [ phyx10." ·1\ bile thts was m I rogress, should steo.l up - stair~, euter the roon1 of wore mane~ t11an ~·a::. due on the notes he l an expression of 111aglare <l upon ine \\it1 wanted ·to be n1lowed to pay 1t, and' connt , - k th bl d that demon who possessed the trnmpet, l ignant l1ate:: nnu spu e eeP 1er11 e w or s, l I h off the twelve per ceut. 'rhc propos1t1on h II ' I ll l\ t , grabble him l:>y lhe throat, c 10 <e im to " ' \,y-e i= a 1neet again wi nun vou h l:lel'med 1enson11ble eno,l'gh lo Thompson, 1 · h· I h b t k. dent hi nud fhng . bra instrun1ent into t e acd he could not object to its insertion 1n I t wasTml g ost Yvoice-g o~t1yh, " brod- fire. Then I should descend again to my en ien as you are nv;nre, e \an1a e the contract and so the docutnent wus s1iin M 1 ' l I 1 d th t th ht room, he do" n and inhale the fumes of.the Y ove anc en ere e rain oug ·· cbarconl to i1n1sh m eelf A dismal pro- ed in1<l.uphc<'te The deed ~vas to be ready, In a few boors we wern w South· gran1me ' 1 :(100,r Byeae1~, \VCa k o.c d l 11 (or J · the notes drawn, and the · hr~t p;i.yment fully. hampton. V{e were marr1erl an d I beIieve 01ndr- on the follow111g 8 aturda.y. · b B t( i<·nt of loo\!, nta her ap,ple an<! b1'cn1t mv· happy. Y es for t h e tnne eing u par· .. ""hen the t1nie arrl\· ed, boJL ~,yere punC· cnou~ly don the rnsamty of thelremurk, it yon, d eern , H l "' I k d tually ou hand, t:he hrBt four thousand \\as · H h ' ave Hotne t 1 B1e a~ e , it necessar)) I 11ave a conscience. it er , 'l'h I l ' , I l h ' an ..:s1 ove 1 rep1ied v11t a paid, and tlH:i notes were ready for signature 1 1 , ~e a. w I Id b e1\st to it slept now it a woke h k l\Ir. 'fhoo1pson/ said Farmer Santh, ' r h h d k snnlc 'I am not hungry. 1 I was o. begger 1 The 111onev t at a ta ' 'J. ve been tlnok1ug about that interest, and b b "d I t · 11 I b d 'Not hungry 1 I could have dcvour~d my. en uie on t IS r1t a our ';as a ~ a vCTv45Ciot S"' !",,__. .... and it seemed skerry, so I thought I'd g'a\hbeen able to scrane together rn tile w0it · er in sorne little n1oney I had out, and pay When 11 slinnlrl go - then-then dcsprur, Well, she _ foll .,Jeep at last. assured my part ot it, and'-pulhng fron1 lus breaet he myself of tlus, t hen stopped up the "111· plS t ol e, or razo1s, an d a d ar l{. r Iver , then t 1 pocket a .rq_l 1 of 111oney-' J 1st Con nt that,~ , 1 <lows anc~ doora, .i;;hppad out, ancl. stole l\ pan M d h0 , The tnoney \\as counted, and, with twel\ e I ibde np with my bllde Ill a ournage, of my hnj]Jady · cbareoa!. l ltt , t, put ti pen cent uff, the firet. note \\as ¢i.1d "t '1 near my wife's nose, then crept out of the b ut bl uc k care sat a l ways b e h incl I fea" et When Tl1ompson had pocketre<L the roon1 again, and 11p 8ta1rs The 1nfe1ual 1 l t b l k lt 18 true; ut tie e ~ e e on \\US a '-' ays a t f l n1011cy oga1n Snuth sa1d trumpet was gomg fur10u·IV opened the 1 I went t o t b tl p1ay, b n t co11,t lle b oaxc ~ ~h 'I've got a son ln in' rn ftfrnf;our1, J.Ir · d f d W th door without knocking arnl entered 1 e sc1enceh stooh orefver alt my si e. di l little man wlth red hatr ana \\bl'skeis wa~ rrhompson, and as sonn as he hen.rd I was everv our t 1s in i::tna tnisery 1ncrease .. buyn:i,' a fa.rm fox Jakey, he sent 1ne n httlc · d 1 dt b 1 Bittrng by the wmdow, bellowrng tbrough grew absent In n1y nun ' a ra1 o e a one, his tube with a v1 ::tor erfeetl' aston1sh111 r money'-pullrng a icll trolu htS· right Biele su·p1010us, dl8t1 nstfnl, 1rntable-rn short, a · d<l g l p A )h ,_ hg , t The sigbt ma enec tne. t t e insi.i:~nt e b1eeche:s pocket- ' .lnd so whatever 1t 1s, middle sort of a maniac Strange o say, 1 ked I d d h h d d we'll cr~tht 011 the n~x.t note, if )OU havt:i 1 oo up u1a e a as at im,ao t'\'.lne through all there was an uutI elcturen t 1 as ' · no objection ' _. f h 0 t t 1 H my fingers 10uud hto fat throat, He squeel· it wi:re, 0 ti e erman rumpe ei e ed \~'heeled and splutterw1 but I was mer· , ..t\.go.1n tbe n1oney wns counted, aud, with seeJned In :some degrE'e responsible 1 for Bll ' 1 ~ thti tWtinty-f0ur per cent off, JUSt pard the , ciless · ,-.. thlB 1 dreamed abo·1t lnm, I Jancml t hac N l l d fi · I , note , ~9 a cent ,, 1 I recognised him 111 <l1o:gu1sa dogging 1ny ' 0 i sir ' ex:c aLme .e~; Y; )~~u 'VVell, ~hat'~ luck,' rc'lttr.1cd the old mnn, footsteps 1 I thought I heard lu~ \Oli.;e sh ~ l not be free? Thn.t Lrumpet bas era!'anU i1ow, J.1.v Thompson, t:be old won1an < d m) brain For \\'eeks "I lrnve S1>!t;D no ' Ne, er '\\as anytlnng like 1t. ':rhe idea of has been RPlhng right smart of bntter and this tnu.n took entne posse~s1on of n1y soul rest Toir;ieulor ! you die" 1u He burst from Jue, ga\·e & yell, <larted egg.:i, unLl so1ne cL1<'kens uov.' and then, Heaven!:!, ho\v would it eoa 1 bacli, and drew off Ins red Lian· and wbis'k- wheu tbt'} came ronntl the country a·buy~ One day I was !:illltog by Beesie dnnking I-Jang ~e if it wasn't ]tfaJor Mole- ing aud she told me ttns n1orn111' thflt I bet ·~ 1'0lne \\ 1ne-for I had nov; secretly taken to era. Ler take what sbe had, 1nd n:iaj be tt trap r drink, though nobody knew the extent of · loo] wouldn't Caine anuss. 1 'Y~ung ma11,' Raul he, '.)Ou're a tn.) ~xcess in this dHection-when all of a A roll was produced f1om the left stde sudden below our window sounded forUT a Where's my diughtcr I breeches p(1cket, and "hen counted, , I could not answer. crash It was the gip"j cborua fto1n the , paiJ tbe tlm 1 n 'te aftei Lh e tbirty.sll< 1ier d <l 'You gave me a. nice reception, 1n ee , 'Buhem1an Gal,' and I recognised the pc· he continued, 'after the trouble P·ve been cent 111 ~ereat -:vas d eductel:1, and Tholupsou cultar tones of those performing it Trenl· at to fiuU you I've trafveUedflalf ff\: er the said nof ':t woid Sinith seemed to be co11· hhng at every htnb, the persp1rltt1on 1:1tandi sider1ng1 for ~b mc1 n11nutes, <~nd then, rn.1stng Q Untry, and only caugJlt Bli(ht Of ) OU ' )'··· r , ing on rny brow, I cros!;ed O\'~r. to the bal~ O his head, said, as thongh n sudden thought cony, nnd looked down It - wus the. Ger· day Your ~ ll:!tter gave me the only kn.ow- 'struck hin;i I had. s1nce 1 1 man band lude-ed-every inember ~-1.nd p1eCtl ledge of your whereabouts ·tlh'lt ' ·s tre"lment "Yon· kn owed my darter Sal d1dn t t ", e 1 11 A n bere · you ran away. .... but one- and that men1ber th~ giant. He \"ll~ll, Pve come to take j on 1 and Bes~1e - leust\\ ise yon have ~.een ,her-~a.1 \\ ~s a \Vas no longer with the gnng , 1ns instruhome I am aware that you are Starving fine gal About hve jears ago, at hog; kill1 ment was ~lown by a stout httlr. man with IU t11ne. one ol n1y hands tuck sick, and D l d JOU-, I) 1 red hair and wh1skers. But every note of · what does Sal do but turn m and help ns, 1 performance was to me a fltab ot rep1uach I dill not St~~ to hear hids qluestion, 'but anc\ l tell JOU, "he conld if.l.lt1:ig a bog actoss darted out of \lie room, an n staus 1 I could not slund it lcr sliou Id l r equa l 1o any ruan on tlie 'Bcsme,' l ..:ncd horsely,' y;c leaveSouth- Ma1or Md'.etrap et~rte<), and then bolted iµ ground Well, you know, Sal ma;:rie<l ban1 pton to-night ' hot pnrsoit. · ~ear b;fore laet, and her husband, H.ilbbell 81lently, hke the Aiabs, "e stole a1rny ' Stop that man 1 hle's a ltrnatrn ! He - yon know Hibbell-.;s 119111', they tell me, \\"e went to \V1nchester, and chose the. ino~t B not Eafe 1' as good a gtocers. business a.a any man 1n out-of-the v;ny and exclusive hotel we conl<l J3ut I pau,sed p~'tt11J I re ··died door Kirkville Jakei he went ovet to see' Sal ohta1n. :F'or a. \'.eek we were qu1et-poor I bnrst~ it .Qpen, q.nd rushed in '\.That· ttnd H1bbell the other <la}, and they ,vns a BesA1e, indeed, as still as a 1nouse, not rO\\ )ng sigl1t greeted m~ eyes 1 Did I see tulk1n' iibuut tlns here iuterest, and Sa.l says knowing "'hat to tlnnk ot rny mo.d conduct, lllY Bef::Sie, a palhd corpse, lying by the tq .l:libbell, said she-UuL one fatu.l c > ven1ng \\e went 111to one ot ran of charcoal Not at all I e0rw l\cr sit- ., 'Never 1n1nd ~hat they saHl, Mr. Sm1th,' the equarcs \\here ther3 \Vere nurse1y~t the table snri·ol\nded by b;oiled broke rn Thompson, 'Jnst hand over the ma1ds and c.luld.1!.:ln w1th interest akin to de chicken, ha1u, vegetables, 1 desert, nnJ. some money you wcr1..: going 1to say they sent you.' light i but, alas 1 now re1norae tortured 1ne bottles of wine. Aud sure enough, the old man produced 'Look/ she c r2d, rising, 'what .::ome still anoth~ rbll from a secret pocket,i.vhich, every n101ne11t. I-Jere nre our nunies when eountcd, proved to be l the exact '\'rapt nt revciLe, I eat pulhng up the friend has sent us. ou cu.t,· tell 1ue amount necessary to pay off the Jast note gtaBs, nnd k1ckiag the gravel with my toe, on the c:.ud.' But before '"t; 1 Then deem me not cold, 1f perchance I deJay: In cxpress1ng the ~ar1nth I feel , The pen is inadcqua.te- to portray All that the tongue "'ould reveal Of the purpnf!eR lugh, of th,.. lofty anus, tu1n. LITERATURE. t Ned day came the reply I tore open the euvelope~ and found - 1ny own letter returned. But on the margin was scribbled Stuff t Starve 1f you ltke, ayp"'ala to me, are nseless P ~I ~ It w·s the end of my la!t hcrpc m thot' di· reehon. I tossed the master-piece 1nto the ew.pty grate, aud wellt over to the w1n1 dow where Hess1e v;afl- standing In tears I g1unced below, ' and there, upon my hf-e, stood the German' Lund aga1u, atrang1ng the1r1nstruments, preparatory ton beg1n:ning... · It rn 'useless,' I cr1eU in a broken vo1ce ·I au1 hantited l}y the trumpeter, and can fight no lon~er' So I threw m;sclf i11Lo a chair, and he"<l' the tempest of melod:r to the end · It had been bad enough so far, heavei:i knows , b\lt worse remained behrnd. The tiendish trumpet p1nsued me to tbe confines of dlB· traction Upon ihe'honor of a feltow·bemg, I J:leard it next u101ning in the very house -somewhere up stairs' I rushed frantic ally to ask auotu thie, and the confiding landlady told me" musical gentleruah bad tahn lodg10gs ~1th her the afternoon be· fore Moreover, the petfoimer did not play anytlnng; he 1nerelyrblew long tC -'cho111g blares that actually fioze my blood I stood flie nuisance till noon, nnd the~ I ca1ne to a resolution. There should be a ternblc en<! to all I had poB1t1vely resolv· ed upon m b'rdcr and suimde Y os ; I should wait till Bessie fell asleep, after drnner (an apple and a b1'cmt, for we were literally starvinnl and then get a pan of 1 chareonl1 0 ' put it near er, and cause a gracl ual as· coming to'"'Us 111 a rchS..ble wa'y '"as known b r ' T-here occurred on the Oregon und Cali· forn1a railroad, between this city uu<l Saleu1, one of the most th11lhng railroad incidents we have cv~r heard of. The following particularti, furn1sbed by an eye"'l utlnese Jua y be relied upon as true i 'Vhen the down tr1;nn catne Heur. one of the stallonf> on the road, it was ruun1ng at tull speed, in order to make np tune, as it was a few minutes beliuld The road at this porn! rnns thro·1gh a cut ~am ethu1g more t! (I. mrle in length, auU in ente11ag it thr road rnal\.es n .. cUr\'e so that the engineer cannot see entirely through Jt He had hardly gotten into the cut before he saw a woman ruling leisurely through it, and with perfect nonchalance, usmg the centre of the track She "as not more than half way through the cut, and barely a. Cl'tarter of ,a; nule ahead of hun. He iuuneU.talely wlustled H down 11tlak~i" and tbeu sounded the "armng. 'I he woman hearrng ihe peculiar death ~ b1stle of the locomot1ve, looked over her shoulder and i'!aw the train 1usb1ng at her. She dtd not shriek, nor· famt, llOr give up all hope, b 11, like a true Webfoot, her con· rago rose equal to the emeigency, and, without a n1omcnt's hes1tat1on, she commenced sw1ng1ng her whip from one shoulder of her steed to the other, thereby urging bnn to nert h1s speed 'l he whip, (perhaps the shnclnng of th.e steam wlnstle,) caused t~1e ammal ridden by tho lagy to do hIS best, ~nd ~e made about as rapid t11ne as any aaunal ever seen in Oregon ; but cncb in slant the iron horse gamed upon the one composed of blood ancl muscle. The shnekiug ol tbe locomotive wbistle caused the passengers to look out of the \HlldO\\ s, a'nd upon their d1scovenng what \tas the matter, the wilde::s.t exc1ten1ent en· sued Several Jumped for:rnrd aod seized the bell rope, and. comn1enced pulling 1t as 1f they could &.top the trn1n by that rueRn::i. Tbe lnakesnien \Vere exerting all the~J streogth on tbe brake<:l, antl the engineer had cut off the connection and "a~ doing all that be k'new to stop the train, \\'"hile the courageous wonlan wnR d01nJ."( her be1:1t to inake that bit horse-flesh msc to the epeed ut ,\" He1nbold," but ull in vain ; the locomotive kept gaining on the horae and its rider, and there was hardl) a person on lhe t1·a;n \\ho d1il ncit expect that Uobh wo1nu.n "and horse would be lnllcd There, u as, perhaps thirty !Pct intervenuig )Jet\\ecn the cow-catcher and the horse~s he ls, when, fortunately' for the woman, ~he obsen·ecl a place which wM a httle wider thnn usual, ~nnd with a steady rein she ' g,u1t!ed the lleemg horse from the traok and en<lea\ ored to preSs him Q.gn1nst the wall ~f' the cut in order thnt the nnght Paes by vtithout 111jury In do1ng th1s the 'AO· u1an was encouraged by J\.!r. Samuel Wi~·' nans, the conductor, \\·ho had run forward au<l. got out ~n the locompt1ve. A few seconds only pa<:sed. by when the fiery n1011stei poketl its nose post the· rump of the hotse At tlm moment Mr IV-mans thte'f his wltole force aga1nst ' thet nnunnl and held him '111t.l the tram stopped, whep a ioull1ng cheer of grat1boation lt and joy at the escape of the woman lrOm n terrtble death was ghe11 - Portland (Oiegon) ttl, aitci years of labor, she O\ercan1e hue devil, anJ. .Raw hun a lree tnan aga1n Her hat tle ""1th .Rutn had been a fierce on~, taxing nod wasting her shen15th sore1y, bnt she was conqueror at last Iler brn~batJd stoocl upon nlanly feet, and shO\\ ed no si,i:n of fo.lling again Se\ieral years passed a\\ay, and this reformed iuan fti1l 1ll of consump· t1on. The distinguished physician, froni v;hose hps we the story, presctLbe<l alcohohc st1n1ulants as the on1y 1neans poRsible o! prolonging bis life The poor w1ft· ,wa?. in terror, she begged the phys1c1an to recall the presoript10n. She told Lim of her long strnggle, nnd beI victory, aud stnd slie perfcrred that her husbaud e.houlcl drn then, a sober man, than that be should fill a drunkard's grave a. year later But the freed sp1r1t of the 1uan was btrong, and he nndP.rtool~ to tal\.e a}cohohc hquors ns a tned1c1ne, and to conhne hun~elf ab:'.loluttily to such tunes ancl n1easurea in the n1nttcr as the pbysic1aus, shquld preecnbe This he did, and during- the inontbs thus added to lns Jite he never once <lr,tnk a single drop more than a lJrescn pt1on called for, an<l. he ..died at last a sober nun1, ae tbe w1(e had so earnestly prayed that he might But the end was not y:et \Vhen the loving and patient wotuan had la.1cl 1111n 1n the grave, and saw her long labors thus ended 1n the vie· tory for which she had tmled sc hard, und suffe1ed so bitterly, she turned 1n her grief, to the brandy which had been left m the h(,use, and d1111k1ng 1t, abe iell herself 1nto the p~11·er ot the devil whrnh she had fought heroically And that woman died not many months late1, a hopele~s, helpless dr1rnkard.-Hcai th anrl Home Nova Scotia. ~1iNIF.E2TO 0,1~ T.El.E HOMAN OATHOLIO Bl',ll- OP ARlCHAI ON l.l:l M:I':ElilANOE AN EXA'Ml'LEl \\'OHIHY OF IMITATION or 01 ' German o'cean Once Dr:v L~nli p · a '°" my tmg Tlie Gern1an Ocean, or N ort Sea, like the English Channel, wi.:fu ouce an inland pla11.1 or \·alley raised far above the sea level The sea bas bnt recently tnvnJcd tins depre83ed plato, SUumerged Its fore$tS, and superseded its river courses. ThPbnrtf!tl trees of it~ sunk fo~sts nre'"~ still standing, roDted 111 · tlJeJt· own vegeta.ble soil, although beneath the waves ( '11 ot'ner Forest, Vi dips lnto the \Vttters tram the coast of Norfolk, is the Jnost fumot~ of the submerged forests of · the Herman Ocean. '"Dh1s ancient wootlland has becb traced at lo\v tide for ·u1ore than fortf, 1niles. At C)rtatn seasons, and espe~1all ' aftei great storrn,;, . . , the 1 stumps of OA.k, alder, yew, and SBo~ch ti,r 1 are secµ standing up11ght, in/ the water The cond1t1on of "' ~,o<l and of tpe fir eon~s (sonic of Lhe, latle 1ob\I0\\8 1Y bittel): ~,Y an11p~l j1 tells 'JS that the smkmll of the ]and her~ ~-us at nu d!stant v.eriod in the ph3s1eal li1stor3 of OUl coun.try. 1' ~~ re1oa1ns ot land too, as "ell usr "J of the forests b, au11ua!s, ' J t ' t ey iuliaP1te , ate d1sc0Yered in the bed of the German Ocean. In n1s " Physical .., · ih N r l Ueogr~p y of or olk," hfr. Wo,.odw~rd tells less ldteen1 years1. tl1e 1 b us that f tu h, ' thun 1 6 ,' denn;n t e ,; illnge of Hippi,sbµrgh folly to expect that a large commumty will dre gec1 up 1ru1n t11e1r oyster be4s as many ' l .· .tl ~ become sober or total nUstainer~, \\ h1le such as two thou.sane teeth of innmmotµs B d kJJ f J J ' dem0rabz1ng estabhehrne11ts are so ells}' and one~ ,fl~ tus s o nrn.u1 ~noths hnv~ nlso the indulgence of lnsohriety and drunkPnbeen fished up from these watery depth·. tk d ' tl · I It t{nkes us buck to the fi1ne whe'n Ear0 e n ness ma ·e \\i i impnn y. 'd , cl- f · P ./1 Let church and state therefore com bme m main Ian , u1atcn o term1nat1ng as it does l 1 t ti ,, h c ec ar1ng ivar aga1ns 1~ evil of in to day, wtt the coasts of N 01 \h1J and te1npe11nnce. France, stretched w'estward 111 unbrok· I 1 -x.,. it ti t n e trus ia 111 1ess than srx 1nonths en area, beyond the ·present coast ~ of Ire from thrn rla.te, tins, the greatest and the land, These were the tlour1SlHl1g Jays ol giant evtl ' ol our day, <·1ually hosnle to the forests of oak, chestnut1 alder and :} ew, bo~h body and soul, shall be put down, and whu lL now subn1erged in the Ger-man Ocean and iEnghsh tlbanncl 'O\IJ.t fair town and our countrJ shall lie Hours en1anC1pated from the 1noneter evil Intetn· perance. 1-0asket j ° , ;.ri. Just before the Jnte local eleclton, the BISbop of Arich11t .v1 ,1tc a lettet to each of the tbree candidates for Pnrhamentary honor::!, aslnng thcrr1 not to use or a1lo" to be used, during the contest, any 1ntoxicat1ng hquprs The canchdates did not u:-.e nor al· low any hquors tu Uti lt8~d, anCI. 1he election posF>ed oft ar:;1 quietly and as peaceably n.s could be wrnhed fot The last general elt::ctlun was the rum;t orderlJ an..d pcnccnble tive1 held, less liquors were Used than at any prt:!i;ed1ug election ever ~eld Ill the Province In ..A.nllgon1sh CountJ the B1'hop ot Anchat la1gely helped to bnng about such a clesirable change, for w \nCh he should rt!ce1ve the thanks of every intelhgent c1t1zen Ou the 17th, the Bish.op iesne(l an address, 'To the honest teetotalers of A.nt1gornsh,' u1g1ng thein to faithfully keep thetr pledges, untl \\ nrmng then1 too.void frequenting the places where liquors ure sold, and pledgmg himself and clergy to enforce and see that the ]O.\VS 111 regard to tipplers, drunkards, and sellers be r1g1dly enforced The U1shop says .. 'For too long a t11nc our fine country has Ueen snbJected to the deinon ot 1nter11ptt llice, \Ve find by sn.d expP.r1en'be that nothing short of the ngor of th ct ci\1l law w1ll iestore orler, nnd the sob1JC'j) of whwb, we Ui.1thol1cs shoul(l give an exan1ple to our nl:!ii:;h bots and fc1lot\ ~ ~ citizens of all denon11n at1ons \\.,.e firn1ly believe tlhit a fey,. exau1 plcs in accordance w1tb the ngor of the c1v1l law, as above stated, will do more to put down druuken~ ness and control rowdy1sn1, than the p1ous exhortations of our 1no>1t zealonfJ n1Hl elo quent preachers. 'VEnle, therefore, "c caution all our p~o ple, 3.nd especially ouI teetotaller?, aga1nst rela.pr11ng into former hab1ts, and ou1qecttng themselves to pains and pennlt.1C's and exposure, as 1n other places, to the degradw!J: ttlough necessary exl11b1lion of having their names as drunkard:; ond rowdics,pctradeil 111 tile publ1e press, we appeal to the goo1\ sense ·nd philunthrophy of the magrntrn cv of the County to second the p10us effoits ot our clergy to bring about the happy change i n conteinplation 1 80 f~n oiahle to the best interestS of' society and the pro.,,pertty of our comuion countrv · The B18hop farther dechned rf those in power:a.o not interfere to put a stop to in· tempeiance, 'that not ' one of them shall be ~spated from bemg dellonnced to tbe highest legnl unthority in the Laud rrhe B1Ahop Sa) s 'That drunkenness ' ·rl y1s1n are fair 1y t racen bl e t o tb e anc1 ru.w~ tmportahbn of intoxlcatuig liquors into ~he ' . ~ountry, for while BUch houses are tolerated smongRt us,'h.nd no proper rigorous civil , ·11 nncc , i::; ob ser\e d o\er Lb em, 1t 1s · r.Ur\:eI · -~--·~-- · A Very Remarkable Story. There llved 111 Bto6kly11, uot long ugo, a inan possesi3e(1 of ade\11 lie had inhel'lted the de\!] fro1iI lus lather, m the fir~t place, aM bad nmsed it unhl it grew so strong that i~ took cnttre possession of bun The d v1l was a. very iam1ha.r oue, and 1t:i. name wa::i Ram. The n1an had many' noUle tust1ncts, and better.than 111lJthese, he had a loving, faithful, brave wife, who " made a sk!llful warupou the demon, her husband'· master. Recognizmg tile fact that her hus· ba.nd was under an overpoweru1g 1mpuls~ that he longed nnd str·1ggleU manfnll) to flee hurrne11 from the pa:ss1011 for drink, ,,he bent all the energte"l of her woman ur.tt1re .., 1to the task of helping h1m She lo\ed and suffered and t01lr.d 1 until at last tl1e lov1ug and s'L1ffen11g mid to1J1ugaccomphsbetl tb<::lf putpo!-!e Sh( took he-r husband hy !he hand, and shared with !um hi, atrnggle, un- Ett1d the '"'scrt.nent will he found 'l'o -- ~~s.::_of. I... O. L B ClER'l'lFIC.ltES, Ap,phca.t1on s &c , &c , can l;>e prO't.ured at ~bis office, at tct·ulai rates Bowrnan\'1lle, July 7th 1 1873 LANK Fancy Goods1Berlin Wools,&c. Mrs. Mason, PRICES MODERATE 'fh , Publi c tu e sohc1ted to call and see for theroselves. H('gSto 1nfo11n the pu};>lic, that she has ; U""t :re ce1ved a splendid new ac>?.m t m cnt of Jj ancy Goode, Berhn Vv ools, etc, which she \\ill i:;e:U o,t M lo\\ 1n1ce aq, they can Ui.; ]J ~nght for else wh ere S1':AMl'ING <lone on SllO-RTEST NOTICE Oct. Btb,1874, 2-3moo. HRMPTON. 1 H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton Sept 18th 1872 lip when, ot a eudde~, at my very ea1, bu1st why you \\er.e so careless as to leave that forth the crack of the Geiman band pan Of charconl Itl the rnom with the doors Scarcely know1ng what I was <lo1ng, I gave shut and ll)C asleep ?1 I was not required to ans\\ er Sbti caught them one glance, recogu1sed the trumpet 111 the Lands of the little stout man, pulled sight, f\t the enU of he1 riuesllon, of the my wife to her feet, !:'tarted away, and MaJOr , and s}1riek1ng, ' Pap,\ " she\\ as n1 found myself once 1nore tn the streets. 'lo h1s arms 80 l ou see tl1e MaJor, hke most fathers the bt> t<l we went, packed up agam, and that night we left Winchester for wrlo discard thou daugbtera for _e_lopmg,1"-1'.'! not nnforg1v1ng as he believed be w0uld bti ham. Hete we breatheu freely 'I he morbul He bad gone to any amount of trouble to quietude of llns city suited 01y d1isease1.l hunt us up, when it wonld ha\·e betin so nerves precisely. This condition of peace u1.uch better to have taken us to bio heart lasted about t\\O days As I lt\e, the Gt.r at bret. He \O\Ved, ho,...cvei, 1t \\U.~ the glUJau bnn<l started up with supl~1natuir1.l ganlle truu1peter acut\?ncas even he1e, and aga 111 \\e \'H re 1 'I tnJiued the telloi,; saul he, 'aud to cou1pelle<l. to take flight Thus, once u1ore, 111::i.kP- lllm corny~u5,tt.1011, tt1Jd ac.:cornph"n we found oursehc:: bac.k 1n, London, penn1- rny l_J 11 p~1:H\ I bougLt lu~ place in the band less and miserable , though the secret of tlna l could 'lot plaJ, \mt that wne uct detected wbeu the forty-eight per cent. had been taken oft · Tllompson pocketeJ the 1noney, went stnught to the eoaFt house, acknowledged the deed, asd hiinded 1t over with only tlns remaik ' You are the greatest rascnl I ever sa.w I' Thf!re is dew in one flower and not tn another, because one opens 1t.s cup and take!'i it, "bile the other closes 1h:!elr, and tlie<lrop runs off So Uod ratn s goodness and mercy as "'1de as the de,,.,, and if '"e then1 it i~ hecan\:;e. we v.: t1l.J1 ot open our hearts to recerv.e him 1 _ , ,.,...... Intemperance" the costliest of all social evil~, and next in degree l~ the v1ce which almvst always nccorn1)a111es and not nnfrequentlJ produc e~ it, tlu~ 11se of trJbaci..,o The pecunuiry burdens which these v1c1ou~ tn · ~ dulg~nces enta1l upo1J i::oc1ety are h~a\j 1 ndeed It 18 believed that the 1noney ex· pe11tled 111 the purc~1aat: of ::ilroug d11nk und tobacco \Y.Juld Eiufhce, JU<l1moualy e1:nplo)n ed, to em11gelrne the world 1 "Mere)' is a 111od1ffcation of bcnev· olence ;'it ls ralled out In a certa1u d1rect1on' and feeling for a certain class, nnd tha.t clal-is ~he-suffenn~ ~Ier1,;y 1n1ser11tin~ ~he 1:i liencvolence com- su!fl.!nng /) I __,,........._.,. I ., b , · " :u 1 lllM'<iO! ll \ 11 1 l1' i: UrsPr" Otlt e 0 se--r\ l!l D OhriRhan mo·l·l r, t!JX pnn<o: ol httle eyes !:tri' d n.ily wnt~hir 14 ,. , n. nim rt' s lo olni' ae well u.A Il ::iten·ng to }i (:;r \\onh , and I \\:Ish my ch1l<lrt> T1 nr \t r to see t 1 tne that \Ybich th es may nut imitate, · · · · ------ ----

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